Ep 137 "College of B.S. Women's BBall Team, Reality Dating Shows, & How Much Do You Need $3400?"
There we go. Hit record. We're good to go for the
Blak:Let's do it.
Mac:What up, bro?
Blak:What's good with you, man?
Mac:Chilling. I've seen you doing work on a b, pop break last night.
Blak:Yeah, man. Yeah. Spreading the gospel, if you will.
Mac:I ain't mad at it, bro. I ain't mad at it. I ain't get to tap into the full episode. I saw like when you posted the the link on Facebook, so I gotta tap in and finish watching the episode. But it's good seeing you you you over there, you know, spreading the the DFP and name across different platforms.
Mac:And also, you know, plugging good people and good content, man. Pop break is a is a good spot. Good show.
Blak:It was fun. It was it was really fun and I I alerted them to some things that we had going on, and, they are definitely interested in checking that out. So shout out to them, man. It was it was a good time. Shout out to
Mac:them. Yes, sir. What up, Tay? Thanks for tapping in.
Blak:What up, Tay?
Mac:Let let me just say this. First of all, welcome everybody to 127. Cold opening. You know how we do. I wanna bring up a video to show y'all that that took up my fancy today before we get into the show.
Mac:I'll be dabbling on the the talks of tick. You know what I'm saying? And, this video is hilarious. So, essentially, what it is is this teenager went into the phone store or went to one of these, hey, fix my screen stores, to get her iPhone fixed up. And when it came time to pay for the repair, I'll just play the video so you can see this shit.
Mac:The boy was I was dying laughing, and I'm just like, bro, yo. Well, people be tripping. People be amazing me with the shit they'd be trying to do, and then when they get caught, I'm trying to but, y'all sit back and and watch this shit.
Blak:Hopefully don't look like nothing good about to happen.
Mac:Hopefully, you guys can hear this shit.
Blak:What an idiot.
Store Owner:You're gonna give me my screen back or you're gonna go home? Which one is it? All you have to do is give me the phone, let me take the screen off, and I'll let you go. Give me the phone back. Give me the phone back.
Store Owner:Give me the phone. I'm a take the screen off and you can put your old screen back on and let you go. Got you on video. Now she's threatening me to get somebody over here to shoot with me. Why you'll be horrible.
Store Owner:Yeah. Lying. And all I told her is to give me the phone. Let me take the screen off, and I'll let her go. But she's getting sent over here so they can shoot out the store.
Store Owner:Now what the fuck is going on? She tried to run out of the store. Okay.
Blak:Mm-mm. Yesterday's price ain't today's price, babe.
Mac:No. No. Bro, what you thought you was about to do?
Mac:What's your Cash App? I'm a Cash App. You ran right into a glass door. Door's locked.
Blak:He Tommy Jerry's ass. Get your ass.
Mac:Give me this goddamn phone back.
Blak:He was reasonable too. He was like, look, man. I ain't gonna do nothing till you
Mac:just give me the phone. I'm a put your broke shit back on. What I did. Yeah. And you can bounce.
Blak:That's reasonable. 100%.
Blak:said I fucked up. I tried to get you.
Mac:Yeah. That's all she had
Mac:to do. Then talk about, can I just give you 90? Like, no, it's 125. And Mama. And let me let me just say this.
Mac:Parents, I mean, it's cool to have your kids back and shit, but when they do wild ass shit like that, like, don't be in there trying
Blak:to get a Let them burn, bro. You gotta let it burn.
Mac:Why you charge her that? Mom was only 75. Well, she yeah. The x r I got it 11. Like, I don't know the numbers, how that shit went.
Mac:I don't know if x r came after 11 or whatever, but either way Yeah. Either way, you guys pay me for my services.
Blak:This is my price.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah.
Blak:This is my price.
Mac:If it's Pay
Blak:that shit.
Mac:If it's too much, give it back. I'll put your old one on. You can go to whatever other store and get it fixed. But, let me show you the video of your daughter trying to run out of here. Right.
Mac:So I actually stopped her from being a criminal.
Mac:You should thank me.
Mac:That shit just had me dying. Like, how the fuck? And then she tried to run. I did not try to run away.
Blak:You You're lying. Yeah. You're lying.
Mac:You you
Mac:the whole
Blak:all admissible in the court of law too, by the way.
Mac:4 k.
Mac:Yeah. You got your ass.
Blak:Why are you lying? Man. Yeah.
Mac:You see the stick behind me, it caught you. Calm
Blak:your ass.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I just thought we'd lead with that. That's just some some wild ass shit.
Mac:But, yeah, parents, stop trying to, you know, help your kids get out of fucked up shit. Like, you know, like, if he was trying to screw over off the rip and she wasn't trying to run away with the price, yeah, come here guns blazing with your kids back, but, you know, I got your kid on video fucking straight. Like you said, Tom and Jerry riding into this motherfucking door. Come on now. Come on now.
Mac:Don't come in here giving me shit when your kid was trying to steal from me. You you. I know. Get the adacine. The unmitigated golf.
Blak:She tried to roadrunner high. That's not a big hit.
Mac:Fucking Wile E Coyote. Right? You know, like, when he paint the fucking tunnel on the mountain and the roadrunner run through it, and he tried. Exactly what a dumbass get. Bow.
Mac:It didn't call him off. Mhmm. He over here locking me in the store.
Blak:I like how he was calm about it too. He was like, nah. You locked in.
Mac:Door's locked. Like, the minute she started sprinting, he's like, door's locked. That lets me know that that should happen before. Now he got a little button under the desk to push to let
Blak:people in and out. Yeah.
Mac:Girl, I run a cell phone repair shop in the hood. You don't think I
Blak:know this about that? Projects you think?
Mac:Right. Right. Next. It's right next to a MetroPCS store.
Blak:Yeah. Don't let this shit
Mac:fool you.
Blak:It's hot.
Mac:It's right next to a
Mac:MetroPCS store. Bitch, I know what you guys do around here. I'm not fucking with that shit. I don't do that. Okay?
Mac:Oh, man. But dummy. You're dummy. We got a lot more shit to talk about. A lot more people to call out.
Mac:I did my weekly scrub the Internet for Tyre shenanigans.
Mac:Nothing popped up on the scanner.
Mac:Nothing popped up on the scanner. Alright, Tyrese. There we go.
Mac:Good There we go. Good for him. But we found another idiot to put on who's man this week. So, stay tuned for that shit. What they said, do they even have that?
Mac:They do. You just live in the area where they're not at. So
Blak:Yeah. You made it.
Mac:Yes. Be proud of yourself. Be very proud of yourself and where you are at in life. But, great show. 137 on y'all.
Mac:We got the dynamic duo back. So, what do you say we get into it, my guy?
Blak:Let's do it, my guy.
Mac:Alright. Episode 137 on the smoke pit live starts right now.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night, come and take the load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week, come relaxing.
Blak:Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit.
Blak:It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.
Mac:Yep. Y'all know what it is. Friday night crowd tonight. I see. Boot is right.
Mac:The dynamic duo of Black and Mac here gracing your screens, bring you another live episode of the smoke pit number 137. Now live for all our patrons who are watching us. We appreciate the support. And if you're catching this on a Monday, check the link in the description below. You can see how to join us every Friday live or as many Fridays as we can do.
Mac:You know life happens. But we try to come live. You guys can interact in the comments. All of this good stuff. We got the stiff power couple in here, AD and Tay.
Mac:Yep. We got Jen in the comments. Here we go. We got some more people in here too. We appreciate all of that, but busy week.
Mac:I'm glad it's Friday.
Blak:Yes, sir.
Mac:Got a lot of things to get into this weekend, including Fallen Star, shameless plug. It's all good. Check my man. You see you see his thing over there. You know, watch Fallen Star.
Blak:You see it.
Mac:You know, something to dabble on. But, let's get these shots out the way. You know, I'm out here with my crown peach, something safe. I finished the, the peak Whitney that fucking Robituss and drink. I finished that yesterday.
Mac:So, we're all good. Hey, my man, EJ, in the comments too. What you got you sipping on something nice, something delicious.
Blak:No tequila.
Mac:It's all good. It's all good. It's better than the the cookie dough moonshine you were struggling with.
Blak:Right? Yes. Yes.
Mac:Thank you, Jesus.
Mac:Anyway, you got a toast? You wanna give a toast dedicated to anybody?
Blak:You know what? To my wife because she's back in town. I was single parenting this shit this week, and I gotta I gotta tell you, man. Like Uh-oh. She doesn't get enough credit because these motherfuckers drove me crazy this week, bro.
Blak:Like, they got me. They got me. By Wednesday, I was tapping. So
Mac:I think I think they'd be going full full obnoxious when one one or more parents
Blak:are gone.
Mac:You know what I'm saying?
Blak:Like, one of one of my kids dropped their phone in the storm drain, and then the other one of my kids went in the storm drain to get the fucking phone. Oblivious to all of this shit, bro. Until till it was till the act was done.
Mac:So what?
Blak:Oblivious. They were like, Steven King's it in the fucking storm.
Mac:We all float down here. Fuck her. All your kids ain't come back. Yo. Where are my kids at?
Mac:I don't know. They just they went outside in IT.
Mac:You know what
Mac:I'm saying?
Blak:It's a miracle, bro. Like, my wife came back. I was like, oh my god. I love you so much.
Mac:I don't know how you do it.
Blak:Don't ever don't ever leave me.
Mac:I don't
Mac:know how you do it.
Blak:Don't ever leave me. I love you. Oh my god. I swear to god. I love you.
Mac:You know, here's to all the, the stay at home parents. They hold it down and and do all the, I guess, the unseen work, that needs to be brought to light, bro. So, here's to all the stay at home parents holding down the fort. Salud. Salud.
Mac:Jen, you see? You see how no face was made after taking that shot? That's how that shit is supposed to. She was trying to defend this Pink Whitney thing so hard. She's like, you gotta mix it with pink lemonade.
Mac:Like, more pink lemonade? Because it comes with pink lemonade. But, anyway, what if I told you pit masters I know you've been waiting for it. I have an update for our favorite women's college basketball team. Remember I was trying to find more stats on them, and it was real quiet with all that stuff?
Blak:Yep. I
Mac:went back to their website just to see just for. Hey. Did you update? They did update it. They updated it, and, let me show you how they finished their season Before I put it up before I put it up there, what what do you think?
Mac:What do you guys think their their record? They played 15 games. What do you think their record ended up being? Ofer. Ofer 15?
Mac:Yeah. It tastes like the college of BS.
Blak:I mean, technically, that's what
Mac:I'm saying. You can't you can't call it that. You know? Ain't nothing wrong with it.
Mac:The cops.
Mac:The cops? You know how we do it. We got people oh, look. They're waiting for it. Yes.
Mac:Top of the job. Biblical studies. 0 and 15, AD 6. 0 and 15. Ladies and gentlemen I'm
Blak:calling 0 for 2. 0 for the season.
Mac:0, 0 for. Ladies and gentlemen, they ended up 1 in 14. They got a dub out there somewhere, man. They got a dub out there.
Blak:Man, that one other team that beat that got beat must have been shit.
Mac:I need to go look at that other team's record too. When I wanna know what the score
Blak:was that I gave.
Mac:So, let's just scroll down. Right? So they started in October. Obviously, one of their games I remember saying that the one game was canceled in their their tournament or whatnot. They played the next one and got fucking mollywapped.
Mac:Right? 50 to 105.
Blak:Oh, god. They playing they playing powerhouses.
Mac:No. Probably not in the Christian college classic. I don't see any power 5 schools signing up to go over there. Then they played Xavier University of Louisiana and got mollywapt. Then they played
Blak:94 to 20 goddamn look at these scores.
Mac:And they played Huston Tillotson University.
Mac:Jesus. And Gus fucking
Mac:destroyed here. Then they played they had a back to back with them. They was like, maybe we'll we'll get them next time. It's like they did not. But But
Blak:was the second stream. The second game was the second stream.
Mac:But if you look at it, they scored more than the first time, and they held them to less points. You know, the first game was 19 to 106, 2nd game, 35 to 81. So
Blak:They was playing in a future with them that game.
Mac:Brian said 19 points. What are you doing? He said they look like blood pressure numbers. 106 over 19. That's good.
Mac:That's good. That's a healthy blood pressure. So after, you know, suffering their defeats at Huston Tillotson, They go to Ozark and lose 52 to 91. Then they play Randall in 57 to 80. It's another l.
Mac:Then the infamous one that put them on the map, the Grambling University game where they lost 18 to 159. So that put them on the map for us here at, at at the smoke pit. So I that's when I became invested. Like, let me see what the fuck is going on in Houston at the the College of BS. Right?
Blak:Lord Jesus.
Mac:Then they played champion Christian college and lost, Dallas Christian College and lost Arlington Baptist University in loss. I will say the Dallas Christian one they only lost by 12, so I'm pretty sure they were they're feeling kinda good like hey, we're all the
Blak:branch, though I know that area. Don't that is trash.
Mac:Is it? So Yeah. All of these games are, like, around tech. Arlington, Baptist. Bro, you know, you can low key catch one of these games if they come back through.
Blak:Please do. Not that I know.
Mac:See if you can,
Blak:I'll I'll provide coverage.
Mac:See if you could, use your journal you know what I'm saying? Your journalism passes, stuff like, hey, I'm a My credentials are
Speaker 7:in order.
Mac:Let me get in this press conference. Kelvin Kate Lee, DFPN. What the fuck are y'all What the fuck? Why are you making these women go through this? Points?
Mac:You gotta be professional with the I I know you could pull it off too.
Blak:I can.
Mac:There you come in Caitlin with DFB.
Blak:About what was going on through the first four quarters. 18 points is a steep hill to climb against that team.
Mac:So after they went on a 40 old run, you called that time out. What was discussed in the huddle?
Blak:At what point did you think Jesus would fix this?
Mac:Have you guys thought about praying? Have you have you tried that in the huddles?
Blak:Did you did you bring the choir?
Mac:Are you guys close to getting out of the valley of the shadow of death Because you guys have been in this bitch for a while. Randall University, they lost 51 to 69. Here's their win. Southwest Adventist University, they won by 5. Boy, and I bet it was a parade inside this city.
Mac:It's a parade inside this city.
Mac:I wonder if they was turning up. Yeah. Yeah. Hold up. Hold up.
Blak:They go over to church on Saturdays.
Mac:Oh, man, bro. They was turned up. There's, like, now our season's turning around, and then they go play Arlington again, and then they lose 61 to 89. They lose to champion Christian College 46 to 89. They lose to Dallas Christian College by 8.
Mac:50 to 58. And then, I don't know what happened with this last game on Tuesday, but that ended their season. Apparently, they did not qualify for whatever postseason tournament, the college Christian
Blak:league or
Mac:whatever. But, yeah. So 1 in 14 with a winning percentage of, 6.7%. They ended it with a losing streak of 3. They were 1 in 6 at home.
Mac:So, granted, this was their inaugural season, the first time they put a team out there. So, we here at the smoke pit are wishing you the best for next season. Hopefully, you guys get some, some highly touted recruits over to your over to your university. I don't know what selling points you got outside of the fact, hey, we in Houston. Yeah.
Mac:Come through.
Blak:I need to go get get one of those, those teacher players that that look young, bro. And just throw on throw out.
Mac:Just Lyle the birth certificate and shit. I mean I mean, it's college. All you gotta do is be enrolled there. I don't think there's a age limit. Because in college football, you're having like 29 year olds out there balling, knocking out 18 year olds.
Mac:Like, what the fuck is your grown ass doing the fuck out here?
Mac:know? I just enrolled. I'm a freshman. I got 5 years of eligibility. Goddamn.
Blak:You get this free ride to college. All you gotta do is play basketball. They're going to recruit these people straight from church.
Mac:They have You did? They go to the church down the street? Any of y'all wanna come to school here and play ball? I mean, I I got a goal in my front yard. I ain't really do too much.
Mac:Perfect. Come on through. It works. It works. It works.
Mac:Good enough. They better go to the hood and make promises. Man, I'll tell you what, the University of Houston is already like a power 5. Like, it's in the big twelve. It's it's it was like one of the number one seeds for the tournament.
Mac:So, like, Houston is probably scooping them cats up to their own thing. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:Oh, yeah. You getting bottom of the you gotta be getting bottom of the barrel.
Mac:They have to be. You see anyone with a degree from this school? And if you do, do you trust it? I don't know. I don't know what other programs they have.
Mac:Like, I don't know if they're doing electrical engineering out of college of biblical studies. You know?
Blak:It's a very good question.
Mac:Let me ask you this. I know you're looking at schools to to pursue your journalism degree did the College of BS come across your radar as a place to no?
Blak:Didn't pop up once.
Mac:Come on, bro. You coulda had, like, floor seats at the game because I don't know how many people show up. Like, you could.
Blak:I could've.
Mac:They probably need press coverage. Man, you come on, man. You're looking to
Blak:Oh, they are better credited? That's wild.
Mac:See? Come on, man.
Mac:Hold on. Let me look
Blak:at what they got. Bro, they
Mac:they halftime show could be the the reenactment of sister act 2 finale.
Blak:Oh, hell no, bro.
Mac:What? You can't you can't go there. Why not?
Blak:That's what they got.
Mac:He said you can't go there. You can't
Mac:go there.
Mac:Like, he's telling his kids that I gotta no. Hell no. You can't go there.
Blak:Hell no.
Mac:You can't go there. What the hell is wrong with you?
Blak:What are y'all doing? Oh, God. Life life experience?
Mac:Is that is that the programs they have?
Mac:Life experience?
Blak:Life experience.
Mac:Like, if I go, does my 43 years of life experience not translate over and get me at least can I not trans transfer my credits from life experience itself to get in this motherfucking school?
Blak:What that transcript look like?
Mac:All we needed was 3 French. You got 43. Yeah.
Blak:What did you major in failure?
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, if you are looking if you're in the military and you're listed, listen to this. If you're looking to get a good 4 year degree just to go to OTS, hit up hit up our good friends over at the Cubs.
Mac:At Cubs. Cobbs, Houston.
Blak:They'll fast track you.
Mac:Why are
Mac:you bullshitting? Let me go ahead and make that happen. I'm interested.
Blak:You might be a star on the sports teams.
Mac:I'm in a let me see if they got an online program, man. I'm about to enroll. You guys are about to watch my journey, getting my 4 year degree in life experience from Cobbs Houston. I'm about to get their school gear. I'm gonna be cheering for them watching their games on, on Twitch.
Mac:Facebook live, you know. That's wild. It is crazy, man. He said, hell, no. You can't go here.
Mac:Hell, no.
Mac:He's just telling people, nah.
Mac:Hell, no. You ain't going there. Anyways, so, college of biblical studies. I know we're laughing. It's hilarious, but we're really rooting for you.
Mac:We we wanna see a comeback, at least 3 wins next season. I don't think that's too much. You play 15 games. Give us 3 wins. You know, just just don't put any, like, Grambling ain't really a power 5 school, but
Blak:they ain't.
Mac:What are they in the swack or whatever? I think the swack
Blak:ain't even the best in the swack.
Mac:I know. And they
Blak:they gave y'all good slacking.
Mac:Bro, they gave y'all the fucking bidness. So, hey. CBS Houston. Cops, we're rooting for you. It looks like your season start in October, so we'll keep an eye out for that.
Mac:And remember, here at DFPN is your, your source of whatever conference your Texas College Women's Basketball Association Conference for all your for all the hottest takes in that conference. Stay tuned to DFP. DFB. With that being said, house meeting time, we got, a few topics, we can we can go over. First one I wanna talk about is these reality shows where you're supposed to find your soulmate.
Mac:And then every time they find a soulmate, they within within the quarter within the quarter, they're done. Within the quarter, they're done. But, the latest one was this latest bachelor show. So, let us go ahead, get into the house meeting, and, talk about some shit.
Host:I think we need to have a house meeting y'all.
Mac:So, as you can see there, and I think I shared it, on on my on my personal Facebook, the, bachelor couple calls it quits. And it's only been, like, 3 months according to, because I know the show airs, but the show airs after the fact that they've been married and all that shit.
Blak:Right. Right.
Mac:So, the reason that they are calling it quits this is the part that had me die. The the, the bachelor himself, Gary The reason for this split is that he found his, the girl of his dreams. The reason is that the woman that he thought was the one for him was
Mac:too uppity.
Mac:Now as a black person, like, I saw that survey, I'm just like, oh, this woman better be white. This woman better be white. But imagine going to try to divorce somebody, and the judge would be like, so, what are the terms? Like, what's the reason? Your honor
Blak:She's too uppity.
Mac:This bitch uppity as fuck. What? Your honor, she's too uppity. There's some shit that should have went to, divorce court when a judge may what was her name? Mabel or whatever it was that was up there?
Mac:Well, she would've went the fuck off, bro.
Mac:Hold up, uppity. You call her uppity, sir? Sir, what you mean
Mac:by? Please define that. Yeah.
Blak:What do you mean by?
Mac:But I mean so, like, I think everybody should be aware of these and and, like, I I kinda alluded to, these these shows, these reality dating shows where someone's just like, I'm at the point of my life where I think I need to settle down and find the one, that's meant for me. I'm ready to be married. I'm ready to settle down. Why is the the way you go about finding your potential partner for life? Going on a show where you are courting 49 other women.
Mac:Going on dates with them, kissing them, all of this other stuff. It did just be expected shit at the end to be cool. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:That the so the one
Mac:before this, I remember it was like, the so the one before this, I remember it was like, well, not because the one before this was like the bachelorettes, and it was like 22, 2 of the girls from the previous bachelor. But the one that I'm talking about is the bachelor that led to that. It was a dude. And then, like, the final three contestants, they go on this amazing vacation. Like, the network is sponsored.
Mac:Like and that's the thing. Like, they're going on all these trips and being wind and dine, not knowing NBC is paying for all of this shit. Like
Mac:Right. When you're done, this dude is not gonna be able to treat you like this. The wine and dine traveling across the world and and the high rise candlelit dinners and shit like that. But they they went to Iceland, and it was a whole thing. They're hanging out.
Mac:And each girl got one day to date this dude and, you know, they would spend the night with him. And he's smashing them. Right? Obviously, he's smashing them. So the thing was the girls were sharing like a suite, like a 3 bedroom suite in the in the best hotel in Iceland.
Mac:Right? So day 1, one of the girls goes and dates dude. They do amazing shit. You know, they they go do some crazy shit during the day, have a nice dinner. And then the next day, the girl comes in in the morning, and the other 2 girls are just like, so how did the day go?
Mac:Like, bitch, it's morning.
Blak:Fucking how do you wanna know?
Mac:It's morning, and I'm coming back in. What you think we did? You know? And then so the the second girl is just like, well, my date's tonight. Wish me luck, girls.
Mac:I'm just like, what are y'all doing? Like, literally the dude that you're trying to that that you claim is the one for you just smashed the girl that just came in the day price. Man. And you're like, yeah. This is the guy for me.
Blak:So then got a whole 30 day supply off of hims, bro, and just some racking shot.
Mac:The generic Viagra. So then the second girl goes out and they do their shit, and then she comes back the next day. Right? And then everybody like, the girl from the first date sitting in the chair, like, Hey, how was it? Like, if you know you smashed night 1, what do you think she did?
Mac:You know what I'm saying? And then the 3rd girl is just like, when she goes on the date, she's like, did you have sex with the other 2 girls? He's like, yeah. She's like, yeah, then this ain't gonna work.
Blak:Yeah. This ain't happening.
Mac:Yeah. And then he get mad trying to gaslight her. Well, you knew what it you thought you said you love me, but now you won't do it, bro. That was a whole thing. So at the end of the day, what ended up happening is for ratings, like she leaves early, She comes back.
Mac:They work it out, and they're just like, yeah. This was the one for me, the girl that I didn't sleep with. And then the other 2 girls are, like, spazzing the fuck out. Like, how the fuck did you not pick either one of us when we gave you we gave you guts? You know what I'm saying?
Mac:Like, we threw it back for you. You know what I'm saying? We did some
Blak:You're right.
Mac:We did something strange
Blak:for a little
Mac:piece of change for you. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:She left and came back. That's the one you picked.
Mac:And then, of course, they break up, like, 3 months later. You know, this ain't working for us.
Blak:You know what it was. Well, that was the same then and there.
Mac:Yeah. So start this season. It's called the golden bachelor. So now they got this I don't wanna say old ass dude. So he's over he's 50 plus.
Mac:I'll just say that. He's 50 plus, and they're like, we're gonna find we're gonna bring in all these other women around your age, and we're gonna make this a whole thing. Right? So, the article reads, an insight so let let first of all, let's talk about this term spilling the tea. Like like, who came up with that?
Mac:Was that I'm not trying to claim, you know, did black people start that shit or no?
Blak:It's it's been around. I it's been around so long. I don't even know now.
Mac:Right. But I'm super tired of
Blak:seeing The
Blak:tea is a the tea is a thing.
Mac:Yeah. So they're saying that the dude, Gary Turner, wanted a divorce because she was too uppity for him. The couple announced their separation last week on Good Morning America. Of course, they did. Right?
Mac:So they go on a whole talk show. Good Morning America is also on NBC, I believe. No. It's ABC because the bachelor's on ABC. So, of course, the network is just like, yeah.
Mac:Announce your shit on our shit. Give us some ratings. So the woman who won, Teresa Nist and Gary Turner claim location and family led to divorce. Right? So they sat down with Good Morning America where they dropped the bombshell announcement.
Mac:He says, Teresa and I have had a number of heart to heart conversations.
Blak:Good number.
Mac:We've looked closely at our situation and our living situation and so forth. And we've kind of come to the conclusion mutually that it's probably time for us to dissolve our marriage. He later added, the thing that strikes me the most in our conversation has been how dedicated both of us are to our families. So we look at these conversations, and we both think it's best for the happiness of each of us to live apart. But an insider claims that this was too uppity for Gary.
Mac:According to an insider, as you say, too uppity. So I have to tell you this. I got some scoop sent to me, and I will not reveal their identity. But following the following was told to me that their son's girlfriend is friends with Gary's youngest granddaughter. He is saying Turner wanted the divorce because Niss was too, quote unquote, uppity for him and used the example, she wouldn't pump her own gas and hate it where he lived.
Mac:The state of New Jersey does not allow individuals to pump their own gas. What? Oh, wow. What?
Blak:I mean, to be fair to be fair to her, it's Jersey.
Mac:But NIST is happy with their job as a financial service professional and its current location, so it makes sense if she did not want to. So she is from Jersey apparently, and she doesn't wanna live Jersey. And her family lives, her family lives down the street. She can drive the New York I don't know where Turner lived. Like, where was Turner trying to take her?
Mac:But, so, I mean, that's my thing. Like, these shows, they come on. They're, like, people are gonna find love, and then obviously, they don't. Right? It's just a thing for ratings and all that shit.
Mac:But this is like
Blak:seen one case in reality TV to where that couple was actually still together and happy. I've only seen Who
Mac:was that?
Blak:It was on, Love is Blind, and it was the 1st couple to get married on that show. They're the only they're the only case that I've seen that has survived the test of time.
Blak:But they actually really loved each other.
Mac:I've heard about Love is Blind. Like, people keep talking about that shit because I know it started during the the pandemic and then, you know, people at home watching Netflix and people just like, yo, this is it. But it's still going strong. Like, people at work be talking about this shit. I'm just like, I
Blak:have not seen it. I love
Mac:it. Because the latest one, I think this last season, people kept saying, like, they thought Megan Fox was in it or there was a chick that looked like Megan Fox or something like that. Yeah. And and, like, that was the the biggest thing people kept talking about. And I'm just like She
Blak:told dude she she was like she was like, people tell me I look like Megan Fox. I don't see it. So the dude was like, oh, I don't I called 1. But Did
Mac:she did she look like Megan?
Blak:Fuck no. So when when they ended up meeting when they ended up meeting, like, the dude like, he I think he proposed to her off the strength of that shit.
Mac:Off her
Blak:off her statement? Off of her saying, like, people say she looks like mad Fox. Bro, when they met, this dude's face, like, when they hugged, like, they put the camera on his face, his face was like, this bitch. This bitch lied to me.
Mac:Like, when they revealed her, it's like, oh my
Blak:Yeah. God. And she came out. She came out. She's like, hey, baby.
Blak:And he was like, hey.
Mac:Hey. Bro, I'll be alright, bro. I'll be looking at the producers while y'all ain't tell me shit, bro. Y'all knew what she looked like the whole time, and y'all had me going along with this shit, man.
Blak:Yeah. I fucked me up with that. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck me.
Mac:Did you see this new shit? I don't know if it's a show, but it's like a social media thing. Like, the people will have balloons, and then the member will come in. And, like, it'll be, like, 7 women with balloons. Right?
Mac:Like, red balloons. And then the dude will come in and be like, hey, this is it. And then, like, if they're not interested, they pop the balloons. So, like, as the dude comes in or as the woman comes in trying to explain that, hey, my name is and you start here,
Mac:pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.
Mac:Hold on. Let me see if I could find one of these things, man. Bro, their faces be, like, so dejected. It's it's like next, but worse. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:Oh, that's terrible.
Mac:That's terrible. Hi. My Bro, that's
Mac:exactly how this should be going, man.
Mac:Apparently, what is it? A a YouTube thing or whatever? Oh, man. But, yeah, they just be coming in. Oh, that's true.
Mac:My name is
Mac:I'll be like, damn, don't nobody wanna talk to you, bro.
Mac:Oh, man. Let me see.
Blak:But I can cook and clean.
Mac:This no one makes
Mac:a waste of work. Let me see if
Mac:I can Google, like, well, whatever. We'll we'll bring this one up, and then we'll fast forward to when they show up and they just be popping the fuck out of these goddamn moves. I'd be like, god damn. Like, what does that do to your ego? You know what I'm saying?
Blak:Oh, deflating. Deflating.
Mac:Show up on this show, and this shit just be like, so, like, these are the women that are on it. Right? Hold on.
Host:A little bit more, you know, see what's going on, why you're not feeling him, or if you're feeling him, we'll get into that as well. Okay? Alright. Are we ready? Okay.
Host:So our first single guy, come on out. Alright. Hello, sir. Welcome. Welcome.
Host:I'll have you hold this mic. Okay. And if you could just let us know what's your name, how old you are, and your Instagram handle.
Mac:And this
Blak:is what you you didn't get here to.
DJ Diddy:Jake. Hey, Marty.
Mac:You gotta try playing like it did
Mac:in effect on me.
Host:How old are you?
DJ Diddy:I'm 27.
Host:27. Alright. Nice to meet you. Okay. So we're just gonna
Mac:Nigga. Nigga. Like, why why even continue? Why even continue? Why even continue?
Blak:I'm gonna be
Blak:looking at these videos a lot,
Blak:bro. That's
Mac:that. The whole thing. That
Mac:Bro, 2 minutes. Listen. Listen. 2 minutes and 41 seconds in, not including the whole intro and everything. So here it is at 1:19, he comes out.
Host:Welcome back to my channel. As you said here, we have a beautiful lineup with all
Blak:The chick on the end popped her shit so aggressively, bro. Like
Mac:With anger. Uncalled for . With anger. It was uncalled for. I know you fucking lying.
Mac:That's how she popped that shit. Pop.
Mac:I know you I know you fucking lying right now. Ain't no Get
Blak:the fuck out of here, honey.
Mac:Ain't no fucking way. Ain't no fucking way you brought this motherfucker out here.
Host:These singles
Mac:Look at this shit.
Host:Ladies. Make noise, ladies. Alright. So we have a group of some
Mac:Let me just say this one right here dressed like she in the division. She got the cargo shit with the fucking. My brother, if her watch go off right now, she gotta be the fuck out of here. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:But look look how fast
Mac:this shit happens.
Host:They're ready to meet all y'all. Are y'all ready to meet them? Yeah. Okay. Okay.
Mac:So he comes out at
Host:bring them out 1 by 1. Y'all know what to do. If you as soon as you see him, if you're feeling him, do not pop that balloon. Okay? But if there's anything you're like, mm-mm.
Host:No. No. No. I can't date this one. Go ahead and pop it, then we'll get into
Mac:a bit
Host:more, you know, see what's going on, why you're not feeling filling him. Or if you're filling him, we'll get into that as well. Okay? Alright. Are we ready?
Mac:Okay. Girls. Yes. Our first
Mac:Bring them out.
Mac:Bring them out. No time wasted. Look at her.
Mac:Y'all wasted my y'all made me put on this my new clothes for this.
Blak:I shaved my legs for this shit. That's what that pop was.
Mac:He said
Mac:I'm a be glued to the show today at the time.
Mac:That man didn't even open his mouth and
Mac:the first lady was like, nah. Uh-uh.
Mac:They saw t j jazzy Jeff walking up.
Mac:Y'all tripping in the comments, man. She looked like a disappointed grandpa.
Mac:So that's the first pop.
Mac:Do you think now do you think because she popped it, the other ladies was like, alright, cool. I didn't wanna be mean, but if she started this shit, she can't
Blak:get it.
Mac:Is she a pretty? But while I also like, it's 216 now. By 241, all balloons are gone.
Host:Alright. Hello, sir. Welcome. Welcome. I'll have you hold this mic.
Mac:Then he came in the Rick James boots that he was digging in on car Charlie Brown's couch. Who's the tall freak?
Mac:Look at
Mac:this shit.
Mac:Just let
Host:us know.
Mac:It look oh my god.
Host:Name, how old you are, and your
Mac:Bro, this one was looking down the line like, y'all y'all feel it? Because I'm about to pop my shit. I ain't trying to be the
Host:Instagram handle.
DJ Diddy:My name is Diddy. I'm a DJ.
Mac:Oh, my name is Diddy? Oh, bro.
DJ Diddy:Hey. My Instagram is d j Diddy.
Host:Okay. And how old are you?
DJ Diddy:I'm 27.
Host:27. Alright. Nice to meet you.
Mac:They they are they look like they had a pact. Alright. We're all gonna pop them now.
Mac:Right? Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.
Blak:Them them last ones, they was holding on.
Mac:They was like, what was your fault? Considerate.
Mac:They was trying to be considerate.
Blak:Like, Diddy 27. Fuck out of here.
Mac:My Instagram handle's djdiddy. Oh,
Host:okay. Okay. So Let me
Mac:see if they they how far they go.
Host:And, you know, ask some of these ladies why they ended up popping their balloons.
Blak:Oh, no.
Mac:Do we wanna reasons. Hey, yo. So we had other topics for house meeting, but we may need to let this shit ride, bro. We may need to postpone these other topics for another day. Yeah.
Mac:Because this is the reason. This shit just started getting good. I wanna hear what they gotta say.
Host:So just go ahead and follow me. We'll start let let's start down here. Let's start
Mac:First of all, Arlette We got it. Arlette Arlette and Mule. Arlette Amuly, who's hosting this shit. You're about to get a subscriber after this show because I'm about to start watching these things. And we may have to do recaps on these hoes.
Mac:But how messy is her like, this dude is right now at the lowest point that he could be right now.
Blak:He is heartbroken, bro. Like, his confidence has been shot.
Mac:Let's interview why why they didn't like your ass. It's like a firing squad.
Mac:Emotional Blah blah.
Blak:Imaging fire squad. They are about to kill his
Mac:Let let's see what these ladies gotta say real quick.
Host:It'll start right here. Alright. Hey, girl. So if you can let us know your name, how old you are, your Instagram, and why you popped your balloon for our single fella here.
Mukyho:Okay. Hey. My name is Mukio. I'm 21, and my Instagram is Mukio h. And I popped my balloon because he's not my type.
Mukyho:So yeah.
Host:Okay. And and what makes him not your type? Like, what's your usual type? What doesn't he fit?
Mukyho:Not a DJ. Oh.
Mac:Damn. Damn. Your job. What's your usual type? Not a DJ?
Blak:Not not a DJ. He ain't my type.
Mac:I get it. Okay.
Host:You get that often with the DJ?
DJ Diddy:I get, like, often you know, most girls that think DJs are like, you know, because we'd be out there, stuff like that. So we can't be trusted sometime, but, you know, it's that's the business, you know.
Mac:Okay. Yeah.
Host:And and are you that way? Do you fit the stereotype of the DJ? No. I do.
DJ Diddy:Oh. No. Exactly. But, I mean, because it's a stereotype. So if they get to know me, you
Mac:know, oh, she laughing, bro. She turned and was not. She turned and was like, nah, bro.
DJ Diddy:Those stuff like that.
Mac:Yo. What's that like?
DJ Diddy:Yeah. Because they just assume, you know, all DJs are like that about different people, if you know me.
Host:I see.
Mac:Oh, damn. AD is a DJ, bro. Hey, D, man. Your your
Mac:heart ain't going out to old buddy.
Mac:What's going on? I hear like, he got quiet in the chat too. Hey. My bad. My bad.
Blak:My bad, bro.
Mac:I don't mean to bring this shit out.
Host:Alright. And now so she said she said you're not her type. Now is she someone that you would approach? Is she your type?
Mac:Oh, I like her. She'd be she'd be stirring the fucking pot. Let's
Host:go. Type.
DJ Diddy:If I'll be honest, not not in a bad way, but no. Because
Blak:You you know, bro, they all pop their balloons. You are clearly
Mac:If she still had her balloon advantage. If she still had her balloon, she would be the
Blak:type. Yep.
Mac:Why is she not your type? Because she don't have a balloon.
Mac:And he said, look at him this way while he explained it himself. He mad.
DJ Diddy:Yeah. I like, you know, kinda the body and stuff like that. So
Host:body. What type of body? Like, what what's the body body you like?
Blak:Family. Slimy.
Host:Okay. Oh.
Blak:Oh my
Mac:gosh. That's family.
Host:Skin. Okay. Okay. I see.
Mac:Family. A lot. You know,
DJ Diddy:Not in a bad way but... Yeah.
Host:No problem. We all got our types. Yeah. Okay. Alright.
DJ Diddy:Respectfully. Yeah.
Blak:Respectfully. Respectfully. Your black ass out of here.
Mac:You insulted a black woman on you, La Breaux. You ain't getting no more love, bro.
Mac:What's the name?
Host:So if you wanna tell us your name, how old you are on your Instagram, and why you talked to the lady. You.
Mac:Bro, she is cracking
Mac:up, bro. This one here.
Blak:You know what's you know what's funny? Because he just said that he just said that about about old girl, and she moved to his type.
Mac:Yeah. And she's like, let's figure out.
Blak:Let me let me see. Let describe your type for me. Okay. Let's go here.
Mac:Miss Carmel, she not not for me.
Mac:Roll tape pal.
Host:Handle is
Mac:Look at the first one that popped in. Look at her. Nigga, do not bring that microphone over here.
Blak:Yourself, Nick.
Mac:Yeah. So you don't like sisters? You don't like thick? You don't like curves? What do you like, motherfucker?
Mac:Like, bro, you just put yourself in a fucking corner.
Carmen:I am Carmen Odom, and I'm How old are you? Oh, I'm sorry. I am 23 years old, Scorpio gang. And I would say the same thing. I don't date.
Mac:Because she's Scorpio. You like she about to filet you.
Blak:Yeah. She yeah. DJs and stuff. She's not holding it.
DJ Diddy:Yeah. Stereotype.
Host:And now I'm asking the same thing about her. Like, is she someone that you would approach? Is she your type?
DJ Diddy:Yeah. Of course. Yeah.
DJ Diddy:Of course.
DJ Diddy:Yeah. Of course. Yeah. She's, yeah, she's somebody that I could approach, but since she's already blinded with that stereotype, but, you know, it's cool. You know?
DJ Diddy:But she's someone that I could definitely, you know, give a shot.
Host:Okay. Okay. And I I let let's go.
Mac:Bro, there's why is there so much more? Is there another oh, bro. Let me see this dude come out. Oh. And then then we'll move on.
Mac:I swear to god. Oh. Yes.
Host:Hello. Hello.
Blak:Damn. She she ain't fucking with none of them, and it's so aggressive. He look like a GTA character.
Mac:You say GTA? Yeah.
Mac:Grove Street, bro. All that green. All you had to do was follow the trade, CJ. Damn, boss. You don't like nobody, bro.
Blak:Pop nah.
Host:Oh, welcome. If I could have you She
Mac:ain't playing that shit either. Oh, shit.
Host:Tell us your name, your age, Instagram, and what you do.
Gary:My name is Gary. I'm 30 years old.
Mac:Bro, this show be killing people, man. Like
Gary:I'm a strength and conditioning coach, so I I work with athletes, teams athletes for colleges.
Gary:My Instagram is king James 81.
Host:Alright. Thank you for that. So as you see, there's a few ladies that popped their balloons, but there's quite a few that
Blak:have not popped yet. Okay.
Host:So let's go ahead and go to the ones
Mac:that did pop the roof.
Blak:My shit wasn't popping.
Mac:Yeah. The shit was right.
Mac:I was trying to pop this earlier. Y'all gave me a dull ass pin. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Blak:This is the greatest shit ever, bro.
Host:It was just so we could get a little bit more information. I'll send
Blak:you shit.
Host:What's going on? So let's start down here.
Mac:I never seem to get this
Host:one before. So we have someone over here that popped the balloon. So if you can let us know your name, how
Mac:First of all, there's people who have not popped the balloon. Just let him talk to the people that don't talk to the motherfuckers that that rejected his ass. Just let's see why they dejected you. So then she could say some shit that makes well, she start talking to somebody else, pop the balloon.
Blak:I know. Because
Mac:she pointed out flaws.
Blak:You're in a heightened state of threat.
Mac:If somebody popped the balloon while she explained it why he not her type, bro, I'm a be mad.
Blak:Like, why you did that?
Host:Old you are and why you popped your balloon for a single guy here.
Nesta:Oh, my name is Nesta. I am 21. I popped my balloon just because I don't think he's my type.
Host:Okay. And and in what way? What makes him not your type? Like, what what's not there?
Nesta:My name's not written all over him.
Host:Okay. If and and in what way? Like, is it what is it? The hair
Mac:is the hat?
Host:Is it the outfit? Like, what is it? We need more. You know? Let me know.
Gary:didn't feel you didn't feel the vibe? You didn't feel it when I was
Mac:here? Okay.
Nesta:No. No vibes.
Gary:Yeah. No.
Host:Alright. So I'm gonna I'm a switch it to you then. Yeah. So is she someone that you would approach? Like, is she your type?
Mac:Yeah. No. She she's
Gary:she's cute. She look good. No vibes. It's crazy. So, I mean, but, but, no, she's, yeah, she's a very attractive, you know Okay.
Gary:Girl. She's a little young for me, I think.
Host:Okay. Right. Because you said you're 30. 30.
Mac:That's the life
Host:of the 20 1. Okay. Okay. Alright.
Gary:That might that might
Host:be a little a little red flag? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Host:Okay. Alright. Well, let's all
Gary:the way out there, but, you know,
Blak:I'm not even blood. You pushing it.
Host:Our next lady here. If you can let us know your name, how old you are, and why you popped your balloon. Okay.
Mukyho:Hi. My name is Mukio, and I'm 21. I popped my balloon because your name is Gary.
Mac:I can't help that. Gary.
Mac:I can't fucking help that. You
Blak:know what? I don't I don't fuck Gary's.
Mac:Just straight up.
Blak:Just fuck nah. Fuck this nigga.
Mac:Nigga, your name lame. That is wild,
Blak:bro. Have nothing to offer me because your name is Gary.
Mac:I have a great job. I've never met a stepdad. Faithful. I love kids. I have 2 dogs.
Mac:This is Gary, though. Your name Gary. I can't talk
Blak:about trades. I invest. I I pull. I have a good 401 k option.
Mac:I got a master's from the college of biblical studies. You know? What's not to like?
Blak:Was the star on my basketball team?
Mac:I was just there.
Mac:Averaged 8.7 a game, leading score. Oh, man. Name's Gary. Like, I don't know if she, like, watched Spongebob and she's just like, nigga, every time I hear Gary, I'm just thinking that snail. But let let her we'll let her finish.
Mukyho:Did, you know, look for another balloon Okay. Because you probably sound like pop smoke when you wake up in the morning. So
Mac:Okay. Damn.
Host:So it so it's just his name.
Gary:Just my name.
Host:That's why you pop what's wrong with the name Gary?
Mukyho:On the save the date, it would say and Gary, and, like, you know, people know that I like Spongebob, so I just don't
Mac:Ladies and gentlemen, I called this shit. Girl. I called it. Everybody knows I like Spongebob, and people's going clowning like, damn, you marrying the snail from Spongebob?
Blak:Girl, you really took this shit deep there.
Mac:Yeah. You took that shit to root. Like, this man was a good man. Now you're gonna be out there dating the fucking shit.
Blak:Look at you.
Mac:Tyrone's and the the fucking Daquans and shit. Just getting your heart broke all over the place.
Blak:I know. The quarries about the wrecking goddamn cards.
Mac:Jacory is about to just run shop with you and wreck your life.
Blak:Wreck your whole life.
Mac:Gary was here to save you, girl. What you talking about?
Blak:You wanna enter into a toxic ass relationship with a Why is she single?
Mac:I don't understand.
Blak:Why? Why?
Mac:Well, I remember meeting this one guy who was probably perfect for me, but he was named after a SpongeBob character. So
Blak:Couldn't do
Mac:it. Okay. I don't Okay.
Mac:Yeah. I don't think
Gary:It's not like you need to pop my, my mama and daddy balloon. I can't control that one, but okay. Okay.
Host:And now is she someone that you would approach? Is she your type? Like, you
Blak:know? I mean,
Gary:I probably I probably wouldn't, you know, I probably wouldn't go out here. I don't know.
Host:Okay. And what makes her, like, not someone you would approach?
Gary:You know, I you, Chocolate, I love that. I love your skin color, you know, but There
Mac:you go.
Gary:I don't know. I think just I'm probably not my type as much. You know what I mean? Okay. I don't know.
Gary:Maybe the eyebrows
Blak:and the and the
Mac:lash combo.
Host:Okay. So so the the lashes are a bit too much for you?
Gary:No. The lashes is cool, but, you know, I don't know. I just some, is, you know
Mac:My feet from me. Hey.
Gary:No disrespect. No disrespect. No disrespect. I don't think you're attracted, though. I don't mean it like that.
Gary:I just
Host:mean Everything.
Gary:Everything. Oh, everything. Okay.
Host:Everything is not giving. So is it is it how it's put together? Is there a piece? Like, what is it?
Mac:Bro, when do you start talking to the people that have balloons? I wanna see.
Gary:You definitely had Drake in there. Uh-huh. But I'm like, I like, I like neo soul, r and b. You know, I'm more of that kind of vibe. I like, Afrobeats, like, you know, a lot of that stuff.
Gary:I listen to rap here and there, but, Cleo Souls and Alright.
Mac:We we I'm I'm fucking getting invested in this shit. We got a show to do. Me too. But yeah. So, I mean, this shit like that where I'm just well, y'all go on these things and y'all be like, oh, I'm a find the the one for me and shit, and it's just what do what do y'all expect when y'all come out here?
Mac:Like, legit, what's the what's the legit goal when y'all come out here and shit, bro? Oh, shit. But, yeah. So if you're looking for that, it is, what's her Arlette Amuly. Bro.
Mac:What does she have? She have a 138,000 subscribers in this video from 4 months ago, got 994,000 views bro.
Blak:That's wow. That's wild.
Mac:Oh, this shit is going on in Phoenix, Arizona? Word.
Blak:Now it makes sense. A. It makes sense.
Mac:A, I'm going there for A. Say, A, D. We coming there fan fusion. Let's see if we can't get in the audience for this shit, bro. Record this shit live.
Mac:Record this shit lie. I need to see I need to see the moment, the actual moment where their soul gets crushed.
Blak:Up close and personal.
Blak:Because they walk I know they walk. They have to walk different. Like, they gotta walk in confident when they hear that first balloon. Like, that that first balloon popping. Like, she was on that shit.
Mac:Out of your leather pants in Phoenix?
Blak:Yeah. This is like waiting to exhale.
Mac:Bro, they Oh this hurts. This was episode 1. What did you got 3? Oh bro. My face hurts Anyway
Blak:It's it's amazing.
Mac:We were not planning to go this long with this this section here, but it just felt right. It just
Mac:It just felt right. So, we're skipping the other 2 because, I feel like the who's man's for this week will also cause, some discussion. Yes. I think the comments will have The the viewers will have some things to say about it, but,
Blak:This one's a doozy.
Mac:Yes. It is. It it is one of the things where you're just like, well, damn.
Blak:This one might be a first ballot hall of famer, ladies and gentlemen.
Mac:You'd put her in front of a Tyrese? She's
Mac:No. You bro, I it's it's like this is, like, when you talk about quality over quantity, like, the quality of this this buffoonery is up there with, up there with the officer that got in trouble for soliciting prostitution.
Mac:While he was CDY to learn how to fuck him. Yeah. But, ladies and gentlemen,
Blak:this is not there.
Mac:Let us let let me get this off to the screen. Let us, get into this week's let's get into this week's whose man's is this? Now, it's a long ass name down there. I know you're looking at it like, who in the fuck is this person? It's not a celebrity.
Mac:It's not a well known person. No. But it's a name that will probably go down in infamy as far as dumbass of the year. Like, I think we need to go back and and kinda prove the tapes of the previous 3 months. So when we get around December, we can have, like, a fucking poll to see who gets the fucking smoke pit, get your dumbass out of here, the year That's
Blak:a fact. That is
Mac:a fact. Because wild shit be happening every day. But let me paint the scenario. You need to get a loan. You need somebody to cosign because your credit is horrible.
Mac:You have a family member with somewhat decent credit, and they need to cosign for you. Uh-oh. That person dies. What do you do? Do you just, well, I guess the loan's not for me.
Mac:Or option option 2, drag the dead family member out of their death bed. Place them in a wheelchair, wheel them up to the loan office,
Mac:and try to sign the thing.
Mac:I'm sorry. Okay. So so you had 2 choices. Oh, no. The person that was gonna cosign for me has died.
Mac:You know? Maybe it's not meant to be. Maybe I'll go another route. Or you go and get your dead relative, wheel them up to the the loan officer, a la weekend at Bernie's, and try to have them sign the loan paper while dead. A.
Mac:D. Is right. How is that an option at all? A. D, I'll tell you how that's an option.
Mac:And I'll tell you.
Mac:What's the you brought a dead body. What the fuck?
Mac:So, as you can see the the headline here, new footage shows women who use dead uncle to sign bank loan arriving by taxi with the driver help her move the body. Now as I scroll through this, you'll see pictures of them moving this dead body in a Uber. So the Uber driver is picking up to death.
Blak:I'll pay
Mac:you. I'll
Blak:pay you. Just help me get this motherfucking thing up. Hey.
Mac:I'm trying to get through this. I'm trying to get through
Mac:this. So let's let's continue. So look at the pictures as I scroll down. So Sam,
Blak:it's stiff, bro. He is.
Mac:So here's here's her picking, like, brings the wheelchair out. The the Uber driver pulls up dead dude in the the fucking passenger seat. Right? Helps put him in the chair. Lean hard.
Mac:Lean in his heart. Like, life is not the spirit is gone. The ghost the ghost has been given up. Bro. This is her, the bank camera, capturing her with the pin in her hand, dead uncle in a wheelchair, trying to sign the fucking papers, bro.
Blak:Sir, do you understand? Sir? Sir, do you do you understand the terms and conditions? He understands.
Mac:He told me
Blak:Get a fuck of paper?
Mac:Ma'am, have you ever seen x men? This is Charles Xavier's cousin. Have you seen Logan when professor Xavier is out of his this is him.
Blak:This is him. He's a vegetable.
Mac:Look how they start the article. It should have been a dead giveaway.
Blak:Shout out to that. Shout out
Mac:to that. Shout out to that. Shout out
Mac:who who wrote this shit? There you go. I don't I can't say your name, but props to you.
Blak:Dead giveaway.
Mac:The Brazilian woman who took her dead uncle into a bank to sign a loan in her name arrived there by taxi with video even showing the driver helping her move the corpse from the car. Erica de Souza Viera Nunez was arrested Tuesday after taking the body of her 68 year old uncle, Pablo Roberto Braca into a bank and then moving his hand to sign a document to get her a 34 $34100 loan. You moving a whole corpse for 34100.
Blak:I wonder if she needed that to bury him.
Mac:The irony.
Blak:I gotta ask.
Mac:The irony, bro. What we
Mac:do with
Mac:the irony. Oh my god. Newly emerged video shows Nunez, who reportedly told cops that she didn't know her uncle was dead, arriving at the bank by taxi with her motionless uncle in the front passenger seat next to the ride share driver. Pull it up. There he is dead as fuck.
Blak:Homie Road to the bank with a dead body.
Mac:Yep. You wanna see a dead body? The footage, which has no sound, shows Nunez placed in a wheelchair outside of the car door and reaching inside to grab her late uncle. The driver then helps her pull him out in into the wheelchair where the uncle slumps with his head tilted to the right. At one point, a man walks by and does a double take.
Mac:He turns around and appears to speak with Nunez while motioning to Brega, but then continues on his way. Let me ask y'all this. You start laughing. You're walking into the bank. You see this happening.
Mac:Do you just continue?
Blak:You can't. Like, I know what to do to ask. I know. If he had double take, do you talk to her? Like, do you not know this nigga dead, bro?
Blak:Motherfucking dead.
Mac:Do you do you talk to do you be like, you can't do this. Like, I gotta report this shit. You got a whole corpse in this wheelchair. Like, did call 9 well, like, do you know he's dead? Like, first of all, I just gotta ask.
Blak:You don't have to ask.
Mac:You know he's dead. Right? No. He's not.
Blak:Fuck it.
Mac:He's not breathing. No. Sir.
Blak:He is. Like, look, I slumped in that wheelchair, bro. Like, he
Mac:Tay said she would just walk away faster.
Blak:Say none of my business.
Mac:It be you, bro.
Blak:None of my business.
Mac:I got too many things to do today. I cannot I cannot be part of this random
Mac:ass shit. Katie says this is
Mac:not a sleepy slump. I know a sleepy slump when I see wood. I think everybody does. This shit is not bro, you're kidding. Oh my god.
Blak:That is dead weight in a chair, literally.
Mac:Nunez then wheels break it to a elevator before another closed circuit television camera captures her making her way down a long hallway. Another video taken the day before shows Nunez bringing the visibly alive Brega to an emergency room. Nunez insisted she did not know her relative was dead when she took him to the bank to sign documents that would have allowed her to take out a $34100 loan. Brager's autopsy found that he died between 11:30 and 2 PM local time, Tuesday, which would have been the day before, with this cause of death being determined as respiratory aspiration of stomach contents in a heart failure.
Blak:What the fuck?
Mac:The police chief said the way the man's blood had pooled within his vessel suggests that Brega did not die seated, but rather lying down. Look at her. Look at her. Like the head is tilted back. And she's still at this fucking bank thing trying to get this fucking Look at this shit.
Mac:Wake up. Wake up. Hey. Wake up. Hey.
Mac:For those that are listening, the picture that please, if you're listening, just go to YouTube. Just just go to the Facebook channel, whatever. You got to see these pictures. She is trying to legit holding this man's head up to make him look alive. Mhmm.
Mac:Bro, if you're the bank teller, what are you doing? Like, they pulled them up to your desk, Black. You're the loan officer. Hey. What can I do for you?
Mac:He's here to cosign for the loan. Will this get the police.
Blak:I'm I'm calling the police.
Mac:Yes. This is the uncle I was telling about that was gonna cosign for me. Mhmm. Hello, police. Give me one second.
Blak:I need I need your assistance, please. Please.
Mac:And can you send a representative from Arkham Asylum? Because this is
Mac:a big sum. I said
Mac:goddamn mine out of here, bro. Somebody used the killing curse. We can at Bernie's
Mac:dead broke
Mac:dead broke. Well done, Eric. Well done, EJ. Well done. Look at this picture.
Mac:I'm just like, do you I'm a ask you this in all seriousness. Is there an amount of money that you are willing to do this for? To get a a dead relative that you know is passed and you're in the middle of trying like, you didn't even report his passing to the authorities because the coroner's would have came and took him away.
Mac:And your family's
Mac:probably like, oh, God, let's call the hey, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, wait. Wait a minute. Give me a day. I just need to do something with them real quick. Wait.
Mac:Wait a minute. Wait a
Blak:minute. Wait a minute.
Mac:Wait a minute.
Mac:What do we do?
Blak:My brain won't let the grief process enough to think of some shit like this.
Mac:What is the amount of money that that that would cost somebody to be like, let's not I know he's dead and right now he's decomposing literally. Yes. Like like have his bowels empty. You know what I'm saying? Like, bro, when people die, shit go down.
Mac:And you're just like, wait a minute. I need to do something with them tomorrow. I'll bring him right back. I'm a bring him right back.
Blak:As soon as I'm done, I swear to god, y'all can call whoever y'all need to call. We can report him. Like, he can we can say he died in the in the chat.
Mac:I could drop him off in the Uber on the way back over at the coroner's office. I'll add a way point. It's all good. What did you say? You can't Jeff Dunham your way to 34 hours.
Host:Yeah, I'm here to shrine my lung.
Mac:Is he just using
Mac:his Silence?
Mac:I kill you.
Mac:Oh, shit. Alright. Let's continue going. His toxicology tests are still pigeon. Nunez is now facing charges of death by way of fraud and desecration of a corpse.
Mac:Her attorney claimed that she suffers from mental health issues and might have experienced a mental breakdown. Erica undergoes psychological treatment and takes prescribed medications, her lawyer says. I believe she was having a breakdown at that moment because of the medications. She appeared visibly disturbed, and this is her getting arrested. The viral video recorded by a bank employee it first aired by the the network in Brazil.
Mac:Nunez was seen talking to the dead man and lifting his drooping head. Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign the loan contract. If you don't sign, there's no way because I can't sign for you, she says in the clip while thrusting a pin between his limp fingers. Sign so you don't give me any more headaches.
Mac:I can't take it anymore, she adds. When a bank staffer notices that Braga's color looks off, he appears unwell. Nunez replies, oh, he's like that. He doesn't say anything.
Blak:Yeah. You cuckoo fucking Coco
Mac:Hey, man. Your uncle's dead. Yeah. He gets like that sometimes.
Blak:No. He's yeah. It happens quite a lot, actually.
Mac:Talk a lot. I imagine so Yeah. Because he's dead. Yeah.
Blak:These motherfucker's talking to god right now.
Mac:Looking down at you. Look at look at what was my niece doing?
Blak:What the fuck is wrong
Mac:with her?
Mac:God is just like, bro, what's your family doing with you? I don't bro, she wild.
Mac:Bro, she wild, man. Tico, Rico, stay quiet.
Mac:The thing I need, I need to talk to the Uber driver.
Blak:That was my question. Like, did you not notice this shit? The bank? I mean, if you did
Mac:The bank, all that stuff, yeah, that's crazy.
Mac:But, man, when you pull up
Blak:How many miles was it from her crib to the bank?
Mac:When you pulled up and the Uber thing was just, like, 2 passengers and you picked up, hey. I'm your Uber, and she pulls up with this dude in the wheelchair. You just like,
Blak:fair is a fair.
Mac:It's a it's a slow day.
Blak:I need the money, man. I need it. I don't I don't fucking
Mac:care. Bro.
Blak:It's it's not my problem.
Mac:Oh my god. Bro, this thing the to to quote Steven a, the mitigated goal. If, like, the Uber driver, I need I need I need to hear what he gotta say. The family that was around when he passed and was just like, you know, he's gone. Let's make the call.
Mac:And she's like,
DJ Diddy:hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Mac:Or did she just sneak them out? Like, because not only once the person passed, you make the call immediately because you don't want a decomposing body just sitting up in there like that. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:Yeah. Oh, I know he was right too.
Mac:Oh my God, man. I know some cultures I know he was right. Like I know in in Philippines, like if a family member dies and they sleep in the home, you take a day to mourn, but you still notify, hey, There's a dead person here. And the country allows you that. Like, you call it in, and they give you the time to mourn, but then they're just like, yeah, we come to sleep.
Blak:We come to get the small.
Mac:We come to get the small. Yeah. Real quick. Not not like, you know, can y'all come like after 4 because I got something to do. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:You just you just taking this man out on errands.
Mac:That is crazy. Bro, I couldn't even imagine going to work. Like, oh, man, bro. It's a Tuesday or was it Wednesday? Just like, oh, man.
Mac:This day is crazy. It can't get any worse. Right? Hi. I'm here with my uncle to sign this loan.
Mac:You look wrong
Blak:with him? Like, what's wrong
Mac:with him? Alright.
Blak:His color looks alright.
Mac:Real funny, guys. Who put you guys up to this? You start looking around the shirt.
Blak:Idea was this?
Mac:It's funny. Okay, sir. I
Blak:told you guys we get a Bernie's was my favorite
Mac:movie. Okay. Wake up, sir. Okay. Wake up, sir.
Mac:It's the joke's over. You got me. Sir. Sir? Sir?
Blak:Why is he so quiet? Oh, he's like that. Oh,
Mac:Tina, who put you up to this? Tina, who put you up to this?
Blak:I gotta fill out a police report after this. Fuck you, man.
Mac:Yeah. It did. Well,
Mac:I know here in the States is I don't know what it is in Brazil, but she apparently, Brazil got lax at. Like, their laws are just like, fucking report it whenever you're ready.
Blak:That's wild.
Mac:Report it when you're ready.
Blak:That's wild.
Mac:Yeah. It's crazy. But is it I agree. When it comes to the quality of the mastery, like, this is up
Blak:This was up there.
Mac:This is hella up there, bro. Tyrese has the quantity. Erica, you may be you you may 2024? Yeah.
Blak:I think you got it right now. I think you're running away with this shit. You cracked the list.
Mac:I think you're running away with this shit easy. And there's been some doozies. We had old buddy try to die judge. You know what I'm saying? We had some wild ass shit go this year, but, Erica, new front runner right now.
Mac:Congratulations. You are You up there. This is almost the
Mac:quality of this this this
Mac:who's man, you should almost get a all star. We'll we'll Yeah. We'll take it up. We'll take it up with the committee. And, next week next week, if the committee gives the thumbs up, we'll we'll give you your, your star on the the walk of shame next to Tyrese.
Mac:But, I think it's time to just just come back to normalcy, get back to the the final shots and thoughts, and close this episode out. God damn.
Host:And now we return you to our regular scheduled program in progress.
Mac:Alright. Back to normal. No more shenanigans. Just me and black keeping it straight. 100%.
Mac:So, yeah, man. What you got for the crowd, bro?
Blak:We had a good week. So looking at the numbers for this week, the comments are still rolling in. It's funny.
Mac:The track is so chill for the foolishness. The music didn't match up.
Blak:Try to mellow
Mac:it out. Yeah.
Blak:Just just
Mac:try to bring
Mac:y'all back to bring you back to normal levels of of of logic.
Mac:Alright, AD.
Mac:You and, you and Tay enjoyed the balloon show, man. Thanks for thanks for tapping in with us, man. Enjoy.
Blak:Yep. Appreciate y'all. Appreciate y'all. But numbers wise, this past week, all 4 of our shows hit, hit the charts this week. So shout out to the team for for putting it up.
Blak:Fallen Star is, getting some good reviews. I I I plugged this on on Popbrake
Blak:And, it looks like a couple people came to check it out, and they sent me messages and told me, like, they really appreciate the story. So, shout out to EJ for creating that world that we all play in, and, we we all get to enjoy. Fallen Star Friday today. Tomorrow is a, gathering of the team. So expect new content for that coming soon.
Blak:I know there was talk about about making this Patreon only for the full episode so we get everybody caught up.
Mac:So Yep.
Blak:If that's the thing, that that'll be that'll be some good content for everybody subscribing. So if if that does indeed happen happen, please stay tuned and please check out the series. And while y'all doing that, for any show that we have on Patreon, do us a favor, man. Leave your comments and leave leave what you think of these shows. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:So the feedback is very, very important
Blak:As we as we drop this content. So if you if you get the content here, let us know what you think about it, whether you like it, you don't like it. If you do like it, share it. You know what I'm saying? So it's it's here for you guys.
Blak:You guys get it here first. Share it or just alert the general public that this is indeed coming to them. So just help us out on that front. I'm gonna start a push here, to get the numbers up for YouTube. You know what I'm saying?
Blak:I wanna I wanna I wanna crack 500 subscribers by the end of the year. So I'm gonna I'm gonna be aggressive on the push, but that's what I got coming. I'm dabbling also. I can drop this one here. I'm dabbling on actually bringing the website back too.
Blak:So I'm actually working on that right now. Oh. So Okay. Ddfpn.com is probably gonna make the comeback. That'd be great.
Blak:Gonna do it I'm gonna do it smarter this time so that so that it doesn't take all of my time because that's the reason why it's not around now is that shit took forever. But, just looking at how we did the transistor and seeing how we made that work, I figured out how I can make that work on a on a grander scale to where we're all integrated, and we all have our own spot on our own website. So
Mac:Okay. That is
Blak:Thank you guys for that inspiration.
Mac:100%. 100%. I really don't have much. Just all the members that that I talked about last week. I'll be reaching out to you guys today as far as, you know, getting you the jerseys for, your constant support financially to the brand.
Mac:Yep. Like you said, session 6 of fallen star, should be tomorrow night. Big like, there's some things going on. But, yeah, we talked to Patreon wise. We're gonna start putting the sessions up probably a couple days after in entirety leading up to it.
Mac:Probably just some recaps of the sessions leading up to it. Obviously, we already got 3 sessions down with the, with the episodic releases we've been doing. So, but it's about to get real. I'm telling you all that now.
Blak:Yes. It is. Yes. It is.
Mac:Major choices are about to be made. Smoke pit's been going great. WrestleMania weekend was last weekend. No gimmicks was blowing up. Queens got a new cohost.
Mac:So expect a new logo, new rollout. So with a new logo, you know, new merchants coming out for Queens. So expect that coming down the pipe. And then, yeah, there's there's some other collabs coming out down the pipe. Shout out to Deontay for joining the Queens this Monday.
Mac:And then, that'll be coming out
Blak:That was awesome.
Mac:Tuesday. And then, so just expect future collabs going on. And I think that's about it from what we got going on. But, look
Blak:at us growing and shit.
Mac:Did we mention live that we were doing the possibility of doing our first live podcast in front of our audience later this year at a Cape Con? Do we
Blak:announce that? But but we can announce that.
Mac:We can announce that. Solidified, but, shout out to our our our our peoples over at Comically Inclined. They also do the, Cape Con over there in, Southeast Missouri. And they have a con, and they're just like, for anybody who wants to do their podcast live in front of an audience, you know, hit us up. You know, we'll work some stuff out.
Mac:So, as of now, the smoke pit will be doing a live, show in front of our audience this November. It's from November 1st to 3rd, so we'll figure out what time slot they give us. But, we're aware that, we may have to tone it down a bit. You know? I think we could do that.
Mac:I think I think we're
Blak:able to
Mac:do that. Absolutely. But we would love to just, you know, present our our product to a a new audience, a new mass, and and get actual feedback, audience participation for the things and stuff like that. Because because we're all about participation as you see in the comments, man. We this is a show built on interaction, and it couldn't have grown A
Blak:live audience would be absolutely that that would be a good time.
Mac:It couldn't have grown as big as it is, without you guys in the comments and and the and the members of the, fan group, so forth and so on. And I think that goes for all of the podcast. Like, we love when we go live and we get the interaction from the fans. It makes the shows a 100% more organic and hilarious. And, to try to get that from a live audience, I'm excited to see what that'd be like.
Mac:So, so pencil that in. Don't write it in ink. Just pencil it. We'll keep you up to date on any changes and stuff, but, you can expect over at Cape Con in, what is it? Cape Greteau?
Mac:Greteau in Yeah. Missouri.
Blak:I think so. I think so.
Mac:we could probably get some of the the CI guys on there, you know, and go back to our roots, talk a little nerd stuff or something like that. So, I'm excited and just to hang out and and and support the Broski's over at CI, for their cons. So expect those things coming from us here at the smoke pit. Outside of that, what else you got for him, man?
Blak:That's it, man. Just thank you guys for tuning in tonight. This is a wonderful crowd tonight and sustain. So thank you.
Mac:Yeah. Our apologies again. We had a couple more topics we wanted to hit in a house meeting, but you you see how the shows go. Like, when shit just starts flowing, the comments start coming in, interaction start, like,
Blak:It was great.
Mac:Can't let that go. You can't let that go. This is great. So, if we're wrapping it up without further ado, I am the homie Mac aka your boy.
Blak:And I am Brad like a king made as Kelvin k Lee. Thank you guys for tuning in tonight. Until next time. Have love. Make sex.
Blak:Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night, come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke pit. It's time for us to show off. It's been a long week.
Blak:Come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it.
Blak:Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.