Ep 138 "Prom Send Offs, Willow's Tiny Desk, and Satanic Priests Tryna Pull Up to Schools "
Yo. Before I even, before I push this button to go live, I was sitting here setting stuff up, and I'm sitting here like, what up, AD? I was like, man, I'm pretty sure there's something else that I needed to have done, before going live, and I got up and walked out. It's probably just me because I'm old as shit. Right?
Mac:I walked out, and I'm just like, there was something that I was gonna do, but then I couldn't remember what it was. You know, I'm walking around the house and shit. And then it came to me like, bro, you know, if it if it if during the show, I find out what it is and I can't get to it or I can't text my wife to bring it out here, then it is what it is. But at the end of the day, it's gonna be a dope show. Like I said, welcome to the smoke pit episode 1 37, 1st Friday.
Mac:How we do over here is, normally, the smoke pit when we go live is for our Patreon members. But every 1st Friday, we go live so everybody can, tune in and kinda see what we do over on this side. And, as you see, your boy Ronen solo dolo tonight, my man Black has some, some some things he couldn't get away from, but, we're continuing our pledge to you guys to get you as many episodes of the smoke pit this year as we can. My goal was to personally make sure we give you at least 45 episodes out of a possible 52 weeks. Normally, we take 2 weeks off for the holidays, and then we take, Thanksgiving, Friday off.
Mac:So that gives us 49. So, like, we could only miss 4, and then we already missed 2 back in April. So we gotta be on our grind out here, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm doing what I can to ensure that we get you guys the, the content that you guys deserve and that people look forward to, hopefully, every Friday. So, things may have to change. Like, if things keep coming up on on Fridays that people can't get out of, possibly moving the smoke pit to another day of the week.
Mac:But those are discussions that we'll be having amongst the DFP and the council, if you will. Outside of that, a lot of good stuff to talk about today, tonight. Of course, you know, the Internet, never disappoints when it comes to trying to find things to talk about. And, even though it's a solo show, hopefully, the comments get live. Hopefully, you share and, do all of that good stuff to get as many eyes on the show tonight because we got some fun shit to talk about tonight.
Mac:But, without further ado, I think it's time to, get episode 138 of the smoke pit. I said it was 137. Ladies and gentlemen, you know, we're on 138 episodes of the show. Shout out to us, but I digress. Episode 138 of the smoke pit live starting right now.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night, come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week.
Blak:Come relaxin'. Get some lapsin'. And let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions.
Blak:I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Mack and Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Mac:Yep. Y'all know what it is. Friday night mood is right. It is either homie Mack, AKA your boy, running solo dolo, but it's all good because we're gonna have a good show. Thanks for joining me on this adventure, which is, episode 138 of the smoke pit.
Mac:And, things just get wild out here at, at Langley. So, the real quick story. The base housing on the actual base, for those who don't know, if you're in the military, you some bases most bases give you the the option to stay on the installation, in our house. And then, here at Langley, apparently, housing is so wild and so limited on base that they have this land set aside off base, put up houses, and it's run by a private organization. And then, so you sign a lease, and there's obviously rules and regulations and all that stuff because pretty much you're a tenant to the, to the, leasing agency.
Mac:Unbeknownst to most people, and they're just now finding out, one may so about 2 days ago, a new well, it's still the same company, but a new proprietor, something like that. Whatever. Something happened, and, new guidelines have dropped. And they are more strict than the previous ones, and people are fucking upset. And the Facebook page is lit the fuck up with people being upset.
Mac:You know, I'm currently staying in the the off base housing or the privatized housing or whatever they wanna call it. So I am one of the tenants. I saw the guidance, and I'm just like, I'm a keep doing me till they come and tell me, hey. You know, you can't do that. Right?
Mac:And then I'll, you know, adjust accordingly. But I'm looking at it, and there's there's some rules where I'm just like, there's no way you can possibly enforce this. Nobody signed a new lease agreeing to these terms. The lease that I signed is agreeing to previous terms, so we'll see how that all works out. I'm sure the air force will have a good time trying to figure this shit out.
Mac:Belfort Beatty is trash, but this is hunt housing out here. I haven't had as much problems with hunt housing as I have had with previous, housing, agencies, I guess, out here. But maybe next week, I'll bring up the, the Facebook page for the Langley off base housing, and, we'll get a good laugh at some of the things, being discussed over there. But, I don't wanna keep you guys too long. Solo show, so we'll kinda hit our topics.
Mac:We got 3 things we wanna talk about. Couple things in the house meeting and a, whose man's that, it may turn into a legit discussion. It'll start off funny, but then we'll probably get into some deeper discussion on the topic. But, without further ado, here is my shot of peach crown, that I am toasting. To everybody who made it through the work week, made it to the month of May, salute to that.
Mac:And wherever you're at, hopefully, the weather's getting a little bit warmer. And if you're in a place that gets ridiculously hot or stupidly humid, I pray that, the AC never fails you and that, the sun god, dial back his wrath on you. Alright? So, here's to the weekend, and, let's have a great show. Yep.
Mac:It's so good. People try to shame me for drinking like the flavored crown. It's too sweet. Like, bro, I'm just trying to enjoy my drink. I ain't trying to come out here and drink fucking petrol fluid Hennessy straight.
Mac:You know? I hate how that's like a a thing now. Small rant. Motherfuckers be judging you on the drink that you wanna drink. Right?
Mac:Motherfucker make drinking straight whiskey with a little hint to the peach flavor. Man, this little bitch drink, like, bro, just let me enjoy my drink. You ain't buying for me. Let me enjoy my drink. Like, I'm I'm at the point now where I'm just I could legit care less.
Mac:I couldn't care less. Let me refer. I could not care less on what other people think about me, and it's the most empowering feeling. Like, when you guys finally hit that point in your life where people try to come to you and tell you what they think about you and how, bro, as long as I'm happy, my family's happy. They love me.
Mac:I love them. The ones that roll with me love me, and I love them. But, like, what what can you say to me to take me down? That's where I'm at in my life.
Mac:That is where I'm absolutely at in my life.
Mac:We got 8. Oh, was in here. Right? We got saying here a d. Black is in here.
Mac:Shout out to my boy, and everybody else tapping in. I really do appreciate it. But, without further oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, and what I'll be sipping on tonight, I got my water, you know. I'm being responsible out here. Got my water, my little debt feeling.
Mac:Holler at your boy at the, the merch shop. Make sure you check that out. And then, little, crown peach with some, sweet tea. My little go to. I'm from the south a little bit.
Mac:You know, I like my sweet tea and what's not. But, we are going to get into thank you, Tay. Thank you, Tay. I appreciate it. Flavor crown is amazing.
Mac:You drink what you want to drink, and I will not judge you. As long as it gets you where you need to be and you can have a good time with your peoples, you could be sipping water, Coke 0, whatever the fuck it is you want. I have no qualms about it. Just have a good time, and, you know, don't annoy me when you're drunk. No.
Mac:But, seriously, don't do that. We got some things to talk about. Number one thing, in the house meeting, I don't know if you guys heard about these things called prom send offs, but, people do the absolute most, for very, I won't say insignificant moments in people's lives. I get it at the time of your child or whoever is going to prom. That may be a big event for them, but there are so many other events in life, so I don't wanna poo poo and belittle that event for them.
Mac:But you have to put it in some kind of perspective when compared to other things in life. Because if you're starting off your prom, send off the way some of these parents are doing, and I got some videos. So shout out to TikTok. I mean, it's TikTok never fails. TikTok never fails for me, but I think it's time for us to get into this week's house meeting so I can really get into these prompts send offs the way I need to.
Announcer:I think we need to have a house meeting y'all.
Mac:Yes. Yes. Y'all. So prom send offs like I've been saying. We, as people, have been known to, blow things out of proportion from time to time.
Mac:Most recently, I think it was the gender reveals that, we're kinda doing the absolute most when you could just post some stuff. Everything has to be an event, a gala. Now I'm dating myself a bit, but, my prom was in 1999 in the 1900. Yeah. So my prom was in the 1900.
Mac:Right? The last absolute prom for the last class that graduated in the 1900. Class of 99 over here. When I went to prom, it was, you know, I went and rented a tux, got my haircut, got a corsage. My date to the prom, went and got her dress, got her hair done.
Mac:I mean, she was, you know, to the nines, beautiful. Came out. Their parents were there. My parents were there. They came and took pictures of us, and then we drove off to prom.
Mac:Right? Then when, I've met my wife, who, you know, I was dating at the time, her prom came around, and it was kind of the same. You know? I rented a tux. She bought a dress, got her hair done, makeup.
Mac:I bought flowers, the corsage, everything, drove the prom, had a great time. We went to Denny's after with the with with with the homies. It was a great time. Nothing too crazy. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Fast forward to today. My oldest, he graduated 2,020 during the pandemic, And, you know, it was no prom. It was canceled. So he really didn't get the full effect and the thing of prom. I think he went to his homecoming, so shout out to him for doing that.
Mac:But outside of that, it was kind of, it was kind of, you know, sad to see him not get a prom. So my daughter, who's a junior, went to her junior prom, and it wasn't all that. You know, she dressed up, got a dress, hairdo. We took some pictures. Her friends came and picked her up.
Mac:She went on and had a amazing time, let her tell you. But I'm looking at these things. Like, I know her senior prom is next year, and I don't know where her mind is at, on where her expectations are at. But when I show you, what these folks are out here doing so like I said, shout out to TikTok. We have right here prom send off videos, and, we're gonna look at a couple of oh my god.
Mac:Look at a couple of these things and kinda, you know, I don't wanna judge them, but I just wanna get, expectations on, your thoughts on how they're going about doing this. So you'll see some that are more low key, then you'll see some that are like, why are y'all doing all of this? But, let me go yeah. See, she's like, the garage what? So let us go ahead and check out this first one here and, see how we feel about it.
Mac:Right? Okay. First of all, let me just say try to watch how I say this. Sexy red, I am super proud of everything that you've achieved. I'm glad that you are living a lifestyle that would allow you to take care of your child and provide them with everything they need, everything they could want.
Mac:But I will say this, I'm tired of your music. I'm tired of your music and and what it does to people because they feel like it's a song they could play for any situation. Like, the lyrics to your songs and what people apply your songs to, I'm just like, it probably doesn't fit. Like, this one, this this young woman's coming out of her the front door based on how the yard looks. It looks like it's probably like the side of the house or the back, but it's front door, And she's dragging her prom dress across the dirty sidewalk, and then dragging it across this, patchwork yard over to this black carpet with this prom backdrop, to get it sexy.
Mac:Get it sexy. Alright. But yeah. I mean, that's that's one thing. And like this one, I'm I'm cool.
Mac:It is nothing too crazy. I mean, the, the, you know, science fair 6th grade science fair quality of the, the prop next to her and these, these balloons from Party City, that's a that's a nice touch. You know? It's it's a good thing. Get some nice pictures, you know, because fuck these photo studios that are charging you ridiculous amounts of money to get pictures taken of your kids and their big events.
Mac:So you're just gonna do it in the front yard. You know what I'm saying? You know, so she's having a good time. Enjoy yourself. Hopefully, she goes, but I'm just looking at it like, you know, you probably shoulda like, the the the entrance way.
Mac:You know, like, if this was WWE, the entrance is everything. You know? You're coming out of the door. There's no, like, trail of flower petals leading over there. You know, like, if you're gonna walk all the way over there to the to the photo shoot, like, have something for you to walk on so you're not dragging your dress across this grass.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? So, that that's that's prom thing number 1. Right? This one here, this is yeah. This is WWE to the fullest.
Mac:Let's let's come out here and see what we got going on here. Bro, it's the WWE entrance. Like, not even not no. It's like the the wrestling league that wrestles at the local high school type stuff. Bro, the fact that they had a fog machine and the garage door go up.
Mac:Well, let's talk about the size of this garage. Like, I'm not here to shame the family and and and but I'm like, bro, if you're gonna put this on the Internet like, when I'm thinking what's going on the Internet, I'm thinking of, like, at at worst case scenario, some asshole is gonna see this. Right? I don't wanna put myself in a category like I'm the asshole looking at this thing. Right?
Mac:What do you say? She out here bumping the Waffle House play 3 AM playlist for what? She's coming out. I don't know the name of this song that's playing, talk about something at the trap or something like that. Again, the Party City balloon arch, that's cool.
Mac:I will say if I'm grading this, this is probably a better entrance than the first one we saw. You know what I'm saying? And if you're listening to the audio version of it, please please go watch the video version of this because you need you need to see this. You need to see the things that I'm talking about here. She's coming out.
Mac:The caption says the prom send off, junior year prom dress, all that stuff. Right? So prom 2024. I'm guessing this is the junior prom for her. Whatever.
Mac:So, good on her. Got the fog machine, all of that. I will say not having to cross this the the yard to get to the photo shoot area is is a one up on the first one. So so far, this is the best one we've seen. Hello.
Mac:I'm the asshole. This is the best one we've seen. Again, one of the oh, they got the little ferns from a food line that you buy out in the front right there. So that's cute. You know, they're doing their thing right there.
Mac:Let's check out oh, my god. Look at this one here. Now now we got oh, my god. Bring it. Roll that beautiful bean footage.
Mac:People, they stay in neighborhoods. We're okay. Like, the front yard isn't the most photogenic thing, about their house. Right? So for those listening, we're we're looking at a, a orange and silver themed, prom send off.
Mac:The the young lady is out here in a a silver pencil dress with your Mandarin orange, flare at the bottom. Right? My brother says something, I'm a get to it. Like, they're supposed to be taking a a picture, a couple, and all that stuff. And, she's on her phone talking to somebody holding up this umbrella like it's Mardi Gras.
Mac:Right? And it's a silver and orange with with flare on it. The dude ain't even paying attention to her. He on his phone, text and whatever. And, like like, they look like they don't even wanna be together.
Mac:Like, they like, he's like, I don't even wanna be doing this, right, with his orange and and silver tuxedo. So so, like, I still say the second one we looked at is better. I almost scrolled the comments, but I ain't trying to scroll and and have somebody say something wild. So the first comment you say, she's so beautiful. And, okay.
Mac:She's she's pretty. She's beautiful. She's she's feeling herself, and I hope she had an amazing time at her prom. So but, again, is this something I'm willing to do for my daughter when, she little did they know they both will get roasted this night. This happened over a year ago.
Mac:So hopefully, they've all matured and and moved on with their lives. This seems like something that their mom put them up to. Dude, he's texted his all his friends, like, you won't believe what this girl came out in. He had to have known. Well, probably not.
Mac:She's probably, oh, wait till you see what I got. I got this thing, and, you know, he's probably like, hey, I'm cool with this, this, you know, silver and orange, tuxedo he got with the with the j's. I guess you know so shout out to this couple. You know they're doing it big. We'll we'll we'll hit up a couple more.
Mac:Oh my god. Oh, here we go. Let's get it. Garage door opening up. Alright.
Mac:So this was, like, 2 and a half minutes. I ain't watching the whole thing. Again, questionable music choice, coming out to something like this. Not saying she's going solo dolo. Her dude ain't there like the last one.
Mac:So I think the, you know, the annoying orange couple was probably higher on the ranking than this one. Don't Play With It, featuring Lotto and Young Miami. So that's what this one is. Oh, by Lola Brook. So, yeah, don't play with it.
Mac:Gunshot sounds, you know, all that other stuff. Like, she coming out, she feeling herself, and, she was like, this is the song. But like my man, a b said in here, you know, came out with the 2 car garage. So, I mean, where we rank in this one? We saw 4 videos.
Mac:What's this one at? You know? Where's this one at? And she came out and kinda knew the words. Right?
Mac:She came out and knew the words. And I think she doesn't do the dance, because I don't know if there's a dance to this, because all the rapper does is these things with her hands anyway. So, you you still see her. She cutting the fuck up. Right?
Mac:She probably still rapping the words. Let's check real quick. Yep. So she's still she's still going off. I think she's rapping the whole song, before the, Toyota Camry comes and picks her up and takes her off to the prom.
Mac:So, you know, it's it's it's a whole thing. It's it's a thing that they're doing. Well, we'll check one more of these things out. Can I just click down and it goes to the next video? Oh, it does.
Announcer:Round with a yeah. Yeah. Young, round round. 50,000 cash on me. Probably not a black truck.
Announcer:All white.
Mac:So I had to pause that one because they're going to prom in the helicopter, ladies and gentlemen. Prom send off hits different. That's what the caption says. Drop a blue heart. Show some love.
Mac:When life give you helicopter rides, enjoy them. The song that they are going to their prom is talk my shit by boss man, Delo or Delo. I don't know. Never heard of this guy. But, so they're in a helicopter going to prom.
Mac:Right? So so let's see. Oh, so, Tay, shout out to Tay. Thanks for ranking the, the last prom, thing. You like the dress, the color cord with the balloons, 4 out of 5.
Mac:Okay. So let's finish watching this one. Ladies and gentlemen, like I said, they are going to prom in a helicopter. We got my man doing the standard, jailhouse pose in front of a f 150, I wanna say, but, you know, stun on them.
Announcer:White fit.
Mac:Okay. A little blue and white coordination there in front of the, old school Chevy, Camaro SS. Right? So we think about this. It's only 18 seconds, so I appreciate that.
Mac:No, no lip syncing. No no coming out of a garage. 80 says, life didn't give you the helicopter rides. Rich baby daddy did. We got color quarters on point for this one.
Mac:They match the helicopter. So, I mean, some planning went into this. I think it's I think the tuxedo's alright. I don't know if those are dress pants or if he has on, like, blue leather or satin because they kinda shiny the way the sun is hitting them. I mean, it's cool.
Mac:It's a little over the top. Alright. We got somebody okay. Okay. In the sky, filling this one a little, but he better have helicopter prom grades.
Mac:I feel you on that. Let me let this one ride out.
Announcer:I'm starting to walk like a chick.
Mac:I ain't mad at that one. I think the helicopter thing's a little too much. Like I said, this is, this is just prom. Right? So, you have it so my thing is this, when you have the experience like this, right, you have this experience, like, nothing I hope something else in life tops this feeling, and they get to do something this extravagant again.
Mac:But, I'm not about to go in whatever amount of money of debt to ensure that they go to prom in a in a helicopter. You know what I'm saying? You can go ahead and, you know, rent you a limo. Like, I I can see that. Rent a limo, you, you you know, you date your friends.
Mac:Y'all can all go to like, I'll I'll do that. That'll be on your boy. You know? I'll rent the limo for your boy, and and that's it. You know?
Mac:You ain't getting no helicopter. We ain't hiring no professional photographer to come here for you to take pictures in front of helicopters and and all this other stuff. Like, it's it seems a little too much. I will save that for your senior pictures, you know, which are already a arm and a leg, but, a little too much to the rich for my blood, but, I mean, if if their family's got it, I ain't gonna I ain't gonna hate it. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:He said that he cluck in the song, but I don't I ain't trying to re gear this stuff. Let me hit this last one up real quick. We got choreographed dances now. We got choreographed dances. I mean, enjoy it, like you know what?
Mac:Fuck it. Have fun. You guys have fun. I hope you're having it. But, again, you got the balloons.
Mac:You got the the I'm I'm I try so hard not to be the guy who's just like the new generation. I mean, because I mean, if this is what they do, if they like, as long as they're enjoying themselves. How about that? As long as they are enjoying themselves, that's cool. But, again, let let me see the rest of this dance real quick.
Mac:Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah.
Mac:Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah.
Mac:He shot kicks it in the front doing his thing. So how are you topping this for a wedding? Like, I I don't know. And then say that other comments. Wow.
Mac:But, let's see the rest of this. I mean, it's a it's a it's a interesting song. I love that they're doing something different. You know, it's not a trap song. It's not, any kind of a profanity.
Mac:It's just a of of all of them, I will say of all of the videos that we've seen, all of the videos that we've seen, this is probably my my favorite one. You got some friends here. They came up little little nice dance to to a little nice song. They're enjoying themselves. I hope they had a a great time, at their prom.
Mac:With all that being said, I feel I feel like this is done because this is the highlight. They feel like nothing else is going to hit something like this. I'm I'm hoping that that is not the case. I'm hoping that, you know, when they achieve other milestones in their life, they get to go out and celebrate and turn up and everything. Because, I mean, of all the settings, this last one we see here is probably the nicest one, and it's the least extravagant.
Mac:You know? I think the minimalistic approach to their their, little, you know, shuffle, little 2 step 2 step relates to me more because it's something I would do. Like, nothing too crazy. I get into a helicopter. I rent, you know, 18 different trucks, to sit there and take pictures in front of.
Mac:Something like this is something I could see doing. But, yeah, I mean, that's just me. Prompts send offs is is was something new that I just found out, and I'm just like, man, people are really going all the way out. And there's, like, hundreds of videos that we we could keep going. Let me see if I could find one more.
Mac:Oh, like wow. Oh, what we doing here? I might show that. What is this one? Oh, that's a parody one.
Mac:Alright. I'm thinking this one is done in a let me bring this back up. I think this one is done in just. I know they're not, like, super serious about it. He probably the class clown or something.
Mac:But, we'll bring this up, and then we'll move on. Oh my god. And it's not the dancing and stuff because the dancing could be, oh, you know, he's just a funny dude. It's the suit. Alright?
Mac:The fact that he took the suit to the Walmart with the airbrush station. You know what I'm saying? That that's it's it's that part. It's that part for me where I'm just like, bro, see, like, we we just it's his night. This is how he wants to, that's how he wants to remember it.
Mac:Okay. Cool. Cool. And I mean, you can see from these these other ones. Right?
Mac:Little oh my god, bro. That's a lot of smoke coming out of there. Goddamn. That place on fire. What is happening here?
Mac:So, yeah, I mean, you you just go to TikTok and or is this them setting this shit up? Oh my god, bro. They doing the most for this shit. They doing the absolute most. But I owe my fucking alright.
Mac:Here we go. Time to play the game. Let me bring this up real quick.
Announcer:Yeah. Yeah. Apply that pressure, nigga. That's how you kill them. How you kill them, nigga.
Announcer:Them same
Mac:Nigga, I never. Never. Never. This is this this is the one. This is the one.
Mac:This is the one where I'm like, y'all doing the the absolute most. I need to see report cards, my boy. I need to see report cards, or I need to see that d one scholarship to wherever you're going. Because we renting these just for you to show up to prom. Who are you starting on?
Mac:Who at your high school is requiring you to stunt and flex this hard to to to to feel better than? Do you see this car? Bro, that's wild. Wild. See, that's that's where you draw the line right there.
Mac:That is where you gotta draw the line. So, prompts send offs. I don't know if anybody in the comments, anybody watching has somebody close to that. Like I said, my daughter's a senior next year. This shit ain't happening.
Mac:This shit ain't gonna happen. Navi, I'm sorry. We'll we'll find you something else to do, unless your mom tells me I gotta do it, and then, I'll do it. But we ain't written no no Lamborghinis and fucking, you know, sports cars and helicopters and, you know, you'll go you I'll let you take the, the the the k five. I'll let you drive my car up there.
Mac:I'll wash it in detail, and you can take it up there with your friends, but that is where we at with that. The next thing. Oh, what we got here? It's a culture thing, meaning it's the only African American community go hard like that. Let me look.
Mac:You know, TikTok, how TikTok be, man. I will say with the, the quick scroll down, it is, it looks like something that's for black people only. I'm not gonna say white, but I know white people do this shit. I know white people do this shit, but this shit be on, like, MTV. Like, you seen the super sweet 16 and all that stuff.
Mac:Like, that's the shit they be doing. Stuff we can't compete with, because they probably renting all this stuff doing this stuff. I mean, we're front like, this is the lifestyle just for 1 night. The white people that do this, I feel like it's just another day in the life of them. It's It's just another day in the life of a white person.
Mac:Black people, we gotta show the fuck out because, like, we never know when shit like this will happen for us again. And I feel like that's that's the attitude they're going for right here. They said she let it get I'll let you run through a paper thing like football kids do. That's about it. The paper will say prom, whatever the year is.
Mac:You know? I have my shit hooked up to a a beats pill, Play you whatever song you want coming out. But, yeah, that shit's crazy, man. But, yeah. Go check it out if you got time looking through it.
Mac:It's a good thing. But moving on, this this the thing I really wanted to talk about. So everybody's familiar with the tiny desk concerts. NPR will have guests come on. They go in a little, kind of a little library setting.
Mac:They got a band. It's real intimate. They got background singers, and, the artist gets to perform things. Normally, I think they just recently started allowing rappers to do it, because I know Scarface had 1. A couple other rappers had a chance to have a one.
Mac:I know Usher kinda made it popular with his, his tiny desk concert. JT had a good one. But if you are unaware, Will Smith has a couple of kids out here that are in the music. He has Jaden, who's a rapper slash, whatever he is right now. And then he has Willow Smith, who is a singer.
Mac:Her first hit back in 2010, I believe. Whip your hair back and forth with your hair, you know, when she was a little kid. Now she's grown. Been on the red table talk with her mom and grandma, you know, talking to everybody, all this stuff. Very beautiful young woman.
Mac:However and I say however, and and I mean this. You know, I know we joke about it when people be like, no disrespect. If you have heard her Tiny Desk concert, It is very divisive as far as if it was good and if it's not. So I have a clip of it, and I'm a let it ride. Let me see how long this clip is.
Mac:Does it tell me? Oh, we got a couple clips. So we'll play it. I'll let you hear the voice, get get a little get a little sample of it, and then we'll come back and discuss why this is such a diverse of, divisive or why is this splitting people down the middle as far as the judgment on, was it a good concert or was it not? Ladies and gentlemen, Willow, Janika Smith.
Mac:I don't know if that's her middle name. I'm just making shit up. But, give us that
Mac:Alright. I don't know if copyright strikes will come because oh my god. I let's look at comments first. Right? So this person has a black girl who loves all music.
Mac:I really appreciate this. Go ahead, Willow. Now if you know people, when people are singing and they hear them sing, they usually say, I love this. She sounds amazing. This was incredible.
Mac:This person said, I really appreciate this. So it's not an insult. Right? And and AD puts in the the comments here. Some of it sounded alright.
Mac:Some of it sounded like I need an appointment at Midas or something, you know, like, you know, the the the you know? So okay. You know, that's one. I'm shocked at how much I love her music. All credit due respect given.
Mac:Again, one of those comments that are just like, I respect it. You know? This this comment, the band is awesome. Let me see the reply because I know somebody was just like this. I came here to say this.
Mac:The band is awesome. I think she is unique, and I like it. Okay. Shout out to a Can't Stop Burrito. I'll pick it up what you're putting down.
Mac:This person says, I'll pass. How did she get a tiny desk performance? This person says she's hella talented. She's talented as fuck. She's beautiful.
Mac:She has a beautiful voice. This person says, I'm a be quiet and just read the comments. This person says, it ain't for everybody. While she sounds really good, I don't know why she she reminds me of a Linus Morissette. Yeah.
Mac:It's it's it's a no for me, but, again, it's one of those where not everything is for everybody. Some people like it. I think they're just during her performance, there was a AD says, I'm really am indifferent to this. Appreciate is a strong word. I'm good.
Mac:I will pass. Hey. What up, Croc? He's in here. She get a e for effort.
Mac:Okay. Nothing special. I'll tell you right now. Can I sing? Absolutely the fuck not.
Mac:Absolutely not. I will not see myself on a tiny desk. I don't have a a fan base. There's nobody salivating and clamoring to hear me sing some songs. Do all black women have to sing r and b like a or a or anything?
Mac:No. They don't. I think black people are capable of ascending and transcending musical genres however they please. I have not and here's the thing. It's gonna be hard for me to judge her music and her her performance because I haven't heard her studio album.
Mac:So I don't know if this is how she sounds on her song. Because if she sounds like this on a CD, and then she sounds like this in tiny desk, and her fans are listening like, oh, it's just like the CD. Then cool. Then cool. Good for them.
Mac:And like this person says here, I really appreciate it. You know? That NPR was just like, here you go. But there is a there are some other clips. Let me see if I can bring them up.
Mac:Let me let me put this down real quick. See if I could bring them up because there were other clips where I'm just like, bro, this can't be life. You know? Like, there's no way. There's no way you're doing this, Willow.
Mac:But to a someone who is not a fan. I don't know if this was an attempt to grow her fan base, to get out there, to increase her exposure. But for me, you know, it it just wasn't doing it for me. There was one that had maybe if I just search it on or whatever. Let me go back to Instagram.
Mac:But for for a casual, for somebody who has tuned in and listened to maybe I'm maybe I'm being contradicting myself here. A hypocrite, if you will. Because I'm fan of Justin Timberlake's old stuff, not so much as newer stuff. I'm a fan of t pain, obviously. I'm a fan of Scarface, Usher.
Mac:So when they sing this when they sing the song, I know, like, Usher shit sounded like the album. T Pain sounded better than the album because he was without the auto tune. It's it's one of those things where I'm sitting here like, I don't know how I feel about it. I'm not I'm not a big fan of of Willow Smith outside of appreciating her journey in life. I think Mac Miller probably had one.
Mac:I don't know. I wasn't really following Mac Miller too much, when he was here with us. So, I do appreciate his music afterwards. He does have a nice catalog. Let me see if this comes up with anything.
Mac:Nothing? Willow Smith tiny desk? You can't find that for me, Instagram? Is it because I did put a hashtag on it? Let me see.
Mac:Scarface had a tiny desk. Which one is this? There's Willow Smith singing in 1 minute. Apparently, that was the that was the, the one everybody's talking about. Alright.
Mac:Let me bring this up so we can hear this. Let me bring this up so we can hear this one. I'm a just say it's not for me. I'm a just say it's not for me. So, bro, so I heard the tiny desk concert version, and I heard it in comparison to the album, so that's why I was disappointed.
Mac:The studio work is actually pretty dope. That's what I'm hearing. That's that's what some people are saying. They're like, we'll go listen to our studio. I'm just like, I would hope when people put the studio album out.
Mac:Like, there's a little obviously, there's more work put into it. The tiny desk is live, so you're not gonna get the mastering and all that other stuff. The band is dope. Like, whoever's on that base was was killing that shit. Right?
Mac:It sounds like she has issues with, like, breath control. You know, she and and she's in the zone. She's enjoying it. The bandit it's a vibe for them. And I understand, like, when you're with your people and you vibe in, like, it's it's a whole thing.
Mac:So that energy is going. They're all feeding off each other, and I appreciate. I I I love that for them. To me, it's not a constant. I'm a go run-in in in checkout.
Mac:But, again, that like like with the prompts and offs, everything is not for everybody. Look at that base player. Just look at that. I'm well, she in that fucking groove, boy. Look at that base player.
Mac:That's probably I'll probably go listen just for the the the music and stuff, but I may listen to a studio album and check it out, but, I mean, maybe that's your style. And and I appreciate that, you know, the the kind of I don't know the genre to put that in. Alternative? Would it be alternative? Little bit of folkie kind of folk music, alternative folk music, maybe.
Mac:I don't know. I know AD is the music dude, so I don't know what genre that would be in. But but the amount of people that were coming here, like, you know, Willow killed the tiny desk. Willow did this. Willow did that.
Mac:And I'm just like, you like, I have to compare it to other tiny desk. You know what I'm saying? I don't wanna say the number of views because, obviously, JT to, you know, scarf it. Like, all these other guys had a lot of views on theirs. Right?
Mac:Hers just came out as one of the more recent ones. So we'll let it breathe and and see what it does, but, I she's not enough. You know? This ain't it for me. If this was a American idol and I was a judge, you know, I'd hit him with the you know, it's a no for me, dog.
Mac:But, hopefully, she just continues to do it. She looks like she's enjoying what she does. So, we're just gonna let Willow Smith keep enjoying what she's doing, and and, yeah. Yeah. Alright.
Mac:Yeah. We'll just do that. We'll just say it and leave it there. Leave it there. So let's get to the meat and potatoes of episode 138.
Mac:Whose mans this week is, you know what? Let's just go ahead and and segue into it, And then then then I'll explain it and give you a a better understanding of of what the fuck is, is about to goes down here. But ladies and gentlemen, I breathe to you. I breathe to you. I give to you this week's segment of whose man's is this?
Mac:I'm sitting here singing my own segue song to the point I forget to change the background. Here we go. Ryan Walters. Now some people be like, who the fuck is a Ryan Walters? Ryan Walters is the Oklahoma superintendent, for their schools, for the state.
Mac:So here's the thing. This is getting a little bit of politics. Right? A little bit of politics. So what is going on here is that the senate can pass a bill that will allow ministers to be in public schools, kinda like how chaplains are embedded, for groups, sometimes squadrons and stuff like that.
Mac:They're going to do it for schools. So when you when you open the door to that, when you open the door to ministers, religious leaders, being in school, You kinda you kinda start treading that separation of of church and state. You know what I'm saying? How you you're not supposed to be blending religion with a lot of things that religion should not be blended in. Right?
Mac:Especially when you get into the political side because remember, like, I'm I'm not a history major, but the whole reason motherfuckers left England to come here was to be able to practice whatever religion they wanted. Religion, freedom. Religious freedom. Freedom of religion. Send the damn constitution.
Mac:So it's the whole separation of church and state. But let me get into to what's going on, and I'll bring this up so, everybody can read along with your boy. Because reading is fundamental out here. The title on Yahoo, and, you know, it has to come from Fox News because we gotta get the fair and unbalanced opinion on what's going on out here in the world. So shout out to Fox News.
Mac:And if you're listening to the audio version, hopefully, you heard a little bit of sarcasm in there, because all news is is is biased. I don't care where you get it from. But the title, as you see, Satan is not welcome in schools, but welcome to go to hell, says the state superintendent. Oklahoma superintendent Ryan Walters took a dig at the satanic temple, the TST, on Wednesday after the organization said they would place ministers in public schools if senate bill 36 become law. In Oklahoma, we have conservative values.
Mac:President Joe Biden and the National Education Association want Christianity out of the classrooms and are advocating for our kids to have zero morality and faith, Walters told Fox. Let me be crystal clear. Satanists are not welcome in Oklahoma schools, but they are gone they are welcome to go to hell. And I bet when he said that motherfucker has turned all the way to fuck up. Well, I bet he was like, yeah.
Mac:That's a bar. Bars. Bars. And I love this picture. Right?
Mac:They got the, the little, say, satanic, idol here, and then they got him right next to it. So Walter's comments come as Oklahoma house passed, senate bill 36, which would allow volunteer chaplains in school. If it becomes law, it would permit volunteer chaplains in public schools, but require districts to conduct background checks barring those with criminal history, including sex offenders and felons. Chaplains can also be dismissed for child abuse, negligence, or moral misconduct. So the fact that they have to do this, these background checks for people who are already nominated as chaplains and religious leaders, let you kinda already know that religion as a whole is not something that, you know, just absolve somebody from being a bad person.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? And I think that's what people start assuming when they're just like, oh, he's a Christian. Like, oh, he's a good guy. Like, no. If you recall, the Catholic church was under one of the most, like, just mind blowing investigations when they kept finding out that priest and and and high leaders in the church were sitting there fondling little altar boys, man.
Mac:So the fact that any chaplain has to pass all of this stuff and if something comes up, they get dismissed. Let you know that you probably should be bringing these people to school anyway, but that's neither here nor there. Right? Why did you read it with that accent? Did I have an accent when I read his voice?
Mac:I didn't even pick up on that. So, yeah, he's a year like 80. He's like, woah. I guess that excludes Catholic chaplains. So the Satanist temple is already preparing to deploy its ministers.
Mac:Oh, hold up. Why is this in quotes like this? And then come back and check that out. It's I like deploy its ministers in public school if it becomes law, the organization said in a statement. While we would prefer states to invest in professional counselors over unlicensed religious support for students, we are prepared to adapt these legislative conditions.
Mac:Rachel Chambliss, the satanic temple's executive director. Yo. Now now hear me out. Like, I'm not saying I'm not saying any religion is right or wrong. I'm just saying the fact that because I grew up in church, and, it it was instilled in me that Satan bad, Jesus, God good.
Mac:Anybody worship Satan is like crazy evil. And, my brother can attest to this. We went to a, Christian school for a couple years, and they'd be playing these these movies trying to scare us to Christianity to to to be saved. Like, they'd be playing movies about what happens when the rapture happens. And if we get left behind, the world would just be terrible.
Mac:Like, they was trying to scare us to Jesus. But, they always portray people who practice Satanism as these fucking people that are just out here with fucking blood coming out their eyes, fucking killing goats, just throwing chickens on on altars, and they make them seem like the worst people out here, bro. They make them seem like the worst people out here. So the fact that the Satanist temple has an executive director, and it it's somebody who's just like, yeah. I'll take the the position of the executive director of the Satan temple.
Mac:It's it's mind blowing. But you see the the Christian, the conservative senators, like, we're not gonna welcome you here. You guys can go to hell. The Satanist comes with the most logical thing. While we prefer states to invest in professional counselors over unlicensed religious support for students.
Mac:Like, they're like, we'd rather not have religious leaders embedded in the school, and we would rather the money be spent in professional counselors to come and guide these children. However, if the bill is passed and you guys are sending Catholic priest, protestant priest, Baptist priest, you know, to the school, we feel we have a right to send our ministers as well.
Mac:and I agree. As weird as that sounds now, I know some people listen to the podcast. You remember me from from going to church and all that stuff. You'd be like, Willie, what the heck? Man, what what's wrong with you?
Mac:I'm just saying. I'm just saying. When you think about it, ladies and gentlemen, when you think about it, in your day to day, you interact with people from all over. From all over. There's people at work that you work with, that you probably deploy with with the war with, for military.
Mac:You probably went to meetings, had great times when it's saying karaoke, had lunch with. Amazing times. But you don't know their religion. The person the people you're hanging out with could be from whatever religious background, but you're just like, this is cool people. I'm hanging out with them.
Mac:Them. Now if this person was to come out and say I'm a Satanist, would you would you just assume, oh, no. This is a evil person. You know what I'm saying? Like like, how can you just look at a Satanist and be like, well, we don't want you in the school.
Mac:Like, you're gonna start, you know, killing dogs and leaving them on the gym floor for your your rituals and stuff. This is crazy. She continues to go on. We are committed to offering compassionate guidance to students who come to us so that we can help make positive changes in their lives by listening to their needs and providing support. That is what she's saying the satanic ministers will do.
Mac:If the bill passes in the senate, it would take effect on November 1st. The satanic temple also recently challenged Florida governor Ron DeSantis to a debate on religious freedom after the governor sing singled out Satanist by saying they were not allowed to participate in a new chaplain program similar to Oklahoma signed into law last month. Some have said that if you do a school chaplain program, that somehow you're gonna have satanist running around in all our schools. We're not playing those games in Florida, DeSantis said. That is not a religion.
Mac:That is not qualified to be able to participate in this. So we're gonna be using common sense when it comes to this. You don't have to worry about it. I'm a let that. He himself is saying that Satanism is not a religion.
Mac:Where does he get that from? Who what what guidance is there to say what is and what is not a recognized and observed religion? The fact that he is supposedly a Christian, conservative values, God fearing, grew up in church, knows the Bible according to his all his build up trying to run for president or get the nomination to run for president to sit here and be like, satanism is not a religion. You're saying that based on your religion. So what makes your religion more relevant or more accurate, more right than this other religion.
Mac:You see what I'm saying? What's in the comments here? Jesus was very clear. His people didn't have to follow him. If people didn't want to follow him, he wasn't trying to prevent them from following somebody else.
Mac:I will say Jesus, according to the Bible, like, when he walked in the temple where worship was supposed to be happening and cats was, like, gambling, they turned into a casino. He started flipping tables and wilding out, bro. Like, so Jesus was not playing that. But at the same time, it's just like, that's in that's in that book. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:That's in the book meant to downplay all of that. I don't know what's in the satanic bible. I'm not trying to read it. You know? I I would like to be very open minded, but there's, like, things that, you know, I choose not to wanna read.
Mac:Nothing against them. I'm just like, it's probably something like I've, you know, I'm not even reading reading the Bible. You know, like, I've read it already. I'm not going back to read it again, but, my brother has guy walks in. But, yes, I'm cool with him, but you need to keep the kids safe.
Mac:But I need to keep this kid safe. I mean, but the way she made it sound is like we're cool with helping guide these. She's not saying I'm here to convert people. Like, I'm just here. If if kids having an issue or something, they're not gonna be like, hey.
Mac:Is that kid bullying you? I'll show you how to
Announcer:create a voodoo doll so you can really fuck them up. Worship our lord and say, you
Mac:know what I'm saying? Like, they're not coming in with that whole thing. Prison system acknowledged it as a religion. Yeah. Exactly.
Mac:Jesus did not tell him not to gamble or turn up. He was cool with it in the house of worship. So the satanist temple, obviously, is like, we're gonna sue the state if any of its members were banned for serving as chaplain in the program. Co founder of the group, Lucien Graves, previously told Fox News the legislation indicates DeSantis is unaware of how the law works and unaware that the bill he signed in the law does does in fact allow satanic chaplains in the school. So I mean that that's that's where we're at.
Mac:You know, it's it's it's really annoying because you're looking at people who take a oath to follow, uphold all of that stuff, the constitution of the United States. The constitution is like freedom of religion. People could do what they want. They're just like, well, you can't do that. You can't worship Satan.
Mac:And and people are just cool with that. People are legit cool when people start restricting your constitutional rights. Don't fuck with the second amendment, but we can fuck with these other amendments. Don't tell me I can't have my gun, but you can't worship Satan and be considered a decent human being. This is the part.
Mac:The these the people that blindly follow these political figureheads who think this way are the problem in the country. And the problem is if you disagree with people who are so far right, they automatically think you're, like, hella far left. And you're not. Because there are far left people where I'm just like, y'all are absolutely wild. You know?
Mac:Like, there's there's there's checks and balances. There's left and right boundaries. You know? I'm trying to operate in the gray area. It's not just black and white for a lot of this stuff.
Mac:I wanna see where are we at? DeSantis pledge of support for devil statue decapitator. What? Says government should not recognize satanism as a devil statue decapitator? Did somebody decapitate?
Mac:Let me see what this is. Bonus. Fox News again. Hey. Come through for your boy, Fox News.
Mac:DeSantis pledges support for all devil statue for devil statue decapitator. The satanic temple was founded in 2013. It does not actually believe in Satan. What is going on here? Oh, how this was long ago, so you're still calling him a candidate.
Mac:I know he dropped out. Yeah. December 15, 2023. Bro, this is just I don't know what to tell you. I mean, outside of if a bill is signed by the senate and gets put in the law, It gets put in the law saying that religious volunteers can go to public schools.
Mac:You you know you know people are gonna be like, if you bring that satanic stuff in my school, kids because, like, they wild out about books that talk about, you know, you know, gay couples, lesbian couples, same sex couples. You're making you're forcing my kid to be gay. Stop. Like, America, can can I talk to you all for a second? Can I talk to you?
Mac:I know I know, you know, we're over an hour and it's a solo show. I'm not trying to keep you all on, but can I talk to you guys for a second, America? Parents, specifically parents. I am not understanding the fear that you have with things being introduced into school because you as the parent should have more influence on your kid's belief, morals, etcetera, than what they do in school. The only time I would say someone should be worried about school being that influential in the life of your child is if you are not parenting, if that makes sense.
Mac:If you're putting no effort into instilling values and stuff in your children and then trusting them to take what you've taught them and evolve it into what their personality is. You know what I'm saying? Like, my kids are pretty open minded, and they're smart enough to know, hey. I'm going to school. I'm reading a book.
Mac:The main couple, you know, is same sex couple. They're not reading that book and being like, shit. I'm gay now. And that's normal for a person to be like, I read this book. I like dudes before.
Mac:Now that I see this lesbian couple here, I guess I'm supposed to like a girl. You know, like, my daughter's not doing that. And if she turns out to like girls, I'm pretty sure it's not because she read it in a book. You know, it's my kids, but, like, I just trust my kids to the extent where I will let them be them. And people are so upset that that their kids grow up and do things that they want to do.
Mac:They follow their passion. They follow their heart. They follow their aspirations and stuff. And then when it doesn't line up with what the parents think, something's fucking off. Something's wrong.
Mac:It's the schools. You poisoned my kids. You're teaching them that transsexual people are normal. You're teaching them that that's okay. Why is that not okay?
Mac:Like, my mantra. If it's not affecting me, my money, and my family's welfare, you guys can do whatever you like. You could do whatever you like. Hey. You could do whatever you want.
Mac:And I'm a respect it because what I want from you in return is to respect how I'm living my life. I'm not bothering you. I'm not impeding your rights. I'm not trying to take away your rights. I'm not trying to do none of that.
Mac:All I ask is that in return, you give me that same respect, and we can all get along. If people would just do that, just let just mind your own business. That's it. There are so many other things that you should be concerned about in this world as a parent as a parent. Like, you should be focused on how to keep my family safe.
Mac:Like, the the audacity to just always assume. Like, when they first started doing the, yeah, if you identify as a woman, you can go in a woman's bathroom and all that. I'm just like, bro, that's cool. Like, if you need to pee, go pee. Well, what if a guy just walked into the woman's bathroom just because he says I identify as a woman and rapes my wife and daughter.
Mac:Bro, like, be where are you living where that's the first thing that comes to mind? Like, you just think the minute that happens, a man's gonna be like, here's my chance to commit sexual assault and go in the bathroom. Like, if he really wanted to do that, why would he wait to go into a like, people do hideous, horrible stuff to both men and women in the open. Hell, what's his name? Brock Turner?
Mac:The dude who got off was in there raping somebody behind a dumpster and got away with it. That's the shit you should be mad at. That's the shit you should be fighting and throwing your hands up about. Not the fact that some dude who identifies as a woman probably going through the process wants to just go in there, sit on a stall, sit go in the stall, sit down, take a piss, and bounce. But, no, you think that my wife is so hot.
Mac:That man's gonna go in there and rape. Like like, when I start thinking about it, I just get so mad. Like, it just makes me tired. Like, I don't know why. Like, for my when I think about it, it's so easy to get along as people.
Mac:It's just so easy to be decent people, but there's no money in it. There's no fame. There's no popularity. There's no no being put on a pedestal by by worshipers. And that's pretty much what these political figureheads are.
Mac:They just pander to the point where they start getting we're like, look at look at Trump. All these people. The the adoration that Trump supporters have for Trump is, like, fucking that that's cultish. You know, people like DeSantis. Like, they just say whatever gets the people going.
Mac:Whatever the fan like, if for whatever reason, like, some weird shit happens in Florida, and the majority of Florida is just like, bro, we're we're leaning towards the blue. Watch how fast DeSantis switches up his stances on on on several things. Watch how fat any political person, any governor of a state, you're only going to side and talk about the shit that your voters are passionate about so you can keep your ass in the seat. So if for whatever reason, Satanism becomes the biggest the biggest religion. Watch how fast these people start wanting to be satanist.
Mac:I asked this question at work. I was like, yo. Real talk. This was after work. We're just sitting down talking.
Mac:I was like, is there can you imagine in any world, any situation where someone who stands up is a good person, has a record, nothing wrong, helps out in schools, volunteers in the community, found a way to lower taxes, all of this stuff. Just checking all the boxes. Boom. Boom. Boom.
Mac:Boom. Boom. Boom. Right? And then they're like, hey.
Mac:We wanna nominate you for, you know, this political thing. And this person says, well, yeah, cool. And they go to a debate and, you know, they're asking about God and stuff like that. And this man says, oh, no, like, I'm a atheist. I don't believe in God.
Mac:How far do you think that person can go in this political environment nowadays? As far as and so I don't think they do pledge of allegiance. And, I know the under god is, like, optional, last I heard. That was when Novelin was in 2nd grade. So, yeah, it's been a while.
Mac:That was 2012. So I don't know what they do now. I don't know what Google says. But, like, could could you imagine a world where, like, somebody who is openly an atheist. Right?
Mac:Or just even agnostic. You know? Do you think they would ever be able to be elected president of the United States? Like, not even that high. How high do you think somebody who says, I don't have a religion.
Mac:I'm just a good person, and I think just doing good deeds is is good enough. Like, I just wanna be a good person. Hold up. You don't have a church? Like, when you get sworn in, you gotta put your hand on a bible or whatever thing and swear in.
Mac:Like, this dude is like, what? Like, you just bring a copy of the Constitution out, I could put my hand on. Like, people would lose their shit. Because people feel you gotta be a Christian to lead this country. Every president that has been, who has sat the seat according to them has a relationship with God.
Mac:We have yet to have a president to be like, nah, it's cool. Like, I just do my own thing. I don't go to church. I'm just a good person. I just like looking out for people.
Mac:It's it's the right thing to do. AD brings up a good point. You have to you don't have to believe it, you just have to say you do. But what if somebody was that that honest? I don't think they would do that because that would just shut down everything else.
Mac:That would just destroy so much of everything that they built up, the whole religious thing. Even I don't understand the right does it because that's like their bread and butter. You know, they're they they're voting cons content whatever. The people that vote for them, shit. They know that they're mostly Christian, high morals, bible belt, bible toting, all of that other good stuff.
Mac:And there are Christians who vote democrat, who are more liberal. But I think somebody going up there and be like, hey, you know what? This ain't it. I'm just a good person. Like, I just follow the golden rule.
Mac:You know, doing to others as you would like them to do to you or the new shit they're going around the platinum room. Treat others the way that they wanna be treated. And I'm just, like, you know, like, if you just be a good person and say, I don't go to church, like, America won't fuck with you. Big facts here. Big facts.
Mac:Honesty is the fastest way to the bottom in the world we live today. That's wild. But, damn right. A 120? Now I wasn't supposed to keep you all this long.
Mac:Let us go ahead and wrap this up. Sorry. It got all deep and everything. But, Ryan Walters, it's kinda crazy, especially as a governor because, you know, you have both conservatives and liberals in your country, but you're just gonna be fucking satanist. You're not welcome in our schools, but you can go to hell.
Mac:Like, guy. This is a Christian, ladies and gentlemen. This is, love your neighbor as yourself, you know? This is this is it. This is him, guys.
Mac:Like, nobody sees it, and and that's the part that's scary. But, let us return to our regularly scheduled program and roll right into, shots and motherfucking thoughts.
Announcer:And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress.
Mac:Yo yo. So, appreciate first of all, let me just say everybody who tuned in, everybody who left comments, everybody who liked, shared, all of that good stuff, very, very much appreciated. You make the show go by easier when it's a 1 man band. So thank you for that. When it comes to final shots and thoughts, let us think about what we have going on.
Mac:So, I know you're probably, like, if you were looking, you're like, I didn't see a episode last week. So that is because we gave our time slot and, joined our homie, Jeff, USDN, Jeffy Jeff. And, kinda talked to x men 97, talked about fallout. So, USDN episode I forget the episode entitled The Vault. Should've dropped everywhere.
Mac:If you follow the FPN, you should've got that notification. If not, go check that out. Great episode and segue, on the 6th May, AKA this Monday. USDN, my man, Jeff, he will be on there with, the homie Rob Gibbons and, amend Amanda Nugent. Hopefully, I said that right.
Mac:And they should be talking, pretty much all things Star Wars with the bad batch season 3 ending, Star Wars the acolyte starting up, pretty soon. So May 6th. So he is calling it revenge of the 6th. The 6th. The 6th.
Mac:See, when I think about it, now I'm, like, overthinking out of revenge of the 6th. And that'll be coming at you Monday. So if you're following him on USDN or if you're following DFPN on Facebook or to YouTube, you should be getting a notification. We're going live. And shout out to the Queens who are double they did double duty.
Mac:So they got a show. They had a show last week on Sunday, and now they're rolling into a show this Saturday. So a little double double dip for the the queens there. Great episode they had interviewed, cosplayer AZ Tony Stark over there on IG. He also has a page on here on Facebook, I believe.
Mac:And, great dude. Does great work, amazing costumes. He is part of an amazing group over there in Arizona called Comic Care. They also have a Facebook page. So just check out check out look up Comicare.
Mac:I would just say that. Look up the organization, Comicare. See the amazing things they do. A lot of work in the children's hospital over there in Phoenix. Bringing joy to these kids that are just very ill, probably in some of the darkest places of their lives, bringing them joy, dressing up as their favorite superheroes, bringing comic books, reading to them, and everything.
Mac:It's amazing cost. So shout out to AZ, Tony Stark, and everybody else there at Comic Care. Shout out to the Queens for helping bring that to, everybody's awareness, and you can go there and donate, as well and help their cause. Fallen star episode 4, 12. Am I right, Tay?
Mac:Episode 12? I'm sitting here waiting for her to tell me. She's like my backup. She's like, my fact checker tonight. Episode 12 should be dropping pretty soon.
Mac:So let me just let me be let me let me just brag a little bit about, what our what our little team is doing over here. Shout out to to the squad, especially the queens. They are in the process of learning how to navigate and edit and everything, their video. And they're doing it because I used to do all the editing and stuff, but it was taking time. And I was wanting to get back to doing a make it make sense podcast, right, for our patrons.
Mac:But a lot of my time was being taken up, editing and and making sure that their videos and stuff are good to go because the fallen star saga that they're doing is is incredible. And I'm trying to make sure it's the best thing out there. Right? So they noticed that, and they're just, like, hey, you know, let let us help with the editing and stuff. Let us help show us how to do it.
Mac:So, you know, picking up the the that aspect of it to allow me to to have some extra time to do some extra things for the network. That that's the that's the that's the shit I'm talking about. That that's the energy that I needed around me. People to be like, hey, bro. Let us help.
Mac:Like, what do you need from us? We got you. So shout out, Jen, EJ, Tay. You guys you guys are amazing, and I appreciate that. So there there's a couple bumps in the road using the, learning the editor.
Mac:So, it wasn't dropped this morning, but it should be dropping this weekend. So if you've been following along, you're like, where is it at? Where is it at? I need I need to know what happens. It's coming.
Mac:Alright? It's coming. Stay tuned to USDN or, DFPN, Queens of Nerd, all of that good stuff, and you'll be notified when it drops. So, again, thank you guys for doing that. Also also, if you have not been listening to our other shows, Let me show you where if if you're unaware of where to find us.
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, our very own Black Mac has been behind the scenes working on a d f p n website where you can go to and catch all of the goodness. Here it is, the d f p n dot com. That is what it is called. One word, thedfpn.com. And here you see you got your homepage, talks about what we do over here at d f p n.
Mac:Our shows, you can donate to the patreon, Featured videos. So here's the thing here. Our featured podcast episode, episode 24 AZ, Tony Stark. Hey. I told y'all.
Mac:We lit out here. You could quickly find our social handles here, how to get in touch with us, get involved with us. Each show has their own breakdown. So if you wanna catch up on Smoke Pit, hit us up, scroll down, see the latest video, latest audio of the podcast, no gimmicks. You come here.
Mac:We got Queens of Nerd. We got USDN. We got live streams, which let me see. Normally, how that works is right. Like, we'd be here live right now.
Mac:Yep. See? Like, if I click play right now, we'll be in, like, some kind of inception thing where there'll be a livestream on top of the livestream. So the DFPN is pretty much a one stop shop to figure out what we doing over here. So, again, shout out to my man, Black Mac.
Mac:Appreciate the hustle behind the scenes. Website's only gonna get better. So just, one stop shop. Also, if you wanna make sure you're keeping up with everything we're doing, please tap in, and let me bring this up. It's a lot of screen presentations, bro.
Mac:I'm in my presentation mode out here. To our YouTube channel, at DFPN Studios. You see it here. Beautifully done. Scroll down.
Mac:Big playlist right here. You tap in. Here's our fallen star playlist. So if you wanna catch up and follow along, we have that there. USDN is here.
Mac:Queens of Nerdom, I believe we have a playlist. Oh, we need to make one. Smoke pits here. Smoke break, normalized growth, no gimmicks. So we're in the process of updating all that.
Mac:So if you want one stop shop and you're on YouTube only, bam, we're gonna get you over here as well. So we're steadily working to make sure our content is accessible to everybody. And if there's anything you do wanna see, like I said, our socials are all right there. Make sure to hit us up. And I believe that is all I got for you guys.
Mac:I got my little bit of Crown here. I wanna thank you again for tapping in with me, keeping your boy company, and we'll see you next week. Oh, next week. My brother, Brian McCoy, he was in the comments. He'll be joining me, And, hopefully, we could see if we can get the, the queens of Nerdom to join as well, talk about some stuff.
Mac:And, we'll have a, kind of a quad screen of host and entertainment for you guys on 10th. So, still in the works. We'll keep you in the loop, making sure that you know WTF is going zones over here. But in the meantime, this has been episode 138 of the smoke pit. I've been the homie Mac, a k a your boy.
Mac:And in honor of my guy, Black Mac, being, being, you know, out of commission for the moment out handling some things. I would like to just use his phrase and say, have love, make sex, peace.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off.
Blak:It's been a long week. Come relaxin'. Get some lapsin'. And let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this?
Blak:Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready. Because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit.