Ep 152: "What's Your Hype Song?, Blind Long Jump, Weird World Records, & Patricia Sierra"
You. Yo. You, try these, simply spiked lemonades?
Blak:No, sir. I have not. Are they good?
Mac:Bro, they lit. Little little 5% alcohol in there. So, you know, it ain't too crazy. It's a little day drinking type stuff, but delicious. They so the joint I bought different flavors.
Mac:That strawberry, blueberry, regular lemonade, and watermelon lemonade. My black ass drink both the watermelon lemonades first.
Blak:The melanin comes through.
Mac:Perpetuate the stereotype, my boy.
Mac:to do it. I got to do it. I had to try it, and it was delicious. Had to. It was delicious, ladies and gentlemen.
Blak:I'm mad at it. I you know, I I don't really go around those too much.
Mac:Oh, yeah?
Blak:No. No.
Mac:It's it's it's like, you know, it's it's not raw little like a spritzer. Like, you wanna drink something, you know, you you wanted to have a little a little bit to it. You know, you ain't trying to get fucked up.
Mac:You know. It I mean, it's better than any seltzer that I tried. I'll tell you that. Like, White Claws, Truly's, all of them things, bro. Like like, this this rides a
Blak:Don't underestimate the Truly's, bro. Don't don't under that. Don't underestimate.
Mac:What ain't that about? Come on, man. Ain't that, like, just White Claw Junior's or something? Like, the the Pepsi to White Claw's Coke?
Blak:I was embarrassed about 2 months ago.
Mac:Because of Truly's?
Blak:Because of Truly's. I hadn't drank in a while, so I was like Yeah.
Mac:I was about to say how many of them joints did you did you throw back, though?
Blak:Bro, 2. Like, 2 tall boys.
Mac:Bro, ain't cheating, but, like, 5% alcohol?
Blak:Yeah. But I was
Mac:bro, I was embarrassed. He said I was down.
Blak:It had been a minute. The system the system wasn't used to what was going
Mac:in. In. They know. They know. They know.
Mac:Hold on. Let me,
Blak:I was like, I know this isn't true. This is not true.
Mac:This out to the group. Oops. I know this isn't true. I'm better than this. Right.
Mac:I knew it's been a minute. Are they laughing at me or with me? Who knows? Oh, man. Oh, let me let me try something.
Mac:Can we boost the post while it's live?
Blak:What? Can
Mac:you? I'm gonna give it a shot.
Blak:Oh, thank you, Meta.
Mac:Your post can't be boosted. Why not? Aw. Why not? Boo.
Mac:I guess because it's live. Boo. You can't boost live. That's why I give you the option there, Meta. Boo.
Mac:You crazy. Boo this boo this app. But, ladies and gentlemen, you know what it is. The first Friday in September. So that is why we are out and about for the masses to see, ladies and gentlemen.
Mac:1st Fridays here at the smoke pit. We're from we're free from the paywall behind Patreon. But, this is where most of y'all get in here and contribute to the conversations and keep it going. Trying to build off on the success that was a fantastic game night 6 nights ago.
Mac:Had a fucking blast with that shit. So, Yes. We're gonna try to keep that energy going with, a pretty good episode 152 of the smoke pit, man. How your week been, bro?
Blak:You know what? I was good. I was good until about 2 o'clock today.
Mac:What happened at 2?
Blak:So the programs decided that they wanted to send some stuff out.
Blak:Just so happens, it has to go international. So from 2 o'clock to 6:30, I was in the post office filling out customs forms.
Mac:Yeah. There was just one package or multiple?
Blak:It was 10.
Mac:No. You couldn't you can't copy paste them joints. You're
Blak:Yeah. You can't. Because everyone has to have their own unique
Blak:and then you gotta wait for it, and then you gotta send it registered, and then there's, like, a whole process.
Mac:Brother, ugh.
Blak:You're getting hit with an inspection Monday just randomly.
Mac:Yeah. I just Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's how that shit go.
Blak:It's only fair.
Mac:Oh, shit. But, anyways, we're we're gonna try walk into the weekend, with everybody this time. Normally, it's just the patrons we go into the weekend with, but we bringing everybody with us this time. So, make sure to tap in, share, like, subscribe, all of that gorgeous stuff that helps us out over here at DFPN. And, when I say we got a good show for you tonight, we got a fantastic show for you tonight.
Mac:Round 1 of our, bracket has concluded. We'll go over the results and, get you guys prepped for the next round of the voting. A lot of stuff on the Internet that we're gonna cover and what did I watch. And then, the house meeting, the question was asked, what's everybody's hype song? And, we got some good responses.
Mac:I'm building a really nice little playlist. So, you know, it's it's it's a lot of stuff we gotta talk about. A lot of stuff we gotta talk about this week. So, unless you got something else for my man, we can get right into the proceedings this evening.
Blak:Let's roll, bro. Let's let's get right into it.
Mac:Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, you are the man. Episode 152 of the smoke pit lie starts right now.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off.
Blak:It's been a long week. Come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions.
Blak:I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Mac:Yep. You already know what it is. Friday night mood is right. The dynamic duo of black and mac here on your screens, on your phones, TVs, computers. You know what it is.
Mac:Wherever you could access, Cary Hilson's Internet. I don't know why. I don't know why that's the first name that came to me. But,
Blak:Shout out to Cary.
Mac:Friend of the podcast. What up, Cary? Feel free to come on whenever you're ready. But, yeah, we got some stuff to get into, man. Links in the description.
Mac:Check all that stuff out. Normally, we're on Patreon. That link is in there. However, I think it's in there. It should be in there.
Mac:Yeah. It should be in there. Merch, I want I I wanna push that. Normally, we're just like, merch is in the description, but we got some hot shit out there. We got some hot shit out there.
Mac:And, you know, the link is in the description. But another place you could go to for one of a kind merch is our sponsor, Conn's Custom customs? Creations. Dumb. I I
Blak:messed that up too.
Mac:Yeah. You did. I was looking at you like, bro, throw Sandy. Sandy. But, you wanna tell the people about a a a the the newest line of, of merch that is that has been, created over the past week or so?
Blak:Yeah. So from game night shout out to everybody from game night. So there were a bunch of sayings that came out of that show, and Khan is making merch. Shout out to all the winners that that hit us up. Melanie, I know Melanie, Tara hit us up.
Blak:Rob hit us up. Did did Keith hit us up yet? If he if not Keith
Mac:No. Keith hit us up. He already he already let me know what he wanted.
Blak:Alright. Cool. Cool. Cool. But, yeah, if shout out to the winners.
Blak:She does have new merch from the sayings from that one of the one of the more popular ones.
Mac:Yeah. They was wild.
Blak:More popular items.
Mac:They was wild. That's all I'm saying.
Blak:Was wild.
Mac:That's all I'm saying.
Blak:It's called butt stuff.
Mac:Yeah. Yo.
Blak:That thing is no. I'm serious, bro. It's wild
Mac:because that thing is.
Blak:Everybody wants it. And I'm like, why are you guys like this?
Mac:I know. But everybody I want that. Are you sure, though? Yes. Really?
Mac:Yes. Send that my way. Yes. Alright. Alright.
Mac:Okay. Shit. Alright. We'll show the people. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Either way, I like it, man. Fun times. Everybody came together. Next one actually is, 28th this month. So, y'all missed out, I think.
Mac:Yeah. We'll go ahead. We'll we'll go ahead and publish that for everybody. It should it should already be there if you look at the, Facebook page or go to the YouTube channel and look at the live streams, but maybe we'll just clip it, post the video, all that stuff so it shows up in the algorithm and all that good stuff. But it was a fun time.
Mac:I had a good time, doing the the music trivia and stuff. But, like I said, great show we got planned for you. So, I know you got your beverage ready.
Blak:Yes, sir.
Mac:I got my simply spiked. They got a simply, iced tea one too with, like, peach tea and, like the other different cheese and stuff like that. But a shop that'd be it'd be clutch a little bit. And the funny thing is I bought this for my wife because she's having people come over. She's like, just get something like a like a mixed thing, and I'm just like, I'll get y'all these.
Blak:T's for me now.
Mac:Bro, they drunk 2 of the 12. Really? And I drink the rest. Well, because, you know, they have, Bacardi or not Bacardi, but, Malibu. So they're like a rum and pineapple and all that other stuff.
Mac:So they was barely sipping on these, and I'm just like, well, I mean, they in the fridge. So Oh, man. But, we got 7 people in in climbing watching us. So,
Blak:Yeah. Welcome.
Mac:You got a you got a you got a toast for the, the peoples out there?
Blak:I do. And we're we're in this phase to where I feel like everybody needs to take care of themselves. So let this one, get rid of the stress, bring in the blessed, and take care of ourselves tonight, people. Let's laugh. Let's love.
Blak:Let's live.
Mac:Here. Here. Salud. I like it. I like it.
Mac:But, like we were talking about, we, we had a nice discussion. We're gonna go over some of, the pit masters. Go to what gets me through the day songs or what gets me that, puff puff. Oh, not yet for me. Not yet.
Mac:But, you go ahead and and roll up and puff puffs all you want, man. Thanks for tuning in. But, let's get into this house meeting and talk about some of these, some of these these hype songs and, see if people wanna add to this list here. Because like I said, I'm making me a nice little playlist from this. So ladies and gentlemen, this week's house meeting.
House Meeting:I think we need to have a house meeting, y'all.
Mac:Yes. Yes, y'all. What is your hype song? That was the question that was posed, in the Smoke Pit fan group and also on the Smoke Pit podcast page. Yep.
Mac:All the links and stuff in there in the description. You know how we do over here. But, I'll go ahead and bring it up for the folks over here. We're gonna go ahead and use one of the yes. This one here.
Mac:So y'all can see us a little bit better over there. Question for the people. What are some of your go to songs to get you going? Whether it's to get one more rep at the gym or get you to the end of the workday? We wanna know.
Mac:Drop them in the comments. Let's do it. So, before we look at comments, you dropped one that I don't wanna say caught me off guard, but I I I swear to god it did. What was the main one? The first one that you posted in there, you're like, bro, this song just does something to me.
Blak:Yes. And, for those who who haven't, go go to it. My palate is robust, but I'm gonna leave with that. Right. I I listen to all types of
Mac:music. Right.
Blak:One that really, like, if I it's like a instant. If I need it, it it gets me in the focus, in the zone, like, I'm ready.
Blak:And that is a Metallica song called unforgiven 3. They have 3 of these. All three songs are amazing. But the third one, it's not my favorite, but it's the one that's gonna, like, do it for me. Like, if I needed if I needed to get me there and, like, let's fuck some shit up
Blak:That's the one. That's the one.
Mac:There's a lot of Metallica joints. I know if I would if I go in Metallica, I would say probably battery is my shit, And and that's only because, like, when I think it was on Rock Band 2. That shit came through. That motherfucker had that that motherfucking, that that double bass on the on the drum kick, the double bass kick, fucking bro. I mean, you be you be sweating your ass on medium on that shit, man.
Mac:Yep. But it was one of those songs, like, it was so dope. Like, after I got it on medium, I went and, like, practice the shit on hard. Like, I was in the practice shit, like, slowing the speed down so I could get all of the the the the hits on the the solo and shit. Like, I'd be up at, like, 2 in the morning just practicing that shit, trying to get it perfect, and then, like, I hit it on a I went the hard.
Mac:I was able to do this shit, but I I never could get it on a what's the one about that? Expert? Yeah, bro. That shit. I'm like, fuck it, bro.
Mac:I want it like, it's it's one of those things. Like, maybe I'll just hook the PS 3 back up one day and hit that bitch up. It just be a practicing, but Metallica Metallica was known for them hits, bro.
Mac:Metallica was known
Blak:for the hits. I I love Metallica. Master of puppets, 1, enter the sandman. Like, they are all, but something about that unforgiving
Blak:Is like even keel, but it's hardcore at the same time.
Blak:I don't know how to describe that.
Mac:No. I mean and and that's the shit you look for sometimes, man.
Mac:But, yeah, we got some in here. We got a Neecee Nichols. He was just, like, Wynn by J Roc. I'm not a big J Roc dude, but but Wynn does. It it just has that.
Mac:Yeah. And the hook is just so fucking simple. Like, it just tells you to fucking just win win win.
Blak:Like tap water.
Mac:Win win win win. Okay. You're right. Let me get out here and do that shit. We got Deontay in the chat.
Mac:Hey. What's up, Deontay? Thanks for, tuning in, man. Anything breaking, Benjamin, but the one in particular, I will not bow. I like that one.
Mac:Oh, man. So Niecy says she does sell. So when she hears that j j rock, that just amps her up. I guess she
Blak:just pushes
Mac:that shit out of there. Yeah. I did it. Oh, we play a rock oh, rock band was it. Yeah.
Mac:We used to play rock band, not so much now. But like I said, I I may hit the the p s 3 up and and get back on it. But, yeah. So we'll scroll down. Eric Johnson, he comes out.
Mac:He says, break by 3 days grace. Lights out, breaking Benjamin. Bones, young guns, rise against, reeducation. Nice. The storm, OGC, triumph by Wu Tang, Riot, 3 days grace.
Mac:You're going down sick puppies and blow me away breaking Benjamin. Breaking Benjamin making a
Blak:Yeah. Breaking Benjamin is in there, bro.
Mac:With a YouTube list. I wanna click on them and then YouTube, and then we get the like, not demonetized, but you know, they'd be coming at you and shit. One day when we make it and they'd be, you know, playing the shit, are you gonna go oh.
Blak:We're still getting copyrights from, like
Mac:Bro, yeah. They they just go through and be like, hey, man. Hey. You playing my song on this shit, bro. Hey.
Mac:Bro, calm down, man. Hey. Remember you played that Michael Jackson song 2 years ago? Goddamn, bro. You blocking that shit.
Mac:Man. But, no. Where we at? Let let me let's view more answers on here. Clickity click.
Mac:California loves a go to for running, but then pretty much anything 2,000 hip hop. I don't think like, so much right. Like, California loves like, to me, like, it is hard to get a hear a doctor Dre beat and be, like, amped. Like, all these beats are so slow. It just like like, dead in it.
Mac:I'm not like, oh, let me put this fucking weight up or let me you know, it just don't hit me the same as as some people. Right. Right. M o p, any up. Oh, that's my shit, bro.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Oh my god, bro.
Blak:I was like Mosh pit.
Mac:I'm about the life of crime out here. They make it sound so easy. Snitch. Snitch. Okay.
Blak:Alright. Oh, alright.
Mac:It's the perfect timing. You see that man shining. Get up off the motherfucking diamonds. What? Eddie, up.
Mac:Get that move. Take chains off. Take rigs off. Okay. The bracelets and shit, they came off.
Mac:Everything off. I'm just like, yo. Shit. Anvil of the crumb from Conan to barbarian soundtrack. I might have to check that one out, man.
Blak:I yeah. I gotta I gotta check that out.
Mac:Oh, what? KJ and Cam, you tuning in too with Megan? What up? What up? What up?
Mac:What up?
Blak:Appreciate you
Mac:guys tuning in. Appreciate you. Goldberg's entrance. Oh. Oh.
Mac:That's a whole another topic.
Blak:Yeah. You
Mac:can get into wrestling music.
Blak:Yeah. Interest music is
Mac:because you you talking about Motorhead? What now? Time to play the game, bro. It's all about the
Blak:game. Let's yeah.
Mac:Now you play it. You'd be singing. You'd be straight in your own voice. I don't know what it was like. Like, that was the first theme song that really touched my song.
Mac:Like, I you know, there were, like, hype things, like, Stone Cold will come out. The glass will break. You'll be like, oh, shit. Here he comes. Well, but that one, brought to play the game.
Mac:I'm like, oh, this shit vicious. This is deviance. I like this. I like this. Damn.
Mac:My my man has a whole menu here. So, my man Fitz, AKA Jedi. What's up, man? He says to start his day, it's New York City by Alex, m o r p h. For anger management, he listens to Emotional Times by Taproot to chill.
Mac:It's headache by Asal. When he wants to fight, it's the red by, Chevelle. Club vibe, how do you want it by Tupac. Revenge, burned by the cure. Mind your business.
Mac:What's that? Opticon by Orgy. I have to check them out. Let me got a Gary Collins here, my man, crazy. He said all of his are r and b, so 40 shades of choke, r e a.
Mac:Woah. Gary. What is you into? Oh, Gary.
Blak:What you
Mac:own, my boy? Gary.
Mac:my man. It's like, no. What you doing? 40 stages choke? F and B by Tink.
Mac:On the way by Jhene Aiko. BPW by Jasmine Sullivan.
Blak:Did he say pussy fairy is like a go to for him?
Mac:Bro, he what? On the way, man. What you talking about?
Blak:On the way is pussy fairy.
Mac:I thought pussy fairy was its own song. I thought I thought on the way was the joy she had with the big Sean.
Blak:No. No. Pussy Ferry is on that's on the way.
Mac:Oh, with her and her sister.
Blak:That's a weird ghost.
Mac:Right? Bro. Hey. My man out here. He out here.
Mac:Then he got a Chloe Bailey song on there, f y s, bro. Hey. You do you, Gary. You oh, she said that's the song. Yes.
Mac:Jhene Aiko is Yes. Jhene Aiko out here is a she a whole freak. Big Sean Big Sean probably heard that song. It was just like, I gotta make moves.
Blak:Listen, Jen. You don't you don't wanna know what that is, boy. You don't you don't wanna know what that is.
Mac:Big Sean heard that song. It was just he had to break up with old girl from Glee. He was like, yeah. You ain't doing it for me. You ain't saying the shit.
Mac:We got something to say, I ain't never scared bone crusher.
Mac:On my way to a outing, he listens to here by Alessia Cara. And then, Taking a Driver Flying, nothing but the hits of various classical musicians, Beethoven, Mozart, etcetera. I will say, hindsight because I I I fuck with, the song here. I think, Alicia Carr has, like, a great voice.
Blak:Oh, yeah. Most definitely.
Mac:Super talented. Her,
Blak:her Her first album is is Right. So underrated, bro.
Mac:Her, her rendition of, How Far I'll Go from the, Moana soundtrack, I'm like, bro, you're killing it. You know, it's lit. Yep. But her song here, I'm just like, she at this party watching other people have a good time, and she just complaining about watching people have fun at a party. I'm like, get your ass to fuck about this party.
Mac:I'm over here. They over there smoking weed and laughing and dancing and having a good time, and I'm just sitting here. And I'm just like, get your dumbass to fuck up out this party. Don't. But they ain't nobody fucking with you.
Mac:We over here having a good time, and you just in the corner just
Mac:Look at them motherfuckers having fun and shit.
Blak:Something's doing weed in the party.
Mac:Doing weed. Smoking over there and playing the guitar and how dare they?
Blak:Yeah. Nisa says she's the DD. I believe that.
Mac:She's the DD. I'll be over here good so I could find you when it's time for me to go. I'm probably ready to go. Yeah. She probably ready to go anyway.
Mac:What up, Jackie? She in here too? She like a Janae Aiko? Man, it is, she was just in there just being wild, but I'm just like, yeah. I mean, at first, I'm just like, I'll be fucking with it.
Mac:Well, I'm just staying here and I listen to the words. I'm just like, you know what? Yeah. Just go. You know, just get out of here then.
Mac:Let's go trick daddy, little John, east side boys. And little John, man, he got he probably own a lot of people's fucking
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Hypeless and stuff. Blessing me by Avery. Oh, this is from Kim. What up, Kim? Blessing me, Avery sunshine, teen spirit, Nirvana, I need by Vonda general, scarred, Luke and Trick Daddy, grateful, Ebony Jones.
Blak:Toxin is popping up.
Mac:Toxin to Britney Spears? Man. Oh. Hey. Listen.
Mac:Listen. Listen. What? What's he about to say? Hear me out.
Mac:Listen to me. Hear me
Blak:out. Hear me out. Hear me out.
Mac:Go ahead, sir.
Blak:I was on it back then. I was on it.
Mac:I was like, well, I'm sorry. That ear and ear. So high. Can't come down. I mean, the video is not shooting.
Mac:Don't see my
Blak:pictures, bro.
Mac:It's I hear you. Glow rilla t g I f because it's 7 PM Friday, 95
Blak:days. That's another guilty pleasure.
Mac:Glow rilla songs?
Blak:Just that one. Just that one.
Mac:Which one is is that the one gaglow? That's not that one, is it? No. That's the only one I've been hearing.
Blak:I like that one too, though.
Blak:do I like Gorilla?
Mac:Uh-oh. Go listen to the album. Give us a review.
Blak:Maybe we should bring it back.
Mac:Filling that or no.
Blak:But I do like, though, I like both of those songs, though.
Mac:Do we bring it back? Nervous. Man. Love. Yeah.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. See?
Blak:Talk that shit.
Mac:You know why I like it? Because every, like, there was a coach that was talking to his football team, but he was, like, rapping to that rhythm to to, like, yeah, go. And he and and the and the crowd would or his team would go, yeah, coach. Yeah, coach. He said, yeah.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Glow. So Oh. He was going.
Mac:I was like, oh, that's kinda cool. It had me hyped up. So I don't know. Maybe maybe we'll bring that back. Feeling that or not.
Mac:Let y'all know what we think. But, yeah, going down, what do we got in the comments? Yin Yang Twins Whisper. That's a hype song?
Blak:That's a I'm drunk in a club song.
Blak:It'll get you there, though. I've seen it work.
Mac:No problem. That is the whole problem. A problem that I want, She channels my interaction. It's just like I have a weird image in my head of what a pussy fairy is. Hey.
Blak:Hey. Listen.
Mac:Whatever you want it to be.
Blak:I told you don't, but the
Mac:you listen to the crowd,
Blak:and they hype you up.
Mac:Whisper what Jackie said. Whisper about to hype you to lay in bed and get some bed. It's just a it's just a odd song to just come out. You know, like, you just middle of the day, you listen it to the radio. Hello, mama.
Mac:Let me whisper. Hello, mama. Where do you see my dick? Fuck. I'm not Where do you see my dick?
Mac:I'm like, yo. Woah. Nigga.
Mac:bitch. In the club. What?
Mac:Boom. I'm like, damn. Bam. Bam. Like, I'm a nasty motherfucker, but
Blak:That's some creep shit.
Mac:Yeah. It it was. Like, going back, listening to it, like like, I posted a a joint. I know we get kinda sidetracked, but, the 1 young money shit, I wish I could every girl in the world.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:My man get on in about 18 years. Holler at me, Miley Cyrus. I don't discriminate. Not at all. Especially, bitch, it's about I'm just like Lock
Mac:I mean, it was like I was he was jumping all over the place. I'm just like, I I exchanged v cards with the retards. I'm like, I remember dancing to this shit in the fucking club, bro. I wish I could put every girl in the world. I wish I I exchange v cards with the and everybody in a circle rapping back here for us.
Mac:And I was like, what were we doing in 2,009?
Blak:Right? What? Right?
Mac:Oh my god, man. We are like I don't know. It was, killing in the name of my rage against the machine, bro. That was my shit. That was from Ryan Millsap.
Mac:A friend from down under. What up, Ryan? Yes. Oh, he got I'd be the hero from, from Shrek too. Daniel Joseph.
Blak:That shit goes hard too, though.
Mac:Hey. She was the the the song matched with the action that was going on in the movies. Like, I was just like, bro, this this shit slaps. Exactly. Great godmother was killing that shit.
Mac:Meghan Monique, wannabe by Spice Girls. Still a banger. Is it if you wanna be my lover? I'm surprised nobody got let me see. Let me scroll back up.
Mac:No. No. I don't know. Maybe it's just to be like, ain't no ain't no, like, East Coast hip hop up in here. No Busta Rhymes, boohah.
Mac:I saw, like, give me some more in there on on the side.
Blak:Give me some more. It came out.
Mac:You know, ain't no, you know hey. Ain't I'm trying to think. Because, like, MOP is kind of my go to. Like, and lately, it's just been more like anime intro.
Blak:No lean back?
Mac:No. Fat Joe. Fat Joe just he weird, bro. That's it. Fat Joe.
Mac:I think he I think the streets lost, the streets lost some shit, bro. I I think the streets kinda looked at Fat Joe, and he he's just like, bro, you out here with this beard, and then he tried to get on he tried to get on, LeBron during the Olympics because he had the gray beard, and I guess Fat Joe trying to promote his, his little beard guide them. Well. He was just like, man, the king need to go ahead and get some renewal or whatever his brand for his beard thing is. And people was on his neck in the comments.
Mac:Like, no, man. He just aging gracefully. You need to try the same thing, but that died stenciled on beard. He'd be out there,
Blak:Bro, tattooed his beard on. Bro.
Mac:And just be walking out like I'm supposed to think. This is your beard, my boy. This facial hair is that. Yeah. That's facial hair.
Mac:Who's that conceited me?
Blak:Fam, you know good damn well that ain't your damn facial hair.
Mac:Oh, man.
Blak:You don't wipe that beige off your head.
Mac:Jackie said she was 12 listening to whisper. Ma'am.
Blak:See what I'm saying?
Mac:1st of all, that makes me feel old. 2nd of all, ma'am.
Blak:See what I'm saying?
Mac:You in 7th grade. Where do you see my dick? Bitch. Oh, man. But, no, I think I think for me, like like I said, you know, I'm I'm thinking, obviously, Annie up.
Mac:Wu Tang got a couple. I I ain't gonna sit here and act like dip said they have no shit, bro. I ain't gonna sit here, like, dip set anthem. Yeah. Bro, just Blaze was on all them shits, bro.
Mac:Just just just Blaze?
Blak:Shit about to go insanely hard. Shout out to buzz and buzz and birds fuzz and fuzz. Shit.
Mac:That motherfuckers was just saying no real random shit.
Blak:Man. Computers pewing. Give a fuck, dip sets, bitch. Hey.
Mac:I'm out here.
Blak:Dip set. Dip set. Dip set.
Mac:We did you well dip dip Santana set set. We rep rep Checks. Checks. Who you with with? Represent.
Mac:Dip set. Dip set. I'm like, bro, whatever. Bro, I was even dancing to pop champagne. You remember that shit?
Mac:Oh my god. Pop champagne. Oh. When we get that to In the club, just trying to Harlem shake his feet. Shut up big ass down, man.
Mac:I'm in there. Oh. Oh my god, man. That's why, you know, I don't be getting on it when they get this new music come up. This not even really rap.
Mac:I'm just like, hey, nigga.
Blak:Hey, man. Listen.
Mac:We was out here, man. We was out here, bro.
Blak:You see what we dance to.
Mac:Come on, man. Come on, man. My old man was talking about exchanging v cars with retards out here. We was wilding out. Knock if you buck.
Mac:Yeah. Down south shit. 100%. Like, you fighting.
Blak:Yo. Yeah.
Mac:Fucking vice versa. You know, fucking, southern hospitality, ludicrous shit. You know what I'm saying? You just like, oh my god.
Blak:Bro, and vice versa can't bet, bro. I need y'all to, like, picture it.
Mac:The sound
Blak:I need y'all to picture, like, the souls coming out of motherfuckers in the club.
Mac:Well, if heaven was heaven, vice versa. Yeah. Yeah. Diggas diggas was looking at each other rapping in their eyes like this was their story.
Blak:Because I'm about to die.
Mac:Imagine the knuckle. You're like Yeah. You alright, my boy? Like, they was looking me in my they was strangers looking me in my optics. I got
Blak:real shit. I got real shit going on.
Mac:It's heaven was hell in the mud. Me me with my drink. Like that one meme, the kid sitting there with his drink just looking at the camera like They're about to fight. Right.
Blak:They are
Mac:about to fight. Nigga, I'm sorry for whatever I did to you. If I'd done anything to disrespect you since I came to the establishment, A thousand apologies. Guys. I apologize with the favor of a 1000 suns.
Mac:But, no. Just keep the comments coming in. Keep keep the song request coming in. We'll make sure to to to shout you guys out. But, yep.
Mac:Like I said, if you're not a member of the Smoke Pit podcast fan group, the link is in the description. 218-330-8004. Bro, that was like the motherfucker's real number too.
Blak:It was.
Mac:But I was like, hey. You you you a real one for that. A real dumb one, but, you know, you do your thing. Yeah. You do your thing.
Mac:But my favorite segment of this week, I'm telling you, many many shenanigans occurred across the Internet this week. And, my man, Black Mac and myself, we, pride ourselves on trying to bring you the latest and greatest shenanigans that we find. So we dedicate this next segment, entitled, what did I just watch to, to those escapades. So ladies and gentlemen, this week's segment of what did I just watch.
Blak:Tell me I did not just see that.
Mac:So we got a few. We we got a few of these mufflers.
Blak:Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
Mac:I want to start with, the city of New York, I believe. And, there's always stories about stuff going on on the trains, the shenanigans, the crackheads, the people trying to do shit for money and stuff like that. And, I've seen a couple videos. Right? And I'm just like, you know what?
Mac:That's not as as wild as what people be making it to be. Like, people from New York come out. They'd be like, son, man. The train's just that and the third. I'm just like, oh, shit.
Mac:Like, really? Really? But, this specific one here, like, I'm just like, the audacity to do this shit. Ladies and gentlemen, check this shit out. Only in New York is is what it's entitled, but but watch this shit here.
Mac:This is not a fucking jungle gym. Did you hear my man? What the this whole this is not a jungle gym. He was so mad. But look at the the athleticism for like, we're I'm not I don't I'm not taking that away from this guy.
Blak:Oh, hell no. Hell, you can't.
Mac:The but I'm just like, of all the places to to to be at and to then want to, you know, demonstrate said athleticism, the train is not it. Like, this is, like, legit spazzing. And so and, like, to do that out of nowhere, like, I'm I'm I'm like, I'd probably be like, bro, I'm out of here.
Blak:Moving train.
Mac:Yes. Bro, this man is, like, flipping and and jump, bro. I too would leave. I'm like, I don't know what the fuck is going on here. Like, this motherfucker's tweaking.
Mac:Like, I'm not I'm not about to be here when he swing off this bitch with a fucking roundhouse kick. Like, I don't know what he fit in us. They're loading up for a power move. You know what I'm saying? My man about to come off this thing and whap.
Mac:Somebody head about to roll.
Blak:This man.
Mac:Bro, he is just out of he just look at this shit. Whap. Whoop.
Blak:Roll this. Roll slide.
Mac:Yeah. I need a priest. I need a young priest and a old priest.
Blak:An old priest.
Mac:Yeah. This this is prime New York activity.
Blak:The dude said it like, man, get the fuck down, bro. I'm I'm trying to go to work.
Mac:I ain't got I ain't got Get stop up. Get the chill. Like, yo. Get the fuck down. Look at this thing.
Mac:This is not a fucking job. My bad either got either got fired and is on the way home, or he just told he didn't get a promotion and he on the way to work and debating it. Like, I'm a quit this bitch today.
Blak:It's not a fucking jungle gym.
Mac:Normally, like, people would be like, that was a hard c in that shit, bro. Like, that was a that was a that was a hard c in that.
Blak:He pronounced it Every syllable.
Mac:Like, yo. My man is mad, bro. Next up. Oh, yeah. This one.
Mac:So this was like, you're babysitting and leave the kids alone by their selves for 10 minutes. And, you get
Mom:Turn around. You got the paper. I didn't cut your owner. I didn't cut
Mom:your owner.
Mom:Logan, why would you
Mom:leave me? You cut your owner. Turn around. You cut the paper. I didn't cut your owner.
Mac:First, let's talk about the the muted crying. Let's talk about the muted cry this guy was doing. Bro. Like her. The muted cry.
Mac:Like, you can't, like, you can't, like the the sound is muted, but you could just hear the internal noise he is making in his soul knowing that his shit is is done. Permanently pushed back, bro. Oh, we Hairline permanently pushed back. It's over.
Blak:Yo. Yeah.
Mac:He left
Blak:me. This, that, this, that, I gotta go to school tomorrow.
Mac:I don't mean they got the brightest of spotlights on this man filming them, bro. Just see. Look.
Blak:They got the rainbow.
Mac:So bright. It looked like the rest of the house dark. Like, this man just just fucked his whole shit up. Man. Now here, my
Blak:old is fucked up.
Mac:Say you're babysitting. The parents leave you watching the kids. That child has a regular ass head hairline when they leave, and then they come back from whatever date night they're doing. And now now their child out here looking like Steven a Smith.
Blak:It's blasphemous. I mean, that's egregious. That's egregious.
Mac:Stay off the weed. That's this kid now. He he has no choice but to go on sports media and talk about weed. Talk about athletes that smoke weed.
Blak:The the game of basketball. That's that's
Mac:What's the I have to call the doing in that that baby's body. The silent cry, dude broke his own voice box with that.
Blak:Oh, yeah. Of course. Of course.
Mac:Now you also come home, and that's your child. Are they going to school the next day? No. No. The school And
Blak:I know I know I know his parents be like
Mac:The school calls and asks for, like, why you know, are you saying he's sick? Just throwing that out there? Alright. Yeah. Yep.
Mac:Yep. He's sick to his soul.
Blak:Oh, yeah. His soul is fucked up today. He can't.
Mac:With the little rat tail he tried to do in the back there too, bro. He was like half half the back of his head cut. Another half ape. Bro, what was he doing in there?
Blak:They was trying to fade him.
Mac:Yeah. He gotta go. But who is they? I don't
Blak:know. You know it. You know it. Yeah. It ain't just him.
Blak:It ain't.
Mac:Who else was back there with? That little kid in the green shirt that just walked by, like, wait. Wait. Where the fuck was you at when this shit was going on? Damn.
Mac:Jamal, come here. What the the hell was you doing back there? Shit. What else we what else we
Blak:have here?
Mac:Don't do it.
Blak:I told
Mac:them don't do it. Oh, that's a Tyrese one. That that's for do we no. We we will let Tyrese live this week. Let let
Blak:him slide this week. Let him
Mac:live. He's oh, the pot blocking pastor is back with a new remix, to not who hey. Who's who put knock knock if you buck in the, for hype song? I'm Neecee. Neecee, that was you with Nuck if you buck.
Mac:I hope you're still around because, have we got a remix for you, girl?
Blak:Oh, you gonna love it.
Popping Pastor:Something inside of you that will defy him. He knows that you have something inside of you that is buck. When is buck? BUCK is blood bought unashamed Christ like kingdom thing. You have to understand the word says
Mac:blood Alright now.
Blak:That was the longest fucking acronym.
Mac:Blood brought unashamed Christ like kingdom thing. If you how late was he up last night before this sermon trying to make Oh, he Trying to make this a thing.
Blak:He put Jesus through the ringer sending them prayers up to come up with that.
Mac:Baby, come to bed. It's 3 o'clock. I can't. I need I need a tie in for this song.
Blak:You can't rush Jesus, baby.
Mac:Christ like, unashamed. Was it Christ like, unashamed something kingdom thing? No. Blood brought unashamed. Oh, bro.
Mac:He was killing this shit.
Popping Pastor:Unashamed Christ like king of fame. My blood bought unashamed Christ like king of fame.
Mac:You know
House Meeting:what I am, bro? I'm blood bought unashamed Like I told you before, this ain't your mama's church. Okay. We'll do it again. I said I'm blood ball unashamed.
House Meeting:Christ life is a kingdom vain. Do you like it? Do you like it?
Blak:Go ahead, all preacher.
Mac:You know what I need to see? Show me the audience. Are they rocking with you as hard as you think? The way you acted, you acted like the audience. You act like you got a stadium rolling with you like this the way you on this stage.
Mac:Blood brought out of shape. Amen. Oh, Jackie. Don't don't gas this man up. Here she go.
Mac:This high key hits hard. Amen. Amen. The band the band may be lit. I don't know if they in there playing like, man, my talent is just going to this.
Mac:No. No. Blood brought unashamed Christ like kingdom thing. Charlamagne, the god, the youth said challenge accepted. Did Charlamagne challenge him to do this?
Blak:I pray to god he didn't.
Mac:Oh, my God. This church got my vote. Mostly because it ain't my mama's church, and it's a new breed.
Blak:I told y'all this ain't your mama's church.
Mac:Just not gonna get people delivered. If your sound resembles the world, what oh, here we go with this stuff. Oh, lord. Lord. Stop.
Mac:Why not make your own song? Why are you stealing from the world? Like, oh my god.
Blak:Stop it.
Mac:Bro, this I ain't trying to get too too religious, but, bro, a 100%. That's why I was just like, I can't wait to get up out of this church. I can't wait till I'm old enough to tell my parents I'm not going to church with you guys.
Blak:You can't tell me that and then I see you outside with deacon Jones.
Mac:You ain't his wife. You ain't his wife. You know what I mean? Like I'm like, man, the world the world has such good music. It's It's Bro, it do.
Mac:It do. Have you legit listened to, like, Christian rap? I have. Like, it's
Blak:I was on Lecrae for a while. No.
Mac:I'm not tired, like, like, like, Lecrae wasn't rapping back when we were kids coming up. Like, nineties Christian.
Blak:Before Lecrae?
Mac:Yes. Yes. Yeah. It's it's not good. It's it's so cookie cutter.
Mac:It's like it's like,
Blak:it's like It's like kids bop, but
Mac:It's like Christian. It's like the impossible whopper of rap. Like
Blak:Yeah. That's that's a good one.
Mac:People like Christians will give it to you. Oh my god. This is almost like the real thing. So, like, kids are just listening to Christian. Right?
Mac:Jesus Christ is my favorite friend. I'm saying without him to the very end. And kids are supposed to be like, yeah. This is this is just the same as what's going on out there. Yeah.
Mac:And then out there is ain't no nigga like the one I got. No one. I'm like, oh, that shit sounds good. That shit is way better. This shit sounds great.
Blak:Doing over there?
Mac:it when you call me big pop. Hey. What is that? What is all I need in this world is
Blak:saying is me and my girlfriend.
Mac:Brown sugar, babe. What is what's going on over there? What's a I like that song. That sounds good. Nope.
Mac:Yeah. I was like, I can't wait to get out of church, Listen to my own music. Shit. Oh, man. This here.
Mac:Alright. Here we go. How do how do we wanna how do we wanna lead into this one?
Blak:Ladies and gentlemen, listen, Stevie Wonder. Some people said he could see. You know? Some people
Mac:said activities that I see him doing and I'm just like, I don't see a guide helping this man out and he just did this perfectly. Like, is this a is this a ruse? Is this the longest running ruse? Right. Out here.
Blak:I think he was trying to dispel it with this one.
Mac:Okay. So this is a I'm a just let I'm a let it ride. Watch the reaction of, reverend Jackson here. Watch his reaction. Ladies and gentlemen, that first kiss hit the corner of the lips right here.
Blak:Square. Yep. Square on the lips.
Mac:Yep. 2 5ths of his lip was encased in Stevie Wonder's mouth.
Blak:He caught he caught the bottom lip.
Mac:And, his his face just, hey. Hey. Hey. Hey, Stevie. Hey.
Mac:Hey. Okay.
Blak:Like, you know, you in that moment
Blak:Jesse wanted to cuss at him.
Mac:Oh, bro. He was like, bro, if I wasn't all for for, for black unity out here, if you were not an icon in our life. But watch this shit again if it'll run back. Watch it. Hey.
Mac:Hey. Nigga, did you just kiss me? Come on, brother. I know you can't see shit, but feel first, brother. Feel.
Mac:Feel. Cheek, lips. Feel. Slobbing that man down like that. This brings up a good point.
Mac:And ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to just say this. I'm going to just say this. The Paralympics, an amazing thing. An amazing thing, an amazing event that happens every 4 years, a couple of weeks after the main Olympics. Brave individuals with physical limitations showing that they can go out there and do everything that people say they cannot do.
Mac:Alright. With that being said, I'm going out on a limb. And this is just the the opinions of Mac AKA your boy do not represent those of the DFPN and the other members of DFPN. But ladies and gentlemen, there are just some things that, like, if you are visually impaired, continue to attempt to live your life as regular as possible. But there are just certain things that you're just not meant to do.
Mac:Just certain things that you're not meant to do at such a high competitive level. I wanna bring something up for you guys. I wanna see you.
Blak:Nice setup, by the way.
Mac:That's a nice little segue. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lex Gillette. He is the for the ranking of best blind track and field athletes, he is considered to be one of the best. This is blind long jump. Okay?
Mac:How it works is the crowd is supposed to be absolutely fucking silent. And there's a guide by the takeoff ramp that's clapping so he can find where he needs to run to. And then when he gets there, he's supposed to jump. The pit that they're jumping in is extra wide. Yes.
Mac:Oh, no. Lexia. But wait.
Blak:There's a move.
Mac:It's extra wide to protect them, to give them, like, margin of error.
Blak:Cush. Yeah. Cush.
Mac:That was a bad choice. Where is my bad? Ladies and gentlemen, I'm a just play it and just watch this shit happen. And then I've never seen this. I'm so excited.
Mac:And then we'll then we'll talk about maybe maybe there's certain events that shouldn't be going down. You know what I'm saying? So, let's watch, the the best of the best right now, mister Gillette.
Announcer:To the men's long jump, t 11. Lex Gillette. His 4th round jump. Well, that's got a struggling here with the noise from the crowd. That one looked like it might have hurt.
Mac:Yeah. That must have
Announcer:he goes off the track. He comes back on the guide there in front. Certainly, is that dangerous? He's hit the side.
Blak:Bro, everything about this is fucked up. That man that man wouldn't even run straight, bro. He wouldn't even run straight.
Mac:Why did why did my man hit that hard ass turn like that? Fucking hit that sharp ass turn like the dude look. What I want you to see what look. I'm a let it play. Watch the watch the guide.
Mac:Watch his face with he sees my man.
Blak:Guide is the most
Mac:watched up. Watch his face. Hold on. Play. Play.
Announcer:Dude, that has really hurt.
Mac:Watch this man.
Announcer:He's got up and ran away, but that had to
Mac:My bad. You
Blak:were responsible for that, bro. This man got all the way down there. He just moved the fuck out the way. Like, come on, bro. Let him
Mac:What would you do? A clapping or the were you throwing the clap? Like, the the throw in the clap. Were you the sound, were you just curving it so he just bro, my man just curved from no. He was just running straight and just was like like, he was about to do a high jump.
Mac:He just hit that hard little, and he holding his ass like, god. And then the stands about, yeah, the noise from the crowd. I'm looking in the stands like
Blak:It's empty in the bitch in there, bro.
Mac:This motherfucker back here? Him? Bro, he he went to a notch. Oh my god.
Announcer:I heard Lex Gillette. Paul Lex that In his mouth. Just struggling. It's a funny champion there.
Mac:So he got 2 fouls? Come on, man. At what point are we just like, you know what? Maybe they shouldn't be.
Blak:Don't do this. Don't don't do this to them.
Mac:Oh my god.
Announcer:Fouls every third.
Mac:I'm gonna run this back.
Announcer:So let's get back to the men's long jump, t 11. Lex Gillette.
Blak:Watch this. And no It's time.
Mac:So hold up. Where we at? The minute he's like, you're not even on the path?
Blak:No. At no point in time,
Mac:he'll be
Blak:in the right path.
Mac:Like, somebody get in front of him and grab him. Hey. Hey. Hey. Woah.
Mac:Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Hey.
Mac:Come on now.
Blak:This is gonna sound fucked up. This is really gonna sound fuck. Like, they need bumpers or something, bro.
Mac:Yeah. You can't have that that concrete right on the outside, bro. Yeah, bro. You got that that like, some air mattresses on the side or something In case they jump to the side, they laying a little boy. Oh,
Mac:I mean, that's straight tailbone on that surface, bro.
Blak:Bro, ass to asphalt, bro. Like, that's
Mac:His feet ain't even hit first. It was just ass on the thing, bro. I'm so bro, look at this shit. Look at this shit. Let let me turn this sound off.
Mac:But, but, I mean, just watch this shit. My man is just floating. Just look at humping. Look at the stride, bro. He's like, I'm out here.
Mac:And then it slipped. Dude, what's that? The Jetson noise? What did you do? Look at the guy.
Mac:Oh, shit. No. You know what it is? Hey. Why was he standing to that side?
Mac:I told him. He was following the clap.
Blak:Yeah. The dude ran straight for the clap, bro.
Mac:Bro, what did you oh, look at this motherfucking dick.
Blak:He fucked him up. And then he moved out the way. Like, that that dude ain't shit, bro.
Mac:Yeah. Shit. I'm over here. I'm over here, my man. Yo.
Mac:Yo. Look at the motherfucker. Yeah. Look at this. Look.
Mac:His face.
Blak:Oh. My ankle in my ass.
Mac:Oh my god, man. But, but, yeah, bro. That that is like, maybe this shouldn't be a thing to hear these cats come on the track. Yeah. The fuck happened over here?
Mac:Just year old.
Blak:First thing about this event is fucked up.
Blak:Put this together.
Mac:Bro, did you know there's blind, javelin throwing as well?
Blak:Oh my god. That is so dangerous.
Mac:That's what I'm trying to say. Baby, everything is not meant.
Blak:That is dangerous.
Mac:Hey. Listen. Bro, Daredevil, one of my favorite heroes out here, bro. Shout out to Charlie Cox. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Playing the hell out of this role. But, you know, that's fictitious. You know? That that I mean, I'm not I'm not. There are a 1,000 things you guys can do well, those who are visually impaired.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? I just don't think y'all should be running full speed without being able to see just blind jumping because stuff like this can happen. You know, I was just I
Blak:mean, shout out to y'all for trying, but
Mac:Shout out to y'all for trying.
Blak:And they set y'all up.
Mac:Oh, you broke. My man was in, hey. I'm over here. I'm over here. Oh, my bad.
Mac:Oh my god. This shit here. And then then we'll get to this man. So I I don't know if this is a new trend that's going on out there, but, we got my man here who, is out here braiding his underarm hair for whatever reason. If that if that's if this is your thing,
Blak:I mean, I'm not gonna judge you. Actually, I am. This is your thing. Please reconsider.
Mac:My man was just like, alright. Here I am, and I got bundles, and I'm a comb this out and bro. He's literally out here just getting the shit fucking. Look at that.
Blak:Why? Sophistaphone. Aristocrat.
Mac:Well, man, did the action poses and everything. Like, bro, I I don't I don't even know, this first comment here. Every day we stray further from God's light. Exactly.
Mac:I think that just wraps it up perfectly there. Somebody's just like, I'm a just try something new. You know? What are the odds this person is from Atlanta? A 100%.
Mac:Shout out to everybody in Atlanta. But y'all know why I said that.
Blak:That's all I'm saying. 100%.
Mac:Y'all know why I said that shit. And this is the last one we'll look at. So, everybody wants to set world records out here. Some of these world records are hard, like, Usain Bolt's world record. Like, legit world records.
Mac:The fastest person to do something that is widely known as something that a lot of people do. Right? A lot of people run who's the fastest runner. A lot of people swim who's the fastest swimmer. People jump who could jump the highest, a lot of that stuff.
Mac:But if you wanna have a guaranteed world record, you gotta find something that you do that nobody else does or nobody would ever try to do again in their life because they don't wanna be known as the person that does that better than what you did. I present to you this individual here who wanted to be in the world record books so bad. He decided to create a new, event that I don't think anybody will be, trying to compete in. As you can see, most table tennis balls bounced against the wall with the mouth in 30 seconds. My man, David Rush, had 47.
Blak:Pack your
Mac:mouth. Okay. Like, what? That. Like, slow motion.
Mac:Yep. Yep. My man can't miss. He don't miss. He don't so hear me out.
Mac:This is like
Blak:from 6 feet away, bro. Like,
Mac:are you impressed?
Blak:Because the way
Mac:you said it, like, the way you said it, you made it sound like if he was only 4 feet away, you'd be like, man, listen. You were like, he's 6 feet away. Like, you gotta give him some credit.
Blak:I mean,
Mac:it's the slow motion shit. This one here, like like, how he prepares to receive the ball. You know? Boss. But look how he look.
Mac:He sticks his tongue out so he can yeah.
Blak:How the fuck?
Mac:Hear me out. Hear me out. Jackie, thank you. Because that was my question. How do you find out this is your talent?
Mac:Like, at what point at what point are you just like, hey. I'm pretty good at this. I'm pretty good at catching this spit this ball out, my bow. Like like, as a kid, you find out you could do this, then you'd be like, hey, dad. Watch this.
Mac:Don't you
Blak:ever fucking do that again.
Mac:Mom, look what I could do.
Blak:Oh my god. I always knew. I always knew.
Mac:These schools are these schools are indoctrinated. Oh my god. These schools are changing our kids' gay.
Blak:Be. They've taken God out of the schools. Now look.
Mac:Excuse me, sir. Move aside. I don't know, Jen. I don't think anybody can break this record.
Blak:This man this this man is a sniper.
Mac:I'm a just say this. Men out here, I mean, they they wilding out. I got my man here. Right? 47 balls in his mouth in 30 seconds.
Mac:I got Joey Chestnut eating 87 hot dogs in a minute, you know, or 10 minutes. You know what I'm saying? The the the the the best woman hot dog eater only get, like, 50 something. Sorry. Hey.
Mac:Dudes is out here showing showing out.
Blak:Don't speak toting.
Mac:You know what I mean? I mean, it was and and imagine you work for Guinness, and they're just like, we're sending you to certify we're sending you to capture a new world record. Alright. Cool. What am I you'll find out when you get there.
Mac:And you get there, this is all set up, and you see a ping pong ball, like, are you doing a Forrest Gump thing? Like, how many times? He's like, kinda. With your mouth. Oh, you're doing a forced scup how many times you could bounce it off the wall?
Mac:Yeah. Something like that. It's like, where's your equipment? It's right here. I'm fucking late.
Mac:Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Blak:What the fuck the fuck is going on here? I fucking be gleeping and shit. Goddamn it, bro. God fucking.
Mac:I'll be all wearing like, bro, you about to die. That ball about to slide down your throat the way, the way you prepping to receive this thing? Oh my god, lord. Like, it's just gonna go right oh my god.
Blak:He's dead.
Mac:You didn't save him? Hell no. I don't think it Hell no. You gonna do the Heimlich. He gonna spit it out.
Mac:It's gonna bounce off the wall. He gonna start catching it again.
Blak:Thank you.
Mac:Thanks, you, for me talking to you in between the oh, shit. Okay. God.
Blak:Alright. That's a wild record, bro.
Mac:Right. Nobody breaking this shit.
Blak:Ain't nobody breaking that.
Mac:He studies fucking stem. Bro, I'm just oh my god. And and that like, even if this is something you're, like, super good at, like, at what point are you just like, I'm Colin Guinness. I gotta good enough. I gotta be immortalized in time
Blak:for this. Enough.
Mac:I gotta keep
Blak:my name in the book.
Mac:Immortalized in a look at this.
Blak:Give me now, Karen.
Mac:My teacher said I would never amount to anything. Now I'm a world record holder.
Blak:Anything is possible. I bet it is.
Mac:Oh my god. I can't, bro. This shit took me the fuck out, bro. This shit took me the fuck out. So, this guy is called, record breaker Rush, and, if the Internet will let me.
Mac:He's a motivational speaker and holder of the most world records. So, if you want him to come in just
Blak:be inventing shit, bro.
Mac:100%. 100%. Like, world records. Let's see some other shit he got in here real quick. We already saw this tennis ball 1.
Mac:Mostly he's raked in buddy. What did we do? And Guinness is just like, I guess. We'll live with you for a year. I broke your world record for most world records.
Rush:We got a lot to get through. The longest duration bouncing a hula bum head whilst swimming. This is the first and only swimming record I have ever broken. 3, the fastest time to pop 3 balloons with no hands.
Blak:This gets worse.
Blak:Drop it to the gloves.
Mac:He just just lined up balloons and put a pin on his head and just ran through it. Like, I'm the I'm the fastest. Usain Bolt what? Usay Bolt did it. What?
Mac:I'd like to see him try it.
Rush:Blindfold. I think this is the fastest record I have ever broken. 1.37 seconds. Just like that. Next up, 31.
Rush:This is the most leads rate in 1 minute long
Mac:I'm a tell you right now this bullshit. Because if you see me and my brother, when we was kids raking up leads, bro.
Blak:Anything to get out of that shit, bro.
Mac:Bro, that shit that shit would be in the bag too quick, bro. Too quick. You out here. Let me see what you Time
Rush:and celebrated TV host, Larry Gabbard, was there for this attempt. He has since passed away. 33, the fastest time to drink hot chocolate. Disqualified. This was my first eating record attempt to cool down, like, a degree or 2 too much, so it wasn't allowed.
Rush:I have just broke the world record for
Mac:the most con It cooled down too much. My boy, they wanted you to what did they want you to drink? Like, scold it out, liquid? Your esophagus didn't get 3rd degree burns. Yeah.
Mac:Disqualified. But, nah. So if you want him to come and speak to your team, you know, for a bridge chat or a leadership thing, hit him up. DM him for a collab. You know, maybe I'll hit him up.
Mac:See if he wants to come on a smoke pit. Let's hit him up. He gonna charge us some fucking money, bro. He gonna let me go outside and break the world record. I'll stare at the sun until I go blind.
Mac:You know what? The good part is, Jackie. Once you go blind, you can enter. You can then try to break long jump. Try to break the record for long jump.
Mac:I'll be your guide. Is Is he over there making a beat? I'm a be over there doing the grind and beat.
Blak:I'm running towards it. I'm running towards it.
Mac:Where is it coming from? Oh, man. You know, if I fucked right and went to his page, I'd probably make this motherfucker who's man's. But there's, somebody who is, super out of pocket, and they live in the great city of Las Vegas. So, Jackie, you may be out there with, some, some amazing people in your vicinity.
Mac:But ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, it is time, to get to this week's segment. Whose man's is this? So, I'm a go ahead and do the, the double screen, then we'll come back to this shit. I know you saw it.
Blak:I saw it.
Mac:Patricia Sierra. She is a local Las Vegas, I would say, street wanderer. I won't say resident. You know what I'm saying? But, she'd be out here.
Mac:She'd be doing some shit. And, unfortunately, as you saw here, a Las Vegas woman was arrested after stealing a casket with a body inside. This happened, yesterday at 9:49 PM. So as you see here, we'll we'll read through this. A Las Vegas, Nevada woman has been arrested after she was allegedly seen on a surveillance video breaking into a funeral home and stealing a casket occupied by a corpse, before leaving them both in front of the business.
Mac:Las Vegas, but, Metropolitan Police Department arrested 47 year old Patricia Sierra at about 5:30 PM on August 29th and charged her with grand larceny of more than 1200 and less than 5,000 burglary of a business and removing, transferring our disturbing human remains. Officers responded to the affordable cremation and burial service of Las Vegas after receiving a report that a body was lying face down in front of their business with a casket nearby. When officers arrived, they discovered the body lying in landscape rocks. The officers also saw an open door with broken glass on one side of the building and cleared the property. They shared nobody was inside.
Mac:This is, Patricia Sierra, by the way. She looks very determined. Like a Pat. Pat. Pat Sierra.
Mac:The investigation also unveiled several other clues, including flower petals leading out of the door and a small kid's bike on the side of the building. Does that actually what's getting around? Fucking Vegas, man. Be wild out there, bro. Street adventure.
Mac:There you go. That's what she is. The manager of the business provided police with surveillance video which showed a woman between 30 50 years old with a buzz cut wearing a black tank top, black leggings, and black sneakers in Vegas, burning the fuck up. In the video, the woman is seen entering the business by breaking the front window, reaching inside, and unlocking the front door. She then walked into the viewing room, went to the casket, and took it out of the front door.
Mac:This is her doing that shit. I was looking for video. I couldn't find it because I was like, I need to see this shit in action. Right. Police said the woman was seen making multiple trips in and out of the business before leaving the property.
Mac:2 days later, a caller reported to the police, a person matching the description of the woman who stole a casket from their business was seen at a nearby convenience store. Police responded, and the woman identified herself as Sierra. Police provided investigators with an image. She was identified the same person in the video. Now here's the part that got me right.
Mac:After being better right, Sierra allegedly said she has a substance abuse problem and blacks out. She also said she did not remember breaking into the funeral home, but when asked if she ever burglarized the business before, she said yes. Oh my god. Detectives then asked her what her preferred method is for breaking into property is, and she said it was to use a rock to break a window. Under questioning, Sarah allegedly apologized and claimed she was not trying to be malicious.
Mac:Though at that point, police asked her why she was apologizing if she was innocent. After being shown the surveillance video, police said, Sierra allegedly acknowledged that she was the person in the video, though she cannot remember why she burglarized the business. She said that she blacked out that night after drinking 6 beers. Court records show her bill was set at $11,000 for grand larceny, and her preliminary hearing is set for 9:30 AM on September 18th. Goddamn.
Mac:I know. Does this one have the video? Let me see if you can throw video over here.
Blak:That's that's crazy, man. No. It's no video.
Mac:You ain't giving me no video. But, yeah, just, of all the things to fucking burglarize, a funeral home is wild. And then to be, like, I didn't do it. Have you robbed anything before? Oh, yeah.
Mac:Sure. What's your preferred method of, breaking into places? I'd use a rocket smash windows. Like
Blak:Oh, that's you. That's your calling card.
Mac:Yep. Well, what if I told you that this place had a window smashed in by a rock? Jake, what was she smoking?
Blak:I got it on video?
Mac:Yep. Blacked out after 6 beers? Like, what was you drinking? Steel reserves? Tall boys?
Mac:You you got the business from the back of the road too. Extra cold. Chris. Man. Six beers blacked out.
Blak:I don't Four locals. Something.
Mac:Oh my god. You drink at 64 locals? You know what? If I was a officer and you're like, I had 64 locals, that seems about right. That checks.
Mac:Yeah. That that seems about some that's somebody who, who drank liquid crack would do. You know?
Blak:Yeah. MB 2020. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Oh, dude. Actually, you're you're keeping them in business. Okay. So I wonder why they keep putting these shits up in stores. But, yeah, it's crazy, man.
Mac:Like, just going in there and smashing the thing, taking the casket, trying to leave. The casket falls over. You're like, ah, fuck it. Body laying on the floor. You just keep on going about your business.
Mac:I'm out. To the point where, like, they show up to work the next day, like, there's some more fucking body on the floor out here. Like, what the fuck? Why is there already dead body?
Blak:Oh, this family gonna kill me.
Mac:First of all, I would quit the job that day.
Blak:Hell, yeah. That's some deliver on
Mac:shit, bro.
Blak:Like, fuck that.
Mac:This motherfucker just did this shit himself? Nah. Not today. I don't play with the I don't play with the spirits like that. That's the undead.
Mac:I don't do that. Fuck that. Fuck that shit. You just getting out you getting out the car. Yeah.
Mac:So the other day, man, that the fuck. I'm a call I'm a get in the car to call no bro. Yeah.
Blak:I don't want no bro. This motherfucker's just laying.
Mac:Did he try to get out by himself?
Blak:Nope. I'm not going
Mac:in there. Is he a zombie? Motherfucking
Blak:Call the news and the ghostbusters, motherfucker. I'm not going in there.
Mac:It's a goddamn white walker. It's a motherfucking white walker out here. Uh-uh. I see Game of Thrones. We ain't doing this today.
Mac:Uh-uh. Nope. I ain't got no Valerian steel.
Blak:I ain't doing it.
Mac:I ain't doing it. Nope.
Blak:Nope. I got a pen in my scent, bird. Like, nah. Fuck that, bro. I'm I'm not going I'm not even going 20 feet close to this nigga, bro.
Mac:This don't sit right in my spirit. I gotta go. But, Patricia Sierra, if you happen to come across this episode, when you're out or when you're only 4 beers in so you can pay attention and remember what's happening. We we wish the best for you. And,
Blak:yeah. That's that's filthy work.
Mac:I'll ask you this. That's a family member in there of yours that she just dumps out on the street. And you go to the funeral home, and you're just like, yo. So this is this is what we do and who did this shit? And then they tell you it was this, this, chick here with the buzz cut and everything who was who was so far gone off of 6 beers.
Blak:I need a family member that don't mind fighting. Because I can't
Mac:You gotta fight her?
Blak:Peter. You know what I mean? Like
Mac:Somebody has to put hands on her?
Blak:Somebody, yeah, somebody gotta put hands on her. It can't be me, obviously. Somebody needs to put hands
Mac:on them. Got a female cousin that'll do it. You know what I'm saying? They don't need to be straight from the tree, just tree family tree adjacent. I'll take a 6 cut.
Mac:Right. Right. You know what I'm saying? Right. Somebody gotta put hands on her.
Mac:Put the paws on her, if you will.
Blak:Please. For me. For the for the family.
Mac:Anyhow, question for you.
Blak:Question for you. What if this was a family member that wasn't liked?
Mac:I mean, the the the level of disrespect to just being knocked out of the casket and laid out there because that's in the viewing room. So, like, the viewing happened, and then they closed it and put it like so we we were just in there and probably had whatever emotions in the viewing room for the pair the the either private or public viewing. All the motions are gone. You oh, man. You know?
Mac:Even if they weren't liked, you're like, you know, motherfucker was a asshole, but you know it. The way he went out, it shouldn't have went out like that. You know? It's all good. Blah blah blah.
Mac:Then, like, somebody went in there and just dumped his ass in the road and just bounced. Like, hey. Whatever the fucking business is called after here, this what we do. I mean, but when you go to a place called the Affordable Cremation and Burial Service. True.
Mac:I mean Do you have the word affordable? Like, you just you could name the shit after you couldn't name it after the person that owns it? Yep. Like Johnson in churches. It's a sure shot sign.
Blak:You're in
Mac:the hood. Affordable cremation and burial service. Yep. Well,
Blak:Charles, you you lost all your money at the casino.
Mac:Jackie, where's Charleston Boulevard? Is Charleston Boulevard, like, in a in a in a good area or not? But I'm
Blak:Oh, no. No. I I know Vegas. No.
Mac:It's not. Oh. It's not. Yeah. I don't I don't venture too far from the safe places.
Mac:You know what I'm saying?
Blak:It is not.
Mac:I'd be like, we're going on Fremont Street, and we only go into these certain places. Like, if we go on the strip, we only go into these, like, you start talking about what's the what's that paradise? The road on the other side of the bro. At night? I don't do Paradise.
Blak:Oh, yeah. Like, once you get by Rally's
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't I don't fuck with that I don't fuck with that shit at
Blak:all, bro.
Mac:During the day, I'm scared on them shits. During the day, I'm scared. Yeah. Yeah. What about the place the light doesn't touch?
Mac:Do not fucking go over there.
Blak:Promise me, somebody. You will never go there.
Mac:That's where we send the elephants to die, apparently. Hey. That's so that's the elephant graveyard. Like, why they all die over there? When they get sick, I tell they ask to take their ass off.
Mac:Hey. How old is, hey, how old is he? Oh, Simba, don't do this to us, bro. Hey, man. It's a a.
Blak:Nah. Get your
Mac:Tell him get his old ass over there to the elephant graveyard. Don't be dying over here on the pride lands.
Blak:Yeah, man. Inviting all that death over here.
Mac:Hey. Don't be contaminating that shit over here, bro. Take that ad. Take your old ass over there. They out
Blak:here. Hey, grandpa. Was wild, bro.
Mac:Hey, grandpa could play with us, Simba, just sitting on that big ass rock. I know they bring this old ass elephant up over here. Zazu. Who is that? Go ask him how old he is.
Mac:Over here. Hey. Go ask him how old he is and come back. Zazu, go on. 97?
Blak:No, bro. You got to go. Oh, I'm only 60.
Mac:You don't sound like you 60.
Blak:Do you smoke? Why you sound like that?
Mac:Oh, shit. What is some random ass shit? Hey. Take your old ass over there and die. Where's the zebra graveyard?
Mac:Don't worry about that. Take your big, old, wrinkly ass over there and fucking die. Don't make me come down there.
Blak:Tell Dombo I said what's up
Mac:to you. Haul at your boy. Haul at your boy. Oh, man. But, that wraps that up for whose mans.
Mac:We can briefly go over this bracket, and then, we'll we'll call it a night. So ladies and gentlemen, let us prepare ourselves for, the, updated brackets for our best nineties sitcom, dad. If I could find my transition. Oh, here we go. Let's do it.
Mac:Oh, no. That's the background. Where's my Sorry. So, what we have I
Blak:like this background.
Mac:Say what? This background is dope. Oh, you know, I dabble. I do some stuff. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:It's a little it's a little. You know what I'm saying? I do a little bit. Try to keep people on their toes around here. Yep.
Mac:But, the
Blak:work is being noticed, my guy. Good shit.
Mac:I appreciate you. I appreciate you. But, we have if this would load quickly for me, poor favor. Round 2 of the best nineties sitcom, Dads. And, I shall bring this to the screen.
Mac:And, the voting was pretty what I thought it was gonna be across the board. On par. A lot of a lot of washes, a lot of landslides and stuff. But, you know, as round ones go, that's what I was kind of expecting. You know?
Mac:Yep. Nothing too crazy. But I digress. Let me bring this up, and we will go over what is the going zones over here. Alright.
Mac:So we'll start on the please get off my screen. There we go. We'll start over here on the left side of the bracket. We had Tim Taylor from Home Improvement fame and also the voice of Buzz and Santa Claus. There's a a few other things.
Mac:You know, he's he's an all star. We'll fuck with that. We he's all star around here. But he was going up against Maxwell Sheffield from the nanny, and, Tim Taylor washed him in that, exhibition. I I voted for Max.
Mac:You know? I I fucked with the nanny. I thought Max was a good dad. You know? Wealthy.
Mac:Made sure his kids were taken care of. Hired a very comfortable, I guess, competent to an extent nanny to watch his children's and shit. But, you know, it is what it is. But, oh, man. I am in reverse order for the oh, I will just scroll up this.
Mac:So Tim Taylor won. Yeah. It was a wash, bro. Wasn't even close. Not even close.
Mac:So, moving forward, Dick Solomon from, 3rd Rock from the Sun played by John Lithgow and, Frank Lambert from step by step. Frank Lambert won in another landslide. Wasn't even close. Yep. I tried to remember something specific for Frank Lambert.
Mac:All I can remember is, like, his wife in the show was Suzanna Summers, and, like, she was famous for doing, like, the Thrive Master. And I was just like, yo, she bad, bro. Like, as a kid, I was just like, hey. So that summer, I get it.
Blak:At this time at this point in time in history, oh, yeah.
Mac:I was like, yes. She she she owned it. She owned it.
Blak:100% prime.
Mac:So maybe maybe that's why he he moved on. Next up, Philip Banks, Ray Campbell. Shout out to Ray Campbell for doing his best with, Tamara Campbell from Sister Sister, the wild crazy kid. But, Philip Banks watches a 100% of the vote going to this guy. Did I know Philip Banks was gonna win?
Mac:Did I think Ray would get a sympathy vote? I did. Was I wrong? I was. Now here's one that I thought would not go the way it did.
Mac:Heathcliff Huxtable from the Cosby show. I didn't know if people would be able to separate the character from the actual man. I thought people would have went a 100% with Robert Peterson, and comments would have been like, I'm not voting for a rapist. You know what I'm saying? Which you would have been entitled to do so.
Blak:The. Yes.
Blak:You're not allowed me to vote
Mac:for you. The. It was a watch, a 100% of the vote.
Mac:Went to, Heathcliff. A 100% of the vote. Yep. Heathcliff Huxtable won. And Robert Patterson is not a slouch.
Mac:Peterson. The parenthood was a great show, but, I'll be going up against a a iconic father figure, Cliff Huxtable. It was gonna be what it's gonna be. Danny Tanner against, from full house fame against Floyd Henderson from smart guy. Danny Tanner won with 75% of the votes, ladies and gentlemen.
Blak:I'm kinda surprised at this one.
Mac:That it was that much or not a wash?
Blak:Yeah. It wasn't a wash. I'm surprised it wasn't, which it kinda spells doom for Danny Tanner. Moving forward? Yeah.
Blak:He's yeah. It wasn't a wash, so I I think I think he's in trouble.
Mac:I mean, he's gonna bet it's, the 5 seed, Alan Matthews, Corey Matthews' dad from a Boy Meets World. So we'll see. But I think in that show, they appreciated, I forget his teacher's name. I think they believe that the teacher was a more prominent of a father figure for Corey than his actual dad was. But I digress.
Mac:We'll let the group make that decision next week when voting happens. Over here, we had, Pops from, Waynesboro's going up against Dan Connor from Roseanne. And, Dan has won that one with 63% of the votes. He's moving forward. It started out with pops kinda in the lead, when when this one was first started
Blak:open. Surprise too.
Mac:Yep. Earl Sinclair from dinosaurs going up against Carl Winslow for family matters. 92% of the vote for Carl Winslow as he moves on. I thought this was gonna be a 100% to 0.
Blak:I have to apologize. Why is that? Because I thought this would have been a close one, and, I was mistaken.
Mac:You called that last you there. The last show, you were like, this could be a sleeper wood. Yeah. No. It was I was like, it's a big guy.
Mac:Against him? Against the big guy? Cara? It it got slapped. It is what it is.
Mac:So, Al Bundy against Nick Russo. Obviously, Al Bundy from Married With Children, Nick Russo from the show Blossom. And, Al Bundy ran away with this one. 90% of the votes. And, I think this case this this brought up the question.
Mac:I think somebody asked, like, are we talking about the best dad or the funniest dad? And I was just like, bro, just who you think is the better dad? You know, just vote. And if you don't make it, he don't make it. You know?
Mac:I just don't remember much of Nick Russo in Blossom. I'll tell you the only thing I remember from Blossom is her best
Blak:friend. 6. Yes, sir. 6.
Mac:That is all. Like, when she stepped on the show, I was like, I mean, this show's alright. Oh, tune in in every week. What was that other show? What was Blossom about last night?
Mac:I don't know. But
Blak:I don't know.
Mac:I think 6 was on it. 6 was in it. So, next up, we had Ray Baron from everybody loves Raymond against Hayden Fox from coach. And, of course, Ray Barone wins with 71% of the vote. He's moving on to if I, go up against Jack Arnold from, Wonder Years fame.
Mac:And, of course, Hank Hill going up against Jason Seaver. Hank Hill from King of the Hill and Jason Seaver from, Growing Pains. And we had Hank Hill winning with 71% of the votes moving forward. And he will be facing the winner between Red Foreman from that seventy shows and Frank Mitchell, Moisha's bitch ass dad from, Moisha.
Blak:Everybody said the same thing about him. Like, this dude was a hoe, bro.
Mac:That's just a bro. Like, I don't know. Like, I just didn't vibe with him for whatever reason. Like, his wife was amazing.
Blak:Yeah. Exactly.
Mac:But, was it Shirley Ralph? I think. The play the the mom, but, nobody fucked with Frank, man. But, red Foreman won, obviously, 89% of the vote, so he'll be going up against Hank Hill. So that brings our matchups up.
Mac:Now we have, Frank Constanza from, Seinfeld up against Tim Taylor. Frank Lambert against Philip Banks. Martin Crane from Frazier up against Heathcliff, Huxtable. Danny Tanner up against Allen Matthews, Red Foreman against Hank Hill, Ray Barone against Jack Arnold, Al Bundy against Carl Winslow, Dan Connor against Homer Simpson. What are your highlight matchups for this week, man?
Blak:I'm gonna go Carl Winslow, Al Bundy. That's a highlight for me. Homer Simpson, Dan Conners, is is one that that right
Mac:side is always this area. Yeah.
Blak:Yeah. Those are always tough. Over on the left, I'm gonna go Tim Taylor, Frank Casanza. That's a tough one.
Mac:I like it.
Blak:That is a tough one.
Mac:Do you see anybody on this in this quadrant up here giving Philip Banks a run for their money?
Mac:Do you see anybody
Blak:The the the that was the only 100 percenter.
Mac:Philip Banks is a 100% in all the way? Or Frank I don't He fill up Banks in, he he a 100% in Frank Lambert, though. Right?
Blak:I don't know about that either. I think high nineties, though.
Mac:Okay. Do you see any 100 percenters in these matchups?
Blak:The only one that can walk out of here clean is uncle Phil. And I I don't think that I don't think he'll get a 100%.
Mac:You say clean like he gonna win by a nice margin though. Yeah. Alright.
Blak:I I think it gets considerably smaller as he goes goes through. Like, if he goes up against Heathcliff, that's
Mac:Oh, if that's the final on this side? Yeah. That's gonna be searching their souls for that one. Yeah. That's that's about it.
Mac:They're gonna be searching their souls and shit. They're gonna be like, do I, oh my god. Oh my god. Challenge. Yep.
Mac:And then, any yeah. This one up here. This quadrant, the homer against Dan and Carl versus Al Bundy.
Blak:That that's a who's who. Yeah. Because ideally, I'd want it to be Carl Winslow, but I at this point, bro, it's hard to see Carl making it to the finals.
Blak:He's gotta go through some tough competition to make it to the finals.
Mac:I agree. But, you know, we'll see what the group says. Now now we're getting into the heavy hitters of of the dads. So we'll see what what what's going on. Uncle Phil, obviously, people are, like, rooting for him to make it through.
Mac:First things first, recipes, uncle Phil. All that good stuff.
Blak:Yep. For real.
Mac:But, ladies and gentlemen, that is our bracket update. It is time for us to return to our regularly scheduled programming and, you know, ride on out in, in the show. And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress. Yep. I'm was just sitting here looking, trying to see who who I was picking from there, but I was gonna try and make a prediction, but I ain't trying to I ain't trying to fuck shit up, make myself mad.
Mac:I really think that, and then it gets fucked up. Like, never mind. Yeah. I messed up. But, anyways, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us for this 1st Friday in 9th month of the year, 2024.
Mac:Great show. Great show. I I laughed probably harder on this show than than in recent memory, thanks to my man breaking world records with, the pig's ball and all, man. That is that and the long jump. Like, and and and I prefaced it when I said it to you.
Mac:Remember, I was like, bro, I'm going to hell, man. Like, it's
Blak:I know. I it's not It's
Mac:a foregone conclusion at this point. You know?
Blak:I'm going to.
Mac:Like, normally, I see shit like that. I'm like, I'm not sending that shit to nobody. I don't want nobody to know I laughed at this shit. You know? But I was just like, who who on my friends list will not judge me for laughing at this shit.
Mac:I was like, black. And then I was sitting there like, do I do I do I bring this up with with commentary and context for the pit masters? And I was like, you know, let it ride. And that that's because I was planning that segue when we got to the, Reggie yeah. The the Jesse Jackson and the, the Steelers, like
Blak:Great segue.
Mac:I was like, speaking of this, how do you bring this shit up? Great segue. Yo. Okay. Alright.
Mac:So, great show, like I said. Thanks for joining. What do you got for the people, man?
Blak:So, let's start off with an announcement. So tonight is actually gonna be my last show for a while. For those who don't know, I do have Conn's syndrome, and one of the things to cure it is surgery. So next Wednesday, I will be having surgery, and I will be down for approximately 2 weeks. So, gonna let my body heal, and with that's gonna come an adjustment of a decade plus of, you know, shit that, like, now I probably won't be dealing with, so it's gonna be an adjustment period.
Mac:So Nice.
Blak:I'm gonna be down for a minute. Appreciate everybody. DFPN, thank you for, you know, holding down the fort. I know you guys will do it. You got it.
Blak:You got you got it. You're gonna kill it. So not worried about anything on that front. We finally got the charts back, and we have some shows on it.
Mac:Okay. So
Blak:the smoke pit hit the charts. I just don't know how high we got. So
Mac:Bro, anytime
Blak:did hit the charts.
Mac:Anytime we hit the charts, I'm just I'm just happy because it's it's a crowded space, the, social commentary and stuff like that. So when we hit it, I'm just like, hey. We we doing something out here.
Blak:We did. We did. So, on the d f p n dot com front, you guys may or may not have seen it. We we are opening up the avenues. One of the things I'll be doing while I'm down, I can't really podcast, but I can write.
Blak:So I'll be doing the articles
Mac:Oh, is that that area good to go now?
Blak:Yes. So we are gonna open up we're gonna open up the articles, Monday and start populating with articles. If you guys have any writers that that want their work featured, d f p n dot com, we will be featuring articles. Whatever you wanna write. If it's dope, we'll put it up.
Blak:So I I wanted to to limit it to categories, but, shit, if it's dope, if you wanna write, you gotta dream to write, we'll feat we'll feature you on there. And, last thing with dfpn.com is, we have 2 shows coming to dfpn.com as exclusives. For those who don't know, that villain has a AR named Henny p, and he has a radio show that he will be bringing to ddfpn.com called the RL Radio Show. So we will be putting that exclusively on the website, ddfpn.com. Thank you for, lending us the show, Henny p.
Mac:Thank you for your work. Henny p.
Blak:So My god. For that. That will be, d f p n dot com exclusive. Also, myself, my family, and we're gonna include this to the DFTN. There's already an episode out right now.
Blak:Big back activities with a food review show. It is it's strictly food reviews. Me and my family, we started going out to establishments, critiquing them, not Keith Lee style, but somewhat similar, and we're gonna put that exclusively on the d f p n dot com. So 2 brand new shows coming to the to d d f p n dot com, plus articles. We're opening everything up.
Mac:I like it.
Mac:I like it. I will say this. This Thursday, eat the cake is coming back. I know Jackie's in the comments. She's gonna have family, and she won't be there.
Mac:But my man, Deontay, was able to get that Thursday off, so he'll be back going over, the the great show in, manga Fire Force. So we'll be doing that, followed by, I do want to say that before we sign off, Fallen Star is cool. Like, we got it back. We're doing it live on the Patreon, all of that cool stuff, but we are taking this Saturday off.
Mac:One of our party members is going through a very tough time, so we just wanna, you know, give them the space and time that they need, to to, take care of what they're taking care of. In the meantime, Joe, if you're watching, if you're listening
Blak:We love you, bro.
Mac:We love you. Anything you need from us, you say the word, we got you. We'll do everything we can, to to help you get through this time. So, Joe, take the time you need. There's no rush.
Mac:We'll be waiting for you, man. And, just know that the warriors of Lunarnia are, are rooting for you, my guy. So,
Blak:Love you,
Mac:Joe. My man, Jer. Jer. But speaking of that, new episode, Fallen Star, did drop today. So if you have not checked it out, please get on it.
Mac:The episodes are getting closer and closer to where we're at in real time. So, that's always a plus. And again, like I said, if you are a Patreon member, you can watch the full sessions unedited to an extent. Overall Patreon. They are about 3 and a half to 4 hours.
Mac:Some some may be longer. So, if if you are an hour
Blak:if you
Mac:are worn yeah. A 100%.
Blak:They're worse watch.
Mac:100%. So check that out. And, I believe that is, that's about it that we got for him. Right? That's it.
Mac:Okay. So thanks once again joining us. Episode 152 of the smoke pit live. I'm the homie Mac aka your boy.
Blak:And I am bread like a king, made this covenant, Kaylee. Thank you guys for tuning in tonight. Until next time. You know what it is. Have love.
Blak:Make sex. Peace.
Speaker 4:Peace.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off.
Blak:It's been a long week. Come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions.
Blak:I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.