Ep 145 "One Gotta Go: Blade or Black Panther, Missouri Representative Calls Juneteenth 'Ratchet', & Terrell Lewis"
What is up, ladies and gents? What's up? What's up? Did you, you catch the, first of all, how was, how was Juneteenth for you, my boy?
Blak:I actually have to work Juneteenth. So my Juneteenth was was filled with work.
Mac:That was your time to turn into a Nat Turner, my boy.
Blak:I want to. As much as I want to, I work for a Canadian company. And as as people who follow history know, we went to Canada. So Canada is like, we're not gonna celebrate that.
Mac:That'd be real fucked up shit if that's how it really was. Goddamn.
Blak:No. They they don't deserve, they don't observe a lot of American holidays.
Mac:So Damn. So you'd be
Blak:But the cool point is, like so Juneteenth, it fell on a week that, so I I have every other Friday off.
Blak:And Juneteenth fell on most of the holidays do fall on the the days I have, like, the weeks I have my off Friday. So it's kinda it's kind of a trade off to where, you know, I don't get the holiday per se, but I'm off that Friday. So I get the same amount of workdays as everybody else. It's it's cool. Alright.
Mac:However, working for a Canadian company, I feel as if you still should've got the day off the morning for 1, Aubrey Graham, who, because on Juneteenth, if you're not aware, Kendrick probably had one of the best concerts I've ever watched. Yes. And, he performed a a variety of Drake disses during this concert, and He did. It still rolled like a fucking concert. The energy in that building watching it all.
Mac:And and here's the thing. I'm pretty sure you showed the set list to Amazon Prime, and Amazon's like, we'll air it. You know? So I'm just I'm not sure how Drake, how Drake is doing right now. I'm sure he's he's he's unbothered.
Mac:He's rich. You know? He's successful. Not really much to cry about in the grand scheme of things. However Right.
Mac:So, again, I'm just like, man, I'm wondering if your Canadian company was just not like, you know, we should probably just take the day off to, mourn our our own, You put
Blak:the flags at half mast.
Mac:Yeah. For for our very own, Aubrey, Drake, Graham out here. But, did you did you see any of it or you just, you know, saw clips in there?
Blak:So I ended up catching here's the thing. I didn't I skipped out on AW Dynamite for this.
Blak:Because I caught mustard set, I caught Tommy the clown, which for the people who don't know Tommy the clown, like, just having him on stage was crazy. I caught Tommy the clown, caught mustard, I caught I caught Tyler the creator. Well, I caught Mustard's whole set, and Tyler was in there. And then I I ended up catching Kendrick's whole set.
Mac:Bro. Lick. So, yeah, that that that all went down on, on Juneteenth, and Internet's been crazy. I saw Frank d post something. He's like, man, I don't know.
Mac:Like, AEW's numbers were down. I don't know what else was going on Wednesday that would have drew viewers away, and I was like, depending on depending on the demographic of those viewers, I I kinda know what they were tapped into
Blak:Yep. Yep.
Mac:Wednesday night, my guys. So, but that's neither here nor there. Ladies and gentlemen, y'all know what y'all tuned in for. It's Friday night, and, the dynamic duo of Black and Mac are here to usher in the weekend with some laughs. Great show for you today, episode 145 of the smoke pit.
Mac:You ready to get started, my guy?
Blak:Let's get into it.
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, episode 145 of the smoke pit starts right now.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit.
Blak:It's time for us to show off. It's been a
Blak:long week. Come relaxing. Get some lapsing. And, let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this?
Blak:Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Mac:Yep. Y'all know what time it is. Friday night, mood is right. Dynamic duo of black and mac here gracing your screens for another episode of the number one streaming live podcast. I'm not sure if the stats are correct on that, but I'm a just say it because that's how I'm feeling about our show right now.
Mac:That's correct. That's how I'm feeling about our show right now. Episode 145 of Smoke Pit. What's good, man? How was the, how's the week?
Blak:My week was actually pretty good, man. I was busy, you know, but we had we had some good shows out, and, I got some good traction on some on some things here and there, but had a pretty good week. What about you?
Mac:Busy. Unfortunately, was not able to get, memes in for our patrons, but I'll be doing that, next Monday. So I'm thinking I'm a just move it to next Monday and do every other Monday after that because the Mondays it has been falling on has been like the 3 show week, and I'm just like, that's a Yep. That's a lot of stuff. So I'm a just move it to the following week and try to keep it there.
Mac:To keep me doing 2 shows a week, I think that that that that benefits my my spirit, my my energy, and gives me time to do other stuff. Not saying that I I I don't like doing 4 3 shows, but the last time I did it, I was like, man, it's exhausting. But, so we we got that coming for you. You did, eat the cake, last night with, Deontay doing my mural stuff. Appreciate you.
Mac:And, yeah, man. So busy week at work, but, you know, I I got a story to tell. That'll be story time with Mac over on names. But, Yeah. I I can't complain.
Mac:You know, I had the 2 days off in the middle of the week. I had to come back Nice. Friday just to to work. It was like a Monday ish Friday, but at the end of the day, it's still Friday. So it was good times.
Mac:No worries. Yep. But I do know we got a lot to get into this week as far as that goes. So, I got my shot here ready. I don't know if you are prepared or not.
Blak:I'm I'm watering it up tonight, man.
Mac:It's all good. No worries. Here at the smoke pit, we're not trying to pressure anybody to do to drink. We're not, advocating for people. You know, if you just wanna pull up and have a sip, cool.
Mac:Whatever you're sipping on, water, beer, liquor, juice, Kool Aid, high sea, whatever. Juicy juice. Yeah. Oh, no. Don't be coming anything.
Mac:100% juice. My son, you know, back when school is about to let out, they were having an end of party bash, whatever. My wife's like, yeah. We're on the the hook to bring, like, 3, you know, containers of of juice boxes or whatever. She started reaching for, like, the honors joint.
Mac:I'm just like, hey, man. Don't do that to these kids. Don't do that to these kids. She was like, why not? I was like, come on now.
Blak:Come on.
Mac:I was like, come on, man. You you we don't even we don't even like that. Why are you getting that? Some of the parents, I'm like, then the the kids can drink other stuff. Like, I'm pretty sure other people are bringing juice.
Mac:We we don't have to be
Blak:them water. Yeah.
Mac:We don't have to be the couple that's giving them this nasty ass juicy juice. 100% juice, you think that shit sounds delicious. It's not.
Blak:Like It's not.
Mac:Blame it on I don't care. America, obese. Y'all be on that that fake sugar and but I don't care. This shit make it taste good, I drink it.
Blak:I just can't.
Mac:I just can't, bro. I'm not doing that to my kid, man. How hard he worked this old school year? Give this man a high c.
Blak:Juicy juice. Yeah.
Mac:Man a high c, bro. K. Let let this man
Blak:artificial flavor.
Mac:That 10% juice. That's what he needs. That's what he deserves. Give him that shit. And if and the other kids are too good for that, I'm sorry.
Mac:This is tell them tell them this all this all the McCoy's can afford. How about that? Boujee ass kids, whole food whole food shopping ass kids. But, anyway, you got a toast for the folks tonight?
Blak:I do. You know what? Here's to a week where you accomplished things, and if you didn't, you tried. So cheers to that shit.
Mac:Here. Here. I like that. Here. Here.
Mac:So, when I get into this house, my brother and the guy, I'm talking about this juice flavored water. It's a 100% what that shit is.
Blak:Hell, yeah.
Mac:So in this house meeting coming up, I feel you got some explaining to do. You left us with a yeah. You left us with a one gotta go
Mac:The day before Juneteenth. And, I was not pleased. I was not pleased. So we'll talk about it. Oh, you already know what it is.
Blak:I already know what
Blak:it is.
Mac:You did this to yourself, Black.
Blak:I just I just threw the grenade and ran away. That's all I did.
Mac:I know you did. 100% aware you did, bro. So, we'll get into this week's house meeting with the ones gotta go presented by our very own black Mac.
House Meeting:I think we need to have a house meeting y'all.
Mac:I want y'all to take a minute to look at what's down here. Right? My man came into the group. In case you're wondering the group, the smoke pit podcast fan group. Link's in the description below.
Mac:You can click join. It's a good time. Except when people post stuff like this the day prior to Juneteenth. I'm I'm a bring the screen up so you can actually see what's going on. Because you can read it, but it hits different when you see it.
Mac:Mhmm. This is what you put in here. Yes. Delete Black Panther from history, or delete blade from history.
Mac:Before I ask you what you pick, and get into these comments, sir, what's in the name of the great doctor, Omar Johnson. Were you thinking when you posted this in the group, and then ran, and and left out the group, you didn't even leave your answer in there. You just dropped. I didn't.
Blak:You know what I was thinking? I was like, I wanna see who's gonna get mad at this. Here you go. Bye. And I just I just posted and left.
Blak:I didn't even comment on it.
Mac:I know you did. You replied to a few of them.
Blak:I did. I did. But
Mac:what were you saying? Look at you. What say ye? That's what you said when you posted it. Sir, I need to know what your thoughts were, and I need to know who did you pick, sir, seeing how you wanted to come in here with all this, the shenanigans?
Blak:So what I thought when I posted it was because I was, like, oh, this is this is difficult. This is really difficult. And in my head, I was like, do I do I put this in a movie sense or a comic book sense? Because I have 2 different answers.
Blak:But if I if I go with my movie sense, then I'm keeping Blade. I gotta delete Black Black Panther. The reason being from a movie standpoint, Blade single handedly saved the MCU. Single handedly, without Blade coming out, there is no MCU because Marvel was on the fringe of just nothing. So if I get rid of Blade, then I probably lose the entirety of the MCU.
Blak:So I have to keep Blade by default. Comic book wise, Blade wasn't really that important of a character. He was dope, but he in the grand scheme of things, you could do without Blade and everything else would be fine. Black Panther in the comic books impacts a lot of things. So if I lose Black Panther, I lose a good amount of story arc in the comments, so I have to keep Black Panther, and those are my answers.
Blak:But putting it in the group, I was just, like, oh, this is gonna fuck them up. Because I sat for, like, 2 hours thinking about it before I gave an answer.
Mac:So so we're clear. Yes. You picked Black Panther to go. For
Blak:my overall answer is Blade. Yes. I'm keeping Blade.
Mac:And your your logic is because he started the the MCU?
Blak:If you lose Blade, you lose the MCU.
Mac:I wish I had a fucking a fucking just a a Umar cosplay. Because my brother. My brother. And and and, obviously, everybody's entitled to their opinion. You feel how you feel.
Mac:I'm not here to make you change. I'm here to just give you my perspective on this. The argument you used, without x, we don't get x. Therefore, the origin has to be the one you keep. Yeah.
Mac:Let me present you with with a with another variation of delete 1 or the other from history. So my brother says, to be honest, I didn't know Blade was Marvel when I saw the movie in theaters, which is cool which is cool. You know?
Mac:Bob Cousy. One of the you you you talk about the issue of the NBA. One of the most important people in the the history of the NBA. Let let basketball historians tell you. Michael Jordan came decades after.
Mac:So looking at this, if you had to delete Michael Jordan from basketball history, or Bob Koozie from basketball history. Bob Koozie kinda helped bring popularity because he was people were coming to see Bob Koozie play. Mhmm. Or you could delete Michael Jordan and all the shit he did for the league and the the popularity of the NBA as a whole. Based on your logic, sir, without Bob Cousy, the NBA doesn't get any kind of momentum leading into anything.
Mac:Therefore, it probably bottoms out, and there's no league for Michael Jordan to really jump into, to take over like he did. So you would rather delete Michael Jordan from history and keep Bob Cousy because he or let's just say let's just say Oscar Robertson. Bill Russell. Let's throw another black player in there just to make it spicy. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Just to make it spicy. Bill Russell out there playing in Boston. And if you know Boston, if you're from Boston, you know, shout out to Boston. But overall, your city has a reputation. Yep.
Mac:I'm a leave it at that. Bill Russell's out there winning 11 championships for your franchise. Y'all clapping for him on the court. He get off the court. Y'all calling him other things, and he winning with y'all.
Mac:Bill Russell went through all that, made the sport a little bit more popular, paving the way for more African Americans to come into the league. So you would delete Michael Jordan and keep Bill Russell is what you're saying.
Blak:That's a that's a crazy argument.
Mac:Is it?
Blak:Here's here's one better. Here's one better that I know will jive with you.
Blak:Let's go Michael Jordan and Kobe.
Blak:Now Michael Jordan got the popularity. He he increased the league's popularity. Right? The league was there.
Blak:Right? Went through a substantial down period. Michael Jordan comes along, increases the popularity of the game.
Mac:I will say this, though. There were already stars in the league. He just was the like There When you have when you have a doctor j, you have a Magic Johnson in there, you got, Clyde Drexler in there, you got a you know, there were other black stars in there. He was just astronomical. So it wasn't like Absolutely.
Mac:He was the the breakthrough to help us out. Because that's what you're calling that's what you're calling, Blade at this point. Yeah. Is the guy to get it going?
Blak:Blade was the guy. Blade was the guy that brought the MCU up to the forefront. Kinda like Michael Jordan. The lead was popular. He did not he
Mac:did not bring it to the forefront. He was just the first MCU movie, my guy, because after blade, like, people weren't clamoring for more Marvel movies.
Blak:But he is the man that kept Marvel a a hot brand. Is that right or wrong?
Mac:What was the next Marvel movie that came out after Blade?
Blak:Iron man.
Mac:How long how long in between? Because you're like, he added a hot commodity. Like, Blade wasn't so hot. Yeah. But the
Blak:strength of the movies the strength of the movies, they made 3 Blade moves. Not a
Mac:third one is Each one was worse than the last.
Blak:But the brand was there.
Mac:Bro, the brand We
Blak:were able
Mac:Blade 3
Blak:build on that.
Mac:Ruined the MCU.
Blak:You said, okay. We can say that. But that original movie is the reason
Mac:And you know what the next the next movie that was? Fucking daredevil.
Blak:You're right. You're right. Oh, yeah. In Fantastic 4.
Mac:Oh, yeah. Come on now. Come on now.
Blak:Hey. I'm saying that
Mac:Come on now.
Blak:That movie paved the way for those other ones.
Mac:Them trash ass movies. You're right.
Mac:So you're so you're saying you are you are solely trying to butterfly effect, time travel, Marty McFly this shit, believing that if Blade did not happen, these other MCU, this whole Infinity saga would not have happened.
Blak:That is a fact.
Mac:You know that for a fact.
Blak:That is a fact.
Mac:Stop it. That that's a fact. Stop it. Hollywood did not come together and get Robert Downey junior to put Ironman out based on what Blade did 58 years ago.
Blak:Take Blade out of the equation. You don't get these other movies.
Mac:How do you know that for sure?
Mac:Because after movies. Because after all these other
Blak:trash movies these the rest of the movies that came after that were trash.
Blak:But you still
Blak:got them because of the Blade movie. The strength of the Blade movie, you don't get you don't
Mac:get Native Americans.
Blak:Movies because of that.
Mac:Your immune system was strengthened because the white people came here and brought you smallpox. So without the smallpox and the death of 100 of 1000 of you, you wouldn't have the immune systems you have now.
Blak:Hey, man. Ain't nobody telling them to get on that ship.
Mac:Native Americans did it. We was here chilling. They came to the here with smallpox and shit.
Blak:That's what I'm saying. They have to get on that ship sick.
Mac:What my brother say, in black defense, Blade showed us a Marvel comic book could be made a good movie. But then they also showed us what happens when you get too greedy with said property and make shitty ass movies afterwards. Hey. To the point to the point where Hollywood is like, let's make more shitty movies. Fantastic
Blak:support. Product was was good
Mac:after that. That movie Elektra. Was the catalyst. Elektra. Bro, stop
Mac:Bro, if you if you don't get Blade all the way the fuck up out of here, bro. Side note, Blade is so toxic. We can't even get a reboot of Blade in our lifetime.
Blak:This is true.
Mac:My child will be coming to tell me in my nursing home room.
Blak:If I can reboot a blade. I don't
Mac:know why I'm
Blak:trying to reboot it.
Mac:If that shit was coming out, you ain't gonna go watch it?
Blak:No. Probably not.
Mac:Oh, you a goddamn lie. You a goddamn lie, my boy.
Blak:Because it ain't coming out in the movies. Shit going straight to the plus, bro.
Mac:Robert Downey junior is what saved. Iron man is what saved the MCU.
Blak:Oh, so you're giving the credit to Iron man?
Mac:You're not?
Blak:No. Bro I'm telling you, without Blake, you don't get any of these, you don't get these movies.
Mac:Stop it. 100%. Stop it, bro. You trying to give a and and I understand what you're doing for the culture. I understand what you're doing.
Mac:But he
Blak:It ain't even it ain't even for the culture.
Mac:It is for the culture, man.
Blak:No. It's not.
Mac:They give daredevil some props. Give Elektra some props.
Blak:Won't give them some props.
Mac:Give Fantastic 4 some props because they kept they kept coming with where he's going. 4. You shouldn't. That was a horrible last movie. I understand they wanted to go
Blak:with some second.
Mac:So is Blade, and he came out with 3 of them hoes.
Blak:But Why?
Mac:X men. X men even came out before. You know what I'm saying? X Men came out before that, before Iron Man. Like, Marvel Marvel was putting stuff like I feel X Men probably woulda happened if Blade didn't happen.
Mac:Because the mark the the the cartoon for X Men was popping. So they was gonna bring a comic book movie to to the thing. Blade wasn't the reason why. Because they did Blade and whatever, and then motherfucking Spider Man with Tobey Maguire? Spider Man I felt like Spider Man 2 had more to do with keeping comic book movies relevant than Blade.
Mac:Blade is just giving the props, because they're just, like, it's Blade. Because you look well, The Punisher came out before Blade, and that was bad. But you're not gonna be like the punisher kinda put superhero shit on the map. If you're gonna look me in my listen. If you go it did.
Mac:With Dolph Lundgren. Oh, okay. You could say Batman even put comic book movies out. Batman 89, Batman Returns.
Blak:You could say
Mac:that. And I I like I said
Blak:You can say that.
Mac:I feel people give Blade a lot of, like, you you there's videos on YouTube where people like blade save Marvel Cinematic stuff, but everybody knows Iron Man. Because if Iron Man flopped, the Infinity Saga wouldn't have been a thing. Because they started interweaving other characters into it, creating the cinematic universe. Blade was a standalone.
Blak:It's not budging me, bro. The argument ain't budging me. The argument is not gonna budge me.
Mac:You can you can you can ride ride is a terrible thing.
Blak:In there, but if you take blade out of take blade out of the equation.
Mac:100%, gladly. What button
Blak:is that?
Mac:The blue button? Beep. Gone. Take it. It's gone.
Mac:Because you can't tell me the way comic books are going now that Hollywood would have been like, fuck it. This ain't for us. Because they still would have did it.
Blak:You probably could.
Mac:No. Because Batman was out there doing gangbusters, bro.
Blak:Yeah. But we're not talking about Batman.
Mac:It's a comic. Hollywood is looking at comics like, yo. This is it.
Blak:I know. We're not talking about Batman. My argument for keeping Blade was Blade saved it it didn't save the MCU, but you probably don't get to the MCU without Blade.
Mac:You 100 percent do. Because Blade had nothing to do with the MCU that was going on. He's trying to be a part of this this on life support Marvel thing that's going on now. But, you a 100% take Black Panther out of this shit, it's it's not there.
Blak:What's not there?
Mac:The MCU as big as it was because that's the first comic book movie that won an Academy Award.
Blak:I mean, yeah, they got awards, but if you take Black Panther out of the MCU It was the first superhero movie. You still got
Mac:a decent It's a gross
Blak:over a 1,000,000,000.
Mac:Yeah, you do.
Blak:But you got that because of the the hype around Black Panther. But if you take Black Panther out of the MCU, you still have a decent MCU.
Mac:So, I mean, why
Blak:No. I absolutely hate that I'm saying that. But if you if you if
Mac:you pride is crazy.
Blak:If you take it out
Mac:Pride is crazy.
Blak:Take it out, you still have the Captain America movies. Those movies are still good. You still have you still have the Guardians of the Galaxy. You still have you still have the avengers. 1st of all core, you still have the avengers.
Mac:First of all, you're not getting the MCU like you got the MCU without Black Panther. You're not gonna you're not gonna get the backing. Bro, let me tell you. Look. Alright.
Mac:We're we're gonna get a little bit of political.
Blak:Do you
Mac:think the MCU would've got the push from the black audience that it did? Why do you think listen. Why do you think civil war went as hard as it did?
Blak:Civil war
Mac:Who did who did they who did they put in the trailer and did motherfuckers with the work the next day? Like, and you see Black Panther in that bitch. Right?
Mac:And who who showed up in force? Us.
Blak:What's the best movie in the MCU?
Mac:The best movie? Winter Soldier.
Blak:Was Black Panther in that movie?
Mac:Did that come out before or after? What'd you call it? Black Panther. I think that was before. When
Blak:was the
Blak:first one?
Mac:That was the second one. Yep. That was the second one. That's cool. Did you like
Blak:the first did you
Mac:did you like the first captain America?
Blak:You don't even you don't even need civil war. You don't need that. You don't need that.
Blak:Trying to
Mac:take civil war out of that motherfucking, the MCU, and be like, it would have been lit? Because now you don't have that established rift between Tony and Cap moving forward.
Blak:You didn't you didn't need that, though.
Mac:You needed that. That was part of the that was the part of the whole thing. They had to come together to do that.
Blak:But you still if you take that hold from civil war, if you take that out and take Black Panther out, the only thing you have to change because Wakanda was a battleground, you can go to a different location for Avengers Infinity.
Mac:And and who would have been who who would have been the army helping them? Who would have been the army helping them against Thanos' army?
Blak:You could have built the army. Of what? You don't need the Wakandans, bro. Of what? You didn't need them.
Mac:What army would have been helping them?
Blak:Well, if if this were if this were in the comics, you coulda had the x men, but that's how you get to the Avengers versus the x men. But the rights No.
Mac:We talk about the movies, my boy. We all know it's the real Civil War.
Blak:I know. That's what I'm just saying. I just said that. You don't have the rights to the X Men.
Mac:So without Black Panther like, that's what I'm saying. Black Panther is more important to the MCU than Blade was. All and your your your reasoning is because Blade was first, you could sit here and assume that that movie is responsible for every Marvel movie after. When if that is, why don't you look at the movie before Blade and be, like, just put comic book movies out there?
Blak:You could do that too.
Mac:You really getting rid of bro, I hope when you get to heaven, Chadwick fucking punches you in the fucking face, bro. I hope Chadwick bone when you get there, he fucking you just try to go up to him and be like, my man, Chadwick, he hits you with the we don't do that here. It fucking punches you in the face, because the disrespect that you just gave look, Black. What's going on? Everything here, man.
Blak:Hey, man.
Mac:Bro, we
Blak:want I got it. Hey. Listen. I'm used to biting a book. Hey.
Blak:I'm used to biting
Mac:When you when you went to see Blade, did you dress as a vampire? No. When you went to see, Wakanda Forever, what would you put on?
Blak:I I put on my shit. I cosplay.
Mac:Your blade shit? You put on your blade shit?
Blak:No. Oh,
Mac:what'd you put on, bro?
Blak:I have my African barbs on, bro.
Mac:I have I have my African barbs on.
Blak:Deep buffet.
Blak:Listen, bro. I'm not I'm not. I'm a be real about it. I if if it's
Mac:me, I've watched
Blak:a great movie. It's it's a great
Mac:listened from the mountains.
Blak:Hey. Y'all gotta y'all gotta throw the comments at me, bro. It's fine. It's fine.
Mac:Bro, hey, man. So, you know, I I appreciate you standing 10 toes down on this shit. Bro. Bro, It it it it you know, there there's just people in here like, what are you doing? And I think the timing of your post is what got people like, bro, what you trying to make us choose?
Mac:But at the end of the day, ladies and gentlemen, let us know who you're choosing to get rid of in the comments. One gotta go. From history, Blade or Black Panther?
Blak:Hey, man. Throw your shots at me. I can I can I can handle it?
Mac:But now it is time for us to get into, some of the wild and crazy things that we have been seeing on the interwebs this week with, our newest session or segment. What did I just watch? Oh, that's not it. Where's my intro? There we go.
Blak:Tell me I did not just see that.
Mac:So, here I am minding my business, just messing around. You know, just stopping by Yahoo, seeing what kind of updates y'all got for me. What news have you got for me Yahoo? Everybody knows this in, you know, election season around this motherfucker. Right?
Mac:Mhmm. November will be here before you know it. And, would you believe that in Missouri, there's a republican, of Latino descent out here telling black Americans to kindly leave the US if we don't like the country. Now I don't wanna try to put words in her mouth, so I will bring her to the stage. And,
Blak:Oh, that's not starting off well.
Mac:You're looking at the hey. Woah. Woah. The captions are crazy right now. The captions are wild.
Mac:But, I'm a let, what's her name? Where's she at? Valentina Gomez. As you can see, she's already made headlines. She has a quote saying don't be weak and gay.
Mac:It's written on her shirt there. But, yeah. Let's, let's go ahead and, let her, in her own words, tell you guys how she feels about stuff.
House Meeting:And black victimization is about to be shoved down our throats for the most ratchet holiday in America.
Blak:Pause it. Pause it. Pause it. Is she fucking playing b b o Drizzy while she's saying this?
Mac:No. The person who uploaded this has BBL Drizzy.
Blak:Oh. I'm like, what
Mac:The most ratchet holiday. She was talking about, Juneteenth, by the way.
Blak:I know. I know.
Mac:But, Valentina, continue, chica.
House Meeting:But what did they do for black lives? It is outrageous to see people asking for reparations even though they never went through slavery. These ungrateful people should be celebrated because they were one of the greatest nations to ever exist. Here's a tip. Do you know if America I know.
Blak:Okay, Valentina.
Mac:If you could see the kind of she's using kind of the same font design template as, you know, Trump most Trump supporters, trumped back, politicians are using. So, that's how she's feeling about it. The article goes on to say, you know, just the, Trump supporter, Valentina Gomez, has become well known for a controversial and attention grabbing stunt such as when she told followers to be weak not to be weak and gay while running in a bulletproof vest. Let me see if they got a picture of this shit or a video.
Blak:That's wild, bro.
Mac:Do they have video of this shit? Fam. Fam.
Blak:I can't make it up, bro.
Mac:Look at this. Look. Would you look at this? Would you look at this? Valentina Gomez pictured running in a bulletproof vest in a campaign video posted on 12 May.
Mac:The Missouri secretary of state candidate is facing online backlash after making an anti LGBTQ plus statement in the video. I wonder if they got the video for us. Baby, I don't think no. That shit's in my head. I know they got the video on here.
Mac:Right? They probably didn't because they hate comments. No.
Blak:They probably
Blak:don't. Yep.
Mac:So, yeah. So x restricted the video soon afterwards stating it may violate x's rules against hateful conduct. So Really? Go figure. Elon Musk was like, hey, bro.
Mac:I hey. I'm I'm a wild boy, but come on, man.
Blak:Yeah. That that's too wild.
Mac:I know the LGBT community be out here in these Teslas. I can't I can't be having you out here doing shit like this. Okay? My stock is going down since I rolled out the Cybertruck. I need them to keep rolling in the model s's.
Blak:For real.
Mac:But, it's crazy that during election season, like, people aren't trying to pander to everybody. You know, it it's cool you wanna stay in 10 toes down, but it does something to me when it's people from a marginalized community coming up, trying to bash another marginalized community. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:Yeah. I don't get that. I don't get that.
Mac:Like, it's it's clear you're you're an American citizen. Obviously, you wouldn't be running for office if you weren't, But your descent is not a you know what I'm saying? Like, your your your ancestry goes back to, I don't know, whatever country. I don't wanna say Mexico. I don't wanna you know, in the in Hispanic Right.
Mac:You know, Latin American country. You know
Blak:what I'm saying? American. Yeah.
Mac:But for you to just be out here after all the things Trump has said about the Latin American community and things like that. Granted, no one race is a monolith, so not one person has to believe everything and move in the way of their their their culture, their people, their race, their ethnicity.
Mac:But I mean, fam, that, like these these comments that don't be weak and gay, you know, like, Sam, what do we why is that why is that and it's so easy because they could just do that and know they're getting votes from Trump supporters.
Blak:Right. Right. That's the thing. And it's like, the the crazier and more extreme they go, the more attention they get. It's weird to me.
Mac:The more dedicated the fan base is going.
Blak:Right. Right. And it's like, that's that's scary to me. Because they may not even believe that shit. But it's just like, I appeal to these people.
Blak:So let me just keep going with the with the narrative.
Mac:For trading use only. The hell? That's the thing. It's just like, I need a platform to run on. I'll just copy and paste everything Trump is about, and that'll get them on my side.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? If I just
Blak:say I
Mac:hate minorities, and I hate minorities, and hate gay people. It's in the bag. All the middle of America will vote for me.
Mac:And and do you do you feel do you feel she really believes that? Or is she just like, I just wanna be elected, so I'll say whatever it takes to get me into the seat. And and I just wanna be a career politician. Like, I don't know if she has higher goals. Like, I'll just be a a senator or whatever, a representative.
Mac:And because Trump is backing me, I'll just keep piggybacking off of his his fan base.
Blak:That that's a tactic because most and even because Frank d Frank d is a conservative. Right? Uh-huh. And he told me, like, even within the party, they're split. So you have the people that back Trump, and you have people who don't.
Mac:Oh, yeah. I'm aware of that. Yeah. I'm aware of that.
Blak:But the the people that back Trump, they are extreme. That that shit is extreme.
Mac:I think it's I think it's a cult because I I feel there are some people who would vote for Trump. Mhmm. And it's people that are just, like, I'll like, whatever policies benefit their pockets, like, when it comes to him being nasty and stuff, they're like, hey, man. Like, I don't agree with that, but, financially, it's the better move for me if Trump is in office.
Mac:And Right. I mean, I'm not I'm not here to say that that that's a bad way of thinking, but when it's people who are just like, I'm voting for Trump because, you know, he's gonna, you know, get rid of abortions, and he's pro life and all of, like, bro, that's that's not really the angle, and it's it's that is infringing on other people's rights. You know what I'm saying? And and that and that's not I thought this being the greatest country, like, freedom to do x, y, and z, and then now it's like, you you're trying to take rights away from people, which ain't isn't cool based on who they wanna marry and love and and such.
Blak:Right. Right. Right.
Mac:They're not doing anything to anybody else, which, me and Deontay kinda talked about at the end of like, bro, June has been a hard month for the the red blooded full right conservative out here, bro.
Blak:Oh, absolutely.
Mac:Like, June 1st came, every company out here, pride happy pride month. Motherfuckers was in their feelings and confidence. Are. Oh, a 100%.
Blak:It's not.
Mac:What was that? The episode of memes when, like, the panthers did it, and these motherfuckers was in there wilding. Like, you just lost a fan. Now I'm a go root for the Dolphins now. I'm like, what are you rooting for the Dolphins for?
Mac:You go to the Dolphins Facebook page. Happy pride month. I'm just like, bro, the NFL is all about trying to get and it may be insincere. It may not be. But what they not finna do is alienate money.
Mac:Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. So the NFL looked at all their owners. It was like, hey.
Mac:Pride Month. Celebrate it now. Then they gonna change all their profile. I'm like, I don't know what page you run into, what team you run into that ain't gonna be like happy pride month.
Blak:Get that money.
Mac:Yep. A 100%. Get
Blak:that money.
Mac:Get it.
Blak:What did the what did the LGBTQ community do to everybody? Like, why
Blak:why are they
Blak:so against that shit?
Blak:Oh my god.
Mac:What do you mean?
Blak:But it's
Mac:like it's like Woman, what do you mean you don't like me? You like other women? This is impossible. Look at me. Look at me with my white rimmed oakleys and goatee in my 5 11 cargo tactical khakis.
Blak:Yeah. Don't be gay. Like, who hurt you?
Mac:What? Gay dude drink Bud Light. Now they all like, man, fuck Bud Light.
Blak:Fuck Bud Light.
Mac:Okay. That's why Kid Rock out here drinking Bud Light again. Right? Like, bro, y'all ain't going away from Bud Light. Stop playing.
Blak:Thank god. Goddamn.
Mac:But, yeah, that that was wild to me. So, Valentina Gomez, you know, I'll be keeping my eye on you, when when the races start. I'll I'll be checking to see how you're doing. I'm not sure if Oklahoma is Oklahoma a conservative state? Outside of, like, Oklahoma City and Tulsa and stuff like that.
Blak:Yeah. Somewhat.
Mac:We'll see. We'll see how that works out for you, Valentina. Moving on to happier and more disgusting things that have been on the Internet. I came across this IG channel, Midwest Munchies. And,
Blak:Sounds like a food channel.
Mac:They had a very peculiar recipe food, item, that I wanna present to the group. I know we give you shit a lot of times. Like, hey. I bet Mac will will try this or black will try this. Right?
Mac:I would I would 100% tell you not to do this shit. Right?
Blak:I I was just gonna lead in with, I'm not doing it. Okay.
Mac:But, ladies and gentlemen, take take a look at this, this this food item menu item.
Midwest Munchers:Nothing more Midwesty than cannibal sandwiches, aka raw beef sandwiches. Basically, you're taking some rye bread, topping with pepper jack cheese, raw ground beef, onions, salt, and pepper. This is super traditional old school Wisconsin food. There's
Blak:Fuck that.
Mac:Cannibal sandwiches, ladies and gentlemen. Cannibal sandwiches. The raw beef sandwich consists of rye bread, raw ground beef, beef, pepper jack cheese, raw onion, and salt and pepper.
Blak:Can we get somebody from Wisconsin to verify
Mac:this is the thing? Shit. So Coots Cuts General Store in Stonebake, Wisconsin has been open since 1926 and is a local hidden gem. So Jordan tried it, some reviewer named Jordan. Jordan's review, was it great?
Mac:Nope. Was it bad? Nope. Would I order again? Meh.
Mac:Nope. But it was definitely something fun and new to try. PS, Mike, on the other hand, really likes these and thinks they are delicious. We're the Midwest Munchers. Get out of here.
Mac:So let's, you know how we do over here. Let's get into these comments. You know, Yesha Thomas.
Blak:That's right.
Mac:He says WPS, if you don't know what that is. White people shit.
Mac:The next comment Wisconsin. The next comment says, the melanin in my skin prevents me from partaking in such activities, but y'all go off, sis. The next comment, shouldn't eat raw ground beef. It's not good for you. Next comment, Butcher here.
Mac:This is completely safe. Most beef can be consumed raw if it's fresh and free of additives. Grass fed beef is the best way to consume this. Also, it's essentially tartar, which again is completely safe. Just remember what someone may like doesn't mean everyone has to agree with or consume the same things.
Mac:Do better. Let me see your shit, Georgia. You better be on here doing some butcher oh, my fucking god.
Blak:Oh, lord. She looks like fucking country Wednesday.
Mac:Wednesday of Wisconsin. A Midwest Wednesday. You stupid as hell, boy. A Midwest Midwest Wednesday out here. What is she let me let me see some butcher shit she doing.
Mac:Oh, that looks like baking out here, and she's doing some cupcakes. She told people to not repost her art. So, you know, but she's getting free publicity here. I'm just trying to see you do some butcher shit. I'm not saying that you're not a butcher.
Mac:I didn't see it in your bio. So when you just jump in here and be like, I'm a butcher, so listen to what I say about this stuff. Miss me all the fucking way out of here.
Blak:All the way.
Mac:See if I can go back to these comments. They ain't gonna let me go back. Are you being like that, though? This squad just go back to messages on your ass. But, yeah, the comments, not not really not really feeling it.
Mac:I'm not really feeling it. No. Which is wild because, like, I will eat sushi. Right? Raw fish.
Mac:Mhmm. I don't understand, like, why like like, the one comment said, the melanin in my skin is not allowing me to partake in the, the raw I mean, she was spreading the raw ground beef on there like it was fucking Nutella.
Blak:I pat. Hey. Bro. No.
Mac:The equivalent of vampires having a modified bloody Mary versus someone with the t virus. Oh, shit. Oh, bro, that is wild to be bad. I I that that shit is somebody was just sitting here, like, we're in a restaurant. We have ground beef here.
Mac:We could cook it. Or
Blak:You know what? You know what else will work?
Mac:Call me crazy, but hear me out. Hold on. Let them cook or not cook and just put that shit on bread. Let them not cook and spread that fucking hamburger helper. Bro, if you just don't fucking put a fucking packet of fucking sloppy Joe, man, witching that bitch, just something to cook this shit, bro.
Mac:Bro, if I
Blak:Gas is off. We can't cook. I I have an idea.
Mac:I saw this on Midwest Munchers. Like, is that a fucking OnlyFans? What the fuck is you watching out there? What's up? Midwest Munchers, what the fuck is you doing out here?
Blak:That goddamn sandwich comes with a PSR, bro. Right.
Mac:100%. Like, I'm pretty sure it's like when you take them hot wings challenge that and it's like ghost pepper extract, and it's gonna fucking cause second degree burns to your lips. They're like, please sign this waiver before you eat
Blak:this shit.
Mac:I'm pretty sure this shit happened. Bro, I'd like, the the texture of my mouth, bro. Like, can you just Raw. I don't care. Onions, pepper jack.
Mac:I don't care what kind of fucking cheese you put on that shit, bro. If you don't get this shit the fuck out of here and give me a PBJ. Where the kids menu? Chicken tenders and fries, please. Give me the fuck a patty.
Mac:But, yeah, ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you we got a a 2 for for whose bans this week? And, Believe it or not, they're somehow connected, and I'll explain how in a bit. But ladies and gentlemen, here's this week's whose mans is this?
Blak:Hey, who mans is this?
Blak:Oh, man's is this? Terrell Lewis.
Mac:Oh, Lord. Ladies and gentlemen, if you're not familiar with this name, NFL linebacker, previously of the saint no. Los Angeles Rams
Mac:Who recently was acquired by the Philadelphia Eagles has been accused of not paying a escort. And not only not paying her, he literally tried to dine and dash, if you will.
Blak:Dip in the pot and leave.
Mac:So I'll read this. An NFL player has been accused of not paying an OnlyFans model for her services. The OnlyFans model's accusations have since gone super viral on social media. Former Alabama Crimson Tide star, Terrell Lewis, who plays for the Philadelphia Eagles, was named by OnlyFans model, Mia Murphy, on social media. So I've done research, and she does not shy away from the fact that she is out here making money by having sex with people.
Mac:Her her more, I would say, her pay to see, pay to view Instagram is called throat baby Mia. So I'm a just put that out there and let you know. She is not she is not shying away from what she is about, And I respect it. You know?
Blak:Hey. She calls a self throw, baby.
Mac:That's what I'm saying. She I respect it. You up front, you telling the truth. You letting people know what it is from from junk. Like, nobody's nobody's caught off guard and be like, look at this blah blah blah.
Mac:Like, she's like, yep. That's me. I do that, and people pay me handsomely. Mia.
Blak:What does throw baby mean? Mia?
Mac:But, Mercy shared a video of herself running down the hotel hallway accusing a man she claims to be Lewis of not paying up for her services. Lewis, 25, has since been trending on social media. The former Alabama Crimson Tide star was a 3rd round pick in the 2020 NFL draft. He was taken by the Rams and has since played for the Bears, Saints, and Eagles. So So in 4 years?
Mac:In 4 years, my boy. Oh. So yeah. You know, he's he's still employed by the NFL. He's still making NFL money, which is more money than I'm making.
Mac:So I'm not live your life, my boy. Yep. The NFL player has yet to respond to the accusations made against him on social media. Now ladies and gentlemen, would we be the smoke pit if we did not present to you this? Now I will say there's a quick view of some cheeks in this video.
Mac:But No discretion.
Blak:He's advised. There's a reason
Mac:that when we upload these videos to YouTube and such, we always click this is not made for kids. Yes. But I will present you the video that she posted, on her x account. I just call it Twitter because I I I can never be like x. So this is the Twitter.
Blak:Changing the logo back to Twitter anyway.
Mac:Okay. So so her Twitter account at cyber girl Mia is where she uploaded this. And she captioned it, we've got a runner, ladies and gentlemen. Real 24. Run me my motherfucking money.
Mac:She tagged the Eagles. She tagged the NFL, NFL on Fox, a commentator that covers the NFL, coach Nuss, coach Stoutland, coach Singh
Mac:All the coaches Yep. All the coaches.
Blak:Of the Eagles. So you know you know, if she don't give a fuck about telling people that she's fucking on camera for money, You know, she about to out
Mac:your ass. A 100%. There's no
Blak:shame in her game. I'm tagging everybody.
Blak:So ladies and gentlemen,
Mac:this is Terrell Lewis. This was whoever was filming it, or maybe she participated. So there was 2 women in here and my man, Terrell Lewis. I wanna full screen this.
Mac:The sound is on. Correct? Cool. Yep. And, ladies and gentlemen, watch my man.
Mac:After the deed is done and he got his shit back on, book it. Are you gonna play? Did I just click? 18/30 Oh my god. 18/38.
Mac:Oh my god. 18/38. Ladies and gentlemen Oh my god. Dude. Watch That
Blak:man called the office play.
Mac:He said that was the audible. He called the play 1838. 1838. Omaha. 1838.
Mac:Hut. Hut. It's a draw play. They never saw it coming.
Blak:55 is a nickel. 55 is a nickel.
Mac:Watch the mic. Watch the mic. Kill. Kill. Kill.
Mac:Kill. Kill. Kill. Fam. It say say alright, black.
Mac:It's time for some role play. You're this man's publicist. What do you do?
Blak:Ma'am, Why? Why were you in there? For what reason were you in there?
Mac:You know why he was in there. Throw baby Mia, baby. Come on, bro.
Blak:Just because you got it don't mean you can. Now
Blak:gonna try to get you out of this. I'm gonna try, but we have your voice on camera. So don't do any interviews, stay the fuck away from cameras, stay low, stay out of dodge. Luckily, we don't see your face. But goddamn it, son.
Blak:Think think next time. Did you know she says her name is throw baby. She named herself that. Yep. She says that she's comfortable doing it on camera.
Blak:Yep. You are you represent the NFL. You represent us. So if you out here tricking, guess what they gonna say about us? We out here tricking everybody.
Mac:Yep. Bro, he gone.
Blak:Ass down. He'd be dicking your pants. And if you gotta bring it out, goddamn it, don't be on camera.
Mac:That's my thing. Like, do you think that they don't have a better angle with his face on it?
Blak:They probably do.
Mac:Think they can't Do you think they can't upload another video of your face? I mean, at this point, if this is all they got, you can probably you're not winning the court of public opinion. Oh, no. No. Legally, you're probably in the clear.
Mac:But you don't think that, when you go places, nobody gonna say shit? The the the the you have already been found guilty in the court of public opinion, sir.
Blak:Oh, hell yeah.
Mac:And the fact that
Mac:That old tech mobile.
Blak:Ready? Down.
Mac:Ready? Down. He gone. Bo Jackson and that motherfucker. Gone.
Mac:You ain't catching this motherfucker.
Blak:Motherfucker, you've been you've been on the IR for for goddamn 6 months. Bro. You out here doing the 40 in record time, getting out of this motherfucker.
Mac:The fact that you had a naked OnlyFans model hawk you down in the hallway.
Blak:Caught him.
Mac:Like like like she was DJ Metcalfe, DK Metcalfe, and you was Buddha Baker trying to run that interception back. It explains why you've been on 4 different teams in as many years as the NFL. What is your 40 let me look this motherfucker 40 time up because
Blak:Walked him down.
Mac:No. I'm curious. What's this guy's name? What is he? Terrell Lewis?
Mac:Let me look this man. It's 40 time up. Look. I typed Terrell Lewis. It'd be like, Terrell Lewis, me a mercy?
Mac:Like, goddamn. Terrell Lewis hotel video? Like, chill.
Blak:Come on, man. See? You're trending.
Mac:40 yard dash time. What you got for me, Internet? Based on his weight, he was projected a 40 yard dash time of 4.88. There's no way. Let me
Blak:click on that. Like, 5.3.
Mac:He had on shoes and everything. Like, he was more prepared to run than, than she should have been.
Blak:Yeah. She chased this man down with crocs on, bro.
Mac:I think she was barefoot running out after this motherfucker.
Blak:Oh, was she?
Blak:Bro, I didn't expect
Blak:had an advantage.
Mac:But she's like she run flat foot too. You know what I'm saying? But what is the draft profile? I'm just trying to see this man's. Oh oh, wait a minute.
Mac:40 yard dash was 4.75. 4.75 is what this man ran the 40 yard dash in.
Blak:They need to look at Mia. Because, bro.
Mac:Let let me look at this man. Bro, she quick, bro. That acceleration is like a 90. Gone. Look at that.
Blak:Missile. Look at her.
Mac:Well, you about to get hot to buy On
Blak:his ass. On his ass.
Mac:God. Look at that. And he looking back, bro, like it's a fucking horror movie or some shit. You know what I'm saying, bro? You just bro, north to south, don't be looking in the back.
Mac:That's how you get that's how you get caught
Blak:up on. Caught.
Mac:This is football 101. Because he ain't the only one. Like Black said, no cams. Out of all these pro athletes making 6 figures, you will have some playing high dollar to do what average people do after McDonald's date. And, like, you're a NFL player.
Mac:Is it really that hard to like, you don't think there's nobody in Philadelphia that that could've done the stuff that, Mia Murphy did? Some up and comer.
Blak:You don't.
Mac:Some up and comer. You know what I'm saying? Trying trying to get the clout Mia got, you coulda helped put them on. But you out here not promoting, you're not promoting, the small businesses. You out here at the corporations and stuff.
Blak:Yep. He wants the conglomerate.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? There's mom and pops. Mom and pop only fan, you know, girls on the way up. Local talent, trying to trying to make it to the big leagues. You know?
Mac:And you out here just trying just just paying more money to the pros. You know what I'm saying? You could have found some undiscovered talent out here. But here you are. Terrell Lewis getting a hot down by
Blak:Mia Mercy.
Blak:Trying to run out on the plug in.
Mac:Bucket ass bucket naked
Blak:in the nude
Mac:In the nude. But, so I say we go from people running away from their escorts to people who run towards their escorts. What are you talking about, Mac?
Blak:Saw this one.
Mac:I saw this. Talking about, Mac? So a GOP lawmaker from Michigan was arrested after chasing a stripper with a gun in the middle of the night. I have to share this because you have to see this, man.
Blak:Bro, this election year is is
Mac:the wild, bro.
Blak:Damn y'all stretch
Mac:the fuck. Is election year is wild, America. If you're watching us in one of these other countries that that transistor says y'all y'all listen to us or watch us at
Blak:We're sorry.
Mac:You're welcome for the entertainment. You know what I'm saying? I'm pretty I don't know how elections go in your country, but here in America, like, we we got no sense.
Blak:These motherfuckers, they listen.
Mac:It'd be the people with the worst morals getting elected in the positions, trying to tell us how we should
Blak:be living our lives.
Mac:Christians. Trying to tell us how we should be living. But you're running down.
Blak:God fearing Christians.
Mac:You're running down strippers with a gun. Look at this man. And coming to the stage. Get the fuck out.
Blak:Woah. Woah. Woah.
Mac:Woah. Woah. Look at this guy. This man has to run down strippers with guns? What?
Mac:Look at he's a looker. This handsome devil. What are we talking about? Look at the wrist. Look at this.
Blak:Oh, shit.
Mac:Come on. But, on Wednesday, no less credible a source than slate.com announced that Lansing, Michigan is the most relevant bellwether population center in the country. Where goeth Lansing, so goeth the nation, we say. Hours after the publication of this piece, as if to emphasize that Lansing is where it all happens, a 62 year old Michigan state representative named Neil Frisk or Frisky. We'll go with Frisky because it's funnier.
Mac:Frisky. Delivered what may go down as the signature political arrest of the year. Getting collared at 2:45 AM Thursday by Lansing PD because according to an initial report by the MIRS news service, he had chased an adult dancer after a disagreement and had a gun in possession at the time. Authorities say authorities say the county prosecutor's office is reviewing the case and that he may be arraigned on Friday or Saturday. According to a police spokesperson quoted in the Detroit Free Press, officers were dispatched to a area near Frisk's residence in the state capitol.
Mac:He represents a district in Northern Michigan to respond to reports of a male with a gun. Per the Fripp, Frisky is being held in police lockup, which did not stop his reelection campaign from releasing a doozy of a statement. I'm scared to scroll down to read this shit.
Blak:Me too, but I'm curious.
Mac:I'm curious as fuck. Yes. An official statement from representative Neil Frisky's campaign. Official statement. This morning, it was brought to our attention that representative Frisky was arrested and being held.
Mac:As many of us know, representative Frisky is always exercising his second amendment right. We do not have any details besides that he was that the media has sourced oddly before any of us any one of us knew anything. It is highly suspect considering the timing of the situation. Right before absentee ballots are released, day after an unknown phone number conducted polling on the 107 race between representative Frisky and our opponent with deep state ties. We ask everyone for prayers and stay tuned.
Mac:Admit nothing. Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations. Concurrently to this arrest somehow, Frisk also posted this tweet, which includes a fairly complicated allegorical graphic explaining his opposition to a bill pending in the legis oh my god. Which would outlaw AI generated pornography. So this was his tweet.
Mac:It says, this metaphoric visual of why I vote the way I do in Lansing. I'm not gonna cave to the pressure of special interest. I'm not afraid of all the false accusations. Like, frisky is for AI porn when a bill denies the people their rights to properly defend themselves. Democratic bills, Michigan.
Mac:Alright. Whatever the fuck this shit is. Attack on your rights. He thought he was cooking with this meme. Whatever the fuck this
Mac:He did. But, yeah, I'm not reading the rest of this stuff. So, Black, again, role playing. You're on this man's PR team. You get a call in the morning.
Mac:We got your guy down here in the station, the precinct. He's in a holding cell. He's running up on a stripper with a gun at 2:45 in the morning. And he called. He you're you're the one phone call he gets.
Mac:Yeah. They got me. They're trying to get me on some crazy stuff. Click.
Blak:Yeah. Get the fuck out of here, bro.
Mac:With breaking news, Black Mac has resigned from the PR team of representative Neil Frisky. Yep. This is a this is concurrent with him reports of you know the part that gets me mad is motherfuckers do shit like this, and they still try to run for office.
Blak:Right. Like, bro, what the fuck possessed you? What was that? It's election year. What the fuck are you doing in the strip club?
Blak:I mean, you could you could put it off on I I'm trying to get these voters. Yeah. But, fam.
Mac:This is a demographic that that we've been missing out on. You know what I'm saying? The single moms out here working in these clubs.
Blak:What the fuck
Blak:was you disagreeing with? The lap dance price? Like, what the what the fuck are we what are we doing?
Mac:They had a argument about some legislation that he was trying to pass. Bitch, if it's longer than 3 months, you're not allowed to get abortion. Life starts at conception. Whatever. I don't care.
Mac:What, bitch? You're gonna
Blak:you're gonna hear me. She turned
Mac:around She turned around in
Blak:here, sir in
Blak:the strip club dancing while you're pregnant.
Mac:Sir, I'm trying to give you a lap dance. You're in my ear talking about dance now. You're talking about getting rid of AR porn. Like, you're you're killing me. I think I'm done.
Mac:I'm a leave. Bitch, I paid for the 2 songs. You're gonna give me 2 songs. It's fucking it's printing down the street.
Blak:It's crazy. It's crazy.
Mac:Oh my god. This man is losing his shit. You're gonna listen and decide which is the best campaign slogan. Sir, I I don't wanna do this. I just wanna give you your dance.
Mac:I paid for 2 songs. You're giving I quit.
Blak:You've given me
Blak:What I what I asked for.
Mac:I paid for 2 songs. You're I'm getting You're giving me 2 songs.
Blak:Sir, I thought you were pro life. Not tonight.
Mac:You're out of the womb. I don't care about you. Once you have been conceived, I care not about your life. Oh, shit. Oh my god.
Mac:It it's like bro. So you got a pro athlete running from hoes, and you got a fucking elected official running after hoes with guns. This is America. They'll catch you slipping up. They'll catch you slipping up.
Mac:This is
Blak:a Not the strat.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Blak:You know what?
Mac:I'm a just do that shit with every every time something wild happened. You just go and lead in. I'm a put it on the sound thing, and I'm a just push the button. Hey,
Blak:This is America.
Mac:They'll get you slipping up. Anytime something stupid happen, we just sit here like, this is America. Duck can be sleeping up.
Blak:2024 is wow.
Mac:Already. Already? And we ain't even we ain't even hitting the the big guns. That's just a wild ass. You got fucking representatives in Oklahoma talking about don't be weak and gay and Juneteenth is a ratchet holiday.
Mac:Like, ma'am. If you if you don't understand the importance of what this day is, it because none of you should be celebrating or asking for reparations, because none of you, like oh my god.
Blak:You're doing this on Juneteenth? Come on now.
Mac:Because it's a ratchet holiday.
Blak:Come on now.
Mac:Nothing ratchet about it. No. I don't no. I'm not gonna put it back.
Blak:Using that word is, like, stop.
Mac:And, like, and, like, we
Blak:can take it
Mac:by slang. And using it, Rob, you made it a hotline. I made it a hot song. Yeah. I sampled your voice.
Mac:You was using it wrong. Oh my god. This just lets me know, like, if there's a job you can you can you can do, you need no qualifications. This is a politician. Yep.
Mac:You just say the right thing, get the right people to be, like, feverishly fucking devoted to you. You in there.
Blak:I wonder what that feels like to know that you have, like, millions of motherfucker. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. No. Millions of people believe it.
Mac:You just say hot you just keep saying hot topic shit. Like, just hot button shit that that motherfucker Yeah. Yep. Like, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
Blak:He is the president that will lead us.
Mac:Don't tread on me. You're gonna take these guns out of you
Blak:Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.
Blak:Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.
Mac:They out there sounding like fucking Wakandans and shit going up war jumping. Yep.
Blak:Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.
Blak:Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.
Mac:Yep. Like, oh my. Is this challenge day? All y'all out here fucking hollering
Blak:and whooping and shit.
Mac:What the fuck is this? Fucking around
Blak:with y'all.
Mac:This shit they get hyped about, man. But, I told you we had a good 2fer. They're kind of related in in in the topic, but, I'm not proud of it. It is what it is. So, we'll we'll see what happens.
Mac:What the outcomes of these two situations will be. But do you think either of these 2 can provide any competition to Corey Harris for the, the the first annual come here award.
Blak:Maybe Terrell? Maybe?
Mac:Maybe Terrell?
Blak:Corey Corey's up there. Corey is Corey came in hot.
Mac:Allegedly. If that's you if that's you if that's you, Terrell,
Blak:allegedly. Allegedly.
Mac:You you may be you may be it's probably a fight for a second at this point.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:We still got 6 more months, bro.
Blak:Neil, you're I'm not gonna let Neil Neil's up there too.
Mac:You gave me you put Neil up there?
Blak:Oh, yeah. Hell, yeah.
Mac:A third week. Like I said, I gotta go back, look at everything we did in January leading up to now, seeing all the Hoosmas. Tyrese is probably up there based on quantity so far this year. Yeah. Based on quantity.
Mac:He's putting in the work. You know what I'm saying? Like, he puts in the work.
Blak:This year was gonna be dedicated to Tyrese.
Mac:It started out like that. My man couldn't let nobody live, bro, like that.
Blak:He wouldn't stop.
Mac:Damn. Sit down somewhere, bro. Shit. I thought Terrence Howard was gonna be a strong candidate with his Yeah. The first memory I had was in the womb.
Mac:God. Really? Okay, Jody from baby boy. Fucking Jesus Christ. It's your big ass out the goddamn room.
Mac:Bro, what you doing in here? But, yeah. So there we have it. Our 2 nominees, our 2 winners for whose man this week, and, potential nominees for the annual first annual, the inaugural.
Blak:Come here.
Mac:I'm aboard. But, let us get back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Blak:And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress.
Mac:Whew. Great show. Fun stuff to talk about. Lot of people to make the fuck fun of. So, what what you got for other people?
Mac:Final shots and thoughts, man.
Blak:Final shots and thoughts. We had a very good week. Plays are up across the board. So thank you to the people that are tuning in. The website is actually doing really good with visitors.
Blak:So, thank you guys for spreading the word about ddfpn.com. We we actually had a really good week. We have more stuff coming. Fallen Star was released today. Next week is gonna be another busy week, and we got MEMS because you moved it to next week.
Mac:Yes, sir.
Blak:I know no gimmicks has 2 interviews scheduled for next week. Yeah, man. And then we get back to we get back to the gaming. For those of you who are following the following star series, thank you so much because the story is actually it it it's picking up.
Blak:We had a 6 hour game night the other night. So a lot of good content coming from that one. That shit was crazy.
Mac:You wanna talk about emotional? Bro, if if if things have went left, I I probably would've quit it. I probably you've disconnected. User has left the game. Is he coming back?
Mac:I don't think he's coming back.
Blak:Oh, no. I don't think he's coming back. But but, yeah, man. Fallen Star, great story. So make sure you guys tap in the Fallen Star Fridays and follow the queens and nerd them.
Blak:They everybody would we started the week in the charts. We kinda fell out towards the end, but thank you to everybody that's tuning in from the network. It it's it's it's great shit. No gimmicks. Next month is going to be absolutely busy.
Blak:So I know we have the Great Austin Comic Con, July 20th and, 21st
Blak:In Austin. And then I won't be on Fallen Star for the month of July and all the way up to August 17th. The reason being, AW is doing a residency in Arlington, for a collision, which is on Saturdays.
Blak:And I got picked up for the AW residency as part of the press. So
Mac:Nice, man. Congrats on that, bro.
Blak:Yeah, man. Appreciate it.
Mac:Appreciate it. It's just you, Frank d, is not coming to to join in on any of those?
Blak:No. That was just me.
Mac:That's dope, though, man. Congrats on that, bro. I know you've been on your grind, getting press passes to get those interviews and and and to grow no gimmicks a bit. So, it's awesome seeing that come to fruition. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:So Hell, yeah. Hell, yeah.
Mac:Continue to to work. Another plug, merch is getting refreshed right now. Absolutely. Some of the old designs have been kinda, you know, archived. We'll rerelease them as retro stuff.
Mac:But, Queens has new merch up there. We're working on a couple more pieces. Next up, Smoke Pit will have some new designs up there. And then we'll slowly start refreshing and revamping the merch for for the other shows as well. So if you're a Patreon member, there should be some pinned comments in there with, depending on your tier, the discount code for you that you can use, and, get you some discounted merch off of there.
Mac:We readjusted the prices and all that stuff to to try to make it, you know we we know how it's tough out there. So we're willing to take a hit on the little bit of profit that we get from the merch. We just wanna see a rep out there and give you guys something to wear, to rep the brand. So, there'll be some fallen star theme merch, some new queen's merch. Like I said, smoke pit merch should be coming out.
Mac:No gimmicks. They'll have some new stuff coming out in, USDN and also working on some, some merch for, eat the cake anime. So a lot of stuff coming out. As soon as the merch drops, we'll make sure to put the ads out there to let you know it's up and ready to go fresh off the press. So, just keep your eye out for that as well.
Blak:Nice. Nice. Nice. Nice.
Mac:But, that's all I got for the folks, man. You got anything else?
Blak:That's it, man. Just thank you to the people that tuned in. Yep. Appreciate you guys.
Mac:And as always, man, thanks. Appreciate the support. Tune in next week. We're gonna have even even more is next week? Not next weekend.
Mac:Oh, next week, we'll be doing our, quarter 2, winner giveaway. So, if you're not a Patreon member, there's still time to get in there and get it included on, the quarterly giveaway where one of our Patreon members gets a $100 on the brand. No big deal. And Mhmm.
Blak:The only
Mac:way to get in on that raffle is to to be a member of the, the Patreon. So you have time to get in on that. Link is in the description below. Takes you right there. But outside of that, that's the lead that's the smallest thing we can do to thank you guys.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? For rocking with us for so long. But we'll go ahead and wrap it up. This has been episode 145, the smoke pit. I am the homie Mac aka your boy.
Mac:And I am
Blak:bread like a king, made as Kelvin k Lee. Thank you guys for tuning in to episode 145. Until next time. Have love. Make sex.
Blak:Peace. Peace.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit smoke, bitch. Time for us
Blak:to show off. It's been a
Blak:long week. Come relaxing, get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions, I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready, because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit.
Blak:It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.