Ep 149: "Which Celeb Would You Bring Back, Jonathan Majors Reaction to RDJ, MyKayla Skinner & Anthony Hair"
Hey, ladies and gentlemen. You know what it is. Another Wednesday night episode of the smoke pit. Again, listen. We ain't trying to make this the norm.
Mac:It just is what it is. I I got a, engagement I can't get out of on Friday. So, you know, we don't wanna leave y'all high and dry come Monday or the patrons, the patrons high and dry on a Friday. So the dynamic duo is back on a Wednesday. How are you feeling, man?
Blak:I'm okay, man. How about you?
Mac:I'm good. I'm good. I I know you pulling back to back duties. No gimmicks was live last night. And then, you roll and turn it right back into the, the, the smoke pit.
Mac:So, I think you should be done after this for the week, getting ready for covering some aid. It's still AEW down there in, Texas with you. Right?
Blak:Yep. But, since since we got an open Friday, I'm actually gonna I'm gonna spin the block on no gimmicks and do another show Friday. That one's gonna be Patreon on it.
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, DFPN, the gift that keeps on giving. Yes, sir. To content. So, much appreciated for that, my boy.
Blak:Yes, sir.
Mac:But, we don't wanna keep you too long with the cold opening. I do wanna say before we, we cue the intro, happy 1 year anniversary to the, the riverboat, revolution. Y'all thought we forgot. Yes, sir. We did it for Gits down there in, good old Montgomery, man.
Mac:But, yep. It It was good to see all the memes and the stuff back at it again. And, with the Olympics going on, it's a lot of black excellence going on in the Olympics. Shout out to, you know, team USA across the board. We winning in medals.
Mac:We winning in gold and everything. Simone Biles solidifying herself as one of the greatest. We got, Noah Lyles out there winning the, the 100 meter. He about to kill the 200, you know, because ain't nobody touching him in that shit this year. So a lot of good stuff going on, but there's a lot of, people got a lot of slick shit to say about certain people, and we'll get to that later in the podcast.
Mac:We got a very difficult decision when it comes to, you know, bringing back some of our beloved celebrities that we lost, too soon, as well as, kind of around the the fuck around and find out, edition of the smoke pit. Episode 149. You ready to get started, my guy?
Blak:Let's do it, my guy.
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, let's go. 149. Smoke pit starts right now.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke bin. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke bin. It's time for us to show off.
Blak:It's been a long week. Come relaxing. Get some lapsing and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions, I'm hoping you can answer it.
Blak:Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smokes here.
Mac:Yep. Y'all know what it is. Wednesday night. Mood is right. Dynamic duo of black and Mac gracing your screens, for the newest and latest episode of the smoke pit 149.
Mac:Got a lot of stuff to talk about. I got my my shot of Soju here, my my drink throughout the duration over here as well. So, are you prepped?
Blak:I am, but, so here's an announcement that I have to make, unfortunately.
Blak:I cannot drink and for the remainder of, the quarter because I'm going to be having surgery in September.
Mac:That's fine, my guys.
Blak:That's fine. Yeah.
Mac:H two o is good to go.
Blak:Can't drink until then.
Mac:H two o soda. What whatever, man. As long as, you know, we we got something to charge our glasses with to, to toast our peoples out of here. You got something to toast to the people?
Blak:That good o h too, Izzy.
Mac:You got something you wanna toast to?
Blak:You know what, man? Let's toast to let's toast to life. Let's toast to happiness.
Blak:And since it's hump day, hopefully, somebody's hopping out there. So toast to that.
Mac:The, hopefully, somebody is having love and and making sex out there. Exactly. Salud.
Mac:That sounded refreshing on your end, bro.
Blak:It it it was. Crisp.
Mac:But like we said, we got a lot to get into, so we don't wanna belabor anything. I think it's time to get straight into this house beating y'all.
Intro:I think we need to have a house meeting, y'all.
Mac:So, if you're unfamiliar with the, Smoke Pit Podcast fan group, you could check the link in the description below, and, feel free to partake in the, shenanigans that that run amok over there, throughout the day when, our moderators are not able to get in there. And, no. We actually we did we we curved it a lot Yeah. By turning on, post approval. So, we did.
Mac:So it's controlled chaos over in the the group. But, we had somebody post a very, shout out to pit master Brian McCoy. He posted, kind of a, a picture, and I'll bring it up and share it. And we'll go to our babao. Look at that.
Mac:I love this. So you get to see us in the screen instead of small us in the big screen. But you see here, we have, bring back 3. Now these are all celebrities, like we mentioned in the, the opening here that have all gone too soon, according to a majority of people. And the crazy thing is they're asking us to sit and really look at this list of people we have here and say if we could bring 3 back to fulfill, you know, their calling when they were here on this earth, what 3 would it be?
Mac:And for those listening, I believe this is Tina Turner, Dale Earnhardt, John Ritter, Suzanne Somers, Selena, John Candy, Heath Ledger, John Lennon, Princess Diana, Keith Cobain, Marilyn Monroe, Freddie Mercury, Shannon Daugherty, Prince, bro. I've I've drawn them. Patrick Swayze, Aaliyah, Pamela Lee, and Steve Irwin, crocodile hunters. So, a lot of people I feel were taken too soon.
Mac:Either due to, natural causes or, you know, the lifestyle that they were leading, some bad decisions and stuff like that. So I'm I'm a just go ahead and and and toss you out into the deep end first. If there is one that you like, there was no debate that you were thinking, I would like this person to come back and and continue, blessing us with their talents and their gifts. Who would you choose, my guy? Off the ripper?
Mac:I gotta go with Freddie Prince.
Blak:I got I got her.
Mac:Freddie Prince? Yep. Freddie Mercury?
Blak:I mean, Freddie Mercury. Sorry.
Mac:I was like, Freddie Prince? Freddie Mercury. He ain't up here. And I was like, I know Freddie Prince Junior is still around. So Freddie Mercury.
Mac:Why is that?
Blak:I I feel like he was taken out right before his talents were, you know, gracing the world, if you will. Mhmm. Being that you are in your prime and you're and you're you're on that big of a level that he was on, it only makes sense, man. Like, you gotta you gotta I gotta bring him back for the sheer essence that the music he made was was fire.
Mac:You know what
Blak:I mean? So and Queen wasn't the same without him, so bring him back.
Mac:He's high on my list. He he didn't make the cut for me. I think only because, like, I didn't really catch on and appreciate Queen's full discography until that biopic came out, Bohemian Rhapsody. I knew obviously of their Bohemian Rhapsody song from Wayne's World, and it's like a karaoke staple. And I think I knew, like, 1 or 2 other Queen songs, don't stop and, a bicycle.
Mac:Right? I was just like, bro, I love these jams. But after, well and then another one bites the dust. Like, they're big ones. Right?
Mac:But then after the movie, I'm just like, man, this dude was really ahead of his time, was doing something vocally that was not done before.
Blak:Right. Right.
Mac:Was was an entertainer, 1st. Singer
Mac:2nd. Walking out with the half mic stand so he can twirl it around and and and, you know, kinda control the, and then, of course, the, the Live Aid concert at the end of that movie that I think was done so well in the movie that caused me to go back and be like, let me go listen to to what else these guys had. And I was shocked to see how complete of a band they were. And if, you know, in the eighties, you know, like, things were going on. Eagles were flaring.
Mac:People wanted to do certain things. They butted heads, and they split and all that stuff. So, yeah. Like, I I'm a 100%. I'm I'm not knocking that.
Mac:Like, if you bring him back, that's cool because he's back, and I don't have to waste one of my 3 wishes to bring him back. So I agree. Me, off rip, Aaliyah has to come back, man.
Blak:That's why I didn't pick Aaliyah.
Mac:If you did not yeah. If you do not know the story, about how much I adored this woman. And in my mind, I'm like, bro, like, we're gonna get married. She just doesn't know it yet. Right?
Mac:The night that she died, I was working at McDonald's. I was the closing shift manager, and we're not supposed to close the drive through till 11. We got word that she passed. It comes over the radio. It's the quiet storm dude that was doing it.
Mac:So he's like, I just the music just stopped, you know. I was just like, what the fuck's going on? He breaks the news, and I'm just like, shut all this shit down, guys. It was like, Will. Will, it's only, like, 9:45.
Mac:We don't close. Shut shut this shit down. We closing and we leaving early. And sure enough, we fucking did. And, the store manager, comes in the next day just like, I noticed we didn't have any transactions after this time here.
Mac:I was like, yeah. I closed the store. She was like, what? It's like Aaliyah died. She was like, I'll talk to you later.
Mac:It was one of the it was one of the McDonald's where one of the McDonald's where where they're hurting for people, So they ain't going you know? Like, if we fire the 1 manager willing to work the closing shift 5 times a week, we gonna be fucked. So we'll just we'll just talk to them, and and that'll be that. So, Aaliyah is coming back. Plus, I feel musically, she wasn't she didn't reach her peak in that.
Mac:And then also her ability to act like she was well on her way to doing some amazing stuff in Hollywood and, unfortunately, was taken too soon. So, I would bring Aaliyah back.
Blak:That that is a good pick. Fun fact, I enlisted for the air force that day.
Mac:So it's your fault? No. It wasn't my fault. Every time every time somebody's like, I did something exactly this day. Oh, so you did that shit, motherfucker.
Blak:It's you. You did it.
Mac:Because the universe wanted to bless you. I had to take blessings from somebody else. Right? Bet. Bet.
Mac:Alright. Yeah.
Blak:Man. People don't know how if Aliyah was still alive.
Mac:Mhmm. The
Blak:the massiveness of her stardom. Oh. Because she was she was hitting that stride, bro. Like, queen of the damn that came out. She had just dropped the her last album that we know now was her last album.
Blak:Yeah. We rock the boat on it. Oh. And it was just like, bro, she is you could see it.
Mac:She was on her way. 100%.
Blak:Sad day. That was a sad day.
Mac:100%. Yeah. Alright, man. Number 2 for you. What you got?
Blak:Number 2, these these are hard, man. And I'm I'm just gonna go from from a perspective of this is me and my grandparents' house.
Blak:if you go to your grandparents' house Mhmm. And if you go to your grandparents' house Mhmm.
Blak:One of 2 things back then were playing, at least for me. It was either the soap operas or it was the Discovery Channel. 1 of those 2 were playing. Alright. And I'm bringing back Steve Urban for that fact.
Blak:It's a nostalgia thing. Like, you I've learned so much about animals because I was always in my grandma's house. I learned more shit about animals that I should have at that age. You know what I mean? Because he was just out and explaining them, getting to know him.
Blak:Like, this white dude crazy, bro, but fucking learning. I'm learning. Look at that fella there. Like, bro, put the snake down. What what is wrong with you?
Blak:One bite from this night and I die. Like, come on, bro.
Mac:The police put it down. Yeah. Yeah.
Blak:What you're touching it for? Put the state down, bro. But that that's why I love them because he took the time. He put his life on the line to explain that shit. And I think the way that he went out was just so fucking trivial.
Blak:You know what I mean? Like, of all the dangerous shit that he messed around with, a stingray is what got him. My grandest stingrays are they are very, very dangerous animals. But I was like, come on, bro. That's like all the things in the world that you mess with a stingray, like, come on, man.
Mac:I mean, in his defense, it was like a a 1 in 100th chance that the aim of that stingray would have been in between where it was to hit, you know, the spot it did to to to kinda, you know, do them in. But what are the reasons I don't get in the ocean? That and, rip currents. Like, the ocean those should've killed myself. Like, there's you don't see fish coming up here trying to do some wild ass shit.
Mac:I shouldn't be in there trying to be a goddamn fish. Exactly. Waist tie only. Depending on the visibility of the water because, bro, a piece of seaweed touched my leg, bro. On the top of the water.
Mac:I'm out. I don't know what the fuck is in here. I've been to plenty aquariums. I've seen some shit in the ocean. I'm just like, that should be in the ocean?
Mac:No. I can't fuck with that shit.
Blak:I know.
Mac:At all. For me, number 2, again, selfishly, Heath Ledger. And and this is only for my my love of Batman in the role gallery in Batman. The and and most more recently, the the shame that Jared Leto brought on the Joker character when it comes to the big screen.
Blak:We didn't we didn't see too much out of him, though.
Mac:Thank the lord for that. Right? You you can't go from Jack Nicholson. Right?
Mac:Playing the Joker.
Mac:Joker goes away. Then you have Mark Hamill voicing him in all the animated stuff brilliantly. Then they're like, we're bringing Joker back. I'm like, oh, fuck. Yeah.
Mac:I don't know. I don't know. And I'll let you know off rip, man. When they're just like, Heath Ledger's playing the Joker, he was fresh off of Brokeback Mountain, a movie that I have not seen to this day. Not because I'm homophobic.
Mac:Get that out the way. It's just the the premise of the movie, I'm just like, this looks boring as shit. You know? I know when
Blak:It won't yeah.
Mac:It wasn't or it was?
Blak:No. I don't know. I haven't seen it, but anything Jake Gyllenhaal is in, I I'd usually avoid.
Mac:I'm trying to think. Outside of, Spider Man far from home, And, there was a cop movie he was in end of watch with Michael Pena, which I thought was pretty good. But, yeah, I'm not really like Jake Gyllenhaal is in a movie. I'm not signing up. You know, I'm just not like, I gotta see this shit.
Mac:You know? So Right. I agree. But what he did for the Joker was was outstanding. I thought he was amazing.
Mac:And, I was like, if he was still around, I'm pretty sure he would have said no to Suicide Squad. I'm I'm assuming, because he was he was in his bag at that point. I think when he tapped into what he did for Joker, he took his acting to another level. And I'm just like, if he was still around, imagine what he could be doing in this new Batman universe that, that is going on right now instead of having old buddy from, immortals or what was it? Immortals?
Mac:Eternals. I'm sorry.
Blak:Eternals? Yeah.
Mac:That guy playing the joker. So, you know, and and do I think he would have been in the DCEU? Do I think he would have done maybe he would have kinda talked some sense into a Zach Snyder or something. I don't know. But I'm just sad that his last role is so iconic, and then, you know, he he won it, and all that stuff.
Mac:So, but still, I I'm just like, man, what could have been? Because I like what Matt Reeves is doing with Batman now. I'm just like, if we could just have him as a solid joker in here with what I think is the best year 1 Batman right now, I think it'd be I think it'd be like box office with with
Blak:booming. Hell. Box office booming. Yeah.
Mac:Right? So that's my number 2, mister Heath Ledger.
Blak:Okay. I'm with that.
Blak:I'm with that. And that was gonna
Mac:If If that's your number, then go ahead and call it.
Blak:No. That one no. Because that's high on my list too. So my my last one
Blak:My last one. I'm gonna pick Prince. I'm gonna bring back Prince. Because
Mac:I'm gonna do that.
Blak:Few people few people musically have what Prince had. The gift that he had and not not as an entertainer, as a musician. As a musician, there are few people on earth who got music the way Prince got music.
Blak:They he was able to express himself through his music and how he played it and how he learned things and how he brought him to the table, even his live sets. And I used to go to Minnesota, and it was notorious where he where his compound was he'd open that he'd open it and then he'd play for people
Blak:At his house. And, like, he let people listen to his albums at his house. This was the thing. And knowing, like, that part of him and what he brought to the table musically, the world lost a really, really good person. Also, they lost a genius.
Mac:So 100%.
Blak:Yeah. Musically, Prince was a fucking genius, bro. And I will I I hate that the lifestyle did that, did what it did, but it it's as unsurprising as it was, especially after Michael Jackson. Like, you start to realize the pressure they put on themselves. And it's just like once you get to that level, bro, is the responsibility of having people around you that care, it grows a 100 times the higher you climb.
Blak:You know what I mean?
Blak:And it's it's a shame that we had to lose somebody like that the way we lost him. So yeah, I would I would I would want Prince to come back. Plus, he was ultra petty, and I love pettiness.
Mac:Yeah. I'd bring Prince back of of the the celebs we have on here. Prince, 100%. Every everything you said, I I echo. What he meant to me, like I know I know, like, in the in the group, like, I'm Prince could never not post a Michael Jackson highlight or something like that.
Mac:Right? But, when Prince would do a song, the fact that I know, like, he could play all these instruments, When he has a musical break, an instrumental break in his song, the shit is never it's never like, oh my god. That you know, like, skip it. Like, that's even better than the actual lyrics in the singing. It's just like, bro, the the whole song is amazing.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? Right. Right. And you could pretty much probably and and it's just depending on the person because, you know, we have John Lennon up here. You know, Selena's up here.
Mac:Kurt Cobain. Like, there's some musical people up here. Tina Turner that people like that were in their bag and doing amazing things musically.
Mac:But I think Tina Turner wasn't making new music. She was doing tours. I think she had a residency and stuff like so her music was living on. People were going to see her.
Mac:Selena was another one, that I think was discovering the crossover into, like, pop in the more popular music. So I think she would have been a big cross. I think she it's gonna sound like I'm hating. If she did not pass away, I think nobody would have paid any attention to Jennifer Lopez.
Blak:Oh, that's an absolute fact.
Mac:I'm not hating on you, Jen. Even though you
Blak:That's not even hate.
Mac:Even though I know you and Ben are going through a divorce right now. Go figure. Right? Who who didn't see that coming, ladies and gentlemen? But, because it worked out so well the first time.
Mac:Right? What the let me stop. This ain't about Jen. I'm sorry. But JLo.
Mac:What the
Blak:fuck is we doing?
Mac:What the
Blak:fuck is we doing? Okay. You're still jigging.
Mac:Yes. So I feel if she was alive, we would have been saved from, JLo. However, if JLo never came around, Ashanti never would have been discovered for her background vocals that they because Ashanti was singing all of fucking, J. Lo songs in the beginning. So but Prince, a musical prodigy.
Mac:A musical prodigy, that was taken too soon from us. Wildcard. I see Blake. I see your comment. He's in the MCU if he was alive, does intrigue me.
Mac:I'm wondering if match me. Blake, if you're still here, who would you like to have seen Heath play in the MCU? Hero or villain? And then let me know which character is hero or villain. I would like to see that.
Mac:And, again, shout out to Blake over there on the fundamentals, podcast. You could check them out over. They have a page on Facebook, but they're kind of awaiting their probation period to go live from there. But you could check them out on on, on the YouTube's, FanDometals. But, so wild card for you, my guy.
Mac:Yep. Bring back somebody that's not on this list. Who would it be?
Blak:Hands down, it's Michael Jackson.
Blak:I didn't even have to think that long.
Mac:Easy choice, Easy choice.
Blak:Michael Jackson.
Mac:Yep. I was I was leaning that way, but then I looked over at this comment and somebody put, he's not on here, but Robin Williams.
Blak:Oh, that's a good one. So
Mac:That's a good one. Yeah. It it'd be it'd be a toss-up between those 2 and a close like, super close, like, 1aoneb or 1aonebonec. So it'd be Mike. It'd be, Robin Williams, and, like, Chadwick because Really?
Mac:Chadwick Boseman. I would like for him to come back, because I feel, like he too was was getting in his back acting. He he's been acting. He acted a a few, very influential and integral black, pop culture items or items, icons, doing, Jackie Robinson, James Brown, fucking the cinematic debut of T'Challa, which which did so much for the culture, moving forward. And yeah.
Mac:And and you saw Black Panther too. You know, you were still in your your feelings when all that stuff was going down, man. So imagine if we coulda had a Black Panther too. I'm I'm just glad we got to see him through the Infinity Saga. I just
Blak:wish we
Mac:could have seen him, you know, hand off the role under his own terms or in in a better way instead of, passing away off screen and be in the story. So, but, yeah, those would be my 3. Those are the
Blak:Not not on this list? My 3 not on this list would be Michael Jackson, Nipsey Hussle. Oh. My man and Kobe. Those those will be my 3.
Blak:Those those are my 3.
Mac:Kobe would have been Kobe would have been amazing. And and what he would have loved to have seen what the WNBA has now become.
Blak:Yes. Very much. Very much. But that is a that is a product of code
Mac:of Kobe's.
Blak:And I I only say this because I I was not a Kobe fan.
Blak:I say this because I was I was in the area, like, when both him and Nip were, like, doing their thing.
Blak:And to see I think Kendrick said it the best. There was a sense of community in LA
Blak:That we lost. And then not only not only in LA, but what it meant seeing people from that region doing what they were doing. And, like, for Nipsey to he was really uniting the game. Like, what what Kendrick did at his pop out concert, Nipsey was doing that on that scale at that time before he passed away. So, like, to see it finally happen, it was it that is what made that pop out concert a very beautiful moment.
Blak:But what Kobe was doing before he passed, like, the community in sports and, like, really everybody wanted to wanted to and he traveled with the Mamba Academy. It wasn't like they they were isolated and it was like this thing where all the NBA players, kids, they were going down to the communities and helping out the communities because people know Kobe was coming there. Yeah.
Mac:So just
Blak:for the fact that Kobe was coming there, a lot of these kids were getting looked at by colleges being able to to do things on a bigger scale because just because not not even being attached to the Mamba Academy, that you played the Mamba Academy. Yeah. And if you did well, like, eyes were put on you because it was Kobe that was helping you out. So to lose that shit and to lose Nipsey, like, LA was fucked up,
Blak:Like like, fucked up
Blak:For a while behind those 2. So, yeah, if I can bring them back, I'd bring them back.
Mac:Excellent choices, man. Excellent choices. But yeah. So Blake came back and answered my question. He was like, so, Heath as a villain or hero would work as a mutant in x men area.
Mac:Mister sinister live, maybe archangel? Dude, I don't know what they're gonna do with mister sinister, man.
Blak:Oh, that's a good choice.
Mac:Archangel, I would love to see that be redone because old buddy that was in, in the original X Men trilogy. I'm just like, please get this man out of here. Right? Like, I don't even know why they brought him into it. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Like, they brought him in the I think it was x 3. They're just like, oh, here's archangel and then Mhmm. That was it. Like, what the fuck was this for? Just trying to bring in more mutants, I guess.
Mac:And then in the, what is it, x men apocalypse when he was doing the 4 horsemen and and brought it, like, it it wasn't working for me. I don't know. Nope. And I love Oscar Isaac, but, him as apocalypse was was not it for me. It was absolutely not it.
Mac:Please, a a redo stacked. Moving on. So shout out to Jen over there at the Queens of Nerd. She, you know, filled in for us last Friday. Ran a show.
Mac:We talked Comic Con stuff, and we briefly mentioned, the big reveal that everybody's talking about are d j, Rob, like, Rob Van Van, r d j, is back as, doctor Doom, as Marvel does a heavy ass, has he pivot tween tween between the legs, change direction, and go from the Kang Dynasty to, Avengers doomsday and starts the, the arch of doom being the big baddie, for the upcoming, phase. So when that was announced, obviously, TMZ being the, the stalwart of, you know, getting the facts. Find Jonathan Majors and asks him about it. So, we'll hear what he has to say, and then, we'll we'll discuss. Hey, Jonathan.
Mac:How are you doing? Nice.
Reporter:I mean, it was announced that Robert Downey junior was
Mac:Oh, you can't hear? Uh-huh. Okay. Hold on. Hold on.
Mac:Hold on. Let me try to bring it, shared another way. Give me a sec. Because I know we talked about it briefly, but, I know you mentioned in chat, like, there's there's a lot to unpack.
Blak:There there is.
Mac:There is. With this scenario. Alright. Let me bring this back up, and let me know if y'all hear it. I'll start it back over.
Mac:Good. Hey, Jonathan. Hi, Nice.
Reporter:I mean, it it was announced that Robert Downey Junior was, you know, being brought back from Marvel to play doctor Dune. I mean, it looks like he's replacing your villain, you know, King. I mean, are you hurt with the new direction that, like, Marvel is, like, going
Majors:in? Yeah. Heartbroken.
Intro:You are?
Majors:Yeah. How how come on. Come on. Yeah. Of course.
Majors:I love him. I love Kane. I love Kane. Mhmm.
Reporter:I mean, you know Doctor
Majors:Doom is wicked, though.
Reporter:Yeah. It is good. It's gonna be good. I mean I mean, both Robert Downey junior and Ezra Miller have had, like, a history of trouble with, like, you know, the law and getting arrested for felonies. I mean, you only had a misdemeanor.
Reporter:Do you feel like it's unfair that, like, you're not being given the same opportunities as them?
Majors:Damn. I think it's I think it's fair that mister Downey is being and has been greeted with, patience and curiosity and love, and that mister Miller's gotten the same treatment, and that they're being allowed to work their art and, be creative, at that level, you know. It's not not I'm not really I didn't really I didn't really get that. So you know?
Reporter:Do you wish you had, like, the same opportunity as them?
Majors:I mean, that's hard. I mean, come on. Yeah.
Reporter:I mean, why do you think that's the case, though? Like, for that Wow.
Majors:I don't know.
Reporter:Would you want your old role back, like, your old jaw back as Kang the Conqueror?
Majors:Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Hell
Majors:love him. That's why I said I love him. I love him. I love Kane. Love time.
Majors:Love he who remains. Love him. If that's what the fans want, if that's what Marvel wants, just roll. Hell yeah.
Mac:So, damn. And and Blake's in the comments. He said, he said it was a tough watch, man. You know, it was a cringe as he watched this. The reporter was obviously bothering this man and annoying, to an extent.
Mac:You know? That I mean, that's what TMZ does. She asked the right questions or was asking the questions that she knew would, you know, go viral, things like that. So no shade on her. She's doing her job.
Mac:Paparazzi as a whole, they kinda get a bad rep. I don't think she was doing too much. She wasn't asking. She did kinda open the door to some things. Like, why do you think they're getting that treatment and you're not?
Mac:You know?
Mac:She's like, come on. Wow. Wow. I know. You really went there.
Mac:You did? You want me to say that, I'm not gonna do that. So shout out to him for keeping his cool, but, what is it that you wanted to add, to that or that that you you wanted to share?
Blak:So and I for for context. So I I said that I said that what Jonathan Majors did, he did it under the banner of Disney. Right? Mhmm. And Disney has a really, really tough policy.
Blak:They've let go of people for for committing crimes. It's just one of those things that they do, right? They they like to uphold an image, granite. They gave Robert Downey Junior a chance. They took a real big chance on him.
Blak:That's that's called the second chance, and he did not do what he did under the Disney banner, right? Since he's been under that that banner, since he's been with Marvel, he he hasn't gotten in any trouble. So those cases are are are 2 different cases. However, in the case of Ezra Miller, if if I were Jonathan Majors, I'd have an issue that, but it's not Disney. That is a completely different studio.
Blak:So in that case, yeah, what Ezra Miller did was fucked up. Like, I don't understand how he's still a free man at this point, but he's not under the Disney banner. You know what I mean? Like, you can't you can't really compare those either. It's like it's like apples to oranges.
Blak:Yeah. We saw your video. I feel bad for you. The shit that you went through was fucked up. I do feel like you were targeted because you were a celebrity.
Blak:However, however, I think Disney did you, they did you a solid. Right? They kept him on board until they found out what his verdict was. Anybody else under any other circumstance, the instant they would've gotten in trouble for this shit, they would've gotten dropped. So I do think Disney did him a solid because he's a solid guy.
Blak:And I do like his answers to the questions because he's not he's not deflecting. You know what I mean? He's not Yeah. He's not putting his shit on somebody else. I like that he owned his shit and, you know, if if that's what Marvel wants, if that's what fan want, then, yeah, I'm open to doing it again.
Blak:You know what I mean? Like, it ain't it ain't really sour grapes, granted the situation's fucked up. Because from what I've seen, the man was running away. You know what I mean? But, obviously, a court of law did not see it that way.
Blak:You gotta roll that way. I think if he if he plays his hand the way he's playing it now, we will see him back in the MCU. For now, though, take the l. It's a hard one to take. Pause, but you gotta you gotta you gotta hold it, bro.
Blak:You gotta hold that l for now.
Mac:Yeah. I I echo all of that. Like, I think what you were saying, if Ezra was was attached to a a studio that wasn't so desperate to try to make some money back after they spent x amount of 1,000,000, 100 of 1,000,000 on a on a, you know, on a show because they're already making cuts to the aquaman thing based on what Amber Heard did. And then now they're just like, as you're cutting up, we have this whole flash thing that the hype was built up for because of the Right. The one thing Zach Snyder did was introduce, you know, the flash tapping into the speed force and his director's cut of of, Justice League.
Mac:And people are just like, you know, the whole 4 hours of this movie, this is pretty dope. I would love to see I would love to see you guys tap into the speed force and possibly give us a live action, you know, what was that 1? Flashpoint, the animated movie with the Flash, with the whole yeah. Maybe we could get that, and then we could start tapping into our multiverse type stuff. You know?
Mac:But, alas, you know, he did celebrity shit and lost his mind, and and you guys can go read up what, what what Ezra did. But so they just put that movie out, didn't really promote it well, tried to do the fan service bringing Michael Keaton back and stuff. So, I mean, they were just like, it's already made. Let's just put it out and see what money we can get back for this shit. Right?
Mac:And then I think they also knew that moving forward, James Gunn isn't gonna fuck with any of these dudes. So it's just like, he's not gonna be a recurring thing. We can get him and move. Right? Move on.
Mac:Jonathan, just just just, you know, keep your head on straight. Do what you could do. Take care of your, you know, you you and your girl and and just focus on on living your best life. And I guarantee you, like, Marvel is not going to just not do anything with Kang. That is just too big of a fucking story arc, too big of a fucking, I don't wanna say like cash cow, but, bro, you fuck around and bring king back into the thing.
Mac:People be ass in seats. You know what I'm saying? So, I mean, just let this blow over. And, you know, when it would Marvel will go and and and touch the Kang story, because they wanna milk the MCU for all it's worth. And as long as they're doing a good job with that, like, you got a shot to come back.
Mac:You know? It's it's not like you're erased from the the universe, but it does kinda put the the Ant Man movie in this weird spot. Like, is this a one off now or you know? Or they could just put a pin in that and because now that you're tapped into this multiverse thing, like, you can show up any fucking way, my boy. So just, you know, keep your not that you were doing coke.
Mac:Keep your nose clean. You know? Be on the straight and narrow. Just keep your name out of other headlines. Other studios will give you a shot.
Mac:Act your ass off in those movies, and it'll be hard for Disney not to want you to come back.
Mac:It'll be hard for them to say no. On that note, if Disney is is is standing the line, like, we can't bring you on because you beat women Or alleged not allegedly because you were found guilty of it and whatnot.
Blak:But Right.
Mac:And they're like, we're gonna recast Kane. I saw. I saw it was probably made in jest. What do you think Terrence Howard come in to play the role? Because he's crazy.
Mac:Real life crazy. You think Terrence Howard could play Kane?
Blak:Okay. Yes. He can.
Blak:But, no, he cannot. He absolutely
Mac:What do you mean? Yes. He can, but, no, he can't. Blake's like, no.
Blak:He can play. He can act the part. Does he need that part? Fuck no. Do not let that man touch that role.
Mac:I think if he touches that role, he will immediately do or say something where Disney's like, fuck, man. This man is on record saying my first memory is seeing my hand moving
Blak:In the womb.
Mac:In my mother's womb. Joe Rogan was like, get this man all the way to fuck off the show.
Blak:Did you get these?
Mac:Can I get it there? I'm crying, May. Hey, May. Go get that chest right here, man. Let me get that power source up off you, man.
Mac:Let me get up on out of here, bro. You've seen that power source, man. Man, now don't don't you're gonna have to make me whoop that trick over there, man. I ain't gonna go ahead and do that, man. I don't know.
Mac:I just saw that, and I was just like, is he a method actor? I'm pretty sure he could just get in the mindset and act the fucking shit out of this part. But it's like, once you say cut, that's a wrap. Terrence, man, please just don't do shit. He already gone doing some shit.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? That's a wrap.
Blak:How to shrink myself.
Mac:Hey. Did anybody debrief Terence? Where the fuck is Terence? Oh my god. He's on another podcast.
Mac:Well, can't say we didn't try. Tell Marvel that if you shrink the particles and and do it this certain way, it could act you don't even need CG. I unfolded the flower of life and found the way of conjugations that a limit to give you unlimited power and give you unlimited flight. I'm already trying to help a country in Africa get these for aerial superiority. Aerial superiority this out now.
Mac:Type in 2.57938
Blak:times high.
Mac:Oh, man. So I'm hoping that I'm hoping they wait and, you know, let the the dooms, the doom art go through, you know, dabble around with some some, X Men story arcs, and, you know, give give Jonathan Major some time to breathe a few years, and then, you know
Mac:Come back and come back and see him. He's only 37. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. He ain't
Blak:He's got time.
Mac:He ain't all old. You know?
Blak:Right. I think they've already planted the seed. I have a theory. You do? Mhmm.
Mac:Would you like to share or save that for another day?
Blak:Are we talking Deadpool spoilers yet? No. Because it's in that movie. Alright then. No.
Mac:USDN is planning next week, so if you're stopping by for that.
Blak:I can stop by for that. But, yeah, I have a theory on that. Yeah. I think they've already planted the seed for him to come back.
Mac:Alright. Alright. But, I know you guys been waiting on it. Ladies and gentlemen, we got a 2 for when it comes to the who's man's this, this week. So, pull up and, get ready for some laughs as we kind to, we we try to figure out why certain people did certain things.
Mac:You know? But, I tried to go with 1, but, 2 is always better than 1. So ladies and gentlemen Exactly. This week's whose man's is this? Hey, Gomez is this?
Mac:Oh, man's is this? Mikaela Skinner. Like I said, it's Olympic season, ladies and gentlemen. The last 2 weeks, the Olympics been going strong. US been winning some medals.
Mac:A lot of a lot of highlights, a lot of characters, a lot of icons being discovered. We got old buddy from Turkey that just, finished dropping his kids off at the park. It was just like, I'm a be right back. Let me go win a medal right quick. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:He was going against the people from Cyberpunk. You know what I'm saying? 2027. 2077. Them cats with the super scopes on their fucking glasses, and my man just rolled up in the BCGs from basic.
Mac:It was like alright. I gotta go, guys. Last one. Last one. Like like darts.
Mac:Like, play darts in Korea. Hey, man. I gotta go. I I gotta go. I got I got
Blak:calling me, bro.
Mac:I got t 3. Hold on. Alright. One more. One more.
Mac:Alright. I'm out. Alright. I'll holler at you, boy. Holler at you, boy.
Mac:I'm a get at you.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:He pulled up like he came to the cookout and just threw some some some plates of cornhole real quick. Let me let me y'all don't know nothing about this here. Pop pop. Alright.
Blak:Alright, y'all.
Mac:Yep. So, a lot of historical things going on. So, enter 1 Mikaela Skinner, retired gymnast. You may have known her as Mikaela, was it? What was her
Blak:name? Maroney.
Mac:Maroney. Yep. Famously upset when she won the silver and the all around when I believe it was Gabby Davis that won the gold that year, and she had the face like, I don't like it. So, always the bridesmaid, never the bride for her. She did win a team gold, but the individual overall all around gold, she she never got a chance to get there.
Mac:So she has gone on record and make let me make sure I bring this up. Make sure we bring the right one. Whoop. Whoop. And, I will click on this one, but there's a alright.
Mac:Here. So I will play this one because this is the comments that led up to the aftermath of what is going on. Now at face value, you know, you can look at it and be like, she didn't really mean it in a bad way. However, she said something kinda slick about, team USA gymnastics, and she was trying to backpedal, after they won. So, I'm a play the sound.
Mac:I'm a go back. Off And then here's
News Reporter:the bring a shady team competing at the 2024 Paris Olympic.
Intro:Besides Symone, I feel like the talent and the depth just isn't like what it used to be. The girls just don't have the work ethic.
News Reporter:That was retired Olympic gymnast, Mikaela Skinner, earlier this month offering a shady opinion of the women's team competing at the
Mac:So that's what she said. The team just don't have the work ethic. She don't think they got it in there except for Symone. So then they fuck around and win The team gold, and it and it wasn't even close. Right?
Mac:So then, she goes and makes a comment. Hey. It doesn't get more iconic than this. She f ed around and found out for real. Feels like I need to apologize just to redeem my name, and that was her saying, hey.
Mac:You know, my bad for saying that stuff. Right? And she only said that because after she said what she said, a certain, fan group of a certain iconic gymnast, came out to be like, I guess, came out to support, their their star, their icon, and her team, and, we get this.
Intro:And, I sincerely hope that this topic wouldn't need to be revisited, but, unfortunately, things have really gotten out of hand lately. And it's one thing to disagree with me regarding something I have said or a point I was trying to make, but it's something else entirely when that turns into cyberbullying or even worse. Watching people cheer on the bullying, which has led to threats of physical harm to me, my husband, and our daughter is disgusting. So please, at this point, I am just asking for it to just stop for the sake of my family because enough is enough. Why I'm here, this post and others that followed it fueled another wave of hateful comments, DMs, articles, and emails.
Intro:Hate that includes death threats to me, my family, and even my agent. So, my family and my friends don't deserve to be caught in a crossfire here. They've done nothing. So to Simone, I am asking you directly and publicly to please put a stop to this. Please ask your followers to stop.
Intro:You have been an incredible champion for mental health awareness, and a lot of people need your help now. We've been hurt and attacked in ways that I am certain you, never intended. Simone's latest post and others that
Mac:Sir, the floor is yours, sir. What are your thoughts on this situation? Let me let me lead with this. You raggedy motherfucker. Oh, damn.
Blak:Why so harsh? Because, man, like, when she came out and said what she said, nobody asked her to say that shit. Like, you could have been nice.
Mac:And here's where here's where I'm
Blak:gonna call you a raggedy motherfucker. Simone Biles is she's been on record saying, like, shit got to her. The pressure got to her. Mentally, she was in a dark place. Mhmm.
Blak:Right? You at one time were her teammate. Someone that she leaned on, someone that she called a sister, someone that she went out toward the world with, and represented this country with. You know firsthand the pressure that that girl is going through. And not only that, like, she is she is a veteran now.
Blak:A lot of people see her as a leader. So for you to question the team that she is leading now is a direct reflection of her, and that's what you don't realize. So now you put way more pressure on her than what needed to be because not only she needs to be great, if she if her team is not great, then she is gonna be seen as not great. You raggedy motherfucker. So when they go out and they go and get these gold medals as a big fuck you to you, now everybody's all in your shit.
Blak:Why? Because you said what you said. Own your shit. Own that shit. Don't, can you please no.
Blak:Fuck. No. I'm not telling my followers to do shit. You know why? Because if we would have failed, then guess what you would have been doing?
Blak:Celebrating that shit.
Mac:Back on TV.
Blak:Said it. I said it. The work ethic isn't there. Nah. They fucked over you by going out there, busting they fucking ass, and bringing gold medals back.
Blak:Shut the fuck up. Own this l, you raggedy motherfucker. Because you didn't have to say that. You really didn't. Now if you didn't say that and, like, you have plenty of opportunity to to be like, you know what?
Blak:I said what I what I said wasn't in line with what I believe the values are for the US women's gymnastics team. That's all you could've said. You have plenty of time to do that. Now one time did you say that shit. Own every bit of the shit that you get.
Blak:Now the death threats, if you are getting death threats, alright. Fine. That that's out of line. That shit's out of line. All other shit.
Blak:All of that shit. Hold it. Hold it. Own it. Cry.
Blak:You raggedy motherfucker. And I'm off my soapbox.
Mac:He said, he getting desperate. I, you know, stop doing that. But Yeah. You know, the thing that gets me is the fact that when you scroll, like, she's all like, yeah. They're on me.
Mac:They keep you know? Like, can you post some of these death threats? Can you take some screenshots so people take this shit seriously? Because I doubt anybody is threatening to harm your agent. Who the fuck out here
Blak:Who knows what you mean?
Mac:The time to yes. They're threatening me, my husband. Nobody give a fuck about your husband either. They worried about you. Ain't nobody care about you or your husband, your 10 month old.
Mac:Who the fuck is out here giving death threats to your 10 month old child?
Blak:It's a baby, bro. It's a baby.
Mac:Wait. I mean, hey. Fans could be passionate. Woah. Woah.
Mac:But we we like, bro, your baby, like, chill. Chill. Like, nobody's doing that. Quit.
Blak:They're watching fucking House of the Dragon. Stop this shit, bro. Stop.
Mac:White women. I was trying to figure out a way to do can y'all get a new play? Can y'all get a new playbook?
Blak:That caught me off guard.
Mac:Bro, can y'all y'all are using the same playbook from fucking Madden fucking 14. You know what I'm saying? Like, bro, there's new plays out there. Honesty, one of them, 1st and foremost. You know?
Mac:Yep. 1st and foremost, because it's it's of of of all the things, man, it's the Olympics. United. Let's all root for our team. Like, you could have been like, you know, the new members of team USA.
Mac:You know, they they haven't really been battle tested yet. But, you know, they're going over there with Simone Biles, one of the best to ever do it. So if there's anybody that can get them right, I'm sure she can. There's ways you coulda said that you were, kind of apprehensive about the, a lot of the the players being green and not really being on that big stage and things like that instead of saying, I don't think they have the work ethic. Like so they're just all lazy?
Mac:You know? And and and I'm just bro. Like, this is what happens. You wanna get on TV, and you wanna say some stuff. You wanna be, like, a gymnastics, what is it, commentator, analyst, analyst, or whatever it is.
Mac:Right? And you wanna provide some insight on the sport. Like, you've you've you've competed at a high level. I'm not saying that if you were gonna talk to us about, you know, the reason where, why she scored so low is because on this move here, it's supposed to be 2 and a half twist, and she only comes around 2 times. So I a 100% sit and listen to you talk about that because you know it.
Mac:But the Senate talk about the work ethic, and I don't think anybody outside of Symone. So you tried to make it seem like I'm not shading Symone. It's the rest of them. But to what you said, Blaque, like, she's going as the captain of the team. So if the team don't perform, who do you think they're gonna look at and be like she didn't have the
Blak:team ready?
Mac:Right. So now here we go. And what you're getting is cyber bullied, and people are clowning you. And you're fine. You're bro, it's when people find out that there's consequences to the shit you do like, you are you are a public figure.
Mac:Like, you're not just a random person saying some stuff. Like, you what you say has some gravitas because you you've been there. So then now when this happens and people are on you like, ah, that's why this, that's why that, that's why you ain't win nothing, that's why you that. You're like, alright. Uh-huh.
Mac:Uh-huh. So so, guys, so and then the funniest part, she wants Symone to see this and and do something. You know the wild part about all that? Symone can't see this. You know why Symone can't see this?
Mac:Because Mikaela blocked her. You blocked Symone, but now you're putting out a SOS trying to have Symone come and call off the dogs. Symone didn't send the dogs, so Symone has no reason to call off the dogs. Right. And if Symone did say stop, you think that's gonna make nope.
Mac:This is it. This this this is life. This is your new life. Yes. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.
Mac:So, Mikaela Skinner. To to to quote black I mean, if you're getting death threats, you know, that's that's crossing the line. If y'all doing that shit, stop. Do I feel y'all are doing that? Absolutely the fuck not.
Mac:Because if I was just like, people out here are crazy and they threatening me, I'd have screenshots. I'd be going to the police. They'd be out there patrolling outside of my house. They'd be doing the whole 9 because I ain't playing that shit. But the fact that you haven't done any of that stuff lets me know that you just playing death threats to me, my husband, my entire family.
Mac:Mikaela, nobody is I almost said bitch, but I'm I'm a better person. I'm being better. I'm a use your name. I'm using your name. Mikaela, ain't nobody buying that shit.
Mac:Like, you a. Take a book take a page out the book of Jonathan Majors, the advice we gave him. Just keep keep your head low. Stay off social media for a little bit. Hang out with your family, your husband, your baby.
Mac:Live your life. Stay off the social media. People forget. This ain't helping people forget. Like, people are just like, oh, it's getting to her.
Mac:Yeah. Oh, she crying? Oh, I'll give her something to cry about. Yeah. Let me make this meme real quick.
Mac:She gonna be hurt. So, Mikaela, just get off social media, chill out, and and live your the your your your amazing life that you're leading. Right? So, do we wanna look at some of these comments or no?
Blak:Let's see what they say.
Mac:Because they do not disappoint. I'm assuming. I haven't seen it. It's the shade room. The shade room don't disappoint.
Mac:So Oh, oh, yes. Yes. He said, oh, shade room? Yes. I am Tabitha Brown.
Mac:Look at her. Come on now. It's Tabitha Brown, one of the nicest people out there. She she she all about love and caring and you know, she tilting her head sideways. Come on now.
Mac:Come on now. She's like, k. No, ma'am. You started it. On top of that, folks, what's coming for you before Symone said anything?
Mac:Typical white woman behavior. Throw stones, hide hands, get caught, activate tears. Clockwork. Symone can't even stop her fans from bullying her husband, so you might as well get used to it. Girl, go cry victim somewhere else.
Mac:You started to stand on it. Mhmm. Playing victim to a situation you created is nasty work. Asking for help after you block Simone, keep that same energy. Yep.
Mac:Sorry. Simone can't hear you, Bookie. Her gold medal's clanking too loud. You should've just sat there and ate your food. How's she gonna see it if you blocked her?
Mac:Mikaela, please. People are dying. Alright. Alright. That's enough of it.
Mac:That's enough. I love the comment section.
Blak:All facts.
Mac:All facts. No lies detected. Oh, man. So but wait. There's more when it comes to this.
Mac:Oh, yes. Oh, this is the good one. This is a good one. Let me go ahead and and and prep for the, the next individual coming coming to the stage And coming to the stage. Let me let me make sure I bring him in right.
Mac:Next up, Anthony Hair. Now you're just like, man, you went from a public figure like world renowned, former retired gymnast. You know what I'm saying? Mikaela, Maroney, now Skinner, Anthony fucking hair. Who is this guy?
Mac:Should I play the video first or read read the story first?
Blak:Read the story and then roll the footage.
Mac:Roll the beautiful beautiful bean footage. So I'll just go ahead and read the headline. Video released of San Diego police officer locked in the back seat with woman he was transporting. The San Diego Police Department recently released findings from an internal investigation into an incident last year that involved an officer who locked himself in the back of the patrol vehicle with a woman whom he was transporting to a county detention center. The report, which included body worn camera footage and transcripts from witnesses, interviews, among other things, found that then officer Anthony Hair violated a number of policies and laws in connection to the event that transpired with the female detainee back oh, actually, a whole year ago on August 15, 2023.
Mac:But these are just now coming to light. So, Haire, who had been with the San Diego Police Department for 2 years at the time of the incident, resigned from his post, later that year, the report said, one day before he was scheduled to be interviewed by the internal affairs investigator looking into it. The statement in a statement, lieutenant Dan Meyer said the department takes all allegations and acts of misconduct seriously. This incident was investigated by the department's professional standards unit to the fullest extent. The individual is no longer employed with the San Diego Police Department.
Mac:So according to the report, the incident started around 8 PM when Hare responded to the, intersection of Denver Street and Clermont Avenue in Bay Park with a few other officers to assist in the arrest of several people suspected of auto theft. The officer was tasked with transporting 1 of the detainees, the unnamed woman, who had been taken into custody under a warrant. Around 1:10 AM, Hare left, the police department's northern division substation for Las Colinas women's detention facility to book her into jail. It was about 20 minutes after the 2 left the northern division when Hare locked himself in the rear cage cabin of his patrol vehicle just two blocks before arriving at Las Colinas according to the report. He was in the back seat with the female detainee for more than an hour before a supervisor arrived around 2:40 AM and opened the door.
Mac:Throughout the time he was in the back seat, his body worn camera was not actively filming. Hare asserted throughout the first phase of the investigation, which he cooperated with before his resignation, that he was checking on the woman for a possible medical emergency when the car door accidentally shut and locked him in. In interviews, the woman echoed this saying in interviews with investigators that nothing sexual occurred between them. The woman who was reportedly high on an unidentified drug she she had taken early in the day, was transported to the hospital after being examined by medical staff for what was described by the investigator as an unrelated health matter. In the course of transporting, the body worn camera did, however, pick up several moments when suggestive comments were made.
Mac:When she was being transported, Harris' camera picked up an exchange where the woman asked if he was married. So the woman says, are you married? He says, why are you asking that? The woman then says, you're not too bad. What's it gonna hurt me if I work the system?
Mac:You know what I mean? That's the way I see shit. Shortly after, a loud noise was heard in the back seat, which was presumably her taking the seat belt off. The camera then picks up moaning coming from the back seat, according to investigators. Another suggestive exchange was picked up.
Mac:The report said the woman said, are you single? Hair says, yeah, but you're not. The woman did says, I'm down to fuck. Hair says, don't say that right now. No.
Mac:I said, don't say that right now because everything's being recorded right now. So then so then at this point of the transport, the car's GPS was recorded at speeds upward to 90 miles an hour for stretches of the journey. As they got closer to the jail, hair could be heard asking how the woman was doing in the backsheet. When he made a right hand turn at a traffic signal near, the jail, he turned off the recording. GPS tracking showed him turning on the northbound side of Cottonwood Avenue.
Mac:So then it's like, old buddy. The the the supervisor shows up. Right? No. 1st, according to report, Hare called another police officer asking if he had a master key for the cruisers just about 2 AM.
Mac:The officers noted that Hare's voice sounded panicky when he called. I asked why he was asking any and what did he need. Hare then asked me if I can go meet him. I was asking him why he needed me. He said he would tell me when I got there.
Mac:He said he was really embarrassed. Nofferson said his partner at the time then drove him to the direction a few minutes later. He called Hare back to ask what was going on. Hare said that he was really embarrassed, but his 1016 had an emergency health situation, and he went back there to check her pulse. When I went to check her pulse, I went into the back seat in the door shut behind me.
Mac:They ultimately decided not to drive up to Hare's location instead of forming a sergeant who then went to open the door, let him out. Body cam video from the sergeant who let him out showed hair with the magnet mount for the camera that was missing that was missing the camera itself. Alright. So there is video of this. So I wanna that's what I wanna show you guys.
Mac:So before no. We'll do the video, and then we'll discuss. Hey, yo. Don't say that. Hey.
Mac:They recorded. What the fuck? I heard you do it. Hey. Yo.
Mac:Chill. Fuck up. You're trying to get me in trouble, girl. What the fuck is you talking about? And you about to fuck around it.
Mac:You fucking You
Blak:are right back there?
Mac:Hey, yo. Shut the fuck up. What you talking about? Are you okay? Everything cool?
Mac:Shut up. Are you gonna give me trouble? You are right back there? Okay. Okay.
Mac:Okay. Okay. Okay. Here is, here's video. Take it away.
News Anchor:Nothing good that ever comes in the back seat of a squad car. And if nobody ever told you that, I am telling you that now. Same thing goes for cops. Anthony Hair was a cop in San Diego, keyword was, when he arrested a woman last August on an outstanding warrant. You can see me smiling here because this is actually a pretty funny story.
News Anchor:He was driving her back to HQ when she suggested that they make a little detour. Have a listen.
Mac:Well, you're not. Well, I can't hear you now. Now. Don't say that right now. I said don't say that right now because, everything's being recorded right now.
Mac:What's going on?
News Anchor:Moments after this, officer Harris' body cam mysteriously went dark, and that's when things got really messy. Officer Harris somehow got himself locked in the back seat of the cruiser with his prisoner. And when he finally noticed that he could not get out, he had to ask somebody to fetch the master key and come and rescue him. And I want you to watch the very cringey moment when he's rescued.
News Anchor:Hare denied anything happened in the back of the cruiser, but a fairly simple lab test found that there was evidence to the contrary, and he resigned just a couple weeks later. Thank you for watching. Go to a news There
Mac:was a lab test? My boy, you don't think you work for old police department. You don't think they have tests to see if there's any bodily fluids that have been exchanged? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm like?
Blak:First of all Swab the whole back seat. First of
Mac:all, when when the when the sergeant opens the door, he he's just in the back seat with his flashlight. He checking on her or something. Like, that reminds me, like, when you just busted your kid's room and catch him in the middle of doing and they just
Blak:They're trying to fake sleep and shit.
Mac:You was back here checking order for a for a whole hour before you called somebody to let you out. The minute that door closed behind you, you should have been like, hey, bro. Hey. I'm stuck. But, normally, you don't get all the way in the back seat to the point where, like, the door can close.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? Like, you're just leaning in and and checking on them.
Blak:The uncoolness of which he got out of that vehicle.
Mac:Let me run that back. Let me run that back up. I'll be I'm fucking like, yep. I know I'm in trouble. I already know.
Mac:Like, the kids coming back after being out late.
Blak:You ain't gotta say that. Grounded, aren't I? Yes. You absolutely are.
Mac:I'm in trouble, Don't give me no gun, dude. Fine. You know what I'm a do. Don't let me transport with me. You know what I'm finna do.
Mac:This motherfucker. Wild. Yep. Bro, it looks straight here we go. Right here.
Mac:Look right now, he hearing all it's like your kid when they hear you coming up this area and do it like oh, he tried to open this door. Where are my flashlight?
Blak:Let me look real quick.
Mac:Get your black ass out this car. Get your dumbass out this motherfucking car. Boy.
Blak:Give me your motherfucking badge. Oh, shit. Strip. Just give it here.
Mac:Get butt naked. Turn all this shit in. Get the goddamn flash light off. What you in here? I I got a flashlight.
Mac:Turn your shit off. I'm the law right now, motherfucker. Turn your shit off. I can't even first of all, I'm glad he's single. Right?
Mac:Because I couldn't even imagine, like, you trying to explain this shit to to your to your wife if you was married or your partner or some shit. The her in that back seat being as she looked you know, she's just sitting there like, this mother look at this motherfucker, bro. Why you got your flashlight on? What you back here checking on? Not a goddamn thing.
Blak:Pointed at. The lady's on.
Mac:Yeah. That's what I'm saying. You pointed at the
Blak:in the floor.
Mac:Please step out of the vehicle. He talking to you like you like for the truck. Yes. Like you talking to somebody getting pulled over. Step out of the vehicle.
Mac:Okay. No questions asked. I'm not resisting. I guess I know, what's coming up. Like you said,
Blak:I'm grounded, aren't I? Oh. Oh.
Mac:I was just checking for health emergency. You just wait. Yeah. Yeah. Come over here.
Mac:We're gonna take a couple swabs and test some stuff. I quit.
Blak:Well, pretty cut dry.
Mac:Oh, y'all taking me to CSI? I quit. Yeah.
Blak:I'm done.
Mac:Old buddy back there, Horatio. Looks like you got caught in a sticky situation. Oh, but, bro, that that just goes to show you, man. Like, women, y'all y'all got that. Y'all got power.
Mac:Y'all got power. Y'all y'all cause this man to throw it all away.
Blak:For real.
Mac:You caused this man to throw everything and risk it all. Like, people say that, man. I'd risk it off for that. He did it.
Blak:Man, gave her the long dick of the law.
Mac:And we were talking before the show. We just like, bro. Like, he in the back seat of the car, the sergeant's car, and he's just like, bro, I fam, I get it. Like, we've all arrested some some drunk woman, young college kid, you know, whatever, from a bar, taking them somewhere, and they all threw it at us. You just gotta say, I ain't even doubt.
Mac:I never heard of anybody actually taking them up on that. You did it. Yeah. Like, bro, you going down in history, bro.
Blak:Yeah, bro.
Mac:Everything about you is being tracked right now. They know you're transporting a prisoner, bro. You're transported to a prisoner.
Blak:They got you on GPS. You have a body monitor on. The car is being tracked.
Mac:10 16, en route to alright. They turn the GPS on. They track you, making sure nobody fuck with you on the way in, and then you just pull over. And then an hour later, you're like, hey, bro. I need somebody with a master key.
Mac:What we need
Blak:a master key
Mac:for? I heard is that you were locked down, but I got the master key. I'm locked up.
Blak:They won't let me out.
Mac:She in the back seat like, gotcha, nigga. She just started laughing.
Blak:Justice. I'm
Mac:gonna sue the shit out of you for sexual harassment, And I'm gonna be off.
Blak:Oh, I got you.
Mac:I'm scot free. No. No. No. No.
Mac:He back there stressing the fuck out. No.
Blak:No. God, why?
Mac:Go ahead. Call them, motherfucker. Go ahead. Call them. Ain't no other way.
Mac:Call them.
Blak:You might as well
Mac:call them. They on the way. You told me everything's being recorded. They'd know where you at. Mhmm.
Mac:I I didn't even
Blak:turn the camera back on.
Mac:When I get free, I'm a tell my friends.
Blak:Girl, you
Mac:ain't gonna believe. Girl, you ain't gonna believe. Girl, I thought you was locked up. Mm-mm. Mm-mm.
Blak:You know that man that was on the news? That was me.
Mac:That was that was you? Bitch. Bitch, what? Shit was trash, but it got me out of jail. So damn.
Mac:What is she telling people that shit? Oh my god.
Blak:This my dick was trash, but
Mac:Please get your ass out this vehicle. Promise you ain't gonna say nothing, though. I'm a radio, but you can't say nothing, though. Anyway, Anthony Hair. Now I'm a go back and, look at all of our whose mans we have started from 2024 and try to put
Blak:a charge.
Mac:I'm a I'm a start putting them out putting them out singly. You know, this, you know, from this day, from this day, because when we get to the end of this year, we gonna have to pick 1. Yeah. We gonna have to pick 1. So, I I just thought about that the other day.
Mac:Like, man, I should go back and just do, like, a collage of 2024 whose man's, and we gotta pick 1 for the inaugural Come Here award, that will be given out. But, Makayla Skinner and Anthony Hair. Come on now. Come on.
Blak:Gots to do better.
Mac:You gots to be more careful. Gots. Shout out. I'll rest in peace rest in peace to to what is he? Councilman?
Blak:Yep. Councilman Eric Mays. Rest in peace, brother.
Mac:Got. Got. More careful.
Blak:You got to stop doing that.
Mac:Anyways, we'll go ahead and wrap this up and get back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Majors:And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress.
Mac:Right. What how'd you get fired? So, it's a
Blak:long story.
Mac:Not according to her. Bro, you are dud, bro. You're dud. But, anyways, man, great show tonight. Had a blast.
Blak:Great show.
Mac:Had a fucking blast. So I know you had some announcements at the end of No Gimmicks. I don't know if you just wanna share that back with, the the pit masters here in our in our our good friends.
Majors:Of course.
Blak:So we are we are gonna be running the game night. I'm gonna schedule it for August 31st, just based off because I know we have a game night.
Mac:Let me get in on that, and we can run back the, run back this lyrically correct stuff that we didn't get a chance to do.
Blak:Yeah. So, yeah, we're we're scheduling the game night for that game night. Before that game night, I'm going to be releasing some merch for no gimmicks. We're revamping, pretty much the entire brand. So with that, it's gonna come new merchandise.
Blak:Shout out to everybody in the no gimmicks, podcast fan group. Yeah. Especially Bubba John because, he is one of our biggest, collectors of the merch. So he has been rocking it, and based on him rocking it, people have been asking them where they can get the merch from. So
Blak:Shout out to him for that, and shout out to everybody in that in that group. But, yeah, there will be new merch coming, and I am excited about it. We've been I've been working on it for a couple of weeks now. So, just getting the design right of how I want it and dropping it, and then whoever's in the game night, you'll have first crack at it. So, yeah, we we got that coming.
Blak:No gimmicks is back. By the way, we had our show last night. Very good show after after a long time back, but wrestling's good again. So Yeah. There's another thing there.
Blak:But yeah, man. It's been it's been good getting back into the flow of things. The DFPN is is is back running and functional. I'm updating that as well. USD engine dropped a new episode today, so make sure you guys go check that out.
Blak:Oh. The, and I know there's a couple more episodes from them coming. Following star Friday. Don't forget this Friday is following star Friday. Great part of the campaign is coming.
Blak:That was some really fun that was some really fun gaming. So we're we're getting into what I what I think is the weeds of everything, and everybody's starting to come together. So I will I will be coming back to Fallen Star, after 17th. Because for those who don't know, I am covering AEW on the weekend. So, shout out to them.
Blak:And, you know, it's been it's been awesome, man, but, yeah, eat the cake anime. I I like what you guys are doing. It's been been some good stuff coming out, man. So as a as a unit, DFPN is doing great things, so stay tuned. And for the patrons, don't forget, this Friday, there's no smoke pit, but there will be no gimmicks over on the Patreon.
Blak:That will be the Patreon only show for for you guys.
Mac:Love it. And, speaking of eat the cake, shout out to the homie, Jackie. She's back. Yeah. She's very clutch, coming through, helping your boy out.
Mac:And, you know, the messages we have going back and forth, she is super stoked about it. Got her notes and stuff ready, so I I I can't wait.
Blak:Can I can I interject one one time?
Mac:Please do.
Blak:Jackie, I really have missed you on these spot. I didn't know how much I missed Jackie on the podcast, bro. Like
Mac:Bro, her energy is is I love it, bro.
Blak:I missed it. And, like, seeing her work her magic. It was awesome, man. So, yeah, I I please come back.
Mac:Come on. Please. She's I mean, well, you know, she's she's busy doing her thing. So as long as, you know, we can schedule in and and find a good time, we're we're we're good for that. I think that's the benefit of of eat the cake is, like, you know, I'm not trying to make it a every week at whatever time so we could be flexible.
Mac:But, I didn't like taking that super long break we took. So, you know, Jackie coming in and and helping out with Super Clutch. So Awesome. Again, thanks, Jackie. And, yeah, merch is out there.
Mac:Eat the cake. Drop some merch. Smoke pit has new merch out there. Queen's got new merch. No gimmicks is on is coming out.
Mac:You can probably expect some stuff from USDN as well. Game night finna be lit. So, you know, we'll make sure we'll we'll do a better job advertising it so you guys can be prepared for that. But, free merch. The merch is nice, but I ain't gonna hold you.
Mac:I ain't gonna hold you. But, that's all I got, man. Thanks for everybody who tuned in. Remember, tap in. USDN just dropped.
Mac:New show next Wednesday. Fallen start, like, you said all this stuff already. DFPN is cooking, and, I'm loving every minute of it.
Blak:Me too.
Mac:But that's all I got for episode 149 of the smoke pit. I'm the homie Mac aka your boy.
Blak:And I am bred like a king, made of Kelvin Kaley. Thank you guys for tuning in. Until next time. Have love. Make sex.
Blak:Peace. Peace. Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off.
Blak:Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week, come relaxin'. Get some lapsin', and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this?
Blak:Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.