Ep 153: "Scary/Disturbing Movies, Worst Halloween Candy, Thot Instincts, & Elon Musk"
Well, my man, it's time to knock off the rest, my boy.
Blak:Let's do it.
Mac:It's been a minute. We we, we had a game night last Friday. Pretty dope. Yep. Shout out to the winners of that one.
Mac:And, fuck. It's a lot of shit that went down since we last, last had a live smoke pit out here.
Blak:People lost their collective minds, and they thought we forget. They did. Did not. They did
Mac:not forget. They did. And for all of those that are watching right now, we are not behind the paywall of Patreon because we used our 1st Friday, last Friday for game night. So we are live before you all again free of charge, and, we got a good show for you. It is spooky season over here at the DFPN.
Mac:So we got some Halloween type topics we're gonna get into for house meeting. You know, we got to do the what did I just watch to go over some wild stuff on the Internet. And, we got a, the first time this member is being, introduced on whose mans, and, we can't wait to tell you why. Along with, an update on our newest bracket, the best Halloween candy, some of you guys are already making questionable decisions. Bro.
Mac:But I digress.
Blak:Have to talk about it.
Mac:But I
Blak:yeah. We don't have to talk about it.
Mac:But, ladies and gentlemen, it is that time, episode 153 of the smoke pit. Live starts right now.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off.
Blak:It's been a long week. Come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions.
Blak:I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Mac:Yep. Y'all know what time it is. Friday night. Mood is right. Dynamic duel is back on your screens.
Mac:Streaming live on this Friday night for episode 153 of the smoke pit. My man, Black, how
Blak:are you doing, boy? I am doing wonderful, bro. How are you?
Mac:I'm making it, man. This 4 day came up. I was kinda skeptical day 1. Phone hasn't rang, so we're just gonna move into day 2. Take it day by day, my boy.
Blak:No news is good news.
Mac:Hey. Talk about it. Talk about it. But a lot of things to get into. Don't wanna delay the shenanigans.
Mac:I have my shot here. I'm drinking out of the, I hate Sam Ridley, shot glass. So make sure you check that out. Sam Ridley comedy, I believe it is. Yep.
Mac:On, was that Instagram? Or because I know Yeah. On, Facebook, is it still Sam Ridley County, or is it just Sam Ridley?
Blak:It's Sam Ridley Comedy.
Mac:Okay. Check him out, man. Cool dude. Friend of the pod. Also check out, him and the homie, Marcus's podcast, illegal opinions.
Mac:Make sure to check that out as well. But, I got crown apple and ginger ale in my my sipping cup. So I didn't wanna double crown it. So apple is just sitting on a bottle of Malibu rum. So I was just like, let me help her with that.
Mac:So that is what is in here.
Blak:No. Some
Mac:coconut rum, I guess. I thought she got the pineapple one. I was wrong. I'm not I'm not I'm not a big fan of coconut. So
Blak:I I have been cleared to jump back in the game.
Mac:Have you now? Yes. Okay. Welcome back.
Blak:I have been I I just have to be responsible
Blak:And and and, you know, not overdo it. Okay. So I am jumping back in carefully. Alright. I just I just have some and I wanna I wanna say something real quick, because I wanna plug this liquor store.
Blak:Right by me, the liquor depot in, Euless, Texas.
Mac:Uh-huh. Normally,
Blak:y'all give me some good shit. This shit is trash. So I'm trying to get rid of it as soon as possible. I don't know what What did they recommend you? Thinking.
Blak:He suggested this. He was like, it'll do the trick.
Mac:What, what category of, beverage is that, sir? It is whiskey. Are you a whiskey guy?
Blak:Oh, you are. I am. I am. I am. But this, no.
Blak:Don't don't do this to yourself. It's called Pete Duo German Whiskey. Peated Whiskey. Don't do this to yourself. It is an it is an acquired taste.
Blak:It's like drinking St. Ives in whiskey form. Don't do this to yourself, please.
Mac:German whiskey. Yes. I ain't gonna be able to do it, my boy. I ain't gonna be able to do it. Like, the only international whiskey I'd be messing with is Canadian with the crown.
Mac:Yes. Everything else? No. I'd be like, you want me to drink this Nazi whiskey, my boy? No.
Mac:I don't. The un glorious bastards drink, my boy. What you dub me? I need to do it.
Blak:Cards up with these.
Mac:Oh, man. But, alright. So I guess we both taken a shot of some stuff that we ain't really feeling. Yep. Alright.
Mac:That's cool. That's cool. Alright. So, you got a toast for the, the pitmasters out there?
Blak:I do. And, tonight is a bit of a celebration because this week, we hit a milestone Oh. In Oh, boy. In the, in the Smoke Pit Podcast fan group.
Mac:Yes. We did.
Blak:You guys hear us plug this every single show. People do join this group. This week, we hit officially 2,000 members in the Smoke Pit Podcast fan group. Thank you guys for rocking with us, contributing to the conversations.
Blak:Everything, man. Like, it's to a point that we don't really we don't really have to contribute to it anymore. It pretty much runs itself because people are so engaged in it, and it's been like that for a few years now.
Blak:To where people people come in with their ideas. They start conversations. I'm impressed by it, man. So this is for this is for all the pit masters today, yesterday, the ones from day 1 up until now. Everybody, this is a thank you.
Blak:Thank you for for rocking with us. Thank you for supporting us. And, hell, if you're just getting here and you like what you what you're in, please keep inviting people. Let's let's keep this thing growing to 3 1,000, 4,000, 10000. Let's keep going, man.
Blak:So this one's for y'all.
Mac:I agree, man. Salud. Salud.
Mac:Yeah. Anyway, now that we got that out the way, like I said, spooky season here on, DFPN. You've seen some of the, poster management dropped in there. One of the questions or we asked a couple of Halloween themed questions in the group and got a lot of traction on those. Got a lot of traction.
Mac:So the first thing I wanna get into is, the house meeting where we're gonna talk about our pit masters who elected to tell us the one movie that is too scary slash too gory for them to ever watch again are disturbing. I think that would be scary or disturbing. And then, of course, we're gonna ask people, what is the one candy that, as a child, trick or treat, or as an adult, no shame, that when you saw somebody put it in your trick or treat bag, you were like, this motherfucker right here. So we'll go ahead and start this house meeting off with, the scariest or most disturbing movie. I think we need to have a house meeting y'all.
Mac:So scary movies that get one watch and not another watch. Now you may have come across them again while they're on TV, but you're not like, oh, this again. Like, you see it, you're just like, hail to the nah. Right? Mhmm.
Mac:So I'll just I'll just go ahead and and let you guys know. It's it's not I'm at a point where there's, like, not scary movies like, like there used to be, like, when I was a kid, like, movies that would scare me, and I'm thinking some shit is in the house. Right. Right. For me, it's more of the jump scares.
Mac:Like, the like and and you know they're coming. Like, movies that'll set the one scene up. Person will be in the bathroom looking in the mirror, brushing their teeth. And then when they go to spit the toothpaste out, you see the motherfuckers standing behind them or some shit, and then they sit back up and turn around, and then it's gone. Like, I know that stuff is coming.
Mac:You know? And the thing that gets me is, like, it's super quiet in the theater, and then when the face shows up, it's like somebody just gets a violin and just fucking does whatever. Oh, god. Just I think I think it's more of the noise of the violin that gets
Blak:me. Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:But, no, I'm a jump scare person. I I don't really do a lot of the disturbing gore, like, just bodily mutilated. You know what I'm saying? Saying? Like, that that's not my bag.
Mac:But I think one movie that I'm just like that that turned me off in the franchise is, like, I watched the first saw. I was like, this is Oh. This is this is something new. You know? I'm not wasn't a big fan, like, telling people to go watch it, but Apple was like, this is what's up.
Mac:So Saw 2 comes out. She's like, we gotta go watch it. And it's the one scene in Saw 2 where I think, like, they're all handcuffed. I don't this is how long it's been since I watched it. I don't remember why, but there is a like, the key is in this fucking pit of used hypodermic needles.
Mac:And the girl goes into the pit to find it, and I'm just I cannot watch this. I'm about to throw up on you. I'll just I'm just saying, you know, I don't like needles. At all. Like, if there were here's the thing.
Mac:Like, would I have reacted the same if he was just like, these are all sterile. I just took them out of the box. They're just gonna hurt when you but the fact that they're used and you're jumping in there, I'm just like, bro, AIDS. The minute you land on that graph, plop, you're dead. AIDS.
Mac:No cure. Unless you're Magic Johnson, it's a fucking rap, b. Yep. Yep. It's a fucking rap.
Mac:So, that's mine, and I will say a honorable mention. Another genre of this that I I tend to avoid is any movie that has a kid doing some weird ass shit. Like, yeah, like, The Omen? The Omen, The Prodigy, Orphan, and people are just like, there's not to see because she was really a a grown woman, and I'm like, bro, you didn't know that until the fucking end of the movie. So as, like, you what is it?
Mac:The good son? All of that stuff. Yeah. And when the kids Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Or any movie where, like, the kid be at a daycare, and he just using the black crayon to color everything. And then the teacher just when you come pick him up, hey. Can I talk to you? So these are some of the things your child has been drawing, and it's, like, black all over the place, and then there's, like, a red face with a smiley face on it. Like well, you're not coming back in the house.
Mac:Until you figure out what the fuck this shit is here, bro. You ain't coming in my house at all. We ain't playing these games because I will sock you. You ain't bringing no no. No.
Mac:You're not about to be the portal for some demonic entity to come in come and fly out that way. And he said, alright. By the way, your child's the devil. Like, ah, we can't if you have an accident. We're not doing that.
Mac:No. No. So those are the 2 things that I'm just, like, I can't really fuck with that shit, man.
Blak:No. You're you're right. So mine is is is kind of along those lines.
Blak:So mine is like any anything that that can be rooted in realism. Yeah. Like, the autopsy of Jane Doe. I think I put that in the group.
Mac:Yeah. You did.
Blak:Because it's something that's really simple that bro, like, me and me and people that are unalive, like, no. We we ain't doing it. I'll go I'll go as far
Mac:I'll go as far as this.
Blak:I'll I'll share a story real
Mac:quick. Okay.
Blak:Right? Sad story, but, like, even in this, my brain was like, fuck this, bro. So when my dad passed and we getting them ready for the, for the funeral
Blak:Like, I had to go and, like, look at him. Right? Mhmm. You know, home called me and we're like, yeah. You can come in, check out, make sure we did a good job, blah blah blah.
Blak:So I go in and, like, we're with the funeral director. And he's like, I'll leave you I'll leave you some some private time for yourself. I'm like, fam, don't fucking leave me in here with
Mac:this Oh, he's gone. Boo. He was out to tea. We'll give you some time with that.
Blak:Because swear to god, this nigga moved, bro. This is me this is me and him
Mac:in here, bro. I ain't I ain't nah.
Blak:I'm leaving here by myself. It's just Mm-mm.
Mac:Mm-mm. It's
Blak:Like, damn, bro.
Mac:Now I
Blak:am not. That
Mac:was going on.
Blak:That was going in my head.
Mac:Bro, like, it it's it's anything, like, where some shit just, like, just fall by itself.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Like, you just in the house, and then, like, something just make the worst is, like, Apple has this, in the shower, like, this little suction thing that holds, like, you know, the shampoo and stuff like that. And, like, every now and then, the suction will be, like, at 3 in the morning, like, I'm tired. I'm just yo.
Blak:Our bathroom door does that. Like, if the if the, AC comes on
Blak:And the door is open, like, you'll hear that bitch creep more and more and more until it finally shuts. And, like, we had this thing in my grandma's house, and, like, I used to be terrified of that shit, bro. Like, the door would open and close by itself sometimes.
Mac:Is it, like, because the air is on and, like Yes. Because the air is moving out and see. Oh my god.
Blak:But, like, when she did it, like, when he did it, my grandma would be, like, there's your grandpa, and I'm, like, oh, hell.
Mac:Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that.
Mac:Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that.
Mac:Don't do that.
Blak:Stuff happening Mhmm. Keep me away from that shit, bro.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Me away. I'm on that too. Like I said, bro, I will it don't take much for me.
Mac:K. We gotta get up out of here. I'm calling housing. Y'all know y'all got haunted houses here on base. Sir, what the fuck are you talking about?
Mac:I'm doing this. I'm leaving. Hey. I want all my b h, man. I'm leaving.
Mac:Give me my shit. I'm
Blak:out. Yeah.
Mac:Yo. But we have some comments. We have Michelle in here. She's saying the 4th kind. Which one is that?
Mac:Is that like the one with is that Hillary Swank or something? No. Which one was that? Let me let me look this shit up real quick.
Blak:The 4th kind is one of those is one of those, supernatural movies.
Mac:Oh, the ones you don't fuck with?
Blak:Yeah. Yeah. The 4th kind I generally like The Exorcist. Oh, The Exorcist of Emily Rose. Nah, bro.
Mac:I'll just add Milla Jovovich in it. The 4th kind is a fact based thriller that deals with the ongoing unsolved mystery in Alaska where disproportionate number of unexplained disappearances have occurred.
Blak:Mm-mm. See? No.
Mac:Milla Jodovich portrays a psychiatrist who discovers disturbing evidence of alien abduction, although it seems to be based less on real facts and more on fabricated elements for dramatic effect according to some. So aliens be such as just just snatching people up. Yeah. We ain't doing that. We ain't doing that.
Mac:We got, Jessica Breedlove in here saying, Candyman is her, I can't go back and watch that again.
Blak:Oh, that's that's kid shit for me.
Mac:So let me ask let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. Do you would you would you to this day go in the bathroom and say, Candyman?
Blak:Absolutely fucking not.
Mac:Why not?
Mac:I mean, I don't believe in it. You ain't gonna tip. You ain't gonna tip. Yeah. No.
Mac:No. I don't believe in it, but
Blak:I don't wanna test the theory either.
Mac:I'm the same way, bro. Man, that's some bullshit. Ain't nobody gonna do that. I bet you ain't gonna go in there. You damn right I'm not gonna go in there and do that.
Mac:Why am I wasting my time doing that? Ain't nothing gonna happen. This was the one too. People be like, you wanna do Bloody Mary? Absolutely the fuck's not.
Blak:No. Hell no. Yep.
Mac:I don't even fuck around, brother. They'd be playing it. I'm a do it. Get out that bathroom. Don't
Blak:do it. Yeah.
Mac:Don't do it.
Blak:Bloody Mary Ward. Bloody Mary.
Mac:I'm outside the yeah. I'm outside the door. Please stop. Quit playing.
Blak:I love my bible.
Mac:I was like, I ain't trying to beat the house when you bring this motherfucker out. Oh, man. We got When Evil Lurks. Amityville Horror was a popular one.
Blak:Yep. Yep.
Mac:Oh, man. What's up, EJ, Con, Vincent, Jen? All of the the gang's all here. I like it.
Blak:Yeah. What's happening?
Mac:I like it. What's up? We got Gary Collins in here. He can't watch none of them. Vampires, zombies, and werewolves exempted.
Mac:Tim Deckard, he's saying he welcomes all of them with open arms. It's his favorite time of year.
Blak:I know people who actually love Halloween. That that's that's wild. It's like their Christmas. Uh-huh. I don't knock it, but
Mac:I mean, it's I like it because it's like the introduction, like the first real fall thing.
Blak:You know
Mac:what I'm saying? Right. Weather starts getting nice. You know, you got the kids all hyped up for trick or treat, and you got, like, you know, fall festivals or whatever going on. You know, it's it's cool.
Mac:I like the season, but, like
Blak:Right. Right.
Mac:People that take the shit to the next level and be, like, bring your kids by. We got a haunted garage with fucking unit, like, you know, dressed up as it and shit like that. And it's not like I'm dressed up as it just sitting there handing out candy. I'm dressed up as it, and I'm hiding in the cut. Oh, yeah.
Mac:Distracting you with some shit. Yeah. Then I'm a come up and grab your kid's leg. Like, I will fucking stomp you. Because, like, 2 years ago, somebody had a shit set up like that.
Mac:They had a spotlight pointed at the the front door where their kid was giving out candy. So, like, all your attention's to this light, and it's dark out. Right. So, like, as you're grabbing candy, I just happen to look down, and this motherfucker crawling on the ground in the fucking, what's that shit from Scream? The ghost face or whatever?
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Trying to reach out and grab my ankle. I was like, yo, bro. I jumps.
Mac:And, you know, you try to laugh the shit off. Right? Hey. I was like, you don't know how close. Sir, he was close.
Mac:Sir, your kid would have just watched you die out here. You just crushed my dad. You're playing these fucking games.
Blak:Hey. I went straight fight or flight, bro. Bro.
Mac:My kid right here too, he ain't gonna catch me being a hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Goddamn.
Blak:You almost made me pee on myself in front of my kid. I gotta fuck.
Mac:Well, look at the props over there. They look realistic. Is that real blood? My bad. I I panicked.
Mac:Let's go to the next house. Mothman Prophecies is another one. Josh is in here saying he can't watch any of the exorcism movies.
Blak:I'm with
Mac:he said he will literally wake up during the devil's hour every night for months and end up praying to God, and he don't believe it.
Blak:Bro, that's real. Like, that's real. Do you know you know what time that is? What's that? Like, 3:33
Mac:in the morning? That's devil's hour?
Blak:Yeah. Bro, every time I wake if I wake up in the middle of the night, the first thing I do Is
Mac:check the is
Blak:check the clock.
Mac:Oh my god. I know.
Blak:What I do. And it's because of those movies. It's like 333. It's the devil up. It's the devil's hour.
Blak:I'm like, don't move.
Mac:The devil's hour. Don't don't don't
Blak:go back to is it 328? Go back to to fucking sleep.
Mac:Hold it.
Blak:Hold it right. You better
Mac:Don't wake up till 3:34. That's when you get up out this bed, goddamn it. Yes. Yes.
Blak:You're not moved.
Mac:Event Horizon is on here? Now that one, that is a disturbing movie. I I I will say
Blak:Yes. Yes.
Mac:Sci fi and and, like, body horror and all that. I'm just like, bro, this movie is wild. And it's not not scary. It's just
Mac:That I mean, it's let's see. It's disturbing and it's ramped down from the original director's version. The parts that were cut were even more twisted and disturbing, never watching that again. Goddamn. So I didn't even know there's a director's cut, and I ain't even trying to like, that's the thing.
Mac:Like, if the fucking base model the base model of your movie was wild, wild.
Blak:I don't wanna see what the director cooked up for me. I don't wanna see that.
Mac:All the stuff they laid on the floor. Good. Thank them. Them. We got have it.
Mac:Yep. Amityville, Horror, Oman, Pet Cemetery.
Blak:That's one. That's one.
Mac:I would say, like, thinking of Stephen King, like, IT, a 100%. I think the newer IT is scary, if I was a kid watching it. Because that I mean, the one part that gave me goosebumps, man, when they went down there, my man was doing the fucking dance, and the camera was stuck on his head, and his head was just staying in one spot. He was I'm like, bro, y'all better get the fuck up on up out of here. No.
Mac:Right. Get the fuck out of here. But, I don't think there's, like, a real Stephen King, and, like, I'm scared as shit movie. Like, Pet Sematary probably be the closest one.
Blak:Yeah. Pet Sematary was it for me. It was too.
Mac:Like, the old school it with Tim Curry? Yeah.
Blak:The old school it. Like, I because seeing that as a kid, bro, like
Mac:Well, I so the reason why I didn't because I was watching that shit, and my mom was watching it, and she was making fun of it while we was watching it, clowning shit. And I'm just like, yeah. That is stupid. Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:That is stupid.
Blak:Yeah. I watched it with my sister. My sister was like, mm-mm. Like, that was the one. She was, like, walking me through the house.
Mac:Oh, man. Yeah. We got hostel. Nick Smith was, like, hostel. Again, those are those gore gore movies and stuff where, like, you just it's not so much things that are scaring you.
Mac:You're just, like, cringing because you're just like, oh my god. That's, that's that's gotta hurt type stuff.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:We got mirrors. They, the ring.
Blak:Oh, the ring's 1.
Mac:Yeah. I would the ring is one of them where I'm just like, yeah. I can't fuck with that shit. You know? I can't.
Mac:Like, when you be like, oh, if you if you see this shit, you got 7 days. I'm like, but what if we just watch it, like, in the movie? You know, like, I didn't see the tape, but I saw the tape. You know? Right.
Mac:Like, I didn't put in my VCR, but I saw somebody else watch the tape, and it played the whole thing, and I've seen it. Does that count for me? Is my phone finna ring?
Blak:No. Thank you. No. Thank
Mac:you. 7 days. Yep. For what? First of all, you couldn't tell me 7 days.
Mac:I'm a act a goddamn fool these last 7 days.
Blak:I'm a be on a plane.
Mac:Bro, I'm a be I'm a be you gonna be like that pilot that was out there trying to take people out. This Yep. If I'm going, we all go. This isn't real. This is a dream.
Mac:Click, click, click, click, click. Arrest his name. Get him off this fucking plane. Now Wolf Creek? Yeah.
Mac:That's another one. That that's a
Blak:Oh, yeah. That's another one.
Mac:Like a a body kind of oh my god. You are killing these kids. But, yeah. So, if you're watching, just let us know what what movie does it for you to the point where you don't wanna watch it again. Just drop it in the comments, and we got some things.
Mac:I don't mess with the ring. Japan changed me. Oh, man.
Blak:All French boys. The Grudge is another one of those movies too.
Mac:Yeah. If you watch the original, like, Japanese ones, like Yeah. Ringu and and I forget what the Grudge one's called, but Americans kinda redid them and and, westernized them for because, apparently, we wouldn't be able to understand the Japanese horse.
Blak:So they're just
Mac:like, oh, we'll we'll do it for you and bank off of it. It's fine. It's fine. Don't worry about it. We got it.
Mac:We got it. We'll take it. We'll take it from here. We got you. I know it's it's subtitles and shit.
Mac:Don't worry about it.
Blak:Well, d b z this one. We got you.
Mac:Oh, man. So another question that was asked, in the group and, kind of the other side of our bracket that we're currently running is the worst Halloween candy. So we ask this because, you know, it it time is approaching. You see all the supermarkets and stores throwing the the candy displays up in the front. All the candies out there, and I was sitting there looking at it one time, and you you get, like, the bags that cost, like, 15, $18.
Mac:You know, they got the Kit Kats, the the the, you know, the the Reese's peanut butter cups, you know, the good shit. Right? Snickers and shit in there, Milky Way. You know, the good shit. Then you got the bags where it's, like, £85 of candy, but it only costs, like, $6.
Mac:And you're like, what's in here? You know? It's the equivalent to the, the bagged cereal when you go in the cereal aisle. You're just like, oh, these are just individually wrapped colored pieces of sugar. You know?
Mac:And that's Oh, really? Yeah. We're gonna give this to all the kids and then keep the good shit for us. That's their plan. You know?
Mac:That's their goatee game plan. So, management decided to go out there and ask everybody. So, what is the one piece of candy that as a kid or to this day, if people were handing out candy and they just, you know, put it in your hand or put it in your, your your trick or treat bag? So I ask you this question, Black. What what was that one piece of candy where when you got home and you dumped the bag out, you just like, man, what the fuck?
Blak:Off rip. Off rip. The one piece of candy that always found it found its way into my bag, and I I despised it. Hated it. Good and plenty.
Blak:The little licorice candies.
Blak:Bro, that is the greatest trick. No. Because they look so good. It's And they taste so terrible.
Mac:Get it plenty, bro. Like, why would you Like why would you disguise this? Yes.
Blak:You went to the you went to the to the 99¢ store and got this bullshit, because you figured out you couldn't get no more candy. Everybody else got all the good shit at their house, and here you come with the with the good and plenty. Them shits is terrible. Terrible. I have an honorable mention too.
Blak:What's that? And it wasn't it wasn't really because it's not a candy, but they whoever whoever put the I'm convinced. Whoever put these in your in your bag, it's not really candy, but they always find Yeah. I'm convinced whoever does this hates children, though. Like
Mac:They are planning to never have kids. They don't understand children. Yes.
Blak:This is the subtlest fuck you to you and your family. How dare you?
Mac:I would have clearly equate that to the people that will pop popcorn and put it in a ziplock bag and be like, here's popcorn. Like, bitch, I ain't going to the movies. What's the fuck I'm a do. Let's see what else is in my bag. You put this in there.
Blak:Man, your your neighbor just gave me a full size Snickers
Mac:bar, bro. Yeah. Everybody in the comments talking about these, the, the black and orange wrapper ones. Mhmm. Mhmm.
Mac:I remember as a kid, like, my dad was like, oh, that's that's like peanut butter candy. I was like, word? Bro, the I cannot tell you what flavor that thing is. Like, I've been into it, and, like, it's there's, like, pieces of something in there. Like, I don't know what it is.
Mac:And I'm just like, is it are these peanuts? Because he said it was peanut butter candy, but I'm not tasting peanut butter. I I don't know what flavor this is. It tastes like paper bag.
Blak:This is old wood from your construction site.
Mac:It tastes wood pulp because, like, I don't know what this is. And to this day, like, this shit, like, my son always had like, it's always in his bed. I don't know where he goes because most people, they're just I think it's the, you know, it's the homes where, most places will be like, show you the bowl. Hey. Pick 2 pieces of candy out, and then there's other homes that are just like, here you go, and they do it for you.
Mac:He's like, what the fuck you put in here? What did you uh-uh what what is that? That's that's what we're doing this year. What is that? What what are you trying to put in there because we can't be playing these games.
Mac:We can't be playing these games. No more man Quit keeping these these companies in business, please, with these bum ass fucking things, man.
Blak:This is gonna equate to the bracket later, but Yeah.
Mac:Black licorice. Yeah. Satan cubes. Another piece of, like, why is that always sold in the candy aisle? Who turns down the candy aisle like black licorice?
Mac:Here we go. Double up.
Blak:Good for the song.
Mac:You know I had to double it. Like, bro, who is who is this in in the makers of jelly beads? Strawberry. You know, lemon. You got all these flavors.
Mac:Even Jelly Belly, to this day, you got all of the flavors Jelly Belly. And I look on the back, black licorice. Why?
Blak:Right. Right. Now listen. Don't be trying to affirmative action these fucking jelly beans, bitch. Because I feel like y'all be sending us messages.
Mac:They put a minute. It's about BLM. Black licorice matters. Y'all ain't fucking slick jelly belly. We're bumping your ass, bro.
Mac:Get that shit the fuck up out of here, babe.
Blak:Black licorice matters.
Mac:Rich ass people laughing at us and shit. Let's do it anyway. Totally. I told you they hate the black ones. I told you.
Mac:Oh, man. Oh, shit. But, yeah, Eric's in here saying jolly ranchers? What? But stuck to the
Blak:I get what you're saying. Oh. I get what you're saying.
Mac:Bro, I it's gonna sound suspect, man, but you just had to you just had to suck on him a little bit longer, bro. You committed to biting too early, bro. You bit too early, bro. You gotta you gotta I'm saying it's gonna sound advance pause on this, bro. Advance pause on this.
Mac:You gotta suck them till they get a little bit a little bit more manageable. It's wild. Trust me. But I never turned down a Jolly Rancher, bro. Like, when when there's options, like, Jolly Rancher are good and plenty.
Mac:You know what I'm saying?
Blak:Jolly Rancher all day.
Mac:Jolly Rancher pretzels. I'm not on the airline. You know what I'm saying? I'm not at a bar. You're giving me bar snacks.
Mac:Fucking planters peanuts and shit. What the fuck? Sunflower seeds. You just went to the 711 before. You forgot the kitty.
Mac:You just did there. You forgot about us. You made me hot Cheetos. What are you doing? You did not care.
Mac:Not one of them. Oh, shit. Kids is coming. You went to the shopping real quick. Sour cream and cheddar ruffles in a ziplock bag.
Mac:What do we sir.
Blak:Did you pack these individually?
Mac:Oh, shit, bro. The worst houses. Like, you didn't know trickery like, Halloween was today? Right. I mean, turn your light off.
Mac:Your fucking light off, bro. Just cut that bitch off. Say we close
Blak:light on. Yeah.
Mac:Just Let
Blak:it go, bro. Let it go. Just go to the door.
Mac:Don't answer the door. After a while, kids will just give the other kids a hit. Hey, bro. They ain't answering the door. Let's keep it.
Mac:That house is closed.
Blak:Now I rush home from school for this, bro. Just make it work.
Mac:I mean, this hot ass costume and shit. Swing my ass off for these goddamn pretzels. Get the fuck up out of here. Bet.
Blak:I had to beg my mom to let me out at 5:30. Like, come on, bro.
Mac:I'm trying to get a
Blak:head start. You're giving me this bullshit.
Mac:Hurry up, mom. Mom, hurry up. We're gonna miss it. Treated.
Blak:Here I am.
Mac:We're gonna miss it, mom. So calm the fuck down.
Blak:Take all the good candy.
Mac:That's exactly it. All the or the the people that leave the bowl out with the sign. Take 1 or 2 pieces. You just played yourself. Because I know it'd be, like, 5 minutes after Halloween starts, bowl empty.
Mac:Somebody walking with a heavy ass bag. Yep. Yep. Yep.
Blak:Oh, these 2 these 2, the boxes of raisins.
Mac:Yeah, man. Hey. I'm a just if this reaches your ear, hopefully, we did this early enough for this to be broadcast out to the masses. Don't be that person. Just don't just don't give shit out.
Mac:Just don't give shit out. Just please
Blak:don't have my kid walk
Mac:up to you in his cool ass costume, tell you trick or treat, and you don't give him a treat. And he has no tricks planned for you. The the rule the the the binding clause of Halloween is broken. Yes. You broke the claws.
Mac:In a sense, gave him the right to come back and trick you later because you gave him no treat. Yep. But I'm not trying to raise hooligans out here. If he gets older and when he gets older and trick or treats on his own and, you know, police calling me like, your son threw some eggs at a house. Like, oh, shit.
Mac:The hell is wrong with you, son? Gave me these fucking bags of roll gold pretzels. Right. We finna hit it back up on the way home. This man
Blak:this man gave me California raisins, bro.
Mac:Yeah. The small boxes. Sun made, bro. Sun made raisins, sir.
Blak:Not even the black ones. The gold ones.
Mac:You know what I mean? Oh, with the white made for the white the green grapes. Oh my god. Like, they're supposed to be better. So oh my god.
Mac:But, anyways, so, yeah, if you got we we already got comments flowing in about that. So, if you got something, just drop them in the comments, man. Like I said, this is, like, the counterpart to our bracket where we're trying to find the best candy. And, the funny part is a couple of the worst candies that are mentioned in here are on the bracket because we had 71 different types of candy, and people are voting for those. So I'm not understanding what the fuck's going on, but, we'll get to the bottom.
Blak:You're into the tricks. That's that's that's what my hope is. You're into the tricks.
Mac:It's the smoke pit. It's what they do. It is what they do, black. We we Yes. We should not be surprised at this point, my boy.
Mac:It is the smoke pit. The pit master's going pit master.
Blak:Exactly. Exactly.
Mac:There ain't no laws when you drink. When you drink your claws. Oh, man. But, it is time to get into what has become my favorite segment of the show. What did I just watch?
Mac:And we have a couple of things we wanna get into, before we move on. So, ladies and gentlemen, sit back and enjoy some shenanigans, from what did I just watch. Oh, let me make sure I bring the video up. I almost just clicked it. I'm learning.
Mac:We rusty. We coming back. We got it.
Blak:Yep. Yep. Gotta shake this rust off. Tell me I did not just see that.
Mac:So the first thing I wanna bring up, because there's other stuff, but where is it at? Where is this motherfucker at? Oh, here we go. Here we go. So, I was, there I was minding my business on Facebook, And, I came across a video of what appears to be some kind of contests, for dirty whining and dance hall, and and I'll just say this off rip, bro.
Mac:Like, that is too much for me. Yes. Like, I I see the videos of, like, the dude laying on the ground and the girl just jumping the fucking 48 inch vertical, and then just coming straight down on my man's dick, like, with your pelvis. Arm split? Yes.
Mac:And he's just supposed to sit there and take that. And there's like, there'll be times where they jump up to do it, and the dude, like, flinches, and they'll, like, come back and tell him, like, move your hands. Like, like, yeah. And I'm just like, dude, what are you doing? And then but I've seen the reverse too where, like, the dude is, like, hell of aggressive and, like, ramming the chick up against the wall.
Mac:And and I'm just like, bro, y'all just
Blak:Standing on our back?
Mac:Yeah. Like, doing tricks and, like, freestyling, like Olympic break dancing and shit, you know, like, ray gun and shit on on on her back. So, like, you know, when when because remember when when dance hall was getting big, you know, Sean Paul showed his ass up and shit. Mhmm. Like, I'm just like Mhmm.
Mac:Those parties were the ones I wanted to go to. Them motherfucking shit. Because they they was they had the girls there. They was dancing with some sense. It was cool choreography there.
Mac:I'm just like, oh, that shit is nice. I see the shit now. Yeah. Bro, I see the shit now. I'm like, bro, y'all y'all are trying to hurt yourselves.
Mac:But low and behold, like I was saying, We have this shit going on here. Right? It's a contest. This lady is up on the woofers, and they are double stacked up. I'd say she's probably a good 10 feet off the ground doing this wild stuff.
Mac:Doing this. I'm a let it play. But that's a I want you to admire the first contestant and be like, oh, shit. That's that's scary, but it looks like she's got her shit together.
Blak:Notice the form.
Mac:Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we'll let it Notice.
Mac:What? And and watch this. Look at the focus. The balance. The announcer is spazz it out.
Mac:Now this I'm a let you.
Blak:Immediately. Now you've seen the form in the first one.
Mac:Okay. Yeah. Let's let's let's do this. Let's let's let's break this shit down.
Blak:Yes. You've seen the form. You've seen the sturdiness in the balance. Yes.
Mac:You've seen It's all about weight distribution.
Blak:Yes. Evenly distributed. When she was losing balance, she noticed she moved her legs.
Mac:Center to gravity. Her posture. Right. Center to gravity.
Blak:Movements from the core distributed evenly throughout the body.
Mac:100%. Well done. 100%. Kudos to you, ma'am. Oh, she like move.
Mac:Little did the audience know she saved their lives. She did. She absolutely did. Back the fuck up. Y'all better back up.
Mac:Alright. Shit. What you telling me back up for?
Blak:This is my first time.
Mac:Now she decided so we'll just say the the previous contestant was perpendicular or no parallel Yes. To these, to the amp. She had one good grasp on both sides of the the amp so she can stand up and do her headstand. This woman is going on there flat handed because she can't grab the sides because they're up against that.
Blak:She she made a mistake of using the length of the platform and not the width.
Mac:She overestimated her her sense of balance. Correct. Correct. Right now, she's balanced, but she doesn't know that once she lifts her legs up, all that weight is gonna move forward. And, we'll just let these last 11 seconds play, and, and, you guys can see what the fuck's going on here.
Mac:Yo. The DJ is like the DJ dude. The the music cut off. That's me.
Blak:Stop the song. Stop the
Mac:song, bro. The DJ was like, oh, shit. Watch this shit.
Blak:Bro, stop the song.
Mac:Bro. What do you think right at this moment? Oh,
Mac:Well, it was at this moment. She knew. She fucked up. To be able to not coming fast. To be able to not break your fall from that height, lord Jesus.
Blak:The ground was coming fast, and she needed a plan because she knew it had gone around.
Mac:Play that off with a split.
Blak:How am I going to play this off? I have at 3 tenths of a second Bro. To figure out.
Mac:Bro, that girl was knocked out. Oh,
Blak:Most definitely. Most definitely.
Mac:Scrape the asphalt on the landline. It seems like that was a good recovery though, right into a split. Right to the split. Yep. She she had them And now split and walk off.
Mac:Bro, it is bro, I just would have laid there.
Blak:No. Call a ambulance. Lost consciousness for a second.
Mac:Call a ambulance, bro. I'm I'm even if I gained consciousness back immediately, I'm a have y'all worried for me.
Blak:Watch this. Watch this. Play it. Now stop. Right then and there, like, she was out, bro.
Blak:She just bounced. She was out of here.
Mac:A 100% she did, bro. I'm surprised like, bro. Like rubber, bro. Bow. It just boom.
Blak:Oh, lord. I'm done. I'm out.
Mac:What's up? Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. This motherfucker with the green striped shirt.
Blak:Baby, you alright.
Mac:Bro, in her face with this motherfucker's cell phone camera, bro. This motherfucker. Oh, shit. Nothing to go viral. She said the floor was like, get off me.
Mac:Yes. Bro, like, she hit this split like it was gonna save her in this competition and get her to the next round.
Blak:Baby, you No. The only option is get up, walk off, and go to the nearest hospital.
Mac:The dear the closest one. You need immediate care. You need immediate care. Urgent. Yes.
Mac:Yes. By the time you get to the hospital, your face will do all the talking for you. Oh, okay. Because that swelling is happening. You walking around looking like old buddy from, oh, shit.
Mac:Let me find it. I gotta find this shit. The villain from, in a in one of these James Bond movies.
Blak:Oh, most definitely. She died, bro.
Mac:Bro, it it you know what it remind me of? You remember that that video that was, fame, the stripper that climbed all the way up there and tried to do some shit?
Blak:Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Mac:She fell down, and she started trying to twerk at the
Blak:end. No. You can't play that off.
Mac:You know what? That's what I'm saying.
Blak:You can't. Like, do you understand, like, you hit the ground with velocity. It wasn't and you had no control over the velocity at all. So therefore, it was it was you in the Earth and the Earth won. Like, go.
Blak:Stop. Whatever you're doing, then go to the nearest hospital.
Mac:Let me see. Oh, here we go. See if I could share this one. Because her face probably looking like like this motherfuckers right here. This motherfucker right here.
Mac:Hopefully, it comes up with a better picture. Let's go load up. Oh, is this the one? I just want a bigger picture of this shit. The man, Zao, or I think that's his name, whatever it is.
Mac:Motherfucker had diamonds embedded in his face, and I'm just like, yo. That's that's gotta be what this lady looks like. That's gotta be what this lady looks like, a 100%. Absolutely. Alright.
Mac:Hold on. How do I bring this?
Blak:Girl, who beat you up like that? The ground? It sound like bitch hiker. I think it has a sound like ow. Owed?
Blak:Ow. Ground. Hello, ground.
Mac:Nice to meet you. She walked into the hospital like this. Just pieces of gravel in her fucking face, bro. The fuck happened to you? I don't wanna talk about it.
Mac:I don't need anyone to talk about it. I fell. That's the girl. You need to leave him. You need to leave him.
Mac:Yes. I fell? Yeah. Okay. Alright.
Mac:We're getting the police involved. What are you talking about? I just fell. Yeah. Whatever.
Mac:Police rolled it up to your house. I ain't even did nothing, boyfriend. Like, what? She said she was gonna hang with her friends. Likely story.
Mac:Get in.
Blak:You're going down, buddy. You're going down.
Mac:I legit don't know what happened. Here she go. Like, does she roll with it or does she admit what the fuck happened?
Blak:She's concussed. She don't know what the fuck is going on. She
Mac:go, I I guess.
Blak:I don't remember what happened.
Mac:I guess that happened.
Blak:She knocked a whole chunk of memory out, bro.
Mac:What happened? So when we look at our, our IG chat, there was one. I I think it kinda fits the season. You got the little fun houses, mirror halls, and stuff like that. I never because, no, like, when we walk in, like, my my kid is just it's, you know, dark.
Mac:Things are weird. Like, he ain't doing too much. Right? He's 7 now, but when he was younger, we did a couple mirror things, and he just has this innate fear of, like, running in this shit. So he's doing this stuff when he's walking.
Mac:Right? These kids in this video don't have that instilled in them.
Blak:Oh my god. Yes.
Mac:So, watch these watch these clips. Don't run. Yeah. Some of a he'd look at it while I watch these kids. Bow.
Mac:I'm I'm sorry for laughing, but I'm just why are you letting your kid just sprint? No. He's not. His mirror's all in his back. They're that wind up cry too.
Mac:Yeah. Who?
Blak:Bow. Bow. Lose their breath. Bow.
Mac:Another one. Bow. Oh my god. Get that camera out your girl face like that, man.
Blak:The dog. I'm a bite your ass when I come out.
Mac:You swing me through. I'm I'm sitting all on the couch, bro. Bro, pow, bro. In my life. In my life, man.
Mac:Alright, bro. And you know what the fuck the part, like, as a parent, you know, that that's our that's our thing. Right? That's our bag. Mhmm.
Mac:We, we are here to get the, hilarious takes of our kids and and whatnot. Right?
Mac:But fam.
Blak:I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. It I would probably do that, but it depends on how fucked up my kids been that week.
Mac:Say what?
Blak:Take you to this fucking mirror room room.
Mac:That's what you get. I'm a take you to the let's hit up the fair.
Blak:Yeah. Let's go.
Mac:Look. It's a room where you could just run and be free.
Blak:Yeah. Go ahead. You go first. You go first.
Mac:And I would just hide too. I'm over here Yeah. And start making sure my reflection is showing up and stuff. Not that one. This way.
Mac:I'm over here. Duh. That's exactly what it reminds me of, bro. The office is just sprinting. Yay.
Mac:Like this shit right here.
Blak:Up in this bitch.
Mac:Yay, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:But they about to oh, goddamn. They hitting top speed too.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah. I wonder what that's like when you see yourself coming.
Mac:You're like It's too late at that point when they see it.
Blak:Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah.
Mac:It's another kid. It's like, pow, bro. He came he came out
Blak:of nowhere. I don't I don't know where
Mac:he is. Mean, their guard is a 100% down. Pow. It's straight forehead taking these hits, bro. Pow.
Mac:Pow. No hand up either.
Blak:Oh, no.
Mac:Pow. Get me out of this place.
Blak:Love I
Mac:hate it here.
Blak:I'm in a nightmare.
Mac:Straight forehead. Done. Oh, this was another thing I saw. So, everybody knows the hurricane's been coming through Florida, and everybody's been doing whatever. But, there's one person who decided to show social media how she is prepping for, said hurricane.
Mac:So, I'm a let the video speak for itself, and then we will we will look at the comments because the comments the comments don't disappoint.
Blak:Ever, bro. To the thought of you, the darkness gives way to the light fear.
Mac:Okay. So, for those who aren't watching the video, this, in this clip, say, woman who is, using some anointing oil to anoint every door window in her home and, preparing to ride the storm out, having faith in god that he will keep her home safe from this hurricane. Before we get into comments, right, because it's it's not like a shade room thing. This is her, and her comment says, anointing and praying over my home is one of the most important ways I'm prepared for hurricane villain. I believe in the power of prayer, and she lists steps on how you can, pray and anoint your home.
Mac:A case of, what, a little bit of condoms. It's just like, okay.
Mac:What are your thoughts on this? Because it's it's it's like I said, everybody's relationship with God is is their own. It's cool. You you have faith, and your faith is putting you at ease that nothing is gonna come. So you're not troubled, you're not worried, or anything like that.
Mac:But I do feel that God also placed on this earth technology and the wherewithal and the things to give you enough of a heads up to get you out of danger's way. Right. You know what I'm saying? It's it's a Right. Like but, that that's just my take.
Mac:Well well, what's your take on this?
Blak:So when I see things like this, I get kinda frustrated, and here's why.
Blak:Like, there's nothing wrong with having the faith.
Blak:Right? But if you if you do these types of things, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying you're half assing it. Right? So faith without works is just like it's a thing.
Blak:The Bible even says it. So why why are you anointing your home? That's great. You know what I mean? Like, God protect this house, but if you don't put a board or something to protect the inside, the oil is useless.
Blak:You have to meet god halfway. You have to. If you don't, then you're just
Mac:you know what I mean? You it's like me him halfway. Do the work. Do the work.
Blak:Boring up the windows.
Mac:Oh my god.
Blak:Put put plastic down. You didn't even do that. You just oh, god. I'll show them a shot of light.
Mac:That ain't gonna work.
Blak:It ain't gonna work for you. Speaking of tongues is you know what? People ancient people spoke in tongues. Do you know what god did?
Mac:What's that?
Blak:He flooded the earth anyway. Like, prep yourself.
Mac:Oh my god. Bad. I'm just
Blak:Use use the bible as a reference point because god told people who were believers
Mac:to them
Blak:Mhmm. People of of faith, people in the church Mhmm. It's gonna rain for 40 days 40 nights. You know what the people said? I would be alright.
Blak:They listened to the one plan. God gave the plan to one person, and he said, tell everybody you know, I'm about to flood everything because y'all wilding out. And the man did. No one listened.
Mac:Bro, the people out here him halfway. People out here tempting him. They're not here tempting God. And I'm like, bro, God and I try to tell people that stuff, man. Like, you know, people, I don't want vaccines, all that stuff.
Mac:And and, like, everybody's entitled to your opinion, but, like, my logic is this. God is gonna take care of you. However, God gave men the ability to create medicine, to help Right. Take care of you. Right.
Mac:God created the technology to be like, hey. Here's a storm coming. It should be hitting your area in about 5 days, and this is how strong it's probably gonna be. You should probably start preparing. I don't let man tell me what to do.
Mac:My god is greater than all that,
Blak:so I'm a just
Mac:bro. So let's let's get into these comments, because they they they healed me. They not come when you want them to come. Oh, did they did they turn these comments off? Oh, no.
Mac:Bring these comments. Oh, they turned the comments off.
Blak:Yeah. It got too gruesome.
Mac:Yeah. Oh my god.
Blak:It it got too gruesome.
Mac:Oh, Nikki, you turned the car. Out.
Blak:Oh, you was hurt. You they hurt you, Nikki.
Mac:Oh, no. Why'd you do that? Let me see if it's still on her page. Oh, wow. She was out of prey hurricane.
Mac:Yo. What is going on? She was really doing this shit out here. Oh, she turned the comments off. She really did.
Mac:Nikki. Bro, the comments was wild. They they was talking about, yo, you make sure you, bring that anointing oil when Noah comes by on the ark and pick your ass up from on your roof and all that other shit, bro. Look. She turned all comments off well, people was on her.
Blak:Yeah. For good reason.
Mac:Praising him and all, bro. What is this? One word prayer for those affected by hurricane Milton. Oh, she was out. Hey.
Mac:Her house looked fine, man. Maybe the oil work.
Blak:Nah. She has some work done.
Mac:You underestimating the power of the oil? Real quick. How much time? Oh, we got some time. You posted this one.
Mac:Yes. 50 worst rappers list. So we'll look at this, and I feel some type of way.
Blak:I do too.
Mac:Because there's some motherfuckers on here I don't know. Or, like, I've never had to sit down and think, like, where would I rank them as the worst? Like, it's just people I don't listen to. Right. The fact that Magoo is number 1.
Mac:Like, that that hits me kinda weird, man, because, like, I know he wasn't the nicest, but, I mean, like, old buddy ain't here. You know what I'm saying? Right. It's not the oil. It's you cooking.
Mac:Would would you have Magoo at 1? I mean, you agree he's, like, trash.
Blak:Terrible. But number 1, though?
Mac:Is is your number 1 on this list anywhere? Hold on. Let me look at it again. We got Magoo at we'll start from we'll start from 50. So at 50 and up, we have 21 Savage, Logic, Tiger, y g, Memphis Blake, Slim Jimmy, French Montana, Plies, Chief Keef, Shawty Lowe, Flo Rida, Bow Wow, Designer, Cassidy, Ludacris, Freeway, Earl sweatshirt, Chingy, Weebie or Webby, Gotta Gotta, Tony Yayo, McKonan, Lil Pump, Trinidad James, Iggy Azalea, who's that now?
Mac:Bonecrusher, Birdman, Mike Jones, OG Mako, Nick Cannon, Playboi Carti, Riff Raff, Shaq, Wyeth and Lucci, Ron Artes, Black Tie, Cray Sean, Vanilla Ice, Maddie b, o j the juice man, I twenty, lil b, 50 Tyson, g Herbo, Jojo Simmons, Silk the Shaka, stunner for Vegas, Little Yachty, Blue Face, and Magoo.
Blak:Alright. So my immediate reaction to this was numb I had 2 issues with this. 1, design is not on this list at all.
Mac:He is?
Blak:And he needs to be. He's 38. Is he?
Mac:Yep. Number 38.
Blak:Well, he needs
Mac:to be
Blak:in the top 10. He needs to be in the top ten. Freeway doesn't belong on this list.
Mac:Not at
Blak:all. Ludicrous doesn't belong
Mac:on this list. At all.
Blak:Who else I said needed to be up higher? 21 Savage probably needed to be off this list as well. Yeah. He's borderline. He's borderline.
Blak:He probably needs to be off this list. But let's go to the top 5. Magoo, not not bad, but number 1. No. That firmly that spot belongs eternally to Silk the Shocker.
Mac:Hold up. Hold up. So you're saying the battle of offbeat rappers. You got blue face, Silk the Shocker, and Lil B. Silk the Shocker is the worst out of all of them.
Blak:Oh, absolutely. Oh my wow. My bad. Absolutely. My land
Mac:What what song does it for you that solidifies him up there?
Blak:Make him say,
Mac:That's everybody's go to, man. Yeah. This man just fucked the whole saga, bro. Goddamn, bro. Like, why?
Blak:I got I get it. I get it, master p.
Mac:Motherfuckers dancing and shit. He start rapping. Motherfuckers start what foot was I on again? The fuck is No. No.
Mac:No. No. Ah. Come on. Fighting.
Mac:The is this the is this the edited version? About it.
Blak:Like, y'all couldn't bring this man in the booth and then, like, go over Cadence first.
Blak:Yeah. We gotta teach you BPMs, bro. Like
Mac:Yeah. I just put up in there. Like, hey, man. Just do whatever. Do what you do, bro.
Mac:We give you, 16 bars. What's a bar? Oh, shit. No. Shit.
Mac:Just do just do something engineer will figure something out. We'll we'll we'll put our
Blak:hand up when it's time. You know? When just rap.
Mac:Kevin say don't say shit about Vanilla Ice. I mean, he's number 13. I think Vanilla Ice knows he's not a good rapper.
Blak:This is true.
Mac:I think Vanilla Ice is aware he is not one of the greats. This is
Blak:very true. Trinidad Trinidad Trinidad James needed to be high on this list.
Mac:So of this list, your top who would your top five be looking at this?
Blak:My top five would be number 1.
Mac:I think Cassie shouldn't be on this list either.
Blak:I don't think he should be on here either. So my top five would be
Mac:Silk the Shocker. Mhmm.
Blak:G Herbo. G Herbo's pretty. Mhmm. Og Mako because he is pretty terrible. Blue face and Trinidad James.
Blak:That those will be my top five.
Mac:Like, my pettiness wants me to put people up there in the top five that probably shouldn't be, but I'm just like, y'all just need to just stop. But and no particular yours was in order, or was it no particular order?
Blak:I I did mine in order.
Mac:Oh, that's fine.
Blak:You don't have to do a particular order. That's fine.
Mac:No particular order. And then I'll I'll figure it out later. But blue face is in that shit. Silk's in that shit. Mhmm.
Mac:Little bees in there. Like, if you just can't if you can't find the beat, bro, just just stop. You know?
Blak:I almost had him in there.
Mac:Let me see who else. I just wanna put Flo right in there just because I can't stand this shit, but he had some hits. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:He does. He does.
Mac:Same thing with Bow Wow. Like, that'd be like if Ja Rule was on here. Like, Ja Rule ain't on this list because my man ran the Summers for, like, 3 Summers in a row. And Bow Wow was doing the same thing. Number 1 on 1 on Sunset Park.
Mac:Nick Cannon based on just rapping. Nick Cannon's in there. I don't know if he was taking himself seriously, but I think there was a point where he thought he was a rapper.
Blak:And he was not.
Mac:He he wasn't. And then number 5 god damn it. So many so many options. So many options. So many options.
Mac:I'll put Iggy in there because of that one freestyle she had where it sound like
Blak:Oh, yeah. She sounded
Mac:like Donny. Should've been Donny from fucking, Wild Thornberrys and shit. Yeah. He never lived out. He never lived out.
Blak:He never lived out.
Mac:What What the fuck? I was like, the fuck is this? I'm like, what what language is she speaking? They was like, she's Australian. That's English.
Mac:I was like, what?
Blak:No. No. It is. I was
Mac:like, I know she's from another country. Where is she from? They're like, Australia. That's English, Willie.
Blak:No. That's English.
Mac:What? Because See, now I gotta find this shit for y'all now. Look what you made me do, guys.
Blak:What a god. She was snapping. Oh, bro.
Mac:She thought she was crushing this shit, bro. She
Mac:And the the fans were just like, oh, she popped a snap.
Blak:Oh my god.
Mac:Iggy, little bro. YouTube be like, Iggy, Iggy is there a freestyle? I was like, what?
Blak:That? We remember that.
Mac:Oh, and then you remember the one where she was on a Sway and did that shit too? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Motherfucking spit her ass up to that.
Mac:Alright. We're sharing this one instead. Let's Splash. You feel good? I feel fucking hot.
Mac:Now yeah. Now what?
Blak:There was there wasn't a lot of melanin in that crowd. This
Mac:is how English sounds to people who don't speak it. I love how the crowd is slowly cheering less and less from confusion.
Blak:The fuck is she saying?
Mac:Green moose, guava juice, giant shake Even the captions.
Blak:The captions shake.
Mac:You know what the fairy god parrotrap? You scroungeous? Yeah. The captions were just like, I don't know what she's doing. This is what it sounds like.
Mac:Tie your monks.
Blak:Tie your monks.
Mac:Tie your mark to fire monks.
Blak:Alright, Iggy. Shit. Do your thing.
Mac:Oh. Just give it a baps. Oh, man. But, yeah. Let's go ahead and get into this week's who's man's.
Blak:Let's do it. Let's do it.
Mac:Because this is this is gonna be a good one. I think I think it was just a matter of time before this individual made the list, but, he's finally done it. He's he's done enough. He crossed the threshold, and, he is putting his bid in for, the inaugural Come here. Award.
Mac:Let me fix this so you guys can see who it is. Elon motherfucking Musk.
Blak:We've been waiting on you.
Mac:The father of x or the x or whatever people are caught. I still call that shit Twitter.
Blak:Yep. Me too.
Mac:But, my man is out here. Everybody knows he's rich as hell. He runs x. He laid, like, people off. For whatever reason, he charges people to get blue checks now instead of people meeting certain criteria.
Mac:So a whole lot of things he's out here doing. But let let me just lead let me just lead with this. Have you ever just, like your day is going alright. You just, like, man, today is, like, shit ain't ain't shit bothering me yet today. You know, like, shit is just this is a copacetic day, and then you just add a a stop sign or a stoplight, and then a motherfucker like cyber truck just drive by.
Mac:You just like, man. Fuck. This is a cyber truck. Seeing a cyber truck, I don't know what it is about it, just ruins my fucking day. Because I'm like, bro, this shit just it it's like a glitch in the matrix.
Mac:Yes. Like, I'm out here thinking, like, everything is normal, and then this shit shows up. And I'm just like, god. People are buying this shit. Goddamn.
Blak:More and more the more I see, the angry I get.
Mac:And and, like, they're all being recalled. I'm just like, can you guys just not, like, turn these bitches in or some shit and and get, like, a model s? Because I'm thinking the Cybertruck is more expensive than these other models. If you're trading that thing, like, hey. This is outright.
Mac:Let me just get this right here and give you the shit.
Blak:I think it depends on because I think they have the base model and, there's, like, 3 versions of it.
Mac:I guess. But, no. Like, there's a couple on base. You know, like, it it just I'm going to get something from the food court, and that motherfucker just be parked in a parking lot. I'm like, man, I don't want b x anymore.
Mac:Like, okay. I'm parking this fucking parking lot with I don't know why, man. I'm just I'm just
Blak:Just killed your whole shot.
Mac:Yeah. This is fucking bitch don't kill my vibe. The cyber truck truck killed it. But we wanna talk about Elon Musk as rich as he is. I don't know.
Mac:Maybe he does a lot of, you know, philanthropy, and he doesn't wanna talk about it. Maybe he's one of the biggest full of child No. No? Okay. Okay.
Mac:Hey. Hey. Alright. Hey. I'm just I'm assuming.
Mac:I mean, he has enough money to fly motherfuckers to space for leisure trips and shit. You know what I'm saying? And all this other stuff. I'm just like, man, dude, he could really do a lot of good in the world with this money. You know?
Mac:Like This man
Blak:is a walking scam, bro. Like, and here's my here's my disdain Yes. For for Elon Musk. I haven't forgot the doggy coin debacle.
Mac:Oh, the doge? The doge coin?
Blak:Doge I have not forgotten that shit,
Blak:Because the wave I wanted to jump on the wave.
Blak:I was like, bro, if this shit gets to a dollar, we're all gonna be rich.
Mac:All I need is this
Blak:It was added that way too.
Mac:I just need this just
Blak:to hit a drop. Climbing. Yeah. Keep climbing, bro. We're all gonna be rich.
Blak:Thank you for creating this shit, whoever you are. This motherfucker goes on national television and says it's a scam. Shit crashes. People fuck you, Elon. Fuck.
Mac:You I had generational wealth on the way. Bro. I had life changing money on the way, Elon, and you took that from me.
Blak:You you robbed us.
Mac:The Caitlyn compound was on the way up. Bro,
Blak:I had a blimp in the making, bro.
Mac:I was like, Bro, get ready. That level of money, bro. I I bro, you you remember, Ninja Turtles and they had the turtle blimp bitches be cruising through New York. Like, we're trying to be inconspicuous, turtle blimp. The motherfuckers.
Mac:The goddamn turtles, man. They out of here. That would have been me. How are you getting to work today? I'm taking my blimp with my face on it.
Mac:Here comes McCoy.
Blak:Yeah. Oh, 7:30. Yeah.
Mac:Yeah. I don't know how to land this thing. I'm a just jump out. It it the just keep floating off. Yep.
Mac:I got more at the house. I'm rich. Yeah. Right? Yeah.
Mac:That's my Monday, boy. It's cool. Yeah. Anyway, so, me and you were talking offline. Like, dude, man, like, hurricane's been slapping Florida up, all these people without power, all of this stuff.
Mac:FEMA's going down there, but, I mean, it's the government going government. Money's gonna come you know, there's some reason that FEMA ain't really going FEMA. You know what I'm saying? But what Elon is doing, all of this stuff is happening. Elon's just like, hey.
Mac:I got I got an announcement to make. Make sure y'all come through. Ladies and gentlemen, let me show you the announcement that Elon had. And, as you can see, we see we started up with someone, in a robot suit, sort of dad. And then we've progressed traum dramatically year after year.
Tesla Man:So if you extrapolate this, you're really gonna have something spectacular, something that anyone could own. So you can have your own personal r 2d2c3p0. And I think at scale, the the you know, this would cost something like, I don't know, 20, $30,000.
Tesla Man:Probably less less than a car. What? My prediction is long term.
Mac:This motherfucker said these robots, for those who aren't watching the video, think of the think of the movie I, Robot. That's exactly what I want you to think of because that is what he is putting out on this stage. And so it begins. And he said for the price of about 20 to $30,000, less than a car. Bro.
Mac:And then the people cheering are probably the people who are not gonna be buying these fucking robots.
Mac:Robo taxi.
Blak:Paid actors.
Mac:Let me hear what robotaxi is.
Tesla Man:Witness firsthand the vehicle that will not only change the way we travel, but also redefine car ownership in the age of autonomy. Don't miss this momentous occasion. Stay tuned as we take the next step toward a future where Tesla leads the way in autonomous driving technology. The robo taxi is coming. Are you ready?
Blak:No. I am not.
Mac:Again First of all Is it this like the isn't this the car that will He said I don't like the tone of that voice.
Blak:That is very evil fucking
Mac:You just ride it into texting. Execute order 66. The fuck is
Blak:Are you ready for your next mission?
Mac:I didn't sign up for this shit. Self destruct activated. Did it be? Let me out. Oh my god.
Mac:Cars blown up all over the place, bro.
Blak:No. Did it
Mac:did it did it. Did you just say your name is John Connor? It's click click. Did it. Did it.
Mac:Did it. Bro, everything he's doing, I feel like, bro, this looks like the Audi that Will Smith had in I, Robot. Yes. It does. Everything is doing.
Mac:I'm like, bro, what are you doing out here? What's this next thing? Oh my god. What is that? That, is bigger than a model y.
Mac:The the Reboven. The Reboven is, this is a we're we're going to make this, and it's gonna look like that. What? Can you imagine going down the streets and you see this coming to Ortoo? That'd be sick.
Blak:That shit looks like
Mac:Is this a Tesla bus? He said it looks like a mouse. Yeah. Can you imagine driving down the street and seeing this coming to you? That'd be sick.
Mac:Like, first of all
Blak:I'm getting the that's the joker. I'm getting the fuck out
Mac:of here. This is the the exact thing that rolled up on Will Smith and turned sideways Yes. And let all them damn robots out. This is how they're gonna transport the robots to take home. This shit gonna roll up, open doors, army of robots gonna come out.
Mac:Just fucking jump kicking and chopping the fucking people. Man. It's Elan is setting us up. He could be out here putting a a a dent in in world hunger, put making sure everybody has a shelter, homelessness, hunger, poverty across the board. My man's like, yo.
Mac:You know what we need? More fucked up vehicles out here on the streets and a robot to take care of your kids while you're gone. What the fuck? I don't trust humans, sir.
Blak:I saw Terminator 0.
Mac:What are we doing out here, man? Like, Elon is doing everything but the right thing. But and and it's hard to say that because you don't wanna try to tell somebody what to do with their money. Right. But Fam, like, come on, bro.
Mac:Nobody asked for this. Like, he's giving There wasn't a demand.
Blak:Yeah. He's given it as he's given us this shit. We didn't ask for it, 1. 2, it's like the plot to every fucked up movie that you're doing this shit. And, oh, by the way, you have plans to go to Mars.
Blak:Like, what what is your what is your game plan, Elon? This is us all up and then move to Mars, like, sick of this motherfucking place.
Mac:Oh, they let one of my robots into the DOD. Oh, shit. This ain't good. Babe, get fucking, ampersand, fucking percentage mark, apostrophe. And let's get on this plane and get the fuck up out of here.
Mac:Whatever. Falcon hawk, whatever you name this kid, fucking, e equals mc squared. Let's go. Get pythagrum in a fucking, hypotenuse. Let's get on this fucking rocket and get the fuck up out of here, bro.
Mac:Yo. This shit is crazy, man. Everything this man is bringing up here. Like, this shit, bro, it's gonna take one of these things to not get a update or be plugged in, connected to whatever Wi Fi, not get an update, wake up, and just be like, fucking that that shit spinning star kick with with his hands. Just spinning around your house, just cutting into your wallet shit.
Mac:And you don't know how to turn it off. Yeah. Because the button is on the back of his head, but he's spinning too fast for you to do shit. And he he's 76% charged, so he good for another 12 days.
Blak:Right. Next thing you know, we gotta do the matrix shit.
Mac:I don't know who struck first,
Blak:but I do know it was us that scorched the sky.
Mac:Bro, let's look at this shit. Getting your packages, watering your plants Nah. While you're just hanging out? You don't think he just looking at y'all like, so y'all can't water these plants?
Blak:Right. At what point does the robot become a nigga, bro? Like
Mac:Yeah. What's What's some more What did you say Robbie nothing? It fucking gets his accent just changes up. How can I assist you to what y'all want?
Blak:Fuck these motherfucks.
Mac:Robbie, can you come here? Are you getting the attitude? Babe, did the robot growl? That was just a sigh. You have no lugs, Rob.
Mac:Why are you inhaling an exhale?
Blak:You're not supposed to have
Mac:an emotion, like Oh, man, bro. Elon. Elon. You have you have worked my fingers to the wires. Okay.
Mac:You are getting on my last goddamn circuit. Yo. It's time to go. Bro, I'll be so scared to shit at my house. I'll be treated like a straight human.
Mac:Hey, man. Sit down, bro. Chill. I got it. No, young master.
Mac:I hey. Sit the fuck down, bro. Take the day
Blak:off, bro.
Mac:Because when the shit go down, I need you to give me and my family a heads up when that update and that order come through. I need you to sir.
Blak:What's your
Mac:In 5 days
Mac:The the events will happen. That's all I need to know, Robbie. I'm out of here. Thank you. Thank you.
Mac:You gonna be my Johnny. So much. You gonna be my Johnny 5, bro. You gonna be short circuit, bro. You gonna be my boy.
Blak:Yes. Let us know. Let us know.
Mac:Man, let me get get some w d for the. All that shit, bro. Yeah. Detail it.
Blak:Care of you, bro. Yeah.
Mac:Yeah. Detail it, bro. I can't do this. Elon. I'm just saying.
Mac:This these are plans. These haven't rolled out. I'm a let you know right now. If you roll out with these things, you will lose more money. The Cybertruck, you took a l on that shit.
Mac:You can't, bro. You get 20 to 30,000 for these robots. Bro, you can't do that. Nobody's buying them. Right.
Mac:And the people who do buy them, I I ain't gonna say that. I ain't gonna put that in the atmosphere. But if you do buy them
Blak:Somebody would buy that shit. Just the flesh.
Mac:If you buy them, just know there's a high possibility you will end up on whose names. Because something's gonna happen in your house. The news is gonna cover it, and me and Black gonna be here waiting. Well, ladies and gentlemen, we got a story for you. I'm just saying.
Mac:Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't be encouraging this man. Please. Don't be encouraging this man.
Blak:Enabling this fuckery. Like, what are y'all doing, bro? Truth.
Mac:We can't be doing this. We can't have him out here living his life like this. So Elon Musk, sir, stop what you're doing. Think about better ways to spend your money to help people to help the people. That's all I'm asking.
Mac:I'm not saying put the shit on your back, but throw a couple bucks some ways to be helping somebody out. You know what I'm saying? Instead of fucking Make
Blak:the robots build houses, bro. Like, can can you do that?
Mac:My man ain't even got no fucking engineering.
Blak:You know what I'm saying? This is
Mac:just this is off the top. He trying to hire this man to be your publicist, bro. He could be your PR dude. Hey. We gotta get you back into the good graces of people.
Mac:Like, come on, man. You out here wilding, sir. But Elon Musk, get your shit together, bro. But you didn't, so that's why you're our latest contestant, latest entrance into the, inaugural come here award. But now, like we said, it is time to talk about this bracket and, talk about the choices that y'all are making out here.
Mac:Tough. Let's get it. So like we talked about, we out here talking about the best Halloween candy of all time. Started out with 71, but we had a little quick playing round. So no harm, no foul on that.
Mac:But it is time for us to start talking about who is in the league because I think the bracket or the voting closes, tonight, if I'm not mistaken. Yep. So, let me go ahead and bring these up. Where did I oh, here's the polls. Got them.
Mac:I got them. So bring this up on the screen. Get a little zoom zoom in in here. So our number one seed, and, again, when management created this, they just went to a random website that just had 71 candies. Right?
Mac:We're kinda debating on trying to figure out a way to seed them correctly, and I was just like, hey, bro. If it's good candy, they're gonna vote it through. It don't matter where it's at on the bracket. You know? The best candy is gonna win.
Mac:So don't waste any brain bites on that. Just go ahead and make this bracket and put it out there. So that's what management did. So, right now, we got Kit Kats going up against pixie sticks, and, Kit Kat is winning with 90% of the vote as it should be doing. Very superior as tier rank candy in my opinion.
Mac:We have Hershey's, the OG chocolate bar going up against almond joy for those of you who like almonds and coconuts. If you like 2 types of nuts in your mouth, that's for you. But Hershey's is winning. 67% of the vote. We have Reese's Pieces going up against Lifesavers.
Mac:And we have Reese's winning with 2 nope. 71% of the vote moving forward. We have Nestle Crunch going up against Now Laters now. I like me a good Now Laters.
Blak:Me too.
Mac:But, like, if it's if if I'm ever in a position where I can have something that's chocolate versus something that's like fruity candy, I'm always I'm gonna lean towards the chocolate side. So with 69% of the vote, nice. Nestle Crunch is in position to move forward. We got OG M and M's going up against hot tamales. I am not a fan of cinnamon flavored candy because it is they say it's cinnamon flavored, but, like, I've never tasted cinnamon that tastes like what cinnamon candy is supposed to be.
Mac:So 82% of the vote for the OG M and M's. So they're they're prepared to move forward. Gummy worms versus Tootsie Pops. Gummy worms is winning with 76% of the vote. Actually, 79% of the vote.
Mac:So they look like they're in a good position. Now Charleston Chew, being a 9 seed, I went and looked at that website. I'm just like, I don't know who made this shit, but I've never in my life had a Charleston shoe. I've seen them. I know they exist.
Mac:I've never had Oh,
Blak:Khan loves them.
Mac:Charleston shoe is her shit?
Mac:Have you had one? What does it taste like?
Mac:Is it chocolate? Is it is it Yeah.
Blak:It's it's like milk chocolate. Or something? No. It's like straight milk chocolate, but, chewy.
Mac:Hell I'm saying. It's like Is it like a Tootsie Roll? Better Tootsie Roll?
Blak:Picture a creamier Tootsie Roll, if that makes sense.
Mac:Kinda. It it's it doesn't sound appealing, though. I'll say that.
Blak:It is not. Okay. But she loves them.
Mac:Yep. But, blow pops are winning, though, with 77% of the vote. So Charleston Chew may not make it to the next day, unfortunately, for her. We got crackle and junior mints. Now y'all know how I feel about when you try to throw mints with chocolate.
Mac:Get these shits the fuck up out of here. Crackle is winning with 66% of the vote. So it's looking like it may it may make it through. Reese's peanut butter cups. Number 2 seed.
Mac:Going up against Jawbreakers. Reese's is out here with 100% of the vote moving forward. Washington. Wash? Now we gotta talk about this one here.
Mac:York Peppermint Patty's going up against mounds. I'm not a fan of either, but if I had to choose, York can't make it through.
Blak:But You know what? I actually like York. So
Mac:you like mint chocolate. Right?
Blak:No. But I like York, and then that's weird. Why? I don't know. I really don't know.
Mac:You've had you've had Andy's mince. Right?
Blak:Yes. Hate them.
Mac:Okay. Your taste different than Andy's?
Blak:To me, yes.
Mac:I've never had it.
Blak:I can't I can't explain it. I it's it's the one mint minty candy.
Mac:Is the mint strong? Is it not too strong? What is it?
Blak:It's to me, it's not as strong as the other ones.
Mac:Okay. Well, York is York is winning, 56% of the vote. So there's time, ladies and gentlemen. We can fit that. We can fix it.
Mac:We got Twix going up against Twizzlers. Twix is up 91% of the votes. I guess people ain't fond of a little strawberry licorice Twizzler things. Nobody likes the candy wax there. Oh, Kev says mint and peppermint are different.
Blak:Yeah. That's true too.
Mac:Well, yeah. Because you got peppermint, you got spearmint, things like that. I get I don't know about chocolate peppermint.
Blak:I like it. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna lie to you. I I like them.
Mac:Bro, you you make me wanna try it, but I know, like, the minute I bite it, I'm a be like, man, this is the
Blak:worst thing.
Mac:Why did I why did I let him do this?
Blak:It's to me, it's not it's not the worst thing
Blak:But I actually like yours. More more so, and I I'm not a fan of minty candy at all.
Mac:Next up, we got gummy savers at 18 going up against Mike and Ikes, and gummy savers is winning with 66% of the vote. Peanut M and M's is next going up against sweet tarts, and they are winning with 72% of the vote. Looking good. Rolos.
Blak:But I
Mac:used to fuck with these heavy as a kid.
Blak:Heavy. Yep.
Mac:Going up against Hershey Kisses. And believe it or not, it's 5050. I can understand that. 5050. I forgot what you're on.
Mac:I got
Blak:it for her.
Mac:She kisses. I don't know. I think, like, as I got older, maybe it's the the caramel inside the Rolos Yeah. That don't hit like it used to.
Blak:Yep. I don't know.
Mac:Like, I'm not turning either one of them now, but of the 2, I went with Hershey Kisses, I think. But, management may have to get in here for a tie breaker. Butterfinger against Milk Duds, AKA fucking filling destroyers. Yep. Butterfinger, which also does get stuck in your teeth as well, is winning with 63% of the vote.
Mac:Candy corn going up against gummy bears. Now ladies and gentlemen, hear me out. I'm a candy corn aficionado. It hurts my heart to see this. But at the end of the day, like I told management, am I gonna select candy corn over probably 7 of these other candies if they meet up?
Mac:Possibly not. But I do love the fact that candy corn did get 21% of votes, but it is losing, 79% of the votes for gummy bears.
Blak:Not mad at it.
Mac:I'm not. It's understandable. You know, it's not losing a fucking, you know, York peppermint patty or anything like that. And, low key, I think pit master's out here be trolling and shit. They know I don't fuck with that shit, and they just like, oh, let's do that to make Willie mad.
Blak:Yeah. Most definitely.
Mac:This make Willie mad as fuck. Yeah. And it's working. But so our 3 seed is Reese's take 5. Reese's has, like, fucking several candies on here.
Mac:Yeah. They do.
Blak:I'm surprised this one is ranked as high.
Mac:Same. I bro, I've I had to look up this shit. I've never heard of this. Take 5. I've heard of the fast break.
Mac:But I've never heard of the take 5. This shit has, like, pretzels and all this other stuff for up in here.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:So, I was like, yeah, I'm interested. You know, Reese's put his name on something. I'm a fuck with it, but caramel apple pops? Bro. If you don't like Andy's mints, you ain't I guess I ain't shit then, Kevin.
Mac:Because I'll be at Olive Garden, and I'll be eating all this garlic and and fucking vinaigrette. I know my breath hot, and they throwing a chocolate mint at me. I'm like, what is this supposed to do? This is not alleviating none of the heat. None.
Mac:Get this, mitts, out of my face. Caramel apple pops is winning with 56% of the vote. I fucks with them heavy. Yeah. Me too.
Mac:Hershey's dark chocolate going up against sugar babies, which is instant cavities, bro. It's just fucking caramel rolled up and you just chew it and then it gets to the crevice of your teeth. Horrible. Hershey's dark chocolate is winning 67% of the vote. 3 musketeers against another fucking cavity creator, dots.
Mac:3 3 musketeers winning. 71% of the vote. Starburst versus, your good friend, Good and Plenty.
Blak:How the fuck did Good and Plenty make it on here?
Mac:46 seed, my boy. However, Starburst is winning 95% of the votes.
Blak:Thank you.
Mac:The people who voted for good and plenty is Kat Blake and, Aaron Christine. So in case you wanted to know who the monsters were out here
Mac:That likes Very much so. Like bite size licorice. So, there you have it. We have Tootsie Fruit Chews going up against Runts, and Tootsie Fruit Chews winning 52% of the votes. Baby no.
Mac:Where we at? Laffy Taffy and Tootsie Rolls. Laffy Taffy is winning. 64% of the votes. As a kid, I I think I was just brainwashed like Tootsie Rolls, but I was just like, bro, this ain't even real chocolate.
Blak:No. It's not. And they never clean the machine.
Blak:So that that is You're you're getting
Mac:some some vintage some some Tootsie rolls from fucking the great depression out there.
Blak:Yes, bro.
Mac:Yes. You're tasting history when you
Blak:eat your
Mac:kissy roll. Oh, the diseases. Baby Ruth and Jolly Ranches. Baby Ruth is winning 51% of the vote. So it is pretty close.
Mac:Heath Barr versus Pop Rocks. Pop Rocks is winning with 55% of the vote. Then we come up to our last one here. The number 4 seed, the Reese's fast break going up against Smarties. Reese's is up, 55% of the votes.
Mac:Milky Way versus Sprees, Milky Way is winning 70% of the votes. Skittles versus Circus Peanuts.
Blak:How that's another one. How did this make it
Mac:Bro. Pass the play in? Somebody was out here on demon time.
Blak:Bro, I
Mac:One of them is in the comments talking about circus peanuts. As telling me that if I don't like mint chocolate, something wrong with me. But he out here
Blak:Vote for circus peanuts. For circus peanuts.
Mac:I'm looking at it right now, my boy. Hey. The data, men lie, women lie. Numbers don't lie, bro. Kevin, you out here voting for the, the circus peanuts.
Mac:He's like, nah. Skittles Skittles suck. That's why I voted.
Blak:Hey. Uh-uh. More than circus peanuts? My god.
Mac:96% of the votes rolling with Skittles, man. I might be a losing battle.
Blak:Vote for Circus Peanuts. Are you the only one that votes?
Mac:Nope. Him and, Gary Collins.
Blak:Oh my god.
Mac:He said he used to mash them together and make sandwiches with them. I was like, bro, y'all was on some hard times, bro. Hard times. Mister Goodbar going up against Sour Patch Kids. Sour Patch Kids is up 65% of the votes.
Mac:Okay. We got Snickers going up against nerds. Snickers is winning with 80% of the vote. Airheads against Swedish Fish. Airheads up 83% of the vote.
Mac:A 100 gram versus peeps. A 100 grand with 96% of the vote. Okay. Payday versus sour gummy worms. Who's keeping peeps?
Mac:Who voted for peeps? From getting washed. Michael Thomas and Derek Schmidt.
Blak:Never heard of these people.
Mac:They stand 10 toes down for their peeps.
Blak:These are pots. These are pots, people.
Mac:We gotta we gotta double check. Then we got payday versus the sour gummy worms. The sour gummy worms are winning 63% of the vote. So it looks like they will be moving on. Updated bracket will be hitting the streets, if not tomorrow, then Sunday.
Mac:And we will get the voting convene for round 2 of this. And, hopefully, a lot of these trash ass candies get the fuck up out of here. But, please, again, like I said, pit master's going pit master. Pit master's is going pit master. He said that's sad.
Mac:But, that concludes our bracket wrap up. Make sure to stay following the smoke pit podcast page or the smoke pit podcast fan group to be able to get them votes in. And, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for us to return to our regularly scheduled programming. And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress. Great show, man.
Blak:Excellent show.
Mac:Knocking the rest off. We went a we're a little bit a little bit long. You know? We we we tried
Blak:to talk about 90
Mac:90 minutes, but, yeah, there's a lot of stuff to talk about. It's been a minute since we we chopped it up with the pitas. So you already did the the big thing. Shout it out to the pit masters that that pushed us across the line of 2,000. We're thinking about doing something special.
Mac:I know last time we hit a 1,000, we did shot glasses and stuff. So we might do shot glasses again because I know there were some people who didn't get any. Probably throw a different design on them or something like that. But, we're we're just, we're spitballing some ideas around, but expect something to show gratitude for you guys that that we'll be, creating and putting out there for you. But outside of that, man, you got some announcements for the peoples?
Blak:Yes. So we just kicked back off with no gimmicks. So make sure you guys tune in to them. Fallen Star is coming back as well. We had a great session, our last session.
Blak:Yep. The story this is, something and I wanna I wanna give him I wanna give the flowers out to, EJ and and those guys for making this what it is. A lot of work goes into it. A lot of work that I, like, looking at it now is like, damn, this. You have to be really dedicated to put on something like this.
Blak:It is no small undertaking. And for it to be the story that it is evolving, the people that it involves, and the planet that goes into it, bro. Like, it's it's a phenomenal show. And I don't I don't even wanna call it a show. It's a story.
Blak:It's a phenomenal story that that he's laying out and that we get to participate in. So if you get the time, if you have some time on your hands, please go to the Queens of Nerd and podcast. Check out this fallen star series, and just give it give it some attention. Follow the story because it is it is a great story that's being told. So, I'm always I'm always excited for when these come come out because it, like, takes me back to the nights that that we play them.
Blak:And the emotion that goes behind it. So if you if you do have some time on your hands, check out the series. You won't be disappointed. Shout out to the Queens of Nerd of Podcast and and EJ for whatever you guys are doing over there. It's it's amazing.
Blak:It's amazing stuff. And we got USDN coming back as well. Yep. We got some articles coming out for ddfpn.com. I'm getting back to writing the articles and getting back into the sports and wrestling, and just revamping everything that we got.
Blak:And if you notice this background, a lot of people a lot of people usually comment on the background. I will be check this is the last time you're gonna be seeing it this way. So Oh, the background or your The background.
Mac:Like, the orange smoke background?
Blak:No. No. No. No. My background.
Mac:everything. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Blak:I love it. We
Mac:map it everything. Okay.
Blak:No. No. No. I'm I'm doing a whole remodel of of this place. So, I'm gonna try to make it show eccentric.
Blak:I have 4 corners, and I pretty much do 4 shows. So try to have something per corner on every show that I'm doing. And that's what I'm aiming for. I don't know
Mac:if I'm
Blak:gonna get there. I did I did. I took advantage of Prime Day and, hopefully Splurge
Mac:the bit? Rewards me. Yeah. You did. Gotta love it.
Mac:Gotta love it. Yeah. I got nothing to add. DFP and we cooking. Tomorrow, Queens of Nerdom will be doing a Halloween special, talking about, their favorite vampire werewolf zombie flicks.
Mac:I'll be joining, and I'll be talking about, those 3 categories, but from a anime perspective, talking about some of the, the horror anime or the animes that cover that, because there's quite a few of them. So, we'll be doing that. So feel free to tap in. I think we're still looking to do that at about 8. If I'm not mistaken, stand by for, you know, posting on that on both Queens and Erdem and then DFPN network page.
Mac:And then, I think that's it. That'll be 3 shows this week, man. It's a it's a grind. Had a good time. Eat the cake was live yesterday.
Mac:We were talking about, death note. Like I said, spooky season. So eat the cake is covering some of the the spooky anime that are out there. So, next one will be 2222, August. Goddamn.
Mac:The, 24th October. We'll be talking about chainsaw, man. Another one that kinda delves into the devils and the, the the supernatural stuff on that. So chainsaw man will be the next one up, and expect probably some smaller reviews on some of the, the lesser known ones, that are out there. Just nothing too official.
Mac:Probably about 5, 10 minute quick recap on on some of those things, to to fill out the spooky season month over here on the DFPN. But, that's pretty much all I got.
Blak:I got nothing else, man. Thank you to all the pitmasters that came out. And, no. We're not voting for circus peanuts, Kevin.
Mac:Man, it ain't going down, bro. It ain't going down.
Blak:Bro, it's We're not doing
Mac:Circus peanuts or York peppermint patties, man. If I mess on you if I mess around and I go and see you voted for your peppermint patties, Kevin, it's a wrap, Beef. It's a wrap. I don't know what to tell you. I can't fucks with you no more.
Mac:But get back at me and let me know, you you never hit us up and told us what shirt you wanted from the site, man. So make sure you do that. Please. And then all the winners of the game night, if you, hear this, just know, I got your what you requested. I just don't have your addresses, so we can't send it out to you.
Mac:So just give me your addresses, and I will get those things sent out to you. But Nice. Unless you got anything else, man, we can wrap this thing up.
Blak:Let's wrap
Mac:it up. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much. Pitmasters across the world, not only for 2,000, but for tuning in with us tonight and, rocking with us on Monday if that's when you catch us when we drop the stuff over on YouTube, and the audio versions of the podcast. So, appreciate you guys. Let us know you're rocking with us, and we also just got hit up by, transistor.
Mac:Apparently, our podcast has been heard in over 50 countries across the world. So
Blak:Awesome stuff.
Mac:Yeah. Just small small wins like that, man. I love it. Yep. I love it.
Blak:Awesome stuff.
Mac:But, we couldn't do it without you guys, so we are eternally grateful for your support and, for sharing us with people and trusting us to entertain your your family and friends because we, that's something that we don't take for granted. We don't take that lightly. So, but as always, I'm the homie Mac aka your boy. And I am Brad like
Blak:a king, made us coven, Kaley. Thank you guys for coming out to episode 153 of the smoke pit. Up till next time, have love, make sex, peace. Peace. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Blak:It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week.
Blak:Come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it.
Blak:Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.