Ep 152: "What's Your Hype Song?, Blind Long Jump, Weird World Records, & Patricia Sierra"

Ep 152: "What's Your Hype Song?, Blind Long Jump, Weird World Records, & Patricia Sierra"

What it do, Pitmasters?! IT'S FIRST FRIDAAAAAAAAY!!!! The Dynamic Duo is back to talk about a few things they found pretty entertaining on the internet. Oh, and a new challenger has entered the running for the 2024 "Come 'Ere" Award! Pull up and tap in with the homies! 

1.) House Meeting: "What Is Your Hype Song?" (12:55)
2.) What Did I Just Watch (36:40)
3.) Who's Manz Is This: Patricia Sierra (1:14:37)
4.) Bracket Review: Best 90's Sitcom Dad (1:28:18)

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