Ep 146 "Best 90's Sitcom Dad, Japanese Sachmo, Marriage Proposal from Hell & Mr. Nut and Bolt"

Ep 146 "Best 90's Sitcom Dad, Japanese Sachmo, Marriage Proposal from Hell & Mr. Nut and Bolt"

What's good, Pitmasters?! It's been a long time...we shouldn't have left you, with out some shenanigans to help you laugh through...the weekend. LOL! It's a solo show, but it should be a good time...and trust us...you don't want to miss out on this week's "Who's Manz!"

1.) Best 90's Sitcom Dad (08:53)
2.) Chicken Assaultination (29:19)
3.) Japanese Louis Armstrong (36:17)
4.) Pop-locking Pastor (43:48)
5.) Proposal Gone Too Far (48:37)
6.) Who's Manz: Skeets McGhee (55:54)

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