Ep 143 "Corey Harris Update, Unconventional Teaching Strikes Again, & Darren Waller Music Video"
They are afoot. Ladies and gentlemen, it is that that time, the Friday you all been waiting for, the 1st Friday of the month, which turns out the Friday that, we are not behind the paywall for the, the general public. We are out acting a fool with all kinds of company in the house.
Mac:And it's both of us. I know the last 2 weeks, they've been solo shows, but, what a time to finally have the dynamic duo back for the 1st Friday. Yep. It's only right. It's only right that that's the case.
Mac:So, without further ado, we don't wanna we don't wanna delay, the shenanigans, because like we said, they are afoot. And, of course, the Internet does not fail when it comes to finding stuff to talk about on our show. So, unless you got something to say to the folks, we could jump on into the, to the show and get into the the festivities, my guy.
Blak:Welcome to episode 143 or as I like to call it, I love you episode, and thank you, Internet.
Mac:143, Internet. We couldn't do this show
Blak:without you.
Mac:So, let's go ahead and roll this intro and, start episode 143 of the smoke pit live. Starting right now.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night, come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week.
Blak:Come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it.
Blak:Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Mac:Yep. Y'all know what it is. Friday night, mood is right. 1st Friday. So we out in the public in the wild with all this shit.
Mac:Against. The dynamic duel of black and Mac back on your screens, gracing you with our presence. And, we got a lot of stuff to talk about. But if you haven't noticed, and we'll probably get into this final shots and thoughts. The FBN has been DFBN.
Mac:DFPN has been cooking lately. And, I think we've we're we're I wanna say we're hitting our stride, but I think we're not even in our stride yet, my boy.
Blak:Not yet. Nope. Not yet, but we are most certainly at full capacity right now. We're we're operating at full capacity. Hey.
Blak:We we It's been a beautiful week to watch too, man.
Mac:It has. The last It's
Blak:been beautiful to watch.
Mac:Last couple weeks, we've been on it. USDN been chain you know, putting them episodes out. No gimmicks been putting them out. Smoke pit, obviously, putting them out. Queens of Nerd them with the trip to, you know, Phoenix fan fusion content out there coming back.
Mac:Fallen star picking back up. It's a it's a beautiful thing. We had a MEMS for our our Patreon members. Fucking dope episode cracking my self up.
Blak:Hell, yeah.
Mac:And then, you know, joining back up with with with the homies at, S and N for eat the cake anime last night. So, week's been busy, man. But, it's fun. It doesn't feel like work. It's it's a fun time.
Mac:But, yeah. Let us, let, you know, let let us let us dabble. I got my shot ready with with my, crown apple that's been chilled in this freezer out here. You still on the h two o?
Blak:Yeah. But I went with a twist. So I found some grenadine and, some blue curacao, and I put it in the water. So What
Mac:are what are we doing over there? I have no idea. I don't know. I don't know.
Blak:I just wanna say, before we get into the segment, it's that guy's fault. It's it's the whose man's fault that I'm I'm in this situation.
Mac:Oh, okay. You said that guy. I'm like, bro, I had nothing to do with none of this stuff, my boy. Nothing to do. That's not me.
Mac:But, you got a toast for the folks?
Blak:I do, man. So to everybody, it's summer. I know them kids driving y'all crazy
Mac:Oh my god.
Blak:Because they're out of school, and, you need a break. Here's your break. So cheers to the weekend.
Mac:To the
Blak:If you're watching the show or if you're listening, cheers. Get it off your mind. Salud.
Blak:Actually, that's not bad. Really? That's wild. Yeah. I miss drinking.
Blak:Don't say
Mac:it like that. Don't don't say it like that. I miss alcohol. Woah. Woah.
Blak:Woah. What are you doing, sir?
Mac:Yep. What up, Deontay? My man in the comments. And, Jen, fam, what up?
Blak:What up, Jen?
Mac:We love you guys tapping in and, and then and checking in on us and everything. With that being said, I know you weren't here last week, but, the who's man's had me in tears in this garage. Corey Harris. I'm pretty sure you guys all know. Yes.
Mac:The the infamous man who checked into a Zoom court date to talk about a suspended license, checked in in a Zoom while driving his car, trees moving in the background, the whole 9, to the judge's bewilderment. And, end of the day, turns out he got in more trouble, had to go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200, and had a bench warrant put out if he did not report to jail. Bail Bond revoked all that good shit. The judge is just like, bro, you too stupid. Come to jail.
Mac:Black has informed me that there is an update. Yeah. Would you like to inform the people of the, the the changes in the scenario? And with those changes, do we owe mister Harris an apology?
Blak:1st and foremost, no.
Mac:We'll we'll we'll leave with that.
Blak:Absolutely not. Because you knew better, sir. You knew better. So come to find out, in the update in the case, mister Harris, so in his in his return to court for this case, it was it was discovered that he never had a Michigan license in the first place. Like, sir, 1st and foremost, how did how does one's license get suspended?
Blak:1. 2, you don't even have a license to get suspended. And you knew this shit. That's just Keith.
Mac:I'm a
Blak:just keep rolling shit. They ain't gonna catch me.
Mac:Facts. Facts. Facts. So, I will say, like, we we we posted the reel on the, the smoke pit TikTok, and a couple of folks was just like, nah. It turns out that he really did have a license, a license, and it was it should have been reinstated.
Mac:So I'm like, alright. Let me do some digging. And what I found out was his license was initially, whatever state his license was in, was whatever state his license was in, was suspended for, failure to pay child support back in 2010. Right? So So Right.
Mac:14 years ago. In 2022, apparently, he resolved it, and his license was supposed to be reinstated. My first question is, from 2010 up to 2022 when you did whatever you had to do to get it reinstated, what the fuck was you doing for 12 years and no license? Like, how was you getting around? Was you footing it?
Mac:Was you on a bike? Was you like, that's a long time to just be like, alright. I guess I ain't got no license. You know?
Blak:That man was he was driving like solid snake, bro. Like
Mac:10 to 2, speed limit, all the roll. Like, you had you had to be on your p's and q's for
Blak:12 years. Model citizen.
Mac:For 12 years, bro. You rolling the dice. However, I guess once he figured out it was or he thought it was reinstated, he was pulled over in October of 23. And the cop that pulled him over said, hey. Just so you know, we ran your license, and it's still showing up in the system as suspended.
Mac:So here's your citation. Right? Here's your court date. And, you know, you can bring you know, I know you're telling me it's it's been reinstated, all that stuff. In the system, it's still showing up like this.
Mac:So it's suspended. You can't be driving. Here's the court date. Bring all the evidence in your data to the court, and the judge will will take care of it. Fast forward to his court date, you you guys all seen it.
Mac:Right? My man is just driving, trees in the back moving. Judge is like, hey. Are you driving? And my man hit him with the hold up, pull up.
Blak:Second. And one
Mac:teeny weeny bit, and I'm parked. And I'm ready for court.
Blak:Sir, get your
Mac:black ass
Blak:off the car. What is wrong with you? What is wrong with you?
Mac:The judge was just like, I can't believe this shit. Like, all the money I spent going to legal school, law school, legal, all the time I put in to become a judge, and this is the shit y'all put in front of me. This is the shit I'm doing. Get the fuck out of here. So, you saw the result of that.
Mac:Turns out he comes back for in person. He he's in court for this one in person. And the judge, like you said, was just like, fam. You ain't even have a license for the state.
Blak:You you What
Mac:are you doing?
Blak:Ain't got a license. Right?
Mac:You military? Because in order to drive in this state, you need to have a Michigan driver's license. You know what I'm saying? And, oh, he was in court doing a, and his his defender was like, oh, he's been in an accident. Wait.
Mac:Because you because you shouldn't have been driving. What accident have you gotten into, sir?
Blak:What? He did what now?
Mac:What kind of accident?
Blak:An automobile accident? A automobile.
Mac:Yeah. Were you driving? Oh, man, bro. I I can't. I can't with that.
Blak:I see. I see.
Mac:Shout out to everybody trying to stick up for them, man. And and, you know, it's it's I hear you, but at the same time, nah. Like
Blak:Nah, buddy. Nah. Yep. His face when he his face when the judge was like, nah, bro. We're gonna revoke this bond,
Mac:bro. You ain't supposed to
Blak:be driving.
Mac:He like Oh, the the member, she is supposed to report to the Wausau jail by 6 PM. And if he fails to do so, a bench warrant will be put out. Bond is revoked. And I
Blak:didn't just start crying. I'm a get there. I can't drive.
Mac:Yeah. But the funniest part is public defenders. It's like, yes, your honor. Mister Harris, I'll be calling you in a second. Okay.
Mac:I wish we could get a snippet of audio from that phone call, bro.
Blak:Didn't I fucking tell you that?
Mac:What the fuck is your Yo. You have got to be the stupidest motherfucker that I have ever represented, and I'm a public defender. I'm a free public defender.
Blak:You're driving on the Zoom call?
Mac:You ain't put the camera on, like, I can't bring it up and then or just did you not know court was coming up? Like, you could just sit your ass in the apartment real quick until after this shit, then hop your black ass in the goddamn car, get to where the fuck you need to go.
Blak:Where was he going that was that important?
Mac:I don't know. But he pulled up right this second. I'm ready for court. And then the immigration. Bro, the the time where it was quiet, the judge was looking through shit, writing shit down.
Mac:He was like, hello? The public defender was like, hey. Just give us a second. Do you mister Harris, give us a second. Like, bro, this ain't the time to talk now.
Blak:Shit. Put the fuck up, bro.
Mac:This ain't Why? If this motherfucker don't shut his ass the fuck up.
Blak:I know he went he went to the bar immediately. Immediately.
Mac:All I heard was Casey and Jojo singing life when the book got the life life. And and not like not the life from the soundtrack, the life when they was on the Tom Joyner show trying to sing them those. Oh, somebody did that be wrong.
Blak:Look at
Mac:that. Oh, they gave me life. Gave me life. Gave me light. Gave me life.
Mac:Oh, life. Life. Life. Life. Life.
Mac:Like, what are y'all what are y'all doing? These ad libs ain't in the song. Nobody tuned in for this KC and
Mac:M. Oh, give me a lot.
Mac:That shit lives rent free in my head, man. There's so many clips that live rent free in my head. But, I feel as if, well, first of all, like like always, the Smoke Pit Podcast fan group's been blowing up. Tons of stuff going on. Interaction, wild.
Mac:So look in the description below. Figure out if you're not a part of it. That's how you join it. Click the link below. But, shout out to a pit master, EJ.
Mac:He brought up a good question, that I feel we should entertain, for a little bit here. So ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I think it's time that we have a house beating y'all. I think we need to have a house meeting y'all. So the question that was brought up was what actor or actress has yet to star in a good movie? What actor or actress when you look at their portfolio, has nothing but else when it comes to the movies?
Blak:That's a that's a loaded question.
Mac:It is. Because you because because how I looked at it is these people, in order for them to to qualify to be in a good movie, they have to have played a major role, been a lead. You know what I'm saying? They they just can't make an appearance in the movie. That the the movie has to be centered around the character that they are portraying.
Mac:That's how I looked at it. Because if not, you know, it it it would be hard to find 1 because they just make an appearance in in a in one movie. You're just, oh, they were in this movie. Like but was it good because of them? You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Was it good because of them? So we have several nominations of of actors or actresses that has never been in a good movie. But I wanna ask you, sir Black Mac. Is there anybody that comes to mind right off the top when somebody asks you this question? Like, is there somebody in Hollywood that you feel has just taken l's in every movie?
Mac:Not so much l's, but just haven't had that movie where you're like, oh, this shit is good.
Blak:I'm gonna give you one, and I don't I don't know if it's because of her specifically, but I'll give you one. Cameron Diaz. I cannot think of a good movie that Cameron Diaz has been in. Not one. I know she was in Vanilla Sky.
Blak:Vanilla Sky is is a decent movie.
Mac:Decent. Okay.
Blak:It. That's it. Other than that, I cannot think of a of a good movie that starred Cameron Diaz.
Blak:And I got another one. What this one just popped up in my head too.
Mac:So let me hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Real quick.
Blak:Go ahead.
Mac:She did voice Fiona in Shrek.
Blak:Are we counting that?
Mac:She she's a major character in it. Go ahead.
Blak:She's a major character in it. Was the movie good because of her?
Mac:Very well. I see what you did there, sir. Charlie's Angels.
Blak:Again, she had she she had good co stars. Was that movie good because of her?
Mac:Well played.
Blak:Something about Mary. Was something about Mary good because of Cameron Diaz?
Mac:Well played. I was gonna say The Mask, but that was Jim Carey a 100%. Yep. Fuck. I'm trying to I'm I'm Cameron, I'm trying.
Mac:Cameron, friend of the podcast. I'm trying. We're looking. I ain't got nothing but bad teacher?
Blak:No? Okay. That's a maybe. That's a may was that movie good, though?
Mac:It has it it has moments, but it's not it's not good all around. Nobody's nobody's like, hey. It it's not a super bad. Nobody's really quoting a lot of bad teacher. The only part of bad teacher I will say is dope is when, what's the dude?
Mac:Not Seth Rogen, the other guy. You know who I'm talking about from, how I met your mother. I forget his name. Yeah. I know.
Mac:He's arguing with the student, and they're arguing about the LeBron James, Michael Jordan thing.
Mac:And then the student is trying to argue how LeBron James is the best, but, old buddy was just like, 6 rings. He was like, that's the only argument you got. It's the only argument I need. But, so Jen's in here. Nope.
Mac:So so everybody's out here is just like, nope. So they're they a they said maybe something about Mary. He was like, nah. They said Charlie's angels? He was like, nah.
Mac:Eric has has come into collusion. No. She hasn't made anything better because she was in it. Jen says, though, in the mass, she was hot, which, okay, she was.
Blak:Yeah. Good costar.
Mac:Jen also says she's supporting actress, not eyeing enough to be a lead. Okay. Alright. So, yeah, that that's a good one. And then you said Jaden Smith?
Mac:I'm, here's where I'm at with that. Has he been in enough stuff for you to be like, he's an actor? For the definition Terrible. Yes. He's an actor.
Mac:He has been in movies.
Mac:But he's not like the person Hollywood is looking for to be like, hey. Yo. You wanna you wanna get in on this or not?
Blak:It's fair play.
Mac:Yeah. But Cameron Diaz is a good do you have a a male actor? Do you have a actor? Like, that's a actress that I I a 100 percent, will will get on board with that.
Blak:Okay. I do have an actor, and this one this one just came to my head too. Orlando Bloom. Yo.
Mac:I I may have an argument for that. I don't know if you've seen the movie, kingdom of heaven. That was a pretty dope movie.
Blak:You're right. You're right.
Mac:People will argue. He played a major role in Pirates of the Caribbean, but my argument back would be
Blak:He was not the main character.
Mac:Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp was that dude. We have Seth Rogen here. Same dude all the time. No talent.
Mac:Terrible laugh. I
Blak:that's a good one. That that is a good one.
Mac:I saw the wheels turning. They was turning for me too. They was turning for me too. I think he just
Blak:That's a go.
Mac:He was in his bag for a little bit when it came to writing, like, when it comes to Superbad and stuff like that, but he played a very minor role in that movie.
Blak:He did.
Mac:So I don't think there is a movie that is made better because Seth Rogen is in it.
Blak:This is true. This is true.
Mac:For me, I I put my my my answer in the comments. It's Anthony Mackie, and I have yet to have somebody tell me a great movie that, oopsie. Yep. We got Lord of the Rings in there too for Kingdom of Heaven. So AEJ has seen Kingdom.
Mac:He knows he knows what it is.
Blak:I forgot about Kingdom of Heaven.
Mac:That is a good movie. My man, Roberto, jumps in. He's like, Zach and Mary make a porno? Like
Blak:That movie popped in my head, but I was like, is that movie actually good?
Mac:It's only funny for the one scene with, with Greg Robinson when he's working at the coffee shop. Yes. And my man's like, can I have a coffee? Black. He was like, could you wait a minute?
Mac:Can't you see I'm talking here? White. White. Are we go hold on. Going back to Seth Rogen, are we gonna say, this is the end?
Mac:Was not a good movie. He was a he was a a major player in that one.
Blak:It was it was decent. Just decent? It was decent.
Mac:Pineapple Express?
Blak:Underrated. That's okay. I I'm taking I'm taking Seth. That's enough for me to take them off.
Mac:Alright. Seth Rogen Seth Rogen's in there with one good movie. He has a lot of l's, pineapple express. And and I will say, like, I fuck with this as the end. It's it's more Danny McBride in that one for me.
Blak:is. It is.
Mac:But, Seth Rogen was that. I'll give that that's one and a possible. That's what I give Seth Rogen. One in a possible. It's
Blak:enough to get a
Mac:Who? Players out there. Yeah. So you don't go blind Neil with Seth. No.
Mac:Anthony Mackie. I'm waiting for somebody to tell me a good movie with Anthony Mackie.
Blak:There is none.
Mac:0. Somebody was trying to hit me up like, he hate me. Like, I watched that movie. It was not y'all gotta stop giving Spike Lee joints so much credit
Blak:Very much.
Mac:Just because it's a Spike Lee joint. Thank you. Can we please stop doing that shit? That movie was not good. And if you think it was good, he did not play his role.
Mac:Like, he was terrible in that movie. Anthony Mackie cannot act. I don't know why
Blak:he's one of the worst parts of 8 Mile is Anthony Mackie. He's he's not blue.
Mac:And he says, like, what, 20 20 words the whole movie, if that. I didn't go back and count, but this motherfucker's just there.
Blak:Free world motherfucker. Get the fuck out of here.
Mac:He's just there. Dot. Yeah. Yeah. Some of the comments we've had, Nicholas Cage.
Mac:Do you feel that's legit? Some of the retort back for this one is a face off. Right?
Blak:Not Nicolas Cage stays. National Treasure, good movie.
Mac:Con Air? Somebody was like, Con Air, is it? You know?
Blak:Yeah. Gone in 60 Seconds was a good movie.
Mac:Somebody said Matt Damon. I will say What? Off the rip. Goodwill Hunting is amazing.
Blak:Yeah. I don't agree with that one.
Mac:And dare I say, the Bourne, trilogy. Or I think he was in 4 of them.
Mac:Like, as Jason Bourne, Matt Damon's that dude. I will say that. He's that dude. I don't know. Just Anthony Mackie's not it for me.
Mac:Somebody said Jack Black. What? That was, Tara. Tara says Jack Black, and people were just like So Go ahead.
Blak:Can we not give him a pass for a Bowser? Because he was he was Bowser in the last market.
Mac:I think Jack like, Kung Fu Panda?
Mac:Like, he he like and that that's where I'm like, are we talking voice actor? Like, if they have to actually portray somebody on the screen. Because even
Blak:There's a difference. There's a difference.
Mac:When he plays a part, like, he's not I don't think he's, like, he's not ever gonna win a Oscar for best actor. But when he's in a role, like, he plays the hell out of the role. Like
Mac:Supporting roles, comic relief, like, in Saving Silverman. Nacho Libre really wasn't my my cup of tea. I like School of Rock. I dabble with that.
Blak:Yeah. Tropic forget, Jumanji.
Mac:Jumanji, Tropic Thunder.
Blak:Oh, try yeah. He was funny as shit in tropic thunder.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Somebody said The Rock.
Blak:Who said that? Deontay?
Mac:No. Lauren, Lauren Sainz.
Blak:Really? That's that's surprising.
Mac:Do you think The Rock has a good movie?
Blak:Hear me out.
Mac:Did y'all see his eyes? Somebody was like, let me go through my rolodex.
Blak:Hear me out. Hear me out.
Mac:Okay. We listen.
Blak:Walking Tall is actually a good movie.
Mac:That's what somebody said. That was, one of the the retorts in there. Dick Smith is like
Blak:tall is actually He
Mac:has one movie I enjoyed, walk and tall. Then somebody was like, Jumanji is in there. Somebody said The Rundown.
Blak:The rundown is actually a good one too.
Mac:We have people in here saying Jim Carey, and that that one that one was by, Chris Duarte. And I I worked with her for 4 years, and she has been on the the the hill of Kevin James and Jim Carrey are terrible actors. Like, Kevin James, I only rock with him for king king of queens. I thought that was a hilarious sitcom. Yeah.
Mac:I think it's probably more, Ben Stiller's dad, Jerry Stiller, being the the father-in-law. But Jim Carrey, she says, and I'm just like, come on. Like, again, he's not I
Blak:just watched Liar Liar, and I'll it's gonna be right back.
Mac:Ace Ventura, classic. Liar Liar, classic. The Mask, classic. Bruce Almighty, classic. Like, he's not.
Mac:He does a couple dramatic things, like, what was that one suspenseful one? Like, the number 23, or was it just called 23?
Mac:Endless was it Endless sun what what was the movie for?
Blak:Eternals Eternal Sunshine of the Spot. Is that
Mac:in in that movie? Yes. Where they keep, where they
Blak:clear The Truman Show.
Mac:Yeah. That's what I'm saying. I'm just like I'm like, Jim Carrey Jim Carrey's in his bag, man. Like, when when he gets a role, Robotnik and Sonic, hey. Say what you want.
Mac:I don't know who else who you're gonna cast to play doctor Robotnik in Sonic the Hedgehog. So, I I I give my man, Jim Carey, his flowers. He does he does the damn thing as a as as as a actor. We have people saying Jaden Smith, Chris Pine. Somebody said Tom Cruise.
Mac:I'm just like, what?
Blak:That's just hate. Y'all need to start
Mac:see, lying to lying to
Blak:us, that's okay. I could tolerate that, but lying to yourself is just fucking disrespectful. Don't do that.
Mac:Yep. Me, myself, and Irene for, for for Jim Carey, that's in the comments too. Somebody just just knocked it out the park with this Steven Seagal recommendation. And
Blak:Oh, wee. I can't even argue against that.
Mac:Right. He's been in a hood classics, but just because you're in a hood classic, it don't mean it don't mean you're a great actor or actress. Like, you started a movie with Ja Rule. You started a movie with DMX. Rest in peace.
Mac:You know, it's it's not like you you know what I'm saying? You're you're not really Yeah. You're not really doing shit. EJ, they're confident saying that's the worst of the worst, man. Yeah.
Blak:That's bottom of the barrel. That's bottom of the barrel. Y'all reached deep for that one.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. That's low hanging fruit. Steven Seagal is low hanging fruit when it comes to that one. But, if I had to think of an actress that has a bit in it.
Mac:For all the hype she was getting, Cameron Diaz. Now, hear me out. I got one. Might be controversial. I don't know.
Mac:You guys let me know. If I was to tell you that Drew Barrymore She was on my mind.
Blak:I just didn't say it. But
Mac:If I was to tell you that Drew Barrymore
Blak:Oh, you are right.
Mac:Has never been in a great movie or a good movie You
Blak:are right.
Mac:Or has not been the reason that a movie was good. What would you say?
Blak:I would agree with you because she was on my mind.
Mac:Drew Barrymore?
Blak:Because you know what I was thinking?
Mac:You know
Blak:what I was thinking? What's up? I was like, how many of the women from Charlie's Angels, that reboot, actually had good movies? Damn. I could've picked either one of them.
Mac:All 3. And I fucks with Lucy Liu. Like, Lucy Liu is
Blak:Me too.
Mac:She's on my my list on, like, if I get a chance, Apple, like, if if Lucy Liu comes through, it hits me up in the DMs. There has to
Blak:be no
Mac:there has to be no love lost.
Blak:Yes. Yes.
Mac:When she pulls up need
Blak:a hall pass. I told Con that too. I need a hall pass for that one.
Mac:Right. Because listen.
Blak:Hers or Remy did something to you, bro.
Mac:I was just like, any movie Lucy Liu
Blak:was in, I'm just like Asians like that? Yeah. Shit.
Mac:Lucy Liu and something. I'm like, man, let me check it out. Off the strength of Lucy Liu being in this shit. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:I watched lucky number slapping because
Mac:Oh my god. That movie is it's not good because of her. That movie is just the writing and the the twist and everything, perfect. Casting, amazing for that movie. Seriously underrated if you ask me.
Mac:But I don't think Drew has, like, put a movie on her back and carried that shit. Some people will come and say 51st dates. Was it was that her or was that that Adam Sandler? And if you know me, you know I don't fuck with Adam Sandler. Post.
Mac:Post happy Gilmore shit. But 51st days
Blak:was more Adam. Because she didn't really have to do much, right, in that movie. He he was carrying the load in that movie.
Mac:So Michelle jumps in here. What's up, Michelle? She's like e T. And we could all say E. T.
Mac:Was big because of the special effects and animatronics and E. T. Himself.
Mac:Bro, what are we doing here? Forever after? Trash. Never been kissed? Trash.
Mac:When it comes to romcoms, I'm not broke. Get out of here. Bye. Bye. She was
Blak:she was on she was on her rom com shit for a minute too.
Mac:That's that's her role. That's what she does. She's the the the girl next door type shit. You know what I'm saying? Right.
Mac:Right. You know? So, I mean, she plays that role well, but, like, her movies ain't ain't it for me. And and it's it's a matter of opinion with a lot of these things. Some of these actors, some people are like, man, they weren't good movies.
Mac:So it it just comes down to opinion. But to me, I'm just Drew Barrymore ain't it for me, man.
Blak:No. I I agree with you there. I gotta agree with you there.
Mac:Alright. Alright. Cool. Rob Schneider, a 100%. Michelle came through with the clutch.
Mac:Rob Schneider. If it wasn't if it wasn't for Adam Sandler, this man would would not have a career post s n n.
Blak:This is this is fact.
Mac:Adam Sandler fact. Adam Sandler is is the Jordan to Rob Schneider's fucking Craig Hodges. No. Yo. I thought I was gonna say Pippen.
Mac:Syke? He ain't that good.
Blak:I was gonna say Bill Cartwright.
Mac:Cliff Livingston. Rob Schneider's the Will Purdue to Adam Sandler's to Adam Sandler's Michael Jordan. Oh, man. But, that that's a good discussion, man. Shout out, EJ.
Mac:Appreciate you dropping in it.
Blak:And Hell, yeah. Good question.
Mac:For all you who don't know, he's been he's been on a role in the in the the group, which gave him the the badge of all star contributor. So I don't know. Maybe maybe we'll go through and look at the badges our our our our guys got in there, and we might send them some merch just off the strength for for, you know, continuing to to to keep the group moving on its own like that. I I I love the fact we got a community like that in there. So, appreciate you, EJ.
Mac:Dropping in some, some good content for us to talk about in here. But, it is time to talk about the next topic in our house meeting. Which again, we're talking about unconventional teachers. And maybe it's time to just be a conventional teacher in this day and age. Right?
Mac:Please. Can we just can we just teach regular shit? What what happened to regular teachers? Why is everybody trying to be the next fucking miss Frizzle and do some off the wall shit to get get a point across? Why are we doing this
Blak:come on?
Mac:Why can
Blak:we bring back missus Ellis? Please
Mac:Can we just do that? Because, let me let me let me go ahead and I'll read the article first. And then no. You know what? Let's play the video.
Mac:And then the article gives us a little bit more background on this stuff. But, would you believe that The shade room, put us on game for this one, as usual. Right?
Blak:Thank you.
Mac:Thank you. Appreciate you coming through. And,
Blak:always on time. They're always on time.
Mac:This is a teacher over in Massachusetts, and I will let the video what's up?
Blak:It makes perfect sense now.
Mac:Okay. I will let the video fill you guys in on what's going on, and then, we shall discuss. So without further ado, Shade Room, take it of way.
News Reporter:The details are so shocking. It's almost hard to believe. A Southborough teacher accused of 2 racist incidents in the classroom. The first, back in January, when the 5th grade teacher had a lesson on slavery, the superintendent said in a letter to parents, and I'm quoting, during the lesson, the educator held an impromptu mock slave auction. The educator asked 2 children sitting in the front of the room who were of color to stand, and the educator in class discussed physical attributes.
News Reporter:But Gregory Martinu says he wasn't informed about it until a second incident involving the same teacher months later. That's when he says the teacher read a book to the 5th grade class and inserted the n word into the text. Parents started speaking up, and it got the attention of the superintendent 3 months after the original incident.
Mac:It was appalling to see that the principal stood by and didn't take any action. 2nd time, the same teacher did that.
Parent:It happened in January. We just got the news. It is shocking to, like, you know, hear this. Just last night, we didn't we didn't know about the incident.
News Reporter:That delay prompting the superintendent to apologize this week saying, quote, I acknowledge that there were missteps in this process that further complicated the situation. Ultimately, I am responsible for ensuring students are in a safe and supportive learning environment. The details are so
Mac:So there's that. Slay boxes in the classroom. In the classroom. Let me, see if the no. No.
Mac:Where we at? Cool. Let me remove this and share this article as I go over it so you guys can read along follow along in your your your bibles to the book of Shenanigans chapter 111 of verse 17. So, according to this article here, Boston area 5th grade teacher who held a mock slave auction and used a racial epithet during a during instruction has been placed on paid leave, the local school superintendent said. So based off that first that first paragraph, placed on paid leave.
Mac:We talked about mister Jack Lee getting his hair undone, by several students. And we were just like, absolutely. You should be fired because that is out of pocket, sir. So when you have stuff like this go down and they've been placed on paid leave instead of terminated, what comes to your mind, Black?
Blak:That is, that is absolutely grounds for termination. He should be terminated. The fact that he is on paid leave bro, I have so many thoughts. The fact that he's on paid leave and not terminated is is is not it's not cool at all. It's a travesty, actually.
Mac:Like, what what investigation is needed? Like, you put them on paid leave because, hey, we gotta we gotta get all the facts. But, like, when when the facts are out to the point where the superintendent has to issue an apology, obviously, you have enough facts. So I'm sitting here like, is he are they fired? Still
Blak:have a job.
Mac:Yes. Are they fired? Let's continue. So Gregory l Martineau, superintendent of public schools of Northborough and Southborough, wrote a letter to parents on Wednesday that detailed the incidents and expressed his apology. The teacher at the elementary school in Southborough, Massachusetts, about 30 miles west of Boston, held a mock slave auction in January as part of historical lesson on the economy of southern colonies.
Mac:As part of the impromptu auction, the educator made examples of 2 children of color who were at the front of the room discussing attributes such as teeth and strength, the superintendent said. Martin, who said such instructional methods are unacceptable as they can traumatize black students and trivialize the horrors of slavery. In April so this happened in January. 3 months later in April, the same teacher read from and discussed the book that is not part of the curriculum, the superintendent said, adding that the teacher used the n word, which Martineau said does not appear in the book's pages. So, like, if he was reading, like, if he was reading Tom Sawyer and it was, like, you know, the part where you talk about nigga Jim, you know, I'd be like, okay.
Mac:You know, that's in the book. And however, the school district decides to handle that that material is different. But if you're just throwing the the n word in there out of nowhere, fuck is going on out here? What book were you reading where you felt you had to insert that in there? You know?
Mac:You're reading the great Gatsby. This nigga, rich as fuck. What the what page are you on, sir? What page? I don't To be or not to be, Nigga, that is the question.
Mac:Mister Robinson, I what, what page is that on? I I don't I'm trying to find it. I don't I don't see it in here. Did I get the did I check the right book out? Or
Blak:what is that?
Mac:Could you imagine being a
Blak:student toil and trouble, nigga.
Blak:I didn't see that word.
Mac:What page are you on? Because I
Blak:47. So I'm 47.
Mac:You You're looking at page 47. Hard as
Blak:shit. I don't see it.
Mac:Do you have the new international version or what? Like, it's a bible.
Blak:No. This isn't the King James version.
Mac:Is this the, Robert e Lee version? What what are they is this the, Derek Chauvin? Is this the Derek is this the Derek Chauvin, version that you're reading from by?
Blak:This the George Zimmerman version that we
Mac:you gave us?
Blak:What is this?
Mac:He gonna come back to work and a few was like, whoo. This is strict. Fuck y'all niggas on. Woah. Woah.
Mac:Woah. Dang. Call of the wild.
Blak:Sell a couple of motherfuckers in here.
Mac:It's wild. Buck cow, nigga, the rest of the slave dogs. Heave, nigga. Heave. Yo.
Mac:That is wild. Just throwing that in there. So, apparently, obviously, the state teachers you you did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Neither did the local unit. The local union.
Mac:Like, they just like, hey. We ain't got shit to say about this. I don't I don't
Blak:want nothing to do with this.
Mac:So that begs begs begs to bring up this topic. Sir, if this person keeps his job, should Jack Lee be reinstated to teaching?
Blak:Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. You know what? You know what should happen if he keeps his job?
Blak:They bring Jack Lee back, and as part of home economics,
Mac:we teach
Blak:hair braiding, bro.
Mac:But, like, you gotta you gotta teach home ec, bro. Yes. That's what you're teaching Jack. Oh, man. But, hear me out.
Mac:Hear me out. I say Jack Lee should still be terminated.
Blak:Of course.
Mac:And we should terminate this motherfucker. Like, Jack Lee has made it his mission to try to find other teachers' downfalls and be like, they still working.
Mac:Why they ain't fired? I'm like, good question. They should fire them too, and your ass should still be fired as well, Jack. Just keep finding all
Blak:you've become, Jack.
Blak:You're an informant now.
Mac:Yeah. Keep up the good work, Jack. Keep finding these trash ass teachers, and we can get them all out of here, bro. If that one keeps its job, it's the best promotion for homeschooling. That is big facts.
Mac:Like, if I'm in Boston, I'm just like, bro, we really just got teachers out here just throwing just just this is a dude from from MOP, Billy Dan's. Like, his biggest ad lib was just, nigga. Just he would just say it in the middle of a song. You're just like, Jesus, bro. Like, what are we doing?
Mac:I you're like, why? Like, shit. But, that's an aggressive
Blak:use of the word.
Mac:Yeah. 100%. That's this teacher, Billy Danz. But then oh, look at this part. Martinu said he found out about both incidents on April 24th in a meeting that included the teachers and school principal was held in order to be transparent with families and take responsibility.
Mac:But the next day, the teacher, apparently, haven't learned the identity of at least one of the students who complained about one of the two incidences called out the student. So the teacher quit the school and was like, you snitching on me, little nigga?
Blak:Wow. You know, class, today, I wanted to have another, auction, but Billy over here went home and told his parents.
Mac:So guess what? I know how much have it. I know how much you guys love the fake slave auction. When I asked you to choose which of the 2 brown people you would choose to breed. But, apparently, we can't do that now.
Mac:Thanks to fucking Jamal over here. Yo. What the fuck, man? Principal giving advice to other teachers.
Blak:Jamal, how was your day at school? Mister came up to us, and he had us in the auction. What kind of auction? He said, which one of our bodies was the strongest? I'm going to this motherfucking school tomorrow.
Mac:He said he said Tal Vaughn was the strongest buck out of the 2 of us.
Mac:The buck? Thanks a lot, Obama. He said of the 2, he would be considered the buck. What? What the fuck?
Mac:What the fuck are you doing at school? Oh my god, bro. Like, what are we doing? Like, this teacher literally was sitting there preparing the lesson for the next day at home. Like, oh, I'm a kill him with this one.
Blak:Oh, tomorrow's gonna be
Mac:Instead of reading about it, we're gonna experience slavery and racism in the class. That way people will know how it time, bro. People will know how it affects the the the the the coloreds. Yo, man. That blows my mind.
Blak:Yeah. That's wild.
Mac:I think it comes down to like, bro, just follow the curriculum. Follow the fucking school district's curriculum. You teach in 5th grade. You teach in history. Just teach it how it is in the book.
Mac:You ain't gotta be the one to be like, oh, I'm a I'm a everybody wants to be Michelle Pfeiffer from Dangerous Minds. I'm a I'm a reach them on a level that this is guaranteed to get me the golden apple teacher of the year. Because I'm outside the box with my, I'm so unorthodox with my my teaching methods. Now your ass is getting hopefully, you get fired. Because this I
Blak:hope so too.
Mac:This paid leave thing is wild to me, man. This is almost like a, you know, like, when when police do some off the wall shit, they'd be like, oh, they're on paid leave until we figure out what the fuck's going on out here.
Blak:Nuh-uh. You better fire this motherfucker till we figure
Mac:out what.
Blak:You you can get the job back if we figure out that you ain't you ain't really fucked this shit up.
Mac:So I reached the fastest hands on the plantation. Hold up. That's my son. Like, what are you talking about? Like What the fuck y'all doing?
Mac:The and the the the fucking in the year fucking certificates when they be like, you know, he's a super speller. He's got a the highest grade on all his spelling tests. He's a rad reader. He's read the most books this year. Tyreke Good.
Mac:Tyreke's the speed demon. He could pick the most cotton out of woah. Woah. Woah. What the what?
Blak:Savannah picks cotton at a rate of a 120 pieces a second.
Mac:End of year award ceremony is wild at this school, bro. Just night. Yep. Tyrone is the Tyrone is the the Tyrone is is the Hulk. He could pick up the most bushels of cotton out of all the students.
Mac:Like, yo, what the fuck is that?
Blak:He's transferring the most bushels.
Mac:We call him the Hulk because he can't carry the most cotton in once woah. Woah. Southborough Elementary. What are we doing? Oh, shit.
Mac:But, I would like to move on to this week's Who's Mans. And for those who are, Patreon members, you kinda you kinda got a preview of what the fuck's going on here. But Oh, bloody. Blac jumped in the comments for this one, and he was like, we we we gotta readdress this for the masses, on the first Friday. And I had no problem obliging to this.
Mac:So, ladies and gentlemen, we go from one out of pocket shit to another in this week's whose man's is it on this first Friday.
Blak:Hey, old man's is this?
Mac:So, for those that don't follow the NFL, you probably aren't aware who Darren Waller is. A few years ago, he was one of the premier tight ends, all pro Mhmm. For the Oakland Raiders. He cashed out during free agency and went over to join the New York Giants. He was, synonymous with number 1 picks for tight ends in fantasy football.
Mac:So a lot of you probably may or may not understand what the fuck's going on. But, in his personal life, he messed around and dated, engaged, and married, lost WNBA Las Vegas aces star guard, Kelsey Plum. And everybody was just like, yo, man. My man my man's leveled up because, you know, his beautiful wife. He's in New York playing pro football.
Mac:Got a new deal. Life is good. A couple months ago, this is me being messy. You know, I follow Kelsey Plum. She's just like she posted something as far as, you know, I'm so hurt.
Mac:You know, I would have walked through fire for this man. X y and z, you know, it was a I'm like, oh, shit. Is there trouble in paradise? Turns out
Blak:was fun.
Mac:Turns out, something happened. I don't know all the ins and outs. I haven't seen anything. Shade Room has failed me in in in finding out the the tea, if you will. What the fuck's going on?
Mac:But at the end of the day, it's been public knowledge that they are now divorced, and Kelsey is is is back out there living her best life over in Las Vegas, winning championships. And my man, Darren Waller, is over there in New York not making the the numbers and the impact that he was doing over in Oakland. So now he's taking this off season to reflect and think about his life and, mistakes that he has made. Right? Right now, he's debating if he's gonna retire or come back to football.
Mac:But there is another thing that is weighing on my man's mind. He apparently now is, heartbroken.
Blak:And Let him let him tell let him tell y'all how heartbroken he is.
Mac:And I I just I just wanna lead with this. Hopefully, you, if you're watching or listening, have never or will never experience a broken heart. Most who do, they find ways to express themselves, art, painting, poetry, some creative way to express their feelings. Some even write songs. More most famously, Robin Thicke when, he fumbled the bag with Paula Patton, had a whole album dedicated to her.
Mac:Like, I'm a get her back. Name the album name the album Paula. Like, this this will get her on my side. Ladies and gentlemen, it did not. There's probably numerous artists, music musical music artists that have tried to attempt this, And I don't think it's worked for any of them.
Mac:I could be wrong, but I'm I'm a go ahead and and vet that more more often than not. It it doesn't work just because you you you dropped
Blak:Only person I think this is this probably and we don't know if this story is true, like, if the song was written about, like, a heartbreak he experienced, but Lenny Williams, like, that is this motherfucker's hurt. Like, that that's pain.
Mac:Oh, yeah.
Blak:Oh, yeah. That's a that's a big amount of pain. But back to Robin Thicke, Bro, that we might actually have to do a segment on the worst fumbles of all time. Like, who
Mac:I like that. Fumbled I like that idea. Man.
Blak:Oh my god. You fumbled the bag. Now I she came out years later, and she started cooking fried chicken, and I was like, yeah. He was he might have been justified. But listen.
Blak:That is a fired. But listen. That is a fumbling of a bag if I've ever seen one.
Mac:I like that callback to the, the fried chicken seller.
Blak:Yes. Yes.
Mac:Because she was out of pocket for that that raw ass chicken she was trying to make. But no. So Darren Waller, 68280, tight end. He's like, I think I think I need to sing my feelings out. And he didn't just sing, like, in the shower in his in his in the in the privacy of his own home to just get it off his chest.
Mac:My man hired a whole team to produce, direct, fucking, you know, videograph all of this stuff. My man has a music video on his YouTube channel.
Blak:Full setup.
Mac:And, believe it or not, we have it here for you. I will say, make sure your volume is adjusted right. My man out here sounded like a a a a hurt dog that got hit by something. But I'll play it. We'll pause it in between, and, we'll we'll discuss.
Mac:What up, Blake? Thanks for tuning in, man.
Blak:What's up?
Mac:And we'll we'll discuss, like, ladies, if you're if you're watching, ladies, we're gonna want to get your opinion to see, you know, if if your man
Blak:This is acceptable.
Mac:Yeah. If if your man did this, is this enough to win you back? You know? So without further ado, former all pro tight end, Darren Waller, Sir, tell us what is on your mind, please.
Darren Waller:You know in life, it's hard to love. It's hard to be free. It's hard to give all your soul.
Mac:Bro, I can't take this man. Like, the faces he's making already.
Blak:Yo. Life is is hard to be loved. It's hard to be free. Hard to
Mac:Why your voice wavering like that? Why do you have the built in auto tuning?
Blak:My man is hurt. Woah. Woah. I just wanna say
Mac:Woah. Woah. Woah.
Blak:Before we go any further, there's some real. He said I'm calling the cops.
Mac:Jump back all right on time.
Blak:There were some real some real IceJJ Fish vibe. Yeah. After this song. Like, as soon as it started playing, I was like, oh, my man's channeling Ice. He's channeling the king.
Mac:The king? This is the part, like, if you're doing a song where you got the buff, I could talk it. This is supposed to be where you hire Michael from boys to men. The motherfucker with the deep ass voice to come on and just say this shit. It's been done in nineties r and b.
Mac:You have the part where you talk and just, baby, I just don't know what's going. You know, you gotta have yeah.
Blak:I know I made my mistakes. I just wanna show you that I love you so much.
Blak:Damn, Darren.
Mac:Like like and and, you know, we'll play a little bit more, and then we'll ask the the the most important question. Roberto says, when narcissism hurt and a lot of protein powder gets mixed. But ladies and gentlemen
Blak:pure Korean team.
Mac:That's that's that's the intro before he lays down these smooth, velvety vocals for you. So, Yes. Darren, take it away.
Darren Waller:I have your heart broken in return, but it's
Mac:So I asked this You hear the auto tune, heavily auto tune. I have to ask this question. Shout out to Jay z. Death of Autotube. Like, is Autotube who is responsible for making because I I brought it up on MEMS.
Mac:We we can't fault T Pain. T Pain used auto tune the way I feel it should be used. He is the most successful person using auto tune. And when he first came out, people were like, oh, he's using that because he can't sing. Turns out, ladies and gentlemen
Blak:He can sing.
Mac:Can sing. Exactly, Blake. Leave the to the teepee because he actually sings is why he could pull it
Blak:off. Exactly.
Mac:Aaron says, is is this music? Is this music? So who do you feel fucked up attitude for for the for everybody else?
Blak:You know what? I gotta say it, and I'm sorry because he's from my home state. And, he he actually he is the reason this this buffoonery exists that we're looking at right now, and that is none other than wheezy f baby, Lil Wayne.
Mac:Wheezy fucked up bottle tube?
Blak:Oh, most definitely, bro. When you try to put out that bullshit ass I am not a human.
Mac:Oh, man. Because I remember he used it heavy on Lollipop, but Lollipop blew the fuck up. And I think that gave him the confidence. I don't know. So, ladies, real quick.
Mac:Was Lollipop good because of the beat, or was it because of the vocals?
Blak:It damn sure wasn't because of the vocals.
Mac:Lyrics? No. The lyrics are too bad too.
Blak:Maybe the lyrics
Mac:I told her back it up, like, burp, jerk.
Mac:Yeah. It wasn't Oh, Michelle. Don't get me wrong. Lollipop was the jam. That was Korea 0708.
Blak:Oh, yes, sir.
Mac:The Carter 3? Lollipop will come up, bro. You cut
Blak:All in the club.
Mac:Nobody was sitting down. Nobody was sitting down. Uh-oh. Blake says, nah. Leave Wheezy alone.
Mac:At least he has the talent of singing to stand on. This guy just gets the fuck out of here.
Blak:Have never heard anybody ever say that.
Mac:I remember he had that rock album too where he was trying to use shit. The prop Listen.
Blak:Blake? No. This is a no. Okay?
Mac:Blake, stop.
Blak:This is this is an absolute no. That man sounds like a gremlin straight out of the microwave, bro. Don't know. Hell no.
Mac:Correct. He said, I mean I mean rap. He said, I I say sing, I mean rap. Okay. Michelle was like Lollipop was a baiting song.
Mac:And that's not that's not that shit acted in Korea. Like, that motherfucking couple of motherfuckers was on the prowl. But what if I told you this wasn't, the best part of the well, best air quotes part of this song? We'll let it we'll let it go a little bit longer and see. But you have to see the ending of this video by by far.
Mac:You have to see he was just like he was like the fucking the symbolism of what I'm about to drop on him is gonna is definitely gonna win her back. Art, ladies and gentlemen. I'm a artiste out here. My creative flow cannot be contained. But, we'll let this play a little bit, and then we'll speed towards the end so you can see the, the buffoonery.
Mac:The buffoonery that is there, Waller. Bro, her face is everybody's face watching this shit. Did you see how she was looking like, who the the fuck was this nigga doing just now? Who knew that love? Like, how many How many syllables are we putting in kill, bro?
Mac:Right. It's 4 fucking letters, bro.
Blak:Put 16.
Mac:That love cookie. Yeah.
Blak:Woah. Woah. Hey, man. Listen to Britney Spears.
Mac:Imagine the studio session. He is on the other side of this glass doing this shit. And the engineers on the other side, like, or do you imagine he's doing that shit and the people on the other side of the glass are just like, what the fuck? Is this man on right now?
Blak:$2,000 for the session, bro. I'm if I can let him have it.
Mac:Gotta see it through, my boy. Hey. Are you gonna tell him he's trash? My man already paid 5,000 for this.
Blak:Got to see it through, my boy. Deposit in full, bro. Like, nah.
Mac:I gots to see it through, my boy. I gots to see it through. Man, if somebody don't come get this home, let's stay away from Well, so we'll play a little bit a little bit more. So you get, you know, you get a you get a sense of what's going on. But I want you guys I I don't think you guys are focusing on the the cinematography of of this video and and what he's doing.
Mac:I need you guys to to see
Blak:to surroundings.
Mac:And and pay attention to my man, how he's trying to capture the state of his heart in this desolate, wilderness here. Oh, this part coming up. She driving in this Jeep. Watch my man. Where's it at?
Mac:Oh, here we go. Watch this part. I could not take this seriously. Like, you he there are parts in this scene where you'll look at him and you could tell he's trying to hold back a laugh cause he knows how stupid this shit is gonna be with his high school varsity jersey on. But I digress.
Mac:Let's go. She's like, I gotta get the fuck up out of here. This motherfucker. This dude, bro.
Blak:We can go right down the dirt road.
Mac:This is exactly what happened, man. He fucked around and saw some shit on the fucking the App Store. Oh, auto tune. Shit. Let me put this sesh.
Mac:Let me see how this shit sound. Oh, I'm nice.
Blak:Oh, hell yeah.
Mac:Alright. Oh, so so he's trying to win her back. She driving the Jeep. She like, bro, I had enough of this shit. Right?
Mac:Is it she pretty much treated this dude like the motherfucker at the intersection by the mall, ask you to give him money, and you staring at the light waiting for it to turn green. The minute that bitch turned green, help a vet that's down on his luck. You just, like
Blak:Down on my luck.
Mac:Let's hear this music
Blak:real quick. Need food for the day.
Mac:Yep. Let me go ahead and adjust his air conditioning. He right here by the window. He right here looking at you. Oh, I love this song.
Mac:Hey. Hey. He knocked it on the window.
Blak:You got some change.
Mac:You see me. Right? But, where we at? Let's get to that. Alright.
Mac:Is this a part? Okay. Alright. So, ladies, let me say, Oscar worthy cinematography. The visuals, you could see how hurt he gets.
Mac:A lot of people use the metaphor, you stabbed me in my back. My man brings it to life. Check this out. Oh shit. They're back together.
Mac:Everything's cool, right? My bad thought you could tell he's like, so I'm a act like I'm dead, and then I'm a let the water hit me. This man did not understand. Stone. This motherfucker's salt water.
Mac:Get in your eyes. He was like, I'm a die with my eyes open. That water that wave was a little bit bigger than he thought. Woke his ass, bro. That shit, that motherfucker with saltwater hit his eyes.
Mac:Oh, shit. You see his eyes close-up, man? Bro.
Blak:He couldn't hide that shit, bro. That shit took me out the first time I
Mac:saw it. Eyes wide the fuck open. Eyes wide the fuck open. That water came to you. He was like, alright.
Mac:I'm cool. I'm cool. That's it. We've got that white water rafts over here, bro. City boys down 200 points.
Blak:Cut. Cut the camera like like the the
Mac:The dude that
Mac:did the Hennessy. Oh my god. Oh my god. Bro, look. I'll be that splash.
Mac:It'll it's covering up one nostril that was about to drown, bro.
Blak:And then you can tell the stronger one ain't even hit him yet, bro.
Mac:That shit up in his ear, though. Oh, god. So ladies
Blak:Yo. If you I'll never
Mac:let go. I'll never let go, Jack. Roberto, you a fool, bro. Ladies, ladies, Your man's down bad, and he puts this out there for the world to see. Singing about he needs some time to heal.
Mac:He's saying how love could kill. Is this not getting you back? Is this not getting you back? Black, let me just ask you this. Never.
Mac:You ain't even let me.
Mac:You and you and Con, you know, y'all hit a rough patch. You know, God forbid this ever happens. You guys you guys separate. Your heart is hurt, bro. That's the love of your life.
Mac:Mother of your kids, you're like, bro, my life is incomplete without you. Would anything draw you to go to the extent that my man Darren Waller went through?
Blak:Nope. Nope.
Mac:At all.
Blak:Because, nah. Nah. Whoever he hired to do that video shoot is wild, bro. It's wild.
Mac:Bro, the director the director was like studio. The director was like, bro, we're gonna kill him with this one. Trust me.
Blak:We we gotta go back to the song. Like, when he made the song, whoever let him walk out the studio, you're wrong, bro. You're not a real friend.
Mac:He closes you know, like, when your kids be fake sleep and you go in there and turn the light on, and they their eyes get actually actually a little tied up. That's that's how he did when that water hit his ass. Like, Like a little kid in a pool where they splash it too hard, and that motherfucker hit him just right. Like, now now they now they wanna stop playing and shit and splashing.
Blak:Told your ass. I
Mac:told your ass. All this damn water on the floor. You were here splashing and shit. Show out this goddamn tub, Darren.
Blak:Oh, we are canceling the off season for you next year, bro. You aren't allowed to have this much free time. I agree. But you know what he was trying to do, though? Take your time and heal.
Blak:Oh, you muted. You muted, my guy. So we'll let my man come back in, but, yeah, ladies, let me hear you. Would this would this be
Mac:a I'm taking time
Blak:Yes or no?
Mac:My mixture just just froze up out of nowhere. So That was down wild. That was that was yeah. He he found out what he was doing. Shit.
Mac:But, no. So I was just saying that, bro, the rest of the New York Giants, the rest of your team has I'm I'm sure has been made aware of of your, your artistic,
Blak:Oh, bro.
Mac:Darren, if you wanna go back and play
Blak:hurt this year.
Mac:If you wanna go back and play, you better play your ass off, sir. You you better
Blak:Career year, bro.
Mac:1500 yards, 15 touchdowns, you know, 120 receptions, something.
Mac:Because I know you're not there for OTAs. You're not there for voluntary workouts. But when you show up for mandatory training camp, if you have not retired, you're not gonna hear the end of this shit, bro.
Blak:You might as well retire. You might you might as well, bro.
Mac:Go ahead and hang this bitch up, bro.
Blak:Yeah, bro.
Mac:Go ahead and hang this shit up.
Blak:I stick up my face back in my locker. Not after this.
Blak:If I do that, I'm doing it with and with the thought in mind that I'm fucking retiring. Yeah.
Mac:I just came here to get the shit out of my locker, bro. That's
Blak:what's yep.
Mac:And I'm showing up to get my shit when everybody else leave the fucking facility. Yep. That's it. I don't think I don't think this video did what you thought it was gonna do, Darren.
Blak:Oh, hell no. Hell no. It did not.
Mac:We find out he's on the bench all season because of the team being embarrassed. That's the video release. 100%, bro. And y'all all Saquon Barkley. Bro, it's it's not a good look, bro.
Blak:Yes. Yes. It's a wrap.
Mac:Bro. Probably knew this shit was coming down. Hey. I'm out of here. I ain't I ain't be signing.
Mac:I can't be seen with
Blak:these I
Mac:can't be seen with y'all, bro. Oh, shit.
Blak:It's just 5 boroughs full of people that will make fun of this motherfucker, bro. I'm out.
Mac:You don't turn it I'm out. Turn everybody to jets fans now. What's what's going on out here, bro? Will you thanks. Thanks, Darren.
Mac:Thanks a lot. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that, concludes this week's segment of whose man's is it. And, we're gonna go ahead and return to our, regularly scheduled program.
Blak:And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress.
Mac:Blake says if you look up articles of different people talk about the music video, they describe it as him going after Post Malone vibes.
Blak:He tried and failed.
Mac:Bro, he he tried to hit some vibes that he the wavelength is off. He can't match him and shit. He all over the place, bro. Y'all can't see it, but some of the comments, the one the one that has me dying is, you know, because he's not showing up to mandatory or volunteer of training camps. And they're like, the New York Giants, Darren, why aren't you coming to voluntary mini camps?
Mac:And they're saying, Darren says, I need some time to heal.
Blak:I'm tired and I wanna be still.
Mac:I'm a do that shit when I I'm a put in for some leave, and they'll be like reason for leave. I need to take some time to heal. Heal. Just go ahead go ahead and get the fuck up out of here, bro. Leave it approved.
Mac:Get out of here and get your shit together. Yes. Alright. Yes. It worked.
Mac:Get in my car, and I go down this dirt road. Bro, that is the set it, bro. I don't know. I like, it it's gonna be hard to for me to try to recall a more I don't wanna say simp because, like, when you in love, you in love. But I'm just trying to figure out a a bro, I've never seen nobody ate up like that, bro.
Blak:I have. I have.
Mac:To the I mean, but he's ate up and has the money to embarrass himself on a grand scale.
Blak:This is true. I'm sending him on the smaller
Mac:Yeah. On a smaller scale where I'm just like, bro, you are, Bro, you are wild. Don't text that. You know what I'm saying? Don't text her like that.
Mac:Quit you.
Blak:I'm a just call her.
Mac:Lover. I'm a caller and tell her. I made them. A bro. Just sit you, bro.
Mac:Give me your phone. Nobody was able to do that for Darren. Like, bro, get get out of here. What we doing? What do we doing?
Blak:I'm going to the studio.
Mac:Y'all don't know how much I love her. Bro, I'm looking at her IG. She ain't worried about you, dog. No. No.
Mac:Kelsey is on to the like, not on to the next, but she out there living her best life in Vegas. So shout out Kelsey Plum. Darren, you know, I I hope shit works out for you, my boy. I hope you find what you're looking for out there. Down the dusty dirt road.
Mac:Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah.
Mac:You know what's fucked up? I'm a talk to my wife like that for, like, the next day.
Blak:I'm about to go do it now. So my wife
Mac:it's a perfect time.
Blak:My wife is she's leaving for a month. She's going, New York. Mhmm. She's leaving tomorrow. So for the rest of the night tonight, this
Mac:is what she's gonna do. You should wait for her to leave and just be hitting her up. Yeah. Who would have thought love could kill her? Anyway, love
Blak:love to come back and get put my face in the bath.
Mac:While we playing, this shit gonna be stuck in your head for a minute.
Blak:It is.
Mac:Did he did he succeed?
Blak:Obviously, he didn't.
Mac:Obviously. The the data's right there. He's still single as fuck. He probably got water. He can't hear out his left ear because he had it in the ocean and this shit all up.
Mac:He probably still sitting here going like this.
Blak:The beach crowd. The beach guy's got in his ear.
Mac:Oh, shit. But, anyway, it's the time of the show. Final shots and thoughts. Black, what do you got for the people, man?
Blak:Oh, man. Good show. Thank y'all for coming out tonight. This is a good crowd. Thank you guys for all the comments.
Blak:Thank you for tuning in. Now I wanna go over some things that we did during the week. We know this was a busy week, but all 4 of our shows hit the charts this week. We were all in Shut up. Let's go.
Blak:Top 200, bro. So, there it is, man. The it it's been worth it. I know we we got some rising creator content from Queens Nerdem. They're hitting they're hitting that again.
Blak:So shout out to Queens of Nerdem, for all the work that they did
Mac:Yes, sir.
Blak:All the stuff that's coming out. So, if you guys didn't know, we do have a website, d d f p n dot com. Go check it out. All of our shows are on there. So if you miss it, if you miss tonight's show, which we actually streamed on the website tonight, if you missed tonight's show, don't worry.
Blak:Come back. We'll have those episodes in audio and video form on the website as well as the out streaming platform. So make sure you guys tune in. We announced this also on no gimmicks this past week, but myself and Frankie d, we actually got we actually got the credentials, for press passes to the, Greater Austin Comic Con. So we're actually gonna be going to the Greater Austin Comic Con
Mac:July 4th.
Blak:Yep. So we'll be we'll be following you guys' footsteps. So thank you guys so much for being the first to do that shit because y'all gave us some good some good examples of of how to how to do that shit and make it look really professional and, represent for the brand. So thank you guys for doing that because y'all y'all really gave us some some some good, material to work with. So I I will be talking with you guys more as we get closer to it just to, you know Okay.
Blak:Iron out, you know, we have to do, but I'll go ahead and do the cosplay thing.
Mac:Oh, shit. Who you going? Who you going as? What's going on?
Blak:I'm gonna be a Jedi. I don't know what Jedi I'm gonna be, but I will be a Jedi. So, yeah, man. But really excited for it and, really excited for no gimmicks. Really excited for the network, man, And thank you guys for all that you guys do.
Blak:So those are my those are my final shots.
Mac:I like it. I have nothing to add except, check the description for the website. Check that out. And then, of course, wherever you stream podcast, that's where you're gonna find everything DFPN has. So just stay tuned for all that good stuff.
Mac:You're not following us, subscribe to us, all that good stuff. Please make sure you do that so you can stay on top, get those notifications whenever we go live. Sometimes we're behind the paywall, sometimes we're not. Other shows, you know, they go live. So I'm just saying, stay tuned, follow all the pages, Queens and Nerdom, United States Department of Nerds, no gimmicks, smoke pit, eat the cake anime.
Mac:We're gonna bring back revamping up, prove me wrong, a sports podcast. So we got a lot of stuff going on over here. And, all of it's possible because of the support we get from you all, and we appreciate it a 1000%. We can't say that enough.
Blak:Absolutely. So
Mac:thank you. Thank you. Thank uh-oh. Blake said picks or it didn't happen?
Blak:You'll get pics.
Mac:My man says go as a Keller on Beck.
Blak:Okay. I'll research it.
Mac:Yep. Yep. Because you know me, like, if if the character is bald, I can I can make it work? And, shout out to Frank d, obviously, for calling me out, telling me I should have been a, a Sith. So, you know, we're we're gonna we're gonna rock with that.
Mac:I looked up some bald headed Siths. So, that that'll be the next thing going out there. But, I just don't think I'm ready to commit to wigs yet, so that's why all my characters gotta be bald. You know what I'm saying? That's what it is.
Mac:But, we'll go ahead and and and wrap up episode 143. Sorry for the the the the small technical difficulties, but we got it back on track. Good to go. And, appreciate you rocking with us. So, without further ado, I'm the homie Mac aka your boy.
Blak:And I am bred like a king, made us Kelvin Kaley. Thank you guys for coming out to episode 143. Until next time. Have love. Make sex.
Blak:Peace. Peace. Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off.
Blak:Come sit in the smoke bay. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week, come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this?
Blak:Because I got questions, I'm hopin' you can answer it. Get ready, because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. Smacky Mac. Welcome to the smoke pit.