Ep 154 "Election Aftermath, Stop Eating That Hot A** Food, Jenna Brotherson"
Yes, sir.
Blak:Oh, this feels good.
Mac:Confirmable. You settle?
Blak:Yeah. I
Mac:hope when, in in the process of, like, reorganizing your office or your your studio, if you will.
Blak:Yes. Yes.
Mac:As long as you're you're comfortable and and ready for the show.
Blak:I am ready. I am ready.
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to episode 154 of the smoke pit live. It's been a minute since we've been live. A lot of things going on, family stuff, during the Fridays and the weekends, but, we're back here. And, apparently, we as a country, we did a thing on Tuesday. So,
Blak:Oh, did we ever?
Mac:We did a thing. Same thing we do every 4 years around this time of year, and people feel a certain type of way about it. So, like I mentioned in the, the little live I did over on the the smoke pit page, we wouldn't be the smoke pit if we just kept running away from, real discussions and stuff. Yeah. You come here for the 's and the heehes and the kiki keys and stuff.
Mac:But there have been episodes when we talked about some, some real shit going on in the in the world, in the country, and, we figured, you know, let's get back to it. Yep. So, if you are ready to go, we can go ahead and, you know what? Let's do the shot before we do the intro.
Blak:Good idea.
Mac:Good idea. So, I'm here with my, shot of Malibu rum
Blak:that, I still got that janky ass whiskey, so I'm I'm a finish it.
Mac:Is that a, big back activities, shirt you rocking? Uh-oh. We froze up.
Blak:Oh, my
Mac:goodness. I'm not. You back. You back. You back.
Mac:Alright. Alright. Cool. You froze mid pour.
Blak:Yes. I am rocking the big back activities,
Mac:shirt. Nice.
Blak:I'm actually gonna put those on the on on the store.
Mac:So Okay. Bet bet. You got a a toast?
Blak:You know what, man? I I actually I'm a I'm a put this one up for everybody. No matter where you are, no matter how you feel, we all need it this year. So regardless how you feel this week, I know it's a lot of emotions, especially from my ladies. I I know there was a lot of emotions coming out of Tuesday.
Blak:I'm a
Blak:put this one in the air for everybody. We are going to be okay, and that's the toast. Regardless of what happens, we are going to be okay. And if not, we can still drink.
Mac:Salud, my guy.
Blak:Oh, I don't like that. Oh, I don't like that.
Mac:With that being said, ladies and gentlemen, let us start the show. The following is a presentation of the Dead Filming Podcast Network, reminding you to always question the answers. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Blak:It's Friday night, come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week, come relaxing, get some lapsing. And let's talk about these brackets.
Blak:And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready. Because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit.
Blak:It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Blak:Yes, sir.
Mac:It is. Friday night mood is right. Dynamic duo of Black and Mack back live on the smoke pit, episode 154. And, like we talked about, election, day came and went, and, emotions are are high. And, you know, we we were just gonna talk it out amongst ourselves.
Mac:But if you want to contribute to the discussion, feel free. We're looking for level headed discussions. You know, if emotions get high, they get high. You know, we're not gonna do anything to try to pour any, gas gasoline on that fire. Just try to talk things out.
Mac:But before that, Halloween came and went. How was your, how was your spooky day, man? Your kids dress up. You take them trick or treating. What's up?
Blak:Nah. Bro, my kids, they feel like they got too old to go trick or treating, which pissed me off. It it really did piss me off. Because this is the this is the day of the year I look forward to. I look forward to dad tax.
Blak:You know what I mean? Like, and then when when my youngest was like, no, dad. I don't I don't wanna go out trick or treating. Like, come on, man. Like, come on.
Blak:This is our thing. This is
Blak:our thing.
Mac:How how old's your youngest again?
Blak:He's 12.
Mac:12? Oh, so Yeah. He too old for that?
Blak:That's what he said.
Mac:He don't even put the costume on or nothing?
Blak:Nah. He was like he was like, nah, dad. I'm I'm good. But what's what's crazy is, shout out to shout out to my cousin, Dardo. He came in town, and he brought his kids, and his kids went, trick or treating.
Blak:And they brought back candy, but I was just like, come on, bro. You ain't going you ain't gonna go out and get the candies. He was like, nope. So we ended up we ended up staying, and our our neighborhood is pretty quiet. So no one no one came over.
Blak:No one knocked on the door. It was it was a relatively I was kinda sad. It was a relatively quiet Halloween for us. What about you?
Mac:So, my oldest, you know, he he was at work. My daughter, who'd be turning 18 this December, she didn't trick or treat, but she still gets in costume. She does a good job, like, she is a very creative person, will go on Amazon, order her stuff, and she had a whole wig on. And she went as a character from, I guess one of these mobile games that she's been playing. So she had the bat, the wig, the costume, the boots, and all that stuff.
Mac:So she goes all out, almost cosplay level type stuff. So I appreciate that. So she just stayed home and helped my wife hand out candy, because Halloween is also my wife's birthday. So it's, get home from work, try to set this stuff up for the birthday celebration afterwards, rush out, do some trick or treating with my youngest, who who is all about that stuff. So, my one complaint though, when it comes to trick or treating is, these grown ass kids that just don't put the effort in, don't wear a costume, just roll up with a book bag on like they just got off the school bus.
Mac:Mhmm. Be be taking candy from the kids that put in the effort to put on costumes and stuff like that. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:So I've come to this conclusion, and and I've talked to Apple about it. I don't know if she's totally on board with it, but I'm just like, next Halloween, we're gonna do this thing. We're gonna have a bowl of candy that's the good shit. Right? And that's what if people in costume.
Mac:I was on board with, if you ain't got no costume, you ain't getting no candy from us. I'm thinking that. Apple was like, that's, that's terrible, don't do that. Right? But I'm like, cool, then we'll have another bowl of candy that'll just be like the Tootsie Rolls, you know, the fucking, Dum Dums, you know, the the the cheaper
Mac:Yeah. You know, and that'll be Everything
Blak:the group voted off.
Mac:Yeah. And pretty much. So when, when people come up without the costume and stuff, they're like, yep. Oh, you get from this bowl. Yep.
Mac:So they grabbing handfuls of Tootsie Rolls, and they're looking at the bowl that has the Reese's peanut butter cups and the Snickers and shit like that. So, you know, the candy you get will be equivalent to the effort you put into the fucking deal. As it
Blak:should be. As it let's be fair. Let's be fair. You give me maximum effort, I'll give you gray candy. How about that?
Mac:Indeed. Indeed. So, we'll we'll try that next year, and and we'll see what happens. You know, hopefully that'll that'll energize people to be like, man, if you're going to that house, you better at least have a mask on or something.
Blak:Yeah. I love it. I love it.
Mac:Trick or
Blak:treat. Zip zip zip.
Mac:Like, you move. It's a trick. Did you just did you just get off the bus, my boy? Like, what's happening?
Blak:It's a trick for you.
Mac:But, so yeah, let's go ahead and get into it, man. Election Day happened, this Tuesday. And going into it, I'll speak for myself at this point. I had a I was hoping, for, vice president Kamala Harris to win. Right?
Mac:Full transparency. Was I shocked that she didn't win? Absolutely not.
Blak:Me neither.
Mac:Okay. Why was that your mindset?
Blak:There were a lot of factors against her. 1 the biggest one primarily is that she entered the race way in the in the later stages of the race. Right? They had already had they had already had a debate with Biden and and Trump, and Biden didn't do well. So, right, so they asked him to leave.
Blak:I think that was a mistake. I, and at the moment, I thought it was a mistake. In hindsight, it was a big mistake. Kinda, you kinda should've rolled that out. And then you coulda, you coulda made up for it in other areas, but coming in that late into the race is, it's an uphill climb, man.
Blak:And this guy had 4 years to build his case. You know what I'm saying? Like, that's you're fighting against pretty, pretty big odds. That being said though that being said though, I thought what she did with the time that she had and this is gonna be a thing for me. What she did with what she had was incredible.
Blak:Incredible. No one else could've done that. Whatever the vice president was, if it wasn't her, no one else could've done that. Not in that amount of time. It it's asking a lot.
Blak:So I it it didn't surprise me. Not not at all. What would've surprised me is if it were if it were her winning. I would've been really surprised then. And by a big margin.
Blak:That would've surprised
Mac:me. Yeah. When it comes to, the the swap from, Vice President Harris, from, President Biden, I, for 1, was was of the mindset of, he's like, for for comedic terms, my man is is pushing up to his expiration date. Not his life. Not not like life dying, but like your your your ability to be serviceable in the position that you're holding.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? To be able to fulfill the duties, you can't do that anymore.
Blak:If we had a question, if you should be driving, like, that, you've you've done enough. My god. That's that's enough.
Mac:Agreed. And and we've seen it the past, I I wanna say year, like, with Mitch, you know, Mitch McConnell. He just, like, you can, like, bro, your mind is not sharp enough to carry out the duties that people are electing you into position to do. And I felt that when it came to, President Biden. So I think if y'all were gonna make that move, that should've been something y'all should've done sooner.
Mac:I agree with that. 'm not majoring in political science. I don't I don't know all the ins and outs of that. Just as a person watching it, you wanna position your party to look competent. And I think they realized how incompetent they looked when that first debate happened between Trump and President Biden.
Mac:And they were just like, oh, shit. We gotta do something. So then they did, and like you said, she jumped in the race late, and for the short time that she was able to generate funds and everything, like, she was able to generate an amazing amount of money. The the the backing and all of that stuff, the energy that she was bringing reminded me something along the lines of, when president Obama first started running Mhmm. And had that momentum.
Mac:Yes, we can believe and change, all of that stuff. That kinda reminded me of that. So that gave me hope, like, maybe maybe she can pull this off. And there's a part of me that, the reason why I'm not shocked is the, the following that President Trump, President-elect Trump, former President, like, whatever, President Trump, has garnered and has maintained, even though he was nowhere in office. Right, right.
Mac:The way that following stayed with him throughout his inact his period of inactiveness in politics, going through court, being convicted, all of these things, and the following not wavering. I'm just like, bro, this is, this is ridiculous, you know, the the following that he has. So come election night, you know, this was not a drawn out, you know, there was nothing left up for debate. Like, it was a clear ass whooping, that happened that happened on those nights. So, I mean, you're you're sitting here, like, well, here we go.
Mac:And the thing I wanna address, and you, you've probably seen it too, is the, I guess, the the fallouts, the, the emotional damage, if you will Mhmm. From those who were, like, just so all in on Harrison Walls winning The Office, and that not happening. Now there's been some things leading up to it, and, you know, we can talk Project 2025. Some of the things that he has mentioned, that he was going to do once he gets in office, things that, he was trying to put in play previously in office, that he's trying that he may or may not try to get going again. That, coupled with, the Senate and the House, kinda belonging to the, the Republicans at this point, so Yeah.
Mac:I can understand, the apprehension and anxiety from from some people. Have you been seeing that as well?
Blak:I have. And it's the fact that he has the house and well, possibly the house and the senate, that it it it scares people. And full transparency, he has come out and he has hit on some some bullet points from if you read the Project 2025 document, I highly suggest you go read it. He hit on some bullet points in the video of things that he wanted to accomplish, and it's word for word that's coming out of project 2025. So that coupled with the fact that he is in a stronger position than he was in 20 16 when he when he got real when he got elected the first time.
Blak:It's giving people a cost worry. That is a it's a valid concern, especially if you read what they're what they want to do in project 2025. It it it's a valid concern from people. I I'm I don't wanna invalidate their concern because it it is something that they very much if if that's not something that jives with you and your morals and how you choose to treat people, that's something that's not that you don't stand for. It is absolutely a point that you need to concern be concerned with.
Blak:What I would what I would what I would suggest is their the power that they that they willed, they wanna put it in the states. Right? So in that comes an opportunity for you to now hold your state congressman, representative, senator, governor. That that becomes your your chance to hold them accountable. Right?
Blak:It it it's it's them pushing it back to the states, but I think we are also in a position to where we can we can make our voices be heard at a louder at a louder state. Right? So please get yourselves familiar with that and and see what it is that you can do on your end, on your part to kinda kinda, you know, level the playing field, if you will. If if that's something that you're against, find out what you can do to level the playing field. I think Tim Walz, if you listen to his speech today, he he said it perfectly.
Blak:He said it perfectly. Like, if I was a if I was a person that lived in Minnesota, I'd absolutely be comfortable with Tim Moss as governor because he said he wants to open the door for people who don't believe what he's doing as governor. He wants to work with those people. And absolutely, you should find you should find a common ground with the people that are running your state. So I I I understand the I understand the concern, but you you still have power.
Blak:Please believe that you do.
Mac:Yeah. I was talking to a friend of mine last night who, whose views lean, towards the conservative side, but she's not, I guess, for lack of better word, a Trumper. Right? Mhmm. But of the 2, her policies, her views, and stuff, you know, lean toward the conservative side, so that's where where she leaned to.
Mac:And we had a discussion as far as, like, I think she's more in tune and followed the the race and policies a little bit, or I'll say a whole lot better than I did, because I'll let you guys know, like, my my reasoning for, sending my my ballot to Florida where I'm a resident at, which is, like, just let me just put this in the shredder anyway. Right? Because this ain't gonna do anything. Right?
Blak:It ain't
Blak:gonna make it. It ain't gonna make it.
Mac:This ain't gonna really do anything. My, here here's where I'm at. I'm just like, at some point, like, I I to be the highest elected position that you could be, you know, elected to, to, to be a convicted felon of multiple charges Yep. Do we not, do we not draw the line? Because to me, as somebody serving in the military, it's just like, there are certain lines, like, if you are a felon, you can't do certain things.
Mac:You can't have a clearance x, y, and z, all of this stuff. However, this man is a convicted felon, and will have access to the highest of secrets and stuff. You know what I'm saying? Like Yep. Yep.
Mac:It it logically, it doesn't make sense to me. And she was just like, you know, Willie, when do the rules apply to people at that level of power? And that's the sad part in this country.
Blak:Yeah, that's, that's sad.
Mac:You know, they, there are rules that we, as the, I guess, the, the quote unquote, little people, are
Blak:are forced to follow.
Mac:And if we if we don't follow them, or we don't meet certain criteria, there are certain things that we cannot do. I e, if you're a felon, you can't vote. Correct. However, logically, you're looking at this thing, like, he has this many charges, and he can run for president. And there's no there's nothing written that says he can't.
Mac:He can't.
Blak:He voted.
Mac:It's and and and that's the part where it's hard for me to understand. The other side of it is
Mac:and and I'm not saying this to poo poo on anybody's feelings. The the initial outburst of emotions, probably the the first, I would say, what, 100 days or whatever after an election of people just assuming, like, the fucking the the squad cars are gonna roll up and just start mass deporting people out, and all of this other stuff. Like, he President Trump, during his his rallies, and as his campaign, just keeps saying hot topic things to get the people
Blak:going. Correct.
Mac:Blades of Fury, Blades of Glory, or whatever that was called.
Blak:Blades of Glory.
Mac:Yep. So he just says stuff to get people, like, ramped up and and and and lit. Right? So, yeah, we're we're sending all these people back. We're doing this.
Mac:All these hot button things that he taps into of what most used to consider, I guess, like, middle America, the rural small towns, like Mhmm. Nobody was really catering to them, so he comes along and says things to cater to them. Does he actually follow through with them? TBD. Right?
Mac:Remember, hey, I'm a build this wall and shut this down, and Mexico's gonna pay for it. Like, I I lived in Phoenix, and we would drive to San Diego, and we would drive past Yuma, where you can actually see the the wall. It's like, it's still like a fence. You know what I'm saying? With some, like, extra things around it.
Mac:It's it's not the wall he was talking about. Right? And he had 4 years to do this, and it didn't get done. Right? So it's but people are just like, yeah, yeah.
Mac:Do that. Do that. And then at the end of the day, I'm just like, man, I just need like, if you're gonna be the face of the country, if you're gonna be representing the country, talking to world leaders, like, I need you to have some kind of decorum. I need you to have some kind of, like, level of maturity. You know?
Mac:Yep. And and and that's just where I'm at. Right? Because, like you mentioned, when you're at that level and they're trying to do stuff, like, that that trickles down to the states, and then the states to to your local elections and things like that, so like you were saying, you know, people just stay in tune to what's going on in your county, your your city, your district, you know, things along those lines, and and vote accordingly. Right?
Mac:Because federal government can push stuff down, but it can be curved in the states. And I get it. Some of the senators, representatives, governors, you know, they're under the the the umbrella and the the backing and the sponsorship, lack of a better term of Trump. So they're probably just gonna lean towards whatever he's saying he wants to do, because they wanna keep their cons you know, the people voting for them happy, so they can run and be elected again. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Correct. So that that was my that was my side of it. You know, I'm not trying to tell people to not be worried because, you know, I've had people come to me, like, you know, airmen come to me and be legit concerned, because it's like, some of these guys are like, 19, 20, this is the first election they voted for.
Mac:And it's just like, you know, my grandmother has a green card, or there's somebody in their family that they feel is, legal, but something may be rewritten or something may be misconstrued, and then, like, the next day their family's gone. I'm like, I don't think things are gonna work that fast, but, you know, at the end of the day, just control what you can control. Right?
Blak:Correct. Correct.
Mac:The the bet has been made, you know, the the decision has been made as a country, and we move forward. And every 4 years, half of America is mad, and half of America is gloating. Because, when Trump lost in 2020, like, people was out here. Like, we was with the same energy, you know?
Mac:And so when we take that l, you know You gotta you gotta hold it.
Blak:You gotta
Blak:hold it. And me and me and, me and my no gimmicks cohost, we had this conversation. And because he's a conservative. So it it it ended up being this conversation to where I was like, I'm at a point where I'm tired of that. To where it because I did pay attention more intently during this election.
Blak:Because I wanted to I wanted to know who was bringing policies across the board. I wanted to know who was bringing policies to Texas. I wanted to know who was bringing policies to the nation. Right? Mhmm.
Blak:And what I ended up finding was kinda disappoint well, it wasn't kinda. It was really disappointing. And it was the fact that we've we've become a country to where we don't really present policy. We just present what the other side isn't doing. Right?
Blak:We don't present we don't present solutions. And I would I would say for anybody, if you're listening, if you're listening to this, please do the homework. Right? Find out and like like Max said, go to your go to your states, find out what's happening locally, and find out what's impacting you. And then vote that way because we've gotten so used to being the other side is wrong.
Blak:My homie and Marques says the other side's the Megatron. The the the not the Autobots. They're they're the
Blak:The septicons.
Blak:The septicons. Yeah. Says the other side, we both think the other side is this the the septicons. Right? We have to get out of that mindset.
Blak:Right? Find find what's working for you. It ain't gonna work for everybody, and that's the beauty of America. Find out what's working for you and vote that way. Right?
Blak:And and don't be mad at the people that disagree with you. Find out because what me and Frank d ultimately, our conversation ultimately ended up being, we are looking at the same issue and finding different ways. We're we're disagreeing on the ways to get there. We see the issue, we both do. But the way to get there is is what we argue about.
Blak:And and I would say that's probably true for America, right? There's a 1,000 ways to skin a cat. Yours doesn't have to be the right way. So just come with the ideas and don't attack the person, attack the idea. You know what I mean?
Blak:Don't make it personal. Just look at it from your way because my way won't be your way. Your way won't be my way all the time. But there is common ground in between those two ways, so that's something this election cycle, like, I would love to see this just go away. Come back next election cycle, even in 2 years.
Blak:Come back in 2 years with with a renewed mindset. Let this let this election be a a a reset of how we think as American citizens. Just look at the issues, look at your neighbor, and and figure out how to get it done, man. Like, yes. We can do it.
Blak:We're we're not gonna agree, and for those that don't agree, you know what I mean? Like, just pray that you're in the majority. But the the the common ground is in finding the solution. So don't come to the table if you don't have a solution. That's for anybody that's trying to run for public office.
Blak:Don't come to the table if you don't have anything to contribute, except for, well, this guy have for because the argument this election cycle was, well, this person's in the White House already. Why aren't they doing it right now? And the counterpoint should've been, well, this person was in the White House too. So what did they do? You know what I mean?
Blak:And it's like, we kept going around in this circle to where, like, they don't have a solution. They keep doing this. They don't have a solution. They come they keep doing this. If you vote this way, something's gonna happen.
Blak:If you vote that way, then we're gonna lose this. And we gotta stop that. Let's all come to the let's come to the table with the solution.
Mac:Yeah. Compacci says, top economist said Trumbull at around 8,000,000,000,000 to the deficit with tariffs he's planning to add. Harris' policies. We're estimated to add a touch under 4,000,000,000,000 to the deficit. That seems huge.
Mac:And, again, like, these are all projections. Right? Like, until we actually see things go into effect and get the actual data, real data, tangible data Right. To bring this up. You know, it's it's kinda just hearsay at this point.
Mac:And I wanna, unless you got something to add, you know, just add add this this little, my my 2ยข to this. Every, every election, no matter presidential, you know, whatever the word for governor is, it's like, gubin, gubin ter, whatever it is. Senate, you know, all of that stuff. Right? Yeah.
Mac:Half of the half of the the people voting are upset, and half are cool. And then if the results if the results were flipped, half would be upset, half would be cool. Correct. Everybody knows, like, when their side loses, there's an issue with how we elect people into power. But if your person wins, you're cool with it.
Mac:Oh, it works. And then if they lose it, it doesn't work. I think until both sides could get mad together, or be upset or disappointed with the process, together, nothing is going to change.
Blak:I I'm I'm inclined to believe that. I'm very much inclined to believe that.
Mac:And it and it that's that's just how it goes. Like, every 4 years, half of this country is just like, man, this thing needs to be tweaked. This thing needs to work. Right? And then if your side wins, now you're not concerned with how the process works.
Mac:Correct. So it's one of them things where, until we get together, as a country, and be like, hey, you know, certain things need to change. Like, they work for us. You know? Supposedly, on paper.
Mac:Politicians are supposed to work for us. Mhmm. But we know they work for people that fund their campaign and all this other stuff, so until we can we can figure that out and get to the bottom of that and clean, or to use a phrase, Donald Trump used when he was first drain the swamp. Like, get all these Mhmm. Out of here.
Mac:Get all these people that influence elections out of here, and keep it a 100% to what the people want, it'll be what it is. Because right now, every 4 years, it's just a fucking, how bad can I make the other person look? Instead of, this is what I'm planning to do. This guy did this, this, this, and this. Right?
Mac:And like I said, a 100% people are afraid because, I mean, be they ask me. I'm like, last time this dude was in in in the White House, like, these cops were, like, really, really bold out here doing a lot of stuff to people that look like me. So
Blak:It's alright. I'm
Mac:a little bit, you know, I'm a little bit apprehensive, but like I I tell my people, you know, control what you can control, make sure you take care of your mental, Take care of your chickens, or your finances, and and your physical. Right? Just control the stuff that you know you can't control, and just press ahead. Like, these 4 years will go by, just like the last 4 years went by. Right?
Mac:Yep. So, you know, just just hang in there. And, you know, if things really do go sideways, and, you know, my man, well, it it just don't sit right with my spirit, man. When he was at the state, you know, if we just give certain people an hour to go in there and clean up the town, you know, these problems, I'm like, bro, are you suggesting a purge?
Blak:That's what that's what I'm saying.
Mac:You can't say stuff like that because you're emboldening certain people. Like, there are things that this guy says where he doesn't distance himself from enabling extremist groups to start going and doing stupid stuff. Yeah. You know?
Blak:You don't stop the fuck shit. Like, you you gotta stop the fuck shit. Because the fuck shit is what makes you look bad. Like, it don't you're not gonna give everybody warm and fuzzies doing stuff like that. Uh-huh.
Blak:And if a if a group looks at that and sees that and says he's not on my side, how can you argue it? Except saying but here's the thing. Like, the people that get emboldened by that, like, the counter the counterargument is is somewhat Jen said. Like, you're being called a snowflake.
Blak:getting called names for being like, dude, this is offensive. You know what I mean? Like, this is offensive.
Mac:Yeah. And I mean, I don't even know. Bro, it's it's it's the same thing, like, back when he was in, back when he was in in the house before, you know? Like, you're just gonna have those people that do stuff like that. Snowflake, this, that, 3rd, all of this other stuff, and, you know, it's is this it's it's to quote, Childish Gambino, like, this is America.
Mac:You know? It's it's we're going back and forth. We're doing x, y, and z. Like, it's until we fully come together, which I love how, like, it's always the winning side that, you know, they'll gloat for a bit, be like, you know, my candidate's in here, my candidate's in here, blah blah blah.
Blak:Come on, guys. Let's
Mac:Hey, let's not lose friendships over politics.
Blak:Let's just be together like,
Mac:you know what I'm saying? Like, you can't you can't gloat. You can't be sad.
Blak:Sat here and talked a mountain of shit, bro. Like, the fuck you want me to be happy? Could you just sat here and just said all this shit?
Mac:Like, my man had a whole rally at Madison Square Garden where people were saying the most
Blak:He called the whole island of people.
Mac:The most degrading things. And granted, he didn't say it himself, but your name and your shit was plastered all over this place. Your name was on the little podium. They went up there, like, bro, that's the thing. Like, you don't get out of here and just say, hey, man.
Mac:I didn't call y'all here to talk about this stuff, to say these things. Like, get out of here. Like, the level of respect I would've had for him if he was just, like, yeah. What what this comedian said, I'm not about. You know, like, y'all should've just muted his mic and got him off the stage immediately when he started doing that wild stuff.
Mac:But, again, yeah. It's it's, it's it's loud stuff going on, man.
Blak:That's wild.
Mac:His circle contains people that aren't doing him any favors.
Blak:But that that's gonna be the majority of the the government now. It's not like it was in 2016. Like, in 2016, there were people that would distance themselves away from him. That's not the case anymore. He has a a a team of people that are going to be loyal to him.
Blak:A lot of those people weren't racist because they they were loyal to him. So he's in the spot he's in a much stronger spot now than he was in 2016. And that's why I said earlier, like, I I I understand. I understand the concerns. I really do because
Blak:The the checks and balances, that's going away. There will be no checks and balances.
Blak:So he he's pretty much he's pretty much clear to do if he gets the house, which it is trending that he's gonna get the house, he's gonna be clear to do whatever he wants to do. And for the people that that lived through 2016, which is damn near everybody, you know what I mean, that that voted, living through 2016 is we were not in a good spot as a country. We were not in the strongest spot as a as a country. We had the whole world on edge. Like, that's a that's a very real possibility.
Blak:It's it's a very real possibility. So, yeah, it's it's it's it's a wait and see thing. For me, it's like it's like we've been we've been down this road before. So it's it's not really a shock, but it's something it's something that it it's not gonna be comfortable, and and I kinda know that. I don't I don't feel like it's gonna be a good time the next 4 years.
Blak:Even even even if it by his standards, if it goes smoothly, I I still don't think
Blak:it's gonna be a comfortable time for the country
Blak:because he's got people in his pocket and he's got a whole they keep coming to the table with, like, he's got a mandate. But this whole campaign, we don't know what the fuck the mandate was other than Project 2025. So is that the mandate? But that that keeps coming up on the regular as he's picking his cabinet. It's like he's gonna come in day 1 with the mandate, and things are gonna happen day 1.
Blak:What is that? Because he didn't tell us. So it it it's gonna be it's gonna be a wait and see and pray that it that it ain't that it ain't bad. You know what I mean?
Mac:Yeah. And, you know, like like I said, also, like, there are people that that voted for for, you know, Trump out of spite, who who feel a certain type of way, and who actually kinda do share those extremist views, you know, and I mean, there, there's, there's bad people on both sides of the aisle,
Blak:you know?
Mac:So like I said, when it when it comes to social media, when it comes to interacting and stuff, like, do what you need to do to protect your peace. You know? If if there's somebody who's being over the top with their braggadocious attitude about their guy, their candidate winning, you know, and if it's it's causing you something, just, you know, just block. Do do what you need to do, you know? And if that person comes to you and be like, you know, let, like I said, you know, hey, you know, don't we were friends before this, you know, we can stay friends.
Mac:Like, if it's, if it's not good for your mental, do what you need to do. That personal that that personal live and wake up to see tomorrow, and so will you. Just, like I said, control what you can control. And and, you know, have a good support circle around you, and and, you know, keep keep doing what you've been doing. It's been working so far for you, and, don't let anybody come out here and and ruin or throw you off, mess up your karma, all of that stuff, you know.
Mac:Just just stay true to what you're
Blak:doing. Yep.
Mac:Alright. Are we ready to get in some funny shit?
Blak:Let's let's laugh.
Blak:Alright. Goddamn.
Mac:Alright. Alright. So, I I always love getting into this segment of, what did I just watch? Because there's been a Oh, yes. Few a few wild ass videos, that we do need to discuss here amongst our fellow pit masters.
Mac:So ladies and gentlemen, done with the heavy stuff.
Mac:But we could continue talk about it in the comments as well.
Blak:We have to do it.
Mac:But it is time to get into the funny shenanigans. So ladies and gentlemen, here we go with what did I just watch? Alright. So the first thing, and, I brought this to your attention. I think this was, I think we were about to to to get into our fallen star session, and I came across this video of an artist who, creates sculpture out of, of like, syrup and sugar and things like that.
Blak:Right? Oh, yes. Yes.
Mac:So, I wanna bring this up. So you guys can see what's going on here. So it says, Berlin based artist, Joseph Marr. I can't read the rest of this stuff because it's all, it's all blocked by this. But I'll play it, and it'll kinda be a quick little, hey, who's who, what, what.
Mac:And the thing I wanna draw your attention to is the interaction that the spectators are having with the sculptures. And then we'll discuss afterwards. So, here we go. Take it away, my guy.
Artist:Never expected people to eat the sculpture. I just thought it would be nice for them to see it but then people just started licking it. And I was like, what are you doing? You don't know who's licked there before? Like, what are you doing?
Artist:Like, nobody was afraid of that. It was weird. My name is Joseph Marr and I'm an artist working with Sugar in Berlin. Just love the look on people's faces when they understand it's sugar because most people don't actually know and then when they hear that it's sugar they go what? And then then they look at it again and I think that makes them feel more part of it and they know what it's made of.
Artist:Working with sugar is a unique thing, it's incredibly difficult. Temperature and humidity affect it greatly. Once it's made, it's quite solid and lives for a long time. The older sculptures I have are now 14 years old and they're doing well. I like the challenge of making something that should be temporary permanent.
Mac:So I'm a let you have a first crack at this one here. Thoughts, my man?
Blak:Oh, that's gross. That's fucking nasty.
Mac:Yeah. That ain't,
Blak:what is it? What about
Blak:yourself? What about yourself? What are you doing?
Mac:Crikey. You don't know who slipped there before?
Blak:Absolutely, bro. You don't know whose tongue's been you are now patient 0. Yeah.
Mac:Yeah. I mean, it's it's like you got the baby licking this thing. Like, I don't know what shots your baby took up to this point. Hopefully, you're not an anti vaxxer. And and your baby's just licking where somebody with herpes just licked.
Blak:You scarred that baby for life.
Mac:You know, like, what what are we what are we doing at this point? What are we doing at this point with and there was there was one there was one clip of this that I wanted to focus on. Like, some lady put it there, and I mean it was like, her, bro, look at this.
Blak:I'm just gonna suckle the tit.
Mac:Look at this. Bro, look, look, bro. Lips closed, full suction on this thing.
Blak:Yeah. She's putting a rose on that goddamn scarf.
Mac:Full suction on this thing. Kimpachi's like, what the fuck? Are they licking it? That's the grossest shit. I've done some gross shit, but I was drunk.
Blak:Oh, man, bro. She she thinking about some
Mac:that's what I'm bro. I don't know if this man knows what he can tap into.
Blak:This is a I mean, it
Blak:Practice on the sculpture. Sir. Get your technique.
Mac:And and what better way to encourage, endurance during the act Yes. Than to make it out of
Blak:candy. Exactly.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? My alright. So hear me out. You do this, and you're like, bro, this is, this is a new medium in which I can create my art. The first time somebody looks that shit, I'm just like, hey, can we put this behind some fucking glass?
Blak:Because Yes. Yes.
Mac:What do y'all do? People people keep licking on the fucking Achilles, and this thing is gonna fall over. You know? It's no different than a candy cane or something. When people you just suck and lick on a certain part of candy over time
Blak:It's gonna degrade.
Mac:It's gonna degrade. And, I mean, you got the head of the statue up there, the armpit that they down here sucking on toes and and ankles and shit. Kneecaps. Licking the back of knees.
Blak:She's so bossy.
Mac:And whatever the hell she's sucking on right now.
Blak:Man, you know, yeah. That's a bad look.
Mac:And and and look, her face when she's done, like, well, oh, yeah. That's it. That's that's shit. That is that shit.
Blak:I like that. Use the raw sugar.
Mac:Right. Is this pure cane? Is this pure I think this is let me get one more. Oh, yeah. That's Dior.
Blak:Like, it's just pure. The line,
Mac:Let me oh, that's shit. That's that shit.
Blak:Pure. That's Yeah. Is that pure o? And
Mac:I I love how, like, the camera had to back out, because at first you were, like, just hoping that, you know, you were sucking on a scrotum or something. You know? You were sucking on a scrotum, and then the camera's like,
Blak:woah, woah, woah, zoom out. Yeah. Yeah. Let me show you what I ought to do to you tonight.
Blak:Oh. Hey. Hey. Hey. Oh.
Mac:There's another exhibit over here, if you wanna check that. He exists to my advantage. That shit is, like, that shit is so out of pocket. You know? And this this dude is look look at look at all the work he's doing.
Mac:He is
Blak:I want people to come lick.
Mac:All of this stuff, and then here come people and babies licking on this. He's like, what the hell are you doing?
Blak:It took me a week.
Mac:Yeah. You only hear about to take a bite out of this thing? Look at this baby licking on this thing. Meat. Let's find out.
Blak:Oh, come on.
Mac:Oh, shit. It's, it blew my mind when I saw it. I was like, this is the most disgusting shit ever. You know, like, we just, I don't know if this is in Germany. I know he's out of Berlin doing this.
Mac:I'm not sure if this is getting shipped, but I'm just like, bro, I swear we just got done with a pandemic. We just let's, let's not, let's not do this shit again. You know, let's not do this shit.
Blak:Please. Please.
Mac:I mean, I mean, come on. Nah, nah, I don't wanna go to museums. Like, what what what fucking exhibits y'all gotta hear? Is that sugar is Willy Wonka in here? His whole sugar fucking sugar crush?
Mac:Is this man here, Candy Crush man in here now?
Blak:Wonka be fucking people up, though. Wonka be like, look. You eat this shit if you want to. Your ass gonna turn
Mac:into a
Blak:floating blueberry.
Mac:That motherfucker was ruthless. I'm all that. Did not give a fuck, bro.
Blak:Now I know who ate my shit. You greedy motherfucker.
Mac:You hungry ass. Look at you.
Blak:Look at you.
Blak:Look at
Mac:yeah. Your stomach hurt.
Blak:Don't kill your dumbass. Look at you.
Mac:Stomach bubbling, ain't it? Yeah. Yeah. Nah, go sit down somewhere. I know it hurts.
Blak:Go lay down with your simple ass. Yeah.
Mac:Those unsanitary things. Like, at least put some note between the people and your, your art, because this is disgusting. Moving on. There's another thing that I would like to share, and this is, this goes along the lines with, you know, things upsetting stomachs. This one is,
Mac:So, people, I don't know why the craze of trying to conquer food that is made to destroy you. Like, restaurants and eating establishments continue to do stuff like the world's hottest this.
Mac:We use the extract from ghost pepper. Like, not even the actual pepper. Like, the chemical inside the pepper, we extracted it and just put it 100% directly into the sauce for your wings. I'll try that. Why?
Blak:Now, I'm a, I I'm a I'm a tell on myself. I used to live for this shit. I can't do it no more, though.
Mac:I used
Blak:to live for shit like that.
Blak:There's no flavor.
Blak:In some instances, there were.
Mac:Bro, they be doing this shit to just be hot. So I'll I'll play the video and and watch this man go through it. So initially, you're looking at it, and the guy's kinda initial reaction, I don't know if he was drunk and they had him try it, or if the reaction to this
Blak:The drugs were involved.
Mac:Yeah. The reaction to this sandwich. You can slowly see the his his mental decompose. And his physical fucking follows shortly after.
Blak:Yeah. His body shut down.
Mac:But, we'll let this one ride. Oh.
Blak:Don't step on that. Don't smush it in.
Blak:Look. Yeah. Look. He ain't he ain't done. He done.
Blak:He done.
Mac:Go to the
Blak:bathroom, bro. At the bathroom. Yeah. In
Mac:the sink. Go to the sink. Oh.
Blak:That's still it. Go, really.
Mac:So it's at that part, like, by how he's walking and stuff. I'm like, he's either drunk or he owns some shit. Or 3rd, this sandwich got this man
Blak:Oh, no.
Mac:It definitely life decisions.
Blak:That's it's it's a combination of of of 1 and 3.
Mac:But let it continue.
Blak:You're right. No. You can put inside.
Mac:He says it's inside. Bro, that is, that is his spirit.
Blak:Yep. He is, he is actively having a conversation with God right now.
Mac:Yes. He is talking to his maker. And he is Dormammu, I've come to bargain with you.
Blak:Let me survive this, and I promise. Yes.
Blak:Yes. I'll never do it again. I'll never do this again.
Mac:I swear I was, I'll never I'll never drink again. I'll scare off
Blak:my head and live.
Blak:you. I'll give you my first board. Just please.
Mac:On an altar. Oh my god. Like, when you start hey, bro.
Blak:Yeah. That's pain. That is pain. That's like that's that's equivalent to a kid, you know, when a kid, like, cry and they silent. That's what that is.
Blak:Like, that silent cry.
Mac:Alright. What it feel like?
Blak:What we call an ambulance? Yeah. For real?
Mac:They would've got this better icing.
Blak:Ah. You know, you know
Blak:Ah. You wanna call ambulance? Yeah. Everybody.
Blak:Who wants to go? Ambulance car. And then there's this, like
Mac:you want me to call an ambulance? Yeah. I got icedies.
Blak:But it's not what I asked for. Oh my
Blak:Call him a lambs.
Mac:Yep. Hey, I got this slush from the shop end.
Blak:They got all of us.
Blak:I need the EMTs. Go get the AED. Go stay safe.
Blak:My heart rate is 139, motherfucker. Come on.
Mac:Resting. There's a strawberry ice cream. My my bad is out.
Blak:He does. He appears just
Mac:like, can y'all explain to me what the fuck is going on in here? I have never seen nobody just laid out without gunshots or a knife being involved. What is happening?
Blak:The man is in between the toilet and the door. Yes.
Mac:On his back. Just right. He is trying to find the position to give him the most relief.
Blak:He is trying anything. Anything is on the table.
Mac:Yes. Nothing is off the table. He's like, I will do whatever it takes for relief.
Blak:Bro, the pain that you have to be in.
Mac:To let out those noises. He's he is trying to get that out of his stomach. It's so bad.
Blak:Man, that pain is intense, bro.
Blak:He's my body.
Blak:Help me.
Mac:Oh my god. Yes, Buddha.
Blak:He's rocking us.
Mac:Support, bro. He is welcome to the 9 layers of hell, bro. It's a
Blak:Help me, Tom Cruise.
Mac:You're in stage 1.
Blak:Sit up, bud. Yo.
Mac:Oh my god, bro. He is dying. They did in that sandwich. That's what I'm that's what I'm saying. The world's hottest chicken sandwich.
Mac:My man ain't here.
Blak:She let her
Blak:off the milk. They went to the they went to the bottega and got some milk.
Mac:Bro, y'all need to fucking induce vomiting.
Blak:Get that shit out of here.
Blak:Never never live this down.
Blak:My man, this this shit fucked him up,
Mac:I bet, if you go to, like, Popeye's, a chicken sandwich. Hot, mild or spicy, mild as fuck. After you make the sandwich
Blak:I he can't taste nothing.
Mac:After you make some sandwich, you know, just dump it in some water, let it sit for a minute, and then take it out. I want this to no heat. Yep. Did y'all season that butter? Yeah.
Mac:I don't
Blak:want it. Off. Wash it
Mac:Rinse that sandwich off before you get it. Is that salt and pepper? I don't want none of that shit no more.
Blak:Trying to murder me. I know it. I know it.
Mac:Oh my god. That beats it out and then you Letter it.
Blak:What's his name? What's his name? Yo.
Blak:Yo. They had to bring my man out of there like a bouncer, bro.
Blak:You you if you gotta get picked
Mac:up 1, 2, 3. Via atomic wedgie. Bro, you
Blak:Ain't even worried about it. Ain't it? He don't care. Get me out
Blak:of here. Get me out
Blak:of here as soon get me to the nearest hospital. Please.
Mac:What's this shit? Lord, if you're listening, help. I forget what movie that's from. Lord. Hell, he is he is passed out.
Mac:Look at this man.
Blak:Oh, yeah.
Mac:He's out of there. Had no energy to stand himself up and get on this goddamn thing, man.
Blak:The way he was yelling, bro, that shit
Blak:was Oh.
Mac:Oh, I can't take it, though. He was contemplating, like, just Oh,
Blak:ending it all.
Blak:That definitely crosses
Mac:Oh my god, man. I I I don't know. What's these comments saying? I think you want me to call an ambulance? Yeah.
Mac:No one is asking the important question here. Where did he get this sandwich? Let me see if somebody do it. Or we not gonna talk about how he wiped the floor with the paper towels in his face. It wasn't that hot.
Mac:Oh my god. Folks was dizzy. This shit was so hot.
Blak:Bro, that's
Mac:Getting sent to the hospital for chicken sandwich is crazy. Is it me or did bro lose bad weight by the end of the video? And then I do agree with the get new friends, bro.
Blak:Like, at a fair point, like,
Mac:the recording, the initial reaction of, oh, shit. Please, somebody get it, like, let me let me cut this off. No. Y'all had to play by play. Y'all had to play by
Mac:This person says I ate the world's hottest chip on 2 occasions, and the second time was way worse for whatever reason. It felt like it was burning a hole in my stomach. And I was on the bathroom floor because the cold made it feel 1% better. And whatever side I was laying on would burn after a few seconds, and I seriously thought I might need to go to the hospital until I threw up. Like, that's what you gotta do.
Mac:Yep. Get that shit out your body. Yep. But now he was he was trying to g it out, bro.
Blak:Nah. He nah. He failed miserably. You
Mac:want me to call the ambulance? Yeah. For real? Yeah. Dude, they called the ambulance for another 20 minutes.
Mac:He thought he was playing. He must have 11. 3 on 1, please Bro. And he ain't, bro, if you ain't got no insurance, or even if you got insurance, they would be like, what's the reason for this visit? Man, so I had this sandwich.
Blak:Girl, this will
Mac:be the last claim we file on your behalf. You are dropped back.
Blak:You don't understand. My body betrayed me.
Mac:I almost had to type it to my life insurance. Jesus, man. That is ridiculously unsat. What else we got in here? Call this dude.
Mac:I don't know what this shit is. My man
Blak:here. Is this what is it? A modork? A modoc? What's this, my boy?
Blak:From Amboy? Modoc. It's not
Blak:the quantum realm. Come on, modoc.
Blak:I can't even look at him. Are you up there singing so hard? Once I was 70 years old.
Blak:Were you?
Mac:Oh my god, bro. The comments is wild, man. Somebody said, it's Ed, Sharon.
Blak:That's fucked up.
Mac:Oh my god.
Blak:Oh, that's that's that's funny.
Mac:This comment says, I was gonna comment and say, y'all are wrong for entertaining this. But once I saw who put Matt David in the microwave, I
Blak:realized that was part of the problem.
Mac:His barber charges per square feet. Ladies and gentlemen, I just want hey, I'm a be a 100% transparent with you. I know I know I could be a better human. I know I can. But the way the way my fucking laugh box is set up.
Blak:Bro, that first the first comment took me out. It's like, what's
Mac:in your Sharon. So
Blak:what what?
Blak:I had to get off the post, like, stop. They shoot it too hard.
Mac:It looks
Blak:like the wisdom too.
Mac:You know, some people in the comments, like, I'm like, bro, you're using your creativity for evil. But but here I am endorsing it. Like, you're quick wit and everything. You're doing way better stuff. Oh my God.
Mac:God bless his mother. Shit. That hurts, man.
Blak:But once I was 7 years old.
Blak:Somebody said, I feel so bad for him, but the comments are bringing out the worst in me.
Mac:Who is that? I know. Bro, I should've just copied and pasted that, man. Because, like, hey, bro, I don't I I don't have the, the courage to get up there and sing anything in front of anybody. Unless it's karaoke and everybody drunk around me, then I'll get then I'll grab a mic.
Mac:But he up there in the talent. I ain't doing no talent show singing, because I know I don't have it in me.
Blak:He had
Mac:the he had the the courage to do that, you know? And I'm just like, have at it, my boy. Like, live your life. We'll look at this one, then we'll get to who's man's. So, I don't know what country this is, but, obviously, my man is not trained to do what he is trying to do here.
Blak:Why? Well, I don't know.
Mac:Why you put that wire in your mouth like it's a 9 volt battery? You gotta test it.
Blak:You gotta test it with you. It's just
Mac:and Stig is like, let me get away from this cable. As far away from this thing as I can.
Blak:Because this back up like, now
Mac:I'm Yeah. The rest of your crew is like, oh shit.
Blak:Look like he got shit.
Mac:Oh my god, man. Oh my god. Has anyone checked on this man? That was the day he and his wife conceived Usain Bolt.
Blak:Oh, my God.
Mac:Did he really try to bite off the piece he was trying to cut?
Blak:He did. He
Mac:Why is he running like electricity is chasing him?
Blak:Oh, shit.
Blak:Oh, shit.
Mac:Let me get out of here before I hit you again. Next. Yeah. Here's an electrician from Timu.
Blak:Why is bro wearing a biker helmet?
Mac:Fake it till you make it gone wrong.
Blak:Oh, extremely wrong. Extremely wrong.
Mac:He got his electrolytes. My man was trying to get some kind of superpower is what he was doing. Isn't this how Electro got his
Blak:I was just about to say that.
Mac:I could be like Jamie Foxx.
Blak:You know what's messed up?
Mac:They thought they was cooking in that movie when they were just, like
Blak:Yeah. Exactly. Oh, when he shoots electricity, make it
Mac:play itsy bitsy spider, because it's like Spiderman. Oh, that's terrible.
Blak:That's so terrible.
Mac:Why is nobody liking our movie? I don't get it. I don't
Blak:That shit didn't make sense, bro.
Mac:Oh my god. Let's see if we have, what do you think I'll see here? What was this one? Oh, this one is not so funny, but it makes me look at bars here in the states and be like, y'all need to put some more Yeah.
Blak:Y'all need to step it. This man, he's doing live action bartender glass of God right
Mac:now. Look. Just look how drinks are prepared.
Blak:Watch what this man does. Watch what he does. He's showing you later shit. Wow. It's just
Mac:Chop chop chop. I didn't even know you could just cut ice like that.
Blak:This man made a fucking Mario coin out of ice and then put it in a glass.
Mac:Look at this shipper. Look at that. So clean. Is this ice you liking?
Blak:Look at that.
Mac:I guess. Look at that. Boom. Dry ice for the effect.
Blak:Look at that.
Blak:My man is in a suit, by the way.
Blak:Yes. White.
Mac:Your drink. Look at this. Fucking demon slayer. Through the fire. Bro, I can't I fucking can't.
Mac:I'll be at a bar, like, hey, let me get a crown and coat.
Blak:Here you go. That'd be $8.
Mac:Yeah. Bro, if it's $8, man, I'll be out there. I mean,
Blak:now it's like, it's like 15.
Mac:Look at this. The care. The showmanship.
Blak:Wow. He just
Mac:like, I wouldn't know what I'll be at this bar, like, yo, what is
Blak:how much you wanna tip me?
Mac:And and you know what? Japan, it'd be like, no tip there.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just drink it and be satisfied. Motherfucking, you gotta
Mac:Bro, you about to set yourself on fire ass, bro.
Blak:Like, how are you shaking
Blak:this shit?
Blak:In the white suit.
Mac:No burn marks.
Mac:In the old days. My man is legit out here just controlling fire. Yes. He's a firebender.
Blak:Well, fuck it. It's out here.
Mac:It's a Hatori Hanzo sword that I am going to take the ice. And it looks like that knife, like, if you're, like, the ice isn't satisfying to me. He would probably end his self.
Blak:Yes. Exactly. He takes it that serious.
Mac:Yes. I have disgraced this bar and insulted
Blak:your family. My family.
Mac:Yeah. Like, oh my god.
Blak:This should this should my bloodline show in today.
Mac:Mac, what did you say? I just said I wanted a crown.
Blak:I said it was I said goddamn, this is alright.
Blak:I wanted crown apple. He put
Mac:in regular crown. I just said it's all good. Shit, we gotta get out of here. Oh, man. But, yeah, there's a few more, but I do wanna get into a a who's man.
Mac:So we have 2, And, I'll give you the synopsis of both, and we can choose the one we wanna talk about. So the first one involves a woman who marries a man who sustained a concussion and forgot they broke up 7 months earlier. Or we could talk about a doctor that surrendered their license after allegedly asking a patient who revealed that they had an abortion if she had Jesus in her life.
Blak:Oh, that is a that's a tough choice. This is like bottom of the barrel for both.
Blak:Dealers shit.
Blak:I'm kinda interested in the in the in the girl that marries a man.
Mac:Alright. Well, ladies and gentlemen, prepare for, this week's segment of, whose man's is it? Hey.
Blak:Whomans is this? Whomans
Blak:is this?
Mac:So the lady in question is 1 Jenna Brotherson. I shall bring the article up, so you guys can read along. Because I feel that's a, an important thing we do over here to smoke a bit. As you can see here, first reported by People Magazine as of Thursday, November 7th, which was yesterday. So, you know, it's, you know, it's current.
Mac:We're not we're not bringing you that old news. We stay on the front lines when it comes to shenanigans. News that involve shenanigans, if you will. So, it reads, the day after a woman dumped her boyfriend, he sustained a concussion and forgot they broke up. 7 months later, they tied the knot.
Mac:The day after a woman broke up with her boyfriend, he sustained a concussion and forgot the split happened. 7 months later, they said I do. When Jenna and Mitchell Brotherson married in September of 2020, no one would have known that they had split 7 months before, including the groom. The day after Jenna broke up with Mitchell because she was too, and it's it has it in quotes, too overwhelmed with life, he got into a ski accident that left him severely concussed. So when this happened, he was 22 at the time, he was attempting to do a flip at Utah's Beaver Mountain Ski Resort.
Mac:When he landed wrong, hitting his head, he blacked out and woke up while paramedics were taking him down the hill completely unaware of what was happening. Jenna says he was going off a jump, and it was super icy. His feet I don't know why I'm doing her voice like that. His feet went in front of him, so he went off the jump and landed on his head. It was pretty severe concussion.
Mac:He ended up failing most of his courses that semester and had to take leave of absence after that to help his brain heal. Like, yo.
Blak:You fucked yourself up. Bro,
Mac:Mitchell's concussion significantly impacted his memory, causing him to forget his breakup with Jenna entirely. At the hospital, he called, who he thought was still his girlfriend, to pick him up because he couldn't drive. I'm like, why is he messaging me this? I just broke up with him, Jenna recalls. She continues to tell people, Mitch kept messaging me and trying to hang out after his concussion, and I was confused as to why he would keep messaging me because we had broken up.
Mac:I thought that maybe he took the statement of staying friends really seriously. It even was to the point when I told him that my roommate and I had a hard day, and he came by and brought us ice cream. Jenna almost immediately regretted her decision to break up with Mitchell because he had been so kind and thoughtful of her feelings during the conversation and just tried to help her work through the difficulties of her life instead of being upset or mean. So she reevaluated their breakup in March while on vacation for spring break. I was nervous to swallow my pride and ask if you would date again, says Jenna, who received a text from Mitchell to hang out the day she returned.
Mac:Alright. So. This is, this seems like a script from a rom com or some shit.
Blak:Yes, it does. It's like the male version of 51st Days.
Mac:So I ask you this, Blaque. Put yourself in this guy's shoes. Your girlfriend just breaks up with you because she doesn't tell you why. Maybe it's just like, I'm just going through a lot right now. I just don't think we belong together, whatever.
Mac:You're like, babe, what the fuck? You know, whatever. You go skiing the next day. Probably try to take your mind off of shit. You know, bust your head on some shit.
Mac:Go into a concuss, severely concuss. You fell in school and shit. And, you wake up, you don't remember the breakup. And you're just still doing things because you think you're together. She's not telling you
Blak:Right. You
Mac:know, she's not saying, what are you doing, we broke up. She's not filling you in on nothing.
Mac:And then all of a sudden, she tells you, hey, you wanna go out? He's probably, like, what are you fucking talking about? Like, we've been.
Blak:We we are.
Mac:And then she breaks it to you. She breaks it she breaks it to you that she broke up with you. You got a concussion, and then you came back, and you're so super sweet. She regrets breaking up with you. Let's get married.
Mac:Is that something you do? Nah. No?
Blak:No. No. What's your, what's your
Blak:Listen, man. Listen. What do
Mac:you, what do you say to her when she, she, she dumps all that information on you?
Blak:I gotta reevaluate the relationship because I've been lied to. Yeah. Like, you've lied to me. If you if you don't wanna call it lying, you withheld the truth. And that's that's worse.
Mac:Lies of omission. Yes. Or just as bad. Yep.
Blak:It's just bad. Right? So here I am, still being what I think is a a good boyfriend. Mhmm. Checking up on you and and doing the things I normally would do.
Mac:This is
Blak:the reason you broke up with me. Right?
Blak:Because I
Blak:was doing all this shit before, nothing changed on my end, except I don't remember the breakup. That's the only thing that changed.
Blak:I'm still being me, I'm still being who who this person was that you eventually wanna marry. Mhmm. What was it about me that you wanted to break off? You wanted to break off our relationship? Then you don't tell me about it.
Blak:So, you let me live this lie and then you fall in love with me after you go on spring break. So that's that's the 2 big 2 big reasons why, you know what I mean? Like, you you break off, you break up with me.
Blak:Go spring break. You come back from spring break and then you decide we wanna be together. Like that that's a red flag. And I don't know time that we've broken up. I even let you go on spring break without
Mac:me. So, she says, hold on. Where where is that one paragraph at? After hanging out with friends, we chatted in the evening, and I asked to get back together with them. That's when I realized he had no clue that we even broke up.
Mac:She continues, I told him about how we were in my car and what I said to him and what he said back. He told me he didn't remember any of that, except for chatting in the car. But he didn't remember what we chatted about. He thought it was super funny, and I was relieved. It made it easy to get back together because to him, we never worked together.
Blak:Oh, so you had this man in a friend zone?
Mac:Just just getting all the benefits of a guy doing his boyfriend level
Blak:to come. Nasty work. That's nasty.
Mac:Like, when when you and your roommate were going through stuff and he came by and brought y'all ice cream and shit and left, like, your roommate wasn't like Jenna, didn't you break up with this motherfucker? Girl, why are you doing this? I did, but I don't know why he keeps he's just super nice. I just think he's taking the whole friend's thing to the next, like, bitch, you know what you doing.
Blak:Yeah. You know what you doing. You know what you doing.
Mac:And then, here's the thing. In her mind, she's single.
Mac:So in her mind, she's like, that justifies me to go cut up on fucking spring break.
Mac:Single, Jenna. And then when I We're single,
Blak:we're not together, and
Mac:You get it. Now I can cut up, do whatever the fuck it is I wanna do on spring break. And then when I come back, be like, hey, you know what? We should get together.
Blak:My whole phase is over. Let's let's make this official.
Blak:Meet me at the altar. Yeah. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Blak:It was but a gentle kiss on the forehead.
Mac:That is nasty work.
Blak:Super nasty work.
Mac:That is nasty work, Jenna. How dare you? How dare you? Like, you were not in
Blak:the hospital. Shit.
Mac:Like, when you picked him up from the hospital, you were like, he totally remembers everything that happened.
Blak:Alright. Here you go. I'm gonna drop you off.
Mac:Why are you calling me? What do you want?
Blak:Right. That didn't come out your mouth.
Mac:Babe, come pick me up. What is wrong with you?
Blak:Go ahead.
Mac:When you
Blak:picked him up, the doctor wasn't like,
Mac:my man has a severe concussion and some amnesia. Like, this dude is, here, like remember.
Blak:How can I take it?
Mac:Her friend's Jen, aren't you? Woah. Woah. Woah.
Blak:Woah. Woah. Woah. Hold on.
Mac:Let's, take it, you know. I don't wanna drop this news on them too early and overwhelm. You gotta it's like a sleepwalker. You just don't wake them the fuck up, you know. Let's But
Blak:she's bringing us, Cold Stone.
Mac:K? Us. Not you. This man cares about you and your friends.
Blak:Let this go. Why'd you break up
Mac:with him in a unless he was, like, a a fucking a Kyle or a super asshole
Blak:Oh, lord.
Mac:And then had this concussion and just fucking flipped around.
Blak:Flipped? Yeah.
Mac:Yeah. Because it sounds like he was this cool dude the whole time.
Mac:And all of a sudden, like, life got too crazy for you and you broke up. But then because life got cool again for you, you, like you said, spring break, a lot of shit, you got out your system, like
Blak:Yeah. Sowing them royal oats.
Mac:Yep. Do you wanna start dating again? What are you talking about? Oh, you didn't know?
Blak:You didn't know that we broke up? Now what the
Blak:fuck? When?
Blak:Before your accident?
Mac:You weren't telling me?
Blak:You ain't gonna tell me. You weren't gonna tell me this.
Blak:But I
Mac:showed up with Cold Stone for both of y'all. Right. I thought you Yo. You didn't you weren't, like, pulling me to the side, like, what what's going on here? We're not together anymore.
Mac:Like, none of this shit?
Blak:Nothing. You
Mac:just thought I was that cool of a dude?
Blak:I was doing I was doing child runs for you and everything. Like, what the fuck?
Mac:Taking it a step further. The whole time he's doing this stuff. And if in his mind, he thought y'all was together, and you knew y'all weren't, as a dude, me, I'd have been like, so why haven't we been having sex in a while? Like, I'm
Blak:just gonna
Blak:say Waiting number 1.
Blak:Waiting number
Mac:1. What's going on with us? Like, is everything cool? Because I'm bringing you ice cream and shit. I'm checking in on you, helping y'all get through some tough shit.
Mac:Like, bro, I can't get a kiss. Goodbye or nothing like that. What the fuck is this?
Blak:Yeah. What is this?
Mac:Oh, you didn't know we broke up. Bitch.
Blak:Give me this goddamn ice cream.
Mac:Yep. You know what? I'm going on spring break. And I'll take and I'll and I'll get back with you when I get back. Exactly.
Mac:Pause this relationship. I'm a need some time to think about it.
Blak:I'm going to Daytona. I'll be back. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe.
Mac:I remember.
Blak:Going south east.
Mac:If I remember to come back to you. This bitch got me. Running around down like a Chuck E. Cheese.
Blak:Oh, no.
Mac:Bro, that's like yeah. Exactly, Jen. Like, no hugs, no no butt slaps, no flirting.
Mac:Thanks for the ice cream, Darren.
Blak:Fuck you mean thanks for the ice cream?
Mac:Bye, Jenna. I love I don't know what I'm doing now.
Blak:What am I doing
Blak:beyond? I
Mac:love you. Jenna, you need to tell that man, girls, hush. Bitch, you got fucking cold stone. Shut the fuck up and eat.
Blak:What was that mari what was the what was that, the post marriage ceremony like? What was that like? You know, where they go in and they do the celebrating and, you know, they do the cheers and shit. What was that like? You know, somebody came out with the story.
Mac:I don't know. Bro, I he was I'm like, oh my god. Like, bro, you ain't like what was your circle like, Darren? Like, you ain't had no boys to be like, damn, man. She broke up with you.
Mac:That's crazy. Hey, we gonna hit
Blak:up Wild.
Mac:We about to go to this, ski resort and turn the fuck up. Yeah. Yeah. You know.
Blak:Oh shit.
Mac:You bust your head. None of them could pick you up. You gotta call your girl.
Blak:Yep. None of them be like What you fuck?
Mac:Ain't nobody was like, hey, why you calling her?
Blak:Get that
Mac:right? Right. Darren, she she dumped your ass, bro. That's the whole point of us coming out here. To find holes in Utah, bro.
Mac:What you doing out here?
Blak:You guys are crazy. Shut up.
Mac:We're out here trying to find some Mormon girls to soak with.
Blak:Yeah. Yes.
Blak:I was
Blak:jumping on the bed, you know?
Mac:I was the jumper. Come on, man. Like, we had a whole system work that. For those that don't know, look up Soaking in in BYU. Just
Blak:Earlier Smoke Pit episode too.
Mac:It's a it's a callback to our our earlier days. Yes. All of it, Jin says he has a square, not a circle.
Blak:Shit. I agree. I agree.
Mac:I'm not
Blak:even gonna say that first thing.
Mac:What the fuck you calling her for? I'm right here, my boy. Yeah. Don't know. Don't shoot.
Mac:I don't know.
Blak:Don't shoot. I don't shoot.
Mac:You got anybody that can pick you up? Y'all call my girl. Bro, I've been waiting in this goddamn waiting room
Blak:after you busted your head trying to fucking
Mac:eat meatball out there, bro.
Blak:What girl? You thought
Blak:you were Sean? Already?
Mac:You thought you were Sean White out there, bro. That's Apex Olympics?
Blak:My man got a girl already. He got that that riz on on 10
Mac:Who you calling? Jenna? My boy. Jenna dumped your ass, man.
Mac:I don't
Blak:do that.
Mac:Bro credits. Yep. Bro, she dumped your ass. She was like, you ain't shit, she going through some shit, whatever. You don't remember?
Mac:Nope. Swear to God. Bro, she
Blak:was in the sports dorms the other day.
Blak:Did you ask me that?
Mac:You don't see her hanging out with the jocks? You're lying. I don't, I don't know if Darren's gonna put that. Shut up. You're lying.
Mac:Jenna would never. I swear to god.
Blak:No. Really.
Blak:Get your IG.
Mac:Look at her status thing on Facebook. It says single as fuck. Not even it's complicated.
Blak:Not even it's complicated.
Blak:Anyway, just working on me. I'm working on
Mac:You know the post. The newly single woman post. It is time to focus on moving. I am entering my era. Boss bitch era.
Mac:I am focusing on this. Hashtag. Yeah.
Blak:Hashtag new me.
Mac:Brotherson. Nasty work, girl.
Blak:Filthy work.
Mac:But at the end of the day, you got what you want.
Blak:Got your man. You got your king.
Mac:So, Darren, I wish there was more we could have done for you, but I
Blak:hope you guys are both happy. But, Jenna, that's nasty work. What? That's nasty work. Plot twist.
Blak:What if he remembers it?
Mac:He remembered the breakup? Yeah. It was all it was all part of his plan? Yeah. It was a it was You're back.
Mac:Yeah. But, that is our entry for, whose man's? First one for November. But, we do have a bracket going on.
Mac:We know it's a hella late, getting you the updates on it. But we have reached the finals, and it is time for us to talk about the best Halloween candy of all time. So, go ahead and roll that bracket update video for us. Well, we have come to our finals, ladies and gentlemen. If you are new, you haven't been hearing about this, we had a bracket going on.
Mac:We had 71 different kind of candies, and we are down to the final 2. Let me ensure that I bring up the right screen,
Artist:so you
Mac:know, everybody can follow along. There we go. Whoop. And, get it to the right screen. Bow.
Mac:And zoom in enhance. There we go. So our semi finals was Kit Kats going up against Snickers, and Reese's peanut butter cups going up against Starburst. Reese's, believe it or not, moved on easily with 90% of the votes. Kit Kat squeaked by with 52% of the vote.
Mac:Note that these are the number 1 and number 2 seeds from our, from our, you know, the initial seating. So turns out the seating wasn't too crazy, because the top 2 ended up meeting. With that being said, are you shocked by the results, sir?
Blak:Not at all. Not at all. This this one is one of the ones that went pretty much par for course.
Mac:Yeah. I would say so. I would say probably the Tootsie Fruit Chews getting as far as they did.
Blak:Yeah. I
Mac:was like, damn, y'all making it to the fucking, the final 8 there. Yeah. The quarter finals with the word Tootsie in your name. I thought people see that shit and be like, that's not it for me. But, so the poll and the voting for that will go live as soon as our show ends, and that'll run for a couple days because then we need to close this one out because the next bracket that will be laid out for you guys on Sunday with voting starting on Sunday as well.
Mac:The best Thanksgiving side dish.
Blak:Oh, yes. I already, I already have the votes.
Mac:The best Thanksgiving side dish.
Blak:Season of thanks is upon us, people.
Mac:It is. And we're trying to keep this theme going. So, if you have suggestions, again, all I do is all all we do over here at the Smoke Pit, I'll just go to a random site, because this whole seeding and and doing a I just go to a random site. Somebody probably wrote an article or did a poll on it years ago, and would be like, whoop, we'll just use this, throw this in here. Because at the end of the day, you're gonna vote for your favorite.
Mac:Yep. You're gonna vote for your favorite. Baked mac and cheese is gonna be in there.
Blak:Mean King
Mac:Casserole is not even gonna make it out the first one.
Blak:It's better. Chitlins
Mac:is not even gonna be an option for this one.
Blak:No. It better not be.
Mac:Because I know y'all, and y'all know y'all. Y'all know what y'all
Blak:would do. Mister chitlins and no. Fuck that.
Mac:Y'all know exactly what it is you're gonna do if we put chitlins on there. Yep. And we don't we don't want that.
Blak:I don't want that. I don't I definitely don't want that.
Mac:So, be prepared for that. Best Thanksgiving side dish on the way. Amen.
Blak:I mean,
Mac:just think about it. We got, you know, the the the the home not homemade, but the Jiffy cornbread. Yep. Might throw the Hawaiian rolls on. I know how people feel about the Hawaiian rolls.
Mac:Be like,
Blak:it's gonna be
Mac:I'll be fucking them up. You're gonna have your your yams. Greens. Greens. Green beans.
Mac:Black eyed pea. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:Oh, yes. Dirty rice.
Mac:Greens, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, ranch. Oh,
Blak:no. You got it.
Mac:So just be ready for that. Don't expect it to be as big of a bracket, but, we'll we'll have your favorite sides on there, and we'll try to keep these things open for about a week to let y'all vote. Get in there and do what y'all gotta do. So, with that being said, keep your eyes out and be ready to vote for either Kit Kat's or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, as the best Halloween candy, or pretty much just the best candy of all time, if we're really serious about it. Yep.
Mac:So just be prepared for that. Moving on, I think it's time for us to get back to our regular scheduled programming and, wrap up episode 1 of 55.
Blak:Let's do it.
Mac:And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress.
Blak:Whoo. Hey, man.
Mac:Busy over here at DSPN, man. What you got for him, bro?
Blak:Alright. We have a bracket running in on Patreon as well. It's a Patreon only bracket. We did a throwback. We updated a an old bracket, and we brought it back for the patrons.
Blak:If you're part of the Patreon club, just go ahead, go to Patreon, vote on it. I'm gonna update it. I think we're in the semi finals now, so Okay. The the bracket itself is Disney Pixar. We brought that back and we released just to Patreon.
Blak:So if you wanna participate in that, go to the Patreon and and participate in that bracket. Been pretty good time. Fallen Star, we did a session last weekend. Epic. Epic session last weekend.
Mac:Winding down.
Blak:Yes. It is. Yes. It is.
Mac:It's real.
Blak:So make sure you guys are tuned in to Falling Star Friday. Shout out to Eric and Jen over at Queen's Nerdem, and tap into that. Also, website, we're streaming on the website live tonight. We got updates on the website daily almost. So, I've been looking at the numbers.
Blak:Looking really good. We we we've had a pretty strong November. I'm sorry. We had a pretty strong October and November's already looking good. So thank you to everybody that's going over to the website.
Blak:And, Kimpachi, if you're still here, I have a I have something to propose to you. So hit me up when you get offline, bro. Please. Hey. Yeah, man.
Blak:It's a it's a lot going on. Shout out to everybody that's worked with us. We have a few outside podcasts. We have some people over at DFPN show up on some outside podcasts. So shout out shout out to everybody that's been working with us, man.
Blak:It's been it's been a it's been a it's been a real pleasure. I think this has been a a we're winding down a great year. I do wanna end it on a strong note. For the smoke pit, I'm gonna bring back the secret santa and open that up to the group again. I'm actually started working on that again.
Blak:So, we'll bring that out. Hopefully, everybody enjoyed it last time, and we can make this a bigger bigger one this year. So I've already started working on that, and I'll I think I'm gonna release that next week. So yeah, man. It's a it's a busy it's a busy time.
Blak:Great busy. Thank you everyone for the support, and just keep keep tapping in with us, man, and we'll keep working for you.
Mac:Yeah. I got nothing left to add.
Blak:One thing, man. I, sorry. I got some breaking news, actually.
Mac:Oh, shit.
Blak:And it's it's not great breaking news. It's it's the one that we hate delivering over here. So, Tony Todd, canned man. It was just reported that he passed away. So, definitely prayers go out to his family and his fans and his friends.
Blak:But no one was a scarier supernatural being than Candyman. And thank you, brother, for bringing that to life. Thank you for scaring the shit out of us. And thank you for holding that presence, because you are amazing. So, we actually did a there's a Queen's of Nerdm show with, him being mentioned in it.
Blak:So please go check that out and, you know, prayers out to the family and friends of Tony Todd. Sad news to report, but I confirmed it. Damn.
Mac:I mean, it's you know, not to get too deep, but, you know, like, nobody lives forever type stuff. You know, it's it's not like, you know, he was currently active, like, being in movies, shows, and things like that, but, you know, you just think about the iconic characters they brought to life on the screen, and, knowing that they're no longer here. You know? Right. You know, it kinda hits people different ways depending how, you know, how you you looked at the character, how much that movie meant to you, how much it played a role in in in your upbringing, if it's on your favorites, is scary.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? So I will say of all the the supernatural entities that are called into this realm by looking in the mirror and saying their name, like, he was the one I did not want to. Fucking
Blak:Absolutely. Fucking lutely.
Mac:He was not the one that I was I was like, bro. Did the like, yeah. Y'all wanna play Bloody Mary cool, but, like, if y'all start
Blak:Any man?
Mac:I'm a I'm telling.
Blak:Yeah. Mama.
Blak:Mama. In the bathroom.
Mac:Miss Mitchell, your son is in the bathroom trying to call demons into this world. What?
Blak:Matt, what it what's wrong with you? Why'd you tell?
Mac:I didn't I don't I don't know if for certain it would've worked, but I can't fuck around and see if it I don't wanna find out.
Blak:Definitely don't wanna find out.
Mac:But yeah, man. Like you mentioned, the Queens did do an episode. They covered all the boogeymen from, across the, the the different, realm, you know, movies, TV, such like that. Great job. Shout out to the Queens for running the spooky,
Mac:Spooky season over at DFPN. That was their idea, running it, the episodes. You had vampires, werewolves, zombies, boogeymen, you know, an episode every week for the month of October. So shout out to them. Go check those episodes out.
Mac:Super dope. And, yeah. Got a lot more coming up. Just know, around this time, kinda after Thanksgiving, we do take kind of the DFPN sabbatical, chill with family and stuff like that for the holidays. But some stuff will be rolling out on the Patreon side, and we may, you know, continue to do shorts and stuff like that from USDN on the YouTube side.
Mac:And Fallen Star, a 100%, will be continuing. So the smoke pit'll be throttling back, expect more bonus episodes. And then, of course, we'll probably round it out with, expect to start seeing some polls for you to start selecting your winners for each month, for whose man's is that? As we, as we try to compile our final list for contestants for the annual come here. A lot of good stuff happening over here.
Mac:So, unless you got anything else, boss man?
Blak:I got nothing else, man. Thank you, guys. Awesome show tonight.
Mac:Agreed. Agreed. Again, when it comes to, what's happening in the country, do, like I said, protect your peace. You know? Whatever it is you gotta do to protect your peace.
Mac:Don't let anybody throw you off, and if the world starts becoming a place where, you feel endangered, and you just need a place where you can be, yourself, a little place of refuge, I hope our little group over here on Facebook, social media, and the bonds that have been created, through our group will help you get through it, you know? Absolutely. At the end of the day, I'm here for you. You know, so if you need to reach out and just get some stuff off your chest, I've been told I'm a good listener, so I'm here to listen to you. So, episode 154 of the smoke pit.
Mac:Good stuff. Knock the rust off, get live again, talk to y'all. Appreciate you guys tuning in and supporting us, as always. And, as always, I'm the homie Mac, AKA your boy.
Blak:And I am Brad like a king, made as Kelvin Kaley. Thank you guys for tuning in. Until next time. Have love, make sex, peace.
Mac:Welcome to the smoke pit.
Blak:It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week, come relaxin'.
Blak:Get some lapsin'. And let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it.
Blak:Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.