Ep 140 "When Being the 'Cool Teacher' Goes Wrong, Tyrese Back At It Again, & Live TikTok Streamers"
Yes. Yes. Y'all. Yes. Yes.
Mac:Y'all. We are live coming to you back on the Patreon side of things. The dynamic duo has been reunited, if you cannot tell. I am here with, my homie over here. Bread like a king, man.
Mac:This is bad. It's good to have you back, my boy. It's good to have you back.
Blak:It's good to be back, my guy.
Mac:How you feeling? How you feeling?
Blak:It's been a rocky one. Oh, yeah? I'm not gonna bullshit
Mac:you. It's
Blak:been a rocky one. Right now, I'm pretty good. Uh-huh. So, for the listeners not aware, so I was diagnosed with a rare condition called Conn's syndrome. And to get to the cure, there's a series of tests you have to do.
Blak:And I just did, adrenal vein sampling. It's pretty much a biopsy to where they go into your where your kidneys are and sample the veins in there, see what's pumping out. But to do that, I had to get off all my meds. So the the disease itself, it makes your body resistant to the message that you have. Mhmm.
Blak:So I built up a point to where my body was kinda normalizing, but then going off of it and going back on my meds, it's just been my body was like, I don't know what the fuck you think, but yesterday's meds ain't today's meds. Today's meds. So it's just been it's just been up and down with that, but other than that, man, I've been good, man.
Mac:That's good to hear, man. It's good to have you back. Shout out to, the queens and and my brother for jumping on last episode.
Blak:Great episode.
Mac:That, that Roger Ford's in discussion. His wake is actually, I think, today. Right?
Blak:Yeah. His funeral was about it.
Mac:Funeral. Yeah. Yeah. So, that's going down. So, again, you know, thoughts and prayers, positive vibes, all that good stuff towards the the Fortson family during this time.
Mac:But we promised shenanigans, and, it's almost as if we spoke it, the, the universe provided, shenanigans.
Blak:In a big way.
Mac:Yes, sir. Yes, sir. So without further ado, you filling up to start episode 1, 140?
Blak:Yes. Yes. Welcome back to the smoke pit, ladies and gentlemen. Episode 140 of the smoke pit starts right now. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Blak:It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week.
Blak:Come relaxing. Get some lapsin'. And, let's talk about these brackets. And, while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions.
Blak:I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Mac:Yep. Y'all know what it is. Friday night mood is right. Dynamic duo of black and mac. Here, gracing your screens, bringing you another hilarious episode of the smoke pit.
Mac:And, it's been about a couple of weeks since you've seen us both together doing something, but, it it's good to be back. We are here, for our patrons who are watching live. Y'all know what it is. A lot of stuff dropped on the patreon page. So, you know, we got some stuff coming up.
Mac:And for those who are checking in on Monday, peep the description below in the video, in the link, and you can see, the link to get to the Patreon to participate in these, weekly discussions we have about the things going on on Janet Jackson's Internet nowadays. But without further ado, let's get into these shots so we can start talking about the things that need to be discussed. Let's I'm sitting here with my my small shot here of a crown peach, and, I'm pretty sure you're on the water for right now, my guy. Yep. My man.
Blak:You know it.
Mac:My man. But, as always, this goes out to, everybody for making it to Friday. Everybody for getting through whatever it was they were getting through this week. Hopefully, we roll into a nice nice relaxing weekend. And if you're working this weekend, hopefully, when you you're done with your shift, you get to kick back and, pour something up, roll something up, if that's what you choose to do.
Mac:And, enjoy your time off. Alright? Salud. Salud.
Blak:Thank you for ever inventing water.
Mac:100%. Now. Now. Now. Now.
Mac:Now. I see management brought something up. And and it and it was something because, you know, I I kinda well, first of all, this was in the, Smoke Pit Podcast fan group. Again, if you've been rocking with us, you know what what we'll be talking about when we say the fan group. But if not, check the description, and like I said, you can see, how to join the fan group.
Mac:But parents, grown folks, people who have intimate time with their loved ones. There's been a age old predicament that may or may not occur to you guys. It's occurred to me a few times, but it has been a while since it's occurred until last week. So I I I ask I I bring this up because I just need to know because at what point at what point do we just do we just stop taking the chance? You know?
Mac:For what? For having sex, knowing that at any moment, okay, like, you're like you're like, because you're just like, man, it's like, you know, 5 in the morning, Everybody sleep. The door closed. Do we need to lock it? I don't think so.
Mac:Door closed. Normally, when when when another door opens, we'd be able to hear. You know what I'm saying? It's like Right. Let's roll the dice.
Mac:Like, why do we not take every precaution available to us to ensure that the walk in does not happen. Because the walk in happened. And and I don't know what it is, man. Kids just get super stealthy, bro. Like, when when is that, like Right.
Mac:You you just assume, like, he opened this door, like, fucking solid snake, splinter cell, espionage type shit. Mission impossible. Walks in.
Blak:What are you doing? Bro. Yep. Yep. Yep.
Blak:What? Oh. What did he come from? What are you doing? Yo.
Mac:Like, it was like, bro, it might be time to have that talk. It might be time to have that talk. Bro, without without skipping a beat, wife is just like, oh, no. No. No.
Mac:Daddy's just massaging mommy's butt. He's just like, oh, okay. Gets the remote, sits down in in front of the bed, turns on YouTube, and starts watching YouTube. And we just laying there like,
Blak:This is over.
Mac:Yep. And there it goes. Yep. The mood the mood is ruined.
Blak:Bria's gone.
Mac:We've lost a love feeling. Woah. Go. So I present you this question. I asked it in the group, and and there were some people.
Mac:I I just asked, when that does happen, what is what what what's the go to excuse that you feed children? You know, we got, wrestling. We got
Blak:That's mine.
Mac:We got the, my socks came off under the covers. Your mom is just trying to get them for me. We got we got some pretty creative stuff in there. Like, has that happened to to you in in the missus? If you do not mind sharing, if it has or has not.
Blak:Most definitely. Most definitely, it's happened. And it's always, like, it's always, like, the good session too.
Mac:Like Like the spawn it's the spontaneous sex. Like, when you're both just, like, fucking, let's just go. Let's gather. Let's have at it.
Blak:Like, oh, shit. I guess it's happening right now.
Mac:Let me prepare myself.
Blak:Alright. We got action.
Blak:Yep. No. It's like it's it's like always doing those. Right?
Blak:And then, like, kid comes in and it's yeah. For me, it's like in the morning too. Like, random ass times in the morning. Like, how why are you in here so early? Where School isn't for another hour and a half, my guys.
Blak:Right. Normally, y'all late.
Mac:Yeah. I have to go wake you up for school. Right. But here you are.
Blak:Today waking up all days.
Mac:Before my alarm to get up to wake you up to take you to school.
Blak:Yes. You know what I call those? I call those Charlie Bravo missions. The what? The Charlie Bravo mission.
Mac:Cock blocks?
Mac:It's like they got a a spidey sense or something. You know, they just be like, I I think something's going on.
Blak:Since fucking we're going to each room.
Mac:People are joining themselves. I don't like it. Let me go in here and mess this shit up.
Blak:What are you guys doing? I'm helping mom stretch. She said she has cramps.
Jaq Lee:Yeah, bro.
Mac:What are you doing? Just like a it's just like a fucking commercial, bro. And then I feel bad. I'm just like, at what age are they just gonna know? Like, y'all probably doing some shit y'all ain't supposed to be doing.
Mac:You know, at this time they're like
Blak:super they're
Mac:they're hella gullible. And I'm, like, stuff they're gonna remember. Because I remember the first time I walked in on that shit as a kid. And, bro, it was bro, I I was just like my kid. Just got up.
Mac:I was like, I hear something. You know? You know? And and and and just just like me, just like us, man, they were just like, let's chance it. Door cracked.
Mac:We don't need to close it all the way. You know? They've probably done it a 1000000 times like that. And I've and I never I never knew. I probably never knew.
Blak:I went in there. Just naive. Just walking in.
Mac:Yep. Just Had my little little stuffed animal. My dad got up. He was just like, whoop. Slam.
Mac:Slam the door on my face. Bro, I I just went back in my bed and laid the fuck down, like, I guess I guess I won't supposed to see that. I don't know. Never spoke yet. Never spoke of it again.
Mac:But it's like I was and I was younger than what my son was now when he was. I'm just like, so if I can remember that, like, that's something that I feel your body and your brain would be like, you gotta suppress this shit.
Blak:Yep. It's it's Most definitely.
Mac:But it's like burnt. I'm just like, fuck, man. But like like I said, that's a parent as an adult now, like, I get it. You know. I remember
Blak:the first time we got caught. The first time we got caught was just like it was like trauma, especially for especially for the white. She was like, oh my god. I was like, calm down. It's not that
Mac:Yeah. It's not that bad. My wife, bro, she was, oh my goodness. I'm so embarrassed. I'm just like, oh my god.
Mac:Our son Ryan, it shouldn't like Forever unclean. Just like, it'll be He's
Blak:saying it. The flowered.
Mac:Yeah. Like, he's gonna go to school and be like, hey, guys. Guess what I saw? Yeah.
Blak:Let me tell you what I saw this morning.
Mac:So that's what smashing is. I had no idea. Or, like, just bring it up to the teacher. My dad was helping my massage. Mom massage her butt this morning.
Mac:Oh. Oh, really? Parent teacher conference gonna be lit. But, but, yeah, I thought that was I'm just like, bro, I I I don't my apologies? I I suppose.
Mac:It's weird.
Blak:It's a weird feeling, man, because you don't know like, I feel guilty, but not really.
Mac:It's like Well, like
Blak:It's like,
Mac:I'm I'm bro, it's one of them things, like, yeah. We gotta be more careful. So, like, probably for the next week or so, we probably close the doors and stuff. But after a while, we're just gonna be, like, that's fucked. Let's take that chance.
Blak:Especially now, man. They are you know, like, the door lock.
Mac:I mean, sooner or later, they gonna stop walking.
Blak:I don't
Mac:even feel They gonna stop walking into the room. Like, bro, if we if if we ain't already downstairs or up and about, bro, don't don't you never you're rolling the dice. Enter at your own risk.
Blak:Yep. I would give away the cues, but that that's too deep. But but, you know, you know, it
Blak:Every man has a cue. Right. Like, babe, you coming later? Yep.
Mac:Yep. Here we go.
Blak:Don't don't bother
Mac:us. Don't don't don't bother us. Yep. Don't you do it. Don't you do it.
Mac:Like, between the hours of when we wake you up for school and when you go to bed, do not come in this room.
Blak:Don't bother us at all. Yes. Leave us alone.
Mac:Yes. Do not do it. Or like I said, enter at your own risk. My wife was just, oh my god. And then she's blaming me.
Mac:This is all your like me.
Blak:Listen. I just get the bread crumbs. You'll be leaving them on the floor.
Mac:I this was me? This wasn't this wasn't a a a a both of us? Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Blak:Takes 2 of us. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. 100%.
Mac:Dad can't massage mom's butt if mom's if mom's butt's not there for massage. Right. Oh, shit. What else we got? Oh, yeah.
Mac:Girl Scout Cookie season is is upon us, and, they have Seriously? They have, barricaded every Target, every Walmart secured both entrances and exits. They now have a Venmo, a Cash App, way for you to digitally send money to them rather than Oh,
Blak:so there's no excuse.
Mac:Bro, there's none at all. There's none at all. I don't have no cash. We take card. I don't have my card on me.
Mac:Well, what's your you got Cash App? We could, like, what is what is going
Blak:on? Break yourself. Right. Motherfucking. This girl's
Mac:Do you want me to tell you no? Is that is that is that your intent? You want me to look you in your optic nerve and say, no. I don't want no cookies. Little girl, But they know how hard that shit is, bro.
Mac:It is. With that being said, Thin Mints are still the number one seller. I don't know how.
Blak:We have to rectify this. There's no reason Thin Mint should be selling the way they sell. Not with the Samoas in production still. Can we talk about the now here here's my thing.
Mac:When I bring up Samoas, people's go to deflection on why they are not good is that, I'm not a big fan of coconut. I don't like coconut shavings. I don't or the the out of this world, they're just too sweet for me. What the fuck are we talking about here? What
Blak:the You're a fucking liar.
Mac:What the fuck are we talking about? Cookies are too sweet? What do you what do you eat?
Blak:That's what what do you eat?
Mac:What cookie supposed to be? Crackers? What are you doing over here?
Blak:That that's from the thin men people, because you like the depression.
Mac:Because You
Blak:like the taste of the depression.
Mac:They just get mad when I tell them thin mints are not it. And and to me, I'm just like, bro, to me, they're like bottom of the barrel. Like, I know they got I know there are subpar Girl Scout cookies. Like, nobody's buying every box of every flavor, because you know the ones that are good and you know the ones that aren't. And you know the ones that you like.
Blak:Right. Right.
Mac:But when I tell people about why I don't like the meds. When you're when you're argument to win me over is, you gotta put them in the freezer.
Blak:Cream. Yo. Yeah.
Mac:Put them in the freezer. Frozen thin mints? I'm just like, bro, listen to yourself. Like, none of you guys talk about just eating them right out the box. Oh, you gotta freeze them.
Mac:Like, if you gotta freeze your cookies to make them edible, it's not it, bro.
Blak:Yeah. That's
Mac:It's not it. You know, like, that's not a good defense. Nope. You gotta buy something not meant to be frozen. Freeze it in order for it to be top tier when Samos are right there.
Mac:You gotta put them, grind them up, put them in milkshake. I'm just saying. I worked with somebody who was a baker, and they baked a cheesecake, but use Samoa Girl Scout cookies. Probably the most delicious thing I had in my
Blak:Oh, my god. That is like the 2 best things on earth coming together.
Mac:I didn't know that was a thing. They just came in. I tried something last night, and they took the thing off. I'm like, oh, what's that? So it's a cheesecake, but it's, Samoa flavored.
Mac:I used Samoa cookies. I was like, you you had me there.
Blak:You had me there.
Mac:How big of a piece can I take of this thing? Like, what's how many people are you trying to serve with this? Is it just for the office up here, or or is this for the whole squadron? What what we doing?
Blak:This shit is gross. Put it in the fridge, and don't let nobody touch it.
Mac:Yeah. How big of a piece could I take? But, bro, it's it's it's and and if you followed us, you know how I feel about mint chocolate anything. Like, it's just not it. Like, it's it's the mint and the chocolate don't go together.
Mac:The mint's supposed to give you a breath that that, ah, feeling, but then the chocolate fucks it up. And people just, oh, it's so good. It's so good. Like, my people like that, you just gotta keep an eye on.
Blak:Oh, most definitely. They are diabolical.
Mac:Diabolical. I'm like, what are you doing? Just brushing your teeth and eating the Milky Way right after? Like, this is delicious. This is the best thing I ever tasted.
Mac:Like, get all the way up out of here with that stuff, man.
Blak:Please get out of here.
Mac:But, shout out to the girl scouts. Y'all are doing y'all thing. Appreciate the cookies. They they send a lot of it to the, the USO here at Langley. So our our unit got a few crates, but my favorites are the, the samos, and then a close second is the the tagalongs the tagalongs, the peanut butter chocolate joints.
Mac:And then after that, you know, it's a lot of like, those are my 2 s
Blak:t here. Whatever.
Mac:Yeah. And then it's like, I'll dabble in the other ones. Then the ones that I absolutely won't touch are the Thin Mints, but, that's neither here nor there. Neither here nor there. So I think it's time.
Mac:It's time to officially start the show with a house meeting, and, I posted or actually management posted. I brought it to their attention. A teacher that is pretty famous on an ex teacher that is pretty famous on TikTok, and, let me correct myself there, for doing some outlandish stuff. And believe it or not, a lot of people are divided. Some are on his side about it, some are not, but, we'll get into the house meeting.
Mac:And for those that do not know, we'll explain, WTF we are actually talking about. I think we need to have a house meeting y'all. Yes. Yes. Y'all.
Mac:So like I was saying, there is a teacher. I believe his name is, Jack Lee, if I'm not mistaken. I wanna make sure I'm pronouncing his name right here.
Blak:Two first names. That is terrible.
Mac:He said it's terrible. Jack Lee, j a q space l e e. He's a I forget what grade it is. 4th grade? Something like that.
Mac:I don't know. He's a elementary school teacher, I believe, or middle school, whatever it is. And he has recently come under fire and been relieved of his position at his school due to, a live video, a live stream to his TikTok in which he had 4 of his students, all female, unbraiding his hair, because all their work was done or whatever. So they are literally up there with legit rat tail combs. Now I don't know if he just had them in the drawer and get issued them out to them.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? And was just hanging them, you know, just handing them a hose out.
Blak:That's crazy.
Mac:Or if the girls just had them on on deck, like, oh, I got some right here. Let's go ahead and, we can help you out. But in case you have not seen it, I would like to bring it to the stage so you guys can be made aware and and, you know, familiarize yourself with what we're about to talk about. So as you see here, his, his TikTok name is Phil Luminati Phil Luminatin 1 or the Lumenati n 1. I don't know.
Mac:But you see it, Jack Lee. And I'm a play this video. It's for we're not gonna play the whole thing, but his caption before we get into it. Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Teaching is a work of heart.
Mac:Comment your thoughts. So that's that's literally what he did before he posts this here. And, let me
Blak:make sure the sound is up. Boy, did they comment.
Mac:Oh, bro. They went in.
Jaq Lee:Let's go ahead and
Jaq Lee:stir the pot over the show. Last Friday, 10 minutes before dismissal of time, I decided to live stream my students helping me take my hair out. It was quite the discourse in the chat which had people saying this was inappropriate And other people I'm saying this was completely fine. There was nothing wrong with what I was doing. And people are just making it weird.
Jaq Lee:So of course, I had to bring this issue to the big stage. I would like to represent myself in this case, your honor, if I may. Number 1 for a little con
Mac:Let me talk about how he thought he was smooth with that. I'd like to represent myself, your honor. You know, like he thought he was about to eat. He thought he was about to cook.
Blak:Let me put my radio voice on for this one. Gonna sound like a complete dumbass for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds while you figure out what's wrong with my life.
Mac:I would, brought it to the big stage. So I like to present my case, your honor, represent myself.
Blak:Let's hear let's hear
Mac:what this grown man has to say as far as trying to make this, like, normalized.
Jaq Lee:Context. I had a hair appointment immediately after school, and I needed my hair taken out beforehand. I would have taken it out the night before, but that Friday, we had a camera crew coming in to shoot a promotional video, and I was one of the ones being interviewed. So I had to look presentable, so I didn't take my hair out. I didn't have the time to do it all myself because it would have taken me forever.
Jaq Lee:So naturally, I asked about 4 or 5 of my over a 100 best friends to assist me in taking my hair out, and they all
Mac:I'm a pause it right there. So I had about 4 or 5 of my out of my 100 best friends. What's your thoughts on and we'll kind of peel the onion as it goes in layers. When adults are out here, especially in roles like authoritative roles, because regardless of your stance, if you're trying to be the like, you see in down there, the unconventional teachers, AKA the cool teachers, the outside of the box teachers and shit like that. When they try to be like, my students are my friends, How do you feel about that?
Blak:No. The fuck they are not. They're your students. And to cross that line as a as an author authoritative figure, like, it's highly unprofessional. Now in the event that, you know, you do build bonds and friendships with kids, You have to be careful with how you approach that too.
Blak:Right? If you if you make that to, it's a delicate line you have to walk. If you're gonna establish a friendship, like, teacher wise, there's ways you do it and there's ways you don't. I've seen teachers do it to where it's respectable, and they end up getting the kids to it it flips their learning a little bit. You know what I mean?
Blak:Case in point, my youngest, he struggled, his second grade year. His teacher that year, like, did not care for his grades, his, his learning abilities. She only focused on the students that she thought were capable of grasping her way of teaching, if that makes any sense. Mhmm. In the in the course of that, my son struggled along with a whole host of other students to the point where he was not confident in his learning.
Blak:Right? And he's the one, like, I put pictures up because he's he's actually a smart kid. Yeah. But that that that year, his teacher stunted his his growth because of her teaching method. So he had to approach the next grade, like, with the teacher, like, sit down immediately.
Blak:Like, this is what happened. Like, his confidence is really shot. And that teacher was, I will say, the best teacher he's ever had because she was patient with him. She established kind of a friendship, but still that authority figure to where he was comfortable learning with her and grasping her method, whatever it was. Mhmm.
Blak:Right? That's what you have to do to kiss. This shit is some other shit. This is this is some other shit, bro. Like, this is this is way left field.
Blak:Like, if my kid was in this class, I'd probably have a major issue with it.
Mac:100%. I could I when he said that, I compared that to, like, when you're in the military, right, and you're a NCO supervisor and stuff, like, you have troops and everything, and and I understand as a teacher or or when you're in that role, you have to be able to relate to your students, your subordinates so they feel comfortable enough to come to you if there are legit issues in their life. They need to feel comfortable. Hey, sir. Hey, ma'am.
Mac:This is what's going on. For a teacher, you have to be at a level to where a student will be comfortable to come to you as an adult because they know you're an adult and you can help them in a situation. Right. Hey. This is what's going on in my house.
Mac:I don't know what's going on. I don't know what I can do. And then you as the adult take action. You can't be the bestie because then they start it it it it blurs the line between your student teacher relationship. And for some students, they may take it the wrong way.
Mac:Like, I'm not saying these young ladies were like that, but you open the door for them to think that it's something more than just what you actually like, if it's
Blak:intentional to be innocent. Right. Right.
Mac:But they're thinking like this grown man likes me, and then they gonna do something. Like, they're staying after class. They're gonna do something wild. And then now you're in this position to no. No.
Mac:No. What what the you know, don't like and don't do like, I don't understand why you do that
Blak:at all. Right.
Mac:At all. Like, he's just sitting here, like, this is cool, but we'll we'll let him continue presenting his case.
Jaq Lee:Number 2, this was at the end of class. This week, we were doing STEM fair presentations. Since it was Friday and all of my students did an excellent job on their STEM field projects and presentations, in class a little early, and they can have fun and play basketball, darts, or be on their phones or whatever. And during that time, my team would help me take my hair out. A couple of these were students from my class, but others were students from other classes.
Jaq Lee:I would all of them have passed at the beginning of the class period requesting their assistance 10 minutes before dismissal. 2nd,
Mac:let me be a whole ass teacher in the thing, and my student get up like, hey. I gotta go. My bestie text me. I gotta go take their hair down.
Blak:Yeah. That's weird, bro. Like Teachers Other teachers knew this shit was happening? Nigga. That is weird.
Mac:there were other teachers in all this?
Blak:Oh, okay. No. They were from other classes. Not another class. Other classes.
Mac:Up and left the other class to come to your class to let your hair down, to take your braids out.
Blak:And they was cool with that shit.
Mac:Boy, they smiling and shit, boy. These are the teachers, like, alright. Have fun. Oh, middle school. I guess he a middle school teacher, but continue, mister Jack Lee.
Jaq Lee:I told the teachers only send them if all of their work was completed and they had good behavior. They all met the criteria, so 10 minutes before dismissal, they showed up for their job. My next point I'd like to make is if I was a female teacher, those people wouldn't be in the comments saying, oh, this is weird. This is inappropriate. Because me personally, I don't think there's anything weird about this.
Jaq Lee:People say, oh, that's too intimate. To me, it's literally just hair. It doesn't have to be weird. Some people have never had cool teachers and it shows. Personally, I believe that building authentic relationships with students is paramount in being an effective teacher.
Jaq Lee:I make sure my students know and can feel that I care about them beyond the school work and all the stuff that I have to make them do. I take the time to get to know my students outside of academics, because caring for the whole child is what's important. Some of these students have been with me since I was a substitute 4 years ago. They see me as a big brother or a father figure as some of them say.
Blak:I don't like that. I I don't like that at all.
Mac:I don't like that either. Sir, sir, what you are doing right now is you're standing in soft ground, and you have a shovel in your hand. And every time a word comes out your mouth, you're digging you're digging a hole. A little bit deeper. You're digging a hole, sir.
Blak:Sir, I hate to alarm you, but this sounds an awful lot like grooming. I'm I'm just hey. Hey. Hey. There was a guy by the name of Robert Kelly.
Blak:This sounds very similar.
Mac:Actually, he had a song called braid my hair, did he not? He did. Mhmm. Now, so he continues. This goes on for, like, another 2 minutes trying to defend all of this stuff.
Mac:Most of the comments we got, when we posted this on the the the page and in the fan group, a lot of people were were not about it. Right? The thing is he's like, to me, it's just hair. It's not intimate, But you don't know what the girls are thinking as they're doing it. Like I said, to you, you may be like, this is cool.
Mac:But sometimes, bro, you just gotta look at the bigger picture. Like, you could be as unorthodox and not care for like, there are ways to show that you care about your students' home life and everything without going live on your TikTok while 4 teenage girls are
Mac:Taking your braids out. His reasoning was he had a hair appointment after school. He couldn't take his braids out the night before because he got home late because he had to stay back and be the the star of whatever presentation. As an adult, this is where like, what's what's more important to you? Your sleep or this hair appointment that is super important to you where you couldn't reschedule it because you couldn't let your hair down?
Mac:It was so important you couldn't reschedule it, and you're like, I need 4 girls to come up here and take my hair. Like, you didn't ask any of the dudes if they wanted to try it?
Mac:You know, it had to be 4 of your your your 5 besties out of your 100 of besties. You know, like, I don't see and here's the thing. Like, I don't see any any male besties up there.
Blak:Right. First and foremost, that hair shit is bullshit.
Mac:Oh, the excuse?
Blak:Oh, 100%. That's bullshit. 1st and foremost, where the fuck do you get this many rat tail combs from, sir? Like, who has them?
Mac:In bulk. In bulk.
Blak:You can't find 4 rat tail combs in a goddamn store. Where are you getting these combs?
Mac:You go to Dollar store, they're like, are you just trying to buy out the whole stock, sir? Every store in America only has 3 at one time, sir. What do you mean you need 5? You only need 5. What are you trying to mute sir, that's our whole stock for the next quarter.
Blak:What are you doing?
Mac:The the factory that makes these only make 10 a year.
Blak:Right. Right. The pandemic fucked them up too. So, like, that supply is is is short, bud.
Mac:It's dry. Oh, man. But, so this this catches wind. The outcry is ridiculous. So he comes back, and he hits us with him reading messages from his students trying to win us over with sympathy.
Mac:And ladies and gentlemen, this man gets on one of the most high quality podcast mics and reads text
Blak:messages reads
Mac:text messages from children to him and and and tries to make ears come out his eyes. Here we go. Let me His setup
Jaq Lee:I mixed all the
Blak:chef's kiss. Look at this setup.
Mac:Bro, the headphones. He got the
Blak:the The background. He got the lighting straight.
Mac:He is set. But, let this
Blak:This man is a professional.
Mac:100%. This was just last week. Listen to this guy try to win us over with with with with these, these sob stories.
Jaq Lee:Controversy that has come from this video that I posted. I wanted to come
Mac:Just remember when he started the first video, he was like, let me stir the pot. Sir, the pot has been stirred. And that motherfucker, you were stirring bacon grease that was on high heat. Mhmm. Now your ass getting lit up to the point he got released.
Mac:So now these are the bro, digging his hole further. You're released. You have no contact with the students. You shouldn't have contact with the students, but this many students have your phone. Do you not have adult friends?
Blak:Fam. Nope. None of your none of your why?
Mac:Adult friends are like, hey, bro. Sorry about what happened. The people that are talking to him and helping him through this are his middle school students. Listen to this man. That's
Jaq Lee:I'm on here and read some of the messages that my students are sending me.
Mac:Bro, don't even.
Blak:Did he queue up the music?
Mac:Bro, the music and everything, man. Like, let me I'm a so I got the heartstrings with this one, my boy.
Jaq Lee:Some of the messages that they've been sending me.
Jaq Lee:During this time.
Jaq Lee:Hey, bestie. I really hope that you see this message. How are you?
Mac:This one started with, hey, bestie. Probably should've skipped that message, my boy. But, Yeah. Yeah, buddy. Look at look at the song that was selected.
Mac:Sad and sad guitar to set the mood, but continue continue, mister the Illuminati.
Jaq Lee:I hope that you're okay. Our class misses you so much, and we really want you to know that we love you, and we miss you so much. We can't wait for you to come back. I can't believe that taking somebody's hair out is such a big deal, and it makes me so mad that people make little things big things. I want you to know that the class and others got your back, and we will always stand behind you and up for you no matter what happens.
Jaq Lee:We got you. Again, we miss we miss you, and we love you so much. I can't wait for can't wait for you to come back. I wish that this never happened because it feels like we're losing you. Come back soon.
Jaq Lee:Don't be gone too long because if you're not back by Monday, I know something's up. But, anyways, I also made sure that the classroom was clean before we left. Love you. Missed you. Love you.
Jaq Lee:Missed you. See you later.
Mac:Love you? Miss you? See you later?
Blak:Bro, icky.
Mac:Icky. This part. Why are these kids texting them?
Blak:Why do they still why do they
Mac:have a new number. Why is this a thing? Well, I've had this discussion with coworkers and friends. The more I see his stuff undercover pedophilia. Not showing the kids how to handle situations as a girl, man.
Mac:This dude crying. He trying to cry. I ain't see one tear.
Blak:He trying. Not one.
Mac:He just keep his eyes dry as fuck. Well, we'll hear one more. We'll hear one more message.
Jaq Lee:Hi, mister White. We've been seeing all this stuff going on, and so has your other former students, and I just want you to know with that we're standing with you. I I'm literally in my junior year of high school right now, and seeing this, you and seeing all this, you were my and many others favorite teacher. Many of your students former students are doing our best to advocate for you. You're one of the few teachers that made me really feel like I had a voice and opinion.
Jaq Lee:And not only and not only that you made learning fun and encouraging, at the end of the day, some people wouldn't understand that some adults generally have a good heart. And it comes have a good heart when it comes to dealing with children, and that's probably never gonna change. But, you know, we know parents, staff, etcetera. None that they're knows that
Jaq Lee:there has never been anything weird going on and that there was never any insinuation of that.
Jaq Lee:The people that actually matter knows where your heart is, and that's all that matters. During COVID, you quite literally helped me through my 8th grade year by just being an adult. I knew I could go to if I was having any problems. It's in you being you, and don't let anyone change that.
Blak:K. That one's not bad, but I still don't get a good feeling from this shit, bro. Like, I don't.
Mac:You know why I think that one is bad? Because it's a middle school teacher. This dude taught him in 8th grade. This dude's like being a junior in high school. Like, why are you still in touch with this motherfucker?
Mac:3 years.
Blak:Right. Right.
Mac:Like, what what do you do? Like, why are you in touch with these kids for so, like, on this level? Because I'll let you know, I had cool ass teachers too.
Mac:You know what? Like, if I was still in the school for the next grade and I saw him in the hallway. Hey, miss Curtis. How are you doing? You think I will go to my next class.
Mac:Yes. You know what I'm saying? Like, it it
Blak:That was it. Keep it pushing.
Mac:Worst case worst case, I guess, people look, hey. Can you sign my yearbook? You know, I have my teacher sign the yearbook for each of my classes, and that that was it. Like, if I fucked with him, hey. So if I hated him, you ain't a good riddance.
Blak:Yeah. Fuck you.
Mac:Yeah. Good riddance.
Blak:Hope I never
Mac:see you again. But, bro, look at these comments. Hey, bestie is crazy.
Blak:Yeah. That's wild, bro. That's wild.
Mac:Hey, bestie.
Blak:That is crazy. Crazy.
Mac:Child, not the podcast, Mike. Be fucking for real. What is it? The bread?
Blak:Oh, they went in.
Mac:What did he think was gonna happen? Who said this on TikTok? Do you ladies and gentlemen, if anything, the smoke pit is here to remind you to keep your stupid shit off of the fucking Internet.
Blak:Off the Internet. Don't don't put this shit on the Internet. What is wrong with him?
Mac:Y'all in here laughing, and this is someone life, and he actually cares about his students and support the future. Let me see these replies because I know somebody got on this much.
Blak:2. 163. I know at least.
Mac:Yeah. You could tell he had a close bond with them, and they care about each other. This probably hurts deep. No. The forget they forget about tomorrow.
Mac:Not funny. No, bro. They will not their dad, them don't what the what are these people? They email him every day asking him when he will come back. What is happening here?
Mac:He shouldn't
Blak:have like, he shouldn't
Mac:have any contact with students after being fired. Exactly. To some, he could have been their dad. A lot of children growing up. Bro, people defending this shit.
Mac:Y'all are harsh in these comments. He seems like a nice dude. We gonna stand behind you. The fact that people laugh at y'all. What?
Mac:Oh, look at these people. You don't deserve this. We need more educators like you. God knows his heart. You said you wanted to stir the plot.
Blak:I like that one.
Mac:We're back on track.
Blak:Bro. That's it.
Mac:You cannot be serious. And the music? Sinister.
Blak:That's the that's the first thing I noticed. Like, he led with music. So motherfucking produced this shit.
Mac:Man, with the epidemic sounds, it was just, like, sad song.
Blak:Goddamn. There's some rumble still skin shit there.
Mac:But ladies and gentlemen, let me let me put you on game. My man came back and somewhat admitted that what he did was out of pocket.
Blak:I saw this. Let's get to it.
Mac:And and let's see if this changes your thoughts, if if we're just like, oh, it seems like he learned from what the fuck was going on. So as you see here, Maryland teacher addresses backlash from viral video of students unbraiding his hair, agrees it was unprofessional, says it was only a one time thing. Let us hear what he has to say about it.
Blak:Oh, buddy.
Jaq Lee:Ignore the truth even if it's right in front of their faces. It was the last 10 minutes of class. Last 10 minutes of class on a Friday. The work is done for the week. The work is done for the day.
Jaq Lee:I've said this, but some people still just don't understand. But other than that, I think I fit all the boxes of being a professional. Now, this video, I agree. It was unprofessional. I am not negating that.
Jaq Lee:Me getting my hair unbraided at the school, at my place of employment, yes, that was highly unprofessional. I get that. I'm not I'm not arguing I'm not arguing with that, but I am what you call unprofessional in some ways, unprofessional, eclectic, unconventional teacher. A lot of the things that I do can be viewed by some people as being unprofessional. Like going to school, I have no problem wearing a short sleeve shirt.
Jaq Lee:I'm tatted up. I got tats on my neck, tats on my arms, tats on my leg, but this doesn't stop me from, okay, if I wanna rock some shorts or if I want to wear my, you know, my arms out or not wear a turtleneck, like I people will ignore the do these things because they don't affect my efficacy as a teacher. If anything, I think it enhances it because I know, me personally, thinking back on my schooling career, back in high school, I had a teacher named mister Dutro. Mister Dutro, if you're out there watching this, shout out to you because you were one of the coolest teachers in that whole entire school. But anyway, mister Dutro, basketball coach, tatted up.
Jaq Lee:I'm talking about down to his fingers, tattoo.
Mac:You're muted, bro.
Blak:He was going because I was going in. I was getting in. What were you saying? I was like, that's bullshit, man.
Blak:That part is bullshit because I've had days. I have hair too. And I'm gonna point you out to the first fact. He fact checking his own self right now. I'm gonna show you why.
Blak:You see this shit? It's because underneath this shit, my hair is fucked up. It's it's totally fucked up. Right. In the video, you could tell his shit is probably fucked up.
Blak:Why? Because he didn't get a camera, no fucking braids, or nothing. Because shit is probably fucked up, man.
Blak:Which means them kids ain't touch your fucking hair. Not in this video. So who took your hair out? You coulda did that shit yourself, bro. I sat at my desk at work.
Blak:I didn't give a shit if it was unprofessional or not. I just knew. I got a hair appointment. This shit's about to get redone. I'm tired of this shit.
Blak:I'm taking it out. And that's what I did. And you know how much time it took me? Less than 15 minutes, which is the amount of time that you had left in that class. You could've took that shit out yourself, bro.
Mac:My thing is that
Blak:The fact that you
Mac:Bro, just reschedule the appointment. Yes. Like, were did you book a hair appointment with the most booked hairdresser in all of the land? So we're like
Blak:Oh, she gotta be fired.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. If you miss a slot with me, don't ever consider making an appointment with me again. You've like there's some tattoo artists like that. Like, bro, we had a thing.
Mac:You canceled on me. Now you gotta wait, like, 6 more months before I could fit you in. Right. Is that is that the situation you were in? Because I don't think any hairdresser is that fire for you to roll the dice
Blak:doubt it.
Mac:On something like that. But this man was like, there's nothing unprofessional. No. I mean, it was unprofessional, but some like, I could be viewed as a unprofessional eclectic. Like, let me tell you, miss Frizzle from fucking the Magic School Bus, she was unorthodox, bro.
Mac:She was unconventional. She was, I mean, she was doing everything. She was driving a school bus up people's intestines with kids on it and shit. But did she let them kids touch her? Touch her hair?
Mac:Nope. Was they calling her bestie? Nope. Miss Frizzle. Nope.
Mac:And them motherfuckers went home. Was no texting. Was no miss nothing. Nope. Nothing.
Mac:Here you are. I'm I'm I'm not standard. I have tattoos. Bitch, who don't? Right.
Mac:I wear short sleeve shirts to school. Like, school teachers, that's not a
Blak:dress code. Cares? Yeah. Who cares?
Mac:You know what I'm saying? Like, you you acting like that makes you different because you got tattoos. Like, shut the fuck up, bro.
Blak:Let me see.
Mac:I had
Blak:a teacher named miss Ellis, bro. Yeah. She had a she had a very unique gift. God rest her soul because she passed. She had a policy.
Blak:If you could guess or if she guessed what candy you were eating in class, you had to throw it away. But if she was wrong, you could eat candy in the class whenever the fuck you want.
Mac:That's unconventional.
Blak:That's unconventional. But you know what? She was fucking dead on every fucking time,
Blak:Every time. She was like, who's eating the Skittles? Throw them away. Like, what the fuck?
Mac:How did she know?
Blak:I'm 16 feet away from you. How do you know this? Know? You just see motherfuckers get up. Fuck.
Mac:the fuck? Oh, man.
Blak:That's collected. That's unconventional. But shit.
Blak:It was a factor.
Mac:Unpopular opinion. He did nothing wrong, says one commenter. Unpopular opinions. It really wasn't that big of a deal. And if this was a female teacher, y'all wouldn't care.
Mac:Let me tell you about the number of female teachers that are in jail because they've been some shit like this, bro. It's grooming. It's grooming. And second, I don't see no female teacher literally filming themselves live on TikTok doing unprofessional shit like
Blak:this. Right.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? Like, she ain't got, like, 4 male students massaging her back because, her massage appointment got Yeah.
Blak:Yeah. There's 10 minutes left in class.
Mac:I called up 4 of my besties. You got, like, you know, 4 13 year old kids up there massage and giving you a full body massage and shit. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:The problem is he wanna be these kids' friend instead of his teacher. Say what you want. My daughter has no business playing in a grown man grown ass man's hair.
Blak:That part.
Mac:As a former teacher and current school principal, unless all of your students are high performing, ain't no extra time left to. You don't know. All the ones that got their work done early can come do my hair. The rest of y'all are fucking dumbasses. Fucking chapter 3.
Mac:Read and answer the questions at the back.
Blak:Like, I don't know. To the bell ring.
Mac:Read that shit.
Blak:I'm telling you. I'm telling my mom.
Mac:Ring, bro. 100%. You don't think no student is in there? Like, man, this is preferential treatment. And then the door opened, and more kids start coming in.
Mac:Bitch, you ain't even in our class. Right. She from down the hall, but she here to help
Blak:with my hair. From here.
Mac:But she here to help with my hair.
Blak:You're supposed to be? Nigger, read your being Jim?
Mac:Nigger, read your foot. Don't worry about what's going on up here. High performers only. Sit your middle of no child left behind ass down there and read this goddamn chapter with your c average.
Blak:I know. You have to burn down the school to get your ass out of here.
Mac:He gets fired and get right into podcasting. We need electricians. Stacked. Oh, shit. Oh, man.
Mac:As an educator, one of the first things we learned is the purpose and importance of establishing boundaries. Abroad, don't ever in your life ask students to do nothing for you other than pass your class. Nobody care how passionate you are. Beat it. Fam.
Mac:Fam. Look. Bro, I don't I don't see how this dude, like, comes back. I don't see how he gets picked up by another school. It's just like I said, like, in his mind, if he is just so out of the world where he thinks to him, he's not attracted to these kids.
Mac:Whatever. The perception you are given, that that's what people need to understand. You guys are thinking it's something, but it's not. Bro, I in this day and age, you gotta you gotta play the perception game, bro.
Blak:Yep. Yep. There is no gray area with this shit, bro. You gotta look at it as it as if it's black and white.
Mac:R Kelly put this shit on super blast. You can't fuck around with this, bro. At the fuck all. Nope. Hey, here.
Mac:I'm a I'm a very eclectic, and some of you never had cool teachers and it shows.
Mac:I beg to do
Mac:That's the word you chose? Eclectic. Every time I hear eclectic, I think of Wyclef John. But, Yeah. I don't
Blak:Eclectic doesn't make me feel good
Mac:at all.
Blak:Hear me. Like
Mac:I don't like how that sounds. I don't like that.
Blak:Sounds strange.
Mac:I don't know. Jack Lee, bro, the the the the setup, like I said, bro, you got fired. You're supposed to be going through all this shit. Next thing I know, you're out here talking about, hey, teacher. If you see this big up seat, like, are you are you podcasting now?
Mac:I bet he'd be like a he gonna be a content creator now. Do something. Because he he has a small following. You know what I'm saying? How about teachers stop recording their students in school?
Mac:Goddamn. He's got so much attention. He may as well start a virtual home schooling business and call it right. Oh, shit. But, bro, I I I I feel I don't feel bad for him at all.
Mac:Like, you too I
Blak:don't either.
Mac:Too big to be doing this, my boy.
Blak:Makes my stomach queasy. Parents love on your kids, man. So they ain't falling for this shit.
Mac:I wish my daughter would feel so detached for me that she feels more attached to a random motherfucker in her school to to be in his hair, like, letting it down with a rat tail comb. Like, you don't even let your own hair down, girl. You're in here taking this man Right. Down for what you Right. Guess what?
Mac:I guess you homeschool now. Yep. Here are some books. Read them. You getting a quiz later.
Blak:I'm a slap you in that teacher with a bottle of can too, you motherfucker. You better not touch it.
Mac:You're prom in the garage.
Blak:Nigga. You ain't going nowhere
Mac:you ain't going nowhere near this school. You cut off.
Blak:You cut
Mac:the fuck off, bro. Never again.
Blak:That, teacher gets some just for me.
Mac:Bro, wild. Fucking asshole. What's this? Fucking asshole. That shit is crazy.
Mac:But, we we got a little bit more time left. Who's ready for a whose man's is this? Now you're never gonna guess you're never gonna guess who you're never gonna guess who it is this week, ladies and gentlemen.
Blak:Oh my god. What a surprise we have for you.
Mac:We got something in store for you guys on this week's whose man's
Blak:is this? Hey.
Mac:Who man's is this? Oh, man's is this? Who would've who would've thought? I I I never would've guessed. I never would've known.
Mac:Yo. Bro, the fact the fact that we just come on here and put this screen up in the fucking that's the that's the joke. At some point
Blak:It's almost synonymous with him now. It's like when the music started playing, it's like the first thing that went through my mind. With Tyrese.
Mac:What did Tyrese do to do? Like, what what the what did this man do? Like
Blak:What's wild? If we had a double offender this week, it was Tyrese.
Mac:Would have been Tyrese? Tyrese is just oh my God, bro. Like, you know how they like, banned, President Trump from, like, Twitter. Like, bro, you you too wild. Like, you can't be on social media.
Mac:You keep doing stupid shit. Like, sooner or later, this shit's gonna happen to Tyrese. But, for those for the, like, what the fuck did Tyrese do again? So Tyrese is at a show singing some songs. People pay money to hear this man sing some songs, and I ain't gonna act like Tyrese don't have a handful of some shit where you'd be like, bro, you know, I fucks with this song.
Mac:Yeah. You know? Yeah. So so he can he he can hold a show. He can hold a concert.
Mac:He has some super fans where he can go through his whole catalog. His his rapper, his black tie stuff, black you know what I'm saying? He could do that, and people will rock with it. Me, not so much. You know, I'm I'm more early Tyrese.
Mac:Prior to fast and furious. I think everything he did after Fast and Furious, I really rock with.
Blak:Yeah. Pretty much.
Mac:I think that's where I'm at. But let me bring this up so you guys could follow along. So Tyrese was singing. I think I have to go with
Blak:the the picture, bro.
Mac:Yes. He looking like is that that nigga? Like, it's hold on. So as you see oh, I got I probably got to share the the new screen that popped up. I hate I hate when it does that.
Mac:Be like, you click on it and it just goes to another screen, like
Blak:Oh, yeah.
Mac:Yeah. It'd be like, oh. But, as you see here, Tyrese x oh, my gosh. Must be an ad that's popping up here or something. Oh, something's blocked.
Mac:Here we go. This big ass fucking ad. Get out of here, bro. How do I close this thing? There we go.
Mac:Tyrese exit show mid performance to allegedly avoid being served with lawsuit papers. The singer was performing how you gonna act like that when he made a getaway. Look. Look at his face. Who's that?
Mac:Who that walking down here?
Blak:Where's that exit?
Mac:How am I gonna get out of here?
Blak:Eject those c. No cuss. No. Oh, shit.
Mac:But for those who are who are listening, along, the article reads, Tyrese was performing in Georgia over the weekend when he quietly when he quite literally exited the stage right in the middle of a song to allegedly dodge someone who was gonna serve him legal papers. According to TMZ, Tyrese was nearly done with his set when a security guard attendant stood next to him on stage and informed him of a process server's presence at the venue. While singing, how you gonna act like that, which feels like a joke that writes itself, The 45 year old jumped off the stage and walked up the side steps as he made his way to the exit. Tyrese continued singing and expressed his appreciation for the crowd before making a successful getaway.
Blak:Oh, and we have video.
Mac:Right there, you see the person letting them know, like, there's somebody. You see him right here on the stage too in the suit. Just finished telling him, like, hey, man. There's a dude here. He got some papers.
Mac:Now watch watch the smooth. He think he slick with the shit. Watch how he do this shit, man. You see he had the roses in his head. He had a whole thing planned for this song.
Mac:He's gonna hand roses to girls and stuff, but now he just make it to getaway quickly. Continue to watch.
Blak:Yo. Shout out to the spotlight guy.
Mac:Bro, follow him. So the motherfucker trying to serve him know exactly where he at. Keep singing y'all. I love y'all. I want y'all to know that.
Blak:Nah, nigga. We got you.
Mac:A source says a source tells TMZ there were only 3 songs remaining on the set list. The what am I gonna do, singer, is facing a $10,000,000 defamation and liable lawsuit from Brian Barber who accuses Tyrese of attacking his character reputation in an interview on The Breakfast Club. Barber claims Tyrese falsely stated that the director kept footage from recorded interview with Charlamagne the god. Instead, Barber alleges the singer asked him to hold the photos to protect his reputation. The director also argues Gibson refused to adhere to the previous 5050 revenue split that he and Barbara previously negotiated on the Charlamagne, the God interview.
Mac:So my man was avoiding a $10,000,000 lawsuit as he escaped the building.
Blak:Black bag. I mean
Mac:Blackus Macus. What what do we what do what is there to say at this point? Like like, what, like, like, what if we what if we this show for before? Like, can we even remember all the things we brought him on here for?
Blak:He said he wish he was Mexican.
Mac:In black in in February.
Blak:Yes. Yes. Yeah. During black history.
Mac:During black history month. Oh, he was mad at the, the the transgender appreciation day because he was like, why are we making that on Easter? Like, you don't know Easter changes, but that this day has been set for March. I think it was 29th every year. So this man was losing his shit.
Mac:Like, why is it Jesus is the, like, bro, chill out. Chill out. He was on here for too much. For there was a time where we had his back. You remember that one?
Mac:Yeah. His ex was up there.
Blak:With the wife. Yeah.
Mac:We was like, remember, do we owe Tyrese an apology? Remember that? We were sitting here debating that shit. Like
Blak:Yes. Yes.
Mac:Yo. Tyrese was right. He's about to get, like, the Magneto thing. The whole Magneto was right. He's gonna have Tyrese face on it.
Mac:Tyrese was right. He's gonna get shirts made. Then he turned around and did something else stupid. My man was, trying to sue Home Depot for, like, 10,000,000 or something. It was like they he would, according to him, they wouldn't let his Mexican friends buy something or or whatever that was.
Mac:Bro, I I can't. Bro, it's been too many. It's been too many. But now here we are. My man was up there.
Mac:Imagine me being the only actor in the family, but she's out here playing the best role of her life. Like, what are we talking about, Tyrese? What are we doing Now you're out here being sued for $10,000,000 for Brian Barker or Barber. And when you hear about the process, dude, you start making a exit
Blak:stage left. Yeah.
Mac:Yo. You know what?
Blak:That's true.
Mac:Is it is it true? Is it is it true?
Blak:That's true.
Mac:Is it justified?
Blak:He puts himself there.
Mac:Could we have put could we have put somebody else in there this week? Honestly, black. Like like
Blak:No. No. He was gonna be
Mac:And that was the thing.
Blak:He was gonna be in there Monday. Monday. I was like, god. He's at it again. It was
Mac:bro, we ladies and gentlemen, we here at the small pit do not want to keep raking this man over the coals. We don't wanna keep pointing stuff out. I don't know if the algorithm at this point, like, be like, hey. These people like to know what the fuck Tyrese is into. Like, they just know.
Mac:They just yeah. Tabs on him. Just just drop it in the algorithm when he does something else. And I'm just like, oh, shit. Goddamn it, Tyrese.
Mac:Because I was gonna make Jack Lee the dude. Yeah. But then
Blak:You could have been it.
Mac:But then, you know, the shade room is just like, hey, bro. Or was that complex? Hey, man. I know you usually get your news from the shade room, but you might wanna
Blak:look at this. Got for you. Look what I got for you.
Mac:Look. Hey. I'm a slide this to you. Do what you want
Blak:with it.
Mac:What you do with it after you read it is up to you. You know I gotta put this on the show, sir. I don't know if Tyrese is aware that just because you avoid the papers getting served at that point, like, it doesn't make the lawsuit suit go away.
Blak:It does not.
Mac:Like, they will continually be on your ass, bro. And you continue to make yourself public everywhere you go.
Blak:They will find you, Tyrese.
Mac:Just so you know, if the, airman fortune thing wasn't last week to where we had to talk about it, He was about to be on here for talking out his neck about Brian McKnight and his
Blak:Oh, yeah. Situation. Yeah.
Mac:And how out of pocket he was with that. We probably table that. I'm sure that'll probably come back around, but Tyrese just continues to do shit when it's just like, I'm I'm assuming he's got a bag secured. Like, he he's gotta be in these last fast and furious movies until they're done or until his character gets killed off, which I don't think they're gonna kill his character off because they just bring everybody back to fucking life anyway. Right?
Mac:Right. Because, like, in the last one, wasn't Gail Gadot alive, like, in the cutscene or something like the bro, it was one of them things. I'm just like, how you alive? Like, when Ron came back, I'm like, how you alive? Like, why are you bringing these motherfuckers back?
Mac:So it's like, bro, just ride out Fast and Furious. It's a $1,000,000,000 franchise. Every time they drop a movie, you're gonna get a little bit of change.
Blak:Do you can tour? Relax.
Mac:You can tour. You can still why you just gotta constantly keep doing stuff, man? It was
Blak:like he can't help himself.
Mac:At all.
Blak:That's the wild part. He can't help himself.
Mac:God. It's like that one kid. You'd be like, hey, man. We go in the store. Don't touch nothing.
Mac:Don't look at nothing, situating this cart. Yeah. It's like we we going into Kirkland's or we going in some place that has a lot of glass and decorative shit. This ain't a kid's store. Don't be touching shit.
Mac:Like, I swear if you behave, we'll go to Target. I'll let you pick out a toy. The kid go in here and just break a bitch. Knock over a ceramic bird or some shit.
Blak:I didn't know. Really?
Mac:I was just gonna hold it for a little bit. Goddamn it. Now you gotta buy this broke ass bird. You know what I'm saying? That's why I swear to put it in your goddamn house.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? Goddamn it. That's Tyrese. Tyrese is the dude that just, he's the kid that can't keep his hands to himself. Like, bro, just sit your ass down, and then we'll go to Toys R Us or or whatever, and we'll buy you a just behave while we in this store.
Blak:Okay. Fact.
Mac:Okay. And go in the store just, and they're shitting in the toilet in Home Depot. Like, what the fuck are you shitting in the toilet for? I had to go potty. You know that's not they got a bathroom.
Blak:There's no water in there. How do you
Mac:you I didn't know. Oh, Tyrese. I'm sorry. Now you gotta buy the toilet. Yep.
Mac:Because they ain't
Blak:gonna clean
Mac:it and sell it to nobody else. There's shit in here. Man, as you're coming up, you know you gotta buy this toilet. I have 2 toilets in my house already. Well, I'm a do the extra toilet.
Mac:Thanks, Tyrese. I didn't know.
Blak:I didn't know.
Mac:Can you eat McDonald's? Are you
Blak:Hell, no.
Mac:I just wanna play in the play place. I don't even want food. I will play in the play place.
Blak:Show black ass down.
Mac:Oh my god. Are we cyber like, Brian brings up a point. I'm sitting here, like, are we cyberbullying Tyrese?
Blak:I mean, is it really he sets himself up for it?
Mac:You sitting there thinking about it? I mean I mean, because here's my thing with Shaq and, and and Javelle McGee, like, throughout the whole night of basketball games, there were other stupid plays he could have picked. Like, he kept looking for Javelle McGee. Like, we're looking across the Internet and we're just like, oh, there's oh, we could probably talk about this teacher who's man's because he is super wild. And then all of a sudden, Tyrese is, how you gonna y'all sing it.
Mac:I'm out of here. I love y'all. Audience is just
Blak:like Move my time, y'all. That's it.
Mac:Audience is like, nigga, you ain't even sing, you ain't even sing sweet lady.
Blak:No signs of love making? Yeah.
Mac:You ain't even do the Coke song, my nigga.
Blak:What are you doing?
Mac:You can't give us the Coke jingle? You came out here saying, what do you how do what do you like? Who made it? That's not even your song, Tyrese. You just sang the hook on that.
Mac:Oh my god. So I don't think yeah. You know what? We're not we're not hunting. We're, like, we're not scouring the Internet like what did Tyrese do?
Mac:Like, we're looking for other stupid shit. Like like Zoomer man. I would have loved to talk about Zoomer man.
Blak:My god.
Mac:Y'all help me out now. Y'all help me. You know what? We're gonna bring up Zoomer, man. When we return to our regular scheduled program, I wanna do some shots and thoughts.
Mac:I'm a bring up Zoomer, man. Because one of these segments, we may have to have a house meeting. These TikTok live in
Blak:pieces doing wrong?
Mac:22 my man who you know what? Alright, Tyrese. We we go on the regular schedule, and I gotta bring up my man who was going apeshit to the Chris Brown song for 22,000 viewers earning money. And I'm just like
Blak:Man, listen.
Mac:What are we doing wrong, Blake? What do we do? But but ladies and gentlemen, let us get back to our regularly scheduled program, and we'll continue this conversation. And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress. Now I'm trying to find a fucking video.
Mac:That shit was fucking ridiculous. But,
Mac:Yeah, man. We out here struggling to get by, bro. You know what I'm saying? We out here.
Mac:I mean, we got we got faithful listeners and and, and and we love y'all. We We really do. We do. We do. You know, at times, we do some things.
Mac:We're just like, you know, we'll we'll try something new. We're mostly black. Yeah. I'll try eating this, you know, see what it's like. You know, we we do this for y'all because we like to entertain, keep things light, but these these guys on TikTok, like, legit was out here acting like they're legit superheroes, and in my mind, I'm trying to think like they got a job.
Mac:I'm thinking they got a job. They come home from work. Man, how can I get more money? I'm looking at this MPC Miles Morales dude. He's racking up 1,000 every time he go live.
Mac:Right? Have you seen him? No. The MPC, Miles Morales? Come on, man.
Mac:Wait. Wait.
Blak:Like, that's his name?
Mac:Got it, bro. Who in the comments? If y'all in the comments and y'all know who I'm talking about, say something because I'm about now I gotta search some shit. Well, first
Blak:Hold on. I got it. I'm I'm gonna search.
Mac:Let me, shit, bro. I gotta find these videos. My man hit a full, bro. The the first one that got So what you have to My buddy a buddy was dancing.
Jaq Lee:Dude is in an
Mac:Buddy was dancing. And I'm just like, fam, what is happening out here? And then we had to oh my god. Here we go. Turn up the music.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Need it in my life, girl. This dude here, as you see, my man is sitting here with 21.8,000 viewers at this point. What is he doing to get 21.8 1,000 viewers?
Mac:Is he doing something so outstanding, so amazing that people are tuning in? Is he providing insight and knowledge to a level that is educating tens of 1,000? No. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what this man is doing, and I'm sorry if this sounds like hating, but but just check this man out.
Blak:Oh, really? Bro,
Mac:he in the base housing kitchen. The base housing kitchen. Every kitchen at base housing got that basic ass fridge with that weak ass oak paneling on the cabinets. Yep. And and I get, bro, a 100%.
Mac:He's just being himself. And if that's working for him and that's if that's him doing that, I love it for him. Don't act like nothing. You're not. Be yourself.
Mac:The energy maybe it's we're not matching his energy black.
Blak:Maybe not. Maybe not.
Mac:But I'm a
Blak:I mean, in in my defense, I don't own a b two k shirt. Never have.
Mac:Never will?
Blak:Never will.
Mac:You're not looking, bro. Hasn't crossed your mind?
Blak:No. Never. The fact that it's 2024 and he's the shit on, that's, like, part number 1 for me. 1st and foremost, you're listening to turn up the music and you have on a b two k shirt. Like, my guy, I don't know what time period you came from, but it's working for you, obviously.
Mac:The non edge up, the stretch collar on the beachy t shirt.
Blak:He's got the Omar Gooden up top, bro.
Mac:Oh, man. I I get the reference, bro. It is perfect. I'm mad I get the reference, and it's perfect. But, let let's get to the part.
Mac:My brother hit it. I will say watching this live when I was screen recording it, I knew I knew, like, I felt this happening. I felt what was about to happen. I'm like, this nigga about to do this. Because the buildup, bro, like, I watched He's gathering.
Blak:He's gathering.
Mac:I watched too much anime to know, like, when the buildup is coming. Like, bro, this is his Kamehameha. This is what this is about to be, bro. Look at this.
Blak:This is water breathing technique later.
Mac:Water breathing, 4th form. It's also the singing over a track that has vocals on it already.
Mac:Like, you're adding ad libs to Chris Brown.
Mac:I'm a let him let him cook, though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Bro, you see the peppers coming, bro.
Mac:30 peppers off rip, bro. I don't even know how much peppers are, bro, but whoever was watching that was like, yeah. It's worth about 30 peppers.
Blak:Yeah. I got you. Yeah. Yeah.
Mac:Nigga hit a back flip barefoot, bro. Like, all for it, bro. He's athletic as fuck. I gotta blink
Blak:blink blink blink. Oh, shit.
Mac:But 23,000 people watching them right now. And all 23 of us all 23,000 was like, this nigga body is oh my god. I'm gonna flip. Blink. Blink.
Mac:Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink.
Mac:Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink.
Mac:Blink. I love
Blak:I love
Mac:I love how they gotta keep coming back to the phone to read the comments too, bro.
Blak:Yeah. I got it. I hit that shit. Y'all know I hit
Mac:that shit. Flipping. 44 peppers.
Blak:Hell yeah. Hell yeah.
Mac:I'm killing him right now. He come back to read the comments. Yeah. I got him. I got him in the palm of my hand.
Mac:Fire emoji.
Blak:You can call him fire emoji.
Mac:Read the comments. Breathe hard as fuck. Fam, what are we doing here? Like, I that's the shit where I'm just like, man, dude, I thought we was putting on a pretty good show, you know. And then, the most recent one, where we at?
Mac:Oh, here we go.
Jaq Lee:Let's go. Let's go. Pop it up.
Mac:Now. Ladies and gentlemen,
Blak:This shit took me out.
Mac:The real Zoomerman, by the way, the real Zoomerman is his is his TikTok handle. Because apparently, there's a fake Zoomer man out there. I don't fucking know. My man came home from work, stopped by Party City, got got a he got this bullshit ass red red hood mask on. When it got these fucking styrofoam sticks, talk about you gonna make me get my Zoomer blades out.
Mac:But the way he's getting people is you have to like, share, and give him shit for him to start getting into a superhero thing. And the thing with me is, are these people aware that they are publicly humiliating themselves because they know people will continue to, like, hey, you gotta see this dude, and that's how you get likes and the interaction and shit. Or are they really like these people really fuck with what I'm doing? Like, what do you think this man's mindset is doing this? Or do you think he cares at this point?
Mac:He's in a point in his life.
Blak:He he cares. He cares. He can't. I don't think that went to the thought process, bro.
Mac:Look at this guy. Guy. But but watch him watch him build up to this shit.
Jaq Lee:I'm enjoying this. I'm enjoying it, guys. Let's go, guys. You know, Zoomer man moves fast.
Mac:What'd you say?
Blak:I said, does he now?
Mac:Oh, well, you see him starting to get his walk. He's like, bro, just get my shit up.
Jaq Lee:Hey, Tony. Help the Zoomer man get on his way, guys. Let's go.
Mac:Help the Zoomer man get on his way.
Jaq Lee:Sure. Pump it up. Let's do it. Don't make me get the z blades out.
Mac:Don't make me get the z blades out.
Blak:Pay this man. Give him some money.
Mac:Please, we don't want the zebra the z blades to come out. Throw some roses. Look at the comments. Do a flip. Do
Blak:a flip.
Jaq Lee:What I do when I d blades? What I do with my go ladies? That's dope ass.
Mac:Not the z blades. This dude, like, fight Thanos.
Jaq Lee:Hey. Do my man swing a little bit. You know what? I work all day.
Mac:You plank, man.
Jaq Lee:I'm ready to go, though. You know what I mean? Let's go. Listen to my Zuma blades. You heard the Zuma?
Jaq Lee:The sound of the zum z blades. Do you hear
Mac:I'm gonna put Dollar Tree blades. And look, people sharing the live. I told you people, hey, man. Y'all can't believe this shit. I gotta I almost tagged you in this shit, bro.
Mac:I was like, I ain't gonna give him I ain't gonna give him the I ain't gonna give him the I ain't even gonna give him that kind of credibility. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Not I'm a ho I'm I'm a 140 episodes into this podcast, and you out here swinging some Styrofoam blades with a basketball.
Mac:Bro. Don't make me get the v blade out. Oh, my fucking god, man. Man is wearing a
Blak:Rafael mask, shirt, and 5 suspenders, bro.
Mac:I'm looking at his face, like, who the fuck who the fuck is this? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Teenage Mutant. He's Raphael and Casey Jones. Mixed into the same motherfucking person.
Mac:Come on, hell do my man. Get going. Do if you ever get bored, just go on TikTok and just scroll a couple, and you're gonna start running into these people that are just going live, just doing the stupidest shit Lord. To get the fucking monies. To get the monies.
Mac:But, that was bonus. That was bonus shit. Bro, I I just had to speak on that. I just I don't know. We'll probably do a segment.
Mac:Just a weekly like like what? What? Tiktok live we're gonna talk about now. So, Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Mac:That shit hurt, man. Zoom zoom, zoom, man. Then the domain, me get my d blades. I'm like, bro, this man is a grown adult. Came home from work.
Blak:What are you doing?
Mac:Probably got fired. I don't know, man. I need I need a way to make some money. I know. TikTok superhero.
Mac:Bro, got it. When I first started recording, it was, like, 4,000. I went back and looked at it, like, 5 minutes later, he was at 15,000 sprinting in place.
Blak:Jesus Christ.
Mac:Sprinting in place.
Blak:We need to do something.
Mac:I'm a do some on the smoke pit thing. I'm a go make a fake ass shirt, put a bandana around my face. Hey. This is smoke man.
Blak:Come on to the pit.
Mac:Don't make me get my my grilling utensils out. Got the tongs and the fucking spatula. Click click click click. Yago. Ain't nobody liking my video.
Mac:Yeah. I know what to do. I know what to
Blak:do. Y'all hear that?
Mac:Y'all hear the flip of the burners? Oh, shit. Oh, this shit hurt. Oh, man. Anyway, final shots and thoughts, my boy.
Mac:What you what you got my guy? Oh,
Blak:shit. Don't forget, guys, dlp.com. We updated the site today. All the shows have been updated. So, I was looking at the traffic that we have, and you've been getting quite quite a bit of traffic through through the website.
Blak:It's been nice to see. So shout out to you guys. Shout out to the Queens. They're still on the charts as of 2 hours ago.
Blak:So they're still in the top 200. Shout out to them. Shout out to Fallen Star because that is that is moving some some heads toward it. So shout out to the queen. Shout out to USDN.
Blak:Nice to see you back in operation, Jeff. Hey, Jeff. Mhmm.
Mac:Show for the show
Blak:next week.
Mac:Thursday, I believe. Yep.
Blak:Yep. And shout out to the patrons, man. They there was some news dropped this week. We got MEMS coming back.
Mac:Yes, sir.
Blak:Dope to see. Dope to see. Eat the cake anime. Yeah. Coming back.
Mac:Little little joint SNN, DSPN thing going on there. Excited working with, Deontay the Giant, from Saturday Night Nerds, and and and, they got another one, the s and n weekly anime report. So, yep. Me and Deontay working on that. We're looking at probably about 2 episodes a month once we get started, trying to be flexible.
Mac:We don't wanna promise everything every week until we kinda get established with everybody's schedule. But, Kenpachi, from Saturday Night Nurse may also be, joining that as well. Oh, that's good. Really looking forward to getting that off the ground and running. And then, of course, football around the corner, NBA playoffs have been bananas.
Mac:Yep. So what better time to start talking sports than now? So, prove me wrong will be coming back. We'll try to keep, you know, me and Black going, but, you know, everybody's everybody's busy. So we're gonna open it up.
Mac:You know, we'll throw in the the podcast page. Anybody wanna jump on, talk about whatever the live show we can bring people on. They can give their opinions on certain things and make it more interactive. So, we're bringing that back, making it more of a show for the people. Just chopping it up about sports, but we got all that going on.
Mac:I saw no gimmicks coming back off hiatus.
Blak:No gimmicks is coming back off hiatus. So we'll be back next week and, can't wait. Can't wait, man. So we
Mac:about to be a full of network again, bro. Yep. A full of network. Next week, smoke pit may may be a thing. We'll see if, while over in in Arizona, myself and the Queens will be over there.
Mac:Phoenix fan fusion. Expect a lot of bonus content. We're taking videos. We got battery packs for the phones. We got the little gimbal things to make sure we got steady video.
Mac:We got the little portable mics to plug into the phone for good audio while we're out and about doing stuff. Coming back, we'll give recaps of the day. So we'll we'll be busy. I know day 1 of it is is Friday, and it's open to close thing. We're probably gonna try and see everything we can see.
Mac:So, you let me know, you know, if it's up if we gotta put it on hiatus for a week, but just know it's not like no content will be happening for Smoke Pit. Like, content will be will be uploaded, half of it to Smoke Pit, most of it to Queen. You know what I'm saying? So we'll divvy out the content, but content will be coming next week. It will not be an empty week for DFPN at all.
Blak:I I do wanna say congrats to you guys for that too. That's a that's a big deal. So congrats to you and the queens. I can't wait to see what comes out of
Mac:this. Cosplaying to your boy. Your boy on Friday will be Nick Fury. And on Saturday Saturday, I will be, I will be Mace Windu. So, Walt just starting in the cosplay.
Mac:I'm just like, who can who can I be? Who's black and bald and doing nerd shit? Samuel L Jackson. Alright. Because your boy ain't doing no wigs, bro.
Mac:I ain't I ain't at that level yet to be gluing those shit to my scalp. I ain't I ain't with that yet. But, the thing with cosplay is you could probably dress up as anybody and make it your own. You know? So Yep.
Mac:I'm not at that level yet. I'm just baby steps into it. So we're going with Nick here. We're we're going with the bald black dudes for of of of nerd them up right now. So
Mac:Should be a good time. Should be a good time. I'm looking forward to it. Shout out to Jedi. He's gonna, put us in contact with more of the, quote, unquote, nerd community out there in Phoenix.
Mac:So, possibility to get a couple more interviews lined up with the Queens, for some cosplayers. Awesome. Some some, you know, custom figurine, collectible type stuff. So, it will not be an empty trip. I will say a lot of content will come from that, so we're looking forward to it.
Blak:Nice. Nice. Look forward to it, my guy.
Mac:Cool. Cool. Outside of that, man, DFPN is is is back up. I like it. Yes, sir.
Blak:I like it. Yes, sir.
Mac:So unless you got anything oh, are you still covering your, your Arlington Renegades out there? Or
Blak:Yes. Actually, so the last home game is next weekend.
Mac:Okay. I
Blak:will be covering that.
Mac:And then
Blak:They got their first win last week when they couldn't fucking be there. So I think I may have been the problem.
Mac:Running this piss out the fucking building because, we we had a restaurant in the man. Join on there. I was like, bro, they they not that bad, or is Memphis that bad? I don't know.
Blak:No. Arlington Arlington has been good. Like, they it's always been 2 or 3 plays that cost them the game. Yeah.
Mac:Their game's been
Blak:They've been in every game, but, they finally blew somebody out, which they they needed. So, next weekend's last home game, tomorrow is a rivalry game, between them and San Antonio.
Mac:The Browns.
Blak:That's that should close out the season. And then I'll be heading to St. Louis, June 16th
Blak:For the UFL championship, and that'll conclude that. And then, then well, not even then. Before then, so I'm jumping into the WNBA.
Mac:Nice. This is
Blak:the season
Mac:to do it.
Blak:Yeah. It is. This is
Mac:the season to do it.
Blak:I I'd submitted my credentials. So I got a I got a couple of things lined up right now that I'm I'm waiting on. So I'm waiting on, the MLB All Star Game. AW is coming here. Mhmm.
Blak:And the WNBA. Those are all 3 on my plate. So looking forward to it, man.
Mac:That's dope, man. That is dope. Look at us. We growing and shit, doing some shit.
Blak:Yeah, man. I like it.
Mac:I like it a lot. But, unless you got anything else, man, we can go ahead and wrap up 1 40.
Blak:Let's wrap him up.
Mac:Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Y'all know this. Appreciate you guys tuning in. For you guys listening on Monday, thanks for taking the time out, giving us a shot. As always, if you like what you heard, you had a good time.
Mac:Like, share, subscribe. Put other people on, man. It's a good time. The bigger the audience, the bigger the crowd, the better the show. So, with that being said, as always, I'm the homie Mac a k a your boy.
Blak:And I am Brad like a king, made us Kelvin Kaylee. Thank you guys for tuning in this week. Until next time. Have love. Make sex.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night, come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week.
Blak:Come relaxing. Get some lapsing and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it.
Blak:Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mac and Mac. Welcome to the smoke pit.