Who's Manz: January 2024 *BONUS*
Welcome to the smoke pit.
Blak:It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week, come relaxing.
Blak:Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit.
Blak:It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke, bitch.
Mac:Yep. Y'all know what it is. Actually, you don't know what it is. So what we're doing right now because, my partner in crime, Black Max, salutes my man, is on the mend from surgery. So we're kinda chilling with the smoke pit right now, but we didn't wanna leave you guys with nothing for too long of a break.
Mac:Right? So, what we're working on right now with this is that I'm putting together, we've been going throughout the year, constantly bringing up people, asking you, whose man's is this? When we talk about individuals who do questionable things, silly things, find themselves in a situation that they themselves put themselves in. So we're going back to January, because at the end of the year, we wanna give an award. So this episode will be the nominees for the month of January for whose man is just to refresh your memory moving forward and then we'll have you vote on who you feel the winner of January is and then we'll move forward with the voting that way so without further ado I bring to you January's 1st entry into the whose man's is this, contest.
Mac:None other than Cat Williams. You may know him for being on, Club Shay Shay, hosted by Shannon Sharp, who if you know, you know, he's gonna be a future, entry into the, whose man's is this? But viral interview he had on there, talking about a whole lot of nothing some people say or a whole lot of truths other people say. We'll let you be the judge. So, our first entry into the month of January for the year of 2024, none other than Katt Williams.
Mac:Kat Williams. Now I'm a I'm a I'm a start I'm a start this segment like this. Hear me out. If you're listening to the audio version, you're not seeing the video. I just want you to, in your car, at your desk, wherever you're at, answer this one question for me.
Mac:What is the last time, outside of this interview, if you've seen it, that you've seen Katt Williams out doing something? I'm just let that marinate. Just let that marinate. When is the last time you saw Katt Williams out here doing something? It's all I'm a say.
Mac:Now, let me just say this. Just because he's not out in front of everybody on a TV, in a movie, doing whatever, that does not mean he's not out here being successful in life. My brother's in the comments say I'm a Katt Williams fan. He's funny. But there are times I feel like he's trying too hard, but Katt is trying to stay in the light.
Mac:He's mad. I understand why he's mad, but step your game up. AD says he was getting his ass beat by that kid in the biblical now if he went to biblical college, he probably would have caught a win, but he got his ass beat by that teenager. Netflix, I think. So for me, I think he kind of fell out of a lot.
Mac:Like, when when Kat stepped out, first time I was aware of him was Friday was it Friday after next? I believe so. And, he was playing Money Mike, and he did a, that was a funny character. Right? That whole movie, it's funny, but it's not like rewatchable, rewatchable.
Mac:Like, after a while, the character kinda plays itself off because he kinda ran that character into the ground. That's just my opinion. Other people may like him. He had a couple of stand up, the Pimp Chronicles. Hilarious.
Mac:Right? Probably one of the funniest stand ups I've seen. After that, not really checking for him too much. I feel he he kinda typecast himself as a the pimp character. I know, throughout this interview, if you haven't watched it, he talks about, he's done 12 hour long stand ups.
Mac:I've I know myself I have watched 2 of them, and they were both great. I've tried to watch a third one, but could not get through it because it was, like, you know, it was on in the background. I wasn't sitting down watching it. You know? So maybe I'm missing because I haven't watched all the rest of his stand up specials.
Mac:Maybe he has some real hilarious ones. I do know he is good at roasting people because he was on the radio show with that Wanda lady, and she tried them, and it didn't work out too well for him or for him. For her. And, she got put in her place. But, real quick, I don't wanna get into it because what I wanna do is really focus, my my, Patreon only podcast for DFPN, make it make sense on the full, interview.
Mac:Right? I'm a have time stamps. We're gonna talk about it. All of this other stuff. What I wanna do is go into the part where he starts losing credibility.
Mac:Now in this 2 hour and 45 minute interview, at the 30 minute mark, Shannon Sharp starts asking him about his personal life in growing up. And this is where this is where see, when you gotta switch the screens, I'm just like, I'm looking over here because usually this is where I have my Internet up at. And then here's where the StreamYard is at. Right? So it makes it look like I'm looking at you.
Mac:But now that shit is switched because I gotta fucking do all this shit. Right? It's fucking with me. But y'all know what I'm doing. Right?
Mac:Y'all feel me? Either way, Kat starts talking about himself and saying things that automatically make you know you're lying. Now when you're looking at them, you're just like, is this a bit? Is this a skit? Is this a skit?
Mac:Is he doing this for laughs? But his face is so serious. And Shannon Sharp, he's stuck. He like, do I laugh? Because he know he know Kat is lying, bro.
Mac:Can we start with, can we start off with how long a 1 on 1 interview? 2 hours and 45. It is long. But, like, Shannon is trying to ask questions. Cat hijack this whole thing.
Mac:Cat hijack this whole interview. You know? But, I'm a go ahead and bring this up. And, I'll say this. I have a couple of a couple of hats in here as the young people say caps.
Mac:So I will say, when I sense that he is capping, I will toss another hat on my head. I'm already wearing one. So, the first lie is on the house. But, as he continues his story well, we'll just see. And if I if you see me put on a hat and you think it's, unjust, like, I shouldn't have a hat, like, you believe that this is a truth, I'll take the hat off.
Mac:I'll listen to the comments. You know what I'm saying? Keith already in here with the shit. But let me go ahead and bring this up, and then, we'll get into the proceedings. Do
Mac:do do. Yeah. Y'all let me know if y'all got audio and all that stuff. It says it should be rolling for you guys, but, you know how StreamYard be.
Katt Williams:I I I was often confused because I knew things, and I wasn't sure how I knew them. I knew things that I felt like I don't have a reason that I I know this, but I I love to read. I was voracious because they told me when I was young that knowledge was powerful, that knowledge was power, and I and I had studied powerful people. And I I I really believe that. I I I immediately my next project was to read the whole encyclopedia set.
Katt Williams:So when you're like 6, 7 years old, you read the whole encyclopedia set. You think you're one of the smartest people in the world Right. Only to get out in the world and find out you don't know anything. You know? So it it was a it was a confusing time.
Katt Williams:But, yeah, I had a childhood. I I was grown, but I I at 5 years old, I was in front of 5, 10000 people giving a performance with a full suit and tie on. You know what I mean? So it hasn't it had it it it came full circle, for my life. I knew that the applause and the giving of information and laughs and truth to people somehow benefited them and also benefited you.
Katt Williams:And, yeah. So when they would ask me what I wanted to be, everything that I would say that I wanted to be was something that didn't exist. And they would never give me credit for it because I needed to say, a doctor or a lawyer, but that's not what I wanted to be.
Uncle Shannon:So your parents weren't as supportive as you would have hoped because you were wanting to be things when you got older that they had no knowledge of or it didn't exist at the time.
Katt Williams:No. It it wasn't that. It it was, I'm saying I'm I'm almost a 100 years old right now, but if we go outside right now, I can run a 4340 or or sub. I can do a 416
Mac:if I Oh, that's
Uncle Shannon:Jimmy John's across the street. We can order a sub.
Katt Williams:But, Oh,
Uncle Shannon:you've been on the submarine. That what you subbed?
Katt Williams:So, so back then, it was even greater. So you got this guy that all the coaches want to play.
Blak:Cast. I don't do that.
Katt Williams:Hold on. Because I'm I'm 5 foot 5 in the 5th grade. I've been this high as my whole life. Like, there was a portion of school where I was one of the big dudes. Like, it as soon as everybody caught a growth spurt, I was out of there.
Katt Williams:But I'm I'm saying I was a competitive individual. My father was an athlete. Like like, no. I've been a £145 my whole career. That's why I never bothered when they said, you cats on drugs.
Katt Williams:I knew how you gonna prove that. My body is a temple.
Uncle Shannon:I've been I've been the same size since I was 10.
Katt Williams:Like, what do you yeah. Like, I I haven't I haven't changed off this pivot foot. This has always been who I was before stand up or anything. But it was a, it was a interesting childhood. I I I appreciate my parents even though, I couldn't live within the religious frameworks of what they had set up.
Katt Williams:But that was more not wanting to live a double life and not wanna embarrass my family. You know what I mean?
Uncle Shannon:Because I read where a form of punishment for you is that they would take books because you mentioned you were such a voracious reader. And a form of punishment, it was when they would they take the books for because you could read fluently. You you you told me how at, like, 3 or 4 years old, you could read read read. Not not just a a little child's book, but you could read read.
Katt Williams:Well, I'm saying when we when we go to Haiti to do missionary work, understand that my mother and my father, nobody that's there with us speaks French. And, I mean, it speaks Creole and reads French. So I'm in charge of everything from the housing to the cars to the the gardener. Like, I I'm saying so I'm not just reading. I'm reading in multiple languages.
Katt Williams:Like, I'm
Uncle Shannon:How old are you?
Katt Williams:Probably reading 3,000 books a year from the time that I'm 8 years old to the time that I'm 12.
Mac:Alright. As I put another hat on, I want you guys to consider what this man just said. He reads 3,000 books a year. Taylor, you beat me to it. The man reads 3,000 books a year.
Mac:There is there is 365 days in a year. Do the math. Do the math. You reading 10 books a day, my boy? No.
Mac:No. No. You talk about they picture books? Cat, please, sir. Continue.
Katt Williams:No. No. No fiction books at all. I'm only reading nonfiction.
Uncle Shannon:You could drive
Mac:No fiction books. Real ass books. My ass say, 3,000 books a year. Where my phone at? We gonna figure out the average number of books this man read in a 24 hour period.
Mac:I'm guessing he probably slept 6 hours. So 18 hours in a in your day. Katt Williams, how many books are you re oh, boo. My calculator went away. I gotta do it the old fashioned way.
Mac:3,000 books divided by 365. My man, you were reading 8.2 books a day? 8.2 books a day, my boy? Nonfiction, real ass books, encyclopedia type stuff? Cat, you're a genius, my boy.
Mac:Shannon, continue talking to this Rhodes Scholar about his journey and, growing into being the prodigy that he is today, sir.
Uncle Shannon:At 12, you received a full scholarship to the National Science Academy in Dayton, Ohio, but you failed, so you couldn't become so you would become ineligible. Why didn't you wanna take that opportunity?
Katt Williams:I didn't see it as a opportunity. When I got in there, all the students were wearing lab coats, and it it seemed very confined and restricted, and nobody seemed like they were having fun. It just seemed like everybody was smart. I I didn't want that. That was that wasn't what I was signing up for at all.
Katt Williams:And, plus, I thought that I was Jesus was my big homie. So you know how you get a story about a dude joined a gang and get a big home like, Like, at this particular point in my life, I'm my thought is that the Bible is the greatest book that's ever been written
Katt Williams:That it houses the truth, and that it gives you this story of Jesus, and that I'm supposed to be like him.
Katt Williams:So I it's already in my head that as soon as I get 13, I'm leaving.
Uncle Shannon:You you you at 13, you don't only live like
Mac:Do you see how it's hard for Shadded Sharp to, like, register this in his mind? You see how you see how Shady Sharp is just like, oh, you serious? Like, he was waiting for him to, like, laugh for the punch line, and Cat gets quiet. Shady's like, you you look how he's looking at the camera right now, like, help me. Help me.
Mac:But wait, wait. The the one before that, you got accepted to the National School of Science Academy in Dayton, Ohio. Why didn't you go there? Students were all wearing lab coats and bro, what? Let me let me look up this thing.
Mac:Hold on real quick. Let me look up this school, this national science school this man is talking about.
Mac:when he said the name of it, it sounded so fucking artificial. Like
Uncle Shannon:You could drive at 12, you received a full scholarship to the National Science Academy in Dayton, Ohio.
Mac:National Science Academy. Let me look this shit up. 12 seconds later. Now hear me out, ladies and gentlemen. What would you say if I told you that there is no National Science Academy in Dayton?
Mac:There is a Horizon Science Academy, a tuition free public charter school, and that's the only one down there. Now let me see if the kids here are wearing lab coats. They are absolutely not wearing lab coats all over the place. I feel like I didn't have to fact check that, but I did it anyway to prove a point. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:And, I'm running out of caps here, but there's another part that I want you guys to hear. I think it's way later.
Uncle Shannon:You you you at 13, you don't only like, okay, mom. I'm moving out. You moved from Ohio to Florida on your own. You weren't afraid. I mean, you're like did you
Katt Williams:No. Hold on.
Mac:Hold on.
Blak:Hold on.
Uncle Shannon:So what were you gonna so what were you gonna do when you got to Florida?
Katt Williams:Don't say I wasn't afraid. There's no such thing as a human being of not being afraid. Okay. There are certain human beings that understand that being afraid in no way stops you from doing what you gotta do.
Uncle Shannon:Okay.
Katt Williams:So, I I was afraid, but I couldn't be that afraid because I knew what had happened with Jesus. I knew how it worked out. I I I knew that I wasn't in the wrong with how I was feeling, and I knew that I I didn't have any bad intentions in it. Right. So I trusted God that it will work out.
Uncle Shannon:Why Florida?
Katt Williams:Because, if you're raised in Ohio, the one thing on your list is I'm a get away from snow, and I'm a get as far. I wanna tell me the place. I literally went to a truck stop, and I asked all the truck drivers where they was going. And there was one guy going to California, and there was one guy going to Florida. And they told me how long it was gonna take, and so that's why I ended up in Miami.
Katt Williams:Because
Uncle Shannon:How'd you get there? You caught a bus? Or
Mac:No. I
Katt Williams:just told you. I was at the trouble stop.
Mac:I didn't hitchhike?
Katt Williams:I got in I didn't hitchhike. I got in the back of the dude's 18 wheeler, me and my rottweiler puppy, and my suitcase. Yeah. Because I was whoop.
Mac:I ran out of all my caps, ladies and gentlemen. So, that concludes our cap or not portion. I don't I don't even know. I don't even know what to say. Here here's here's my thing.
Mac:Take all these damn hats off, man. Head heavy as fuck, man. Is this how I feel when people put weave in that shit? Goddamn. Goddamn.
Mac:Shit. Here we go. This is much better. Next started hurting all them goddamn cats on and shit. So, as you guys can see, a lot of his Let's just say this.
Mac:Is it possible? Is it a possibility that everything he is saying is true? Because I cannot absolutely say it is a lie because I was not there to see it. I cannot say with all certainty. No.
Mac:But I will be, like, I will put a mortgage payment up against anybody who says that it is true. If you catch my drift, in the court of law, I could not look this man in his eye and say, you are lying. But if I stepped out of the courtroom and somebody was to bet me money that he was telling the truth, I would take the bet and say he is lying and double my money. Easy. Easily.
Mac:The shit that he is saying makes no fucking sense to me. So I'll leave it at that. The stuff he was saying in the beginning, some of it, because I don't know. Hollywood is a weird ass place. Right?
Mac:I'm sitting here as he there is one part where he's like, I hated Ricky Smiley so much. I put in my contract moving forward. I won't be in a movie with him unless he's in a dress. What was his next movie? It was, First Sunday.
Mac:Was he in a dress? Yes. Shannon's like, what the fuck would you have some random shit like that in your contract? Because he's more believable and addressed than he is as a man. Him and Tyler Perry, play better women than they do have they can play a man to save.
Mac:I'm like, bro, stop it. Stop it. And and and I'm just bro, I get it. Could you have been blackballed? Yes.
Mac:Could people have been stealing your jokes? You do have a part in there, and I'll get to it when I do my, Make It Make Sense, podcast later this, next week. There's there's evidence that you have done jokes prior to Kings of Comedy, Kat, and people have taken those jokes and performed them in Kings of Comedy. So I'm not saying that, everything you're saying is a lie. But when you start trying to build yourself up like you were some prodigy on the come up you know what I'm saying?
Mac:Making yourself seem like you're some anomaly, which, bro, some people are put on this earth to be super special. Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Tom Brady. Like, just very special. You can even say in the realm of probably a a Bernie Mac, who was a hilarious stand up comedian and was kind of finding his way in in Hollywood, being able to be accepted into wider Hollywood, to the point where, you know, Matt Damon and and George Clooney are willing to pick him up and put him into Ocean's 11 and things like that. You know, roles that you weren't getting.
Mac:This man does say he's been in over 60 movies, and to check his ID and b. So I'm a go ahead and do that real quick. And, you know, I'm not gonna do it in front of you guys, you know, because I'm a very, you know I I know this man has some kind of pride and shit. So, you know, let me just go ahead and, IMDB this shit. And then search Katt Williams.
Mac:He'd also said that Steve Harvey isn't in movies because he doesn't have range, the same range as he does. And so I also wanna use this IDMB to, see the range, that Katt Williams has in all of his his, his power his, his roles, if you will. I'm not doing this to be petty. Alright? I'm not doing this to be petty.
Mac:Look at you guys. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Where we at here? I want to see what you were known for as an actor.
Mac:Not a writer or a producer. Just let me let me see what you were acting in. So he was in Atlanta for 2 episodes. So if he's claiming that's a thing, and he played a homeless person. He called it a a helpless vagabond.
Mac:He was in For the Love of Money, which is rated 4.3. He played a character called Pastor G.
Mac:was in The House Next Door, Meet the Blacks in 2021 as doctor Mamuwalde, 4 point o. He was in 2 minutes of fame in 2020, which was rated at 5.4. He was in one episode of The Last OG. He was in a movie called Jackboys. He was in Blackish for 1 episode.
Mac:Father figures, as a hitchhiker. American bad boy as a character called the Bruce, rated 3.8. School Dance as Darren, which was rated 4.6. Scary Movie 5 as Blaine, 3.5, the Obama effect. He played Martin Luther King in 2012, which is rated 1.9.
Mac:He was in a I'm a wild boy music video, with Machine Gun Kelly and Waka Flaka. He was in cats and dogs. He voiced Seamus, which I think is the villain in that one. He was bro. What?
Mac:Range? What? How dare he? Now let me not downplay him. Maybe act oh, he was also in Norbit, Friday after next epic movie, which is a, 2.4, by the way.
Mac:Friday after next is a 5.8, but we all know it's a it's a Hood classic. Right? He won one prime time Emmy. Let me see his, his wins here. He won a Emmy, oh, as a outstanding guest actor in a comedy series in Atlanta.
Mac:Wow. Good for him. He won a teen choice award back in 20 or 2,007 as a choice comedian. And, all his other awards were for his role as Willie in, Atlanta. So congrats.
Mac:Good for him. Again, I don't wanna get too into it because like I said, I'm a do it, for my make it make sense, show. But y'all let me know. And and then I put a post, we put a post up in the the fan group as far as, do you feel that Katt Williams is a comedy great? Because he keeps talking about these other comedians lying in order to put their names up there with the greats.
Mac:Obviously, I am mad at it. You know, if you got that confidence, you fill your swag, you feel like you're that guy. You know, talk about yourself. Talk your shit, you up there. But I went with the fans, and I was just asking, do you guys feel like he's one of the greats?
Mac:The majority of people say yes. It's not like a overwhelming majority. But my thing is this, I I feel like I can't consider him as the greats, one of the greats. And it's hard for me to put anybody in the quote, unquote greats, category if they are still alive, if you're not continuing to do stand up. So when you say Kings of Comedy, I would say probably DL would be considered one of the greatest because he's still out touring, doing comedy clubs and stuff.
Mac:I believe Bernie Mac probably would not have been doing stand up. He'd probably be more in movies. He was a fantastic comic. God rest his soul. His his Def Comedy Jam and his his set on Kings of Comedy are legendary.
Mac:However, I cannot say he is one of the greats. And I know it's hard for people to hear because, you know, when somebody passes, you automatically wanna level them up into that category. But no disrespect to Bernie. What's he the funniest of the 4 by far? Which one do I feel probably coulda had a longer and more profitable run as a stand up?
Mac:Bernie, way more than DL, but DL is still out here. Patrice O'Neil, I feel like Patrice O'Neil could have been up there. He was trending that way. He was still doing stand up and kinda being he was on the office, you know, so Hollywood was accepting him a little bit, but he passed away. So I feel like as he was still doing stand up, he was trending in the upward direction, and he passed.
Mac:He could have been one of the greats. Chappell, obviously, one of the greats. Richard Pryor, one of the greats. Martin was one of the greats. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:So for me, it's all objective. You know what I'm saying? I'm not saying that you can't not like. If he is one of your greats, cool. I love the first two Pimp Chronicles.
Mac:You know, he was hilarious in that. I couldn't get enough of it. But after a while, I was just like, bro, you're you're you're just money Mike right now. You're saying you have range, but every time you hit the stage, you're money Mike. You're not Katt Williams.
Mac:So that's just how I feel about it. No offense to Cat. Do your thing, my guy. Wish you nothing but the best. But, if you haven't watched that interview, it's it's very it's very telling.
Mac:You kinda get a glimpse inside of his psyche and figure out, is it just hate? Because I feel there is some truth to what he's saying about the the click of, successful black comedians. But again, at the same time, you know, he ain't really saying nothing about Dave. He's just going after these these, the low hanging fruit, I would guess. So that's just my my take on it.
Mac:Again, not trying to downplay anything my man is doing. Wish him nothing but the best, yada yada yada. I mean. It is what it is, right? I think looking back in hindsight.
Mac:A lot of the stuff he was talking about, you could probably say it's true. But, that whole thing with the books and running a 44 you know what I'm saying? Like, you know, he be lying, but he be telling the truth. Anyway, moving on. Contestant number 2 for the month of January of 2024.
Mac:Now other than rapper Zeddi Will. Now this guy made our, kinda got put on our radar seeing how he was having a baby shower for 5 different women who were all pregnant by him, and they all decided to just do a bundle their baby showers like home and auto, but, very, very, odd situation he found himself in. And, yeah, we'll just get into that coming up. So give it up for contestant number 2, my man, Zeti Will. Hey.
Who's Manz:mess is this? Oh, mess is this? Who mess is this? I need to know.
Mac:I just want you guys to look at the name at the bottom of the screen, And let me and and put in the comments if you have heard of this motherfucker in your life. Xebly do. Yes. And it and it's no shame if you haven't because I should have fucking. I have not.
Mac:And there are people who have done stupid things in the world that we have not heard of. So you don't always need to be a famous person to be on whose man's. Here at DFPN and particularly here at the smoke pit, we call our stupidity wherever we find it. If it's on the Internet, chances are I'm a find it, and we're gonna talk about it on the show. But, another, scenario that I will paint for you all here.
Mac:Say you have a coworker, comes to work, gives you an invitation to a baby shower. Mhmm. You're like, oh, man. Congratulations. I didn't even know you were expecting.
Mac:Yeah. Just because here's the theme. Just come through. You know? So, you know, you go.
Mac:You get a little gift for the baby and whatnot. You show up to the baby shower. You see, you see a pregnant woman. Right? Mhmm.
Mac:And, you know, she's sitting next to your coworker. You're like, oh, congratulations. She's like, thank you. You know? You turn around and talk to another coworker.
Mac:You turn around. There's another pregnant lady hugging up on the dude, and you're just like, oh, that must be a friend. There's another pregnant lady and then another pregnant lady and then another pregnant lady. You're just like is there is this like a like a joint baby shower? Like, where's the other couples?
Mac:Like, is this a all these couples getting together and you invited me because I know you and I don't know the other no. Ladies and gentlemen, Zeddi Will, who is a New York City musician, throws joint baby showers for all 5 women he got pregnant.
Mac:Now I'm a need to I'm a need people to before I scroll down and read the rest of this article, do you stay? Like, once you figure out what the fuck's happening, you stay?
Blak:At this point, I have to. I I have to watch the rest of this train wreck.
Mac:I have to see it through, my boy.
Blak:But just know there's gonna be questions in my brain.
Mac:I got to see it through.
Blak:I gotta see what happens here. This is, like, the worst episode of love and hip hop.
Mac:I blame love and hip hop for this retardedness.
Blak:This is ridiculous.
Mac:Gotta get out of here. But so, so the the crazy thing is, like, all the women are cool with it. And and I will say as long as the home is happy and everybody are all consenting adults, they're fine with it, that is cool. The this is our baby daddy, and look how beaut look at our beautiful family. Again, if they're all cool with it, that's that's them.
Mac:I wish them the best. However, I know what is going to happen in the near future for them. Like, once babies get here, why are you spending more time with the baby over there than the baby? You know what I'm saying? So, let us, scroll down and see.
Mac:So the article starts, the more the merrier. New York City musician, Zeddi Will, age 22, recently hosted a joint baby shower for his 5 pregnant baby mamas. One of his partners, Lizzie Ashley. That cannot be, like, her legit real name, claimed on TikTok. Ashley, who is 29, revealed I'm sorry.
Mac:You're almost 30, lady. Not saying that that's old because I'm I'm pushing way past 40. But then you settle for letting a 22 year old who goes by Zeddie Will, do something that is gonna drastically change your life for the next 18 years at at most at at a minimum. Minimum. So Ashley revealed the startling achievement by showing off the party invitations, which showed the shower being hosted in Queens on January 14th.
Mac:The moms to be and Will posed for a joint photo on the invitation, which said, welcome little zeddy wheels 1 through 5. So I get this invitation. I'm just like, were everybody naming their kids these weird things? Like, you know, Elon Musk named his kid, like, you know, blue falcon, square octagon, square root, hypotheuse. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:So I'm just like, Zeddi wheels, 1 5th, 1 through 5, 1 dash 5. And then when you show up to the baby shower, you see what the fuck it is. Right? I guess we're sister wives now, Ashley captioned the video referring to the popular TLC show that follows the lives of a polygamous family. The post reached out to Ashley for of course, they did.
Mac:And I'm pretty sure she replied too. She did. The singer also uploaded happy photos of the large, untraditional family posing outside of their park. And another disco inspired photo shoot to show off their growing bumps alongside Overjoyed Willow. So, apparently, Ash Lizzie Ashley is a singer.
Mac:I have not heard of her either. But when your baby daddy got 4 other girls pregnant at the same time. Oh, this is the invitation? Stop it.
Blak:Why? Why?
Mac:Stop it. Like, why who takes joy in this? Obviously, Ashley Lizzie Ashley does.
Mac:Bro, let me read the rest of this shit. So here are the pictures. Cool. Ashley revealed in a follow-up video that the 5 moms, Ashley, Bonnie, Ashley, Bonnie b, k Marie, Jeline Villa, and I Iyanla bro. Iyanla Khalifa Galletti have accepted each other because it's better for the little ones to grow up in a big family.
Mac:Look at our beautiful family, she captioned in one of the photos. We love our baby daddy. We will not ruin our babies' lives. Our families have accepted this. Will's co manager told The Post, my client is not his goddamn no.
Mac:He didn't say
Blak:that. Yes.
Mac:Society has shifted, and in turn, so has modern relationship dynamics. The lies in redefining relationships personally, breaking away from the one size fits all approach, and societal pressures to conform. Bro, his manager is just bro using chat GPT like a motherfucker out here. His team also told the media outlet that they believe he's mature enough to handle being a new father to 5. Let me tell you about young Mac aka your boy, Antonio.
Blak:The fuck you're not. Let let's let's get one thing clear. Let's get one fucking thing clear.
Mac:Go ahead.
Blak:Yo ass is not mature enough at 22 years old. Hell no. Hell no. As a standing rule, if you're 22, chances are you probably ain't shit. Let's just let's just say that.
Mac:Zedty zitty zippy doodot is ziplock. 1, 2, 3. Hey. That's only 4, man. Who's who's what's the name of the 5th, bro?
Blak:Zipity doodot.
Mac:Zip a doo dot and then zip it e a?
Blak:For sad. Shit.
Mac:Bro, I can't. I'm looking at this shit, and and, I mean, like, if I was this dude's manager, I'm just like, bro, we're fucked. Like, you're not even you didn't even break it big yet.
Blak:We're trying
Mac:to get you in a studio. Now you got 5 kids on the way. You're trying
Blak:to have pay for studio.
Mac:I get you about to, bro. You're not bro, it's about to be horrible. We're We're gonna try to make you famous. These women gonna drag you online. You're gonna look like you know what I'm saying?
Mac:It's gonna be a a bad look.
Blak:These babies are combo breakers.
Mac:I just want you to know that. Oh my god.
Blak:You take one step for Combo. Oh.
Mac:And here's the thing. Like, bro, I know I know sex feels good, bro. You know what I'm saying? And and you you you're you're you're in the moment with one of these women and, you know, it's like, oh, shit. Man, I know I fucked up.
Mac:Like Man. We'll see what happens. We'll roll the cards. We'll see, you know, if she gets pregnant. But, like, the next day or the next week, you do it again?
Mac:Oh, no. Another one. Can't do that again
Blak:next week. Week. Yeah. Like Another one.
Mac:Bro, like like bro, like, the the post nut clarity is probably 5 seconds with this dude. Man. My life is ruined. Oh, well. We're doing it.
Mac:5 AM on my way to the club. What's that, Jimmy? We gonna do it again. 1 AM, we gonna do it again. We go we go we go It
Blak:was good now, but boy, boy.
Mac:5 different times, though. Like like, nothing clicks when they'd be like, fuck, man. For the neck like, I'm 22. When I'm 40, they'll be graduating high school. Yeah.
Mac:My life is what? Damn. God, man. My life is yeah. Fam, bro.
Mac:Ain't nothing wrong with masturbating, my guy. Zetty Zetty will. Zetty will. Bro. And
Blak:now the starting lineup for Zetty Will.
Mac:Set this nigga balls to full auto with the towel. Jesus. See, that's why these goodie bags need a plan.
Blak:Exactly. Exactly.
Mac:Yo. This is wild, bro. Let me see if this is bullshit. Video of the party shows the moms dancing and eating together and seemingly enjoying one another's company as they celebrated their upcoming birth.
Blak:Are they really?
Mac:Despite the family's acceptance of their unconventional life, critics were quick to take the comment section and blast their decision. That's embarrassing. I'm not gonna lie. That's gross. One user was in disbelief writing, please tell me this is not real.
Mac:While another said, the way you would never find me in a situation like this.
Blak:Hell no, bro.
Mac:The post has reached out the moms to be. Ashley made headlines last year after a man ripped off her wig while she was walking in the city. Stop it. Let me see if I could see comments. And you
Blak:Why? Why are we doing this? Like, why did no one tell this man? Like, you just can't be raw dogging everything, bro. Say what?
Blak:You you just can't. Stop raw dogging everything.
Blak:It's alright. I got money.
Mac:Does he?
Blak:Bro, you ain't gonna be high. You you are you are not gonna you're not gonna be getting money forever, bro. Like, you have to 5 kids at the same one kid is is wild, especially with the price of baby milk and all that shit now.
Mac:That's what I'm saying, bro. You paying for 5 births.
Blak:Bro, that's 5.
Mac:Of one birth is? Yes. Bro, and God forbid any complications and all of this other stuff.
Blak:Like Oh my god.
Mac:I don't know what your money looking like, Zeddie will, but, you know,
Blak:but get ready. Gonna be strong as fuck. That's that's gonna be one strong ass headache.
Mac:Like, who who house you gonna be at? All these babies gonna wake up at the same time, or y'all all gonna be in the same So he has a video that was uploaded to YouTube 2 months ago that has 1,500,000,000 views. Man, that's good. It's a song called it's all called you.
Blak:I hope I hope it's good.
Mac:I'm bringing it up now. We're going we're going little hopefully, we don't get copied. Zetty will.
Blak:Don't copy right this, bro. We're trying to help you.
Mac:We give it you views so you can get some bunnies. You need that. Don't you do it. Don't you do it, daddy will. Don't you do it.
Blak:Don't block this shit, Eddie. Don't.
Mac:Alright. Let let us he said, spoiler alert, it's not good. Not 5 kids. Alright. Let's see.
Mac:You featuring 2 rare, Enzo b, and d j small 732. This is the Okay. Alright. Let's go. Hey.
Mac:You're in there. Come on. Come on. No. What's this?
Mac:Alright. When does the music stop?
Blak:Okay. Quick assessment.
Blak:You shouldn't have skied it in all those ladies, bro.
Who's Manz:But,
Mac:bro, you ain't even 7 seconds in?
Blak:Yep. 7 seconds
Mac:in. Sometimes you just know. Uh-oh. We got, we got our, freelance investigators out there saying that, he found out his net worth is, a $100,000. Shout out my nigga, Eddie.
Blak:His net worth is 0 because, between 5 that yet.
Mac:It would've been cool if it's sideways. One.
Blak:Oh, you
Mac:know that was funny. Grandpa, OG. Is that a wheel? Where's the music at? Was that a wheel?
Blak:Ain't no fucking way. Yeah. Ain't no fucking way. Okay.
Mac:A 4 minute skit for a 2 minute song. I wanna freak you as soon as it can be. I wanna know. You leave it with your friends after this, so you come in with me? Y'all think I could keep up?
Mac:Tell me. What does that mean that we could go fast or so? Either way, it's the list if you wanna freak you.
Who's Manz:I said, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you. You should just I wanna I said, you, you, you, you.
Blak:A resounding no.
Mac:Way to try to cash in on that, little uzi, you know, I just wanna rock. Try to use that that New Jersey beat. No. You know, the the the Jersey club he was trying to do. He's trying to get the little, you know, nah, bro.
Blak:It was on.
Mac:Nah. No, god. No. Please. God.
Mac:No. No. Toby's back, Michael. No. No, god.
Mac:No. So these ladies obviously, are probably counting on this video and this man to be,
Blak:how many views I got?
Mac:This has 1,500,000 views, my boy.
Blak:What the fuck are we doing? What are we doing?
Mac:Bro, I don't know. I don't bro, I wish I could tell you.
Blak:Do I need what do what do we need to do? Do we need to make a shitty fucking song and put this shit on YouTube for the world to hear it? And 5 women on the same day at the same time.
Mac:I hear what you're saying. A d 1.5 mil is not that many. But to us who are down here getting tens of views
Mac:Tens of views, We do. We put a short out. You know, it it pops a little bit. You know, we get, you know, about 5,005 k views on a short on a reel or something. You know, we're just like, oh, we're doing something.
Mac:This man has a whole 6 minute video. 1,500,000 views. That's that's some money that he's getting from YouTube on
Blak:This nigga stole a Jodeci song and put lyrics to it and danced like Bobby Brown. 1,500,000 views.
Mac:For a 2 minute video. Like, 4 minutes of this is a horrible skit. Yes. For a he
Blak:he actually paid somebody for
Mac:it. Yes.
Blak:And and approved it.
Mac:What are we doing?
Blak:What what what do we have to do, guys? Just let me know. Let what more what more do you want from me? What point five? The fuck is going on?
Mac:But, yeah. I mean, it's hey. Zetty Will, man. I wish you the best, and I hope the best for, all the kids you're about to bring into this world, in this dynamic situation. I hope everything works out for you and the your baby mamas, I guess.
Mac:I was gonna say wives, but they're not married. You know what I'm saying? Right. With your whole family situation there, Zeddie.
Blak:I hope it works out for you, my guy. I wish We here at
Mac:outfit, wish you nothing but the best. Nothing but peace and prosperity Yes. With
Blak:those 5 children
Mac:and better music, please. But that concludes this week's They thought you were
Blak:killing me. JLo
Mac:and LO Cool J was in that motherfucker. They thought the song was over. The producer's like, hey. We got, like, 2 more still going. We got 2 more minutes to beat.
Mac:LO Cool J was like, And then your song off? JLo was like, that's hot. Let me get in on that. And the producer's like, keep going. Keep going.
Mac:Keep going. Like, can we just fade this shit out? 2 more minutes. Keep it going. 10.
Blak:10. We paid for the time. Keep keep going.
Mac:We don't get our money back in the booth. That was so corny, man. I I cocaine is a hell of a drug. Alright. That it is.
Mac:But, yeah. If it's him, it is. You're right. You got that right. Sam, I don't I don't even I don't even know how you do it.
Mac:Good on him, I guess. I guess whatever money he making from YouTube or whatever is cool because I know I'll be stressed and I have 5 kids on the way 5 different baby moms because that's child support 5 different ways. You know what I'm saying unless they all agree to stay, but that's a whole another thing that I'm not even trying to get into. Last but not least here in the month of January, we got Leland Brown. You may remember him as the homeless guy who was filming himself on TikTok living in a storage shelter or storage shed self storage.
Mac:You know, those places where people rent out little garages and store stuff in there. Apparently, he was just staying inside of 1 and, was found out that he was doing that because somebody came across his TikTok. So now he was back out there in the streets in, the winter time and, was living in a tent out there and and a whole lot of other stuff. But, again, my man could've probably just kept on living his best life, but he wanted to go viral and, messed around and got put out in the cold, potentially catching viruses. So that's terrible.
Mac:But ladies and gentlemen, here we go. Leland Brown and his, his wife, girlfriend, whatever, contestant number 3 for, whose man's is this January?
Who's Manz:Hey, who's man's is this? Oh, man's is this? Who man's is this?
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, you see the name at the bottom of the screen? You may not know who this is. You may know of him, but you don't know who this is by name. Leland Brown, ladies and gentlemen, was a already sounds terrible because his name is Leland. Who is it?
Mac:Man, stop. So, real quick, just give you a quick synopsis before I play the video. Leland Brown and his girlfriend has been living, in a Philadelphia storage unit, because price of rent and everything in the city is high. They were getting away with it, and they would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids and this dog. If his dumbass didn't fucking record himself and try to go viral with shit.
Mac:So, to give everybody a understanding of what the hell is going on, we're gonna go ahead and share this screen and roll this beautiful bean footage so you guys can see what the fuck is going on out here in these, Philadelphia streets.
Reporter:The video has been viewed more than 12,000,000 times on social media. A Philadelphia couple struggling with homelessness filmed their experience living in a storage unit.
Reporter:But they say when the storage facility found out about it, the couple was asked to leave. As CBS Philadelphia's Ray Strickland reports, where they go next is a question they still don't know the answer to.
Leland:We're very grateful to have this space.
Reporter:This is the viral video of Leland Brown Junior recording what it's like to live in a storage container. The video viewed on TikTok around 12,000,000 times. Brown and his girlfriend, Brianna Hubbard, have been struggling with homelessness and used a storage unit for shelter during the winter. But now the couple has until the end of the month to find another place to stay. Brown says management at the storage facility found out about their video and asked them to leave because they violated the terms of their lease.
Property Manager:He read the terms. It says if he get caught living here, you know, he can he lose the storage unit, so I'm not upset with him about that.
Reporter:The couple has been experiencing homelessness for the past
Reporter:year and a
Reporter:half, living in a tent in the woods. Again, it didn't seem like life could get much harder, but it did.
Leland:Yeah. This is very unnerving and stressful, and it's really cold outside.
Blak:Did these motherfuckers have board games?
Mac:Know they
Reporter:couldn't stay at that storage unit anymore. A woman who helps people experiencing homelessness put them up in a hotel, but that was only temporary. And now they're back where they started with no place to go. The hotel was somewhat of a gift and a curse. On one hand, it gave them a place to stay, but on the other, they can't go back to their tent because it was damaged during the recent snowstorm.
Reporter:And they're now running out of options and time on what they will do next.
Wife:As far as, you know, what's to come, we're we're not exactly sure. You know, we just don't know what to expect in the next couple of months or even less than that.
Reporter:Reporting for CBS News Philadelphia, I'm Ray Strickland.
Blak:God. The video, man.
Mac:What are your thoughts before, we get into it, bro?
Blak:This is a lot. This is a lot to unpack.
Mac:Go ahead, man. We got time. We just hit an hour. We good.
Blak:If you if you find your way, homelessness is is terrible. Mhmm. But if you find your way, if you make yourself a way, and that way just happens to be illegal and you are getting by, do yourself a favor. Keep your mouth shut.
Blak:Because I was impressed, actually.
Blak:It was a nice little setup. He had a nightstand. He had a studio in that bitch. He had board games. Like, this motherfucking damn all he needed was a kitchen and a bathroom.
Blak:He was good.
Blak:But you go on TikTok and fuck all this shit up, bro. Stop.
Mac:Oh my god. Oh, shit.
Blak:Not a man in that he in that Amazon Prime tent. He got that bitch off Amazon Prime.
Mac:Amazon Basics. The Patriot's Choice of Amazon. Yeah. Look. And Tay said it.
Mac:Tay said it perfectly. When motherfuckers is doing something they ain't supposed to do, and we are aware that he knew he wasn't supposed to do that because he admitted instead of the thing that you ain't supposed to be living in this shit. And you recording your day to day life and posting it online.
Blak:Don't do that.
Mac:Why? And and then it bro, there are certain things like, bro, I understand going viral. Like, I can imagine the the just you're just getting the Internet famous. You know what I'm saying? Like, nobody's really fucking with you like that.
Mac:Like, I don't know if you thought you was gonna make money off TikTok by being super famous and then, you know, TikTok giving you ad revenue and shit like that. You gotta rack and stack your priorities, my boy. Is this worth is the juice worth the squeeze? Because I'm putting this shit out on a public fucking domain. Anybody can see.
Mac:Anybody can see it. And they saw it. Like, if I was living in that shit, and he was just like, bro, it's cold outside. You was lit by nigga. You was living in a tent in the woods.
Mac:You leveled up to a place that is climate controlled. You went from Blair Wish Project to Sawbro. Like, don't go back there. You, sir, got your girl out of the the the funny thing is, like, the one part in the video where, like, she's sleeping on the couch and he filmed, and then she turned around, like, she looked like her look on her face was like, nigga.
Blak:Nigga. Get that shit off.
Mac:This shit don't lie? Like yeah. What the fuck is you? Oh my god.
Blak:Goddamn camera off. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Mac:Doing something illegal right now, nigga. Like, what is he doing right now? Let's he just wanted to film it. I know. Oh my god.
Blak:That's not funny, but it's funny.
Mac:It's hilarious, nigga. It's what you're talking about. It's hilarious.
Who's Manz:Because she
Mac:she looked like we all felt like what are you doing? 2nd. You homeless as fuck. What are you doing with a goddamn cell phone like that?
Blak:Why? Bro, that setup that setup was wild. That setup was wild.
Blak:You had no business being homeless, bro. None. Nigga, you had you had a you bro, your shit was like a dorm room in Korea.
Mac:You you were squared away, my boy. Like, what is nigga, you had nightstands, furniture.
Blak:For real. The motherfucker had a he had a mic on, a mic stand in that bitch. I'm like, bro, are you recording the album in this bitch?
Mac:Brother, I'm looking at this shit like my guy. Where did this all come from? Is it like because I mean, they don't give you the keys to somebody else's storage. Right? That's their shit.
Mac:Right? Maybe they were just like, we're homeless, but this is the stuff we had in our home. We put it in here and now we're trying to live in here with it. Low key. Like, I don't understand how they did not know they were living in there before the video.
Mac:Like, because you gotta check-in and get your key. The key
Blak:to the road. Right? Yeah.
Mac:And then you just see them go in and then they don't come out for, like, 8 hours. You know? Like, it's been a while since I said these, bro. Like, the shift change happens up at the front desk. These motherfuckers checked in, like, 7 hours ago.
Mac:I ain't seen them.
Blak:Somebody somebody was probably letting them slide, bro. And then the video went by.
Mac:Video fucked it up?
Blak:Yeah. Because I don't know how you don't see that on camera.
Mac:A 100%. 2nd thing or third thing. So now they're homeless. And somebody's like, damn, that sucks. Let me put you up in a Marriott courtyard.
Blak:Yeah. Put them
Mac:for a little bit, and then we'll send you back to the wild. Like, what did you?
Blak:Who the fucker was a rescue?
Mac:The. You asshole, bro. And they put them they put them up in
Blak:the nice one too.
Mac:Like Oh, the courtyard? My boy, would you? Man, stay in this bitch a couple nights. You making it seem like you saved them. You know?
Mac:Here. Just stay here. I'll pay for you, but you only got 3 days. What? And did you did you did you back out in these streets?
Mac:Like, don't even give them that false hope. That's my shit. Like, I can't even have given them. No. Hey.
Mac:You can stay here on me. Like, no. Because I know that shit. Boy. I'm not made.
Blak:We gotcha.
Mac:For 3 days. Hopefully, it warms up by then because then you'd be out here on the streets. And I ain't got I ain't got it
Blak:for you, bro. Somebody probably watched that shit
Mac:and that them crunching on that goddamn snow walking back to that tent, bro. Bro. He had boots. She was walking through that bitch in some vans. Her foot slid real quick.
Mac:Bro, man, I'll just And their tent was destroyed in the blizzard. Like, first of all
Blak:Of course. Why didn't you leave that shit standing? Break the fucking tit down.
Mac:That was
Blak:my Bro, this might be the wildest one. This might be the wildest shit.
Mac:You knew you was gonna go upgrade, so you're just, like, fuck it. Leave the tent. Girlfriend was probably, like, should we not break this down, bitch?
Blak:Nah. We move it up. To the Marriott, baby. We'll be right.
Mac:Over here. Yeah. Leave this shit up. Girl, I found a way. We gonna stay in this fucking storage thing.
Mac:We won. They'll never know. And as they're saying, like, of course, like, you living good. You sleeping in a snow blizzard. You're like, man, fuck.
Mac:That's it. We made it. You know? Then it's just like, well, shit. You know, they kicking us out.
Mac:Somebody's like, oh, poor people. I got you. Stay in the Marriott for 3 days. And then after that, like like, what do you say? Like, if you're the one that put them up and then your money ran lower, the time is up.
Mac:What do you tell them? Good luck out there. Like Yep. Don't even give me this fake ass hospitality. He's just sending me back out there in the woods with the wolves and shit, bro.
Blak:Because yeah. What if I decide I wanna stay?
Mac:Yeah. What you gotta check out? I'm not doing that. And then, like, you running my card up. Nah.
Mac:Because then we have problems. But, it seems like they were they were cordial. They're just like, thank you for giving us these 3 days up here. And it's like, go back out to this tent. The news y'all gotta stop doing this.
Mac:News channels. I know y'all got money. You have to at least add up a new tent. You recorded the whole broke ass tent and then walking back to it. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Camera set up. Dude in a suit, warm. You got Alright.
Blak:You cast your feet.
Mac:Yeah. You wearing Timbs, LL Bean jacket, got a beanie on, dressed for the weather appropriately. As they walk back to their tent, that has been destroyed in the last blizzard. And then the camera zooms in on the tent like, yeah, this shit fucked up. That bitch is leaning.
Mac:Yeah. Ain't nobody like GoFundMe kick through or anything. That's probably what you know what? I wouldn't be surprised if they was doing this to get a GoFundMe.
Mac:To try to get a GoFundMe. Because they're
Blak:about get 1,000.
Mac:I hope something happens for her because, that's it. That's it. That's it. Bro, I don't know if y'all watch bear grills and y'all know how to build a shelter out
Blak:of what's around you.
Mac:But, I mean, Bear Grylls could probably turn that broke tent into something nice. You know what I'm saying? But the fact you did not break this tent down and keep it somewhere safe as a homeless person, you're like, worst case scenario, I have this. Let me protect this at all cost because this is our fallback point.
Blak:Yep. That's this is
Mac:not Yeah. My man was just like, nah, son.
Blak:Nah. We got it. Tint?
Mac:That's for poor people, baby. We living in this fucking storage shelter.
Blak:Oh, they got us at the Marriott.
Mac:Fucking tick, girl. What you talking about? We got 2 queen beds. 2 queens in this bitch. We good.
Mac:We good. We got a mini fridge. They gave us 2 waters. Yep. They got cookies in the lobby.
Mac:We good. We good. Continental breakfast in the morning? No. Marriott, you'd be paying for breakfast.
Mac:Oh, yeah. That's right. That's right. It's not a Hilton. This Marriott be weird.
Mac:Like, we got a restaurant down here. You could buy shit. Breakfast not free? Nope. Nope.
Mac:Marriott. The one thing the Marriott doesn't have is motherfucking sucking on your toes like the Hilton does.
Mac:But that's a past episode. Yep. It's a callback. Go check that.
Blak:Nice callback. Now be burst out.
Mac:I'm grossed out and I'm scared to sleep. But, that shit that shit blows my mind, dude. Like, if y'all are out there barely getting by and you found a loophole in the system and it's working for you, bro, don't brag about that shit.
Blak:Hush the fuck up.
Mac:Yep. Like like the homie Tay said, sometimes people need to shut the fuck up. Yep. Because now, like, especially if you you're you're down bad and you found a slight come up, you know, bro, you ain't got it. Like, I understand what you're trying to do in this day and age.
Mac:Go viral. Sympathy comes through. Because I mean, it worked to an extent. You got to stay in the Hilton for a little bit or the the Marriott, but motherfucker was just like, he thought somebody else was gonna come in and tag him out and take over payments. That shit didn't happen.
Mac:He was like, nah. We can't do this shit.
Blak:Nah. Back. Whoever started this fucked you up, bro, because we can't we can't do it. We can't do it.
Mac:Back into the unknown into the unknown. Yeah. Just motherfuckers going to the woods, bro.
Blak:Bro know what we're gonna do. We don't know.
Mac:Motherfucker was just like, sorry. I could only put you up for 3 days. Hope things get better for you And watches them walk into the woods.
Blak:My good deed is done.
Mac:Watches them walk out the back of the hotel into the woods like I did a good thing. They're gonna be okay. Well, my conscience is clear. I tried. I got them this far.
Mac:If they die, they die. Let me check with the temperature of the Philadelphia. This is wild.
Mac:bro. Oh, shit. Speaking of weather. So we got this airman up in the the CSS where we work. And, the last 2 days have been like ridiculously warm.
Mac:Like it was 73 degrees here, but the last few days before that, like Monday Tuesday, it was hella cold, like 19 degrees in the morning. So, she has the same car as me. The, the, the Kia thing, so we were talking about that. Cause you can set it up on your phone for the app to remote start it. So when you get to it, it's warm.
Mac:So she has her set on like the super warmest thing, like 80 degrees with heated seats, heated steering wheels, all that shit. And, the yesterday it was like 65 degrees in the morning. So she, you know, she wakes up, she starts to shit, whatever goes to it. She's like, boy, it was hot as fuck in my car because of X, Y's. I'm just like, yeah.
Mac:Like my shit is usually set for like 70 or 72. And I was like, it was warm. So the commander was sitting there. He was just like, hey, so you don't be, like, you don't check what the weather is before you set the thing. She's like, nah.
Mac:I just usually have it preset. And when I push it, it starts it. And I forget how she said it. She was just talking like, or the command was just like, saw me like you pull out the phone that has the app on it and you don't have the weather. She's like, no, I don't, I don't have an Android.
Mac:I don't have the weather widget at the top. And I was like, well, I have an Android, but I also have an iPhone for my work phone. Mhmm. And there's a weather thing on it as well. Right?
Mac:She's like, yeah. I don't know. Like, sometimes the only time I look at it is about I really don't look at it to see what the the number of the air is. And I was just
Blak:like, how does this work?
Mac:I was like, she's 25. I was typing these things. It didn't to me because before
Blak:before 25, I don't even care.
Mac:I knew number of the air was the number
Blak:of the air is.
Mac:The commander was like, what? She's like, you know, like, how hot
Blak:are cold? The school system do to you people?
Mac:She's from Philly too. So Oh. See that as it may.
Blak:I don't check that, Joan.
Mac:Yeah. But I had never heard temperature called number of the air.
Blak:The number of the air. That's a wild one.
Mac:Bro, that's wild shit, bro.
Blak:Goddamn inner cities, man. What what are y'all doing to these children?
Mac:I don't check the number of the air, though. He was Cabanero was just like What? What?
Blak:Bro, I
Mac:came out my office, like, number of the you mean the temperature? Yeah. That. Have you been calling it air number though?
Who's Manz:Jesus Christ.
Mac:Listen. Listen to me. Listen to me. Air number.
Blak:Don't ever do this again.
Mac:I'm glad it's
Blak:Say me, Tara, or some shit. Don't ever say that again.
Mac:I'm glad it's just us in this office because that's a wild
Blak:They would lose faith in this office real fast.
Mac:Alright. So in Philly, tomorrow, it's 51 with the low of 41. Sunday, it's gonna rain with the low of 37. Monday, low of 30, 32, 32, 35, 33, 30, 30, 33 with wind blowing to 10 between 8 to 10 miles an hour. I don't know what that tip looking like.
Mac:What you're talking about? You said it's not bad because you're accustomed to the house, nigga. You ain't seen that video? Motherfucking snow out there. The tit the half the tit collapsed.
Mac:You know
Who's Manz:what I'm saying? They're supposed to the elements,
Blak:and that's how it happens. Stop. That'll be alright. It's not
Mac:the best. Living in a fixed a fixed shelter. You out here with a half a tip? Bro, 30 degrees is cold. Yeah.
Mac:It's cold. That's cold. Out there with a hoodie and shit, bro. Like, bro, that's not gonna help you. You out here, sir.
Mac:You need help. Yeah. Yeah. That was a good one. I remember that one.
Mac:I was laughing to her. But, anyway, anyway, that, concludes, January's contestants for a who's man's award at the end of the year. The premier award that will be given out, first annual. Awards so let us know in the comments, who you think we'll put a poll out. Just make sure you check out and do your research figure out why these people made the list and if it's something that you are just like bro, this is the absolute dumbest thing you could have done Make sure that person gets your vote.
Mac:Motalia moving forward and let you know who's the winner. Also, check the smoke pit podcast fan group in the description below. Check out the updated bracket for the best nineties sitcom dad and, all of that good stuff. So a lot of voting going on. Like I said, we're a a show of the people, a group of the people, and we wouldn't be where we are without you guys.
Mac:So we thank you guys for the support. We thank you guys for the participation and all of that glorious stuff. And we'll go ahead and wrap it up. So, I'm the homie Mac aka your boy, and as my partner in crime would say if he was here, Black Mac, have love, make sex, peace.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit.
Blak:It's Friday night, come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week. Come relaxing, get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets.
Blak:And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit.