Ep 157 "No Love for the Hulkster, Schulz vs. KDot, & Whitlock is Down Bad"
Well, well, well, what do we have here? It has been it has been a while, my guy. Yes. It has. But, like all good things, if you let it go and it comes back, it was meant to be.
Mac:So, back from our back from our holiday hiatus, you see the screen, the dynamic duo of black and Mac bringing in season 6 of the smoke pit. Did you ever imagine, we started in 2019, that now we'd be doing this for 6 years and some change?
Blak:Not at all, bro. Like, I you know, now that you say, like, 2019, it doesn't it it didn't seem so far away, but if you look now, it's like, damn. We've been doing this for a while. 6 years.
Mac:6 years, man. 6 year. Well, actually, if I think about summer of this year would be 6, but 5 and a half ain't no joke either.
Blak:It ain't.
Mac:It ain't no joke either. But, I could imagine doing this with anybody else, the crew we got over here at DFPN. Good times. Good times. But, unless you have anything, to say to the people prior to us queuing up the intro.
Blak:I'll save him for spotting shots. Alright.
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, welcome to season 6 of the smoke pit episode, I believe, 150 some. Off the top of my head, I'm trying to think possibly. Yeah. Why not? Yeah.
Mac:Yeah. And, it starts right now. The following is a presentation of the dead villain podcast network, reminding you to always question the answers.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit.
Blak:It's Friday night, come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week, come relaxing, get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this?
Blak:Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Mac:Never gets old, but Ever. Yep. Y'all know what it is. Friday night. Mood is right.
Mac:Dynamic duo of black and Mac here on your screens again. Like I said, season 6 of the smoke pit. Appreciate those that are tuning in. And we are live for the masses, not behind the Patreon paywall, but, we figured it's only right to welcome the fan, Bam, and the whole crew, everybody in. So we're live over on Facebook.
Mac:We're live on YouTube. We're live on Twitch. So, if you're watching, feel free to share the link, get, some participation in here. But let's just, let's just get into it. I will say let me let me start.
Mac:I don't think the holiday hiatus was supposed to be as long as it was, but, full transparency, Your boy, Mac, me, aka your boy, all that good stuff, has a behind the scenes things to work out. This is a PSA again to just let you know. If you're watching this and you're going through some stuff and you gotta take some time, take a knee, reevaluate, reprioritize some stuff in your life, get things straight. Please take the time to do that. Right?
Mac:Absolutely. Absolutely. You know, it as much as I would just love to just put all 24 hours, 7 days a week into DFPN and everything we do over here. I realized I was robbing Peter to pay Paul, taking time away from other things that I should have been focusing on. So, just a recalibration, if you will.
Mac:The energy and effort will still be there. Just, like I said, just kinda taking a better look at where to place the energy and stuff. You know? So that's all that was. So, we're back.
Mac:Shout out to the rest of the DFPN crew for, for letting me take that knee and, carrying the the network as you guys do on your backs. I appreciate that.
Blak:Dope work, man. Dope work, and welcome back. It's it's great to have you back, sir.
Mac:Same. Same. What up, bake? In the building. Megan is in the building.
Mac:What's up, girl? Hey. You're fine. My homie Mark is up in here. What's up, man?
Mac:What is up? What is up, everybody? So, the holidays, man, how'd it go for you, man? Everything cool?
Blak:Yeah, man. It was, it was good. I we so I ended up going to watch my daughter graduate. Shout out to Lee and Knowledge.
Mac:Congrats on that. Yeah. Yeah.
Blak:Yeah, man. So I ended up watching her graduate, spending some time in Vegas. I too had to recalibrate, you know, fix some things going on around here as well. So as much as the hiatus you got, I needed that shit
Blak:too. So
Blak:I needed it. So, yeah, it allowed me to work and recalibrate some stuff, focus more on some future stuff with the network. That way, you know, we do put a lot into the brand. So setting this up setting this year up was kinda my pride. So, yeah, man.
Blak:I'm just I'm happy. I'm happy we're back. I'm ready to get back to it. It's it's been a while, so this show is gonna this is gonna be fun. I've been waiting on this
Mac:one for a minute. Indeed. Indeed. Shout out Kimpachi tuning in over there on YouTube, man. Hopefully, your holidays were good, and you're bringing in the New Year with some good energy moving forward.
Mac:Biggest thing we're kinda talking about this oh, oh, oh, oh, before we do it. We would be remiss if we did not begin this episode as we try to do most episodes with our ceremonial shots. I sit here with, it might be time for new shot glasses. The little design is starting to wear off on this one, so it might be time to re up, get another order of, some shot glasses. But
Blak:I'm with that.
Mac:I am here with a a little bit of a now before y'all get on my neck, there's just been this bottle of Ciroc that has just been sitting on top of the fridge. Right? Sitting on top of the fridge before the Diddy stuff happened. Alright. I know this isn't Diddy's brand, but I know he was real big on publicizing it.
Mac:He was kind of the face for it. So, no, this money is not I feel I have to put that disclaimer out. I do not approve of Diddy's actions. His get togethers freak out, whatever. All of that stuff.
Mac:Whatever happens to him, hey. That that's up to the land of the law, but I'm not about to just pour this this liquor out in the sink, to make a point. Right? Yeah. I will drink it, and I will act like I hate it as a a as a as a ghost.
Blak:Gotta act like you bought it.
Mac:It's like it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Disgust.
Mac:But what you got over there, man?
Blak:I have some tequila. Again, my local liquor man just tries to sell me on shit. This is actually really good. So if you find it, it's called Don Ramon, and it's a plata. It's really good.
Mac:The fuck is it?
Blak:Really good stuff. I need
Mac:to up my alcohol game, man. That's about it. It's a plata. I'm like, the fuck is that plata? But, you got a toast for the folks, man?
Blak:Yes. Since we're back
Blak:And we're in the new year, and we have big expectations for this year. Mhmm. Keep pushing. And if you fall, make your way back.
Mac:I like it. Salud. Salud, my guy. Gross. Yeah.
Mac:Gross. I can't wait till I finish that to get rid of my
Blak:you make this?
Mac:Oh, man. How dare you? But, Mister Combs. God. I mean, when you
Mac:said it you said it, like, think about now. Like, I'm looking back at at at Diddy's rise and all of that shit. Like, in the grand scheme of things, sitting back looking at Adam now, I'm like, he's probably one of the most corneas dudes. Like, like, there's not a a not saying when you're involved with rap and hip hop, like, you gotta be a thug and shit like that, but he never gave the vibes that he was that dude that you should be scared of. You know?
Mac:True. His like, when you watch the show, like, making the band, he'd be popping off on people. He's doing that because of the position of power he has. Like, he ain't walking up to no random dude on the street talking to any kind of way outside of his neck. But, I was I was I was listening to some Biggie, and, like, it it I don't know for whatever.
Mac:I was sitting in my office, and it was a big papa. And, it's the part of the song where Big be like, you got a gun up in your waist. Please don't shoot at the place. And then Puffy's like, why? Why?
Mac:Like, nigga, because I'm in here. That should've been and I know I wrote it too because I see I'm like, but, bro, I'm in here. So so that's why.
Blak:You gonna fuck the party up, bro. Come on, man.
Mac:Oh, okay. Megan says, she has a homegirl that works with the apple and cherry orchards and recommended apple juice with tequila. It takes the bite from the the tequila away. I usually go with the with pineapple juice.
Blak:Yeah. Me too.
Mac:But apple juice and tequila?
Blak:That's lemon juice too. Lemon juice, I know. But
Blak:Apple juice?
Mac:I would say anything citrus, I would assume, dude. I I've never done it with, like, orange juice or anything like that, so I wouldn't know. But If
Blak:you had a tequila sunrise, then
Mac:Is that what that is?
Blak:Yeah. It's orange juice.
Mac:God. And grenadine. I'm I'm so out of it. I'm so I'm a basic ass drinker. You know what?
Mac:You you got some apple crown? Hey. Your boy's in there. Peach crown? Let me have it.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? That's where I'm at. But, what is that? Ranch water is the
Blak:Ranch water? That's a good one too.
Mac:The fuck is bro, y'all educating me, man. If y'all in the chat, y'all got y'all got some shit I need to be put on. Because like you said, I'm I'm I'm basic. Like, I I will let you know right now. I don't do Hennessy.
Mac:You know? I don't do no e and j. Like, I'm not saying I'm above it, but when you used to do it and you discover something better, you know, you just can't go back. You know what I'm saying? So it's
Blak:I I get you.
Mac:Like, when's the last time you had Paul?
Blak:Oh, it's been years, bro. We ain't broke like that no more, bro.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying?
Blak:Ain't seen the class 6 look like that in a minute, bro.
Mac:I did it. What up, Milaney? She says she drinks tequila straight, but she does enjoy the tequila sunrise. Oh, nice. Well, Jorel, what's up?
Mac:Yep. What's up, gents? Hey. Deontay the giant. Yes.
Mac:The guys are back. The boys are back in town. But yeah. So we were we were kinda bullshitting before. Brand new year, a lot of things.
Mac:A lot of companies are trying to, you know, go out there, bringing this year with a bang. And, the WWE is also one of those. Now they have been, again, casual fan here. Correct me if I'm wrong. I think 2023, 2024, kinda brought in a resurgence.
Mac:I know you and Frankie talked about it. Some of the things being, you know, Vince stepping away, triple h stepping up, doing the creative and everything. The bloodline storyline was was, you know, I think a big part in bringing it back up and about, and it's still one of the the biggest storylines, in the game right now. I think triple h is doing a great job in the women's division, bringing up some good stories and situations over there, both for Raw and, and SmackDown and stuff. But their biggest thing, obviously, not a whole lot of people fan of, a lot of properties going straight to streaming services, going away from cable.
Mac:But if you're a business person, you're looking at the the the writing on the wall, like, cable is pretty much
Mac:its way out. Right? Yeah. But, I I see Mark getting a little bit ahead
Blak:of what we're getting to.
Mac:So Raw on Netflix, your thoughts real quick. And and just the broad strokes, if you want his detailed thoughts on all of that stuff, no gimmicks dropped their 1st episode of the year, so make sure you check that out. But, well, what are your thoughts on a raw on Netflix?
Blak:I thought production wise, top tier, bro. It's it looked phenomenal. It felt like it was a a big show. It felt like the only show I could compare it to is WrestleMania because that's what it felt like. It was that big.
Blak:You had that many stars. The celebrities were in attendance. It felt like a big deal. And it was a massive win for WWE, and it's a massive win for wrestling because now they've entered into a streaming area. There's another company, AEW, which has also done the same thing.
Blak:So it's kinda like cutting that cord and introducing wrestling to a bigger audience. And it's exciting for me because it's a bigger chance of wrestling becoming mainstream.
Blak:And I could talk about it with a lot more people, you know what I mean, that can get into it and and enjoy it for what it is. So it's very exciting if you're a wrestling fan.
Mac:Indeed. Indeed. But, as Mark is is hinted to, the biggest takeaway they had, their current superstars showing up, and they had some of the the hall of famers showing up. Undertaker came back as his American badass, persona. And, we also had, the real American, Hulk Hogan, show up.
Mac:And I was like I said, I didn't catch it live. But, following your social media, I saw you, with the post, Hulk Hogan comes out the crowd, and you had the, the gift from, half baked with old buddy throwing a hat. Boo, this man. And I'm just like, what? Let me see what's going on here.
Mac:And when I tell you, now the Intuit Dome is is one of the newest arenas, structures, beautiful place, seats a lot of people. Every seat was filled in that bitch. Right? Every seat. Yes.
Blak:Sold out.
Mac:So that's why I kinda probably gave the WrestleMania feel. But, he came out, Jimmy Hart came out with him. I'm like, okay. This is and Poor Jimmy. And he's he he was catching strays, bro, for no reason.
Mac:Oh, you roll with him? But Hulk Hogan could not even get through his promo. I get it. You know, they wanna I I don't know if WWE and Netflix had a deal where they had to say Netflix x amount of times or whatnot. But, I mean, obviously, we're watching this shit.
Mac:Like, we get it Netflix. Hulk Hogan came out pretty much to push 1, his beer, real American beer, I think. And 2, to remind everybody that WWE is now paired with Netflix. And, the booing is hilarious to me. I and we were talking about this.
Mac:Like, as as a kid in the eighties, WWE is picking up, you know, picking up steam, moving. Hulk Hogan's at the front of it. Hulk Hogan Yep. Is I tell people, like, what Michael Jordan did with the dev not w a, but the NBA, globalizing it, making it a household name, things like that. Ho that was Hulk Hogan for WWE.
Mac:Yep. To see him go from that to where he is now, do you as as as a fan, hardcore fan as you are, and also as a black man. Because if if you are unaware, Hulk Hogan got in some some trouble, when a recorded conversation he had with another individual regarding his daughter dating a black person came out, racial slurs, all of that other stuff. He was removed from WWE Hall of Fame, all of that stuff. They took him off the website, all of that stuff.
Mac:He came with an apology. He was like, I'm sorry. You know, I used the wrong word, which I'm just like that. That is I don't know who your publicist is, who your PR manager is, but that is the worst apology
Blak:ever. They failed you.
Mac:But get a new one. But, if you have it already. But, what what are your what are your thoughts on that, man? Like, when you look at Hulk Hogan, where he was, where he is now getting booed by an arena full of people. Now some people are saying because it was California, it was all about politics, and they're booing him because he showed up at the Republican National Convention endorsing Trump and everything like that.
Mac:And if that's the reason you're booing him, you know, I I don't know what to say. I think a lot of people are booing him because of the person he is. There was a documentary he had where he was just telling stories that would just make it seem like he was carrying the world on his shoulders, constantly lying. There was video evidence backing up. Like, that didn't happen.
Mac:Like, the biggest one was when he was like, yeah. I was wrestling in the Undertaker. My neck was already messed up, and he dropped me on my neck. And then they showed the clip. My man's head was, like, 8 inches off the ground, bro.
Mac:Like, your neck was in no danger at all. He's just acting like I picked Andre to join up and pressed him over my head. Like, they showed the I'm just like, bro, what are you You're acting like we can't look at archives, my boy. Like, what are we talking about? When you see Hulk Hogan now, bro, like, what what what is what is your reaction?
Mac:Like, how how are you how are you receiving the Hulkster at this point?
Blak:You know, it it's it's wild for me because Hulk Hogan versus Ultimate Warrior is, like, the reason I got into wrestling. You know what I mean? Like, it's the it's what brought me to the table. Yeah. WrestleMania 6 was everything to me.
Blak:And, you know, the Hulkamania, say your prayers, eat your vitamins, all that great shit, it it was you know, it it kinda kinda made my childhood. You know what I mean? Because wrestling and and and my grandmother's den and shit, like, that was a big reason why.
Mac:But we was practicing the moves. We were doing them. Hell,
Blak:yeah. Like, getting on the arm of the couch and doing the the macho man elbow
Mac:drop and shit. Like, come
Blak:on, bro. Like like, this was this was the fabric of of of me. Mhmm. But growing older and and hearing things and then seeing things from myself kinda changed my my perspective on Hulk Hogan. I know.
Mac:What's it? Deontay.
Blak:My my perspective on the Hulk Hogan changed from stories that I heard from people in the business. People in the business were, like, he ain't the greatest guy in the world. You know what I mean? And, actually, seeing him say or hearing him say these things out of his mouth kinda changed my perspective on who he was. You know what I mean?
Blak:And that that apology, terrible. But it's bad when when when I'm of the mindset that Jim Cornette is the good guy. Yeah. And Hogan really ain't, bro. Jim Cornett might say some shit, like, he don't got a filter, but he ain't a bad guy.
Blak:Hulk Hogan is just not, bro. Booker t was right.
Mac:We coming for you.
Blak:Yeah. Booker T was right. But and that's that's where we at now. So fast forward to today, a lot of people feel that way. You can't change people's minds with a half ass apology and then wait for the thing to go away.
Blak:It's not gonna go away like Mark Henry said. He said, if you're if you're a bad person and you don't make amends for it and just try to wait your time and think that the problem is gonna go away, it's not. Mhmm. It's gonna follow you until you change your ways and prove that you're not the piece of shit that everybody thinks you are. You know what I mean?
Blak:Like, that the ball's in your court.
Mac:Yeah. You
Blak:know what I'm saying? So and I wanna address the the LA thing and him showing up in LA and people thinking it's political thing. If that's the case, I just wanna submit to evidence that the Undertaker also endorsed Trump, and they did not boo this man. You know why? Because everybody knows the Undertaker's a great guy.
Blak:You know
Blak:what I'm saying? Like, your character and who you endorse are 2 different things. You can endorse somebody that a lot of people don't like and be a good person. You know what I mean?
Blak:And you cannot and absolutely be a piece of shit, so there's that.
Blak:Your character speaks for itself.
Mac:I think, like, I I wouldn't have looked because somebody's like, yeah. The under like, because, you know, I'm I'm I'm just looking at people's reaction. You know, I see the the the post on on social media, and I'm reading all the reactions from, different commenters and stuff. Some people were saying, it was political, this, that, and then I saw it. Like you said, somebody just like, bro, the undertaker is conservative and everything.
Mac:He has a podcast. I think he had Donald Trump on his podcast, interviewed him for a fit. He did. And, he rolls out there and nobody boost him. So I'm like, I I like, you can have different differing views politically.
Mac:Right? That that's that's what this country is. And just carry yourself as a decent person, and nobody can care. You know? Like, there are some people, like, super emotional.
Mac:Like, if you're not I think it's not so much the views. It's the person. Like, people just dislike Donald Trump. And if you vote for him because, you know, you're conservative and you like the direction that some of the laws and stuff like that'll do for the conservative side, then cool. But I I think that showing like, if if Undertaker showed up at the RNC and and put on a super display like Hulk Hogan did, do you think he still would get the same reaction?
Mac:Would people still be like, you're cool? Do you think that the, I guess, the the the underlying reason he got booed like that was because of of the comments. Because because if that's the case, if you were triple h or whoever is in charge of of that lineup, would you have pulled the trigger and brought Hogan back to to promote the brand like that?
Blak:That's the first question I had is why. Why you know what I mean? Like, it's LA 1.
Blak:And you people really don't don't like that's it is what it is. He's a legend. He's done a lot for the wrestling industry. Respect to him. But a lot of people don't like Hulk Hogan.
Blak:And it's because of the comments that he's made, and he's never made amends for it. And if you find yourself yes. And to go back to your RNC question,
Blak:if it
Blak:was The Undertaker showing up at the RNC, I probably wouldn't even care.
Blak:Like, if if he showed up, like, okay. That's fine. They're they're loading up with celebrities themselves. The democrats did it. So fair play, bro.
Blak:Like, I might have cheered that shit, actually. Like, damn. Damn. They got they got they got they got an undertaker, bro. But, you know what I mean?
Blak:Like, it it if it's stuff like that, it's political season. Who cares? You know what I'm saying? Yeah. America gonna elect the president who at the other side ain't gonna like it, and then 4 years are gonna go by.
Blak:That's that's about as steep as it's gonna get. Yep. You know what I'm saying? But if you are like Hulk Hogan and you have this history and you haven't faced your history, You play stupid games. You win stupid prizes.
Blak:Am I surprised he got booed? Nope. Do I feel bad that he got booed? Absolutely not.
Mac:Did you think the booing would be that that overbearing, though? Because that No. Like, you could tell the sound editing, bro. They tried to they tried to fuck with the audio so bad, bro. But when you look at people that that were there, they posted their their live takes of him coming out.
Mac:Like, it was, bro, it was bad. Like, that was so I bro, part of my soul was just like, Terry, get out of there. Terry Terry, just go. Terry, just go. Or Take Jimmy with you.
Blak:Boy, Jimmy.
Mac:Hey. He'd waving this flag like, fuck, man. What the hell is going on here? What
Blak:up, CJ? I'll wave it. You can't boot a flag?
Mac:What is up? What is up? Yeah. So, I mean, it it it was a thing that I was wondering about because, like, you know, it's is America the the land of second chances people say for some? Right?
Mac:Yeah. The the the fact that Hulk is still showing up to events and stuff like that, still able to to tie his his image and his brand to WWE. Like, don't sit right with me, but, I mean, if it's if it's making the money, and I don't know if he's down bad and needed the I don't I don't know what's going on. But, yeah, if I was triple h or something, I'd be like, hey, bro. You, there's probably certain cities that will have you show up at, but setting you up to unless that was triple h's goal.
Blak:Oh, that's cold.
Mac:Do you think he has it in? Do you think Paul has that in him to set him up like
Blak:that? Hell yeah.
Mac:Hell yeah.
Blak:He is. Hell yeah. He dream.
Blak:Oh, man. Absolutely, he does. That if he did if that was the case, then fair play, bro. Yeah. Fair play.
Mac:Well done, Paul. Well done. What the hell was that, Paul? I don't know what's going on with them, Terry. I don't know.
Mac:You must have did something to piss him off, man. Did you? Do you can you think of anything you might have done to, to call us? People, man.
Blak:Like, come on, bro.
Mac:Before we move on, Mark had a question. And if you have I think it's on Netflix. Right? The Vince McMahon, documentary. It's I I I watched it.
Mac:It was pretty good. Like, it I think the rumor is that after they finished it and, you know, Vince was able to see the finished product, he wanted them to, like, not air it.
Blak:Yeah. Oh, yeah. He tried to buy it.
Mac:It. Yeah. And it was just like, nah. This is going out there for the world. So, do you think that documentary, caused people to hate Hulk Hogan more or additionally?
Blak:I don't I don't think so, but you can't really be sure. I know I know he didn't really look the best out of that documentary coming out of it. So nobody well, really nobody did, but that whole there's some shit in there. There's some shit in there that yeah. I can see why Vince tried to buy it, honestly.
Blak:And speaking of, he just settled a case today. So
Mac:Are you still settling?
Blak:Oh, yeah.
Mac:Oh, Vince, what you doing, bro? Man, came out with that villain mustache, and it's just fucking coming out looking like a 1 piece villain that the pencil mustache he had on. Like, what are we doing out here? But I know. CJ said Hogan hasn't looked good since 89.
Mac:Additionally, some more some more shenanigans that we were you've probably this has probably been talked about on on different shows and all that other stuff, but we haven't been able to chop it up about it. So you did a fill in that or no for our patrons for the on the Kendrick album. Yep. Real quick. I know last time he dropped the album, we were just like, bro, this man is, 4 for 4 with these albums.
Mac:Yeah. Is he 5 for 5?
Blak:I think he is. I think he is, but also, I don't think that was an album.
Blak:No. I don't think that was meant to be an album.
Mac:Oh, you think it was just a collection of a a few songs he had, and they just put put out a little
Blak:I think
Mac:mixtape or something?
Blak:I think when he said he had 5 plus 5, a lot of this was g m x. Like, some of these, he he repurposed.
Mac:But what would you give that up? That collection of work, I guess.
Blak:I liked every song but the title track. The title track, I wasn't really feeling. But the rest of it, it's a it's a LA album for sure for
Mac:sure. Oh, yeah. West Coast
Blak:through it through. That's that shit is a that is a LA album, which I actually I actually like that a lot.
Blak:It's different from his other work in which it doesn't really tell you a story.
Blak:But it get it puts you in a groove. Yeah. And it it was made you could tell it was made for Cali or the West Coast. It has that sound. I gave it I gave it a 7 out of 10.
Blak:And I think I'm I think I'm still there.
Blak:There are some songs I like more than others now. Like, Luther became, like, the track for me.
Mac:When k dot and SZA get together, shit's about to be shit's about to be in rotation. Bro. I don't know what it but they they work so well together. This shit just
Blak:They do. Is on point. They do. Yep. Like, I'm I'm ready for that concert.
Mac:Fam. Bro, I'm I'm I'm like, bro, if I gotta go to DC, DC it is. You know? DC, it is, dude. Yes.
Mac:Yes. But,
Blak:but yeah. I gave it a 7. I gave it a 7 out of 10. It could have been better.
Blak:But for a KDOT album, it is is is pretty good work. I don't think it's up to par with, like, DAM or Good Kid, Mav City. It's it's a good album, but, honestly, I was expecting something else. So when he rolled out when he rolled out GNX, he dropped a track, like, a minute of a track, and that shit is hard. I was like Bro.
Blak:This album's about to be
Mac:It's roll out of that album. Bro, what do you 9 in the morning, you're like, bro, new album. I'm like, what is I'm at work. I can't do this right now, Kendrick. What do you it's not fair.
Mac:Right? And everybody everybody blowing everything up there. Did you get it? I'm like, I can't listen to it here in the building. No.
Blak:I know. I was I was sitting here. I was doing a remodel
Blak:Of the office, and I'm like, some my homeboy hit me up. I was like, Kendrick dropped the album. I was like, stop the line.
Mac:Like Yeah. Yeah. Quit. Remind me of a RDC world when they'd be like, Yeah. Jermaine Cole.
Mac:You know, J. Cole got a new album out. Yo. Simba. Yeah.
Mac:He lied. He lied. Get out of here. Quit playing with me. But, the reason I bring this up, the the the intro track, the first track on there.
Mac:Mhmm. One of the quotes is don't let no white comedian talk about black women. That's law. Right? And and for those who know, they know who they was he was talking about.
Blak:Let's do it.
Mac:Yep. Alright. Yeah. I was waiting. I was waiting for this.
Mac:I was waiting for this. My god.
Blak:Let's do it.
Mac:My god. So for those that don't know, Andrew Schultz, who is a comedian, has a podcast called Flagrant. And he had a couple of, podcasters from or content creators, whatever, from the UK over, they go by shits and giggles. And, he was asking them or, you know, kinda just asking them questions about, you know, interracial relationships. And they mentioned, you know, the, was it the black woman effect or something like that when they're dating a white dude, and all of a sudden, he has, like, a lineup and and the beard and all that stuff.
Mac:And and Andrew Schultz then went on to say, no. They're doing that because, it's all the stress. They they get the low cut because they'd be stressing and losing their hair, and they get the beard because the woman be slapping them and all that stuff. And, you know, say how you you know, however you feel about the the shits and giggle crew after that, sitting there just letting them talk about it and and not saying anything. A part of me is like, I get it.
Mac:You're on his show. You don't wanna make shit awkward. You just wanna get through that segment, so you just laugh and giggle and and whatever. But I was watching that segment. I'm just like, bro, Andrew's getting a little too comfortable with this shit, bro.
Mac:Little bit too comfortable. I know he's one of them comedians that's just like everybody gets these jokes. Nobody like that. You know, I'd I'd I'd wanna sit down with, Sam Ridley and and get his thoughts on that shit. But, regardless, so that happens.
Mac:Those 2 go back to England, and they're just like they do an apology video right away. Like, this is wild. Whatever. Like, we should have said something. We're we're not gonna fuck with that dude no more x y and z.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Kendrick drops that, and Andrew Schultz, and I wanna say his lackeys on his show because, like, he I don't know who this the Indian brother is on the show with him. That motherfucker just be doing everything to gas Andrew up. And I get it.
Mac:That dude's giving you a check. That's how you're making your living if if the glass is what you do. But the thing that got the thing that got me is he has a brother on his panel. Right? But that and and he just because it's the Indian dude, a white dude, and then the brother on there.
Mac:And they was just all just not saying anything. Just just letting them go in. But Andrew was out here. Apparently, he heard the the the track, and he had a response, for Kendrick. I shall bring that up so we can, we can listen.
Blak:Let's do it.
Mac:Linda, listen and, hear what he has to say as far as that. And they will they will go into reactions and stuff, but, here is, Andrew Saltz talking about, apparently his beef with Kendrick. Right? Let me get the full screen on there for you.
Andrew:Comedians, we need to be more respectful to women. So we gotta really we gotta sit back and reflect. Yeah.
Blak:Do you know what
Andrew:I mean? They're the most pious group. Listen. Nobody has respected women more. You grew art Yes.
Andrew:Than rappers. Okay? Absolutely. So I completely understand how a rapper could look at a comedian telling a joke and be like, yo. Y'all need to switch that shit up.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Andrew:How dare y'all keep saying your wives are annoying? You know, be more like us and, you know, bitches ain't nothing but hoes and tricks. I beat my bitch with a stick. What? You can lick on the nuts or suck the dick.
Andrew:I beat my bitch with a stick. What? Did you just think of that? That's a real lyric. Oh, wow.
Andrew:Yeah. That's a real lyric from music that protects women. And for for decades, protects and listen. Listen. Right now, the guy on top, Kung Fu Kenny.
Andrew:He is the guy on top.
Mac:He is
Blak:the guy
Andrew:on top. He is the guy on top. He is making sure he is making sure that comedians, he put a law
Blak:in Yeah.
Andrew:He put a law in place. Alright. Let's see the exact line. Okay? Don't let no white comedian talk about no black woman.
Andrew:That's law. Now, technically speaking, if we're going off of grammatic English Okay. He is saying, I can talk about black women, and that's why. Don't let no white comedian talk about no black woman. So he's basically saying all white comedians are only allowed to Talk about black exclusively.
Andrew:That's what I'm talking about. It's a law. Finally, he understands it. It's a law.
Mac:Now I understand. So as I'm watching this, I'm like, he's he's reaching now. Now he's like, well, look at the grammatical thing. That means I can and I'm that's the type of comedian he is. Right?
Mac:Just just over the top with his shit. Right? I feel it's super lazy to sit there and be like and I anytime somebody gets mad at anybody in the hip hop genre, Telling them, yo, that's not cool. Well, your whole genre is about bitches and hoes and this and that, and it like, bro, stop it. Right?
Mac:Just just stop it. Right? Yep. Because I'm I'm trying like and I haven't gone and listened to his whole discography, but has Kendrick said anything along those lines about beating women and all of that other stuff? Now he rapped about back when he was, like, you know, with his girl.
Mac:I don't think if they was married yet, but when he would hit the road, like, he would mess around with girls and stuff like that. There was one song he said he, you know, he had sex with a white woman, and, he looked at it as, like, you know,
Mac:Retaliate. You know, things like that. Right? So, I mean, it's one of those things. I'm looking like Andrew, like, at a certain point, like, I get it, like, your your your I don't wanna say following.
Mac:Your fan base. Right? They fuck with you because you're you're unforgiving. You're gonna 100% be yourself, all of that other stuff. Right?
Mac:That's cool if you wanna stand 10 toes down and all that shit. But there comes a point where it's like, I don't think people will, unless they're just like, they got something wrong with their soul. Be upset if you're just like, yo, I crossed the line. I thought I was making some jokes. We were laughing and stuff.
Mac:Looking back at it now, that was important. Like, the people that wouldn't fuck with you anymore after that are probably the people who shouldn't be rolling with you. You know what I'm saying? But what are your thoughts on that that whole thing there?
Blak:You can't quote Snoop 92 in 2024, oh, Mike. And think like you're making a point. We've grown since then.
Mac:30 years ago, they were saying this stuff.
Blak:They were saying this and come on, man. Like, we've already gone over that.
Blak:You know
Blak:what I'm saying? Like and and you using that to make a point of why you said the dumb shit you said. Like, come on, bro. Like, let's be honest. Let's be honest.
Blak:The shit you said just it wasn't funny, and it didn't hit. So he called you out on it. And if you get mad at it, the first thing the first thing that lets me know you lose this argument is what he did to make the case. Like, they talk about killing and and shooting and shit. Like, Kenny ain't that type of person.
Blak:You know
Blak:what I'm saying? That ain't that ain't his style of rap.
Blak:The most popular people in the genre, that's not their style of rap. Rap has changed. Jermaine Cole doesn't rap about that. Drake don't even rap about that. Kenny don't rap about that.
Blak:Like, the the the rappers that are getting pushed to the forefront now aren't rapping about what you think they're rapping about. And that lets me know that you're not paying attention to the culture. You're leaching off of it.
Mac:And and that's where I'm at. Like, like I said, his fucking let me let me see if I can where does this do that? Let me oh, there we go. No. Not him.
Mac:So, like, I don't know who the fuck this dude is.
Blak:Oh, not not.
Mac:But he just like, what are you there for? You don't say shit, and you just be popping off. This motherfucker just hold the laptop and laugh, and this motherfucker be the one just trying to be his, fucking who's the dude that was sitting on the couch? Like, Conan O'Brien would have the show, and then he would have this this random dude on the side. Andy Andy Richter, Andy whatever.
Mac:You know? And that's all he is. Like, he just sits there and gas his Andrew up. Andrew's can do no wrong in this motherfucker's eyes. This dude, I could tell, like, the vibes I'll get from him is he's like, man, I'm I'm really fucking up.
Mac:Like, this this motherfucker. He's just like, man, we are I am really fucking it up for myself in the black community. You know? I really
Blak:We're about Yeah.
Mac:But then it it it gets wild because then he talks about that, and then he gets into this weird sexual thing with with with kung fu. I I and I think this is kind of around the time when he talks about it.
Andrew:Well, he's not even saying that. He's saying get up in that ass.
Blak:Yeah. But
Andrew:it is crazy. He did. But but I need Kendrick. I need you to do it, Kendrick. You wanna you wanna squabble a little bit?
Andrew:I need no. No. I mean, here's the thing. This is this is the thing that is kinda funny about it. It's like like, first of all, Kendrick's people and the gang affiliate, you know, everybody has security.
Andrew:They will kill me. They will destroy me. They'll find me in the street. They'll fucking cut me up. They'll shoot me.
Andrew:They'll do whatever. I'm not a tough guy. Y'all do. But just Kendrick, I would make love to him.
Blak:There's nothing he can
Andrew:do about it. Just just Kendrick Lamar, I would make love to him, and the only thing that he could do is decide if he's consensual or not.
Mac:That's the
Andrew:only thing he could do. If it's me, Kendrick, if
Mac:it's Nick,
Andrew:it's stupid.
Mac:This Nick. Well, the him.
Blak:Yeah. The
Mac:him? Everything is hilarious. You are stupid. Oh my god. Hey, him.
Mac:You're stupid. Don't say that. And this motherfucker, like, I'm not even let me check my email or some shit. Like, I'm not even trying to be involved in this shit. Right?
Blak:Get off this shit Yeah. Real quick.
Mac:So so that part there where he's just like, I could do whatever the kid you know? And then it gets more graphic. He's like, if we were in jail, whatever, you know, I'd turn them this way, that way, all that other stuff, man. So
Blak:Bro, come on, my guy.
Mac:I like, you know, and people been after him, like, you know, fans of Kendrick and everything like that. They they've been on his neck. They've been all that stuff, and and he's 10 toes down on this shit. Like I said what I said, I'm not changing shit. So so that's how you wanna be, Andrew.
Mac:You know, that is what it is. The thing that kills me is you you kinda self you you you you identified the threat. Like, Kendrick has people that will do stuff for Kendrick so he doesn't have to do it. Right?
Mac:Right. He he he has people per per what you said. I'm not saying Kendrick does. I don't know who's in his circle. I do know, the people that that that were in, Top Dog Entertainment, TDE, them motherfuckers don't play.
Mac:Granted he's not with TDE as his own label and stuff now, but don't think that they still ain't cool. You know, you have people like O'Shea, Jackson, Ice Cube's son say stuff like, there are people in California, Los Angeles specifically, one of the biggest markets for comedy. I don't know if Andrew can go there anymore. I'm not I'm not saying things will happen to him. I'm saying for his benefit, he should, he should avoid Los Angeles for for some time, probably surrounding areas.
Mac:you you
Blak:without without saying too much, There's a culture. There's a culture in LA, and, you can't be disrespectful, bro. Like and it and it it just is what it is.
Blak:And you can't be disrespectful to one of the most peaceful people in the city. Like, people like him, like Nipsey, like Kobe, like, they have reference. You just can't come around disrespecting people like that and think you're gonna walk around Scott free. It just don't life don't work like that. Not with people from LA, period.
Blak:Like, I will say I will say I'll give you a hint. Things happen.
Mac:This is just an observation.
Blak:Hey. Hey. Hey.
Blak:I'm not saying I'm not saying, you know just telling you, bro. Shit happens.
Mac:I'm just throwing it out, man. I'm just take take that as you may. So I I I agree with you. There are certain people that that if you are wanting to visit or or step into their city, do any kind of business, make any kind of money there. When it comes to Los Angeles, like you said, Kobe like, bro, Nipsey was shot by a brother.
Mac:Nipsey was so it held in such high regard. The city the the brothers in Los Angeles were on the lookout for this dude that took Nipsey from us. You know? Kendrick has single handedly
Blak:They don't tell you the lengths that they went to to find this motherfucker, bro.
Mac:Yes. Bro, it it was ridiculous. The camaraderie that happened in the city of Los Angeles. Bro. Bloods and crisps.
Blak:Instantly. Within 20 minutes of people finding this shit out, LA was on the move.
Blak:And it
Blak:would in real time, that was the craziest shit I've ever seen.
Blak:I was like, I've never seen nothing like
Mac:In my
Blak:Y'all got y'all got till 8 o'clock to find this motherfucker, bro. Like, it was like that. But y'all got to 8 o'clock. Police? About to happen.
Mac:Police, if you don't find this dude before the streets find him. Case closed or there's another case. He can
Blak:go find that.
Mac:Now you got another case on your hands. Do you know what I'm saying? But it's it's it's ridiculous. Like, is this a smart move on his behalf for clout? Because Kendrick is that dude right now considered by most to be the best in the game?
Mac:100%. Like, you're getting clicks, Andrew. Like, what's this this video, this clip here? Well, it's only at a 115,000. Yeah.
Mac:A 150,000. I thought it would have been at more. But, you know, and then they take away. You can't see how many dislikes it gets unless you put in a a certain code. But it it's it's it's a move to stay relevant, but here's my thing.
Mac:And we talked about this before. People do stupid shit like this. Right? And they say wild stuff like this. Like, I have my way with him.
Mac:He can't do nothing. Then all of a sudden, the people you were talking about, like, Kendrick got people, hitters be out there. They can do whatever. Now you start getting death threats and stuff. And then now you on the podcast he does with Charlamagne.
Mac:Talk about, man, it's crazy because people are sending me death threats, sending me pictures of my my my, you know, 18 month daughter. It's all about they gonna kill her. Like, and then he starts playing the victim thing. The whole people are people are taking this wig too far, like, sun. Andrew.
Mac:Bro. Was you thinking about your daughter when you was out here making these fucking accusations and shit? Like, what do you why do people continue to do wild shit like this and with consequences for for for for like, these 3 motherfuckers on the couch here, this fucking, the the the the the the Indian brother that's out here just gassing you up. Like, ain't nobody sending him death threats. He don't want gassing you up.
Mac:Like, keep go. Keep going, Andrew. This is gold. Yeah. You're the shit.
Mac:Well, the 3 people on my couch, on my payroll of it, it must be good. And then now you start death threats and people are crazy. They're sending stuff to my house and not like, what do you want us to do, Andrew? Hey. Go find Kendrick and do what you said you was finna do, man.
Mac:Establish your dominance, my boy. Get out there and get
Andrew:at it.
Blak:We love to that apology real quick.
Mac:No. He ain't apologizing. He's like, bro, this is I'm a comedian, man. This is he's one of the big free speech. I should be because comedy is an art form where we should be able to say whatever the fuck.
Mac:Like, you're not going to jail. Yes. It's free speech, but there's consequences to the shit that you're saying. Yep. Like, where the clicks and and the the boosting and and traffic to your page and your podcast worth the shit that's going on now.
Blak:Your life is on the line now. Listen, man. The West Coast killed Biggie and Tupac. You're Andrew Schultz. Let's take that as you may.
Mac:And, like, I know you're you're one of the Joe Rogan's. Like, he he's bringing you up and and gave you the platform and and all. He he's he's backing you. But, like, I don't think Joe Rogan about to be 10 toes down for you when when it comes to this shit, bro.
Blak:Fuck no.
Mac:Like, I think Joe Rogan like, because he's one of the big, like, comedy is the last pure art form where you can be, like and that's cool. You know, like, at the end of the day, it's like, you wanna make people laugh, but do you wanna be a asshole? You know, like, because you can make people laugh. You could be a comedian without being a fucking, like, this level. Like and I get it.
Mac:There's, like, comics that work blue. Like, just very dirty inappropriate jokes, and they're just like, oh, if you're offended, you know, you don't come to a comedy show because everybody gets these jokes. Like, my thing is, like, you're you're you're coming on that thing. Is Charlemagne looking at you? And and first, is Charlemagne, like, I feel a certain way about him too, but because he should've said some shit.
Mac:As far as, his whole black excellence, black this, black that, and he go in there and pop off and because your your podcast is making money with Andrew Schultz, you don't wanna fuck shit up. But it that's neither here nor there. But I'm not trying to tell nobody what to do when it comes to their business practices, but what I will say is people, if y'all don't stop with this you you up here, top I could do whatever I want to them. Now you're playing victim. Victim.
Mac:Like, people sitting me picture of my daughter talking about they gonna kill her and my my wife and this and that and all this stuff. Like, I mean, you you you know when you weren't getting death threats, you know when people weren't fucking with you like that, when you wasn't talking out the side of your neck about Kendrick Lamar to that extent. Like, if you just wanted to make the jokey joke in the beginning, but the minute you turn that thing into I can fuck him, and he can't do nothing about it. Yeah. What do you what do you expect?
Mac:And, like, can't you get even do shit? Like, if that was me, like, bro, me and Andrew be be be be in a room real quick.
Blak:Exactly. Me me me me at 5 o'clock.
Mac:Right. And and we'll see how this shit goes down. Right? So he's talking cash money here, but he's trying to phrase it like it was a joke. But he was serious.
Mac:Like, he feels macho enough because he's taller than Kendrick and shit. Like, he could do whatever the fuck he wants. And I I guess he boxed a little bit, like, before he was a comedian. But, fam, there there's a difference between you learning how to box in the gym and then motherfuckers raised on the streets. Like, motherfuckers ain't gonna come out there squaring up like this with you in the streets, bro.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? Mills Lane ain't in there. You know, Tony Weeks ain't in there, bro. Tony Weeks ain't in there watching for low blows and and fucking Nope. Yep.
Mac:Hey. Hey. No clincher. Hey. Hey.
Mac:Get out. Hey. You know? Ain't ain't none of that shit. So Nope.
Mac:That's that's probably gonna be his thing. If you wanna get in the ring and and and and solve it that way, like, bro, no. Like
Blak:No, bro. You went too far.
Blak:Yeah. You went too far.
Mac:Oh, man.
Blak:But loves me, and I can't do
Mac:shit about it. Thing I could do is decide if it's consensual or not. Say less. Yeah. See?
Mac:Say less. I got just the thing
Blak:But that's a threat. You just threatened my body, bro.
Mac:You said you was gonna rape me? We get a
Blak:I must defend myself.
Mac:I can't I can't he can't control what his fans do. What do you wanna do? Got there and tell his people to calm down? This I don't know how many times we come on this show with people. They say one thing and then all of a sudden they come out here.
Mac:It's just quick, like, I'm getting threats. They're threatening my foot. And and here's the thing. I doubt anybody is googling and searching pictures of your 18 month old daughter, sending them to you, talking. Everybody be doing that.
Mac:They're sending pictures of my my kids. Threat. Screenshot it. Screenshot it and report it to police, and then let them and let them do what they do. Because that you can't do.
Mac:That is
Blak:illegal. Bro.
Mac:That is illegal. Yes. If you're getting threats, screenshot it, take it to the police, let them act on it, and show us the threats. So it maybe you can win us back over. Like, hey.
Mac:Alright, guys. Calm down. Yeah. Hey. Hey.
Blak:You know you know who gets a you know who gets a lot of threats?
Mac:What's that?
Blak:And on the spot, they'll call this shit out. Charleston White. Charleston White gets death threats
Mac:Oh, yeah.
Blak:Live on IG, and he'll be like, nigga, I'm calling the law.
Mac:Yeah. What you're supposed to do? Let the let the police find a person threatening your life because that is a that's a crime. The fact that you're not doing I don't know if you're doing that because I ain't no snitch, but you're scared. If you if you that's like, bro, let me tell you right now.
Mac:Somebody sent me a thing like I'm coming after your kid. No. The fuck. You're not.
Blak:No. You're not.
Mac:Hello. Yes. Sheriff's department. I have a A
Blak:death threat Yep.
Mac:To to my child. To my children? Yep. And my family. I need squad cars outside of my house.
Mac:Witness protection.
Blak:I need a detail.
Mac:Get me the fuck up
Blak:out of here. Quick. Please.
Mac:Thank you. By the way, I am white. Come get me. They'd be right there with you, Andrew. Man.
Mac:But, yeah, I I just thought it was crazy. I know he now he's out there talking about they sending death threats and stuff. So, I mean, that was probably about a month ago last I I heard. So I don't know where he at now with this shit.
Blak:He's been quiet. He's been really quiet.
Mac:He has. And good for him.
Mac:Good for him. He shoulda just, did that from from the from the jump. But
Blak:You just you shoulda just shut the fuck up.
Mac:Shout out to him. You coulda just you coulda just shut the fuck up and continue to make money on your podcast, but, you know, am I now now for the record, do I want anything bad to happen to Andrew Schultz and his family? Absolutely not. But if if anything Something
Blak:were to happen, would I be surprised?
Mac:But if something bad does happen,
Blak:damn. How
Blak:damn shame to do
Mac:that, dog? Double homicide. No. I'm playing. But, I think it's time to get into the first whose man is it for 2025.
Mac:And, oh, boy, is this a good one? Is this a good one? So without further ado, the first nominee and apologies. We never got around to that award show last year. But my gut is telling me Tyrese probably would've won that shit.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. There's too many too many nominations, bro. Like, it is is the quantity he had both
Blak:My man was awesome.
Mac:He had both quantity and quality
Blak:And quality.
Mac:Of shenanigans. So but, let me let me make sure I got the the video ready to go. Ladies and gentlemen, let's go ahead and bring in this year's 1st nominee for the premiere award.
Andrew:Hey, Gomez is this?
Mac:Oh, man. Is this? Who, Lance, is this? I need to know. Ladies and gentlemen, if you are unaware of who Jason Whitlock is, he is currently the host of fearless, a podcast on the Blaze Network, that was founded by, one Glenn Beck, former Fox News host contributor?
Mac:Conspiracy theorist? Either way?
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:So he has his own thing, the Blaze. Candace Owens has a show over there. Jason Whitlock has a show over there. Couple other people. Very right wing, very super conservative, you know, content over there.
Mac:And if that's your bag, cool. But Jason Whitlock used to be on Fox new or Fox Sports. Had a show, speak for yourself. Him and Marcellus Wiley was on it. For whatever reason, he bounced.
Mac:And that was when he was in his phase of wearing fedoras on his little little milk dud shaped head and stuff. It was it's a whole phase he was in where he thought, like, I'm killing with this one. Right? But for whatever reason, Fox let him go. I guess he was he was too extreme or whatever.
Mac:Let him tell the story on why he bounced. Right? They couldn't handle me. They didn't want the truth. You know, things like that where people be like, they tried to tie my hands, and I came here where I can speak how I want to.
Mac:All of that stuff. Right? If you're unaware, Fox Sports has been in the news lately. There is a former employee over there, a hairdresser, who, filed a suit against Fox Sports, for discrimination. She cited that there was, you know, kind of a you can sleep your way to the top kind of thing.
Mac:She was solicited. She allegedly was a list solicited by Skip Bayless, $1,500,000 to have sex with him. And if you if you see Skip Bayless, like, if you see Skip Bayless, you just like,
Blak:fail. Like
Blak:That's possible.
Mac:Yeah. That's, like, at first, 1,500,000? Alright. I mean, Skip, it look like it's you know, you ain't you probably ain't pulling up like you used to pull up. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Drip Bayless over there. You know what I'm saying? Allegedly. I don't you know? But Skip is on some hard times, man.
Mac:Fox had to let Skip go, and I don't know if Skip will be having that 1.5 to just throw at some some some some ass lately. So, but, I'm I'm guessing that's why Skip and Shannon was going on when they was popping, but, lately, ain't nobody fucking with Skip no more. But, so all of this goes down. You know? Everybody's talking about it.
Mac:Marcellus Wiley used to be over there. He has a podcast now where he talk about it, and that's, like, all he's been talking about because now it's getting abused, and he's starting to get subscriptions and shit. Steven a talk about on his show. So all of these people eating off of this stuff, the one person everybody seems to be focused on is Joy Taylor. Right?
Mac:She works over there Mhmm. At, Fox Sports. She was on, calling, cowards show, The Herd. She was like the cohost on that, feed it up, started doing the, on the panel for speak for yourself, change to speak. So now it's her, Michael Irvin, Paul Pierce, and, there's another member on that one.
Mac:I I can't I I forget the third person's name, but they got a show. They'd be talking about sports or whatever, and she's kinda like the host of that. Jason was like, I need to get in on this. I need to tell my side of the story on what's going on and how I so take it for what it's worth. My man is out here saying the most off the wall stuff.
Mac:Nobody's believed. Like, when he Soon as
Blak:I saw his name, I I
Mac:Nobody like, I'll let him I'll let him tell his story, and we'll see what everybody's vibes are like. Yeah. He's telling the truth. Like, I understand what he's saying. So, let me go ahead and and set this up.
Mac:And, let him tell you about his experiences over at Fox Sports.
Whitlock:Say this, to be hypercritical of Joy Taylor. I don't have harsh opinions of Joy Taylor. She's not someone that I didn't get along with. I basically, you know, for the most part, just kept my distance from Joy Taylor. And I I kept my distance not because I didn't like her, it's just because I knew myself.
Whitlock:I know myself. I know what I'm capable of.
Mac:What is what is what is what vibes is that giving you right now, Blaque?
Blak:Bro. What?
Mac:He knows what he's know. He knows what he's capable of. Sir. What
Blak:do you mean, sir?
Blak:What explain explain. Kept my distance from her.
Mac:Because if I got too close
Blak:Let me tell you.
Mac:The sexual tension would have been amazing. You could have cut it with a knife.
Blak:Heat magnet.
Mac:I know what I'm capable of, and I didn't wanna put her in that position to try to come after me. It's okay, Jason.
Blak:Alright, player. Like like CJ said, like, like,
Mac:you're right. Well, that's your percent. Just settle yourself, my boy. I know I can't control myself around women, so I just tried to stay the fuck away from her.
Blak:I stayed away from that. That is grade a.
Mac:What's that shit for boondocks? The with a with a with Rutgers was talking to grandpa, that white fever. Boy, they get on you. That white fever. Boy, they come around you, and they decide is there nothing you can do about it.
Mac:Like, that's how he sounded right now. Like, he can't control himself around beautiful women, but I digress. Continue, Jason. Tell us your side of the story.
Whitlock:And that big rack of hers that she showed off constantly, It's just and that peanut butter skin with that big rack.
Blak:Thinking this is not the seventies. What the fuck are you doing? Oh, darn that big rack. Tahina butter stands.
Mac:He's like, is he serious? It's not like he up here. He's sweating hard as fuck. That that big rat. Oh, my loins.
Blak:And then
Mac:that she would keep showing off for that peanut butter skin. You looked at these pictures and you just couldn't say she's a beautiful woman. You had to that that that
Blak:the cream on the inside.
Blak:I crack
Mac:it on the outside. Peanut butter skin in a lord, I want
Blak:Bro, that that's that's that's lust. If you
Mac:That lets me bro
Blak:Gotta assign adjectives to this shit.
Mac:Bro, you how you came up with peanut butter skin. That lets me know, like Quick. Whatever whenever you was at Fox Sports, you was thinking about that shit, bro.
Blak:Yeah. You Oh, I know what it is.
Mac:What is it?
Blak:I know it. Let let it keep playing. I'll tell
Blak:you exactly what you're in now.
Whitlock:Like, Jay, keep your distance. That's going to get you into trouble. And so that's what I did. I kept my distance. Because when you put some woman in a job, talking sports with a bunch of men, it's a job she's not qualified for.
Whitlock:She's talking sports with professional athletes, people that did it at the highest level. She's talking sports with me or Colin Cowher or other people that have like really studied sports at a super high level. What does she have to offer other than her sex appeal? And so should we be surprised that she leaned into that?
Mac:Therapy has always been such a Fam, what do you have to offer? That is wild. That's been sex appeal. Now I'm looking at that shit. Right?
Mac:Like, Jason Whitlock has not played sports at any level, I'm I'm assuming, at any high level.
Blak:Look at Jason Whitlock. He
Mac:said, just look at this real quick. He's like, I studied sports at a high level. Like, can I just be honest? Like, sports journalism, usually, you don't need a degree for that shit.
Blak:You don't. You just want to watch
Mac:go and they get a degree in sports journalism, it feels like that lets them talk about sports better than anybody else who watches sports. And and and if that's the case, like, I haven't Googled Joy Taylor. I don't know if she has a degree in sports journalism. But if I was to Google and see if she has those credentials, like, what's stopping her from being allowed to talk sports with Colin Cowherd, who hasn't played sports at a high level, at a professional level, you, who hasn't done it, Skip, who hasn't done it, and the plethora of other Nick Wright, who hasn't done it, fucking Chris Bouchard, who hasn't done it, Steven Nay, who hasn't done it, Fucking Max Kellerman, who you know what I'm saying? Like, there are people unless you want all of these shows to just go away and be hosted by a former athletes.
Mac:Because if you're if if your prerequisite is you have to have done it to know to talk about it. The fuck are you doing, Jason? Why are you here?
Mac:So that's a
Blak:good question.
Mac:That was bullshit.
Blak:That's some bullshit.
Mac:As a woman
Blak:The fact that she's a woman does not disqualify her from so, like, most women I know that no sports no sports at a very high level. Right. Like, if they're into that shit
Blak:They're into it. And if they if they study it to talk about it, they study it to talk about it. Wanna and I'm finding this out now. 1 of the smartest people I know in journalism, period, is a is a woman, Kimmy Sokol. She talks wrestling.
Blak:But she talks it at such a high level, and she follows it. Like, I'm way older than Kimmy, but I look up to her as a journalist because she's studied the shit. She puts her craft, like, first. She comes up with things that get people involved in it. Like, the fact that she's a woman should have 0 to do with this shit.
Blak:Like, that's sexist, and that's misogynist.
Mac:Yeah. But he's speaking the truth. That's why he's at the Blaze so he can he can speak his truth. But, give us a little bit more there, Jason.
Whitlock:No. We should they put her in that position where it's the only thing she had to offer, and so she offered it up and got what she wanted. Let's think this through. As I'm we're we're if you go into the lawsuit and the things that Nu Sheen says and the way she says things played out, Joy Taylor was some sort of fill in talk show host down in Miami, who, you know, people in Miami kinda knew who she was. I think she may have had some association with Dan Levitard or or or whatever, but she hadn't taken Miami by storm as a radio talk show host.
Whitlock:She was a little extra. Attractive girl, what's her Jason Taylor's sister. Hey, let's put her on radio. But she hadn't really done anything. But somehow, she's qualified to be the host of undisputed, a debate show between Skip Bayless, who like him or not, was an accomplished sports journalist for a time, and a hall of fame football player in Shannon Sharp.
Whitlock:Shannon Sharp reached the top of the sports industry. Skip Bayless reached the top of the sports media industry, and Joy Taylor had done some radio work down in Miami. What does she have to offer? So how does she get that job? How does she even get that opportunity?
Whitlock:Because she's got a big pair of cans and she's according to sheen, according to she's willing to let people enjoy those big cans of hers.
Mac:Go ahead and, go ahead and close you out there, Jason. You, you embarrassing yourself, my boy. Damn. Thoughts, my guy.
Blak:You know when that one dude you know when that one dude, like, who really liked that girl and he gets put in the friend zone. You know what I mean? Like
Mac:That's the vibe he put it off?
Mac:I didn't want her anyway.
Blak:Yeah. I didn't want her anyway. It's like the guy that wasn't good enough for the desert queen. You know what I'm saying? Like
Mac:You know, it it this is the vibe it's giving me. Now, allegedly, the the lawsuit, like he said, the, the person who's filed it saying that, there's a high executive at a and here are some of the, Cliff's notes of it. One of the executives there at Fox Sports, she claims Joy was sleeping with him, and that's how she kept getting her opportunities. They were at a holiday party, and a dude, was standing next to Joy, like, grabbed her buttocks. Right?
Mac:And she was just like, yo, Joy. That's that's wrong. And Joy was just like, oh, get over it. Emmanuel Acho, who, was one of the hosts on speak, she was like, her and him were smashing. That's how he brought her onto the show and all of that stuff.
Mac:Emmanuel has been super silent about it as he should. You know? Let let the legal process go. You don't have to say shit about nothing. If if if if you know that don't have nothing to do with you, keep pushing, keep doing your job.
Mac:Right? But some people are looking at that shit like, man, I'll show hella quiet about this shit. You know? But it's either here nor there. Like, grown people don't do grown people stuff, whatever.
Mac:Right? Yeah, bro. If if they they both single, they both doing whatever they gotta do, that that that's what it is. But Jason Whitlock is giving me the everybody else hit it but me.
Mac:And it's not and it's not because I chose to.
Blak:Not fair.
Mac:It it's not it wasn't because it wasn't what is it? It's not by choice that you're getting
Blak:hit. Right.
Mac:That's It's not fair. Energy. It's Joy, you let everybody else. It's my turn, Joy. That's the energy he's giving.
Mac:Why am
Blak:I not good enough for you? Because, Jason,
Mac:at you. Like, it's this is this is legit sad. Like, there are ways to talk about it. Like, if you want content for it. Bro, the goal this the goal in like this on a woman in a in a very male dominated, occupation and are upset that she's getting opportunities.
Mac:Because Whitlock is not like you're you're giving the vibe, like, she took a spot from you. Right. Like, you were on the come up, and you were eligible to have a show on Fox. And they turned you down and gave it there. Like, some reverse affirmative action type stuff.
Mac:That's the vibe this is putting off to me. I'm like, bro, you was there. You had a spot. You had a whole show, and you fucked it up. Right?
Mac:Right. And you fucked it up. And then now she's getting these opportunities and you mad because in your eyes, there's some gatekeeping thing to where you have to have been whatever standards you have on how to study, like, get who have studied sports at a studied sports. What do you mean watch?
Blak:That's that's insecurity.
Mac:You mean watch sports?
Blak:What that is.
Mac:Study sports. Ain't no class on, like, for like, journalism? Yes. Like, I feel there's there's things you need to learn when you're you're trying to cover the ethics of journalism, all of that stuff. So journalism, yes.
Mac:But when you talk about sports journalism, like, that's a whole another course. Like, no. You just need to know journalism, and then watch sports, and then apply with like, sports journalism is is the the like, you gotta learn. Because you watch you you go to YouTube right now and find sport, commentators for whatever team. Like, you go there.
Mac:Mhmm. Carolina hurricanes, hockey, YouTube. There is probably some 18 year old in North Carolina who knows the the history of the Carolina hurricanes from when they were to Hartford Wills and came down here as an expansion team, could tell you everything about them and cover the hurricanes probably for any major sport network. Better. And and that's low key why people like Pat McAfee and Shannon Sharp and stuff like they didn't go to school for sports journalism, but just because they played the sports, it's just
Blak:Their expertise is their experience.
Blak:That makes them a me in this shit. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Like And people like Jason get threatened when people who didn't go through the old way of getting into the game are now in the game.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Because Shannon Sharp, he, like, best sports podcast nominee, all of this other stuff. He club all of this stuff like that. Like, it's to the point where the people like him because Steven a Steven a started to do his own YouTube show now after he saw what what what Shay made after that interview with Katt Williams. Yep. Steven a up there with his fucking horrible ass shirts and shit.
Mac:Fucking Steven a can't drive.
Blak:We go on YouTube.
Mac:Yeah. He trying to get up there and talk like he had one episode where he was talking about Jason Whitlock. He was trying to, like, oh, this is about to be a real one. He up there. Did you tell him about that?
Mac:You little bitch. I'm like, oh, look. Steven a say, bitch. Like, he's acting like he's off the hinges now. Oh, shaking the table.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? But I'm I'm looking at this, and this is so pathetic. You know, like, to to weigh in like this, not letting the legal thing profit because what if this all comes out and it finds out that the person filing the lawsuit fabricated this whole thing.
Blak:Right. Right.
Mac:Now what you gonna do, Jason?
Blak:You can't you can't really apologize. Is that that you kinda passed an apology at this point. What do you do? Defamated this woman's character. You said that she sleeps around.
Blak:You are not said it, but you implied that she sleeps around. She uses her body to get promotions. Like, dude, y'all gotta stop doing this shit,
Blak:bro. Like,
Blak:that can't be the plane no more. Like, these women these women this ain't the fucking forties, bro. And you gotta put in the work. And if you're not putting in the work and just comfortable just being ass at at what you do Mhmm. These ladies are gonna fucking outwork you.
Blak:So that age old excuse of, well, she used her body to to get where she is. Like, women don't even think like that. Mm-mm. So stop stop accusing them of shit because they doing shit better than you. Get off your fucking ass.
Blak:Make some good content. Make people agree with the shit that you're putting out instead of putting out bullshit ass takes like this shit. And you do better, Jason. Be mad because her can's better than yours, motherfucker.
Mac:Maybe I should've worn my v necks out here. The thing with the when it comes to that, it's a lot of people that are upset because the fucking the culture is changing. Right?
Mac:Like I said, like, first take was that show you had all these, like, sport talk shows, and then all of a sudden, you know, Shannon blows up. Right? Pat McAfee blows up. Just YouTube channels. Right?
Mac:Mhmm. There's a there's a there's a few, like, 700,000 subscribers, things like that. Of people who cover sports in the way they like to do it in a comical way, focusing on just one team, however they do it, they're just themselves. Yep. The time of people like Jason Whitlock and Skip Bayless, and I I would even say Colin Cowherd, like, a lot of these guys who do sports talk radios that that have been doing it for 20, 30 plus years, like, nobody cares about that no more.
Mac:You know, nobody's gonna sit there and listen to you talk about, you know, I don't like to transfer portal now because these kids are entitled in bro. It's sorry. Yeah. Like like like like it is what it is. Like, these kids out here putting their bodies on the line for this university as the university profits the fuck off of them and they get nothing.
Mac:Yep. They mess around, earn the university $20,000,000 for advancing in the playoffs. He gets a ACL tear, can't play football anymore. What's he get? Nothing.
Mac:So that they gotta look out for themselves, but y'all don't like that. You know? All these coaches, Nick Saban, I gotta retire. I can't deal with this. Bye.
Mac:You've made your money. You've made your millions. These coaches are bouncing all over the place. Like, nobody wants this whole back in my day type fucking coverage on sports anymore. You know?
Blak:Why would you want it harder on the people? Like, why would you want your experience to be the people behind you's experience?
Mac:Because that puts you at
Blak:the top
Mac:because you have the experience. Like, the longer you're in the game, the more experience you got so you can look down and make choices and shit like. That's where Skip was at, where Skip was just like Yeah. You gonna work with me. I get top billet.
Mac:You this, you that, you that. And that's when Shannon was just, I can't fuck with this shit no more. I'm out.
Blak:Yeah. Fuck this shit.
Mac:And then Skip Skip found out so fast that he was not the one carrying the show. Yeah. Tried to bring Mike Mike Irvin and Richard Sherman and fucking Keyshawn Johnson and all these other people and people like bro, fuck this show.
Mac:And that's why I see a. Steven a say what you want. When Shannon became a free agent, Steven a did everything he could to get him over the first take. Yep. And then now the numbers are going back up.
Mac:And then Shannon's still doing his club shay shay joint. He's still doing the nightcap with Ocho, and and numbers is big. Cam Newton got his own podcast and stuff. His numbers was getting big. ESPN was like, hey.
Mac:You wanna do hold you you wanna host first take with us every Friday? They bringing him in. These, like, networks like ESPN are smart. They're looking at the shit like, who's popping on YouTube? Who's got the following?
Mac:We're gonna bring them in because one, they got a fresh take, a fresh perspective on stuff. 2, they're gonna bring their, oh, what up, B Rex, in the building? Brian.
Blak:What's up, buddy?
Mac:Yeah. They're gonna bring their following over, and and we could possibly get them to to start, you know, checking in on first take every now and then. Fox Sports does not do that. They're not looking at the up and coming stuff. They're just stuck on, we'll get after They're
Blak:in their bubble.
Mac:And we'll get this. Right? Yep. So yeah. But I'll I'll tell you, man.
Mac:The the minute I looked at this thing and I heard he was like,
Blak:because she has that big
Mac:rack and peanut butter skin and those cans. I was like, bro,
Blak:you you
Mac:sound so
Blak:Bro, was the he was in love.
Mac:That was he
Blak:fell in love. Oh my god. That peanut butter skin and that
Mac:You know, let me tell a story, but I'm, the I'll I'll redact the names. We were on a deployment in 2003 in Baghdad. And there was a coworker of ours who who had a thing for, another coworker of ours. And and we were all in the same tent. And the one coworker he had a he had a thing for
Blak:this before
Mac:he saw he saw them come in and go into the saw them go into the section of another member of our tent and that person was not the same devastated. It was it was a invisible and audible to the point I went and checked on them. That's Jason. Jason saw her step into the Fox Sports headquarters and was just like, she's all alone to be. And then he saw her with with people like Acho and and shit like he'll never be, you know, he's just And I wish I never met her.
Mac:It was At all, it was up ever. I know. From the way she looked at me.
Mac:it was unhappily married with children, and I wish I never met her. But what
Blak:At all.
Mac:Is that the he was like, but what about me? Me? And in the video, he drive by her house, and she out there with his family. He bleeds me. That's you, Jason.
Mac:You're Carl Thomas. I wish I wish I never met her. Head on. Jason Whitlock. But I need you to lock it the fuck up, bro.
Mac:Get your shit together. And if this comes out that all of these accusations are false, The apology Oh. Gotta be 10 times as loud as this disrespect, my boy.
Blak:Bro, fat. That is a fact. Bro,
Mac:you cannot, like Bro, you better show up at her house. Roses. Lay, like, kissing her feet. Fucking dick. She needs to
Blak:be the queen of Zamunda to you. Yes. Like, show up with everything.
Blak:Can. The kids.
Mac:Those big like, bro, just say titties. You know, at this point, just say titties, bro. You're on this you're on this stat where we can say wherever you want. These shows she shows up, the big rack. And what's this?
Mac:Madman? Fucking
Blak:She got guns in that
Mac:shirt, dude? What is up? It's like a 19 forties. Yeah. See, she got some cans.
Mac:The the basoons on those.
Blak:The basoons. The jugs.
Mac:The. You know what I'm saying? Jason, lock it up, man.
Blak:Hubba hubba. Pick your jaw up
Mac:off the floor, get over your feelings, and, use that sports journalism degree education to talk about fucking sports. And quit worrying about who's sleeping with who, man. Male sit and be jealous. That's a female's trait. What you mad?
Mac:Because she pushed on. Anyway, hey, Yeah, Jason. So, congratulations. So far, you are beating Tyrese this year.
Blak:Oh, yeah. You are strong.
Mac:You are, as of now, the favorite to win the award for 2025. So, that's one thing Joy can't say she has. So when you if you win, you can put on your resume and hopefully get a get a show somewhere else.
Blak:But, not a cheap.
Mac:It's not something you wanna put on your achievement. But, Jason, get your shit together, man. Let us head back to our regularly scheduled programming and our wrap up episode 1 of season 6.
Blak:And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress.
Mac:Fantastic show in my own opinion. Yes, sir. Opinion. What do you got for the people, man? I know you wanted to save stuff for final shots and thoughts.
Mac:Here's the opportunity.
Blak:I did. I did. So I wanna I wanna give a lot of thanks for 2024 and especially the pit masters, everybody who's tuned in to the show. You guys really made 2024, like, one of our biggest years and given us a lot of things to build on for 2025. I think 2025 is gonna be a big year for us.
Blak:I know you're right. I lost it. I had to say that for a moment too.
Mac:What's that? A 40 year old virgin? Yeah.
Blak:You ever held the boom in your
Mac:filthy ass? Bag of sand. That was What? Wait. What?
Mac:Oh my god. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Blak:But, yeah, you guy you guys have made you guys made 2024 a a big year for us. One of the initiatives that we had for last year, was to start a YouTube channel, and we are moving towards that. So, no gimmicks has 1, and I know Smoke Pit has 1, and I think USDN is gonna have 1 too. So here's my challenge to you. I know back in, 2024, I was supposed to do this shit and Uh-oh.
Blak:I'm gonna save the initiative. So the smoke pit podcast has a YouTube channel. And if you go subscribe to this YouTube channel, things will happen. Here is what I have for you guys. I have some candy canes that you motherfuckers put in the smoke pit.
Mac:Hot dog can bro, don't do this to yourself. I thought he was gonna eat that.
Blak:I thought
Mac:he was gonna eat that. I thought he was gonna eat better, bro.
Blak:It's not all. It's not all. So I have some hot dog candy canes
Blak:you guys dared me, and I was crazy enough to go buy them. I also have these, sour cream and onion.
Mac:Oh, what the
Blak:And, macaroni and cheese. Now I show this to you to say, per 100 people is a box of candy canes. So if you go subscribe, these candy canes will be consumed.
Mac:Bro, you ain't gotta sell yourself out like that, man.
Blak:I will because
Blak:I owe the people.
Mac:We're tired of cheating. We those out.
Blak:I was supposed to do this when we got to 2 k, but
Mac:Oh, okay.
Blak:We we both went on hiatus.
Mac:So Yeah.
Blak:This is my this is my get back for them. So I got the candy canes. Per 100 people is a box of candy canes.
Blak:So I will eat a box of candy canes. I will let you guys choose which ones you want, and I will consume the candy canes. Again, Smoke Pit Podcast, YouTube. Go subscribe. Show that you subscribe.
Blak:Once you get to a 100, it's
Mac:a box of candy canes. And what The whole box, my boy?
Blak:I'll eat the whole box. Why not?
Mac:Oh my god, bro.
Blak:Come on. Why not?
Mac:Come on, man. I appreciate you doing that. Hey. But, folks, all seriousness, man, we we do love the support. Like we said, 2024 was amazing.
Mac:We hit 2 k and the the fan group. We're just trying to trying to grow it and and and just trying to do something a little bit different over on YouTube. We're still like I said, when we go live, free 1st Fridays, all of that stuff is still gonna be in the DFPN thing. It's just, when this the, Patreon only stuff, the video will be going straight over to the, the the smoke pit, YouTube channel. Clips from the show segments, all of that stuff will be going over to, the YouTube channel as well.
Mac:And we're only doing this because, the DFPN channel, we got several shows that wanna do advertising, make shorts and reels and stuff like that. Algorithm does not like it when a channel keeps just super populating over and over and over again. It kinda bumps us down to algorithm. So what we're gonna do is try to give each show their separate YouTube channel so they can maximize the amount of, advertising, real shorts, all of those things like that. So, we're dealing with network
Blak:a testament. It's a testament to everybody that that actually supports and rocks with the FPN that we're doing this. So, again, kudos to you guys. You guys really fucked with us in 2024 enough that we had to make this move. So
Blak:Thank you. Really for real. Thank you, guys.
Mac:Yep. And, we're we're gonna do what we can. I know, people are kinda people who profit off of TikTok kinda up in arms. Like, oh, no. It may go away or whatnot.
Mac:Whatever social media, handles we have, we're trying to be more active on that too. That's another goal I have for 2025. So, just stay tuned. Stay rocking with not only the smoke pit, but the rest of the DFPN crew, USDN, Queens and Nerd. Speaking of which, I don't wanna say too much for them, but, both Eric and Jen from our, Queens and Erdem crew are currently working and putting the final touches on the next, tabletop RPG adventure.
Mac:We just finished up fallen star. The end of last year was about 11 months of, of an adventure. And, the next adventure is gonna be, from what I've told and from what I've seen, on par, if not better than than that adventure. So stay tuned with them as well. But like I said, a lot of the DFP and stuff, Patreon will still be the same.
Mac:When we do 1st Fridays, like, content will still be coming over to DFPN YouTube channel. However, for specific shows and stuff, you can go ahead and search, Jeff is in the comments saying, hey. The end of this month, you can expect the USDN launch for their YouTube channel and stuff. So, if you fuck with us, then then then come by and say hi. You know?
Mac:Subscribe. Leave some comments. Leave some likes and things like that. And, like we said, man, you know, it doesn't go unnoticed from us. We appreciate it a 100% any support we give
Blak:from you.
Mac:I believe oh, apologies as well. I know we were doing the best Christmas movie. Shit kinda died off. That's gonna continue. Right?
Mac:So expect polls to come up. It was a 100 movies. So once we get this down to the final 32, the bracket will be put out there, and we will solve this. I know it'll be, like, in the middle of January, but we started this this this this journey on trying to figure out the best Christmas movie. We're gonna fucking end it.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? And, also, if you got, you know, it'd probably be rolling into February. Probably best, you know, rom com maybe, rolling in February with with Valentine's Day and all of that stuff. So trying to be more active with these brackets. We know you love them.
Mac:We're gonna try and keep them coming. So, you got anything else for our man?
Blak:No, man. Just thank you guys for tuning in tonight. This was, this is fine. It's great to be back, and let's kick the doors off the hinges for 2025.
Mac:Indeed. Indeed. So, as always, I'm the homie Mac, AKA your boy.
Blak:And I am Brad like a king, made us Kelvin, Kaylee. Thank you guys for tuning in tuning in once again. Until next time. Have love. Make sex.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit.
Blak:It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week.
Blak:Come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions, I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready, because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit.
Blak:It's Mac and Mac. Welcome to the smoke pit.