Ep 144 "Cartoon Crushes, 'What Did I Just Watch', & Sean Herman"
What up?
Blak:What it is?
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, it is Friday night, Fri yay as we like to call it around here. And as you see, the dynamic duo are back. It is the homie Mac a k a your boy, and, my man, the blackest of the Mac.
Blak:Pleasure. It's a pleasure.
Mac:If you're unaware, your boy is also dabbling in some acting and some RPG in over here. You can also catch me as Dodie on in finals, fallen star hosted by the Queens of Nerdom. New episode just dropped today if you haven't checked it out. That is correct. Page.
Mac:Go to the website, to their page on the website. All that good stuff. You know what it is. If you haven't heard of fallen star yet, please get on it. It's about to get live.
Mac:Shit's getting real. Your boy, Dollyon, emerged with a damn shadow dragon. Shit's real out here. Alright?
Blak:Man, soul to soul people.
Mac:It's for the greater good. It's for the greater good. But, make sure to check that out and all that good stuff. And, yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Yeah. Your boy, Black is also making some guest appearances in there as Machitus. Yep. So, we we out here working on our voice acting, if you will. So, check us out over there.
Mac:Queens and Nerdom, fallen star, good time all around. But, how's your week been, my guy?
Blak:Busy as shit.
Mac:Oh, yeah? Earning that check.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Little bit.
Blak:It's been a busy week, man.
Mac:You over there at the, the WNBA coverage. Dallas. How's that going for you?
Blak:It's you know what? I did the UFL, right before this, and there there are levels clearly. So so I am like it the first game made me excited to do it again.
Blak:And it was just like I was right back starting again. So, just learning learning the the protocols of league and, you know, getting familiar there's familiarities with media, but just learning, y'all, this is different. This is obviously different, but it there there are levels people. So I'm like, I am kind of I wanna go to the NBA now. I wanna see what that's like.
Mac:Dallas Mavericks are kind of a big thing right now, man. If you can get in the press box for that.
Blak:Yeah. Well, we're doing the show now, and they may not have another game after the night. So
Mac:Well, that's what I'm saying. I'm like, next year. I mean, the the NBA is just bigger. You know what I'm saying? Like, if you get there for the Dallas cowboy games, the, you know, the Dallas maverick games, you know, cover a couple, you know, Texas ranger games.
Mac:Like the more more popular sports leagues. I know Dallas Stars, they got the, the hockey league down there. You know? I mean, you'd be on your way. I mean, but there's baby steps to it.
Blak:Yeah. And it and that's what I'm learning. It's it's, you know, it's exciting to get your feet in there and and learn. Get out your comfort zone
Mac:a little bit. You know?
Blak:Yeah. Yeah. Most definitely. But I've been this tomorrow will be my 3rd game. So
Mac:I mean, and the season's kinda early. I know they only play about, what, 30 games regular season wise. So Yeah. Last I checked, what about, like, 10, 12
Blak:games or something? Games in right now.
Mac:Yeah. So you got some time, man. Yep. At least 15 home games or something like that. So you'd be in there.
Blak:Yep. Cool.
Mac:Hopefully, they hire you as a traveling, you know, journalists. They'll cover the, cover them on the road. That's that's, you know What
Blak:about you, man? How how was your week, my guy?
Mac:Nonstandard stuff. You know, it it was a bit easier week. Last week, you know, we were busy. Next week, we gotta pick it back up, so we got MEMS this Monday. Well, actually, smoke pit today, falling start tomorrow.
Mac:Yeah. Mims Monday, eat the cake episode 2 Thursday, and then rolling back into, smoke pit next Friday. So it's another 3 show week.
Blak:The grind. Yeah.
Mac:But I mean, it's it's good times. You know what we talk about. Like, if you're doing something you love, you know, it it don't It's
Blak:not working. Yep. Yep. It's not working.
Mac:Doing that and, helping the queens come up with some designs, which will drop tomorrow. We'll be revamping some of the merch to get, get it going again. But, busy productive week. I I like to say productive instead of busy. Love it.
Mac:We out here.
Blak:Love it.
Mac:But, what do you say we, help these guys usher in their weekend with, some shenanigans?
Blak:Let's do it, man. So if you're listening to our voices right now, get your ass up, get ready, get pumped up. We're now into episode 144 of the smoke pit, and it starts right now. Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night.
Blak:Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke, bitch. Time for us to show off. It's been a long week, come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets.
Blak:And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions, I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready, because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Mac:Yep. Y'all know what it is. Friday night. Mood is right. Dynamic duel of black and here on your screen on this Friday, or maybe you're checking us out on YouTube on a Monday.
Mac:Either way, it's a good it's a it's a good thing because, you know, we're bringing nothing but laughs and shenanigans and and good vibes over here. Absolutely. So, good show for you tonight. Good show for you tonight. I would like to get this, shot out the way immediately so we can get into some stuff because, debut in a new segment tonight, ladies and gentlemen.
Mac:Debuting a new segment tonight, to kinda supplement the house meeting. So house meeting, I'm a make strictly for stuff that's in the podcast fan group. If you're not a member, please, look at the description below. There's a lot of links in there. One of them will take you to our fan group where you can see all the the the pit masters, in, in their their final form, I would say.
Mac:Unleashed, if you will. So it's a lot of good stuff getting posted today. A lot of good conversations, a lot of good comments and stuff. But, yeah. So check that out.
Mac:And then, there's a new segment for just stuff that we randomly find on on Instagram and wherever the Internet has us. So, I can't wait to get into that because there's a few things we need to talk about on there. But, I have this shot. This is probably, I'm almost out of my crown apple, but I got a bottle of crown vanilla, which is what I'm sipping on throughout the show. But crown apple in the shot glass, you still on your your h two o, your Agua?
Blak:Oh, no. I got a I got a clearance.
Mac:Oh, okay. What we got what we got over there, player?
Blak:So we are on tequila, baby.
Mac:Oh my gosh. My man back on it. The?
Blak:Yeah. No. So, it's a,
Mac:The final boss ain't gonna like that, bro.
Blak:No. Well, he didn't invite me
Mac:to the championship game, so
Blak:he'll be alright.
Mac:Rock, if you're listening, a. You heard you heard you you heard his demands.
Blak:Invite me. No. This is, it's a new it's a new Astro Reposado.
Mac:Oh, you don't drink the clear? You don't drink clear tequila?
Blak:Not when you're not when you're shooting, man.
Mac:You sure? Yeah. I don't do tequila at all, but I was shooting. I don't care what color this shit was. My father would be like, shit.
Mac:Shit. Shit.
Blak:Shit. It's Conan. Hey, Will.
Mac:Will, here's one for you. Fuck it. Alright.
Blak:Alright. Let's let's do it.
Mac:Like a pro. Anyways, you gotta toast for the the people today?
Blak:Yeah. So here's to here's to getting back after it, man. Busy week. You're here on a Friday. Let's just relax, and then Monday, we back after it.
Blak:So here it goes. Cheers.
Blak:Oh god. I haven't drank in so long.
Blak:Oh, that was terrible. This is a terrible idea.
Mac:Mhmm. You know what it would have been good? Crown apple.
Blak:You know it.
Blak:I heard tequila was healthier, but whatever.
Mac:Is it?
Blak:That's what they say.
Mac:One of these days, I gotta look at, like, nutrition facts on a because I I look at, like, the calories and stuff. I'm just like, like, what am I even doing? What am I even looking at you for? Why you even why you even got nutrition facts on this
Blak:box? Yeah.
Mac:Crown is just like, for every shot, it's a 110 calories. Who the fuck cares? Like, if I'm drinking you and counting calories, I'm in the wrong place.
Blak:Drunk as fuck. Like, this is 98 calories.
Mac:Like beer. Like, oh, a 12 ounces of this is only 96 calories and, you know, 12 carbs. Like, what the fuck am I doing?
Blak:Like It's cat piss, my guy.
Mac:I'm running I'm running a marathon and grabbing a beer. I'm worried about the carbs. Man, chill out, bro. Chill out. I run 26 miles.
Mac:I ain't grabbing a light fucking ultralight beer. That shit finna be a Guinness. I'm replenishing replenishing what I lost. I don't even like Guinness, but I know I'm about to be hungry as a motherfucker.
Blak:Hell, yeah.
Mac:Give me a beer to sustain me. Heineken lag lager.
Blak:Oh, god. What? Oh, god.
Mac:Sir. Yeah. I'll be I don't care. Give me another one.
Blak:I made room. Yeah. Let's go.
Mac:But, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, let us get into, this week's house meeting.
House Meeting:I think we need to have a house meeting, y'all.
Mac:So, this week was kind of a I think this one just popped up today. But I I think it was a a a good kind of icebreaker for the show. As you see below, ladies and gentlemen, we've all been there. Unless you're just the coolest motherfucker on planet and was just like, this is not cool. As a kid, you're growing up, you're watching your TV shows.
Mac:And, one day, you know, you just see a character come on the screen, and you're like, oh, well, alright. You know? Mhmm. I'm intrigued. Maybe it didn't happen right away.
Mac:Maybe it was, like, in season 4 or 5 of your show. But one time that character comes on, you're just like, ah, I like that. Is this new animation? I never, I never noticed that before. I, animation studio the same or, no.
Mac:What's going on here? Thank you. Thank you, creator, for for this character. But it was posted in the group. Who is your first cartoon crush?
Mac:Now the the actual image, just has these 9 individuals on it. So if I recall correctly, this redhead in the top left, I remember seeing her in, like, a few Tom and Jerry cartoons. Like, she'd be singing at a club or something like that. She may be a figure out who that was.
Blak:I can't figure out who that was.
Mac:Okay. I but I just recall, like, some of the old Tom and Jerry joints or whatever, like, it'd be it'd be her. Like, she'd come out and do some singing. Of course, top middle role is April O'Neil. Right?
Mac:In a weird shape head or, hopefully, that's her hairstyle, but, nevertheless. Top right, we have Cheetara from, Thundercats. Middle left, Jasmine from Aladdin, obviously. Right in the middle, we got the nursery man and maniacs. We got Storm on the middle right.
Mac:Wonder Woman, bottom left. Rogue, bottom middle. And I forget her name from Atlantis. But she is, bottom right. So of the 9 up there because we'll we'll expand the the cartoon crush universe in a little bit.
Mac:Right. Of these 9, who would you say was your first crush? Or Of Go ahead.
Blak:Of these 9? Of these 9. I wanna say I wanna say it was princess Jasmine because she's earlier than she's earlier than Rogue, and Rogue was like, of these 9, fam. Yes. You could touch me.
Mac:I'll just
Blak:take myself.
Mac:So of the x men back in in in 95, you know, like, back back then. Right? So Rogue of all the X Men ladies, the femme fatales they threw over on the screen, Rogue was it?
Blak:I don't know about of these 9, but no. Because Storm Storm was one of them too.
Mac:But Rogue
Blak:was one of them too.
Mac:Because she's on the list, but you picked Rogue. Yeah. I'll tell you why Rogue was mine. Like, Mystique came around later, and I was just like, okay, Mystique. You you trying.
Mac:But but, bro, that scene where Apocalypse had her, and she was on the ground. I was just like, bro, these animators
Blak:Like, laid with the booty stick? Yep. Yeah.
Mac:The animators do the assignment, bro. Yes.
Mac:The animators do the assignment.
Blak:There's a kid watching this right now, and it's gonna impact his life. That's
Mac:me. Bad thing. White as hell. Big as fuck. Oh my god.
Mac:That's my babe. Carol eyed. Like, that song was played by him before it even came out. I was like, oh, no. Rogue got hit.
Mac:And then they get the camera changed. I was like, oh, bad thing. This hell. Dig as fuck. Oh my.
Mac:And then the accent I think after that scene, like, her accent and everything, I'm just like, oh, she country a shit too. Oh, yeah. So, you know, she don't give a fuck out here. She ain't trying to be she ain't trying to be and you
Blak:know what I'm saying?
Mac:She ain't trying to be pretty and dainty for nobody, but she she down. She is down.
Blak:She gonna hunt? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Mac:She go out hunting. But, yeah. I mean, Jasmine is obviously up there. Like, if I'm gonna talk about Disney princesses, she's up there. Old girl from Atlantis was bad as fuck too.
Mac:Don't get me wrong. Yep. Honorable mention for, for animated movie, chicks that are bad. Old girl from, The Road to El Dorado?
Blak:Oh, yeah, buddy. Yeah.
Mac:Who I'm talking about? Yeah. And she's voiced by Rosie Perez, and she can't, bro. Yeah. There's a couple scenes where they just like, yeah.
Mac:You know, they they threw in these these grown things, like, when she, like, ducked off the screen to hide or something, old buddy's face, like, changed up. I was like as a kid, I'm just like, well, what the fuck? As I got older, I'm just like, yo. Is she? I might have to rewatch that movie as an adult.
Mac:I haven't seen it in a in, like, a while. If I rewatch that as an adult, I'd be like, yo. This is they crazy out here.
Mac:They crazy out here.
Blak:Disney knew. They knew. They knew.
Mac:That one even I think that was DreamWorks.
Blak:Oh, yeah. You're right. That is DreamWorks.
Mac:But, yeah, Disney knew what they was doing. Like, there's a lot of in the windows in, in Aladdin and shit.
Blak:Oh, hell yeah.
Mac:But, I think they knew what they was doing with Jasmine, because I think that was the first non white princess they did. Was a lot a lot of was before Pocahontas and Mulan and stuff because that's when they started branching out.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah. She was the first one.
Mac:I think that's why a a majority of people be like, yo. Jasmine is it. Because they was just like, oh, she You
Blak:might be right about that.
Mac:No. I mean, if if if we did a poll, and we're just like, which Disney princess did you have? Did you that that you first had a crush on? Like, what Disney princess when she came on the screen, he was like, oh, that's that's her.
Blak:Oh, no. It's hands down. That's Jasmine.
Mac:It's Jasmine probably second, Pocahontas or something. But then people probably, oh, you know, in the movie, in real life, Pocahontas was only, like, 12 or 13. Like, bro, in the movie, she was a grown woman, bro. Yeah. And that's the one I was looking at.
Blak:I was a kid anyway.
Mac:With her big ass forehead and shit. I don't give a fuck. I don't care.
Mac:Just around the riverbed.
Mac:Hell, yeah. Let's go.
Blak:Let's motherfucking go.
Mac:Have you ever heard the wolf tried to the blue corn moon? No. I got something else you need to hear, though. Okay.
Blak:I know who about
Mac:to cross
Blak:the blue corn moon.
Mac:Girl, you keep playing around, getting around me in this goddamn, deer skin, miniskirt and shit. Them thighs looking like a girl,
Mac:boy, you
Mac:all sit your ass down somewhere before you get got.
Blak:See your ass happening in Wheatfields, girl. Come on, man.
Mac:But, yep. And then probably, like, move on or, you know, so well, no. Esmeralda from, Hunchback and Notre Dame. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's Yeah.
Mac:When they started expanding out, motherfucker's like, oh, shit. They bad out here. Okay. But, I think we're both in agreeance. The baddest animated woman
Blak:debate. There's no debate about this one.
Mac:The baddest animated woman on Earth ever created. Ever created.
Blak:Man, listen. Whoever created this one was in they motherfucking bag, bro.
Blak:It was in a bag.
Mac:Super bag. Jessica motherfucking rabbit from who framed Rob your rabbit. Mhmm. Sorry
Blak:about it.
Mac:Son. I was 7 in the theater. Innocent 7 year old, dabbling in 2nd grade. Not even worried about nothing. Just recess, kickball, just kid shit.
Mac:Mhmm. Parents go to watch who wrote who framed Roger Rabbit. Took the kids. We in the theater. Roger Rabbit being goofy.
Mac:I'm laughing. He's silly. They go to that nightclub, and she come out. I'm like, lord. Oh, lord.
Mac:Oh, boy. Body didn't know what was going on. Mm-mm. Like, do I need to pee? Why my pads get tight?
Mac:What is happening out here? What is
Blak:this is weird. Sugar mortis going on
Mac:down there. It's it's that. My body my body
Blak:is stiff as a boy.
Mac:Motherfucker. PG? Come on, bro.
Mac:Mhmm. Why? Hold out of here. Whoever did this, I thank you.
Blak:It opened up a
Mac:whole new world for you, boy.
Blak:Salute to you. Yep. Salute to you. Salute to
Mac:you. It set me straight. I'll tell you that. I was like, I I know what I like.
Mac:I like shit, and I won't That's a cartoon. I don't
Blak:care. Mama. Yep. Can I be a cartoon when I go
Mac:get Then that other movie came out, Cool World with Brad Pitt and Oh, yeah? Old Girl Hollywood. I'm just like, goddamn. She bad too. Like, these motherfucking these animators is disgusting.
Mac:They out here thinking about these these these ass drawings and shit, bro.
Blak:Like, whoever drew her, like, he was I miss her. Let me draw
Mac:her. Yeah. Yes. It's a day. If I wanted to draw a woman, I would bang right now.
Mac:What would she look like? Put this in the movie. Alright. Cool. Like, woah.
Blak:Oh my god.
Blak:Is is there a woman that looks like this in real life? I
Mac:yes. Uh-huh. Oh, man. Also, honorable mention. It was mentioned in the comments.
Mac:Like, we had some people saying they liked, Olga, Daphne from, Scooby Doo. Like, she was in there. Princess Jasmine had people in the choke hold. Roxanne from Goofy Movies, she on my list too. Like, I don't care what people be saying.
Mac:Like, she she was the the down to earth chick. I was like, yes. She bad. She bad. What else we had in here?
Mac:The Baroness from GI Joe.
Blak:Oh, that's underrated one.
Mac:Lauren came in and she was like, bro, Rafael, was it for her? What? The bad boy Ninja Turtle.
Mac:I ain't even judging, bro. I ain't
Blak:even said you're not
Mac:even talking about, you know, you know, Roxanne from from, like Hey. Hey. You know that's a dog. I don't care. Whatever floats your boat, man.
Mac:Bro. That's just random. There's a moment. I'm watching Rescue Rangers and Gadget came on the fucking screen. I was like, oh, talk
Blak:about it. Talk about it.
Mac:Gadget come out there. I'm like, hey. Yo. Hey.
Blak:Hey. Listen.
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, we're not weird. We just say when we was kids. Like, this
Blak:Yeah. They're just Yeah.
Mac:It was her personality. It was her personality.
Blak:It was well proportioned to her body and shit. Like
Mac:She was smart as shit. You know, I liked it for her brains, man.
Blak:Yes. I
Mac:didn't like it for her body. I was like, man, if you take this personality Well,
Blak:like, her brain made her, like, so beautiful, bro.
Mac:You take a whole lot
Blak:of talk about.
Mac:Yeah. And put it in a person, if you do, fuck yes. Like, if I went to school and there was a chick that acted like gadget, I'd be like, hey. Wife it.
Blak:Wife it up.
Mac:We together forever. You don't know it yet.
Blak:Nigga, she made you a fucking plane out of toothpicks, my nigga. Write that up.
Mac:My man, Kel, said he was on that. See, you know, like
Blak:hey. I ain't gonna lie. Had a place in my heart at one point.
Mac:Saturday mornings and stuff? I'm like, she out here in this damn unitard flipping around with this goddamn whip. Like, I don't know. It's a little dominatrix shit. Like, I was a little slow your own shit.
Blak:Hell yeah.
Mac:Floating. My man said Storm and Rogue. I went it to Omega level smoosh smoosh smash. I'm gonna say, on this list, Eleanor or Chitara, but Eleanor of Montagar was my first cartoon crush.
Mac:But who is this? Who drew her like this? What is this? Yo.
Blak:Listen to me. Listen to me. Hold on.
Mac:What the
Mac:you seen this?
Blak:Hey. Wizard guy looking like, hey, man. Close that motherfucking dough shit up
Mac:to happen in here. Close this motherfucker. Why you click on this shit?
Blak:Hey, man. Listen. We out here. Get the fuck out of my room, bro.
Mac:Why y'all nosy for? But no. I mean, that was a that like, that shit is like I wonder, like, if I was to ask my kids, like, if there was one cartoon character that popped up on the screen. Because now you'd be like video game characters. That's a video game character.
Mac:I'd be like, yo.
Blak:Oh my god. Oh my god.
Mac:This shit. Wow. That's where that's a discussion for another day. But,
Blak:I know my oldest son, he had a crush on, miss Incredible.
Mac:Nigga, who don't?
Blak:I I couldn't even blame him for that one.
Mac:Nigga, who don't?
Blak:A dope. Who? As an adult, I was
Mac:like on that woman. Yo.
Blak:Hey. Yo.
Mac:And Disney do it too. That one seated the first one where she, like, put the suit on and she was looking at the mirror like, oh, does this make I'm like, girl,
Blak:you just Oh.
Mac:Don't you say nothing?
Blak:Back at it.
Mac:And then and then you flexible as shit too.
Mac:And then an incredible suit, they're like, oh, we gonna put her on a motorcycle now. I'm like, hey. That's how you get niggas in here. But we went to go see that movie, the amount of black men that was in that movie with their family. I was like, hey.
Mac:You know, we all out here with our families. Yeah. But we
Blak:Family men. Hey.
Mac:We do what we have.
Mac:Yeah. My brother, spending time with your family.
Mac:It's good to see you. Hey. I heard you got a motorcycle. Yeah, nigga. That's what I saw the trailers.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I saw the trailers.
Blak:You know why I'm here.
Mac:It was it was unspoken, but understood.
Blak:Yeah. You know why I'm here.
Mac:What's understood needs not be said.
Blak:That and, Spider Man, Miles Morales, his mom. Hey. Come on, son. Let's go. We're going to all these movies.
Mac:Bro. Bro. I'm like, hey.
Blak:We're going all of them.
Mac:Hey. Make her mad so she speaks Spanish again. Yeah. Yeah. Just like I planned.
Blak:My life. I love it.
Mac:I love it. Oh, man. But, if y'all got any y'all watching this on Monday or y'all y'all tuning in a little bit later, man, drop them in the comments, man. We we we wanna know what y'all thinking out here. We wanna know what y'all thinking.
Mac:But, I think it's time for our new segment out of here. Let's do it. I'm a go ahead and let it play. But like I said, we we out here, and we're just like, you know what? There's a lot of stuff going on on the interwebs.
Mac:I feel bad we can't cover it every week because we only got, you know, so much time. But let's dedicate a segment where we can, like, knock these things out a little little quick 5, 7 minute little review talk about these things. And if it goes long, it goes long. You know? We we we run our own show.
Mac:We're not, tied by network restrictions or nothing like that. The bonus of being independent out here. So, ladies and gentlemen, let's introduce our new segment, what did I just watch?
Blak:Tell me I did not just see that.
Mac:I had to throw that Booker in there, bro. I had to throw that book and see you there, bro.
Blak:Oh, yeah, man.
Mac:My favorite part is, like, with, Vince McNeil's walking around with that do rag. What's up, my nigga? He looked at him. Tell me he did not just say that.
Blak:Oh, he did. In front of you.
Mac:Him and black America was like, and you didn't do anything. That's the power of the check, ladies and gentlemen. Yep. Ladies and like, that's how you know it's entertainment. It it not, like, legit legit shit going on.
Mac:Like, they they know, because I'm pretty sure Vince McMahon ain't just rolling up to any black motherfucking saying shit like that. At least I hope to God he's not. Because Booker look like he really don't play that shit. But, we got a few things, that we were sharing back and forth in this oh, the first one I wanna bring up. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know if you're aware of, air quotes, actor by the name of Rob Schneider.
Mac:Usually tied to the hip of 1 Adam Sandler. Depending on him. Adam Sandler is pretty much this motherfucker's lifeline at this point, to to life. He was on a podcast, and he had some choice words to say about 1 Will Smith. Funny how this comes up when Will Smith is trying to promote the movie, bad boys 4 or what?
Mac:5? Which one is this?
Blak:This one is 4. It's 4. No. It's 5. This one is 5.
Mac:Are you sure?
Blak:Yeah. Because the last one was supposed to be bad boys for life.
Mac:Alright. I bro I haven't seen any since after 2, to be honest with you.
Blak:You you know what? I'm gonna I'm gonna agree with you there. I haven't seen them since 2.
Mac:Okay. But yeah. So Rob Snyder had some stuff to say. So I wanna make sure I bring this up right so you could hear everything, because he seems a little, disgruntled, upset that, Will Smith is still eating out here, and he's not. After Will Smith's outburst at the Oscars.
Mac:He has some choice words about 1, Will Smith. So, let's hear what good old Rob Schneider has to say about our boy, Will.
Rob Schnider:Will Smith is a twat. He Will Smith has been hiding the fact of who he really is, and it was exposed that night. He's really an asshole. Yeah. But I wasn't allowed to say anything at that time because we were part of the committee.
Rob Schnider:Right. We're supposed to punish him.
Mac:And how do you punish him?
House Meeting:Well, well, wait. Wait. Just back up a second. Hang on.
Mac:I wanna know what punishment
House Meeting:is. Is, like, for me, when I met him, right, I I always say
Rob Schnider:nicest, most wonderful he's a liar. Complete, utter fraud. Will is a is a douchebag, and that that's something that you can't the thing is that's how politically correct the academy is. Right. That they were so cowardly.
Rob Schnider:Because if I would have done that, they would have been hauled out to prison because, like, they were so worried about being, you know, racist. Violence is what it is and whether who what the color of your skin or the your, you know, your religion doesn't matter.
Blak:For sure.
Rob Schnider:If you commit a crime in front of other people, you get hauled out of there.
Mac:But but didn't you also sort of think, oh, he's standing up for his missus? You didn't lock down? It doesn't matter. You can't
Rob Schnider:hit another dude. Will Smith is a twat.
Mac:Alright. What are your thoughts on that? 1st and foremost,
Blak:I wanna say Rob Schneider looks like the peanut guy in his age. Like, bro, you got a skin care. Who's he looking like? Goddamn. Rob?
Blak:The peanut man. You know the planters guy? He looks like him.
Mac:Let me bring it back up so people see what I'm talking about.
Blak:This is motherfucker, bro.
Mac:Oh, shit. So,
Blak:now if you if
Mac:you want
Blak:me to believe, Rob, that you were part of the committee that was supposed to punish Will Smith, like, okay. That's fine. But, bro, half of America thought this was a joke when it happened, which is why nothing happened to him immediately. Like, people was like, is this real? People didn't really they spent about 2 hours debating if the shit was real and
Mac:that Facts.
Blak:Before it finally came out that, you know, he actually slapped Chris Rock, which the punishment's already there, bro. You slap the shit out of Chris Rock. You put your hips into it, and you didn't even rock this motherfucker. That's embarrassment.
Mac:Like like, that's fucking no.
Blak:Chris Rock is about a £125 soaking wet, my guy. Like, you slap the shit out of Chris Rock because he cracked a joke on your wife. The joke wasn't even that bad, bro. And you walked up there, slapped him, and he was just like you know a black dynamite when he when, when
Mac:he's not he's not doing, like,
Blak:It's like Chris Rock wanted to say that shit, but he was on live TV.
Mac:But he's
Blak:just like, Chris, he I he just slapped the shit out of me on live TV. Like, he tried to make a joke out of this shit. Like, that's how that's how unfazed he was by this
Mac:shit, bro.
Blak:Like, that's an l. Then you know what I'm saying? Like, he's got a he wants the he won the Oscar, so he's living with the embarrassment of I just slap this nigga on live TV.
Mac:Now I gotta go up here and make this speech. And now
Blak:I gotta go up here, like, do a speech. You know what I'm saying? Like, his night is already ruined. He ruined Questlove's night. Like, what are they banned this motherfucker from the Oscars afterwards.
Blak:You know what I'm saying? What all do you wanna do to to Will Smith? You know what I'm saying? Do you want him to go to jail for slapping Chris Rock? No.
Blak:Like, his punishment, he's serving it still. Mhmm. Why? Because we have we have close minded motherfuckers like yourself, Rob, still talking about this shit. 2 years later, this motherfucker ain't worried about you, Rob.
Blak:Please. He's not worried about you. He's not gonna he's not even gonna listen to this fucking interview to give a fuck about an opinion to give back to you, Rob. Move the fuck on. But what what are we what am I missing?
Mac:Like, like, this came out of the door. Like, what is this? 2 2 years after? Yes. 2, maybe?
Mac:I don't even know anymore. I'm not Will Smith. I I can't claim to be in his head. I don't know his thoughts, but I would put check on top of check on top of check. Let's say that Will Smith, it is priority of things to think about and worry about in this life.
Mac:Rob Schneider does not make the cut. I could guarantee you that Rob Schneider, you are not making the cut in this man's thoughts at the fuck all. At all.
Blak:2nd of
Mac:all, Rob Schneider, you expect me to believe that the academy picked you up to be in charge of issuing out the punishment on a list celebrities that may or may not act out at the academy, Rob.
Blak:We're part of the team that was supposed to punish him. You know?
Mac:Rob. Like, I'm I'm not in that circle, but Rob. I will put check on top of check on that bet. I'll take that bet. Is he lying or not?
Mac:Yes. Two checks.
Blak:A 100%.
Mac:Two checks.
Blak:A 100%.
Mac:My family's livelihood on the line that you did not say that, that you were not on that committee. 2nd, Rob, let let's talk about your status in in Hollywood. And I know that shouldn't come into play when you're talking that stuff. Because people like myself, people like black, other people who have podcasts, we all weighed in on the slap. Me, as I I I stand on the fact that I disagree with how he did it.
Mac:I'm not at this point to call him a liar, fraud. This is who he really is. Like, I'm more mad at Jada that he did that than I am mad at Will. Facts. Then and that's my stance on that.
Mac:Jada has has messed with this man's head to an extent where I don't think he was in his right mind when he did what he did.
Mac:And like you said, he did suffer. He was in that movie for Apple TV Emancipation that that didn't do as well as it probably should have because the the fucking outburst and outrage at what Will did. People are just like, I don't know if I could support this dude.
Blak:That movie.
Mac:There was a couple studios that were in works with them to produce some movies for him, and they dropped him because of that. He can't show back. He can never be nominated for another award because of what he did. Chris Rock made a national tour talking about his ass, made money off of making fun of Will Smith. So it it is what it is at this point.
Mac:But Rob Schneider, let's just talk about you out here talking about liar and fraud. You out here in Adam Sandler movies playing every race but the race you supposed to be.
Mac:You played a Native American, play a full stereotypes, and you're just like, oh, but it's it's funny. You know, it's comedy. It's bro, you haven't been funny in years, my dude.
Blak:You weren't even funny in Waterboy. Because I'm from Louisiana.
Mac:And that's his famous line. That's the line that people know. You can't do it.
Blak:Hated it. Hated that.
Mac:I hated that shit. That was, like, his call of fame. And, like, he's tried to be in Deuce Bigelow, Mel Gigolo. Like, that was alright, I guess. Like, I remember going to watch it because I'm just like my person I was dating was just like, oh, let's go watch it.
Mac:It should be funny. You know? And and it wasn't. But,
Blak:At all.
Mac:Then he had a sequel. I didn't go watch the sequel based on how unfunny the first one was. And this man is just, like everything he he plays in, everything he has a part in is a swing in this for me. Like, this dude is not it. And there may be some avid Rob Schneider fans listening.
Mac:I doubt it. Again, check on check on check that there's somebody watching the smoke pit like, no. I actually have joy.
Blak:I love them.
Mac:I love the movie where he played a teenage girl because their body swapped. You know?
Blak:Oh my god. I forgot about that.
Mac:The hot chick? Yeah. I love his range. He has so much range. He could play a Mexican.
Mac:He could play Native American. He could play a, occasion from Louisiana. He can play.
Mac:No way.
Mac:Bro, miss me with all of that shit, my boy. Oh. So I wanna bring this back up because, you know, the comments are where it's at. Chance the rappers in here. Oh, yeah.
Mac:Rob Schneider, who gained his platform playing Asian and Mexican side characters at Adam Sandler movies. The next comment. How you gonna hate from outside the club? You can't even get in. Oh,
Blak:bro. You know it's bad. You know it's bad.
Mac:Which Tyrese is this? Let me let me click this. Is this Tyrese? Is this Yes. Oh my god.
Mac:Alright. Let's go back.
Blak:It's it's mister who's man himself.
Mac:Let's go back and read this shit. Let us let us go back.
Blak:Know it's bad. When Tyrese chimes in
Mac:Yes, sir.
Mac:For you.
Mac:Yes, sir. Let's go back. Let's go back every
Blak:It's terrible for you, my guy.
Mac:He's and it's over. When Tyrese is like, you wild, bro. Tyrese, hey, fella. You got anything to say about Donald Trump? I mean, since you wanna be so transparent and honest with the shit Will Smith happened almost 3 years ago, Donald Trump just got 6 felony convictions.
Mac:You got any thoughts on that, buddy? Fuck out of here. Like, yo. Yo. And let me tell you.
Mac:The shade room is our go to spot for updates on Tyrese, and they've been quiet on Tyrese lately. Yeah. So, I'm not gonna say he, yeah, I'm not gonna say he tapped into the smoke pit. But he's been kinda quiet lately.
Blak:Hey. His act has been kinda straight.
Mac:Next comment. State of black people business. We had a family situation and it got situated. We good now. The campaign to cancel will ain't working.
Mac:Bye. We right at dawn for Willard. Period. Period. Adam Sandler's sidekick sure has a lot to say.
Mac:Too bad Will and Martin are too booked to give and busy to give a fuck. They could never make me hate big Willie. Bro, he ain't getting no love over here.
Blak:Nah, bro.
Mac:He ain't getting no love, man. You lucky Will didn't slap you. Goddamn. Shit. Hey.
Mac:Hey, bro. When the when the Internet come together, man, they be coming together.
Blak:Oh, man. Bro.
Mac:So, you know, Robson
Blak:be wrecking with. Robson, I hope
Mac:you're doing alright, bro. I hope life is good, but, you know, things is wild for you out here. You you might wanna keep your mouth shut on certain things, man. Oh, our girl Tiffany Haddish is out here, bro. Did you know she was a, she is also like Darren Waller, dipping her toe into the, the music business.
Blak:I'm not ready. There's a music video.
Mac:There's a music video for her new single called whoop it up. Queue it up. Queue it up? Alright. Ladies and gentlemen Queue it.
Mac:Here's a Tiffany Haddish with woman up. So that's all we got. You can find the full video on YouTube if you wanna see it. We may do a breakdown on this. I may MEMS is coming up Monday.
Mac:Y'all just be ready. It's all I'm a say.
Mac:But, based on the little sample you got there,
Mac:you feeling the vibes? You you getting any kind of vibes from this, or or or or where you at with this, man?
Blak:What in the Avril Lavigne are you doing, Tiffany? What's in the Miley Cyrus 2016 How are we doing, Tiffany?
Mac:Oh my god.
Mac:What is this? What's happening? Go wake up.
Blak:This is this is not it. Tiffany, no.
Mac:A woman up. Better woman up.
Blak:No. No. This is not this is not it, Tiffany. With love, cut the High School Musical shit out, Tiffany. You're better than this.
Mac:When she was when she was
Blak:Go ahead.
Mac:Leading into the like, before this was released, she was, like, she's been in the the the news lately because she is very pro Israel with all the Israel Palestine going on because she's half Jewish Mhmm. And all of this stuff. And so her fan base is now more of the it's it's gotten political when it comes to to her. Right? So a lot of her fan base is now pro Israel and and and all that stuff.
Mac:She lost a lot of people. Talk about Palestine the way she is, but that's neither here nor there. Like, we're just here to judge based off the quality of the product. That's what we do here in this moment.
Blak:When was this in response? Was this in response
Mac:to something? No. This was supposed to be an anthem for all women to, not let life get you down and to woman up. Instead of man up, woman up. Right?
Blak:Where did this come from?
Mac:From her soul. From her heart, she felt it
Blak:Put it back.
Mac:Put it back in your heart? So she's telling Grove women to act It's exactly what she's doing. Right?
Mac:What is this? What is happening? What you doing?
Mac:Literally. Like, listen,
Mac:This can't be you, girl. You better fix this.
Blak:No. No. No. Tiffany, no.
Mac:Oh my god.
Blak:You know, TikTok.
Mac:Oh. Brother, ew. What's that?
Mac:Sister, no. No.
Mac:Sister, ew. What's that, sister?
Mac:What's that? My thing is like, again, it it's it it goes back to the Darren Waller thing. Like, you were in a whole studio. Had a whole producer, a sound engineer, a mixer. And as you're recording the live, you're you're you're in the booth like this.
Mac:Hey, sister. Don't believe this. What is this?
Blak:Hey. Hey. Let me let me stop you right there. Come on out. Tiff.
Blak:Come on out.
Mac:Tiff, hey. You hired me to help you. This is this is what I'm doing. You know?
Blak:Listen. This this is not your ministry.
Mac:This is not This is not your calling. Her voice, like, it's like she's not trying to sing. It's like she's talking and dragging words out. Because that's like her regular voice. Like, there's no Right.
Mac:You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Hey, sis. What is this? What's happening? Woman, woman, woman.
Blak:She's got a Whitney Houston shit, and I'm every woman going on. Stop,
Mac:Tiffin. It ain't working, bro. It ain't working. Stop. But you know, because this came from the shade room, we gotta get in these comments.
Mac:So shout out to Ryan Davis. Comment Ryan Davis. It's never too late to live your Disney dream. Let me get in the booth. Hilary Duff, you have 24 hours, babe.
Blak:Yes. Yes.
Mac:It's a battle now. This is 100% Disney Channel original. It's watch
Mac:the Disney Channel movie. You know, it's gonna be a
Mac:a Yep. A mom's boss.
Blak:Fun Wednesday.
Mac:I'm Tiffany Haddish, and this you're watching Disney. Well, this is Hillary Duff like a month. She ain't hitting. No notes. This person says, it feels like I'm watching Disney Channel.
Mac:I can't wait till I'm 40 plus with money. I'm a just be doing shit too. That's what you're Whitney doing the dance. This gonna be on the T Mobile hold line. Sound like a Tampax commercial.
Mac:Man, they finna put this shit on the Disney soundtrack.
Blak:Side effects conclude.
Mac:What in the old Mickey, you so fine, you so fine,
Mac:you blow my mind, is this?
Mac:No. No. Oh my god. Tiff. No.
Mac:It got Carlton dancing on your shit. Look at your thug. This person, look at her. Actually, this isn't bad. It's not hip hop or r and b, but there is a place for it in the music world.
Blak:Girl, stop.
Mac:Let me click view replies. No. They came for her. That place is called Kidz Bop. Pop.
Mac:Agreed. The place is 2,005. Where? It's pop. Nah.
Mac:This Hillary Duff music. Yeah. Disney. Yeah. Elevator music.
Mac:Yeah. It's called the trash. Goddamn.
Blak:The trash.
Mac:Oh, people people ain't liking it. So, you got anything, any advice for, our friend of the podcast, Tiffany Haddish, as far as, her musical, journey?
Blak:End it. Just just stop. Stop right there.
Mac:Finish it. End it right here. Oh my god. Did she go on breakfast? I I bro, I pray to god she did.
Mac:And I remember she was on The Breakfast Club, but if she play, like, here's my new single from, bro. Yeah. I I feel the way about Charlemagne. You know what I'm saying? I feel the way about Charlemagne the god.
Mac:He ain't my favorite. To be honest. But oh my god. My man would let her know. Because if you remember that clip with us, what's his name, Safari was on there doing his little freestyle.
Mac:Take out of breath and bringing it back in. No. That ain't it, dog. That ain't it, dog.
Mac:What you talking about,
Mac:man? That ain't it. Oh, man. So, Tiffany, my man, Black, says to give it up, you know, probably dabble back in the acting maybe. I don't know.
Mac:Get back out there, see see what roles you could pick up. I hear girls' trip is getting a a sequel or something. You know? Just kinda prep for that or something. You know?
Mac:Lord. Prep for that or something. This,
Mac:I mean, but if this if this was in your spirit, if this was in your soul and you're like, I need to get this out. I feel the women need this. So ladies, if you're watching and you hear this, you you hear this clip, go listen to the song and let me know if this is something that you will bump in the morning to get you ready to go and to overcome your day. Because I feel maybe maybe because I'm a dude, it ain't hitting right. But I feel like if, you know, Corbin Bleu from High School Musical, the 1 black kid, did a song called Man Up, you know, it ain't going it ain't gonna do nothing for me.
Mac:No. I just listened to Meek Mill's dreams and nightmares, and that that gets me going. So and none of that none of the lyrics of that song relate to my life, but it gets it gets me more motivated than this shit would.
Blak:You know what I'm saying? Fact. That is a fact.
Mac:Hold on. Wait a minute. Y'all thought I was finished?
Mac:You're right. I'm not finished.
Blak:I'm not
Mac:done. There there was one more that I wanted to to touch on, and and and it's because you just sent it. Ladies and gentlemen.
Blak:This is
Mac:a this
Blak:is a last this is a game time decision.
Mac:You're all familiar with Busta Rhymes. You remember he came out on the spot late nineties with the album, The Coming, pause. Boo got you all in check. I make sure everything remains raw. It's a party.
Mac:Who do you love? You know
Mac:what I'm saying? Like, oh, that was Ellen Coo j, but my man was out here.
Blak:Danny Jackson. Here we go. Oh my god. One time.
Mac:Dreadheaded Buster will be undefeated in my in my heart, in my love for hip hop.
Blak:That is a fact.
Mac:Buster with the dreads. When he cut them, I feel like it was Samson. He lost a bit for me.
Blak:Oh, perfectly sad.
Mac:Okay. I feel like he lost something. Like, he kept trying to rap, and it it just wasn't hitting. Kinda like Luda. When he when he lost his braids and came back rapping, I'm like, who who are you?
Mac:Who called you? That meme.
Mac:Who are you?
Mac:What? Where am I? Who is this? Like, bro. Like, I mean, I understand.
Mac:You know, there's phases in your life. You're like, man, you know, I'm too big. I'm, you know, I'm too grown for these dreads and stuff. Let me get back to but, there was a time where he was overweight. It looked like he was in the gym building muscle, but, you know, you can obviously tell he was bigger.
Mac:Right. He has since then lost weight. Suspiciously quick. There is a a diet was more for, like, to what is it? Manage your blood sugar or something like that?
Mac:Yeah. Celebrities are taking it, and it makes you lose weight. I feel this is what this motherfucker did. Because he is, like, hella skinny out of nowhere. Facts.
Mac:Black found a video. He's at a buffet. I'm a bring this screen up. I don't wanna play the video yet because the minute like, within the first 3 seconds, you see the video and you see busta, like, doing shit to try to fight being older. He's trying to remain young and look young, but it is not working.
Mac:But I play this video. He's trying to talk in his Jamaican shit. I just want you to check. Ladies and gentlemen, look at the hair.
Blak:You will notice.
Mac:Look at the hair.
Mac:That's that's that's the hit I'm giving you. Look at the hair. Here we go.
Busta Rhymes:Of course, you hear me. I just
Blak:Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is the Jamie Foxx and Dreamgirls. This is, Oscar's 2009 edition.
Mac:I think the cameraman, he understood the assignment a little bit. He knows he's here to kinda make Busta look good, but he has to zoom in and let us know what the fuck is going on. Check this shit out.
Busta Rhymes:So I'm a repeat myself here. Yeah.
Mac:That light skinned.
Mac:The sheen, bro. You saw the sheen on that shit, bro.
Blak:Bro, that shit sparkle like a sonic ring, bro.
Mac:That motherfucker bathed his scalp with the fucking La Brea Tar Pits, bro. That motherfucker.
Mac:He saw people out
Mac:there fixing asphalt outside. It was like, hey. Let me get some of that
Blak:shit, bro.
Mac:Hey. Y'all got any extra? Oh my God bro like no sound is needed because he's just talking about the food that they look at. Oh my God. It's out here.
Mac:You want me to believe that that is your natural hairline? When you could easily see the head the shit go right here, and then all of a sudden, it's thin as fuck right there. You don't know thin as fuck.
Mac:You can see the fucking boundaries.
Blak:Somebody lined him up with a box cutter, bro. Just like
Mac:Somebody had the fucking paintbrush with the fucking angled angled bristles at the end. Get that shit right.
Blak:I can't see back there, so I'm a just Yeah.
Mac:I'm a just say. And I I ain't even got to play the shit, but y'all y'all see the comments. Oh, bro. I'm crying. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:All caps. I thought that was a black doctor Spock.
Mac:That's somewhat it be. Them a fucking the points, bro. Look at that shit, bro. Black doctor's fuck.
Mac:Not my rhymes. Here goes somebody. Food looks good. What in the Jermaine Jackson is going on This this, the best comment section, pine god. Did he paint his scalp?
Mac:Did he paint his scalp? This is probably a legit question. He's probably like
Blak:What the hell?
Mac:Can somebody let me know? Because I'm I'm concerned over here. Did he paint?
Blak:Did he paint?
Mac:His Is that
Blak:a tattoo? This is fucking what is that?
Mac:When you look in the mirror and you only see the front and the side, you can't he'd you think he did this himself? That would be the only
Blak:I hope.
Mac:Do you think a barber really just incompleted painted his shit?
Blak:Oh, yeah. Really? He just sat in the chair and was yeah. Hell, yeah. I think he just sat in the chair and was like, I gotta go.
Blak:Food's ready.
Mac:As soon as I saw his hair, I ignored the food and went straight to the comments.
Blak:That's a fact.
Mac:I'm glad I'm not the only one. My man was like, is he talking about food? Because, the barber, a little dab will do you Busted. Give me some bowl. Yeah.
Mac:You think you had enough? Give me some bowl.
Blak:Even though my scuba scotty, give
Mac:me some more. If he had someone do this, he need his money back. Bro, did you see the one where he was standing on the
Blak:I didn't see that one.
Mac:Fam. The Internet, bro. The Internet is wild out here.
Mac:Yo. Look at this. The comments are commenting. This video is brought to you by Sharpie, the leading brand in both water based and oil based markers. Look at close this shit.
Mac:I'm done. I'm done. Busta. So, like, he's on tour he's on tour with Missy and, and, Ciara right now. And they're coming to Hampton in August.
Mac:And I'm just like, do I get tickets? I I have to off the street if they sing their old shit. Right? Yep. I have to, but, bro, if that camera go on busted, they put that shit on one of these big screens.
Blak:Oh, it is gonna be hot.
Mac:Oh, bro. That little drip drip. I'm a have to record it. They better lock my phone in the bag, bro. You better lock that bitch in a bag.
Mac:If I see, that's it, bro.
Blak:Boy, I saw this shit last night. It had me fighting for my life. I had to I had to close that. I was like, I gotta get the fuck out of here, bro. This this shit wild.
Mac:Internet taking me down a dark road, bro. That's that's a black king right there. I can't be doing this. That's a black king.
Blak:Man, somebody said somebody said, you have the Kiwi Shoe Shine.
Mac:That shit from basic? That motherfucker had the the cotton ball shits.
Mac:And then you put that little
Blak:that's not shit.
Mac:Put a little heat to it so it gets shiny. Oh my god, bro. I can't oh, shit. I'm so weak, man. I got bro, Buster, take it from me, man.
Mac:My hairline was fucking up too, man. You just got it, bro. Just accept the Baldy.
Blak:Let it go.
Mac:Just accept the Baldy, man.
Blak:That's why I'm I'm scared to cut my hair now. Like, man, I
Mac:know No. You got the chance. Don't don't do the don't do the buster. Don't ever think you're too mature for the dreads, black.
Blak:Bro, if I
Mac:because your scalp is sitting here like, bro, you got one more fucked up haircut.
Blak:Yep. Yep. Cut this, bitch. I dare you. Yeah.
Blak:I dare you.
Mac:Try to start over. Try to start over. Scorched earth. Scorched earth. Listen.
Mac:Everybody, when your hairline start fucking with you, you just gotta accept that fact, man. Unless you got money like LeBron. Because even even like LeBron, you could tell he paid doc Tyler for his shit, and his hair is still rejecting the implants. Yes. Bro.
Mac:He's biting it. Bro, he's
Blak:Speaking of him, they put a picture out today and said hit the top of his head look like a penny, bro.
Mac:Yeah. I saw that when he was a it was a couple years ago. He was looking down at something, and you saw the outline, like, Abraham was on that bitch. Yeah. Bro, I'm like, you know LeBron is paying top dollar for that Bosley hair.
Mac:Whatever the fuck
Blak:it is.
Mac:And if his body is rejecting that shit, he
Mac:get he could get it redone every fucking
Mac:season. And then
Mac:his body's like, stop it.
Blak:Be bold. Nigga, we told you. This is in your
Mac:It's in your DNA. That is, that is all we got for what I just watched. So expect this to be a kind of a recurring thing because we'd be finding some shit on the Internet, and we would like to share all of it with you. So that's what we did here. But this would not be a smoke pit episode without our weekly dose of whose man's is it anyway?
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, let me just say, these officers is wild out here.
Mac:Herman. Just let that name marinate. Sean Herman. So, these cops be out here. This one is is is more of a fuck up along the lines of you stupid motherfucker.
Mac:Not a, he did anything wild. He didn't, like, you know, kill anybody unnecessary. So it's nothing to that extent. However, what if I tell you that, this former Nashville police officer was arrested after allegedly participating in an adult video while on duty?
Blak:What an idiot. What a fucking idiot.
Mac:While on duty. Let me, let me scroll down so you can follow along. A former Nashville police officer has been arrested for 2 counts of felony official misconduct after law enforcement officials say he allegedly participated in an adult video while on duty. According to the Metro Nashville Police Department, 33 year old Sean Herman was fired last month after detectives with the specialized investigations divisions discovered the video and identified him while wearing his MNPD uniform. Herman was arrested Thursday at his Sumner County home.
Mac:Officials say Herman can be seen taking part in a mock traffic stop in the video that was posted on OnlyFans, a site where fans pay creators for their photos and videos. The skit allegedly included Herman groping the female driver. And MPD news release says the video was made April 26th in a warehouse parking lot while Herman was on duty as a patrol officer. Chief Drake directed the investigation continue after Herman was fired resulted in his indictment, the news release states. A criminal court set Herman's bond at $3,000.
Mac:So, there's more to this. And, we'll we'll let this video play so you can hear what's going on. But, and then then we'll discuss because, there there's a lot of things to to break out in this, segment. So, take it away, Levi Ishmael. Actually, let me make sure this shit plays back at the beginning.
Mac:Here we go. Breaking news, ladies and gentlemen. Breaking news. Channel 5 at 6.
House Meeting:The Metro Nashville police officer fired after appearing in an OnlyFans video was arrested this morning on felony charges. Good evening to you. I'm Carrie Sharp.
Busta Rhymes:And I'm Rory Johnston. Police now say Sean Herman was on the clock working when he took part in that video. News Channel 5 investigative reporter Levi Ismail first broke this story. I know you just got off the phone with police. What are they saying?
News Anchor:Well, we now know that Metro Nashville Police continued their investigation even after they fired Herman last month. Metro Police say Herman was on duty when he took part in the OnlyFans video where he groped a woman's breasts on camera. Police arrested Herman this morning more than a month later on two counts of felony official misconduct. They say Herman was in the Madison area to film this video, which was the same precinct he covered as a patrol officer. We now know the couple in the video organized this stunt with Herman, but in the weeks since, they reached out to say Herman was the one who asked to do the stunt.
News Anchor:In the video, Herman identifies himself as, quote, officer Johnson before being invited to reach for the woman's breasts. We see his shoulder for a brief moment, which which had what appeared to be the Metro Nashville logo. We also saw a Metro Nashville police squad car. Now police say they found out about the video the day before we called after we got tips sent to us as well. They said that Herman was already on a, quote, last chance agreement for misconduct with other officers, which is why they fired them they fired him the very next day.
News Anchor:Herman was with Metro Nashville Police for 3 years before he was fired. This is, of course, a developing story, so we will share what we know as soon as it becomes available. With news channel 5 investigates, I'm Levi Ismail.
Blak:Well, I'll be damned.
Mac:Man was on last chance. Last chance. Don't
Blak:fuck them all. Chance, you dirtbag.
Mac:Don't fuck them. I won't. I won't. I won't. I promise
Blak:you titties. Titties. Titties.
Mac:Here's what
Blak:we're gonna do, guys. You roll the window down, and you pull your titty out, and I'm a touch it.
Mac:Alright. Cool. Alright. Cool. So Brian's like, how do you get arrested and fired?
Mac:So the the weird part is he was fired before. And then after the investigation, talking to the the makers of the video, the creators of the video. Here's the wild part. Like, the creators could be like, yeah. You know, we hired them to do it.
Mac:It was our idea, you know, x y and z. The fact that they came out, and they were just like, it was his idea to do this.
Blak:Yeah. Yeah. Because fuck him.
Mac:Bro, y'all are I'm about to say,
Mac:like, y'all are OnlyFans creators. Y'all are, like, scum. You know? Because if you went to the police department, it was like, yeah. You know, we we threw him some money.
Mac:He said he'd do it. You know, it was our idea. We kinda, you know, put the pressure on him to do it. So he did. Like, you know, something like, he still would have probably been in trouble and shit.
Mac:You're right.
Blak:He would have got fired.
Mac:But the fact that y'all are like, so we had we were gonna make a video and he pulled up. He was like, hey. You know what'll be cool? What if I, like, pulled you over and started, like, groping your wife in the car while you're, like, What? What?
Mac:It was his idea, officer. We were just trying to make a quick little video.
Blak:We're just filming and
Mac:He set up and said
Blak:He suggested it. I didn't think anything was gonna be that bad. I thought I was gonna get a ticket for pulling my tit out.
Mac:Bald white. Well, that's Riz, Jin. That that is his that is Riz face. What is bro, like, is something wrong with, like, is he, like, for the low life. Is there, like, is he, like, asymmetrical?
Mac:Like like, his face looks
Blak:His face
Mac:looks uneven. And and, you know, the the fucking like, they they they having the one ear here and the other ear, like, out here, like, with his shit and, like, it just fucked up. Like, you know what I'm saying? It's like amplifying. Like, the fuck is wrong with me.
Blak:His ears are weird, bro. Like
Mac:Like, what are we doing here? What is this?
Blak:And his nostril. His like, the whole like, his face is, like, wild. Like, half of it is you know what I'm saying? Like, the 2 k bill, he's like that.
Mac:Are you messing around with the sliders? Stop at ear level. Shit. How how far do my ears what do I even do? Like, what is this fuck it.
Mac:Let's just start the season. It's just
Blak:I wanna
Mac:Just make it too long. Start the season. Let's create a player like a buffalo. Just like his ears are crooked. Like like, I'm pretty sure mine's our level 2, but, God, you know what I'm saying?
Mac:Like, his shit just looks hella lopsided, bro. Go to his house. His poor collections on a hard drive with a built in fan for cooling. Well, it's just a, bro, like, if you're gonna do shit like that, why are you wearing the full uniform, bro? The badge number, everything showing up in this shit.
Mac:Like, you just couldn't take Nah. Take that shit off. Like, your face wasn't in it. They got it based off your shoulder with the badge. They looked up the number.
Mac:It was like, oh, nigga. It's you. Didn't we just fire you? Like, what what are you doing? It's fucking hard to
Blak:be here.
Mac:Not off duty. You on the clock. They're thinking you out there patrolling the streets. They're looking at the time the video was done. It was like, wasn't this nigga on the clock?
Mac:Yep. This motherfucker was on the clock, grabbing titties. On on second of all, the special investigations division, how y'all come across this video?
Blak:Questions. Questions. Questions we need answers to.
Mac:Were you tipped off on this video or did somebody just come in to work like, hey. I think fucking Herman was in a fucking OnlyFans video.
Blak:Now before y'all
Mac:jump in, hold on.
Blak:I got pertinent information here.
Mac:Like like, I mean, okay. We'll start the investigation, but how did you cover? We'll look into it, but first, did anybody tip you off on this
Blak:or or
Mac:is this a You subscribed to this channel? Motherfucker was like, yeah. I've been waiting for this new content. I'm in the
Blak:highest tier, bro.
Mac:Is that Sean? Oh, I'm telling. He put his dick back up. Man, when I get done, I'm telling. This is
Blak:wild, bro. This is wild as shit.
Mac:When I get done, I'm telling
Blak:I'm telling. Don't touch the phone, bro. Just look at it. Just look.
Mac:Don't swipe left or right?
Blak:Yep. Nope. Just look.
Mac:Are you sure? Look, dude. Check. Whose account is that?
Blak:Don't worry
Mac:about this.
Blak:Why are why
Mac:are all the post unlocked?
Blak:How much do you contribute to this
Mac:a month VIP status? That's not neither here nor there,
Blak:but neither here nor there.
Mac:It's Sean. You're you're focusing on the wrong thing, captain. You're focusing on the wrong thing. But, yeah. I mean, the the level of stupidity.
Mac:I think it's not at the level of old buddy who went to the, the convention for lie detector and tried to get the hooker to show up, and the hooker didn't show up and, all that. Like, that has to be the absolute dumbest shit. But this is absolutely. This is this is this is up there. I don't know if at the end of the year, he's gonna win the, the award, the annual, smoke big Kamir award.
Blak:This is up there, though.
Mac:You think it beats Corey Harris? Nah. Corey Harris is the front runner, bro.
Blak:Corey. Yeah.
Mac:Corey Harris is the front runner for that shit. Bro, he, bro, he got a strangle hole on that shit. He got
Blak:season were to end today.
Mac:Bro, he got all the first place votes. Like, Alabama in the heyday. When it's like, yeah, they got all 61 first place votes, bro. Coaches poll, media poll, USA Today poll, all the votes for Corey Harris right now.
Blak:It's unanimous.
Mac:I mean, it's a battle for 2nd place at this point. You know what what strengthened Corey Harris? The fact that he went back to court, and he just like Yeah. He he was driving, and then they're just like, oh, his shit was supposed to be cleared, but he was given a heads up in October, the previous year, like, is still in the system is suspended. And he'd still chose to drive with the knowing that his shit is suspended in the system on his court date and and didn't disable the camera.
Mac:It just came in the courtroom with trees moving in the background and everything. Then he comes to court, and then the judge is like, you ain't even fucking had a license. And, like so, like, it just kept fucking building
Mac:on he kept building his case.
Blak:Didn't have a license.
Mac:He kept building his case to be the the front runner Yep. For the annual award.
Blak:His reaction is everything, though.
Mac:Oh my god. Oh my god. Like, get off my balls. Golly. Judge, give me a break.
Blak:Trying to drive
Mac:to the store. Oh, brother. This guy is terrible. Just the fuck you want him to do? The judge, he's literally okay, but he can't let you go or he'll get in trouble.
Mac:Like Right. It's cool. Like, people will be like, bro, your credibility is now in question, judge. Like You let
Blak:that man go?
Mac:Yeah. You put him you put him in a hard spot, bro. He probably would've worked with you. But Like,
Blak:listen, man. I'm black, and I'm a judge in this courtroom. You knew better.
Mac:There was a small camera room. Bro. Yes.
Blak:You knew better.
Mac:What do you want me to do?
Blak:Knew better. What do
Mac:you want me to do? I can't do it. My hands are tied. But, Sean Herman, I would say you're in the running for it, but it's probably safe to say you're not gonna win this award. But, we thought it would be only right to share your stupidity with the world here on the smoke pit.
Mac:So congratulations for winning this week's, whose man's is it? As we return you to our regularly scheduled programming.
Busta Rhymes:And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress.
Mac:Alright. Back to regularly scheduled. You know what it is. Final shots and thoughts. Black Mac, what do you have for our our listeners and watchers?
Blak:Well, this week, the Queens hit the charts yet again, popping in the top 150. Shout out to the queens of nerdom.
Mac:Yes. Yes. Y'all. Great work.
Blak:We had new episodes from Smoke Pit this week. Of course, no gimmicks, but go check those out. Busy week next week. No gimmicks is gonna ramp up. We got an interview coming from, Monteezy on Monday who just dropped a new album.
Blak:He does if you guys don't know who Monteezy is, he does the no gimmicks theme song, and he does a lot of wrestling theme songs. So, he'll be back to talk talk about his new album. We have Maya World coming back next
Blak:Fresh off of her, fresh off of her match that she's gonna have tomorrow with Athena from Ring of Honor. So, busy week next week for for no gimmicks, plus the show. So, we'll be we'll be ramping up a little bit, but thank you guys for tuning in, to this busy week that we had. Yeah. For everybody that tuned in, it it's we've been rolling, man.
Blak:It's been it's been a good been a good month of June so far. So thank you guys for tuning in, tapping in, keeping us engaged, and, we appreciate it. We we'll keep bringing it to you as well as the Patreon stuff that you get too. So I know no me and, Frank d was talking about doing some no gimmicks episodes on Patreon and making those Patreon exclusive. You know, just contribute to the Patreon because we do see the engagement.
Blak:Also, I'm gonna I'm gonna try to do a thing. We do get mail from time to time
Blak:On Patreon. So there there are a couple, messages in there that I think I'm gonna start reacting to. As well as this Sunday, I'm gonna make this one a Patreon exclusive, reacting to House of the Dragon, season 2. So that'll be that'll be my Sunday thing for for patrons only.
Mac:You talking about, like, right after the show coming on and discussing?
Blak:No. I'm talking about live reaction. I watch it.
Mac:Oh, shit. Alright. I like that. Yeah. Patreon members only, ladies and gentlemen.
Mac:I second all of that. And I know you were giving queens their flowers, but let me just say, 32 episodes in, they have crossed the 1,000 all time downloads. Hey. Threshold. 32 episodes in.
Mac:So, shout out to the queens, crossing the 1,000 downloads. They got the little badge and all that stuff right there. Let's go. Let's go. We're eating out here.
Mac:Okay? So, I like the momentum. So, all of you who have been following, listening to their fallen star, checking in their their, their Phoenix fan fusion, wrap up, their their Comic Con, first time going out there. So everything that they've been doing, everybody who has been supporting and listening to the podcast, we thank you. It's only big things on the way coming from them.
Mac:So, appreciate all of that stuff. Appreciate it. Appreciate it.
Blak:They earned this shit.
Mac:They did.
Blak:They they really did. They did. So salute salute to the queen.
Mac:Yes, sir.
Blak:Y'all putting us in fucking work. Y'all earned that one.
Mac:A 100%. Outside of that, echo what Black said, next week's another busy week. Patreon members, you got memes coming up on Monday. No gimmicks following that Tuesday. You got, eat the cake episode 2 on Thursday.
Mac:Smoke pick coming again this Friday. So, busy week next week. You got 4 shows coming up. So, stay tuned if you're not following the pages, if you're not tapped into the website. Everything is in the description below.
Mac:Or just go to Facebook and type in the name of the the podcast, and you'll see the page pop up. So, but all of this success we're having, the little goals that we're we're checking on the way to to the bigger goal, We couldn't do it without you guys. So thank you guys
Blak:for tuning
Mac:in and
Blak:supporting us. Absolutely.
Mac:You got anything else for him?
Blak:No, sir. That is it for me.
Mac:Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, again, the dynamic duo of black and mac, thank you for tapping into episode 144 of the smoke pit live for the Patreon members. And if you're tapping in on a Monday, thank you for the support. We do love you as well. But if you wanna get in on the the discussion and and the jokes in the last real time, you know what it is.
Mac:Patreon link is in the description below. But, as always, I'm the homie Mac aka your boy.
Blak:And I am Brad like a king, made this Kelvin Kaley. Thank you guys for tuning into episode 144 of the smoke pit. Until next time. Have love. Make sex.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off.
Blak:It's been a long week. Come relaxing, get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And While we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it.
Blak:Get ready, because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.