Who's Manz: April 2024 *BONUS*
What is good, everybody? It's the homie Mac, aka your boy, and I'll be ushering you through this bonus episode where you will meet April's contestants for the Who's Man's award for the year as we're calling it over here, the smoke pit, the camera award. So I'll roll the intro. You guys sit back and relax and get ready to have some laughs with the broski. Alright?
Mac:Let's do it.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off.
Blak:It's been a long week, come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions, I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit.
Blak:It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke, dude.
Mac:Yep. Y'all know what it is. Friday night mood is right. Dynamic Duo will be back sooner rather than later, but for right now, got a bonus episode. Like I said, in the cold opening, introduce you to our contestants, that have entered the competition throughout the month of April this year.
Mac:First up, we have a young lady who kinda was on everybody's lips while Beyonce was releasing or prepping, the release of her latest album, Cowboy Carter, I believe it was. And the very, very popular, Texas Hold'em single, people were afraid she was gonna start taking some of the money that, country music was making. I don't know how lucrative it is, but the way they were acting is like it wasn't a whole lot to go around, and Beyonce was gonna come and take it all. Leave it to 1, Indiana State University medical student, I believe, Asa Blanton, to get on TikTok and share her real feelings about the situation. I won't give away too much, but, she was trying to gatekeep, and it didn't go well for her.
Mac:So, miss Blanton, take it away. Oh, you're black. You're not country. That little audio preview that you got there was, the the the the focus of our next topic.
Blak:Now Amen.
Mac:I do say, like we stated, there are 2 individuals. So I'll bring up the background for the first horrible person we're talking about. Asa Blanton. If you are tapped in to the goings ons of of TikTok, and this is where I found out about this shit. Like, it's it's crazy how TikTok algorithm is.
Mac:You sitting there just laughing at some shit, and then some real shit hits you. Like, who the fuck? Let me investigate this whole ass shit. You know what I'm saying? And now you got a target.
Mac:Now now we got now we got a topic for for who's man. So shout out TikTok. What up, China? Anyway We hanging in there. Now we me and you here on the smoke pit, I think we've established that we are not in the beehive.
Mac:However Correct. However, we are not anti Beyonce. Correct. Okay. We're just saying her music at this time, whatever she's doing here, is not really resonating with us.
Mac:If it resonates with you, have at it. But like we kinda talked about in the group, she's doing the cowboy carter that dropped. It's number 1 all over the place. And more importantly, and to some people's, dismay, it's number 1 on the country charts, and some people don't like that.
Blak:Oh, they hate that.
Mac:Some people don't like that.
Blak:These here charts weren't made for you, Beyonce.
Mac:Some people went as far as to, bringing up and speaking their mind on a public, a public, what did you say? Discourse or a public, you know, platform such as TikTok Yeah. And, voice their opinions in a way that, caused them to come under some fire. And here's where we enter, one Asa Blanton. So I'm a let her say what she said, and you can read the subtitles up there.
Mac:Or, I think there's subtitles. But if not, listen to her words as she talks about, the Beyonce record. Oh, where's my sound? You're not country. I I don't care.
Mac:Like, it and I wish I meant that in the nicest way. But, like, I know you were raised in the country or your grandparents were, I guess. Your great granny and grandpas. But they was picking. Okay?
Mac:They wasn't playing. Just keep that in mind. They wasn't making money.
Mac:getting sold for money. You ain't country. Black, I'm gonna let you go ahead and and and talk about this, man.
Blak:That was, that was mighty strong. Those flat ass lips were telling some things, weren't they?
Mac:You're not country. You may have been raised there. Your granny and grammy your great grannies and grandpas, but they was picking. They wasn't They were playing. They wasn't playing.
Mac:They wasn't making money that was being sold for money. Beyonce, you're not country. So this young lady is in the nursing program at Indiana State University. What do you think happened once that video was put out and people found out. I'll tell you what.
Mac:Plucked away. I'll tell you. You would think that right, ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, I will bring this so you all can can join in with the the reading as well.
Mac:So as you can see,
Mac:a woman who is allegedly a nursing student at Indiana State University is facing backlash after she appeared to criticize Beyonce and black people in a social media video. The video, which has now been deleted, but you know how the Internet works.
Blak:We kept the file.
Mac:You thought because you deleted it
Mac:off your profile that it
Mac:was gone? Come on. You file that it was gone? Come on. At this point, like, as young as she is, you would think she would understand the Internet by now.
Mac:My old 43 year old self knows, like, let me make sure this is the shit I wanna put out.
Blak:Gotta be careful.
Mac:Put it out. You got to be careful.
Blak:You got to be more careful. You got to be more careful.
Mac:Oh, man. The video, which has now been deleted, was posted soon after Beyonce dropped her country album, Cowboy Carter, on March 28th. The footage made its round on TikTok, multiple people saving the footage and stitching their own videos in response. The woman was identified by a couple media outlets as Asia Blanton. And then there's the quote that she was saying, picking, not planting, not making money, sold for money, you ain't country.
Mac:Several people have expressed their outrage online. As you can see, I'm not even a Beyonce fan, but what the fuck? It's okay for whites to be rapping R and B. Who the fuck owns the right to any particular music genre? No fucking body.
Mac:I want I want her as my nurse, but I have a feeling she loves being a snow bunny to prey on black men and black women. Students also held a protest on Monday with many holding signs. Some of the signs read students against racism and justice brings peace. Indiana State University issued a statement Tuesday noting the college has a long history of valuing diversity and inclusiveness and is aware of the video. The students' comments do not align with our institutional values.
Mac:According to the statement, which was posted on Facebook, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering an inclusive environment. Indiana State University takes incidents of this nature seriously and is committed to ensuring a welcoming environment for everybody. This is their thing. But that wasn't enough for some people who commented on the post. They expressed concern and frustrations.
Mac:I, as an Indiana taxpayer demanding responsible action from ISU, and there's a plethora of other people still, like, in the school, boosters to the school, being like, what the fuck are y'all doing keeping her in y'all program?
Blak:She has friends. Just keep this in mind.
Mac:And then this long ass thing pretty much oh my god. What is this weather, man? Get out of here. Give me my story back. Where did my story back?
Mac:There it goes. We're aware of rampant misinformation spreading online. It is crucial to emphasize that under federal law, the privacy of students due process and actions taken by the university and its place cannot be shared. A state funded institution, we operate and respond within the guidelines established by the state federal law. As the semester end, please know that your well-being and academic success as a student here is of the utmost party to us.
Mac:I just relooked into it, and she is still enrolled at that university completing her nursing degree.
Mac:Mac, the floor is yours, my boy. How you feeling?
Blak:I will I wanna start out with this, and I'm going to be real careful how I word what I say, because history tells us that the term cowboy, was derived from slavery. So, while we're out here playing cops and robbers and horses and shit, I just want y'all to know that the term cowboy referred to a young slave, black person, that had to tend to the cows, and they called him a cowboy. That's where that term comes from. So, Beyonce is probably more country than your motherfucking ass in this point. So I'm gonna lead with that.
Blak:I'm gonna lead with that. Okay.
Mac:Well said.
Blak:2. 2. The country shit. The planting and the picking, I wanna start there too. I wanna go there.
Mac:We can't we can't gloss over that.
Mac:We can't
Blak:we can't yeah. Yeah. We can't gloss over that. The planting and the picking. Uh-huh.
Blak:Ma'am, are you aware that they did both the planting and the picking? Like, do do do we not do we not do we not know that? Like, goddamn. If you just if you're gonna point some shit out, be be historically correct.
Mac:You and a whole college. I know you got US history.
Mac:I know you got US history.
Blak:What are they teaching you? You you ain't paying attention. You ain't paying attention. You ain't paying attention at all. Go to history class.
Blak:They teach you this shit. Pay attention. Ask questions because you wouldn't be saying no shit like that if you actually paid attention. Furthermore
Mac:Get off that girl's nose, man. Just because you can't smell sun up. What the fuck kinda country? Because you can smell sun up. Yes.
Mac:You know, people be like, man, it's about to race. She'd be like, sun's about to go down. Like, how do you smell the sun?
Blak:The rain.
Mac:How do you smell the sun? Yeah. My gas knows.
Blak:Lightning was in 5. The sunniest oh.
Mac:Oh, there it is. She can smell the burnt ozone from lightning on the way. Might wanna get inside, guys.
Blak:It's coming. It's on its way. But anyway, man, we were out in the country more than you motherfuckers were. Like, come on. What what are we doing?
Blak:What are we doing? Especially in Indiana. You should know these things. Like, you're borderline. Like, you should know these things.
Blak:You should know how how this works, ma'am. Furthermore, music is music. And I wanna put this directly in the country music too because I do fuck with some country music. I do. Conway Twitty, I love him.
Blak:He was probably racist. I don't know
Mac:this for sure,
Blak:but goddamn that motherfucker made some good music, bro.
Mac:Was he racist? You know how we know. You know why we don't know for sure if he wasn't? Because he wasn't saying that shit all out in
Blak:the book. Saying stupid shit. This motherfucker came out. Hello, darling. Nice to see you.
Blak:It's been a long time. Y'all talking about fucking Conway Twitty. Family guy made him popular again. God bless family guy. Hello, darling.
Blak:Jesus Christ. What are we what are we doing with our lives, bro? Like, what are we doing?
Mac:God. Oh
Blak:my god. We accepted Eminem. You know why? Because the motherfucker has ball. You know what you have to do except Beyonce.
Blak:Because she made motherfuckers come back to country music. That's what she did.
Mac:You know who you should be mad.
Blak:Music is fucking good music.
Mac:She should just be mad at the people who bought the album. No. She should be mad at the music industry. Yeah. Well, first of all, the music is you don't know what the fuck's going on because you you watch the Grammys and what was it?
Mac:That that one Tyler, the creator album. He got a Grammy for, like, urban contemporary or something. I'm like, you know, ain't this shit rap? You know, they just put shit in other categories and do whatever the fuck it is. You know?
Mac:So if if she went to like, Kanye West with that that gospel, album. This is oh, it's gospel now. Like
Mac:That's what you wanna make it. Cool. Like, it's it's not the artist's fault. They just make music. Right.
Mac:They're not saying
Blak:that But here your ass is. You're not country. You know what we didn't do? You know what black people didn't do? What?
Blak:We didn't crucify Macklemore even though we knew to Pimp A Butterfly was a fucking magnificent album. You don't see us up in the arms about the shit.
Mac:I was.
Blak:All these years later.
Mac:I was, and I still am.
Blak:I mean I mean, it came to the point
Mac:where Macklemore sent Kendrick a text like, hey, man. You shoulda got it. I shouldn't have got this thing. Like, Macklemore knew. McLemore knew.
Mac:Like Yes. Hey, bro. I just He knew. I just came out for for for a quick cash grab, and the the Grammys took my shit and ran with it, bro. I know my shit ain't
Blak:I had I had I had no big, big black dude that could sing, and we just dropped. Goddamn it. I'm about to win a Grammy.
Blak:Just You lost me. You lost me. Why did you do that?
Mac:Just do some black shit real quick, Adi.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Make it soulful. Yeah. My thing is this. Although she's still there, I can guarantee you, I know what her plan is to go on whatever talk show, throw some fake tears out there, talk about she didn't mean it. She got educated.
Mac:She talked to some people.
Blak:I'm way more tolerant.
Mac:She's tolerant. She didn't know that her words were gonna be taken that way. It was mis it's misconstrued. We know the game plan.
Blak:It's the playbook. It's the it's the fucking play
Mac:I I did not intentionally mean to offend anybody like that. I just I was very ignorant. I would I didn't understand what was going on, but after seeking some counseling and talking to some people, I've I've read some articles. I had some pamphlets. And I see now I know now why
Mac:I know the error of my ways.
Mac:I'm volunteering at the local boys and girls club now, and I'm doing things to help them urban youth.
Blak:That's the shit. I'm I'm more involved in the inner cities and putting my work into those communities and making sure that I contribute my part. Shut the fuck up.
Mac:A 100%.
Blak:No. You're not. A 100%.
Mac:That is I guarantee you the next time you hear from this girl, that is gonna be, like, just the there may be some words mixed around. She may go to chat GPT and mix it
Mac:up a bit, but I guarantee you, I didn't know I'm just more educated now where I was raised at. I didn't know, and then now I'm just doing
Mac:you know? And people won't be like, you know, let's give her a chance. She doesn't know which. I'm like, at what point do we look at individuals? You went through high school.
Mac:You're in a nursing program at a a university. Why at what point can we just assume people should know that saying your people were picking cotton and being sold for money is racist as fuck and not cool to say.
Blak:Right. There is
Mac:not like, you cannot there's a level of uneducated that you that doesn't exist, and that is one of them. Like, a 5 year old saying some shit like that.
Blak:Like, who taught you this?
Mac:Yeah. Like, somebody told you that. Who told you this shit? Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Because that's the rate like, the 5 year old's not right. The person who told the 5 year old that, that's the motherfucker we need to go Yeah. Pitchforks and torches and shit. That's the
Blak:Like, she said that shit so, Like, as a matter of fact, here's how it went.
Mac:Actually, Beyonce like, she knew Beyonce's family tree or some shit. They was picking. They wasn't playing. They wasn't making money. They was being sold.
Mac:Like, you are that upset that she is number 1 on the country charts. Like, nobody else in country music is upset because they're still making money. Right. You random lady up at ISU is just like, Beyonce, don't get too full of yourself. Like, Beyonce's straight.
Mac:This album could have flopped. Beyonce's still straight. Yeah. She could.
Blak:This this was an experiment for her. I just want I just want people mad at that to know this. This was an experiment. It could've gone terrible, and she wouldn't have gave a fuck. But since you talk, it's probably gonna do well, and it's gonna piss you off even more.
Mac:Now now people like myself, I'm a stream it just to give it streams.
Blak:For pettiness. Yes.
Mac:Look what you did.
Blak:5 play dates just because I know.
Mac:It's gonna stay 1 on the country charts throughout the rest of the year now.
Blak:When Your tears will say
Mac:my Spotify wrap up, you will see Beyonce at the top
Blak:of this shit. Cowboy Carter.
Mac:It was just a 10,000 plays continuing.
Blak:I'm a just take these headphones by, Texas holding this plan.
Blak:I can't. I can't.
Mac:I enrolled in African American studies for my next semester so I could be
Mac:bitch, you're about to get jumped. Do not go in that
Blak:classroom. No.
Mac:Do not go in that classroom, ma'am.
Blak:You about to be the female version of Remy.
Mac:If there's if there's any black fraternities or sororities at this school, stay away. Protective custody. Get this woman somewhere because the black people of Indiana. Do you know Gary is in Indiana? Do you not think these people will ride?
Blak:Savagery. People
Mac:think Gary, oh, Michael Jackson came
Mac:from there. No. Gary is, like, East Chicago East.
Blak:No. It's yeah.
Mac:It's literally Yeah. On the other side of the I
Blak:was gonna call it Midwest comp.
Mac:Yeah. That that's what it is. This shit is good. That's the Flint, Michigan of of of fucking Indiana.
Blak:Yes. Yes.
Mac:Oh my god. But, yeah. So that's, Aza Blanton. So like I said, keep an eye out for her. Her TikTok has been deactivated.
Mac:She is trying to hide on social media.
Blak:Of course.
Mac:People are looking for her, online to give her that work. But she's hiding. And like I said, when she resurfaces, it'll probably be on a show, probably a good morning America or something. She ain't gonna wanna sit down with a Tamara Hall or or, who's the the the sister that's on, that interviewed Robert, Robert Kelly.
Mac:Yeah. She gonna sit down with her sister and do that because because they they go She's
Blak:going to Joy Bay, Joy Bear.
Mac:Oh, play The View. Nah. She's trying to see Whoopi.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah. You're right.
Mac:She gonna it's gonna be a a a individual one on
Blak:Whoopi gonna give her that work. Yeah.
Mac:That's whoopi about to put hands on there. But yeah. So that's Asia Blanton. And next up, what if I told you?
Blak:But wait. There's more.
Mac:What if I no. I'm a just I'm a just do this. And you guys let me know in the comments if you're surprised. Well, all we can do is just pray for her at this point. Haven't heard much from her lately.
Mac:Hopefully, she's learned to just, keep her mouth shut and, get through life. I can only imagine how popular she was at her university coming after, Beyonce. Ladies and gentlemen, let me just say, the beehive is is is a pretty pretty deep squad. No matter where you are, whatever corner of the earth you are at, you are probably in the presence of 1 or 2 dozen of them at any point. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:So it's best to keep your mouth shut when you talk about queen b unless it's something nice. With that being said, we got a, we got another entry by our very own Tyrese Gibson. And, this time he is speaking out to president Biden who he assumed declared a very controversial, for whatever reason, holiday or day of observance, that just so happened to coincide with the Sunday that Easter fell on, this year. So Tyrese thought that the president just randomly made up a day and put it on Easter, not knowing that this holiday is a day that has been, observed for for many a year. So Tyrese trying to be the stand up activist Christian person he is, put his foot in his mouth on Instagram.
Mac:And, of course, you know, when Tyrese speaks, the smoke pit listens. So, Tyrese, my man, take it away. You let me know if you're surprised that our boy, black tie, That our boy, Roman Pierce, is mister is back in whose man's is this? Surprise. Congratulations.
Mac:Oh, congratulations. And I know people are just like, what else can this man do to continue to be put on whose man's? And ladies and gentlemen, let me show you what it is. So back on March 31st, president Biden was like, this is transgender transgender day of visibility. For whatever reason, you know, Easter always falls on a different day, on a different Sunday, a different date every year.
Mac:So this year just happened to fall on the day that has been for the last, I think, since 2009, dedicated. Yeah. It's right here in the comments. Transgender day of visibility was originally started back in 2009. So for the last 14, 15 years, it's been on March 31st.
Mac:Easter just happened to fall on the same day. So when the president said that, Tyrese was just like, oh, no. You're not about to do that to Jesus.
Blak:Not Jesus.
Mac:So my man went on Instagram underneath that post that president Biden made and said, and I quote, president Joe, I really, really hate to put up this post. Sir, this is a reach. I swear, man, y'all just really, really, really taken things too far. Whoever you met with in your boardroom and signed off on this failed political chess move really, really need to be fired. I am always uber sensitive about people walking and living in third truth, So there's no problem here.
Mac:If you are happy with your gender or wanna switch it up based on who you identify with, that's your life. Do what makes you happy. I say this and speak for every Christian and believer around the world. The Lord Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior, and he is the reigning alpha and omega. Jesus Christ.
Blak:He turned Latin.
Mac:Yeah. We love you, Lord. Pick up your Bible, mister president. Jesus don't do politics. Jesus is not a democrat or republican.
Mac:Jesus is not to be used for political agendas or gains. And if you haven't noticed, there's actually aren't enough trans genders on this earth right now that can get you reelected. LOL. This is a reach. I never judge any man or woman.
Mac:Do what you want with your life and your lifestyle. I continue. This is all going so far. I am gonna turn off the comments because I don't want anyone bashing or saying anything derogatory or bullying anyone in the gay community. This was a reach president Joe, and I think we all deserve an apology.
Mac:Pick up your Bible, mister president. This is not an opinion. This is the word. I am the author
Blak:of the speech,
Mac:says the lord god, and he puts a a verse there. And in case y'all are thinking that thought, I'm the furthest thing from a Trump supporter. I would rather vote for a homeless New York 7 foot rat in the swamps or the underground subways than support that orange dictator. So then, obviously, people jumped in there and let him know about how Easter changes every Sunday. And then Tyrese himself, you see here in the comments.
Mac:I just went live. Y'all know I don't run from politics or heated debates. 30 years of me speaking up and speaking about it where I'm at with it. And then, everybody proceeded to roast him in the comments. Bro, I don't I don't know about Tyrese anymore, man.
Mac:Like like, what do we do?
Blak:Fucked his head up.
Mac:What do we do with him?
Blak:The man said he wanted to be Latino, bro. Is there anything that we can do for him?
Mac:You're right. That's the last thing we we he was on for. That was the last thing he was on here for.
Blak:We gotta we gotta check with the delegation, bro. Like
Mac:Is is he about to get voted off?
Blak:I don't know. I maybe. The man he did the Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. I'm the alpha and omega.
Blak:Jesus Christ.
Mac:Bro, I'm just We love you, God. Why did you have to do like, what it what compelled, like man, just what ace what what what the the previous bra that was on. Like, you could feel a certain way, but I mean, the same thing you're using to type this incorrect to the point where, like, Instagram is like, hey. Missing context, independent fact checkers say information in this post could mislead people. Like, the shit you're talking about, Tyrese, is is incorrect.
Mac:You could take the extra second to look up, like, is this new? Or has this been a thing? Like, just because people just come into comments like, hey, yo, Tyrese. There's been a thing since, like, 09, my boy. And, Easter is on a different Sunday.
Mac:It's a different date every year. Like, Easter is not always on the 31st March. This isn't something that president Biden just made the fuck up. You know? And he just, this is it.
Mac:I gotta let him know because y'all
Blak:gotta leave Joe alone, man. He too old for this shit.
Mac:And, you know, like, he if if he making decisions like this, it's not him.
Blak:It's not him?
Mac:It's not him. Like, he ain't gonna
Blak:Halftime Joe don't even know what the fuck he talking about, bro. Like, you think he gonna take the time out to strategize some shit like this? No. It's been done for him.
Mac:Fam. But he ain't making up new holidays, bro. Like, shit has been there. What do you say? You wanna be Latino?
Mac:Hispanics will reject the offer. My man said he thought he was speaking that. Yeah. He thought Chris is gonna come and be like, amen, Tyrese. Amen.
Blak:Back you. Yep. We back you. Now behold
Mac:I mean, some people was
Mac:in here.
Mac:Some people was in here talking about thank you, Ty. What I don't understand is why the rainbow mafia needs one more day even after they have a whole month of celebrations. This coming from a black person.
Blak:That's too close to black history shit, bro.
Mac:They can't this coming from a black person.
Blak:Oh. Oh, damn. Come on, man. Come on, man. Come on, man.
Blak:What's happening? That's bad, bro.
Mac:People in the comments. March is women's month, though. Move that day to April. The homophobia and transphobia of the black community needs to be studied. It's time to have a straight people date.
Mac:What? Like, people just be in here? Oh, Tyrese had another comment. Let me read this. The Easter controversy is heating up.
Mac:Let's talk about it. I'm still celebrating, and I'm not gonna let nothing steal my joy. A shift, my energy from celebrating me releasing one of the most important songs I ever saw. Oh, this motherfucker released a gospel song that day?
Blak:You did this for a promotion, Tyrese? Tyrese. Tyrese. You threw shade at the president to promote us.
Mac:One person's like, lord, sometimes I really don't like us. We love to get on the Internet being loud and wrong. Google is free. Google is literally free. Can we trade Tyrese for somebody else?
Blak:That's sad. That's sad.
Mac:Oh, man. As a Christian, we should spread the good news of Jesus, not point out what we think people are doing is wrong. It's not for us to judge. Go figure.
Blak:I agree with.
Mac:Go figure. Right? You also That I agree, bro. This is wild, man. Like, Tyrese, I got no words for you no more, man.
Blak:Bro. And I wanna put this out here. I wanna put this out here for all the Christians. Right? Yeah.
Blak:Because we falter. We do. As humans, we falter. We're not going to be perfect. That's the thing about humanity.
Blak:We won't be perfect. But bro, like we're put on this earth to love each other. That's not, it's not our job to be like, you're, you're this, you're that, you're you're no. Fuck all that shit, bro.
Blak:Because when we die, we gonna find out what the real shit is anyway. Facts. And what's the chance that you come back to this motherfucker gay? So you might wanna shut the fuck up.
Mac:Bro, just just just I don't understand why people just can't just accept the mindset of, I'm a just take care of me and mine and whatever people wanna do to make themselves happy is cool as long as it's not affecting me and mine. Like, if you're not encroaching on my family's happiness and what we like to do, like, I don't care. Live your life. I want you to be happy too because I'm happy. I'm happy living my life.
Mac:You should be happy living your life. Not fucking stories. I feel like me about to drop the most important song of my life. This is how I could do it. I turned to comment.
Blak:How can I get as much attention on this song as possible?
Mac:I know. This will get them on my side.
Blak:Joe ain't even listening to you,
Mac:bro. What the fuck is president Joe Biden? I
Blak:This is a reach.
Mac:I am upset. I'm upset. Tyrese, bro, nobody checking for you, bro. Ain't nobody looking for you until the next, Fast and Furious is supposed to come out. And then you're gonna have a minor role in that shit anyway.
Mac:But, ladies and gentlemen, we'd be remiss if Tyrese ain't out here defending his title and submitting his role as our one and only whose man
Blak:Hall of Famer.
Mac:All star.
Mac:He is out here just being a fucking You
Blak:did it.
Mac:You did it.
Blak:You did it.
Mac:You did it, Tyrese. Congratulations. Oh, this motherfucker here. I
Mac:can't stand.
Mac:I can't, bro. I can't stand this motherfucker at this point, man.
Blak:Bro. Yeah. Like, when you think he's quiet, he just he hits you with another one. Like, what what are you doing, Ty?
Mac:You just be like, bro, that's gotta be the last drop of stupid. But he just did. He's gotta at least recharge, like, take a few months to recharge. This motherfucker like, nah. I I pulled up to the supercharger.
Mac:Tesla pull up, charge 0 to a 100 real quick. I'm ready for some more stupid shit. Let's go.
Blak:Let's go. Let's go. He's like, you know that movie elemental? Like, he thought the water dude was dead.
Mac:That's Tyrese. Every time he do something stupid, that he gotta be good. He gotta go into hibernation or something. He gotta he gotta recharge his stupid. Tyrese has to recharge his stupid.
Blak:There's no way he does
Mac:back to back stupid that hard. Nope. Nope. Nope. You said never underestimate Tyrese.
Mac:That's where we fucked up. That's where we fucked up here at Smoke Bay. We're underestimating Tyrese and his stupidness. But, I mean, this man
Blak:He has a he has a factory where he builds it.
Mac:This man has been on whose man's 6 times. 6 times. A fact. I went back and looked, and it's not 6 times over the 4 years. It's literally been 6 times since 23.
Blak:Yeah. In the past year.
Mac:Yeah. This man is wilding. This man is wilding right now. But, yeah, I feel I feel where we at here. I'm a do something real quick.
Mac:And, then we can move on to the bracket update, which is pretty short because, it was the final. It wasn't even close. But, before we move on yo. Complete wash, bro. Before we move on, Tyrese, we're giving you your flowers.
Mac:Here you are, sir. Well deserved, sir.
Blak:Congratulations, sir.
Mac:What more could we want from you? What more could we want from you? Yeah. Like the all star thing? The all star.
Mac:He's the only one that has the all star status. Like, we're we're trying to find other people to induct in this hall of fame, but, I think he's he's got a lock on it. He's got a lock on it. Strong contender for winning our 1st annual, cover award, but we'll see how that works out. There's still a few more weeks left in the year and a whole lot of more shenanigans to get into throughout the rest of these months.
Mac:But with that being said, our last contestant for this month, Erica de Biera Nunez. Now let me tell you something. I don't know how down bad you have been the worst point of your life where you're like, I need money. I guarantee you, you have never been as down bad as this woman was. I would like to tease what she did, but it has to be seen and heard real time.
Mac:Like, I I don't wanna I don't wanna take the the the the suspense out of how wild this woman is. Now that I think about it and re and relook at this, she's gotta be up there. So, Erica, De Villara Dunes. Take it away mommy. Now, it's a long ass name down there.
Mac:I know you're looking at it. Like, who in the fuck is this person? It's not a celebrity. It's not a well known person. No.
Mac:But it's a name that will probably go down in infamy as far as dumbass of the year. Like, I think we need to go back and and kinda prove the tapes of the previous 3 months. So when we get around December, we can have, like, a fucking poll to see who gets the fucking smoke pit, get your dumbass out of here of the year Oh, Lord.
Blak:That's a fact. That is a fact.
Mac:Because while shit be happening every day, but let me paint the scenario. You need to get a loan. You need somebody to cosign because your credit is horrible. You have a family member with somewhat decent credit, and they need to cosign for you. Uh-oh.
Mac:That person dies. What do you do? Do you just well, I guess the loan's not for me. Or option option 2, drag the dead family member out of their death bed, place them in a wheelchair, wheel them up to the loan office, and try to sign the thing. I'm sorry.
Mac:Okay. So so you had 2 choices. Oh, no. The person that was gonna cosign for me has died. You know?
Mac:Maybe it's not meant to be. Maybe I'll go another route. Or you go and get your dead relative, wheel them up to the the loan officer, a la weekend at Bernie's, and try to have them sign the loan paper while dead. AD is right. How is that an option at all?
Mac:AD, I'll tell you how that's an option. And I'll tell you. You brought a dead body. What the fuck? So, as you can see the the headline here, new footage shows women who use dead uncle to sign bank loan, arriving by taxi with the driver helping move the body.
Mac:Now as I scroll through this, you'll see pictures of them moving this dead body in a Uber. So the Uber driver is picking up to death.
Blak:I'll pay you. I'll pay you. Just help me get this motherfucker thing up.
Mac:I'm trying to get through this. I'm trying to get through this. So let's let's let's continue. So look at the pictures as I scroll down. So so
Blak:Sam is stiff, bro. He
Mac:is. So here's here's her picking, like, brings the wheelchair out. The the Uber driver pulls up dead dude in the the fucking passenger seat. Right? Helps put him in the chair.
Mac:Lean hard. Lean in his heart. Like life is not the spirit is gone. The ghost the ghost has been given up.
Mac:This is her, the bank camera, capturing her with the pin in her hand, dead uncle in the wheelchair trying to sign the fucking papers, bro.
Blak:Sir, do you understand? Sir? Sir, do you do you understand the terms and conditions? He understands.
Mac:He told me
Blak:You did a fucking paper?
Mac:Ma'am, have you ever seen x men? This is Charles Xavier's cousin. Have you seen Logan when professor Xavier is out of his this is him?
Blak:This is him. He's a vegetable.
Mac:Look how they start the article. It should have been a dead giveaway.
Blak:Shout out to that.
Mac:Shout out to that. Shout out who who wrote this shit. There you go. I don't I can't say your name, but props to you.
Blak:Dead giveaway.
Mac:The Brazilian woman who took her dead uncle into a bank to sign a loan in her name arrived there by taxi with video even showing the driver helping her move the corpse from the car. Erica de Souza Vierra Nunez was arrested Tuesday after taking the body of her 68 year old uncle, Pablo Roberto Braga into a bank and then moving his hand to sign a document to get her a $3434100 load. You moving a whole corpse for 3,400.
Blak:I wonder if she needed that to bury him. I mean,
Mac:this is the irony.
Blak:I gotta ask.
Mac:The irony, bro. What are we doing? The irony. Oh my god. Newly emerged video shows Nunez who reportedly told cops that she didn't know her uncle was dead, arriving at the bank by taxi with her motionless uncle in the front passenger seat next to the ride share driver.
Mac:Pull it up. There he is dead as fuck.
Blak:Homie rode to the bank with a dead body.
Mac:Yep. You wanna see a dead body? The footage, which has no sound, shows Nunez placed in a wheelchair outside of the car door and reaching inside to grab her late uncle. The driver then helps her pull him out in into the wheelchair where the uncle slumps with his head tilted to the right. At one point, a man walks by and does a double take.
Mac:He turns around and appears to speak with Nunez while motioning to Brega, but then continues on his way. Let me ask y'all this. You start laughing. You're walking into the bank. You see this happening.
Mac:Do you just continue?
Blak:You can't. Like, I know what to do to ask. I know. If he had double take, did he talk to her? Like, do you not know this nigga's dead, bro?
Mac:Do you? Do you talk to do you be like, you can't do this? Like, I gotta report this shit. You got a whole corpse in this wheelchair. Like, did call 9 would like, do you know he's dead?
Mac:Like, first of all, I just gotta ask.
Blak:You don't have to ask.
Mac:You know he's dead. Right? No, he's not. Market. He's not breathing.
Blak:No. Sir. He is like, what guy slumped in that wheelchair, bro. Like, he
Mac:Tay said she would just walk away faster.
Blak:Say none of my business.
Mac:It be you bro.
Blak:None of my business.
Mac:I got too many things to do today. I cannot I cannot be I cannot be a part of this random ass shit. AD says this is not a sleepy slump. I know a sleepy slump when I see wood. I think everybody does.
Mac:This shit is not bro,
Blak:you know.
Mac:Oh my god.
Blak:That is dead weight in a chair, literally.
Mac:Nunez then wheels break into an elevator before another closed circuit television camera captures her making her way down a long hallway. Another video taken the day before shows Nunez bringing the visibly alive Brega to an emergency room. Nunez insisted she did not know her relative was dead when she took him to the bank to sign documents that would have allowed her to take out a $34100 loan. Braga's autopsy found that he died between 11:30 and 2 PM local time, Tuesday, which would have been the day before, with this cause of death being determined as respiratory aspiration of stomach contents in heart failure.
Blak:What the fuck?
Mac:The police chief said the way the man's blood had pooled within his vessel suggests that Brega did not die seated, but rather lying down. Look at her. Look at her. Like, the head is tilted back. And she's still at this fucking bank thing trying to get this fucking look at that shit.
Mac:Wake up. Wake up. Hey.
Blak:Wake up.
Mac:Hey. For those that are listening, the picture that please, if you're listening, just go to YouTube. Just just go to the Facebook channel, whatever. You gotta see these pictures. She is trying legit holding this man's head up to make him look alive.
Mac:Bro, if you're the bank teller, what are you doing? Like, they pulled him up to your desk, Black. You're the loan officer. Hey, what can I do for you? He's here to cosign for the loan.
Mac:Will this get
Blak:I'm I'm calling the police.
Mac:Yes. This is the uncle I was telling about that was gonna cosign for me. Mhmm. Hello, police. Give me one second.
Blak:I need I need your assistance, please. Please.
Mac:And can you see the representative from Arkham Asylum? Because this is a big I lost your goddamn mind out of here, bro. Somebody used the killing curse. We can at Bernie's. Dead broke dead broke.
Mac:Well done, Eric. Well done, EJ. Well done. Look at this picture. I'm just like, do you I'm a ask you this in all seriousness.
Mac:Is there an amount of money that you are willing to do this for? To get a a dead relative that you know is past and you're in the middle of trying like, you didn't even report his passing to the authorities. Because the corners would have came and took him away. He passed and your family's probably like, oh, God, let's call that. Hey.
Mac:Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah.
Mac:Woah. Wait. Wait a minute. Give me a day. I just need to do something with them real quick.
Mac:Wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Blak:Wait a minute.
Mac:Wait a minute.
Blak:What did we do? My brain won't let the grief process enough to think of some shit like this.
Mac:What is the amount of money that that that would cost somebody to be like, let's not I know he's dead, and right now he's decomposing literally. Yes. Like, have his bowels empty. You know what I'm saying? Like, bro, when people die, shit go down.
Mac:And you just like, wait wait a minute. I need to do something with them tomorrow. I'll bring him right back. I'm a bring him right back.
Blak:As soon as I'm done, I swear to god, y'all can call whoever y'all need to call. We can report him. Like, he can we can say he died in the in the church.
Mac:I could drop him off in the Uber on the way back over at the coroner's office. I'll add a way point. It's all good. What did you say? You can't just done them your way to 34.
Mac:Yeah. I'm here to try them all along. So you just use it as not Silence.
Blak:I kill you.
Mac:Oh, shit. Alright. Let's continue going then. His toxicology tests are still pinging. Nunez is now facing charges of death theft by way of fraud and desecration of a corpse.
Mac:Her attorney claimed that she suffers from mental health issues and might have experienced a mental breakdown. Erica undergoes, psychological treatment and takes prescribed medications, her lawyer says. I believe she was having a breakdown at that moment because of the medications. She appeared visibly disturbed, and this is her getting arrested. The viral video recorded by a bank employee at first aired by the the network in Brazil.
Mac:Nunez was seen talking to the dead man and lifting his drooping head. Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign the loan contract. If you don't sign, there's no way because I can't sign for you, she says in the clip while thrusting a pin between his limp fingers. Sign so you don't give me any more headaches.
Mac:I can't take it anymore, she adds. When a bank staffer notices that Braga's color looks off, he appears unwell. Nunez replies, oh, he's like that. He doesn't say anything.
Blak:Yeah. You cuckoo fucking Coco
Mac:Yeah. Hey, man. Your uncle's dead. Yeah. He gets like that sometimes.
Blak:No. He's yeah. It happens quite a lot.
Mac:He doesn't talk a lot. I imagine
Blak:so. Yeah.
Mac:Because he's dead. Yeah.
Blak:These motherfucker's talking to God right now.
Mac:Looking down at you. Look at look at what was my niece doing?
Blak:What the fuck is wrong with her?
Mac:God is just like, bro, what's your family doing with you? I don't bro, she wild. No. She wild, man. Tico, take one.
Mac:The thing I need, I need to talk to the Uber driver.
Blak:Yeah. That was my question. Like, did you not notice this?
Mac:The bank?
Blak:I mean, if you did
Mac:The bank, all that stuff, yeah, that's crazy. But man, when you pull up
Blak:How many miles was it from her crib to the bank?
Mac:When you pulled up and the Uber thing was just, like, 2 passengers and you picked up, hey. I'm your Uber, and she pulls up with this dude in the wheelchair. You just like,
Blak:A fair is a fair.
Mac:It's a it's a slow day.
Blak:I need the money, man. I need it. I don't
Mac:I don't fucking care. Bro.
Blak:It's not my problem.
Mac:Oh my god. Bro, the to to quote Steven, the mitigated goal. If, like, the Uber driver, I need I need I need got to say. The family that was around when he passed and was just like, you know, he's gone. Let's make the call.
Mac:And she's like, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Or did she just sneak him out? Like, because not only once the person passed, you make the call immediately because don't want a decomposing body just sitting up in there like that. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
Mac:Oh, I know he was right too. Oh my
Blak:god, man. I know some cultures I know
Mac:he was right. Like I know in in Philippines,
Mac:like if a
Mac:family member dies and they're sleeping in the home, you take a day to mourn, but you still notify, hey, there's a dead person here. And the country allows you that, like, you call it in and they give you the time to mourn, but then they're just like, yeah, we come to see
Blak:So we come to get this motherfucker.
Mac:Come to get this motherfucker. Yeah. Real quick. Yeah. Not not like, you know, can y'all come, like, after 4 because I got something to do.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? You just you just taking this man out on errands. Yeah. That is crazy. Bro, I couldn't even imagine going to work.
Mac:Like, oh, man, bro. It's a Tuesday or was it Wednesday? Just like, man. This day is crazy. It can't get any worse.
Mac:Right? Hi. I'm here with my uncle to sign this note.
Blak:You look wrong with him? What's wrong
Mac:with him? Alright.
Blak:His color looks on me.
Mac:Funny, guys. Who put you guys up to this? Because he start looking around this Whose
Blak:idea was
Mac:this? It's funny. Okay, sir.
Blak:I told you guys weekend at Bernie's was my favorite movie.
Mac:Okay. Wake up, sir. Okay. Wake up, sir. It's the joke's over.
Mac:You got me. Sir. Sir? Sir? Sir?
Blak:Why is he so quiet? Oh, he's like that. Oh, shit.
Mac:Tina, who put you up to this? Tina? Who put you up to this?
Blak:I gotta fill out a police report after this. Fuck you, man.
Mac:Yeah. It did. Well, I know here in the states is I don't know what it is in Brazil, but she apparently, Brazil got lax at. Like, their laws are just like, bull fucking report it whenever you're ready.
Blak:That's wild. Report it when you're ready. That's wild.
Mac:Yeah. It's crazy. But, is it I agree when it comes to the quality of the mastery like this is up this was up there. This is hella up there, bro. Tyrese has the quantity.
Mac:Erica, you may be you you may 2024?
Mac:I think you got it right now. I think you're running away with it
Blak:right now. Cracked the list.
Mac:I think you're running away with this shit easy. And there's been some doozies. We had old buddy try to die with the judge. You know what I'm saying? We had some wild ass shit going this year, but, Erica
Blak:You are the front runner right
Mac:now. Congratulations.
Blak:You are.
Mac:You up there. This is almost the quality of this this this who's man, you should almost get a all star. We'll we'll Yeah. We'll take it up. We'll we'll take it up with the committee.
Mac:And next week next week, if the committee gives the thumbs up, we'll we'll give you your, your star on the the walk of shame next to Tyrese. But, I think it's time to just just come back to normalcy, Get back to the the final shots and thoughts and, close this episode out. Like, what I say, never in your life have you been that down bad where you just kidnap your dead relative to try to have them sign on a loan? Bro, that is wild. Crazy.
Mac:So when we get at Bernie's type shit is that. But anyway, that wraps up this bonus episode. Hopefully, April's entrance into our, contest here has brought you a few laughs, a few giggles, a few hahas, some guffaws and such. And, we'll be trying to figure out a time to bring you both up to date present time live smoke pit episodes, as well as finish out the year bringing you the rest of the month's entries into our competition. With that being said, I am the homie Mac aka your boy.
Mac:And as the homie, Brad like a king made as Kelvin Kately, would say, have love, make sex, peace.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night, come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week, come relaxing, get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets.
Blak:And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions, I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready, because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mac and Mac. Welcome to the Smoke Pit.