Ep 146 "Best 90's Sitcom Dad, Japanese Sachmo, Marriage Proposal from Hell & Mr. Nut and Bolt"
Well, well, well, ladies and gents, it's been a minute, hasn't it? It has been a long minute since we were able to sit down and bullshit about the crazy stuff on the Internet, but good things come to those who wait. So, shout out to you all as we get ready to get back into the shenanigans and the tomfoolery that the Internet has been providing us all here on the throughout the last 2 weeks, that we've been gone. And we've had reasons why, and we'll get to that when we get to the final shout to thoughts. But, ladies and gentlemen, I just want to thank you all for tuning in to episode 146 of the smoke pit.
Mac:As you can see, it's a solo show. My partner in crime is out handling family business. So, you know, keep them in your thoughts. You know, if you need anything black, just let us know. But like I said, impromptu 2 week hiatus, but we're gonna try and do what we can, or I'm a try to do what I can to, ensure that, we get into this weekend on a good foot, some good laughs, and all that crazy good stuff.
Mac:But, without further ado, I'm gonna just go ahead and, start this show. And welcome everybody to the smoke pit episode 1. Look at me waiting, trying to find a video clip. Episode 146, and it starts right now.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night, come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week.
Blak:Come relaxin'. Get some laughsin', and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions, I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready, because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit.
Blak:It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Mac:Yep. We all know what it is. Friday night mood is right. Half of the dynamic duo, it's Mac, AKA your boy, coming to you on, the Internet's number one streaming Friday night, program, podcast, live show, all of the good stuff. We're number 1 between the hours of 8 and 9:30 every Friday.
Mac:The criteria gets smaller and smaller. I know. But, you know, when you when you when you throw in the specifics and stuff, the chances that you're right is true. So, ladies and gentlemen, shout out to the homie, Jin, who was in the comments. It's been a minute, like I said, but, as you know, the Internet continues to do some wild stuff.
Mac:I do wanna share,
Speaker 3:or
Mac:do I wanna I wanna save that for memes, actually. For those who know, follow me on Facebook, you see that, last Friday, we were planning on taking, my brother and my sister were taking all our kids up to the aquarium in Baltimore, but, accident happened. Tire hit our windshield, all that crazy stuff. But the frustration from the accident to getting it fixed was on a level that I've never experienced, with USAA. And it I think it goes to a lot of these cats are, like, teleworking now.
Mac:So, you know, when you're calling there, they're not at the office helping. They're just at their house. You know, you hear kids in the background and stuff. And I'm not faulting that. Like, if you can work from home, work from home.
Mac:But when you're in this line of work and people are calling you because they're on the side of the road, car's in an accident, x y z, I'm gonna need a little bit more a little bit more, you know, urgency, little bit more pep in your step there, Derek. You should be picking up the phone yawning, asking me about my situation that I already explained to the last 5 people as they're transferring me from place to place. But like I said, what's up, Jen? Appreciate you tuning in. This is the 1st Friday.
Mac:I know pseudo, it's not the 1st Friday. Actually, it's the 2nd Friday of the month, but because we missed the last one. We're going free everywhere. Normally, we're behind the wall at at at Patreon Patreon and all that stuff when we go free, but or when we go live. Check the description below if you're interested in joining the Patreon, because 3 other Fridays out of the month or every Friday, that's not the first.
Mac:That's where we're going live and doing our show. And then, obviously, we put it out there on Monday for everybody to see, but you're not getting the genuine live interaction that you would be getting, on a on a weekly basis. Yeah. He was yawning. So, with all that being said, when it's a solo show, you know, it's not.
Mac:It doesn't have the quite the same energy, but I'm a do what I can to make it, make it do what it do, if that makes sense for you all out there. And the best part about this is the Smoke Pit Podcast fan group, which is also linked in the description below, is where it it pretty much runs itself, which I love. The the members we have in there, the pit masters in there that continually push content out there that we could just grab and and pretty much make it impromptu show whenever. We do appreciate that. We appreciate all the, the interaction in there.
Mac:We appreciate the support and everything that you guys have been bringing our way. So, you guys, on top of the rest of the shenanigans that the Internet provides, it's it's a cornucopia of material that we can use. So, without further ado, there's a couple of debates going on in the, the podcast fan group. And if you're tuning in, feel free to share, the link, all of that good stuff, so we can get max participation in here. You know?
Mac:It's always fun when there's a group of people in here. So, it also helps for the solo show. So the more participation we get in the comments, the better. But, we don't have my shot glass out here because I just poured a fucking cup of this, Coke in a vanilla crown. So, we'll do a toast.
Mac:No shot, but we'll go ahead and and take a sippy sip of, this beverage. And what I wanna toast to is perseverance. There's a lot of stuff going on in life. I speaking personally, a lot of things that come up, you know, hurdles that pop up in your way when you're trying to, go after what you're going after. Right?
Mac:And it's easy to trip over that hurdle and be like, you know what? Fuck all this. Fuck all this. It's not worth it. You know, it it's better to just go back to status quo.
Mac:But that's not me. That's not us over here at DFPN. And we continue to, you know, push through, get you, you know, the content that we promised you guys, get you quality content that you guys will enjoy. And no matter what comes up, we may have to take a knee for a couple weeks. We're gonna come back.
Mac:And I appreciate you guys that stand by and, you know, wait for us to come back and allow us that grace to handle life's surprises and their gut punches they throw our way. So with that, here we go. Shout out to Jen. Struggle is real some days. You you're preaching to the choir, Jen.
Mac:But, here's to everybody out there who is hitting those hurdles, but continuing to get back up and jump over the next one and get to that finish line. Here's to you guys, and let's have a great show. Here's to you guys. Here's to us. How about that?
Mac:Because I'm included in there too. Goddamn it. Anyway anyway, let us go ahead and get ready for, this week's house meeting. We had a couple of things in here I wanna talk about. One of them is a good debate.
Mac:That's a fancy cup. Where'd I get it? You know, this little, little place called, Phoenix fan fusion. I have 2 cups, actually. This is my go to one because it looks like a little camper rustic thing like I put over a campfire and shit to warm it up.
Mac:But it, keeps my beverage nice and cold. I love it. Best fucking what was it? $35 I ever spent in my life. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, let's get into this week's house meeting y'all.
Victim:I think we need to have a house meeting y'all.
Mac:Alright. Like I mentioned, the Smoke Pit Podcast fan group. A lot of crazy stuff gets posted in here. It used to be like the Wild West. We used to just we used to have it public.
Mac:People would jump in and start posting the most random, like, you know, I was just like, yo. I guess the wrong people are finding our page now. And then we had to make it private. And then even when it was private, like, people who are already members was supposed to wild stuff, so then we had to it's a whole thing. But we think we finally got it under control.
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, we finally got it under control. And like I said, the majority of the pit masters in here, very responsible, Very, very, I guess responsible was the right word when it comes to posting stuff. And knowing kinda having the the wherewithal to be like, yeah, this is probably too wild for for the smoke bit. Like, we wanna be a FUD group, but we're not in here just posting all kinds of just nasty ass shit, bro. Like, that's not what we do over here.
Mac:But I digress. I wanna bring up a, comment that we had in here. It was it was wild to hear for a boat. A post that was brought up in here. I wanna enlarge it before I share it.
Mac:So we see here a nice ranking. So when it comes to the nineties, a lot of us in the smoke pit, fan group are of an advanced age, I would say, mid thirties to forties. Now we do have some youngins in here, and I appreciate them. Do not take that as disrespect. Take that as I'm jealous.
Mac:But we're we're over in here, and, this meme was shared from another page. And it was like, who is the best nineties TV dad? Now it gives us 6 options. Obviously, there have been way more sitcoms in the nineties, and you could pick any dad, I'm guessing. But we're looking at this.
Mac:Of the 6 they put up here, for those who are listening on the audio version and can't see it, I do recommend you do watch the video version or, like, stop by the the group so you can see it. We have Philip Banks from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Carl Winslow from Family Matters, Danny Tanner from Full House, Danny what was what's his last name in that? I know it's Danny from Roseanne. Were they the bar still? Arnold.
Mac:Roseanne Arnold, I think, was the Arnolds. Daniel Arnold. We have Al Bundy from, Married With Children, and Tim, the tool man Taylor from Home Improvement. And I'm looking at this list, and, immediately, I'm just like, Tim the tool man Taylor can get out of here. Right?
Mac:Connor. Connor was their name. That's right. Because they have a spin off. So, like, Tim, the 2 man Taylor, like, I fucked with Home Improvement for a little bit, but, like, I don't know.
Mac:Like, it it the family never I never really fucked with the, the family. Like, I never really felt like this family dynamic is is cool. You know? No no offense, city body. And I know he's gone on to do other sitcoms and and and gone on to do other things and stuff.
Mac:Shout out to him for the voice of Buzz and and, you know, Toy Story. It's hard to imagine Buzz being voiced by anybody else. I haven't seen that new one light year when he's voiced by Chris Evans, Captain America himself. But, I mean, it was a easy like, if it was like, one you gotta get rid of one of these guys. It'd be like, bro, it's no problem.
Mac:You know, 10 to 2 man Taylors out of here. Next up, I'm looking at this list. Probably Danny Tanner from Full House. Here's my rationale behind that. Oh, what's up, Brian?
Mac:He's in the comments. Shout out to my bro, Brian. Like, when it came to discipline, like, I know back as kids, you're just like, you know, you don't like your parents to spank you. You don't like the punishment and stuff. But, like, I felt like Danny was just a punk, bro.
Mac:Like, he was letting other people raise his kids for him. Like, uncle Jesse, you know, uncle Joey, you know, aunt Becky. Like, other people would be like, I got it, Danny. I'll talk to her, Danny. I'll talk.
Mac:Like, Danny, what the fuck, bro? That's your whole kid. Like, why is why is your brother in law's wife going to talk to your kid for you? I fucking hate it here, dude. Wait.
Mac:I'll go talk to her, Danny. Like, if I was in that house and, like, his like, if I'm ever in anybody's house and their kid just starts spazzing the fuck out and wild out, please believe I'm not gonna be the one to go talk to your kid, family included. I'm sitting here like, you gonna get your kid or what? Like, your kid just cussed out the whole family and ran upstairs to her room. You gonna talk to her, Danny?
Mac:No. I'm a let, my wife's my dead wife's brothers go talk to him. You know, like, Jesus Christ, bro. This is crazy. But, yeah.
Mac:So Danny I I couldn't fuck with Danny. Next up would be Al. Like, I'm just like, bro, you were just you're just a person who looks like they didn't want to be a dad. You know? Al Bundy was a person who did not wanna be a dad.
Mac:And, shout out to my dad. You know? Been in my life my whole life. Been there the whole time. So I kinda appreciate that.
Mac:And there were times where I'm pretty sure he was just like, goddamn these kids. You know? But at the same time, it wasn't on the level of Al, but Al Bundy was just like, oh, what's going on in his house? Like, there's gotta be some structure to this shit. Right?
Mac:Some structure to this shit. It I I I feel he wasn't there. You know? Like, he kids come home. Kids are wilding the fuck out.
Mac:They do whatever. He has a smart mouth. Wife has a smart it's like like, I feel like I just be like, is anybody not gonna do shit? Like, dinner's not being cooked. Like, motherfuckers just around the house not doing stuff.
Mac:You know, the bunnies just wasn't it. There's beefing with the neighbors all the time. This is this whole thing every time you turn on married with children. Like, you just didn't have it looked like they didn't like to be around each other, and and and I can't be having that shit, man. So Al Bundy would be the next one off there.
Mac:My scissors in the chat. Dad still thinks that to this day. What else we got? So we we got 3 left. Right?
Mac:So the list has been cut. 50% of the list is done. That was a easy kind of 3 to pick off. Now you got, Philip Banks left for your boy, Carl Winslow left for your boy, and, Dan Conner. And, I mean, I already answered it in the group.
Mac:So if you're if member of the group, you know my answer. But I'm just I'm going through my rationale, explaining to you why I picked what I picked. So, like, the second yeah. Not like, second place for me comes between, you know, Dan Conner and you know? I'll I'll just tell you why, Philip Banks is is Philip Banks is my winner.
Mac:So there's, like, no no suspense. But I'm a talk about Dan, and I'm a talk about Carl. Now Roseanne. Feel how you feel about her, outside of the show. Right?
Mac:She says some shit. She's done some shit. You know? Whatever.
Speaker 3:Dan,
Mac:I remember an episode. Dan is willing to fight motherfuckers like hands, fisticuffs, put paws on people over his family. There's one episode where Roseanne's sister is being physically abused by her partner. She comes over. Roseanne's talking to her, trying to comfort her.
Mac:Dan comes home from work. He sees Roseanne talking to her sister, and then her sister turns, and he sees the black eye or something. And Dan is like, I'm a be right back. Dan says, I'm a be right back. And then dad comes back, puts some fucking frozen peas on his wrist, and sits in the living room.
Mac:And, like, 5 minutes later, the cops knock on the door. Be like, hey. Hey, Rosie. Is Dan here? He's like, yeah.
Mac:Come on in. He knows the cops and shit. It's a small town or whatever. And, they're just like, yeah. You gotta come down to the station, answer some question.
Mac:Rosie asked, what happened? You know? Like, Dan's like, it's cool. It's cool. It was worth it.
Mac:He learned his lesson. So I'm just like, bro, that's OG shit right there. You know? That's OG shit. I love that episode, man.
Mac:I'm like, that that's what's up. Like, if that was my dad, I'm just like, bro, my dad is down to to fucking protect family no matter what. Even even family by marriage. He's ready to fuck somebody up over that shit. And that he stands on business where he's like, you don't put your hands on a woman.
Mac:Carl, like, they tried to give him, like, scenes where he's standing up. But a lot of that shit was because he was a cop. He would just pull up and be like, I'm a cop, so you can't do that to my kid. I'm a cop, so you can't do that. Like, Eddie would be in a gang or somebody be getting bullied.
Mac:He show up in his fucking cop outfit, and it's just like, I guess. You know? Like, I guess this is him standing up. You know? And which is cool.
Mac:It's cool. You know? He comes and and helps his kids out when they're in trouble and shit. But here's where I'm at. You're doing all that stuff.
Mac:I never see you really put pause on anybody, and you don't have to. If you wanna go to nonviolent way and just flex on them with your job, fanfuckingtastic, bro. Love that for you, Carl. But the fact that, like, you letting this nerdy kid just keep walking into your house, Just causing all kinds of craziness, bro. Like, I can't be having that.
Mac:Like, if I was in this house, if Steve just kept coming in, doing some wild ass shit, knocking shit, breaking shit like that, just fucking lock the door during the day. Or tell this fucking nerd, like, get the fuck out of my beat it, geek. You know, just do that. I get it. Just go do that, bro.
Mac:Just protect his family from the fucking chaos that is Steve Urkel. You know, this can you do that for me? He can't. You know? Go home.
Mac:Go home. Go home. Like, first of all, go to this person's parents and be like, yo. Can you keep your fucking kid out of my house? You're a whole cop.
Mac:Isn't that like breaking and entering? Can't you arrest Steve? I can't. I can't. So that's why that's why Carl is is is 3rd place here, man.
Mac:Dan is number 2. Obviously, we're sitting here talking about the goat sitcom. Not GOAT sitcom dad, because if I sit and thought about it, I could probably find one that may challenge him. But of these 6, it wasn't even it wasn't even a question. It wasn't even a question.
Mac:And, yeah, my brother's right. Because it turned into the Steve show. These motherfuckers was going into space and shit. Like, this show got so out of fucking head. I'm just like, bro, just end this end this show already.
Mac:Family Matters. It was a goated Family Matters will be goated when it comes to, like when you're looking at TGIF, and maybe we'll do a bracket. Best TGIF show. But Family Matters has to be up there when it comes to TGIF shows. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:But of these 6, is it a question? Now a lot of people, they were going, to fill a bank because of the money. Right? And it wasn't even because of that. Like, the money is nice.
Mac:The house is nice. The job security. The the the knowing that you ain't gotta worry about nothing. My thing is Will was not even his fail. Like, by marriage.
Mac:That was his his nephew. Right? His wife's sister's son who was in Philadelphia while and out. She sent him out there, put him in a private school. He was actually teaching life lessons, bro.
Mac:My man was was there's one episode, Carlton and Will was wilding out. My man was like, I'm a sue you guys. Like, real life lessons. Like, this is law. You lost.
Mac:You owe me money, bro. Like, it was like legit life lessons preparing his children and his nephew for the real world. And giving them the opportunities to learn, hit hit, you know, hit those hurdles, and still kinda there for them to to bring them back up and and set them on their way. He was there. Like, he would threaten them off, but, like, bro, I think Philip Banks will put pause on people.
Mac:My man is the voice of the shredder. You know what I'm saying? He's the voice of the Shredder. He ain't no punk. But there was the app everybody knows it.
Mac:You know, Will's dad shows up out of nowhere. Right? Thomas says, yeah. Me and Will go out to hit the road, and Will's just like, yeah. My dad's here.
Mac:My dad's here. Great. You know, I understand Will because he hasn't been around his dad. His dad left when he was younger. So he's finally getting that chance to bond with his biological father, and he bounces.
Mac:Right? And Philip was just like, don't fucking do that to your kid, bro. You know you're about to hurt you. He fucking tells this dude off. Like, don't ever fucking come back here.
Mac:Like, it was it was the realest shit. Like, I've raised this kid, and at that point, like, I don't know how long how many seasons it was, but it was years that Philip Banks has raised Will as one of his own kids, been there, protected him, supported him, disciplined him, all of that stuff. And his dad bounces, and Will comes back like, man, where's my dad? And, you know, bro, like, that scene to this day, bro. And I've never experienced shit like that.
Mac:Because like I said, you know, I've been blessed to have my dad in my life my whole you know, the whole for since day 1. But that scene, man, like, that's the real like, I don't think I don't think any of these other dads could have pulled that shit up. Maybe Dan. Dan Conner probably could have pulled that off. But, bro, that scene there, I'm just like, bro, man.
Mac:How come you don't want me, Sam? He's right there for Phil uncle Phil is right there for him, man. And and get he gets through that with the help from Phil. You know? And and his family, like, he had a spoiled daughter, Hillary, you know, a a a a nerdy little son, Carlton.
Mac:And and and it was a lot of things. And I think Will brought a lot to that family to kinda keep them grounded. But uncle Phil came from the streets, bro. Like, he he worked his way up, which I appreciate. You know?
Mac:He he wasn't just born into the money. He worked his way where he was at, so he still had to understand. He was grounded. He wasn't too far removed from, you know, the real world. But, I mean, you you of these 6, like, is it even a question?
Mac:Is it even a question? Now some of you in the comments may disagree. I mean, there were some people in the comments on on the group that were saying that, they take Al over. Let's see what we got in the comments. Where we at?
Mac:Uncle Phil had the best fatherly advice. Al had the best worldly advice about women in shoes. Tough choice. So they were between, that's Steven Johnson, between uncle Phil and Al. Massey's like, uncle Phil had the bread.
Mac:Siobhan says uncle Phil had them kids living the life, so I'll take them anyway. Kelsey says uncle Phil and then John Goodman. That's where I was at. Uncle Phil by EJ. Man, either Phil or Al, I'm a go with the culture, though.
Mac:Still was a tough choice. Al Bundy was my hero. Uncle Phil easily, uncle Phil for sure. The only answer was uncle Phil or more affection known as Zeke straight out of the Yamacross swimming hole. We have a ranking here.
Mac:Phil, Al, then Dan. Uncle Phil, uncle Phil, my brother, I can relate to Al when his daughter wants him to fight a guy for. Uncle Phil was the best dad of the group for sure. Dan's second. Carl a close third.
Mac:Chris like, my man had my list. You know what I'm saying? That's what's up. Aaron, Christine, uncle Phil, and mister Winslow, but out of the 2, Carl will be closer to the parenting style that I grew up with with my dad. That's what's up.
Mac:Uncle Phil on some real life shit, but Al was clapping everyone with the jokes. Phil wasn't the best, but exactly who Will Smith needed. Oh, that's a good one, George. Michael says, Al. Then my brother has, you know, uncle Phil down here.
Mac:So, I mean, for the most part, the the the top 3, like, I didn't see anybody talk about Tim. I see nobody talk about Danny. So, like, of the of the 6, 4, we're getting some votes. Bro, like, people really ain't fucking with Danny Tanner out here. What up, EJ?
Mac:He comes in. He says, uncle Phil, then Dan a close second. So yeah. I mean, like I said, if if you really wanted to sit down and look at 90 sitcoms, dad, which is a potential bracket idea moving forward, I'm pretty sure you could find more that that could probably replace, you know, Dan or or Tim, the 2 man Taylor or something like that. So, potential bracket in the making, maybe, next month is coming up, and it's been, what, 2 months since we had a bracket.
Mac:So I think it's high time we had 1. So just keep that in mind. Hey, management. Heads up. We wanna do a bracket.
Mac:We'll throw some ideas your way. We'll see what's up. But, time to move on from house meeting to what I feel is, like, probably one of my favorite segments. It's a newer segment, where we just kinda do a a hodgepodge of some videos and stuff we've seen on the interweb. And, ladies and gentlemen, let's get into this week's, what did I just watch?
Mac:Where we at? Where we at?
Booker T:Tell me I did not just see that.
Mac:I love that one. No one came out of nowhere too. I just I just one day just came home from work. Like, man, we need to we need to talk about shit like this. But the reason I created this thing is because me and Blaque, we share so many so many odd ass videos we see throughout the week.
Mac:Right? So many odd ass videos that we see. And we're just like, it's crazy because we can't talk about every one of them as much as we want to, but we just wanna highlight and and and just fucking get it get it out of our systems. Because we were laughing at these things all week. So we're like, we're just gonna bring these things up.
Mac:So I love this segment. And let me make sure I bring up the right screen. Yep. So this one here. So I don't know if you guys remember a show called Judge Joe Mathis.
Mac:Right? This dude is from the streets of Detroit or sub substreet. Cabe up, became a judge, television judge, be having the most outlandish cases on there to the point where I started feeling like, man, these things are staged. Like, these aren't legit people looking for civil resolutions. These are people trying to come on TV and create personas and and make money off of them moving forward, either on the Internet or whatever, trying to go viral.
Mac:The clip I'm about to show you now is is wild. I was laughing. The judge is laughing. And this is one of those scenes where I'm thinking it was staged, but it's it's hilarious nonetheless. So check this out.
Mac:Let me make sure the sound is on when it pops up.
Mac:I don't know. He hit me home. Oh, did it freeze up on us?
Mac:Hold on. Hold on. Now we need to see this. Let me hit and refresh. See if that works for us.
Mac:Oh, is it played now? Kinda, sorta. Uh-oh. Where we at? Jesus, man.
Mac:Here we go. Alright.
Plantiff:Do y'all hate me assaulted me with that chicken?
Judge Mathis:I'm not gonna let y'all go no further with this chicken junk.
Defendant:I've never seen him turn down chicken.
Plantiff:He was a
Judge Mathis:fucking y'all I'm done with this chicken.
Judge Mathis:I'm not gonna do this anymore. I'm not
Judge Mathis:gonna let you embarrass yourselves
Judge Mathis:Your family, your community, nor me.
Plantiff:He's talking about I eat bone, judge. I do eat the bone, though. But but I'm talking about my TV. I'm talking about that day. I eat the gua syrup.
Defendant:The bone was fresh.
Plantiff:I eat the bone, the gua syrup, all that. But I ain't talking about no chicken. I'm talking about my $400. Stop talking about chicken to John Saint. We're talking about the $400.
Plantiff:I need my $400.
Judge Mathis:Yes, man. His 400. I don't care what
Plantiff:you say. I need my $400. I'm trying to watch TV.
Judge Mathis:You could think what you want and be mad as you want. I'm giving this man his 400. What else you want?
Plantiff:In 2000, he assaulted me with the checking. For? The Assault to nacy. I had to go to the hospital. Yes.
Judge Mathis:Do you have a doctor's
Plantiff:Yes. I have I have everything.
Judge Mathis:Are you you said you went to this doctor for real? Yes. What page is that on? I don't even wanna go and revisit that bird, but what did you tell? Did you actually tell the doctors that happened?
Plantiff:Yes. I did. You're right. I'm saying when because when he hit me with the chicken, I had to go to the hospital because you know I got no neck. I only got head and shoulder.
Mac:But we
Judge Mathis:So I
Plantiff:had to go check on my neck too.
Defendant:It it's fine.
Plantiff:Come on. Andrew, you got
Mac:So you see this shit? You just like assaultination. Just say assault. I hate to whistle. I hate to bowl something.
Mac:I hate to whistle, but we ain't talking about chicken. At what point at what point do you just be like, man, I went to law school for this shit. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? Like, you go to law school, you take out these loans, you know, and you go through all of this shit.
Mac:You go through the the all of the the criteria, all of the steps, the whole, you know, the whole process of becoming a judge and you become 1. And, like, I don't you know, you I don't know if judges look at judges on TV like they're a sellout. But, I mean, they'd be making money and shit. You know, judge Judy was doing it for a while. Mills Lane did it, all that other stuff.
Mac:But, yeah. You you get to the point where they're just like like, can we, bro, like, when they bring the script and if it is staged and you're reading this, like, I I just want some credibility to my name. Let's not do this one. You know? But if it's gonna get ratings, you know, and you're on TV, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Mac:Now judge Mathis has been on there calling people crackheads, Like, him, I think it was, Judge Joe Brown. Like, them motherfuckers was coming at people's necks. And they wasn't trying to hear shit. Like, they was gonna call call a spade a spade. And that's what judge Mathis was doing here.
Mac:But this whole assault today shit, he hit me with the chicken. I ate the whistle. I had to go to the doctor because I got I got head and shoulders. How do you say head and shoulders? Let me hear this one more time.
Mac:If it'll play. If it'll play.
Plantiff:Oh, no butt on your face. He hit me hoa, judge. He hit I had to go to the hospital. He hit me hoa. You see how he assaulted me with that chicken?
Judge Mathis:I'm not gonna let you
Mac:and as it's going, like, I'm looking at these comments. He hit me hard. Where's that one at? He hit me hard with that chicken. He hit me hard.
Mac:What Tyler Perry film is this? He only got head and soda. That's what I was looking for. You know how to go
Mac:to the hospital. I got no neck. I got head and shoulders. So I had to go to the hospital.
Mac:No. I'm emotionally committed. Did he get the 2 k for the assault today shit? He say gristle like the French say croissant. I had the whistle.
Mac:Yo. Oh, man. Assaulted nation. My boy the oh, my boy in the back. What the fuck did he just say?
Mac:You can animate over the unedited video and put it in an episode of boondocks. I eat the bone in the. You know the weird part? The weird part is, like, people are able to spell the the the pronunciation that that they're using. Like, if if someone just put this in a call, you'd be like, oh, what the fuck is this?
Mac:And then you hear this like, oh, it's. He hit me hard with that. Yo. Shit. So that's one.
Mac:That's just one of the videos we've we've seen. Right? Let's see if this Internet is gonna act right and take me back to the nope. So I gotta go back here and do this. That's all good.
Mac:Back to my man's chat here. What else we had up here? We had some other shit up here. What is this one? Oh, my god.
Mac:So, this, I believe it's a Japanese show. It's It's a talent show, and this Asia dude comes up here trying to impersonate, Louis Armstrong, the great Satchmo. Now you could see by the picture, you're just like, I don't know if for far away you thought it was a black dude, but check this shit out. Racism aside, Racism aside. So so let me ask let me just ask this question for those who are watching.
Mac:If you are African American, and you're the you're the the seats for a talent show, and my band comes out, If my man comes out to do this. Right? He comes out to do this. And you like, would you be offended? Like, would you be like, boo, get him off, or would you just be in your seat dying laughing?
Mac:He had to do the wide smile. What? One more again, bro. Run this back. You can't tell.
Mac:He was like, I'm killing it with this one. Take too much. Yo. Yo. Like, he may get his ass beat after the show, but I ain't gonna be the one to beat his ass.
Mac:I'm a be in my seat laughing, bro. Now as always, you know your boy. We gotta see these comments. Oh, this man. This isn't funny.
Mac:I'm in here dying. This one says speechless. Speechless. Are they clapping because his Japanese accent is not there? They hey.
Mac:They went the fuck off. They were just like, I see. Like, this is amazing. Like, he could just go out there and just sing the song. He has to fucking cosplay.
Mac:I'm speechless. Oh, man. Here to explain, this is Remo san, a famous Asian performer who has a rare skin condition that causes an alteration in his melatonin levels, and has had his autoimmune disease since birth. When a teenager, he suffered from depression due to being bullied for his different looks, but later managed to get rid of it by pursuing his dream of becoming a stand up comedian and doing impersonations. He died of testicular cancer 2 weeks after this aired, and he allegedly fought through chemotherapy without telling anyone to not be a burden on anyone, and he still smiled.
Mac:Now I gotta look into this. Now I gotta look into this. So there's a black Asian is what you're saying. Now you know people just be in here just
Speaker 3:images.
Mac:I don't see nothing about this man being black. Remo san. Now y'all help me out if y'all see something because Google ain't even bringing this motherfucker up. Watch out. Let me see what Wikipedia has.
Mac:I don't see nothing about this, bro. I don't see nothing, bro. If you if y'all could find something in the chat, if y'all could find something, y'all let me know. Because I just checked Remo san, and I ain't see nothing about this. Be it this, this man having this anti the the fucking reverse Michael Jackson.
Mac:I ain't see nothing on the interweb about this man having to reverse Michael Jackson. So I don't wanna call that fake news. Nigga's son. Is that Louis Armstrong son? Can't wait for the white liberals to see this.
Mac:Is that is that blackface? What do you mean you people? What's good, Blake? Thanks for tuning in, bro. Brackface.
Mac:Absolutely uncalled for it shows pure lack of integrity and respect for others who have faced discrimination. What will the human race learn humanity? And I think to my share of will we have Louis Armstrong at home? He's just a dude playing another dude disguised as another dude. Ruish Armstrong.
Mac:Run a wonderful work. Oh my god. Hey. I gotta run this back one more time. Then we'll move to the next shit.
Mac:I promise you. I promise you. Oh my god, man. Oh, man. What else we got here?
Mac:Well, have y'all seen the joint with the, the pot blocking pastor? Like, every message he does, he just break out and start pot blocking and stuff, man.
Popping Pastor:And David said, get out of my way because I'm about to bust a mover. And David dance, come
Mac:on. My man, every service, bro. My man just let me show what is it? Ruckin Ruckins McKinley is the pastor. Let me see if his page has all this, this this beautiful stuff.
Mac:My man, just be busting booze, man. Oh, let me see this here.
Popping Pastor:And here's his answer. It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs. Hold up, Jesus. Is he having a bad day? Jesus looks at this woman readiness in desperation and basically says, It ain't your turn.
Popping Pastor:Because remember, she's still worshiping. Watch this. She said, yes, Lord. Yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master's table. Booyah.
Popping Pastor:In other words, she's like, break me off a little something, break me off. Break me off a little something, break me off.
Popping Pastor:Let it fall.
Popping Pastor:Let it fall.
Mac:Let it fall.
Popping Pastor:Let it fall.
Mac:Just a little bit.
Popping Pastor:I don't need a whole low. And here's his answer.
Mac:Well, my bad be cute. Bro, he be vibing in church. Oh, is this what he dances to break me off for something?
Popping Pastor:Let me see. Hold up. Hold up. Hold up. Hold up.
Popping Pastor:What in the world does dogs eating bread and crumbs falling from the table and all that have to do with faith? How we get to faith? She never stopped. I told you I'm the popping pastor. I preach, I pop in, I prophesy.
Popping Pastor:You never know what's
Mac:come. My man got
Mac:the whole thing. I'm a popping pastor. What Blake say? I don't if break it off is the phrase, I'd be using it in church.
Mac:Man, bro.
Mac:I ain't gonna hold you, man. If there is anything that would keep me coming back to church, I'll be like, I'm a see what my man about to do this week, bro. I gotta see what my man do this week. I ain't bringing no bible. They'd be like, bro, you keep coming.
Mac:You ain't bringing no bible. You ain't bringing no notepad. You ain't bringing nothing to church. I'm just bro. I'm just here for the show, my man.
Mac:I'm just here I'm here for a good time. Hopefully, not a long time. I'm here for a good time, man. Break me off, pat break me off a little something, pastor. Bring me off a little something.
Mac:Break it out. And break it out. Let me see what what what we got up here? What we got up here? Potlocket pasta, pickleball stuff.
Mac:Teacher's doing is this going too far? What was this one? I shared this one. Let me see what this one is. Look look at me.
Mac:When I say this, I'm just like, what was this one for? Oh, so, this is a a wedding proposal. He's going to scare his fiancee into thinking it's something crazy, and then he's gonna propose. Watch the links that they go to to scare her into thinking this is, like, something it's not that he come out later and try to propose. Check this shit out, bro.
Mac:Oh, come on. Don't freeze up on me now. Don't do me like this. I will retry it. The horse's not gonna work.
Mac:Come on. I gotta hit y'all with the refresh. Y'all gotta see this one. Fellas, was there ever a point I'll I'll say this. Married men, men who are married, was there ever a point in your whole courtship where you had the confidence that doing something like this and proposing after, she would say yes.
Mac:I need to know. Because I I'll tell you for 1, I could never. I don't know. Apple claims she loved me, and I claimed I loved her. I don't know how deep that love would go if I staged a kidnapping, busted actual windows on our vehicle, scared her to death, and then came out with flowers in a ring where she was where she would have been like, yes.
Mac:I'll bury you. And, like, it's all good. You know, I could I never in my life have been that confident in anything. So I don't even know. Do we give the guy props?
Mac:Do we give the the the the the dude props for staging this elaborate, proposal? Blake said she's too traumatized to answer. She just well, I well, Apple probably would have just gotten the driver's seat and took off. That mean that they yanked me out the sea star busting windows, she probably would've just a dark side of humor, bro. I I'll say this.
Mac:I don't know if the busted window was part of it. Like, maybe, like, scared, and then I come out. But then, like, at the end be like, hey, man. Who fucking busted my window? Like, calm the fuck down.
Mac:You fucking method actor over here, bro. This isn't fucking this isn't a movie.
Speaker 3:You know
Mac:what I'm saying? This like and it was a it was a thing. We're supposed to just scare her real quick. Now I gotta call fucking Safelite and get my fucking window replaced. And USAA about to just have me transferred all over the can you state what happened to your vehicle?
Mac:Uh-huh. So, you're gonna laugh. You're gonna laugh at this, but, what
Mac:do you what do you tell your insurance
Mac:when they ask you what happened? Like, why why do you need your car fixed, sir? Shit. So it's crazy. Right?
Mac:Let me it's it's crazy. Right? So we tried to what do you
Mac:what do you tell your church? What do you even tell your church?
Mac:Like, bro, they ain't even covered this shit, bro. You gotta get the fuck up off. We're dropping you from our insurance, by the way. This is wild, what you just did. Oh, man.
Mac:Bro, scared the fuck out of her. This gotta be toxic. Right? My guy proposed by traumatizing her. I'm literally crying laughing over here.
Mac:No. Because why would you break my window? Trauma. Is it in you? Sponsored by Gatorade.
Mac:What in the Russian mafia is going on? This is how far men will go to avoid being vulnerable. Did you hear her screams? All of the nope in all the universes. That was traumatic as fuck for me to watch.
Mac:I could only imagine what it's like being in a relationship with him. So now she'll say yes out of fear. He got that dog in him. He got that dog in him. Man.
Mac:That is crazy. I I've never had that confidence in my life. Never ever. But we're getting we're getting up to an hour. So it's time for us to get to the part that I could not wait to talk to you guys about.
Mac:This is going to be something this might I know we talked about it. This might end up being the upset when it comes to, what is it? The the annual, come here award, like, for the dumbest person we've had featured on the show this year. Corey Harris, far and away is is leading leading the charge in that. Right?
Mac:Leading the actual charge in that. But this this next entrant in the this this next contestant, A new like, somebody put a cord in a machine. A new challenger has entered. Here comes a new challenger. So ladies and gentlemen, I'm a just tell you right now.
Mac:Buckle up for this week's edition of whose mans is
Who Man's:Hey, Gomez is this? Oh, man. Is this? Who
Mac:Fam. When I saw this, I had to triple, double, quadruple all of the checks. Quintuple check. Now you you you see nutty professor down here. Am I talking about what's his name?
Mac:Sherman Klump? Absolutely not. Talk about Eddie Murphy? Absolutely not. Am I talking about the nutty professor from the old 19, I believe, fifties, maybe sixties?
Mac:Absolutely not. But I share this screen, and you read the headline, brace yourself. Philly man accused of masturbating a woman's leg. And I think it was a Dollar General. I'll I'll be nothing about this is funny.
Mac:To be just shopping. And then you just feel something on your leg, and you turn around. We as a species, I don't know what we're doing. I don't know what we're doing. But, look, I'm a read it, and then we'll play the I say we'll play the video.
Mac:Isn't that wild that there's video of this? Philly man accused of masturbating on woman's leg. Right? This man booking it. It they blurred out the, the evidence of of his actions.
Mac:Right? Philadelphia cops and Meek Mill.
Mac:What the fuck?
Mac:What? We'll just throw Meek Mill in here. Philadelphia cops and Meek Mill are searching for a man who allegedly masturbated on a woman's leg in a Dollar Tree store. A new footage captures the shocking aftermath. The video posted on x was apparently recorded by the alleged victim.
Mac:And in it, see her chasing a man out of the store while yelling to everyone that he just ejaculated onto her leg while she was shopping before turning tail and making a speedy exit. Check out the clip as the alleged suspect flees the store. The woman is yelling. He fucking my fucking leg. You go to hell, bitch.
Mac:As he escapes, the woman then shows what happened, what appears to be seated on her calf while sobbing Molly outside the store. Another person walks over to comfort her. What? I'm sorry for that. But here's here's here's where I'm at.
Mac:Here's where I'm at. I'm sorry. So hear me out. Hear me out. You're in Dollar Tree.
Mac:This happens. This woman runs out. There's semen dripping down her calf. How do you go about approaching her to comfort her? You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Like, it's okay. Don't hey. Don't get. Hey. Stay the fuck back though.
Mac:But don't come
Mac:near me with that shit
Mac:on your leg. Who's comforting her? Like, who the level of oh, baby. What call? Come here.
Mac:Hey. Don't touch me though. Get your nasty assafu. CBS News reports store employees told investigators where the man allegedly hangs out, and cops have since released photos from the surveillance video where the man they believe is responsible. So first of all, this man walking in here with a shirt, with a candy cane on it, it's about it's not gonna lick itself.
Mac:Right? So I'm just, like you're wild. You you you obviously you you have a a mindset that, that I questioned. You know? I get funny shirts every now and then, but I'm just like, bro, you're going out in public with some stuff like this.
Mac:Like, the I mean, to each its own, but I'm just you you you kinda already on on the radar, but I gotta keep my eye on you. The pics show the man in a t shirt adorned with a candy cane that reads, it's not gonna lick itself. A detail that seems pretty disturbing considered the accusation against him. So here's the tweet from Meek Mill. He says, let's play manhunt with him today in Philly, some community service.
Mac:I got 2 bands for this his low, but you gotta connect. So I guess Meek Mill just put a bounty on this man's head. And, oh, yeah. Meek Mill has also gotten into this with the post saying, let's play manhunt. He's offering a $2,000 reward for the suspect.
Mac:Of course, the police also want the public. Of course, the police also want help, not just not just Meek Mill. Oh my god. So okay. We got that out the way.
Mac:We we got the backstory. Now it's time to play this video. And and and let's talk about this. You know? It's look.
Mac:Here we go. Hopefully, it plays.
Victim:You fucking nut it on my fucking legs. You go to hell, bitch. Oh my god. He nutted on
Victim:my head. He nutted on my head. He nutted on my
Mac:So, let's say you're in this store, and this goes down. I need to know what people's reactions are. You know? I need to know, are you springing into action? Are you gonna be a, you know, a vigilante, a good Samaritan?
Mac:Chase this man down. As a dude, I I have questions. Right? I need to know if you went into the store, like, the juke around the shopping cart. I need to know if my man went in there, like, with 1 in the chamber already.
Mac:You know, like because I'm I'm thinking, like, were you just following her around the store? Just just fucking going at it, and she was just unaware. And then when it was time to go, you just, whoop, whipped it out and just it. You know what I'm saying? All Yeah.
Mac:This comment here. How was he able to do it that fast without her noticing until it was on her leg? That's what I'm that's what I'm talking about. Like, you went in there, and you were just able to just and then just like, you just skied it on command. You know, you just man.
Mac:I just I just feel like causing some chaos today. Yeah. It did out, bro. Just oh my god, bro. Oh my god.
Mac:People, humans, humanity, people, what are we doing? This next one says the way I would have ran to the knife aisle. That boy was gone, man. Like, he had to have been in there on a mission. Right?
Mac:He had to be in there. You you put that shirt on. You're like, I got my jacket shirt on. Somebody's he was here, bro. Look at he.
Mac:He is gone. That tells me he probably did some shit like this before. I don't know if he has, but I he threw it on her. Do you think he, like, had it in his hand and just whack? Just Spider Man?
Mac:No. I'm a do my own thing. Yeah. Everybody telling me what I need to be doing out here in public. Nah.
Mac:I'm a just do my own thing. He just slung. It's oh my god. The absolute you like, I know she showered. I know she wiped this shit off, but, like, it's forever unclean.
Mac:It's forever unclean. And and I don't there's a serious side to this because there are women who are sexually assaulted, women who are forced upon all of that stuff, and and it's very traumatic thing. I have this this here, I'm just the questions I have, you know, if if anybody in Philly finds this dude, I'm pretty sure he ain't making it. You know what I'm saying? I'm pretty sure, not civilian arrest or whatever, but I'm pretty sure it'll be hands put on them, stomped, all of this other stuff.
Mac:Because ain't nobody trying to have nobody like this running through their city. You know? And and your wife or your girl or anybody, your partner would be like, I'm a go head out to go get something from the store real quick. Store you going to. I'm a just run to Dollar Tree.
Mac:No. No. No. Fuck. You're not.
Mac:Not with Skeets McGee out there running in these streets. Now the fucking nutty professor running up and down the streets here in Philadelphia. Philly, what are y'all doing in your city, man? Bro, this, I mean, I know I posted something about, people in Florida, but Jesus Christ, man. And then shout out to the, the young lady coming up to her, to try to comfort her.
Mac:I mean, boy, he's gone. Bow. I'm out of here. And here she go.
Victim:Oh my god. You nutted on me.
Mac:Here she come. Oh, what can I do for you? Bro, what do you mean? What can you do for me? Get this shit off my leg.
Mac:I don't know this man's name, but Jesus Christ, bro. Like, what are we doing out here? It's not funny at all, but I did laugh. His DNA everywhere. That's nuts.
Mac:Just walking around with a loaded nut. Oh, man. Some of these comments are pissing me off. This is extremely traumatizing. A 100%.
Mac:I agree with that. But then they roll into the questions everybody wants to know. How did he get so close? In multiple cases, men will be pleasuring themselves from a distance and then approach right before they relieve themselves so that he can run right after. Does this help?
Mac:Absolutely not. The the fact that you are aware of in most cases, like, what other cases of this is there? What other cases? What what other instance has this happened before is what I would like to know. Oh, man.
Mac:In a pair, this is very traumatizing. How is anyone in this comment section finding this remotely funny? Bro, you I am in tears. Dog, she definitely should've used a different word. She ain't seen him choking his chicken at all.
Mac:How the fuck does this happen? He was that close. She didn't see him pull it out. I got questions. Was she random, or was he following her?
Mac:I want the story. That's all we want. That's all we want. The store camera will show everything. That's what we need.
Mac:Oh my god. I'm just I'm saying it's traumatizing. I can only imagine how defiled she feels. I would say, like, somebody had spit on me one time. We're just playing flag football a while back.
Mac:Somebody spit on me. Other people's bodily fluids touching anybody else, obviously, would get them fucking enraged, Unless it was, like, consensual. You know what I mean? Consensual, application of other people's body relief fluids on you. You know, some people are into that.
Mac:Obviously, this wasn't consensual. Obviously, it wasn't. So, I can understand, like, I would be the fact that she didn't continue chasing this guy. Yelling, running down the road. I'm sure somebody would have just started chasing.
Mac:Like, it's the whole, he took my purse, he took my purse. Keep running after him saying he took my purse. People look, see the motherfucker running and be like, oh, this dude is nasty as fuck. Let's beat his ass. I mean, that's how I if I was just randomly walking down the street, some dude booking it and the lady behind them talking about, he nutted on my leg, And then she had, like, semen on her cat.
Mac:Like, bro, this guy's gotta go. This guy can't continue to be out here in the streets just with his willy out all willy nilly. I don't know this man's name, but, sir, give you the name Nutty Professor AKA Skeets McGee. I gotta confer with my man, Black, but I think this man just moved into the lead for when it comes to the, the fucking dumbest, most wild, crazy, just inhumane. Just I don't even know the the, the the adjectives to describe this guy.
Mac:But for him to do what he did and just book it out there and just be out in these streets like this in Philly, and they put the BOLO out, and you got 2 racks on your head? Because there are people that are down and out. Who'd be like, man, I can use $2,000 Hell, I'm sitting pretty comfortable, and I still could use $2,000. Then get the added endorphin of, the the fucking dopamine of of beating y'all the the the fucking head in of somebody who just goes around and doing stuff like this. So it's a bonus.
Mac:I'll go down as a hero and come up with 2 bands. Oh my god. So, if you're in the Philadelphia area, be on the lookout for, this guy. And also, if you're from Philadelphia, I have questions about, the people in your city. That is all I got.
Mac:But without further ado, let's wrap this up. It's a solo show, so we're not gonna go as long. We're gonna go ahead and take you back, to our regularly scheduled programming.
Speaker 3:And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress.
Mac:Oh, man. It's it's one of those weird things where, like, I got a weird sense of humor, man. Like, it's it's bad. Like, I wish I could just stay serious, but the fact he ran out I got questions because I never thought anybody would have the the audacity to just like, I I please catch this man and and and interview him, interrogate him because there's answers I need. That's all I'm a say.
Mac:Answers I need. Anyway, we'll wrap up 146. I just wanna thank everybody who tuned in on this, pseudo first Friday for smoke pit and, contributed in a chat. I had a good time. You guys always make it a good time when it when it's the solo show and we got the interaction like this.
Mac:Big shout out to, the rest of DFPN. Doing big things. The Queens of nerdom drops. I think they mass drops. 3 videos of, the fallen star campaign over on the YouTube.
Mac:They also just dropped this week, the bridgerton wrap party. For those who are into bridgerton, our very own Jen, brought on, the beautiful Apple McCoy, very gorgeous Apple McCoy, and, the ever hilarious, Khan, Kaitley. And, pretty much, they just chopped it up about Bridgerton, a show that they love, and it was a pretty good watch. I watched their show, obviously, to support, but also, like, it was very entertaining. It was good to see that side of my wife, be able to just let loose and have fun like that.
Mac:So, if you have a chance, check that out. It's available everywhere where you listen to your podcast or stop by the YouTube, DFP and YouTube channel and check that out as well. What we got going on tomorrow, we got a session 11 of, fallen star. It's getting good. What we're working on doing right now is uploading full sessions over to the Patreon.
Mac:So once we get caught up with that, because we can only upload 2 videos a week to our Venmo to then put out there. So once we get all caught up on that, we'll start going live for the patrons on our gaming session so they can be up to date with what's going on. So we're working on that. And like I said, I don't wanna give too much, but, if you follow Kelvin on on Facebook, you know, he just, lost his father, so that's why, he is in dispose of at this moment. So, if you have a moment, just send some some thoughts, prayers, positive vibes his way.
Mac:Reach out to him. You know, he obviously everybody in DFP and already reached out to him and let him know, hey. You know, it's all good. You know, if you need anything, let us know. So just keep that going out there.
Mac:So that's why you haven't been seeing no gimmicks lately. And then, yeah, just stand by. New merch is out there as well. We do have a new DFBN game night coming up on 20 7th July, hosted by yours truly. The game will be lyrically correct.
Mac:Now what it is is there'll be some questions about some some famous songs asking you lyrics, seeing if you remember them. So the genre that was available, we got the nineties r and b. We got eighties nineties hip hop, and then we have eighties punk or eighties pop. So, those will be the the categories we have out there. So tune in.
Mac:Obviously, you know, we'll be giving away free merch during the game night. So stay tuned for that. We'll put a ad out, put a reminder, create an event, all of that stuff so you guys don't forget, and you can you can tap in and play. Trying to think of anything else we got going on. I do not.
Mac:Trying to think trying to think trying to think. Nope. I got nothing. But like I said, I really do appreciate everybody who did tune in. The solo shows always go better when we have a crew in the comments and stuff like that.
Mac:So shout out to y'all. Salute. All of that good stuff. When it comes to the merch, patrons, make sure you, check your messages and, check your discount code for whatever tier you are so you can get the discount on the merch. And before we cut off, tomorrow, I know, we are late with the, Patreon $100 giveaway.
Mac:That'll be happening tomorrow. So if you're a Patreon member, just make sure you turn those notifications on so when we do go live on Patreon, you get the notification and you come in and see if you won or not. If you can't, don't worry. We'll send a message to our Patreon member on Patreon to let you know, hey. You won.
Mac:Let us know how you want your money. That's kinda how we're rolling. Either way, that has been episode 146 of the smoke pit. Again, thanks to all who tuned in, and thank you all for who are watching and, leaving the comments in there on Monday. To kinda make this feel like it was a legit episode, I'm a still, my partner in crime's send off message with, have love, make sex.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke, bitch. Time for us to show off.
Blak:It's been a long week, come relaxin'. Get some lapsin', and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it.
Blak:Get ready, because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.