Who's Manz: February 2024 *BONUS*
Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke, bitch. It's time for us to show off.
Blak:It's been a long week, come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it.
Blak:Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit. Yep.
Mac:Y'all know what it is. Friday night, for real this time, mood is right. You already know. Bonus episode now. I told you last time we did the bonus.
Mac:My man, Black, again, partner in crime. He's resting up, getting where he needs to be. So in the meantime, we're not trying to go on a super long hiatus. We're giving you the February edition of the Who's Men's entrance. Right?
Mac:So or the new entries, February entries. Anyway, the people that messed up the most of February for us to enter them into the honor that is whose man's is this here on the smoke pit.
Mac:don't know what we were doing in February. We only got 2 entrants in. We did 4 shows, but 2 of the shows, we didn't even nominate anybody. So I think we are kinda out of pocket for a little bit. But ladies and gentlemen, fear not.
Mac:We came back better than ever. So, the first person we have coming in to the who's man's entries of the month of February is no other than our very own Tyrese Gibson. Now this was not Tyrese's first time at all being, nominated for Who's Man? But there was a first time, I believe, in 2024 where we spoke this man's name. The reason he he he was brought to our attention this month is because, of course, February, Black History Month, Tyrese felt the need to say something that he probably shouldn't have, especially in that month.
Mac:We'll let you guys be the judge of that. But, without further ado, our very own Tyrese Gibson. Take it away. Y'all see the name at the bottom. And I feel like y'all already knew who it was before we even brought this thing up.
Mac:I feel like, ladies and gentlemen, I'm trying. Right? And we're we're trying. You know, it it it it's almost like when Shaq would do the Shaq and the Fool, and then he always had Javelle McGee on there, and Javelle was just
Blak:like vendor.
Mac:He's just like, bro, man. It's like bullying. You bullying me and all that other stuff. Shaq was like, alright, man. I talked to his mom.
Mac:You know? Whatever. It's really messing with him mentally. I'm a stop messing with him. I know our audience isn't as big as it it's gonna get at the moment.
Mac:And I feel like our footprint when it comes to impacting somebody's career and mental health and all that, like, I'm pretty sure we're not even a bleep on the fucking radar. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:He doesn't know about us.
Mac:If he keeps acting up, he fin too. Right? He fin too. Tyrese Gibson, ladies and gentlemen. He posted something on the gram and everything, but he made a comment, and people are saying, oh, it's taken out of out of context and all that other stuff.
Mac:But let me bring up so you can read along with, what he said during the month of February. Everybody knows the significance of the month of February, Black History Month, although we should be celebrating year round. But it's more concentrate. Like, bro, you wait till March to say some random shit like this. You know, you probably won't get as much vitriol, but my man wants to double down on shit.
Mac:So Tyrese post this, and I quote, sometimes I wish I was born Latino. I mean, the Latin community is grounded in family, loyal, entrepreneurs, businessmen, and women literally represent the dream, the grind, the hustle, do whatever it takes to stick together against all odds. If us is I'm guessing he meant as so I'll try to read it as I'm I'm assuming he meant. If us as black culture was more grounded in these integral magical nuances of us, we would be dominant. I've learned a lot from the Jewish community sticking together, eating dinner every Friday together.
Mac:I've learned a lot about the Muslim community throughout all my travels in the Middle East. They have a father structure where they honor their fathers in the Middle East. The thinking and the the mentality is that they would much rather have a son over a daughter because they know that there is nothing like the leadership of a father and a man being the head of the household. I have no idea how we lost our way. We can't get anything done and accomplished as a fragmented culture.
Mac:Insecure, threatened by each other, competitive towards our own race, killing ourselves every single day frivolously. The majority of us are black men, and the 1,000,000 are locked up in prison. Of course, we are, we are beyond powerful, influential, and successful. But imagine if
Mac:other communities have linked, poured and built up on each other instead of moving like fragmented and dysfunctional. We have what it takes to take over the world. We are nothing trying to do it alone. Alright, man. Floor is yours, black.
Mac:What you got for us?
Blak:Malcolm and Martin, put their lives on the line to see the progress of black people.
Blak:Mister Tyrese, please shut the fuck up. You you are not coming from that cloth, my guy. 1st and foremost, you went online. Right? You as a person going online exposing your relationship and the flaws in it, like, this disqualifies you from any of this type of shit, bro.
Blak:It does. Because the same shit that you talking about, you're fucking guilty of doing partly. So don't come with this shit, bro. Like, you out here you out here, if you want strength, strengthen your fucking self first,
Mac:Tyrese. Oh, shit.
Blak:Pass that relationship up, Tyrese. And don't have your baby mama out here talking about you taking you for all your money. Fix that shit. Then we can talk about then we can talk about the rest of us, bro,
Mac:with love.
Blak:But what I'm saying is, yes, you kicked a lot of you kicked a lot of shit. I don't know where it's coming from, 1st and foremost. I don't know where that is. You did it on Black History Month.
Blak:Sometimes I wish I was a Latino.
Mac:That is that is that is
Blak:They they don't have it. They don't have it too much better, bro. What the fuck?
Mac:Oh, my god. That that is that is my biggest my biggest thing that I was gonna counter with is, what Latinos are you rolling around with, bro?
Blak:Like, what's Who have you been watching?
Mac:What circles of Latinos are you rolling around? I mean, entrepreneurs, I get that. You know what I'm saying? This is gonna sound bad, but it's not. Is there a work ethic?
Mac:Sometimes unmatched. Probably one of the highest ones in the country. Because you know what? They're willing to do a lot of this stuff that most people don't wanna do.
Blak:This is true. This is an actual fact.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? People out here talking about, oh, they're taking our jobs and stuff. Alright, Brandon.
Blak:Do the motherfucking job. You don't wanna do it.
Mac:These strawberries ain't picking them themselves out here in this Arizona heat, my boy. Nope. Feel free to go help.
Blak:I'm 0 escaping 0 escaping his fucking self.
Blak:Not not in a 106.
Mac:Bro, you wanna do all the landscaping around here? Feel free to start your own business there, Roy. But,
Mac:That shit ain't happening.
Blak:Black ass can't even take out the trash. Tyrese, you want
Blak:sit your ass down. Goddamn, man.
Mac:Here's the part that gets me. It is a 100% understandable for me to want to wish and hope and desire for the black community to be more united. I think every ethnicity has their their inner civil wars, their back and forths. You know what I'm saying? So to just specify, like, it's just black people that have this issue rubs me the fucking wrong way.
Blak:No. It it definitely rubs me the wrong way.
Mac:To bring up the Muslim community and be like, I like the way that their mentality that they would much rather have a son over a daughter when you was just crying your fucking eyes out over your daughter
Mac:Like, the the the the the wails from your soul. Like, bro, that came from from a place of deep hurt. Pain. Like, bro, that
Blak:is my god.
Mac:That is the pain. That's the cry of somebody who has lost a loved one. You know what I'm saying? Like Yes. That's how you were crying over your daughter, bro.
Mac:It for you to just be, like, people who would much rather have a son and then all caps father and head of the household. The fact that you are sitting here talking about the black community like there are not black father as a black father, like, I'm offended.
Blak:I take offense.
Mac:And then the fact that you're making it, like, instead of holding black men accountable for not raising their kids, you're just like us as a whole. We're fucked up. The biggest thing, however, is and this goes back to, like like I said, you could sit there and be like, man, I wish we had the bond and of of some of these other families that I'm seeing. You know? Some you know, like, I wish we would be more like that.
Mac:But to start this off by sometimes I wish I was born Latino. Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't know anything else about me, there are 3 things you need to know about me. 1, I think Anthony Mackie is a terrible actor. 2, Star Lord is the worst Avenger. 3, there is nothing that can happen to me in this world that would make me regret being a born a black man.
Mac:Like, I wear that shit with fucking pride.
Blak:It's a badge of honor, man.
Mac:I wear that shit with pride. Nothing would make me wish that I was born something different. You know, nothing at all. And for that to be the first statement you make in the month of February and then go on and berate our our race, Praise the other races, and then and then just post it and think, like, shit is cool. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:That is the part that has me looking at Tyrese. Like, bro, we were trying to give you the last time we talked about him, we was trying to give him a out. Yeah. We was like, bro, your wife was really out here wilding the fuck out, like, divorcing you because her friends got in her ear, and then now she's like, well, yeah, I'd be willing to make it work. And then you get on here, like, I tried to tell you.
Mac:And I'm just like, damn, Tyrese, maybe we owe maybe we was like, we owe you apology, Tyrese. Yeah. Like, man, man Apology rescinded. Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Bring, give me that shit back, bro. Give me that shit, bro. What you talking about?
Blak:Back, bro.
Mac:Goddamn. I'm surprised he didn't say I wish I was Italian, man. The way the Mario bros stick together through thick and thin, man. That's how we should be. We went
Blak:up against Bowser and the whole community, bro.
Mac:I wish we were more like Ewoks and had our village where we'd be able to fight fucking laser blasters with fucking logs and arrows and shit. They was willing to die for days. They was defending their home. I wish we was Ewoks. Like, bro, what is you talking about out here, Tyrese?
Mac:You know what? Ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna do something for the first time tonight. In lieu of this man's 50 11th entry as a member of the whose man's
Blak:man's is this?
Mac:We're gonna start a, a hall of fame and, or a all star, if you will. Yep. So ladies and gentlemen, this is our inaugural ceremony for, whose man is this all star? Tyrese Gibson. Congratulations.
Mac:Oh my god. This is it, bro. I couldn't take I was just like, man, this is it, man. This is it. Like, I have to give this man the highest honor or the lowest depending how you're looking at it.
Mac:The first inaugural all star of whose man's is this? And low key, I don't think anybody else will be entered into this thing. Kanye is close.
Blak:Kanye is close. Inching there.
Mac:is. Kanye was a he's he's trying to get in there too, but
Blak:Yes. He is.
Mac:Lord Jesus, Cyrese. Like, if you waited to Mars to do this, we probably just woulda had it to butt. This this this gives it a extra boost, bro. Like, you hit the
Mac:hit the gas button at the right time at the start line in Mario Kart. You know? You you waited for the 2nd beat, the the start up on Mario Kart. You hit the gas, you held it, you got that little boost. That was you.
Mac:Yeah. Oh, shit. But goddamn, Tyrese. Like, I I have no words, man. We we tried to understand you.
Mac:We're like, shit. Maybe we're too hard on this, brother. Maybe all this stuff going on. I see where his mind is at now. This makes perfect yep.
Mac:Never mind. Nope. Regression. Never mind. Apology rescinded.
Blak:Yes. Refusing. Give me my apology back.
Mac:Yes. And when you bring it back to my door, I hope my dog busts through the fucking window and bite your dumbass. Your dumbass out of here, Tyreke.
Mac:motherfucker choke your ass out in baby boy, man. Fuck on, man. Get your bit oh, god. Yeah. Oh, this is wild bro.
Mac:Latino. I wish I was born. Oh, look at this comment. Somebody jumped in here. This comment section seems to have missed missed his message.
Mac:He wants to see his community build each other up stronger and support one another, not tear each other down, which is what it seems to be happening in the comments already.
Blak:Oh, no. No. Please be please be aware that he did this shit to his motherfucking self.
Mac:100%, bro. 100%. Like, he was not tearing us down in the in the original post, my boy.
Blak:He set that door up himself.
Mac:And the dude's name who posted this, bitch bitch by nature. Oh. Well, dude, there you have it.
Blak:There it is.
Blak:Say less.
Mac:Oh my god. But, yeah, when when you send me this shit, I'm just like, this nigga stay on a fucking show.
Blak:I was like, look at this monkey.
Mac:He about to be a fucking a guest host. He about to be the just hilarious Yes. Of fucking smoke pit, bro.
Mac:Let's see. Let's see.
Mac:Do it out here. Oh, Tyrese. Tyrese. Tyrese. Get some help, brother.
Blak:You got you got to be more careful.
Blak:You got to
Blak:be more careful. You gots to be more careful. You gots to be more careful.
Mac:So were we wrong? Were we wrong with with that? I don't think we were. A 100%. I I think we were well within our rights to award my man the first ever star on the Who's Man's walk of fame out there.
Mac:However, not to be outdone, contestant number 2 for the month of February was none other than a Fox News contributor, analyst, whatever. Who cares? Dude is on whose mans. So Raymond Arroyo was very adamant on praising former president Donald Trump for being tapped in with the culture and knowing that releasing those horrible ass shoes he came out with was gonna ingratiate himself with the inner city and urban youth. So, looking at how things are going nowadays, I don't think it worked the way he thought it would.
Mac:But, we'll let you guys be the judge. But my man, Raymond Arroyo, on on on Hispanic heritage, but nonetheless congratulations. Congratulations for bringing some representation, to whose man's is it? So, let's clap it up for you, boy. Right?
Mac:Let's clap it up. Oh, no. We we don't have the we don't have the sound bar going. No. We Raymond Arroyo.
Mac:Congratulations. Who's Manns? Take it away, my boy.
Blak:Hey. Who man is this?
Segment Intro:Oh, man is this? Who man is this?
Mac:So the name at the bottom, you're like, who the hell is Raymond Arroyo? We'll get to that. But a little bit of backstory. 2024, election year. Shit's about to go down.
Mac:Shit's about to get real crazy. You know how we do in America. We don't know how to act. Right? And we're starting to shit off early, because, I will say sneaker con is a big thing.
Mac:If you're into sneakers, buying sneakers, rare sneakers and stuff, you usually try to hit one of these conventions up to hit bigger cities. So it just happened to be in Philadelphia earlier this month. And, while our our loyal sneakerheads are out there looking for their grails, their Travis Scott, you know, ones, the stealth ones and all this stuff. Our former president, Donald Trump, shows up. Oh, I I take it you've you've heard.
Mac:I've heard. I've heard Go ahead.
Blak:I've heard and I've seen. The only thing that came to mind
Mac:My man showed up. And hold on. Let me let me see if I can bring up the Donald Trump shoes. Oh, so he shows up to SneakerCon to unveil, 3 3 sets of shoes. One of them is the one he dropped at the, at the sneaker, which is in the video.
Mac:I was trying to see if I could find the other ones that aren't the the gold shoes, but they are hideous. I'll try to find them and post them in the group later. I can't find them right now. I don't wanna waste extra time looking for this motherfucking shit anyway. So I'll play the video of him showing up to sneaker con and, trying to get some votes, if you will.
Mac:Try to find a new audience, to get votes from. But, we'll let this play, and then, we'll further discuss how one Raymond Arroyo comes into play. Here we go.
News Anchor:Oh, he's gonna have to come up with some cash, and
News Anchor:he's Donald Trump apparently is coming up with some creative ways to do so. One day after finding out he was on the hook for more than $350,000,000, the former president unveiled a new Trump themed product to a less than receptive crowd.
Trump:That's the real deal. That's the real deal. I just wanna thank you very much for being here. It's an honor. It's an honor.
Trump:You're all sneakerheads. You're sneakerheads. Right? Wow. A lot of emotion.
Trump:There's a lot of emotion in this room. I feel thank you.
News Anchor:First of
News Anchor:all, let's know.
News Anchor:That's the first time Trump has faced a hostile audience in a long time. It was clear he didn't quite know what
News Anchor:to do with those boots. Disappointed you're not wearing them, John. Well, I'm sure sort of hoping you
News Anchor:There's a reason why the camera is only from the
News Anchor:next stop
News Anchor:here. No no footwear reveals, this morning. But that was Trump at Sneaker Con for some reason, which was held in Philadelphia over the weekend. And he did roll out a new line of shoes, selling for a cool $399 a pair. Trump
Mac:I wanna stop here so you can look at these motherfucking shoes. So you're muted. I I saw you going off. I saw you going off. I was like, the people need to hear this.
Blak:He took them shits off the mimes, bro.
Blak:Like, straight off the streets. He bought them goddamn felis from, Marshalls and dipped those bitches.
Mac:What the hell?
Blak:Oh my god. What's the
Mac:hell of those?
Mac:So, as you heard, $399 for these. Apparently, they are plated in 24 karat gold, and they are called the never give ups. Apparently, they're sold out. Let me see if, StockX has these things.
Blak:Who the fuck bought those?
Mac:Hold on. Let me see what StockX has these things on. Bro, I swear to god. Box. He said box.
Mac:He brought him the sneaker card and the motherfucking sold out, man. I was I was shocked. I mean, I'm not. Because, I mean, you only have, what, 400 pairs of these things or something, and, like, you know, you'll find that you Trump supporters are still out there. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Mac:I don't see it most.
Blak:You should be ashamed of yourself.
Mac:Never yeah. It's stock exchange. These things are here, bro. But, $400, like, I know people have paid more for shoes, but I cannot bro.
Blak:I Never.
Mac:Unless your plan is to buy these and resell them to a very staunch Trump supporter who is willing to do whatever to support their boy and pay you 3 times, 4 times the amount that you paid for it, go for it. Rip these people off. Get Please. Get get make some money off this dude.
Mac:And, hold on. Let let I'll I'll finish the video, and then, we'll we'll get to our boy.
News Anchor:Trump also announced a new fragrance line priced at $99 a bottle, where each scent symbolizes, quote, victory and strength. We'll leave you to decide what that actually smells like.
Mac:You see how slick old boy was at the end?
Blak:Love the shot, my guy. Love the shot.
Mac:Now I was trying to find, like, a NPR, like, you know, a BBC. Something that's not as because MSNBC, you know, they gonna go in on Trump regardless. And I was trying to find a a non biased thing, but let us give you, the reason that we are here today. Even the I think Eric kinda hinted towards it too down here. Mhmm.
Mac:I gotta bring up the clip so you could actually hear the audacity from, this Fox News contributor, Raymond Arroyo. And then, kinda see what the, the republican side or I don't wanna say all republicans are thinking this, but at least, their mouthpieces over on, Fox News and, their their reaction to it.
Raymond Arroyo:Sneaker thing. I was on social media last night. Very interesting as you see black support eroding from Joe Biden. This is connecting with black America because they love sneakers. They're into sneakers.
Raymond Arroyo:They love the you know, this is a big deal certainly in in the inner city. So when you have Trump roll out his sneaker line, they're like, wait a minute. This is cool. He's reaching them on a level that defies and is above politics. The culture always trumps politics, and Trump understands culture like no politician I've ever seen.
News Anchor:Question for you on that point, though. Yeah. Will the people that are excited about the sneakers and excited about Donald Trump, will that translate into them going out and voting for Donald Trump?
Raymond Arroyo:Anybody willing to put $400 down for a pair of sneakers? Yeah. I think that's commitment and love. I It's something. Right.
Raymond Arroyo:It's something. It's affection.
Mac:Fam. I hope you're right. So, I shared this with you, and you are like, I hope they're prepared for I hope they're prepared for deterrents. The floor is your buy guy. What what are your thoughts on this?
Blak:Guy from the culture here.
Mac:Culture speaking.
Blak:That shit is not gonna fly. It's not gonna fly at all. What are you doing? No. We don't want this.
Blak:We didn't ask for this. No one asked for this. We don't need it. And $400 is not gonna bring us to no fucking polls, people. Goddamn it.
Blak:Do you know there are better shoes out there in the market that people have literally been killed for? It didn't bring them to the polls. It did not. No. No.
Blak:You're a feliz that you got from the back store goddamn marshals and pressed the t onto them shits. I know what you did. And you went and got some spray paint and sprayed them bitches. No. Them shits would not bring people to the polls.
Blak:You you went on Fox News and said this shit.
Mac:The excitement he had. The excitement, the the confidence that this man was speaking with.
Blak:He is black support
Mac:He is getting on a level that
Blak:he is erodes from
Mac:tune with the culture than any other politician that I have seen. Motherfucker, have you met Barack Obama? Have you met
Blak:Have you? Like, this would have been like listen. I need I need people to understand. The fact that Obama didn't do this shit is incredible.
Mac:I I saw your comment.
Blak:It's incredible.
Mac:You're like, am I the only one who feels like Obama missed out on an opportunity?
Blak:Like, Obama's actually a hooper too. Like, I need y'all to understand Obama was a president who bought his hoop shoes to the gym with him, and he didn't roll out with a fucking sneaker line.
Mac:I, I saw this clip. I was I had to rewatch it to be like, did I just hear what I heard? Like, on on on his live television show, my man made it seem like all black people care about his sneakers. And because you put out a sneaker live, we gonna go vote for you? Got them.
Blak:I know I know where to get the black vote.
Mac:Yeah. That'll get aboard by side. To think that the reason he lost, well, the black vote did, and let me just say this. What happened in 2020 just warmed my soul so much because the whole time people were complaining and people were just like, well, if you don't like what you see, get out and vote. Get out and make a difference, go vote.
Mac:And we went out and voted.
Mac:And states that were normally red were flipping blue. And I was I had to wake up in the morning and turn on fucking the news, what they doing, the map with all that shit. They were just like, yep. Pennsylvania has flipped over the blue. Georgia has flipped the blue.
Mac:I'm just like, bro, you got Georgia to flip?
Blak:Yeah. You know why?
Mac:Because Atlanta showed up to the polls. Yep. All of us. All of Atlanta. All of Augusta.
Mac:All of Columbus. You know what I'm saying? All of Savannah. The motherfuckers showed out, and they voted. And then the result is oh, this has gotta be rigged.
Mac:No. You told us if we don't like what we see, to go vote, and we voted, and y'all like, oh, it's gotta be a fucking corruption. It's, it's a scandal. It's, voter fraud. It's this, it's that.
Mac:And I'm just like, bro, the black people just don't fuck with you. What you did in your 4 years in, black people are just like, I can't get jiggy with this shit.
Mac:So putting out a ugly pair of sneakers and overcharging that shit, I'm not gonna say that not one black person bought a $400.
Blak:Oh, you know they did.
Mac:I know they did, because they trying to flip these shits, and more power to them. I hope like I said, I hope you scam and get over on the the most staunchest of Trump supporters. I'll give you 1600 for those shoes sold.
Mac:Now I came up on $1200. Nice doing business with you, loser. Another thing I will say, Joe Biden's economy has to be doing great if people out here afford in 20 you know, $400 to put on some shoes.
Blak:Statement made. Statement made.
Mac:You're paying so much for gas. He's rising prices. He's doing that. But you know the account. Yeah.
Mac:Here's a 400 pair of dozen 8, and they buy it. And they can afford Sold out. There you go.
Blak:Sold out. Sold out.
Mac:The other 2 shoes he got is, like, a red one and a blue one, and they're, like, not a sock shoe, but kinda like a like I said, I'll find the pictures because I saw it on another site, and I was just like, bro, these shits is trash. If you will. But for this man, Raymond O'Royal, I assume he's of Latino descent, to get on Fox News and speak as if he knows the black culture. During the month of February
Blak:Speak on it.
Blak:Speak on it.
Mac:He knows the culture? Do you know the culture, sir?
Blak:You obviously don't.
Mac:1st of all, Tyrese, if you're watching this, is this the Latinos you're talking about that you wish you were born as? Tyrese, I know you're watching.
Blak:You wanna be.
Mac:That's that's you? You wanna be Raymond O'Royal? That's you? Bet. Bet.
Blak:Bet. Bet. Bet. Culture.
Mac:They they respect family. It's a it's a just I wish I was born Latino like fam. Them shoes I'm like, bro. It's it's tough. But if I was to see somebody with those on
Blak:You're getting beat up over your shoes.
Mac:I'm not I'm not gonna I'm a I'm a just have to ask questions. I'm a I'm a have, like, a few questions. 1, why? Why are you wearing those? Why are you wearing those?
Mac:Right? 2, the fuck is wrong with you? And then I'm a live I'm a I'm a let the person live after that. What I just need to know, why and what is wrong with you? And then I'm a let the band go.
Mac:But I just those are questions I have that because those shoes, I'm I love sneakers. My wife will tell you, like, I I bro, she'll tell you. But I I couldn't. I couldn't. I won't.
Mac:I won't. I can't.
Blak:Dipped in 24 karat gold. Mate, you know how hot your feet are gonna be.
Mac:Bro. And that's where I'm at. Like, are these really plated in 14 karat gold?
Blak:Oh, you know it's a scam, but even if if it was true.
Mac:Bro, I feel like true? I feel like if you wore those and your feet got sweaty and you took them off, your socks would have, like, gold on them.
News Anchor:Bro,
Blak:you take their Like You take your foot off them, shit. They fall off the bone.
Mac:Bro, bro, your foot will be stained in gold. Like, the cheap ass spray paint, whatever they put on that shit, you you reach down to, like, rub some shit off of them, the gold gonna be on your finger. I guarantee guarantee. I was getting I was I was about to flame fucking Kanye for them the Yeezy pod, them sock shoes he put out. Then Trump was Trump jumped out.
Mac:Trump was like, hey. Oh. Oh. I could top that.
News Anchor:Yeah. But I got you.
Blak:I got you.
Mac:Hey. Woah. Woah. I can top that stupidness. And he did.
Mac:Not to say the Yeezy Pods weren't but then he, like, reduced the price to $20. So Kanye I think Kanye was just like, hey. I can't really charge people 200 for these things. Trump out here with $499. Just 3.99
Blak:paying these legal fees, my guy. I need help out here. Bro. He's a gold slagger.
Mac:100? Yeah. It's a gold slagger. Gold. Bro, it it's just it blows my mind.
Mac:Like, every time I I I think we can't get stupider and dumber for election season, I get proven wrong. I get proven I get proven hella wrong. And and it's only February.
Blak:We hadn't even begun the campaigns yet, bro. This is about to get way worse.
Mac:Bro, it's only February, and we out here doing shit like that, bro. Come on.
Blak:I'm telling y'all, man. Y'all better to have hey. Listen. DC have everything on standby, bro. Get them ready now.
Blak:Get them ready now because shit's gonna get crazy.
Mac:If I see anybody out there with the January 6th the January sixes.
Blak:Y'all gave y'all something for me.
Mac:You get arrested, and you get arrested. Oh, man.
Blak:We don't need it, please.
Mac:At the fuck all, bro. We don't need that shit at all. Running around with the damn trees and sixes on and shit. Bro, what you doing out here, bro? Where are these trees and ones?
Mac:Rush the capital fours. What you doing out here with these things on, bro? Build the wall fives. What you doing out here, man?
Blak:It's rigged. It's rigged sixes.
Mac:He's rigged elevens. What you doing here, bro? Oh, man. But, yeah, that that shit's wild. So, Raymond O'Rourke, I could put, like I would put the rest of the the the people on the panel up there, but she she was like, do you think that this will help?
Mac:I hope so.
Blak:She tried to give him an hour.
Mac:Bro, she she looked like she was not feeling these shoes. Like, my man went up there with big shoe energy, and they was just like, yo. I did not think anybody would be on board with these shoe things like this man is. This man was like like, my man, he found the cheat code.
Blak:Got him. We got we this is our strategy. We roll it out. Success.
Mac:Yeah. The the fucking never give up never give ups is what he called them. The never give ups.
Speaker 7:Never give ups. Never give ups. Never give ups. Never give ups. Never give ups.
Speaker 7:Never give ups. Never give ups. Never give ups. Never give ups. Never give up.
Speaker 7:Son, you you owe $335,000,000 to somebody. Not giving it up. Yeah. That's what he
Mac:said. You owe the court told you you owe 335,000,000. Never give up.
Blak:Never give up.
Mac:Oh, well. But, a, Raymond Arroyo, Congratulations on your first entry. You're on your way. You gotta you gotta couple more to go to catch up to our boy, Tyrese, but, this I
Blak:feel like you're you're you're the you're the gateway to what's about to have demands. This is
Mac:this is a hell of a start. Raymond, you're you're you're there's something about this guy. He's special. I think he's going I think he's gonna be a I think he's gonna be special in whose man's. So, we'll keep an eye on you.
Mac:You're you're a rising star. On your first your rookie season? Your rookie season, Raymond? You come
News Anchor:out the
Blak:gate like this?
News Anchor:Strong. Strong,
Mac:bro. To speak about the culture like you know it, bro.
Blak:That was strong.
Mac:That is who's man who's man's rookie of the year type stuff right there, bro. Yes.
Blak:This man's gonna be a hall of
Mac:fame. Keep your eye said nothing. Keep your eye on this guy. He's going places.
Blak:That guy's a blue chip prospect.
Mac:He was a sleeper in the draft. He's a sleeper. Never saw him coming. Now he's he's full force. Full force.
Mac:Yo. Y'all see them bricks, man. He was so confident that we was just gonna all be out here rocking them things, man. I have not I have yet to see him on anybody's foot live out here, my boy. You know, I've seen the rarest of rare shoes on people's feet, and I have not seen these Trump's Never Give Ups January Sixes on anybody's feet.
Mac:But that's just me. Maybe y'all have seen them. If so, drop it in the comments. But that concludes our February entrance to the Who's Man's, competition. We'll put a poll up.
Mac:We did January last week, February this week. My man, Black, is planning on being back with us next week so we can cut up like we usually do. But in the meantime, I'm the homie Mac aka your boy. And, as my man, Black Mac would say, have love, make sex, peace. Y'all take care.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke, babe. It's time for us to show off.
Blak:It's been a long week, come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it.
Blak:Get ready, because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.